
发布时间: 11:04:30
作者:Stephen McArthur
我经常看到的电子游戏开发者所犯的一个大问题便是太迟为自己的游戏名字注册商标,有时候甚至根本未注册商标。像面向PC的Steam,面向iOS的App Store,以及面向Android的Google Play等平台都让一些小型公司和独立开发者能够更轻松地创造并发行自己的电子游戏。多亏了这些平台,如今的电子游戏市场几乎是面向所有拥有一台计算机并想要创造并发行自己的软件的人而开放。在2014年,每天有将近500款iOS游戏以及250款Android游戏会出现在市场上。
然而,随着创造并发行自己的游戏变得越来越简单,别人去复制你的游戏并从你的辛苦劳作中获得收益也变得越来越简单。就像现在我们可以在市场上看到许多《Flow Free》,《Threes》,《2048》以及《Flappy Bird》等游戏的复制品。
app store(from gamasutra)
商标是指“一个单词,一段话,一个logo或其它制造商或卖家用于区分自己的产品与别人的产品的图像标示。”商标可以是像“任天堂”这样的单词也可以是索尼的“Greatness Awaits”这样的标语。
商标并不局限于像“Pokémon”或“Tetris”这样的特殊词语。任何英文单词都可以注册商标。例如“Apple”便注册了商标并保护了其电脑和软件的使用权。“Flow”也注册了商标去保护《Flow Free》等手机游戏。从根本上看来,商标的目的便是通过创造清楚的品牌识别去保护消费者,确保他们清楚自己购买的产品的来源。
游戏名字的商标不仅能够保护这个名字,同时它也能够避免任何与之相近的名字。就像“Flappy Bird”的商标也会阻止那些想要使用“Floppy Bird”,“Flappu Birds”等相似的名字。然而《Flappy Bird》在发行时却并未注册商标。如果开发者能够提前为这款游戏名字注册商标,Google Play商店中便不会出现如下情况:
clones(from gamasutra)
《Threes》和《2048》便都是因为未注册商标而导致无数复制品涌入Google Play和iOS商店中。
拥有美国的注册商标让你能够获得全球范围的商标保护。像Steam,App Store和Google Play等平台让你能够拥有来自世界各地的消费者并面对世界各地的竞争者,这点是不容小觑的。
Five Reasons to Trademark Your Video Game Today
by Stephen McArthur
One of the biggest mistakes I commonly see video game developers make is waiting too long to trademark their game name or even not trademarking it at all. Platforms like Steam for PC, the App Store for iOS, and Google Play for Android have made it easier for small companies and independent developers to create and distribute video games. Thanks to these platforms, the video game market is open to virtually anyone with a computer to create and distribute their software. In 2014, close to 500 iOS and 250 Android games launched every day.[1]
However, as easy as it has become to create and distribute your own unique game, it is even easier for someone to copy your game and profit off of your hard work. This is evident from the numerous clones of popular video games like Flow Free, Threes, 2048, and Flappy Bird that crowd the market.
2048, itself a clone of Threes, could have at least prevented countless other clones from copying its name with a simple trademark registration.
Clone-creating developers do not increase the total user base of a game. Rather, these cloners cannibalize the market that you’ve worked so hard to build, diverting your revenue without adding anything new to the marketplace. It is more important now than ever to trademark your video game and protect your brand.
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is “a word, phrase, logo, or other graphic symbol used by a manufacturer or seller to distinguish its product or products from those of others.”[2] Trademarks can be a word like “Nintendo” or a slogan such as Sony’s “Greatness Awaits.”
Trademarks are not limited to unique words like “Pokémon” or “Tetris.” Any English word can be trademarked. For instance, “Apple” is trademarked and protected for use on computers and software. “Flow” is trademarked for the “Flow Free” line of mobile games. Ultimately, the goal of trademarking is to protect the consumer by creating clear brand identification so they can easily identify the source of the products they are purchasing.
Do I Have to Actually “Register” a Trademark?
Technically, you can put a TM next to your game title without filing a trademark registration, but that will not give you anything close to all of the protection your company needs. You should always take the next step and register your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Then you can level up the TM into an ?. Having the ? symbol wards off copiers and cloners, gives you extra teeth to enforce your trademark in court, and makes it less likely that someone else will be able to use their own trademark to shut down your game.
When Should I Register a Trademark?
Right now. Ideally, you should file your trademark registration before the game is released. That way, your game has maximum protection against clones and other issues that may arise. In fact, you can trademark your game title up to three years before your game is even released. That means you can secure a game name as early in the development process as you want, locking the name up for years until you finally release your game. This is incredibly useful for avoiding the situation where you plan to use a game name for over a year, build your game around it, buy a website, and pour money into marketing and consumer awareness, only to have someone else beat you to the market with a game of the same name. If you didn’t register your trademark well ahead of time, you would be out of luck.
If your game is already released for some time, yet you never bothered to register the trademark, it is not too late. However, the faster the trademark is registered, the better.
Reasons to Trademark Your Video Game Title:
1. Prevent Problems Arising from Choosing a Game Title too Similar to Other Titles
When you hire an attorney to register your video game title as a trademark, the attorney will do a comprehensive search for any future problems that the chosen name may encounter. This search is essential for two reasons. First, it can save you from an expensive lawsuit after the game’s release when another company has issues with your game title. Second, it will prevent you from having to change your game title after release. A registered trademark establishes your right to the game title and can prevent other companies from forcing you to change it. Changing your game title after release will result in loss of customers, complications with search engine optimization, negative reviews, marketing issues, etc.
2. Exclusive Use of Your Game Title
Trademark registration protects you against people who will steal your game title and use it for their own video game. We could not imagine another video game called Angry Birds, right? Having a federally registered trademark for your video game title will prevent others from stealing it. In addition, only if you register your trademark will the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reject other people from registering your game title as their own trademark.
The trademark of your game title not only protects the exact name, but it also protects anything that is “confusingly similar.” A trademark for “Flappy Bird” would stop copiers from using “Floppy Bird”, “Flappy B1rds”, and other similar titles. However, Flappy Bird was not trademarked on release. If its developer had registered a trademark of the game title, the Google Play store would not look like this:
3. Protection Against Clones
Even though trademarks technically only protect your game title and not the game itself, your video game is less likely to get cloned if you trademark the name and protect your game with the ? symbol. That’s because the registered trademark sends a strong signal that your game is not up for grabs—you have hired an attorney to protect your game’s intellectual property. Also, unsophisticated parties may not understand that the trademark only extends to the game’s title. In any case, it wards off some cloners. It’s not a coincidence that the most widely cloned games are those games where the original creator has been lazy about registering and enforcing their intellectual property. The unwillingness to protect your intellectual property essentially puts a flashing red “Take this!” sign on the title screen of your game.
“Threes” and “2048” were not registered trademarks which has helped result in thousands of clones throughout Google Play and the iOS Store.
4. Litigation Advantage
Registering your trademark early, ideally before release, can prevent others from dragging you into an expensive litigation. If, however, you are forced into court in a dispute over your video game title, having a registered trademark is a great advantage. If your game title is challenged as too similar to someone else’s, your registered trademark registration works in your favor by creating a presumption that your trademark is valid and that you have exclusive use to the mark. Your trademark also becomes incontestable after five years. And showing a valid registration increases the amount of damages you can request in an enforcement action.
5. Investors and Venture Capitalists
Venture capitalists and huge game publishers know the value of intellectual property and are far more likely to invest in your company if you have jumped through the legal hoops to protect all of your IP. Furthermore, only if your game is trademarked will other companies approach you to license your game for related merchandise or to use in other media. Trademarks alone are a valuable asset that provide a competitive long-term advantage. Games like “Angry Birds”, for example, are able to license merchandise, board games, movies, etc. because they have registered their trademarks and copyrights.
Bonus: Worldwide Protection
Having a United States trademark registration allows you to file for trademark protection worldwide. Considering platforms like Steam, the App Store, and Google Play are available to consumers and competitors across the globe, this should not be underestimated.
How Much Will it Cost to Register My Trademark?
I recommend only using an attorney who specializes in trademark law and avoiding do-it-yourself services like LegalZoom. You wouldn’t hire a general practitioner doctor to perform open-heart surgery, or ever consider doing it yourself, and the same consideration holds true for intellectual property law. Filing the registration for your trademark usually costs about $1,000. That includes both the government filing fees and attorneys’ fees. You can register a trademark for your game title, the logo, your studio’s name, and any slogans you use to market your game. Considering the amount of protection a registered trademarks grants your video game, it is a valuable business investment. Angry Birds wouldn’t be a billion dollar brand if it had simply gone the way of Flappy Bird with its brand protection.()
CopyRight Since 2010 GamerBoom All rights reserved &&闽ICP备&号-1游戏,网络游戏商标应该注册哪一类商标_百度知道
文件夹:在计算机网络上提供在线游戏,除广告以外的版面设计,文具盒(文具),计算机系统设计,具体应该选择的小项目可以参考一下,计算机程序复制,与计算机配套使用 的腕垫,视频游戏卡,便携式计算机专用包。第41类,纸牌,大积木,游泳圈,抽奖用刮刮卡游戏有关的商标类别主要是第9类,海报,文具:第9类:计算机游戏软件,可下载的影音文件,鼠标垫,动画片,可下载的计算机应用软件,计算机程序(可下载软件),计算机软件更新,计算机软件维护,计算机软件安装,除广告以外的影片制作,电子桌面排版:连环漫画书,文件套,影集,玩具:除此之外还有一些与游戏相关的商标类别可以作为游戏的关联性产品进行推广,具体应该选择的小项目可以参考一下: 第16类,透明软片(文具),印刷出版物,卡纸板。 第28类:填充玩具,玩具模型。第42类:计算机编程、第41类与第42类,扑克牌。关联的类目,计算机软件设计
作者 | lvesDuran
从整体上看双方标识具有明显差异;从组成部分看,二者虽共有“穿越”二字,但“穿越”二字显著性不强,腾讯科技公司、腾讯计算机公司所主张商标中显著性较强部分“火线”、“火線” 与泰金联公司所使用的“生死线”有较大差异。“逆战文字及图”的组合商标与“全民逆战——穿越生死线”文字相比,前者系“逆战”文字与图形的组合,后者仅为文字,二者整体视觉明显;从共有的组成部分来看,作为二者共同部分的“逆战”二字系固有词汇,显著性不强,同时“逆战”文字与“全民逆战——穿越生死线”整体文字有较大不同。在隔离比对的情况下,难以认定“逆战文字及图”商标与“全民逆战——穿越生死线”商标构成近似。
图片来源 | 网络
销售金额数额巨大的。《商标法》第六十七条规定,“未经商标注册人许可,一般根据其违法经营金额的多少,去决定是由工商部门进行行政处罚,还是移交公安部门进行立案处理,依法追究刑事责任。”《刑法》的第七节“侵犯知识产权罪”里面,情节严重的,除赔偿被侵权人的损失外,依法追究刑事责任。销售明知是假冒注册商标的商品;情节特别严重的;情节特别严重的,构成犯罪的,并处罚金。 第二百一十五条 伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识或者销售伪造,在同一种商品上使用与其注册商标相同的商标,构成犯罪的,除赔偿被侵权人的损失外,依法追究刑事责任。伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识或者销售伪造,如果由公安部门处理,对商标侵权行为由明确规定, 第二百一十三条 未经注册商标所有人许可,一般都属于构成刑事犯罪,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑、擅自制造的注册商标标识、擅自制造的注册商标标识,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,在同一种商品上使用与其注册商标相同的商标,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金、拘役或者管制,并处或者单处罚金,构成犯罪的,除赔偿被侵权人的损失外,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。 第二百一十四条 销售明知是假冒注册商标的商品,销售金额数额较大的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金,处三年以下有期徒刑商标侵权
主营:知识产权 商标 版权 专利


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