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Official Announcements
Hello,DESYNC Patch #8 is live now!This patch brings along some polish and shine alongside a few final fixes that've been bugging us for a while. It's been great seeing you guys tackle the leaderboards with strategies old and new and we want to keep making sure as little as possible gets in the way. The Diffuserrail secondary never sat quite right with us so we've given it a bit of a redux as a burst shot with fairly high stagger. This shot blends well into the penetrating primary and is able to grant some score and an easy Desync in it's own right.The new Crosshairs look a bit sharper, and also includes some greater insight into the targeted enemy's health (which is now shown as a gradient) and weight class (which also displays how many Health Drops they'll drop when Overkilled!)--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #8(Ver 1.337.99 -- 8/27/17)--------------------------------------------------Additions- New Crosshair system + Appearance- Altered Diffuserrail secondary fire (rapid shot)- Added various links to Main Menu- Added Encounter Rank display within levels in the Codex- One new Attack Sequence- Three new Steam AchievementsFixes- Fixed camera going below ground when killed by Volumes- Fixed Xeoron Arrow Shot effects- Fixed FOV when using Terminals- Fixed reflected Player projectiles not displaying &Killed by Self& - Fixed Polyhedrom projectiles flying off randomly sometimes- Fixed a bug where game would crash if Defender dies while Player is dead- Fixed Player Account Terminal not displaying relevant input mapping- Improved movement in Link Network- Improved visuals of Defender Shapes in Link Network- Improved visuals of End Level Readout- Reduced size of some HUD elements- Updated Shard Tutorial with information on Shard Types- Updated Weapon Sprites on HUDBig thanks to everyone that's posted bugs and feedback here as it's helped us out immensely.Reminder, we've got our discord going here for anyone that's interested:,FOREGONE
Hello,DESYNC Patch #7 is live now!Some fixes and gamefeel adjustments today. Two major new changes are new Disconnection Readout system has been added that shows you how you died, and some adjustments to forward jump height and air control have been made to increase player mobility a bit. Hope you enjoy these changes. And hello to newcomers from the Summer Sale! See you on the leaderboards.--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #7(Ver 1.337.17 -- 7/7/17)--------------------------------------------------- Added new Disconnection Readout text on death- Increased User forward jump height, increased gravity to compensate- Altered ScarJammer enemy appearance- Fixed Q rebind activating Quick Restart- Fixed a bug with Tracer Mutator stopping movement- Fixed a spawn point in Necropolis Aberration- Fixed an invisible wall blocking space in Colossal- Fixed Approach out of bounds gap- Lowered Xeoron HP slightly- Adjusted Aerial killboxes in Approach/Colossal- Slowed weapon sway when airborne or dashing- Adjusted all akimbo weapon positions and animations- Added a slight feedback to weapons when dashing- Slight performance optimizationsBig thanks to everyone that's posted bugs and feedback here as it's helped us out immensely.Reminder, we've got our discord going here for anyone that's interested:, we're working on Controller Support and GOG/Twitch versions, while continuing to unearth the lowest terminal in the Link Network...glhf,FOREGONE
DESYNC Steam Trading Cards now LIVE
Hello,Steam Trading Cards have finally been added for DESYNC. If all went well, if you own the game and have played it for a couple of hours, you should retroactively immediately have gained 4 cards already.We especially hope you enjoy the new profile backgrounds.glhf,FOREGONE
DESYNC Visual Progression Album
Hello,DESYNC was developed over a three year period and every step of the way was wild. We've put together an album of pictures showing what we started with and the iterative process our mechanics, features, and visual style went through.Check it out here: /a/2fAwxglhf,FOREGONE
DESYNC 25% discount live now!
Hello,DESYNC is having it's first discount this week. We've updated and smoothed out the experience heavily since release, so if you were considering aggressively fragging some organic synths to the beats of dark synth, now is a damn good time.We're also wrapping up Steam Trading Cards which will hopefully be live shortly.glhf,FOREGONE
Hello,DESYNC Patch #6 is live now, and it's a big one.BLOOD AND VIOLENCE has finally been added back in. This missed release as it had some performance issues that took some effort to resolve but it's here now and looks awesome.Lots of tweaks and fixes and general polish has gone into this patch. The Wavescythe Weapon in particular should now be a staple in your loadouts as it can execute some nice new Attack Sequences and has had it's damage and usefulness increased. The Quick Restart option should help score hunters get on the leaderboards quicker, too.A few Aberration alterations have come along also. Meridian Aberration should actually be enjoyable now, for instance.Another major win was saving some performance and memory across the board, so hopefully the game runs better and has a lot less microstuttering!--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #6(Ver 1.337 -- 5/5/17)--------------------------------------------------- New Overkill Blood System and Effects- New Main Menu screens based on last Zone played- New Quick Restart option in Pause menu- New sprite animation when setting Desync Imbue- New AS (Divider, Stimulator, Sculptor)- Added Preferred Styles to User Data- Added Directional Arrow pointing to end Portal- Added Effects for Pause/Codex screens- Added more reactivity to Pulsar Sidearm- Major Memory optimizations in all levels- Wavescythe Weapon redux- Meridian Aberration alterations- User stats display during the end Credits- Ypisilform difficulty increased, breaks platforms more often, harder to Stagger- Ypisilform ranged attack tracks User better- Fixed Zentore quick kill issue- Fixed Ypisilform quick kill issue- Fixed some Volume issues- Fixed issues with Rockets and hitting multiple enemies- Deliverance AS changed to Damage Type not Kill Type- Shocker AS set to Advanced- Osmosis AS triggers when killing enemies correctly- Freeze and Virus cores now affect Zone Defenders correctly--------------------------------------------------Big thanks to everyone that's posted bugs and feedback here as it's helped us out immensely. We've got a small discord going here for anyone that's interested:,FOREGONE
DESYNC Patch #5 is live now!Sorry for the longer than usual delay on this one. Wanted to keep it all tight and add in some new functionality that people have been asking for.Big thanks to everyone that's posted bugs and feedback here as it's helped us out immensely. We've got a small discord going here for anyone that's interested: patch has a whole heap of changes and fixes, and some new key features. We're really comfortable with where DESYNC is at now in terms of difficulty and progression. If you have any feedback or issues, let us know here or on discord or twitter or email! We'll likely be slowing down the patches this month and focus on Steam Cards + Controller support and some other periphery features and additions.--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #5(Ver 1.20 -- 4/14/17)-------------------------------------------------- - 4:3 / 21:9 Aspect Ratio now supported- New Edge/Center GUI option- New Outsider Messages- New sounds for a few enemies- New Cooldown AS- New Powerdown sound for Sidearm- New effect when encounter has been cleared- End level readout now shows your current highest score- Zone 3 Aberration Zones have been revamped- Zone 3 Zone Defenders difficulty increased + some bug fixes- Added two new Attack Sequences (Amplitude, Extent)- Mousewheel as bindable input- Some priority/maneuvor/offence bugs fixed- Rivals shows Top 10 Steam friends (was Top 5)- Sidearm pickup/putaway animations sped up- Fixed several AS settings- Fixed Decimate not working- Fixed enemies spawning inside Venus traps- Global/Rivals only triggers if you pass/overcome them on rank- Can stake enemies into traps nowSee you on the leaderboards,FOREGONE
DESYNC Patch #4 is live now!This patch adds some new functionality and fixups, and improves on the Boss fights a bit. We've also focused on bringing more excitement to the experience sooner, so you'll find some new Aberration levels unlock even if you haven't overcome the Zone Defender.As for the immediate future, we've got some more to wrap up for Patch #5... and we're starting work on a new game mode that we know everyone will enjoy.For now though, let us know how you go!--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #4(Ver 1.10 -- 4/1/17)--------------------------------------------------- Added credits to menu- Added three new Attack Sequences (Justicar, Nether, Joust)- Added High score, Global score and Rival score bonus to End Readout- Added ability for Pulsar Sidearm to instant stagger heavy and flying enemies- Added new Steam Achievements- Added new sounds and ambience to Boss introductions- Lowered strength of ShieldBear shield- Added sounds to pause menu- Fixed Ambidextrous not working in all Aberration levels- Fixed instances where dead user wouldn't look at cause of death- Fixed Evader not working with all weapons- Fixed some collision issues- Fixed left weapon alignment issues- Fixed Rival Notification not being able to be disabled- Zentore fight tuning / fixes- Aberration levels now unlock after beating it's normal counterpart- Allow Flying enemies to be staggered like all enemies- Level music fades and restarts smoothly
DESYNC Patch #3 is live now! Mostly a quick and nasty one to add some minor functionality and fix some bugs.For Patch #4 we're looking at re-tuning Zone 3 + Zone 3 Abberation and late game replayability.For now though, let us know how you go!--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #3(Ver 1.07 -- 3/22/17)--------------------------------------------------- Faster/Interruptible Weapon Swapping- Pink S+ on end screen + edited end screen visuals- Terrablaster Shuriken uses accuracy correctly- Loading Screen shapes fixed and added- Disable Link Network terminal tutorial button if option is off in options- Fixed some achievement stats- ToxBlaser Level 2 Ability speed increased- Fixed spinning traps not colliding with airborne enemies in Aberration Colossal- Zone 1 enemies begin their Melee attacks slightly faster- Fixed several locations players could get out of bounds
Desync review
It&s hard to criticise a difficult game, because the assumption usually made is that you&re only frustrated because you&re bad at it. And to be clear: I am bad at Desync. It&s an abstract, neon FPS about creative killing—with a focus on movement and positioning. I&ve died loads, and haven&t progressed very far. This isn&t, however, why I&m not smitten with Desync. Or, at least, it&s only part of the reason.Levels in Desync are a series of arenas in which you fight waves of polygonal enemies. You earn points for killing in interesting ways—by avoiding damage and counterattacking, or doing a 180 spin before firing off the killing blow. Such style is only possible when you&re alive, and in Desync you&re quickly overrun. Survival, then, requires dashing—a short burst of rapid movement that you can use to dodge projectiles and melee strikes, or to put distance between you and the things trying to kill you.It&s the basis for a solid twitch shooter, but it doesn&t feel good. There&s no fanfare or feedback, just the act of moving a set distance. It isn&t just the dash. For everything that Desync does competently, it&s undersold by its lifelessness. Even the aesthetic feels drab. This is the murkiest Tron-like neon playspace I&ve ever inhabited.Good feedback is essential, but too many of Desync&s systems are revealed through abstraction or UI elements. You gain ammo from enemy drops that are drawn towards you as you get near them. But the visual markers for receiving a pickup are lost amid the general business of Desync&s presentation. It&s easy to lose track of these resources, and even the ammo counter is abstracted to the point of being overly difficult to read. Ammo management and weapon switching are crucial systems, but doing it effectively here requires a level of mental processing that distracts from the on-screen action.A solid twitch shooter, but it doesn't feel good.The visual style also means it&s possible to lose track of your location within each arena. I died a number of times because I dashed too close to the traps placed around each space. Arguably this is my own stupid fault, but also something that never happened in Bulletstorm—a more vibrant, detailed FPS with a similar focus on trickshots and style. While Desync has a slightly different goal, it&s nonetheless a useful comparison in regards to the difference that great audio and visual effects can make to the feel of a shooter with an emphasis on style and skill.Desync is deliberately positioning itself as a hardcore FPS about mastery of its systems and spaces. In this, it arguably succeeds. Desync is difficult, and its highest ratings require a level of prowess that could well be beyond me. But its successes are all on a theoretical level. It is, technically, a challenging shooter with some clever upgrade systems that allow for a loadout variety that could make for some interesting leaderboard challenges. And yet, there&s no heart or soul. By not accentuating the speed, thrill and feedback of a great twitch shooter, Desync feels sterile.
DESYNC Patch #2 is live now! Major focus for this patch has been some difficulty tuning, and fixing some progress blockers. Also coming along for the ride are a heap of bug fixes. More detailed patch notes found in OP.We're already working hard on Patch #3 and want to get that out as soon as possible. Some of the feedback from the forum here and other places will be in Patch #3, along with more bug fixes and performance improvements.For now though, let us know how you go!--------------------------------------------------DESYNC Patch #2(Ver 1.06 -- 3/17/17)--------------------------------------------------- New Extend Options for newer players (Check System tab)- Enemy damage tuning- Fixed Diameteor missing AOE damage- Fixed Sidearm progression unlocks- Added smoother tutorials within Link Network- Scanline reduction, and Interlacing Reduction added to Link Network- Zone 2 difficulty tuning- Enemy AI tweaks- Fixed some achievements that weren't working- Extra sounds for enemies + Louder spawn sounds- Three new Attack Sequences
Desync is out with combo kills and neon glare aplenty
Circle-strafing, leaderboard-climbing, backpedalling, shooting-enemies-into-traps, combo-killing FPS Desync [official site] is now out, offering those throwback cool murders and more in a garish neon package. Here, pop on your shades for this trailer (no, really, you might want to – it’s all a bit much, especially with the scanlines): … [visit site to read more]
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Desync GIFs show off all the glorious ways you can smite foes
Desync is more than its glowing retro-futuristic art style: it&s an FPS marrying the  speed and reflexes demanded of ye olde Quakes, with a focus on stylish player performance. Rather than simply killing and surviving, the game wants you to do those things beautifully. Or at least, impressively.Below are some new GIFs demonstrating some of Desync&s attack sequences.  This first one shows what happens when idiots get in front of the Energy Caster&s plasma ball, a slow-moving orb which the player must shoot in order to explode it:It&s also possible to freeze enemies in Desync, which means you&re able to pull off more complicated death manoeuvres. Not the way water is meant to be used, but hey.And apparently in this .gif, enemies are being trapped by the shotblaster weapon&s secondary fire. It looks more like a 1990s psy-trance filmclip to me.According to the devs, if you change weapons mid-combo special Attack Sequences await.In Desync, Dark Zones are inverted versions of regular levels, with each having its own loadout (including, as demonstrated below, dual wielding). And finally, there are facehuggers. Desync releases February 28. I played an early version of the game at PAX Australia back in 2015, and you can read my impressions over here.
Desync s stunt-kill shooting kicks off this month
Take the stunt combo kills of Bulletstorm and the neon- wait, you didn’t actually take that did you, reader dear? Reach into Bulletstorm’s guts and- how did you do that? That wasn’t an order, just a rhetorical… what’s that on your hands? Is Bulletstorm okay? Can you cram that back into its guts? That’s really not on. I’ll try to be more literal.Adult Swim Games have announced a release date of February 28th for Desync [official site], a first-person shooting video game about killing cyberenemies in cool and elaborate ways to rack up megapoints. I think it looks enjoyable. … [visit site to read more]
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Desync gameplay trailer reveals February launch date
The neon, sci-fi FPS Desync didn&t quite make the 2016 release it was aiming for, but it&s coming pretty close. Publisher Adult Swim Games announced today that it will be out on February 28, and released a new trailer showcasing its high-speed, Tron-meets-Bulletstorm gameplay. &Desync is an intense, single-player first person shooter that begs you to play dangerously and creatively,& the accompanying announcement says. &Switch weapons and move masterfully to unleash Attack Sequences—special moves that deal bonus damage and effects. Launch an enemy into a trap with a well-placed shotgun blast, then destroy another while they’re in the air. Think quickly and discover new combinations to maximize your score and decimate the leaderboards.& We played a little Desync at PAX Australia in October 2015, and even then it was impressive, if punishing. As Shaun put it, &Managing the scarce shotgun ammunition, administering rare health buffs and hitting the shift key to dodge enemies is a lot to parse at once, but that’s where the appeal of Desync lay: it’s relentless.& The system requirements are pleasantly minimal, too: I don&t know if these are final (although at this point I think they must be), but according to Steam all you&ll need to play is a 2.4GHz dual-core CPU, 2GB RAM, and Windows 7. A purchase option isn&t available yet, but Adult Swim said Desync will sell for $15.
Desync gameplay trailer reveals February launch date
The neon, sci-fi FPS Desync didn&t quite make the 2016 release it was aiming for, but it&s coming pretty close. Publisher Adult Swim Games announced today that it will be out on February 28, and released a new trailer showcasing its high-speed, Tron-meets-Bulletstorm gameplay. &Desync is an intense, single-player first person shooter that begs you to play dangerously and creatively,& the accompanying announcement says. &Switch weapons and move masterfully to unleash Attack Sequences—special moves that deal bonus damage and effects. Launch an enemy into a trap with a well-placed shotgun blast, then destroy another while they’re in the air. Think quickly and discover new combinations to maximize your score and decimate the leaderboards.& We played a little Desync at PAX Australia in October 2015, and even then it was impressive, if punishing. As Shaun put it, &Managing the scarce shotgun ammunition, administering rare health buffs and hitting the shift key to dodge enemies is a lot to parse at once, but that’s where the appeal of Desync lay: it’s relentless.& The system requirements are pleasantly minimal, too: I don&t know if these are final (although at this point I think they must be), but according to Steam all you&ll need to play is a 2.4GHz dual-core CPU, 2GB RAM, and Windows 7. A purchase option isn&t available yet, but Adult Swim said Desync will sell for $15.
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