
分析通话记录信息是通过什么写入的 android 源码 保存通话记录 - 推酷
分析通话记录信息是通过什么写入的 android 源码 保存通话记录
&&&& 当来电或去电时,通过记录里的信息是怎么保存下来的呢?
&&&&& 在CallNotifier.java代码里有这样一个方法:
private void onDisconnect(AsyncResult r) {
if (VDBG) log(&onDisconnect()...
CallManager state: & + mCM.getState());
Connection c = (Connection) r.
mDisconnectNumber = c.getAddress();
if (DBG) log(&mDisconnectNumber:& + mDisconnectNumber);
if (DBG && c != null) {
log(&- onDisconnect: cause = & + c.getDisconnectCause()
+ &, incoming = & + c.isIncoming()
+ &, date = & + c.getCreateTime());
mCdmaVoicePrivacyState =
int autoretrySetting = 0;
if ((c != null) && (c.getCall().getPhone().getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA)) {
autoretrySetting = android.provider.Settings.System.getInt(mApplication.
getContentResolver(),android.provider.Settings.System.CALL_AUTO_RETRY, 0);
if ((c != null) && (c.getCall().getPhone().getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA)) {
// Stop any signalInfo tone being played when a call gets ended
// Resetting the CdmaPhoneCallState members
// Remove Call waiting timers
// Stop the ringer if it was ringing (for an incoming call that
// either disconnected by itself, or was rejected by the user.)
// TODO: We technically *shouldn't* stop the ringer if the
// foreground or background call disconnects while an incoming call
// is still ringing, but that's a really rare corner case.
// It's safest to just unconditionally stop the ringer here.
// CDMA: For Call collision cases i.e. when the user makes an out going call
// and at the same time receives an Incoming Call, the Incoming Call is given
// higher preference. At this time framework sends a disconnect for the Out going
// call connection hence we should *not* be stopping the ringer being played for
// the Incoming Call
Call ringingCall = mCM.getFirstActiveRingingCall();
if (ringingCall.getPhone().getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) {
if (PhoneUtils.isRealIncomingCall(ringingCall.getState())) {
// Also we need to take off the &In Call& icon from the Notification
// area as the Out going Call never got connected
if (DBG) log(&cancelCallInProgressNotification()... (onDisconnect)&);
if (DBG) log(&stopRing()... (onDisconnect)&);
} else { // GSM
if (DBG) log(&stopRing()... (onDisconnect)&);
// stop call waiting tone if needed when disconnecting
if (mCallWaitingTonePlayer != null) {
mCallWaitingTonePlayer =
// Check for the various tones we might need to play (thru the
// earpiece) after a call disconnects.
int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE;
// The &Busy& or &Congestion& tone is the highest priority:
if (c != null) {
Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause();
if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.BUSY) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play BUSY tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_BUSY;
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CONGESTION) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play CONGESTION tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_CONGESTION;
} else if (((cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.NORMAL)
|| (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.LOCAL))
&& (mApplication.isOtaCallInActiveState())) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play OTA_CALL_END tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_OTA_CALL_END;
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CDMA_REORDER) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play CDMA_REORDER tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_REORDER;
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CDMA_INTERCEPT) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play CDMA_INTERCEPT tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_INTERCEPT;
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.CDMA_DROP) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play CDMA_DROP tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_CDMA_DROP;
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_SERVICE) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play OUT OF SERVICE tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_OUT_OF_SERVICE;
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER) {
if (DBG) log(&- need to play TONE_UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER tone!&);
} else if (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED) {
if (DBG) log(&- DisconnectCause is ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: play TONE_CALL_ENDED!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_CALL_ENDED;
// If we don't need to play BUSY or CONGESTION, then play the
// &call ended& tone if this was a &regular disconnect& (i.e. a
// normal call where one end or the other hung up) *and* this
// disconnect event caused the phone to become idle.
// words, we *don't* play the sound if one call hangs up but
// there's still an active call on the other line.)
// TODO: We may eventually want to disable this via a preference.
if ((toneToPlay == InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE)
&& (mCM.getState() == Phone.State.IDLE)
&& (c != null)) {
Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause();
if ((cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.NORMAL)
// remote hangup
|| (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.LOCAL)) {
// local hangup
if (VDBG) log(&- need to play CALL_ENDED tone!&);
toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_CALL_ENDED;
mIsCdmaRedialCall =
if (mCM.getState() == Phone.State.IDLE) {
// Don't reset the audio mode or bluetooth/speakerphone state
// if we still need to let the user hear a tone through the earpiece.
if (toneToPlay == InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE) {
int currentMode = mAudioManager.getMode();
if(AudioManager.MODE_IN_VT_CALL == currentMode){
isNeedResetAudio =
sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DELAY_RESET_AUDIO_MODE, 5000);
// If the InCallScreen is *not* in the foreground, forcibly
// dismiss it to make sure it won't still be in the activity
// history.
(But if it *is* in the foreground, don't mess
// it needs to be visible, displaying the &Call
// ended& state.)
if (!mApplication.isShowingCallScreen()) {
if (VDBG) log(&onDisconnect: force InCallScreen to finish()&);
if (VDBG) log(&onDisconnect: In call screen. Set short timeout.&);
if (c != null) {
final String number = c.getAddress();
final long date = c.getCreateTime();
final long duration = c.getDurationMillis();
final Connection.DisconnectCause cause = c.getDisconnectCause();
final Phone phone = c.getCall().getPhone();
final int dialT
if (PhoneApp.getInstance().isVTCall())
dialType = CallLog.Calls.VIDEO_DIAL;
dialType = CallLog.Calls.VOICE_DIAL;
// Set the &type& to be displayed in the call log (see constants in CallLog.Calls)
final int callLogT
if (c.isIncoming()) {
callLogType = (cause == Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED ?
callLogType = Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE;
if (VDBG) log(&- callLogType: & + callLogType + &, UserData: & + c.getUserData());
final CallerInfo ci = getCallerInfoFromConnection(c);
// May be null.
final String logNumber = getLogNumber(c, ci);
if (DBG) log(&- onDisconnect(): logNumber set to: & + /*logNumber*/ &xxxxxxx&);
// TODO: In getLogNumber we use the presentation from
// the connection for the CNAP. Should we use the one
// below instead? (comes from caller info)
// For international calls, 011 needs to be logged as +
final int presentation = getPresentation(c, ci);
if (phone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) {
if ((PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(number))
&& (mCurrentEmergencyToneState != EMERGENCY_TONE_OFF)) {
if (mEmergencyTonePlayerVibrator != null) {
// To prevent accidental redial of emergency numbers
// (carrier requirement) the quickest solution is to
// not log the emergency number. We gate on CDMA
// (ugly) when we actually mean carrier X.
// TODO: Clean this up and come up with a unified strategy.
final boolean shouldNotlogEmergencyNumber =
(phone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA);
// Don't call isOtaSpNumber on GSM phones.
final boolean isOtaNumber = (phone.getPhoneType() == Phone.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA)
&& phone.isOtaSpNumber(number);
final boolean isEmergencyNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(number);
&span style=&color:#66&&// Don't put OTA or CDMA Emergency calls into call log
if (!(isOtaNumber || isEmergencyNumber && shouldNotlogEmergencyNumber ||
mIsPhoneNumberInBlackList)) {
&span style=&color:#ff0000;&&CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs args =
new CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs(
mApplication, ci, logNumber, presentation,
callLogType, date, duration, dialType);
mIsPhoneNumberInBlackList =
if (callLogType == Calls.MISSED_TYPE) {
// Show the &Missed call& notification.
// (Note we *don't* do this if this was an incoming call that
// the user deliberately rejected.)
showMissedCallNotification(c, date);
// Possibly play a &post-disconnect tone& thru the earpiece.
// We do this here, rather than from the InCallScreen
// activity, since we need to do this even if you're not in
// the Phone UI at the moment the connection ends.
if (toneToPlay != InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE) {
if (VDBG) log(&- starting post-disconnect tone (& + toneToPlay + &)...&);
new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start();
// TODO: alternatively, we could start an InCallTonePlayer
// here with an &unlimited& tone length,
// and manually stop it later when this connection truly goes
(The real connection over the network was closed as soon
// as we got the BUSY message.
But our telephony layer keeps the
// connection open for a few extra seconds so we can show the
// &busy& indication to the user.
We could stop the busy tone
// when *that* connection's &disconnect& event comes in.)
if (mCM.getState() == Phone.State.IDLE) {
// Release screen wake locks if the in-call screen is not
// showing. Otherwise, let the in-call screen handle this because
// it needs to show the call ended screen for a couple of
// seconds.
if (!mApplication.isShowingCallScreen()) {
if (VDBG) log(&- NOT showing in- releasing wake locks!&);
if (VDBG) log(&- still showing in- not releasing wake locks.&);
if (VDBG) log(&- not releasing wake locks.&);
if (((mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.DIALING)
|| (mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.ALERTING))
&& (!PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(number))
&& (cause != Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED )
&& (cause != Connection.DisconnectCause.NORMAL)
&& (cause != Connection.DisconnectCause.LOCAL)
&& (cause != Connection.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED)) {
if (!mIsCdmaRedialCall) {
if (autoretrySetting == InCallScreen.AUTO_RETRY_ON) {
// TODO: (Moto): The contact reference data may need to be stored and use
// here when redialing a call. For now, pass in NULL as the URI parameter.
PhoneUtils.placeCall(phone, number, null);
mIsCdmaRedialCall =
mIsCdmaRedialCall =
mIsCdmaRedialCall =
* Performs Call logging based on Timeout or Ignore Call Waiting Call for CDMA,
* and finally calls Hangup on the Call Waiting connection.
* This method should be called only from the UI thread.
* @see sendCdmaCallWaitingReject()
private void onCdmaCallWaitingReject() {
final Call ringingCall = mCM.getFirstActiveRingingCall();
// Call waiting timeout scenario
if (ringingCall.getState() == Call.State.WAITING) {
// Code for perform Call logging and missed call notification
Connection c = ringingCall.getLatestConnection();
if (c != null) {
String number = c.getAddress();
int presentation = c.getNumberPresentation();
final long date = c.getCreateTime();
final long duration = c.getDurationMillis();
final int callLogType = mCallWaitingTimeOut ?
// get the callerinfo object and then log the call with it.
Object o = c.getUserData();
final CallerI
if ((o == null) || (o instanceof CallerInfo)) {
ci = (CallerInfo)
ci = ((PhoneUtils.CallerInfoToken) o).currentI
// add this to judge dial type
final int dialT
if (PhoneApp.getInstance().isVTCall())
dialType = CallLog.Calls.VIDEO_DIAL;
dialType = CallLog.Calls.VOICE_DIAL;
// Do final CNAP modifications of logNumber prior to logging [mimicking
// onDisconnect()]
final String logNumber = PhoneUtils.modifyForSpecialCnapCases(
mApplication, ci, number, presentation);
final int newPresentation = (ci != null) ? ci.numberPresentation :
if (DBG) log(&- onCdmaCallWaitingReject(): logNumber set to: & + logNumber
+ &, newPresentation value is: & + newPresentation);
&span style=&color:#ff0000;&&CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs args =
new CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs(
mApplication, ci, logNumber, presentation,
callLogType, date, duration, dialType);
if (callLogType == Calls.MISSED_TYPE) {
// Add missed call notification
showMissedCallNotification(c, date);
// Remove Call waiting 20 second display timer in the queue
// Hangup the RingingCall connection for CW
//Reset the mCallWaitingTimeOut boolean
mCallWaitingTimeOut =
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &License&);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an &AS IS& BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.C
import android.os.AsyncT
import android.os.L
import android.provider.CallLog.C
import android.util.L
* Class to access the call logs database asynchronously since
* database ops can take a long time depending on the system's load.
* It uses AsyncTask which has its own thread pool.
* &pre class=&prettyprint&&
* Typical usage:
* ==============
// From an activity...
String mLastNumber = &&;
CallLogAsync log = new CallLogAsync();
CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs addCallArgs = new CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs(
this, ci, number, presentation, type, timestamp, duration);
CallLogAsync.GetLastOutgoingCallArgs lastCallArgs = new CallLogAsync.GetLastOutgoingCallArgs(
this, new CallLogAsync.OnLastOutgoingCallComplete() {
public void lastOutgoingCall(String number) { mLastNumber = }
public class CallLogAsync {
private static final String TAG = &CallLogAsync&;
* Parameter object to hold the args to add a call in the call log DB.
public static class &span style=&color:#ff0000;&&AddCallArgs &/span&{
* @param ci
* @param number
To be logged.
* @param presentation
Of the number.
* @param callType
The type of call (e.g INCOMING_TYPE). @see
android.provider.CallLog for the list of values.
* @param timestamp
Of the call (millisecond since epoch).
* @param durationInMillis Of the call (millisecond).
public AddCallArgs(Context context,
CallerInfo ci,
String number,
int presentation,
int callType,
long timestamp,
long durationInMillis,
int dialType) {
// Note that the context is passed each time. We could
// have stored it in a member but we've run into a bunch
// of memory leaks in the past that resulted from storing
// references to contexts in places that were long lived
// when the contexts were expected to be short lived. For
// example, if you initialize this class with an Activity
// instead of an Application the Activity can't be GCed
// until this class can, and Activities tend to hold
// references to large amounts of RAM for things like the
// bitmaps in their views.
// Having hit more than a few of those bugs in the past
// we've grown cautious of storing references to Contexts
// when it's not very clear that the thing holding the
// references is tightly tied to the Context, for example
// Views the Activity is displaying.
this.context =
this.number =
this.presentation =
this.callType = callT
this.timestamp =
this.durationInSec = (int)(durationInMillis / 1000);
this.dialType = dialT
// Since the members are accessed directly, we don't use the
// mXxxx notation.
public final C
public final CallerI
public final S
public final int callT
public final int durationInS
public final int dialT
* Parameter object to hold the args to get the last outgoing call
* from the call log DB.
public static class GetLastOutgoingCallArgs {
public GetLastOutgoingCallArgs(Context context,
OnLastOutgoingCallComplete callback) {
this.context =
this.callback =
public final C
public final OnLastOutgoingCallC
* Non blocking version of CallLog.addCall(...)
public AsyncTask addCall(AddCallArgs args) {
return new AddCallTask().execute(args);
/** Interface to retrieve the last dialed number asynchronously. */
public interface OnLastOutgoingCallComplete {
/** @param number The last dialed number or an empty string if
none exists yet. */
void lastOutgoingCall(String number);
* CallLog.getLastOutgoingCall(...)
public AsyncTask getLastOutgoingCall(GetLastOutgoingCallArgs args) {
return new GetLastOutgoingCallTask(args.callback).execute(args);
* AsyncTask to save calls in the DB.
private class &span style=&color:#ff0000;&&AddCallTask &/span&extends AsyncTask&AddCallArgs, Void, Uri[]& {
protected Uri[] doInBackground(AddCallArgs... callList) {
int count = callList.
Uri[] result = new Uri[count];
//Add by kylin
for (int i = 0; i & i++) {
AddCallArgs c = callList[i];
// May block.
result[i] = Calls.addCall(, c.context, c.number, c.presentation,
c.callType, c.timestamp, c.durationInSec, c.dialType);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
// Perform a simple sanity check to make sure the call was
// written in the database. Typically there is only one result
// per call so it is easy to identify which one failed.
protected void onPostExecute(Uri[] result) {
for (Uri uri : result) {
if (uri == null) {
Log.e(TAG, &Failed to write call to the log.&);
* AsyncTask to get the last outgoing call from the DB.
private class GetLastOutgoingCallTask extends AsyncTask&GetLastOutgoingCallArgs, Void, String& {
private final OnLastOutgoingCallComplete mC
private String mN
public GetLastOutgoingCallTask(OnLastOutgoingCallComplete callback) {
mCallback =
// Happens on a background thread. We cannot run the callback
// here because only the UI thread can modify the view
// hierarchy (e.g enable/disable the dial button). The
// callback is ran rom the post execute method.
protected String doInBackground(GetLastOutgoingCallArgs... list) {
int count = list.
String number = &&;
for (GetLastOutgoingCallArgs args : list) {
// May block. Select only the last one.
number = Calls.getLastOutgoingCall(args.context);
// passed to the onPostExecute method.
// Happens on the UI thread, it is safe to run the callback
// that may do some work on the views.
protected void onPostExecute(String number) {
private void assertUiThread() {
if (!Looper.getMainLooper().equals(Looper.myLooper())) {
throw new RuntimeException(&Not on the UI thread!&);
权限设置: 公开
接听有时候不方便,等晚上十点方便时我会拨回去,或方便时我拨2次各响1声,你拨回来。 或者 东直门外幸福三村自取
网络频率: CDMA 95/1X;800MHz
尺寸/体积: 109×48×24mm
重量: 93 克
屏幕参数: 单色屏幕;
通话时间: 180 分钟
待机时间: 220 小时
标准配置:电池机器1体 充电器1个
视当地网络状况,使用状况及手机卡情况而定 基本功能
『内置天线』 『中文输入』 『时钟』 『内置振动』
『可选铃声』 『通话记录』 『内置游戏』 『动画屏保』
『待机图片』 『图形菜单』
中文短信: 支持20条短信
8 话机通讯录: 共200条
『闹钟』 『计算器』 『秒表』
自动键盘锁: 键盘锁定功能
MOTO V70和你换。你贴我150,


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