steam怎么读音发音 drum是什么意思及发音

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Selection of Steam Drum Level Control
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词形变化:&过去式和过去分词:steamed&&现在分词:steaming&大小写不同的单词:&&链霉黑素、6-硫代鸟嘌呤、环磷酰胺、放线菌素、丝裂霉素C&&&&习惯短语和短句: A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads. 蒸汽压路机用来修筑道路 Although the engineer shoveled the coal into the firehole as fast as he could,the steam engine could go to faster. 虽然火车司炉尽快地把煤铲进炉里,可火车一点儿没能加快 Arnold steam sterilizer [医]流通蒸汽灭菌器 Arnold steam sterilizor [医]流通蒸汽灭菌器(微) China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd {n.}招商局轮船股份有限公司 Curtis steam turbine 冲击式汽轮机 Full steam ahead 全速前进! 全力以赴,尽力[快] He brings me in now and sits me down in front of the fire and brings over two mugs full of steaming mocha coffee. 他把我带进来,让我坐在壁炉前 How do you change water into steam? 你们怎样能把水变为蒸气? In using superheated steam,compounding becomes less effective. 使用过热蒸汽时,混合的效果就会减少 Koch steam sterilizer [医]科赫蒸汽灭菌器 Main Steam Pipe 蒸汽总管 Mt. Vesuvius is constantly sending forth steam into the air. 维苏威火山不断向空中冒出气体 Of,like or full of steam (似)蒸汽的,充满水汽的 Orinoco Steam Ship Co. Case {n.}奥里诺科轮船公司案 Pacific Steam Navigation Company 太平洋轮船航运公司[英] Peninsular & Oriental Steam Nav. {n.}半岛东方航运 She is easily steamed up about trifles. 她容易在小事上生气 Sinister eggy-smelling steam snakes from cracks in pavements and heats the many pools here. 可恶的带鸡蛋气味的水蒸气从人行道的裂缝中钻出把这里的很多池塘都烘得热乎乎的 Steam Yacht 蒸汽机快艇[游艇] Steaming greenery and damp anacondas. 那里有散发着蒸气的潮湿草木和游弋其中的蟒蛇 The hostess brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee. 女主人给我们拿出一满壶热气腾腾的咖啡 The steam locomotive has been superseded by the diesel locomotive 蒸汽火车被柴油火车取代了 The window has clouded over in the steam. 窗户蒙上水蒸气,已变得模糊不清了 There was steam coming from the cooking-pot. 水蒸汽从锅里冒出 Watt inaugurated the age of steam. 瓦特开创了蒸汽时代 When the steam is shut off,the mechinery soon comes to a standstill. 蒸汽一关掉,机器很快就停下来 Who invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸气机? Working Steam Pressure 工作汽压 a cold [warm,hot,steam]bath 冷水[温水、热水、蒸汽]浴 a cup of steaming milk 一杯在冒热气的牛奶 a day's steam 一天的轮船航行 a steam navvy 蒸汽掘土机 a steam whistle 汽笛 a stiff flour pudding steamed or boiled usually containing e.g. currents and citron. 一种蒸或煮的硬面布丁,通常包含水流和香木橼 actual steam consumption 实际汽耗 actual steam rate [机]实际蒸汽消耗 age of steam {n.}蒸汽机时代 arch-type steam hammer 龙门汽锤 arnold steam sterilization {n.}阿诺德氏流通蒸汽灭菌法 at full steam==>{adv.}开足马力地(尽力地) {}放足蒸汽 atmospheric steam 常压蒸汽 atmospheric steam dump {n.}蒸汽大气排放 atomization steam 雾化蒸汽 autoclaving steam sterilization under pressure [医]热压蒸气灭菌 automatic exhaust steam valve 自动排气阀 automatic steam temperature control 自动蒸汽温度控制 automatic steam vacuum glass jar sealing machine 自动蒸汽抽空封瓶机 auxiliary live steam valve 进汽副阀 auxiliary steam cylinder 副汽缸 auxiliary steam pipe 副出汽管,副汽管 auxiliary steam valve [化]辅助蒸汽阀 auxiliary steam valve spindle 副汽阀柄 axial flow steam turbine 轴流式汽轮机 back steam 回汽 back-pressure steam turbine 背压式汽轮机 barrels per steam day [机]每个生产日桶数 basic principle of steam turbine 汽轮机工作原理 batch steam distillation [机]分批汽蒸馏 be boiled to steam {vi.}蒸发为气体 be propelled by steam 由蒸汽推进 be steaming hot 非常热 bed type steam bath [医]床式蒸气浴器 bellows-type steam trap 波纹管式阻汽排水器 binocular steam spray [医]双眼蒸气喷雾器 biological indicator for steam sterilization [医]蒸汽消毒生物指示剂 blanket steam 覆盖水蒸气 blast furnace steam blower 高炉蒸气鼓风机 blead steam 额外蒸汽 bled steam 撤汽 bled steam evaporator 抽汽加热蒸发器 bled steam feed heater 抽气回热给水加热器 bleed steam {n.}抽汽,废蒸汽 bleeder steam 抽气,汽轮机抽气,抽汽 bleeding of steam 抽气 blow off steam==>{vt.}放掉蒸汽(发泄抑制的感情) {}放汽,大发牢骚[俚],(工作后)松弛娱乐 blow steam through [机]吹入水蒸气 blower steam pipe 吹风进汽管 boiler steam rate [化]锅炉蒸发量 boiler steam room [机]蒸汽锅炉房 bottom steam [机]底部蒸汽 bowl in the shape of a steamed bun 馒头形碗 browning and steaming cooker 蒸烤锅 brushing and steaming 刷蒸机 bubbling steam 通入水中的直接蒸汽 by steam 坐轮船 by-product steam 副产蒸汽 carpet steaming plant 地毯汽蒸设备 catch-all steam separator [化]截液器,分沫器 catch-all steam speparator [医]分沫器,截液器 closed steam 间接蒸汽 closed type steam heating system 闭式蒸汽供热系统 combined main and exhaust steam turbine (新汽-乏汽)双汽源汽轮机 combined steam and gas turbine power plant 蒸汽-燃气轮机联合循环电厂 compound steam engine 复式蒸汽机 compound steam hammer 双缸气锤 compound steam turbine 复式涡轮 condensation of steam to water 蒸气凝结成为水 condensed steam 冷凝(水)蒸汽 condensing steam engine 冷凝式蒸汽机 condensing steam turbine {n.}凝汽式汽轮机,冷凝式汽轮机 consolidated nuclear steam generator 小型核能蒸发器[发电机] cooking steam 蒸煮用汽 cross compound steam turbine 并联式汽轮机 cross-compuund steam turbine [机]并列复式蒸汽轮机 cushion steam 垫气 cutting steam 切割气流 cyclic steam injection [经]周期注气增产措施 cyclone steam separator 旋风汽水分离器 cylinder bottom steam pipe 汽缸底汽管,缸底汽管 cylinder top steam pipe 缸上汽管 de superheated steam {n.}减温蒸汽 dead steam 废汽 deep fry,fry,steam and stew {v.}炸,炒,蒸和炖 desuperheated steam 减温蒸汽 differential steam calorimeter 差示蒸汽量热器 differential-acting steam hammer 差动式汽锤 diffusing type steam valve 扩压式汽阀 direct acting steam pump 直动蒸汽泵 direct steam 直接蒸汽 direct steam generator [化]直接蒸汽发生器 direct-acting steam engine 直接式蒸汽机 direct-acting steam pump [化]直动泵 discharge steam 排出蒸汽,废汽 double acting steam engine 双动式蒸汽机 double acting steam hammer 双动汽锤 double expansion compound steam engine 两级膨胀复式蒸汽机 double reheat steam turbine 二次中间再热式汽轮机 double-acting steam engine 双动式蒸汽机 double-reheat steam turbine 二次(中间)再热式汽轮机 driving steam turbine [化]驱动汽轮机 drum steam generator 汽包式蒸汽锅炉 dry saturated steam 干饱和(水)蒸汽 dry steam 干蒸汽 dry steam cure 干蒸汽硫化 dry steam drum 干蒸汽包 dryness fraction of steam {n.}蒸汽干度 dual-pressure steam turbine 双压式汽轮机 dump steam 排汽 duplex steam pistom pump 双缸蒸汽往复泵 duplex steam piston pump [化]双缸蒸汽往复泵 duplex steam pump 双缸汽动泵 electric binocular steam spray [医]电热双眼蒸气喷雾器 electric cordless steam iron 电池式蒸汽电熨斗 electric steam gauge 电动气压机 electric steam generator 电热锅炉,电热蒸汽发生器 electric steam radiator 电气蒸汽散热器 electric steam sterilizer 电力蒸汽式消毒器 emergency dump steam 事故排汽 entrained steam 残留蒸汽 estimated steam rate 估计耗气率 exciting steam 激振用蒸汽 exhaust steam 废汽 exhaust steam casing 排汽缸 exhaust steam end 排汽端 exhaust steam heating 废气供暖,废汽供暖 exhaust steam injector 排汽喷射器,废气注水器 exhaust steam inlet 排汽进口 exhaust steam jet 废气喷口 exhaust steam main 总排汽管,排汽总管 exhaust steam moisture 排汽湿度 exhaust steam nozzle 排气喷嘴 exhaust steam pipe [化]排汽管 exhaust steam preheater 废汽预热器 exhaust steam pressure 排汽压力 exhaust steam supply pipe 排汽供给管 exhaust steam turbine 废汽汽轮机,排气涡轮机,排汽透平 exhaust steam valve 排汽阀 exhaust type steam turbine 排汽式涡轮 extra steam 额外蒸汽 extra steam cycle 抽气循环 extraction of steam 抽汽 extraction steam 抽汽 extraction steam engine 抽汽式蒸汽机 extraction steam for factories [化]工业抽汽 extraction steam heating {n.}抽汽加热 extraction steam pipe {n.}抽汽管 extraction steam regulation {n.}抽汽调节,抽汽 extraction steam turbine 抽汽式汽轮机 feed steam 进汽 feed steaming 煮熬饲料 final steaming 终期蒸汽处理 fire-smothering steam 窒息灭火用蒸汽 flash steam 闪发蒸汽,扩容蒸汽 flash-off steam 闪蒸蒸汽,扩容蒸汽 float steam trap 浮式隔汽具 float-type steam trap [化]压出式冷凝水排除器 flowing steam [医]流通蒸汽 forced-circulation steam generator 强制循环蒸汽发生器 forced-flow once-through steam generator 增压直流锅炉 fossil steam turbine {n.}化石燃料汽轮机 four-drum steam hoist 四滚筒蒸汽提升机 free flowing steam sterilization 常压蒸气灭菌,汽流灭菌 fresh steam 新鲜蒸汽,一次蒸汽 fry,steam and stew {v.}炒,蒸和炖 full-body steam bath [医]全身蒸气浴,全身蒸气浴器 fumigation and steaming [医]熏法 gaseous steam 气态蒸汽 gather steam {v.}积累蒸汽,高涨 geothermal steam 地热蒸汽 geothermal steam plant 地热蒸汽发电厂 get all steamed up over nothing {vi.}无缘无故发脾气 get up [raise] steam 增加汽压,振作精神,愤怒 get up steam {vi.}冒水蒸汽(振作,奋发) gland sealing steam collecting pipe 汽封蒸汽集汽管 gland sealing steam control valve 汽封蒸汽调节阀 gland sealing steam exhaust 汽封排汽 gland sealing steam supply 汽封供汽 gland sealing steam supply system 汽封供汽系统 gland steam 汽[轴]封蒸汽 gland steam condenser 汽封蒸汽凝汽器 gland steam connexion 汽封蒸汽连接管 gland steam control regulator system 汽封蒸汽调节系统 gland steam desuperheater 汽封蒸汽冷却器 gland steam exhauster 汽封蒸汽排气管 gland steam pocket 汽封室 gland steam regulator 汽封蒸汽调解器 gravity lowpressure steam heating 重力低压蒸汽供暖 guaranteed steam consumption 保证汽耗 half steamed [医]半蒸透的 half steaming [医]蒸煮不均,糊化不完全 have steam on 冒着水蒸汽 head of steam {n.}蒸汽压 heated by steam {vt.}借蒸汽取暖 heating steam 加热蒸汽 helical coil steam generator {n.}螺旋管式蒸汽发生器,盘管式蒸汽发生器 helical steam generator {n.}螺旋管式蒸汽发生器 helical tubing steam generator {n.}螺旋管式蒸汽发生器 high compressed steam [化]高压蒸汽 high pressure steam 高压蒸汽 high pressure steam boiler 高压蒸汽锅炉 high pressure steam heating 高压蒸汽供暖,高压蒸汽采暖 high pressure steam process 高压蒸汽法 high pressure steam sterilizer 高压蒸气灭菌器 high pressure steam system 高压蒸汽系统 high speed steam locomotive 高速蒸汽机车 high steam 高压蒸汽 high temperature steam curing 高温蒸汽养护 high-pressure steam [化]高压蒸汽 high-pressure steam engine 高压蒸汽机 high-pressure steam etching 高压蒸汽腐蚀 high-pressure steam heating system 高压蒸汽供暖系统 high-pressure steam oxidation 高气压水汽氧化 high-pressure steam peeling 高压蒸汽去皮 high-pressure steam power plant 高压火力发电厂 high-pressure steam sterilizer 高压蒸汽消毒柜 high-pressure steam turbine 高压蒸汽涡轮 high-speed engine steam wagon 高速蒸汽机车 high-speed steam engine 高速蒸气机 high-vaccum steam sterilizer [医]高真空蒸汽灭菌器 highly compressed steam 高压蒸汽 hot steam {n.}热(水蒸)汽,该解释由词友(Rocket)提供,仅供参考,免责声明 hot-air steam cure 热气蒸汽硫化 hydrocarbon steam conversion 烃蒸气转化 hydrocarbon steam reforming 烃类蒸汽改质 impulse steam trap 脉冲式蒸汽疏水器 impulse steam turbine [机]冲动式汽轮机 impulse type steam turbine 冲动式汽轮机 indirect steam 间接蒸汽 indirect steaming 间接通汽 industrial steam turbine 工业汽轮机 industrial waste steam 工业废汽 initial steam pressure 进汽压力,新汽压力 initial steam pressure regulator 新汽压力调节器 initial steam temperature 新汽温度 injector steam valve 注水器汽阀 inlet steam pressure 进汽压力 inlet steam temprature 进汽温度 instant steam 随手蒸汽 integrated steam power plant 总装式蒸汽动力装置 integrated steam turbine plant 总装式汽轮机装置 intercepting steam chest 中间汽柜 interconnecting steam main {n.}互联蒸汽管 interconnection steam main 互联蒸汽总管 intermediate steam 间断蒸汽 intermittent steaming 间歇的喷蒸 internal steam pipe 内集汽管 internal steam work 蒸汽内能 international steam table 国际蒸汽表 jacketed steam kettle 夹层汽锅 jacketed-pipe high-pressure steam preheater 高压蒸汽套管预热器 kiln in the shape of steamed bun 馒头窑 large steam turbine-generator 大型汽轮发电机组 leakage steam 漏泄蒸汽 leakage steam discharge valve 漏气泄放阀 let off steam==>{vt.}放掉不用的蒸汽(发泄,发火) {}散发多余的精力,发牢骚,发泄郁积的感情 light pressure steam 低压蒸汽 liquid-metal steam turbine 液态金属汽轮机 live steam 流通蒸汽 live steam heating 新汽取暖 live steam pipe [化]新汽管,热蒸汽管 live steam piping 主汽管道 live steam reclaiming process [化]直接蒸汽法,直接蒸汽再生法 live steam sparge pipe 新(鲜)蒸汽喷射管 live steam valve 新汽阀 long-stroke steam engine 长冲程蒸汽机 low pressure steam curing 低压蒸气养护 low pressure steam engine 低压蒸汽机 low pressure steam generator 低压蒸汽发生器 low pressure steam heating 低压蒸汽供暖 low pressure steam turbine [化]低压汽轮机 low steam pressure unloading gear 低汽压卸负荷装置 low temperature steam disinfection [医]低温蒸汽消毒 low-pressure steam [化]低压蒸汽 low-pressure steam engine 低压蒸汽机 low-pressure steam generator 低压蒸汽发生器 lower auxiliary steam port 下部副气口 lower main steam port 下部主汽口 lower steam cylinder gasket 下汽缸垫密片 lower steam inlet port 下进汽口 lower steam passage 下部汽路 lubricator steam valve 润滑器汽阀 main steam 主蒸汽 main steam and feed water system 主蒸汽与给水系统 main steam header 主蒸汽集管 main steam line 主蒸汽管道 main steam pipe 主汽管,主蒸汽管 main steam range 蒸气总管 main steam system 主蒸汽系统 main steam valve 主蒸汽阀(空气压缩机) marine steam boiler 船用蒸汽锅炉 marine steam engine 船用蒸汽机 marine steam power plant 船舶蒸汽动力装置 marine steam turbine 船用汽轮机 medium pressure steam 中压水蒸汽 medium pressure steam system 中压蒸汽系统 medium-pressure steam turbine 中压气轮机 mixed pressure steam turbine 混压式汽轮机 moist steam 湿蒸汽,饱和蒸汽,饱和水蒸汽 motor [steam] traction 汽车[铁路]运输 multi-cylinder steam engine 多缸蒸汽机,多汽缸蒸汽机 multi-stage steam turbine [化]多级汽轮机 multicylinder steam engine 多缸式蒸汽机 multiple drum steam generator {n.}多鼓式蒸汽发生器 multistage impulse steam turbine 多级冲动式汽轮机 natural gas steam reformer 天然气蒸汽转化炉 natural steam power generation 地热发电 natural steam power station 地热发电站 nipple for auxiliary steam connecting 副气管螺纹接套 non-condensing steam engine 不凝结蒸汽机,背压式蒸汽机 nuclear steam generator 核蒸汽发生器 nuclear steam station 核蒸汽站 nuclear steam supply system 核蒸汽供应系统 oil-line steaming 油管蒸汽吹扫 once-through type steam generator 一次通过型蒸汽发生器 open return steam heating system 直接蒸汽供热系统 open steam 直接蒸汽 open steam cure 直接水蒸气硫化[处治] open steam heating system 直接蒸汽供热系统 open steam vulcanization 直接蒸汽硫化 open tube steam oxidation 开管水蒸气氧化 optimum steam quality {n.}(冷却剂中)最佳含汽率 orifice plate steam trap [化]孔板式冷凝水排除器 outside steam {n.}外汽源 overboard steam drain 蒸汽排出 overhangine-type steam hammer 单柱汽锤 overhanging-type steam hammer 单柱汽锤 overheating of steam {n.}超温 package-type steam generator 快装式锅炉 pad steam dyeing 浸轧汽蒸染色 pad steam machine 浸轧汽蒸机 pad steaming process 轧蒸法 pass-out steam 旁通蒸汽 pass-out steam turbine 旁路汽轮机 pegging steam {n.}起停用汽源 perforated steam spray 喷汽器 piston steam engine 活塞式蒸汽机 piston valve steam engine 活塞阀蒸汽机 pistonless steam pump 蒸气抽水机 portable steam crane 轻便蒸汽起重机 power station steam turbine 电站汽轮机 pressure steam bath [医]加压蒸气浴器 prime steam 湿蒸汽 process steam 生产用蒸汽 propylene steam 气态丙烯 pulsating steam pump 蒸汽吸水机 pump steam inlet 泵进汽口 put on steam==>{adj.}拿出精力(拿出干劲) {}拿出精神,使劲,加油 quality of steam 蒸汽干度 radial-flow steam turbine 辐流式汽轮机 ram steam 汽锤打桩机 ram steam pile driver 汽锤打桩机 rapid steam ager 熟化器 reaction steam turbine 反击式蒸汽轮机,反作用汽轮机 reciprocating steam engine 往复式蒸汽机,往复蒸汽机 reciprocating steam pump 往复式蒸汽泵 recovered steam [化]回收蒸汽 reduced steam 减压蒸汽 regenerative steam turbine 回热式汽轮机,回热式蒸气轮机 regulation of mountain steams 山洪节制 reheat regenerative steam cycle 再热回热蒸汽循环 reheat steam [化]再热蒸汽 relative steam entrance velocity 蒸汽相对出口速度 relative steam exit velocity 蒸汽相对出口速度 reservoir steam pipe 储汽器汽管 return tabular steam boiler 回焰蒸汽锅炉 revolving steam shovel 旋转式蒸汽挖土机,回转式汽铲,回转式蒸汽挖土机 rotary steam joint 旋转式汽管接头 rotary-piston steam engine 旋转活塞蒸汽机 run out of steam==>{vi.}减速 {}泄气[口],失去势头 saturated steam 饱和水蒸气 saturated steam cycle {n.}饱和蒸汽循环 saturated steam generator {n.}饱和蒸汽发生器 saturated steam locomotive 饱和蒸汽机车 saturated steam supple line {n.}饱和蒸汽供应管线 saturated steam supple tine {n.}饱和蒸汽供应管线 saturated steam turbine {n.}饱和蒸汽汽轮机,湿蒸汽汽轮机 seal steam 汽封蒸汽 sealing steam box 汽封蒸汽室 sealing steam desuperheater 汽封蒸汽冷却器 seasoning in saturated steam 饱和蒸气干燥法 short-stroke steam engine 短冲程蒸汽机 silica laden steam {n.}带二氧化硅的蒸汽 simplex steam pump 单缸汽动泵 simplified steam heated sterilizer [医]简易式蒸气消毒器 single acting steam engine 单动式蒸汽机 single acting steam hammer 单动蒸汽锤 single cylinder steam engine 单缸蒸汽机 single steam chest valve 单汽柜阀 single-acting steam engine 单动式蒸汽机 single-acting steam hammer 单动气锤,单动汽锤 single-cylinder steam engine 单汽缸蒸汽机 single-level steam turbine 单级式汽轮机 single-pressure steam turbine 单压式汽轮机 single-stage steam turbine 单级汽轮机 small steamed meat bun {n.}小笼包子 small steamed meat dumpling {n.}小笼包子 solutizer steam regenerative process 助溶剂蒸气再生法 soup of steamed chicken stuffed with bird's nest {n.}清炖凤吞燕 specific steam consumption 汽耗(率) spent steam 废汽 stagnant steam {n.}停滞蒸汽,不流动蒸汽 standard steam pressure 标准蒸汽压 standard steam table 标准蒸汽表 standing type steam bath [医]立式蒸气浴器 stationary continuous steaming plant 固定式连续蒸煮设备 steady steaming 稳定航行 steam accumulator==>{n.}蓄汽器 {}蒸气蓄力器 steam admitted above the piston 活塞上面进汽 steam admitted below the piston 活塞下面进汽 steam ager 蒸汽熟化器,蒸箱,水蒸汽老化器 steam air heater [化]蒸汽加热式空气预热器 steam air-heater 蒸汽热风器 steam and air mixture [化]蒸汽空气混合气 steam and gas mixture [化]蒸汽煤气混合气 steam and stew {v.}蒸和炖 steam and water separation nozzle [化]汽液分离喷嘴 steam annihilator 蒸汽灭火装置 steam asphalt 蒸汽处理沥青 steam aspirator 汽吸器 steam atmospheric distillation 常压蒸汽蒸馏 steam atomized flat spray 蒸汽雾化扁平喷嘴 steam atomizer [化]蒸汽喷油器 steam atomizing 蒸汽雾化 steam atomizing burner 蒸汽雾化燃烧 steam atomizing conical jet 蒸汽雾化圆锥形喷嘴 steam atomizing oil burner [化]蒸汽雾化油燃烧器,蒸汽雾化油烧嘴 steam attemperator 减温器过热降低器 steam autoclave [化]蒸汽压力罐,蒸汽压热釜 steam automobile 蒸汽汽车 steam away 蒸发,(人)去得快,(工作)做得快 steam balancing main 蒸汽平衡干管 steam bath {n.}蒸汽浴 steam bath-room [医]蒸汽浴室 steam bending 蒸汽弯曲法 steam bending force 蒸汽弯力 steam blancher 蒸汽热烫[烫熟]机 steam blanket 蒸汽层,蒸汽膜 steam blast 蒸汽鼓风 steam blast device 蒸汽喷洗装置 steam bled 抽气 steam bleeding 抽汽 steam blower 蒸汽鼓风机,蒸汽喷雾机 steam blowing [化]蒸汽吹扫 steam blowing machine 蒸汽吹制机 steam blown 蒸汽吹制 steam boiler {n.}蒸汽锅炉 steam boiling 蒸煮 steam boundary curve 蒸汽界面曲线 steam box {n.}[机]蒸汽室,蒸笼,蒸箱 steam brake {n.}汽闸 steam bronze 汽阀青铜 steam bubbling 蒸汽加热搅拌 steam by-pass [化]蒸汽旁路 steam cabinet (消毒用的)蒸汽室 steam calorifier 蒸汽热水器 steam calorimeter 蒸汽量热器 steam can 蒸气发生器 steam canal 进汽口 steam cans 蒸汽圆筒烘燥机 steam capability 蒸发能力 steam capstan [船]蒸汽绞盘 steam cargo winch 蒸汽绞车 steam casing [化]汽套 steam catapult 蒸汽弹射器 steam cautery [医]蒸汽烙术 steam chamber [化]蒸汽室 steam channel [化]蒸汽沟 steam chest {n.}蒸汽室 steam chest bushing 汽柜衬套 steam chest cover 汽室盖 steam chest cover gasket 汽室盖衬垫 steam chest head 汽室头 steam chest head stud 汽柜盖柱螺栓 steam chest oil plug 汽室油堵 steam chest seat 汽室座 steam circulating pipe [化]蒸汽循环管 steam clean {n.}用蒸汽来洗涤 steam cleaner 蒸汽清洁器 steam cleaning 蒸汽清洁法 steam cleaning unit 蒸汽清除装置,蒸汽清扫装置 steam cleansing station 蒸汽清洗站 steam coal 锅炉用煤 steam coal rates 汽煤比 steam cock body 汽塞体 steam cocoon cooking 蒸汽煮茧 steam color {n.}利用蒸汽来染色 steam color printing 蒸汽印染 steam colour 用蒸汽染在织物或纤维上的颜色 steam condensate [化]蒸汽冷凝水 steam condenser pipe 蒸汽冷凝管 steam condition {n.}蒸汽状态 steam conditions [化]蒸汽参数 steam conduit 蒸汽管道 steam consumption {n.}耗汽量 steam consumption meter 蒸汽消耗计 steam consumption per hour 每小时汽耗 steam control valve 蒸汽调节阀 steam converter [化]蒸汽发生器 steam converter valve 减温减压阀 steam convertor 蒸汽发生器 steam cooked 蒸煮的 steam cooker 蒸汽蒸煮器[杀菌器] steam cooking 蒸汽蒸煮 steam cooling [化]蒸汽冷却 steam cooling coil 蒸汽冷却蛇管 steam cooling systeam [化]蒸汽冷却系统 steam cooling system 蒸汽冷却系统 steam cored mold 蒸气加热孔道的模型 steam corrosion-resistant alloy 耐蒸汽腐蚀合金 steam cracker gasoline {n.}蒸汽裂化汽油 steam cracking 蒸汽裂化 steam cracking unit [化]蒸汽裂化装置 steam crane [机]水蒸气起重机 steam cure 蒸汽处治[硫化,熟化] steam curing 蒸汽养护 steam curing at high pressure 高压蒸汽养护 steam curing chamber 蒸汽养护室 steam curing cycle 蒸气养护循环 steam curing of concrete 蒸汽养护混凝土 steam curing room 蒸汽养护室 steam cut off valve 停汽阀 steam cut-off valve 停汽阀 steam cycle 蒸汽循环 steam cylinder 蒸汽缸 steam cylinder head 汽缸头 steam cylinder lagging 汽缸(隔热)外套 steam cylinder oil 蒸汽缸油 steam damping machine 蒸汽给湿机 steam deaerator 热力除气器 steam dealkylation [化]蒸汽脱烷基化,蒸汽脱烷基化作用 steam deck machinery 蒸汽甲板机械 steam desaturator 蒸汽干燥器 steam desorption section [化]蒸汽解吸段 steam diagram 蒸汽图 steam digestion 蒸煮消化 steam discharge pipe 排汽管 steam disinfecting apparatus [医]蒸汽消毒器 steam disinfector [医]蒸汽消毒器 steam disinfeting apparatus [医]蒸汽消毒器 steam dispersion mixer 蒸汽喷布拌和机 steam distillation 蒸汽蒸馏 steam distilled [化]汽馏的 steam distributing pipe 蒸汽分配管 steam distributor 蒸气分配器 steam distributor valve {n.}蒸汽分配阀 steam dome 蒸汽包,汽包 steam drier 蒸汽加热式干燥机 steam driven 蒸汽动力的 steam driven compressor 蒸汽风泵,蒸汽空气压缩机 steam driven pump 蒸汽驱动泵 steam driver 汽力打桩机 steam driver pump [化]蒸汽驱动泵 steam drop hammer 蒸汽落锤 steam drum [化]汽包,汽鼓,上汽包,上汽锅 steam dryer 蒸汽干燥器 steam drying 蒸汽(加热)干燥 steam drying apparatus 蒸汽干燥器 steam drying oven 蒸汽加热干燥炉,蒸汽加热干燥箱 steam ejection system 蒸汽弹射系统 steam ejection vacuum pump 水蒸汽喷射真空泵 steam ejector [化]蒸汽喷射器 steam electric generating set 汽轮机组 steam electric power generation {n.}火力发电 steam electric propulsion 蒸汽电力推进 steam electrical power generation {n.}火力发电 steam emulsification 蒸汽乳化 steam emulsion number 蒸汽乳化值 steam emulsion test 蒸汽乳化试验 steam end valve 暖气端阀 steam engine {n.}蒸汽机 steam engine governor 蒸汽机调节器 steam engine indicator 蒸汔机示功器 steam engine locomotive 蒸汽机火车 steam engine lubricant 蒸汽机润滑剂 steam engine plough 锅驼机犁,绳索牵引的平衡犁 steam escape valve 放汽阀 steam exhaust 乏汽,回汽 steam exhaust pipe [化]排汽管 steam exhaust port 废汽排出孔 steam exhauster 蒸汽排气机 steam expansion 蒸汽膨胀 steam explosion 蒸汽喷发 steam extraction 抽汽 steam feed heater [化]蒸汽式给水预热器 steam feed pump 汽动给水泵 steam film (蒸)汽膜 steam fire-extinguishing 蒸汽灭火 steam fitter {n.}汽管,锅炉装配工 steam fitting 蒸汽管道配件 steam fittings 蒸汽锅炉配件 steam flow 汽流 steam flow channel 蒸气流道 steam flow closure 蒸汽喷射排气封罐机 steam flow diagram 热线图,蒸气流程图 steam flow meter 蒸汽流量计 steam flow ram jet 稳流冲压式空气喷气发动机 steam flow recorder 蒸汽流量记录器 steam flow sealing 蒸汽排气真空封罐 steam flushing 蒸汽清洗,汽冲 steam for {vt.}蒸 steam for fire-extinguishing 灭火蒸汽 steam forging hammer 蒸汽锤 steam friction loss 汽阻损耗 steam funnel 蒸汽漏斗 steam gage [医]汽压计,蒸汽压力表 steam gage fittings 汽压表配件 steam gage plate 汽压计座 steam gage stand 汽压计座 steam gas 高过热气体 steam gauge [化]蒸汽表 steam gauge cock 汽压计旋塞 steam gauge plate 汽压计座 steam gauge stand 汽压计座 steam generating unit [化]蒸汽发生器,蒸汽锅炉 steam generation 蒸发,汽化 steam generator 蒸汽发生器[锅炉] steam generator blowdown system 蒸汽发生器排污系统 steam generator module 蒸汽发生器组件 steam generator water tank drain 蒸汽发生器水罐放水口 steam generator water tank filler 蒸汽发生器水罐进水口 steam gland 蒸汽用填密胀圈 steam grate shaker 汽力炉篦摇动机 steam gun washer 蒸汽喷射洗涤器 steam hammer {n.}[机]汽锤 steam hammer anvil 汽锤砧 steam hauler 蒸汽吊车 steam hauling machine 蒸汽绞车 steam header 蒸汽汇集器 steam heat {n.}蒸汽热 steam heat boiler 蒸汽取暖锅炉 steam heat dryer 蒸汽烘燥机 steam heat reducing valve 暖气减压阀 steam heated oven [医]蒸气干燥器 steam heater [化]蒸汽加热器 steam heater battery 蒸汽散热器组 steam heater hose 暖气软管 steam heating {n.}蒸汽加热 steam heating apparatus 蒸汽供暖设备 steam heating boiler 蒸汽锅炉 steam heating coil [化]蒸汽加热盘管 steam heating pipe [化]暖汽管 steam heating system 蒸汽供热系统 steam heating system with dry return 干式回水蒸汽供暖系统 steam heating system with wet return 湿式回水蒸汽供暖系统 steam heating tracer 蒸汽伴随加热管道 steam hoist 蒸汽升降机 steam homo-treatment 蒸汽均匀化处理 steam hose 蒸汽软管 steam hose connection 蒸汽软管接头 steam hose coupler 暖气软管联接器 steam humidifier 蒸汽加湿器 steam hydraulic power gear 蒸汽液力传动 steam hydraulic press 蒸汽液压机 steam hydraulic shears 蒸汽液压剪切机 steam hydrocarbon reformer [化]烃蒸汽转化炉 steam inhalation [医]蒸汽吸入 steam inhalation injury [医]蒸汽吸入损伤 steam inhalation therapy of traditional Chinese drugs [医]中药蒸气吸入疗法 steam injection 蒸汽喷射 steam injection equipment [化]蒸汽喷射装置 steam injector (蒸)汽(喷)射器 steam inlet 进汽口 steam inlet end {n.}进汽端 steam inlet for snuffing 熄火蒸汽吹入管 steam inlet nipple 进汽管螺纹接套 steam inlet pipe 进汽管 steam inlet plane {n.}蒸汽入口 steam inlet plug 进汽口塞 steam intensifier 蒸汽增压器 steam iron {n.}蒸汽熨斗[美] steam iron generator 蒸汽铁屑生氢器,氢气发生器 steam isolating 蒸汽隔离阀 steam jacket {n.}蒸汽套管(汽套) steam jacketed 蒸汽套的 steam jacketed hasher 带蒸汽夹套的切肉机 steam jacketed mold 蒸汽夹套模 steam jet {vi.}蒸汽喷射(汽射) steam jet agitator 喷汽搅拌槽,蒸汽喷射搅拌器 steam jet air pump 蒸汽泵,汽轮泵 steam jet atomizer 气流喷射器 steam jet blower 喷气鼓风机 steam jet blower kiln 蒸汽喷射干燥窑 steam jet burner 蒸汽雾化式燃烧器 steam jet ejector 蒸汽喷射器 steam jet exhauster 排汽器 steam jet pump [化]蒸汽喷射泵 steam jet refrigerating system 蒸汽喷射制冷系统 steam jet sand blast 蒸汽喷砂机 steam jet vacuum pump 蒸汽喷射真空泵 steam jet water heater 喷汽式热水器 steam kettle 蒸汽(加热)锅 steam kiln 蒸汽式麦芽烘干炉 steam lance 低压蒸汽除冰器 steam lap [工]蒸汽余面 steam leak-off valve 漏气阀 steam leakage 漏气 steam line [化]供汽管 steam lock 汽封,汽塞 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车 steam loop 蒸汽环管 steam lorry 蒸汽货车 steam main 蒸汽总管 steam manifold 汽包,集汽箱 steam metal 蒸汽机零件黄铜 steam meter 蒸汽流量计 steam meter manometer 蒸汽流量表,汽流计 steam mist 蒸汽轻雾 steam molecule 蒸汽分子 steam mooring winch 蒸汽系泊绞车 steam motor car 蒸汽车 steam navvy 蒸汽控掘机,蒸汽挖掘机,汽铲,汽力掘凿机,单斗挖土机 steam nebulization 蒸气喷雾法 steam nozzle [化]蒸汽喷嘴 steam off 用蒸汽使(某物)脱离 steam oil heater [化]蒸汽式油加热器 steam oil magnetic valve [化]蒸汽燃油电磁阀 steam open 蒸气拆封 steam orifice [医]蒸气口 steam out [化]蒸汽吹出 steam outlet valve 蒸汽出口阀 steam oxidation 蒸汽氧化 steam pack [医]蒸汽裹法 steam pack apparatus [医]蒸气湿敷器 steam packing 汽密 steam paraffining apparatus [机]石蜡蒸馏器 steam parameter 蒸汽参数 steam passage 汽道,蒸汽通路 steam passage drain 汽路排水孔 steam past {vi.}呼啸而过 steam peeler (果蔬)蒸汽去皮机 steam penetration {n.}蒸汽渗透 steam period 通蒸汽期 steam phosphating 热(蒸汽)磷化 steam pile driver 汽力打桩机 steam pile hammer 蒸汽打桩锤 steam pipe [机]汽管 steam pipe T connection 丁字形汽管接头 steam pipe choke 汽管堵 steam pipe coil 蒸汽旋管 steam pipe expansion loop 蒸汽管膨胀圈 steam pipe isolating valve 汽管隔离保安阀 steam pipe line [化]蒸汽管线 steam pipe linesteam supply 蒸汽管道 steam pipe oven 蒸汽加热炉 steam pipe plug 汽管塞 steam pipe sleeve 汽管套 steam pipe stud 汽管柱螺栓 steam pipe support 汽管架 steam pipe swivel 汽管旋转接头 steam pipe tee 汽管丁字管节 steam pipe tee head 蒸汽管丁字头 steam pipe union 汽管连管接 steam piping 蒸汽管道 steam piston 蒸汽活塞 steam piston ring 蒸汽活塞环 steam plant [化]蒸汽动力厂 steam plate 蒸汽(加热)板 steam platen press 蒸汽平压机 steam pleating cabinet 蒸汽打裥室 steam plough 蒸汽机引犁 steam plunger pump 蒸汽活塞泵 steam pocket [化]汽袋,汽窝,汽泡,汽囊 steam pocket in water tank of radiator 散热器水箱汽囊 steam pockets 蒸汽包 steam point [化]汽点 steam port 汽口 steam power [机]蒸汽动力,蒸汽力 steam power plant {n.}火力发电厂,蒸气动力厂 steam power station [机]蒸汽动力厂 steam powerplant {n.}火力发电厂,蒸气动力厂 steam pressure {n.}汽压 steam pressure detector [化]蒸汽压力指示器 steam pressure gauge [化]汽压表 steam pressure respirator [医]蒸汽加压呼吸器 steam pressure switch [化]蒸汽压力开关 steam pressure test [化]汽压试验 steam puffer 蒸汽喷射烫衣机 steam pump 蒸汽泵 steam pumping engine {n.}蒸汽机 steam purifier 蒸汽净化装置 steam quality 蒸汽品质 steam quenching 蒸汽淬火 steam rack dryer 蒸汽排管(生坯)干燥室 steam radiator 蒸汽散热器 steam radio {n.}(与电视相比显得过时的)无线电广播 steam raising 蒸汽蒸发,气化蒸发,产生蒸汽 steam raising equipment 蒸汽发生器 steam raising plant 蒸汽发生装置 steam raising unit [化]蒸汽发生器 steam ram 汽动锤体,汽动推钢机,汽动撞头,直接作用蒸汽汽缸 steam rate [化]汽耗,汽耗率 steam rate guarantee [化]保证汽耗 steam receiver 储汽器 steam reciprocating pump [化]蒸汽往复泵 steam recovery tower [化]蒸汽回收塔 steam reducing tee 汽管缩径丁字管节 steam reducing valve 蒸汽减压阀 steam refined oil 汽炼油 steam refining 蒸汽精炼 steam reformation 蒸汽重整 steam reforming 蒸汽转化 steam regulating valve 调整汽阀 steam regulator 总汽门,蒸汽调节阀 steam reheater [化]蒸汽再热器 steam release valve 放汽阀 steam rendering 蒸汽炼(动物)油 steam requirement 蒸汽需用量 steam reservoir 储汽筒 steam return line [化]冷凝蒸汽管线 steam reversing gear 蒸汽反向机构 steam roll 蒸汽加热辊 steam roller==>{n.}蒸汽压路机,高压手段 {v.}压垮 steam run 蒸汽吹炼,蒸汽鼓风 steam run gas 蒸汽吹出的气体 steam sand blaster 蒸汽喷砂机 steam sand blower 蒸汽喷砂器 steam sanding control {n.}汽动撒沙手柄 steam seal 蒸汽密封,汽封 steam seal gland 汽封,汽封装置 steam seal regulator {n.}轴封调节器 steam seasoned 蒸汽加热处理 steam seasoning 蒸汽干燥,蒸汽干燥法 steam section 蒸汽解吸段 steam security valve 蒸汽安全阀 steam separator 汽水分离器 steam set 湿固化 steam ship {n.}轮船,汽船 steam shop 锅炉间 steam shovel {n.}蒸汽铲[美],蒸汽挖土机 steam siren 蒸汽警笛 steam smothering system 蒸汽灭火装置 steam space 蒸汽空间 steam spinning 蒸汽纺丝法 steam spray 蒸汽喷雾 steam spraying 蒸汽喷涂(用过热蒸汽代替压缩空气) steam spraying gun 蒸汽喷枪 steam spraying process [化]蒸汽喷涂法 steam stamp 蒸汽捣矿机[捣碎机,冲压机] steam stamp cylinder 汽捣活塞 steam sterilization 湿热灭菌,蒸汽消毒 steam sterilization under pressure [医]加压蒸气消毒 steam sterilization without pressure [医]非压力蒸汽灭菌法 steam sterilized soil 蒸气消毒土壤 steam sterilizer [医]蒸汽灭菌器 steam sterilizing 蒸汽灭菌 steam still [化]蒸汽蒸馏器 steam stirring [化]蒸汽搅拌 steam stop 蒸汽截止阀 steam strainer [化]滤汽器,滤汽网 steam strainer valve 滤汽阀 steam striker 汽锤 steam stripping 汽提 steam stuffing box 汽缸填密函 steam superheater [化]蒸汽过热器 steam superheating 蒸汽过热 steam supply 蒸汽供应,供汽 steam supply and power generating plant 热电厂 steam supply and power generation [化]热电站 steam supply and power generation plant [化]热电厂 steam supply line [化]蒸汽供应线 steam supply pipe [化]供汽管 steam supply valve 供汽阀 steam table {n.}具有蒸汽保温设备的餐桌(或食品台),食物之蒸汽保温桌 steam tail piece 进汽部尾管 steam temperature {n.}蒸汽温度 steam temperature control 蒸气温度控制,蒸汽温度控制 steam tempering 蒸汽回火 steam tension 蒸汽压(力) steam test 蒸汽试验 steam thawing 蒸汽解冻 steam the meat [fish] 蒸肉[鱼] steam therapy unit [医]蒸气治疗器 steam throttle valve 节汽阀 steam throttling 蒸汽节流 steam tight [化]不透蒸汽的,汽密的,蒸汽密封 steam tight globe 汽密灯罩 steam tight joint [化]汽密接合 steam tight test [化]汽密性试验 steam tiller 蒸汽操舵机 steam trace (加热)蒸汽管道 steam trace heating [化]蒸汽式伴随加热法 steam tracing 蒸汽保温加热器 steam tracing line [化]蒸汽伴热管路,蒸汽伴随加热管路 steam traction 蒸汽牵引 steam tractor 蒸汽拖拉机 steam train {n.}蒸汽机车牵引的列车,蒸汽火车 steam trap 疏水器 steam trap valve 滤汽阀 steam treating 蒸汽处理 steam treatment (水)蒸气处理 steam treatment of soil 土壤蒸汽处理 steam trial 蒸汽动力装置试验 steam tug 蒸汽机拖轮 steam turbine {n.}蒸汽轮机 steam turbine bypass system 汽轮机旁路系统 steam turbine centrifugal fat extractor (油渣下脚)蒸汽涡轮离心式提取器 steam turbine condenser [化]蒸汽透平冷凝器 steam turbine generator {n.}汽轮发电机组 steam turbine generator sets {pl.}发电汽轮机组 steam turbine locomotive 汽轮机车 steam turbine set {n.}蒸汽轮机组 steam turbo-alternator 汽轮发电机 steam turbo-compressor 汽轮压缩机 steam turbo-generator 汽轮发电机 steam under pressure [医]加压蒸汽 steam union 汽管联管节 steam union gasket 汽管节垫密片 steam up (使)蒙上水汽 steam valve 蒸汽阀 steam valve bonnet 汽阀帽 steam valve bronze 蒸汽阀青铜 steam valve center piece 汽阀中心件 steam valve disk lock nut 汽阀盘防松螺母 steam valve gland 汽阀压盖 steam valve packing 汽阀填密 steam valve packing gland 汽阀填密压盖 steam valve spindle 汽阀轴 steam valve stem 汽阀杆 steam vapor cabinet [医]蒸汽浴箱 steam vaporizer [化]蒸汽蒸发器 steam vapour system 低压蒸汽系统 steam vessel 汽船 steam void 蒸汽空腔 steam vulcanization [化]蒸汽硫化 steam vulcanizer 蒸汽硫化器 steam washer 蒸汽清洗设备 steam water heater 汽水加热器 steam water system 蒸汽水系统 steam whistle {n.}汽笛 steam winch 蒸汽绞车,蒸汽卷扬机 steamed bone meal [化]蒸骨粉,蒸制骨粉 steamed bread {n.}馒头 steamed bun [医]馒头 steamed bun filled with roast pork {n.}叉烧包 steamed bun making machine 馒头机 steamed chicken in spicy gravy {n.}园林香液鸡 steamed chicken with rice flour {n.}粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken with straw mushroom {n.}草菇蒸滑鸡 steamed chicken with stuffing {n.}富贵鸡 steamed chicken with truffle {n.}半口蘑蒸鸡 steamed concrete 蒸汽养护的混凝土 steamed cracking unit [化]蒸汽裂化装置 steamed duck slices 宏图鸭 steamed dumpling {n.}蒸饺 steamed egg with rock sugar {n.}冰花炖蛋 steamed eggs with clams {n.}蛤蜊蒸蛋 steamed fish {n.}清蒸鱼 steamed fish with egg sauce {n.}鸡蛋汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushroom sauce {n.}口蘑汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with tomato and mushroom sauce {n.}西红柿蘑菇汁蒸鱼 steamed garoupa {n.}清蒸石斑 steamed glutinous rice {n.}粽子 steamed grouper slices spread with minced shrimp and mushrooms {n.}石上鸣秋蝉 steamed long life cake {n.}寿桃 steamed meat 蒸肉,蒸熟肉 steamed minced pork with dried squids {n.}土鱿蒸肉饼 steamed minced pork with salted egg {n.}咸蛋肉饼 steamed pomfret in oil {n.}油浸鲳鱼 steamed pork with rice flour {n.}米粉蒸肉 steamed pork with salted dried mustard cabbage {n.}梅干菜扣肉 steamed rice 蒸米饭 steamed roll 卷子 steamed rolls 蒸汽加热辊 steamed shad 清蒸鲥鱼 steamed spareribs with rice flour {n.}粉蒸排骨 steamed sponge cake {n.}松糕 steamed vermicelli roll {n.}肠粉 steamed whole chicken in clear soup {n.}清蒸全鸡 steamed whole coconut stuffed with diced chicken and ham {n.}海南椰子盅例句与用法: They kept up a good head of steam. 他们把蒸气压力保持在所需的水平上. Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. 水加热则成为蒸汽,冷却则成为冰。 Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror. 水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。 The ferryboat in the harbor got op steam for the crossing to the island. 泊在港内的渡轮增强了锅炉的汽压,准备驶向那个岛屿。 A pipe,tube,or channel for conveying hot air,gas,steam,or smoke,as from a furnace or fireplace to a chimney. 通气管一种用于运送热气、可燃气、水流或烟的导管、软管或管道,如从火炉或炉子传送到烟囱 A forcible stream of air,gas,or steam from an opening,especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion. 吹风,送风从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流 Prior to entering the nozzle,the steam is at high pressure. 在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。 The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy. 那热气腾腾的蛋糕对这个饥饿的男孩是个诱惑。 The steam locomotives were superseded by diesel units. 蒸汽机车已被柴油内燃机车所取代。 Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes. 做父母的有时必须让孩寸们吵吵闹闹,发泄发泄。 The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。 Calm down it's nothing to get steamed up about! 冷静一点--没什麽可激动的! The steam tug takes canal boats and barges in tow. 驳船后面拖着小艇和平底船。 Steam is condensed to water when it touches a cold surface. 水蒸汽触及冷的表面即凝结成水。 Steam condenses/is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface. 蒸气接触冷的表面而凝结成水珠. In using superheated steam,compounding becomes less effective. 使用过热蒸汽时,混合的效果就会减少。 Steam condenses into water when cooling down. 蒸汽冷却时凝结成水。 I cycled for nearly ten miles before I ran out of steam. 我骑了约10英里的车便感到筋疲力尽了。 There was a puff of steam from the engine before it stopped. 机车喷出一股蒸气後就停了下来. He steamed the stamp off the envelope. 他用蒸汽把信封上的邮票揭下来。 Heat evaporates water into steam. 水受热变成水蒸汽。 The steam has fogged the mirror. 水汽布满了镜子。 The mirror fogged up with the steam. 镜子因蒙上水气而模糊不清。 It is said that James Watt's observation of steam issuing from a kettle gave birth to the idea of the steam engine. 据说,詹姆斯?瓦特对水壶蒸气的观察使他产生了发明蒸汽机的想法。 In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood. 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。 I'd forgotten what good value steam radio was till I have to spend those days in bed. 在那些日子里,我不得不卧床休息,这使我记起了无线电广播的用处。 The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。 Insulation used to prevent heat diffusion,as from a steam pipe. 绝热材料用来防止热量散失的绝热材料,如从蒸汽输送管上 An enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated,either as hot water or as steam,for heating or power. 锅炉,汽锅一种封闭的容器,可对热水或蒸气在此加热或进行循环,以获取热量或动力 Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century. 19世纪是蒸汽机车的全盛时期. The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise. 蒸汽发出很大的嘶嘶声冒了出来. An insulation covering for a steam pipe,wire,boiler,or similar part. 绝缘护套蒸汽管、电线、锅炉或类似部分的绝缘外套 Who invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸汽机? The janitor let off some steam because the pressure was too high. 由于压力过高,火炉工放掉了一些蒸气。 The first steam locomotive,introduced in1825,had a top speed of only thirteen mph,and the great sailing ships of the time laboured a long at less than half that speed. 1825年推出的第十辆蒸汽机最大速度每小时仅为13英里,而那时的大帆船行驶得更慢,还不到这个速度的一半。 And the propulsion method whether steam or diesel,you'll leave to us,I suppose? 至于动力方式是采用"蒸气式"抑或"柴油式",我想贵公司将交由我方全权处理吧? The children were out in the playground letting off steam. 那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力. Mr Smith found the steaming jungle a living death. 史密斯先生觉得,那湿热的热带丛林简直无法生活。 The steam locomotive has been superseded by the diesel locomotive. 蒸汽机车被柴油机车取代了。 For many years the motive power of trains was steam. 好多年,火车的动力是蒸汽。 The Industrial Revolution originated in/from the invention of the steam engine. 工业革命始于蒸汽机的发明。 A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads. 蒸汽压路机用来修筑道路。 From a steaming stench below,the banks were coated with a slimy mould that stuck to them like glue,disgusting to behold and worse to smell 堤岸上铺着一层从下面来的臭气所凝结成的霉东西,使得眼睛和鼻子都感到憎恶。 The act of soaking or cleansing the body,as in water or steam. 洗澡,沐浴在水或水蒸汽里浸泡或洗净身体 Most people know electricity standing still is no more useful than is a stationary belt between a steam engine and a machine to be driven. 大多数人认为,停滞不动的电并不比架设在蒸汽机和要被传动的机器之间的固定带更有用。 The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement. 反动政府枉费心机地企图削弱这场抗议运动。 He had little steam left in him after a hard day's work. 辛苦工作一天后,他几乎没有一点气力了。 He used to travel by steam. 他过去常乘轮船旅行。 My mother is steaming fish. 我妈妈正在蒸鱼。 The car windows steamed up. 汽车窗户上有一层水汽。 The cup of coffee was steaming. 那杯咖啡在冒热气。 The train steamed into the station. 火车驶进车站。 Full steam ahead! 全速前进!全力以赴,尽力[快] In the steam bath. I sweated off two pounds in an hour. 洗蒸汽浴时,我在一小时内就因出汗而使体重下降了两磅。 In1768 the first steam engine appeared. 在1768年出现了第一部蒸汽机。 Although the engineer shoveled the coal in as fast as he could,the steam engine would go no faster. 虽然火车司炉尽快地将煤铲进炉子,但火车一点也没加快。 Electric trains have taken the place of steam trains in Britain. 在英国,电气火车已经代替了蒸汽火车。 Her glasses became steamed up when she came into the warm room. 她走进温暖的房间时,眼镜上布满了水汽。 The glass windows steam up quickly at night in winter. 玻璃窗在冬天的夜晚很快就结上水汽。 Don't leave that steamed bread on the table,it will dry out. 不要把馒头放在桌子上,它会干硬的。 Make that steam meat,please. 那道菜就来蒸肉吧。 A steamed rice dish often with meat,shellfish,or vegetables in a seasoned broth. 肉饭常在调味汤里加有肉、壳水生动物或蔬菜煮的蒸米饭 Our hostess served up a large plate of steaming hot dumplings. 女主人给我们端上来一大盘热气腾腾的饺子。 The hostess brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee. 女主人给我们拿出一满壶热气腾腾的咖啡。 Steam locomotives were superseded by diesel. 蒸汽机车被内燃机车取代了。 A steam engine transforms heat into power. 蒸汽机将热能转变成动力。 I go out for a long walk when Iit helps me to work off steam. 我感到忧虑时,就外出长时间的散步,这样有助于我消愁解闷。 A stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed. 杜夫布丁一种硬面揉制的布丁,在布袋中煮或蒸熟 How do you change water into steam? 你们怎样能把水变为蒸气? Ice,snow and steam are different forms of water. 冰、雪和蒸汽是水的不同形态。 She is easily steamed up about trifles. 她容易在小事上生气。 The train got up a head of steam again after a stop. 列车停过以后又加大了马力,越开越快。 The window has clouded over in the steam. 窗户蒙上水蒸气,已变得模糊不清了。 When water boils it turns into steam. 水沸腾而变成蒸汽. A mass,as of dust,smoke,or steam,suspended in the atmosphere or in outer space. 烟云,烟尘灰尘、烟或蒸汽组成的一团,悬垂于大气或外部空间 His glasses have steamed over,and he has to wipe them to see clearly. 他的眼镜蒙上了水汽,他得擦擦才能看清楚。 Steam forms when water boils. 水煮沸之后就形成蒸汽。 Steam puffed up from a crack in the metal. 蒸气从金属缝隙中冒出来。 you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower. 擦身和冷水浴之前在蒸汽房中把汗都蒸出来。 A traditional North African dish consisting of pasta steamed with a meat and vegetable stew. 蒸粗麦粉食品一种北非传统菜,由肉、蔬菜根和粗面粉蒸成 The steam has been condensed into a few drops of water. 蒸气已过凝结成数滴水。 dark steamed bread made of cornmeal wheat and flour with molasses and soda and milk or water. 由玉米粉、小麦粉、苏打、牛奶或水等成分蒸成的深色面包。 The canal has been opened up to steam navigation. 运河已经可以航行轮船。 Steam navigation has been opened up between the two cities. 这两个城市之间已有轮船通航。 A steel plate used in making the shells of steam boilers. 锅炉钢板用来制锅炉壁的钢板 the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material. 蒸汽或火山物的突然而猛烈的释放。 a water-plastic highly resistant to steam and water. 防水纤维;塑料有很强的防水汽和防水的性能。 A boat steaming up the Nile 向尼罗河上游行驶的汽船 Steam is condensed in the condenser. 蒸汽在冷凝器中凝结。 Generators are driven by steam turbines. 发电机由汽轮机带动。 steam supply and power generating plant 热电厂 steam turbine bypass system 汽轮机旁路系统 He have little steam leave in him after a hard day's work. 辛苦工作一天後,他几乎没有一点气力了。 Watt invented the steam engine. 瓦特发明了蒸汽机。 Watt inaugurated the age of steam. 瓦特开创了蒸汽时代。 Steam exhausts through this valve. 蒸汽通过这个阀门 It is made by wrapping a mound of glutinous rice mixed with sausage,mushrooms,shrimps,peanuts and smoked bacon in a large lotus leaf and steaming it,which allows the nutty fragrance of the leaf to permeate the rice. 是用荷叶包起一团糯米,里面夹杂着腊肠、香菇、虾仁、花生仁和熏肉。然后将它蒸熟,蒸的过程中,荷叶的芳香渐渐渗入饭中。 steam ejection vacuum pump 水蒸汽喷射真空泵 boiler steam temperature control 锅炉汽温调节 natural gas steam reformer 天然气蒸汽转化炉英英解释(Powered By WordNet):名词[1.n.steam]同义词:[steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]注释例句:water at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere上位词 -> [vapor(n.水汽,水蒸气,无实质之物 vi.蒸发,自夸 vt.使蒸发 n.自夸者)] [suspension(n.吊,悬浮,悬浮液,暂停,中止,悬而未决,延迟)] [mixture(n.混合,混合物,混合剂)] [substance(n.物质,实质,主旨)] [matter(n.事件,问题,物质,内容,实质,原因,(印刷或书写的)文件,(文章或讲话等的)素材 vi.有关系,要紧)] [physical entity] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [live steam(流通蒸汽)]派生词 -> [steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)] [steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]动词[1.v.steam]同义词:[steamer(n.汽船,蒸汽机)] [steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]注释例句:travel by "The ship steamed off into the Pacific"上位词 -> [travel(v.旅行,传播 vi.行进,传播 n.旅行)]所有 -> [navigation(n.航海,航空,导航,领航,航行)]种类 -> [navigation(n.航海,航空,导航,领航,航行)]派生词 -> [steamer(n.汽船,蒸汽机)] [steamer(n.汽船,蒸汽机)][2.v.steam]同义词:[steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]注释例句:"The rain forest was literally steaming"上位词 -> [emit(vt.发出,放射,吐露,散发,发表,发行)][3.v.steam]同义词:[steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]注释例句:rise as vapor上位词 -> [rise(n.上升,增加,上涨,高地,小山,发生,出现 vi.升起,起身,发源,起义,高耸,增长,上升,复活 vt.使飞起)] [travel(v.旅行,传播 vi.行进,传播 n.旅行)][4.v.steam]同义词:[steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]注释例句:"her indifference to his amorous advances really steamed the young man"上位词 -> [anger(n.怒,愤怒 v.恼火)] [feel(vt.摸,触,试探,感觉,觉得,触摸,以为 vi.有知觉,(人)有某种感觉,摸索,同情 n.感觉,觉得,触摸)][5.v.steam]同义词:[steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)] [steam clean]注释例句:clean "steam-clean the upholstered sofa"上位词 -> [clean(adj.清洁的,干净的,清白的 v.打扫,使干净,清扫)] [change(n.改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱,找头,辅币 vt.改变,变革,改造,兑换)]派生词 -> [steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)][6.v.steam]同义词:[steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)]注释例句:cook something by lettin"just steam the vegetables"上位词 -> [cook(n.厨师 v.烹调,煮,伪造)] [change integrity] [change(n.改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱,找头,辅币 vt.改变,变革,改造,兑换)]所有 -> [cooking(n.烹饪)]种类 -> [cooking(n.烹饪)]派生词 -> [steam(n.蒸汽,水汽 vi.蒸发 vt.蒸)] [steamer(n.汽船,蒸汽机)] [steamer(n.汽船,蒸汽机)]西安速译通信息科技专注词典与翻译领域, 给您带来更好的查询体验, 联系Email:}


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