
在unity3d中水能做的跟真的一样吗 比如用手拍的时候 水滴散出去_百度知道
在unity3d中水能做的跟真的一样吗 比如用手拍的时候 水滴散出去
首先Unity中自带的Water (Pro Only)和Water (Basic)包都是材质(shader),是视觉上的水面表现。要想完成你这个任务,需要流体物理模拟(Fluid Physics 或 Liquid Physics)。可以去 Assets Store 上看看 Fluvio 这个插件,有免费版和示例工程。但是一般简单的也可以自己实现,因为游戏里大多不会出现全部的流体表现情况(全模拟是很耗费硬件资源的)。你可以自定义一个粒子发生器,它的效果是水溅开的运动,然后检测到与水面碰撞时调用它就可以了。
  摘要:本文简单的阐述了使用Unity3D游戏引擎自带的第一人称控制器创建的第一人称游戏者在水面之下行进时,如何让游戏画面呈现出和其在水面之上时不同的视觉效果。中国论文网 /8/view-3776051.htm  关键词:Unity3D;游戏引擎;第一人称视角;水下效果  中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号: (2012) 15-0000-02  Unity3D是一款由Unity Technologies开发的一款游戏引擎,是一种便捷易用的交互式图形化的综合型游戏开发工具。它可以很方便的让非计算机专业的开发人员创建自己的三维电脑游戏、建筑的可视化游历、以及实时交互的三维动画作品。该游戏引擎支持多种系统平台,它开发的作品可以很方便的在PC、MAC等计算机平台上运行,也可以在Android和iOS等移动设备平台上运行,还可直接发布到网页。该游戏引擎还对常用的三维建模软件如3DMAX、Maya有着非常好的兼容性,可以很方便的把在上述三维建模软件当中建造好的各种三维模型导入到游戏场景之中。因此,该开发平台应用非常广泛,特别是在艺术设计领域,更是受到广大开发人员的推崇。  该引擎在其内置的Standard Assets资源包的Prefabs项下,提供了一个名为Firsr Person Controller(第一人称控制器)的预制对象。开发人员在游戏场景中加入此预制对象,即可很方便的创建出一个第一人称视角的游戏者,然后配合键盘上的W、A、S、D按键和鼠标,即可控制游戏者的运动方向和视角。这样一来,开发人员可以几乎不用写任何程序代码,即可实现一个三维游戏场景的可视化游历。  在该游戏引擎内置的Pro Standard Assets资源包的Water项下,还提供了一个名为DayLight Water的预制对象,通过在场景中导入该对象,我们可以很方便的在场景中创建出一个水体系统。其覆盖面积大小和水面的视觉效果,可以通过在Inspector窗口中指定DayLight Water对象的一系列参数来指定。建立好水体系统后,我们操纵使用系统内置的第一人称控制器创建的游戏者走到水面之下时,就会发现,游戏玩家无论是在水面之上还是在水面之下,表现出来的视觉效果都是一样的。为什么是这样的呢?原来,Unity引擎内置的“DayLight Water”对象只是一个指定了位置、面积和高度的具有水面属性材质的一个平面。这个平面之上和平面之下,环境都是一样的,因此无论游戏者在水面之上还是水面之下,屏幕上呈现的第一人称视角游戏画面的视觉效果都是一样的。而现实中,我们在水下的视角看上去的画面是和在水面之上的视角看上去是有区别的,一般来说,水下看到的场景会有水本身的颜色,而且看起来会有些模糊。  那么,我们如何才能让游戏者在水面之上和在水面之下时看到的画面呈现出不同效果呢?首先,我们来分析一下DayLight Water对象的基本属性:在Hierarchy窗口中我们选定游戏场景中的DayLight Water对象后,在Inspector窗口可以看到其一系列的属性,其中在Trasform属性当中有一个名为Position的项,包括X、Y和Z三个数值。其中Y值就是指水平面距离游戏场景的地形系统中的基本地平面的高度。在场景的地形之中,只要距离基本地平面的高度小于Y值得低洼地面和放置其上的三维模型,就会淹没在水面之下,反之高于此数值的高原、山地和放置其上的三维模型则会露出在水面之上。Unity引擎中的第一人称控制器对象,是沿着地面运动的,因此当我们运行游戏时用W、A、S、D键操纵游戏者走到高度值低于水面的Y值得地面时,游戏者就会沉入水中。  接下来我们再分析一下Firsr Person Controller(第一人称控制器)预制对象。当我们在Hierarchy窗口中展开Firsr Person Controller对象后,我们发现原来Firsr Person Controller是由两个子对象构成的,其中一个子对象是一个竖立的胶囊形物体,名为“Graphics”,而另一个则是名为“MainCamera”的摄像机对象。事实上,我们用W、A、S、D键操纵第一人称游戏者运动的时候,事实上是在操纵“Graphics”对象在运动,而摄像机“MainCamera”是绑定在“Graphics”物体上并随之运动的,我们从画面上看到的第一人称场景,就是“MainCamera”摄像机视角的场景。这样,我们只需要对Firsr Person Controller的摄像机子对象“MainCamera”进行设定,使之在水面之下时让其视角中的画面呈现出类似人们在水下看到的场景效果,就可以达到我们本文所讨论的目的了。  首先,我们看看如何使摄像机视角的画面呈现类似在水下的感觉。我们可以先尝试给画面染上类似水下的淡蓝绿色:在Hierarchy窗口中,我们选中“MainCamera”摄像机对象,然后在屏幕上方的Component菜单下选择Image Effects子菜单,并选中其中的Color Correction项,此时,Inspector窗口中就会多出一组名为“Color Correction Effect”的参数,我们对其中的R、G、B值做一下微调,比方说把R设置为-0.4,这样,我们切换到摄像视图去看的话,就会发现画面颜色变暗并被染上淡淡的蓝绿色了。接下来,我们再尝试使画面变模糊:我们从刚才的Image Effects子菜单中选择“Blur”项,并在Inspector窗口中调整“Blur Effect”的有关参数,比方说把Iterations设置为1,Blur Spread设置为0.3.这样,我们再切换到摄像机视图去看,就会发现画面已经呈现略带模糊的蓝绿色,很像在水下的感觉了。上述工作完成之后,我们运行一下游戏场景,就会发现,此时无论第一人称游戏者是在水面之上还是水面之下,画面呈现的都是水面之下的感觉。这样显然还是不符合我们的最终目的。因此,我们还需要写一段JavaScript程序代码,让这个第一人称摄像机来判断当前所处的位置是否再水面之下,并根据需要来开启“Color Correction Effect”和“Blur Effect”。   接下来,我们在Hierarchy窗口中点选Firsr Person Controller的摄像机子对象“MainCamera”,在Inspector窗口中检视其相关属性和参数,会发现它也有一组Trasform属性,对应的Position的项也同样包括X、Y和Z三个数值。而且切换到摄像机视图并运行游戏场景时,会发现这三个数值是随着我们操纵第一人称游戏者在画面上运动而不断改变的。当第一人称游戏者走到水面之下以后,Y值就小于水面的Y值了。因此,我们只需要检测“MainCamera”的Y值是否大于水面的Y值,即可判定游戏者是在水面之上还是在水面之下了。我们可以创建以下JavaScript程序代码:  var Camara_1 : GameObject;  var Under : float;  function Start(){  Camara_1 = GameObject.Find("/First Person Controller/Main Camera");  }  function Update () {  if(transform.position.y < Under)  {  Camara_1.GetComponent("ColorCorrectionEffect").enabled = true;  Camara_1.GetComponent("BlurEffect").enabled = true;  }  if(transform.position.y > Under)  {  Camara_1.GetComponent("ColorCorrectionEffect").enabled = false;  Camara_1.GetComponent("BlurEffect").enabled = false;  }  }  此段程序代码中,我们设定当该摄像机所在位置的高度低于“Hight”变量的数值时开启“Color Correction Effect”和“Blur Effect”效果,高于此数值时则会关掉上述效果。我们将此段程序代码命名为“UnderWater.js”并保存  最后,我们再次在Hierarchy窗口中点选Firsr Person Controller的摄像机子对象“MainCamera”,然后把刚才创建好的程序代码文件拖放到“MainCamera”项上面。此时,在Inspector窗口中我们即可看到一个名为“UnderWater”的组件,展开该组件,可以看到该组件包含一个名为“Hight”的变量。我们点选此变量,然后把之前我们在“DayLightWater”对象中设定的水面高度值输入进去,游戏运行时,当摄像机低于水面高度时就会开启“Color Correction Effect”和“Blur Effect”效果,高于此数值时则会关掉上述效果。这样,我们就实现了第一人称游戏者在水面之上和水面之下游戏画面显示的不同视觉效果了。  参考文献:  [1]《Unity游戏开发实战》,米歇尔·梅纳德著,机械工业出版社  [2]《Unity3D游戏开发》,宣雨松著,人民邮电出版社
《Unity 5.X从入门到精通》 楼主 我也在学习, 比你进度稍微快一点点,我看到2D 的那章了,加个好友啊,学习当中可以相互交流一下,互帮互助
发布时间: 09:44:40
作者:Alex Rose
unity-water-linerenderer(from gamedevelopment)
LineRenderer B
const float springconstant = 0.02f;
const float damping = 0.04f;
const float spread = 0.05f;
const float z = -1f;
public GameObject splash:
public Material mat:
public GameObject watermesh:
public void SpawnWater(float Left, float Width, float Top, float Bottom)
int edgecount = Mathf.RoundToInt(Width) * 5;
int nodecount = edgecount + 1;
我们将针对每个单位宽度使用5个节点,以便呈现流畅的移动(你可以改变这一点以便平衡效率与流畅性)。我们由此可得到所有线段,然后需要在末端的节点 + 1。
Body = gameObject.AddComponent&LineRenderer&();
Body.material =
Body.material.renderQueue = 1000;
Body.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f);
xpositions = new float[nodecount];
ypositions = new float[nodecount];
velocities = new float[nodecount];
accelerations = new float[nodecount];
meshobjects = new GameObject[edgecount];
meshes = new Mesh[edgecount];
colliders = new GameObject[edgecount];
baseheight = T
bottom = B
for (int i = 0; i & i++)
ypositions[i] = T
xpositions[i] = Left + Width * i /
accelerations[i] = 0;
velocities[i] = 0;
Body.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z));
我们将把LineRenderer (Body)中的每个节点设为其正确的位置,以此完成这个循环。
for (int i = 0; i & i++)
meshes[i] = new Mesh();
unity-water-Firstmesh(from gamedevelopment)
Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
Vertices[0] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z);
Vertices[1] = new Vector3(xpositions[i + 1], ypositions[i + 1], z);
Vertices[2] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], bottom, z);
Vertices[3] = new Vector3(xpositions[i+1], bottom, z);
Vector2[] UVs = new Vector2[4];
UVs[0] = new Vector2(0, 1);
UVs[1] = new Vector2(1, 1);
UVs[2] = new Vector2(0, 0);
UVs[3] = new Vector2(1, 0);
unity-water-Tris(from gamedevelopment)
int[] tris = new int[6] { 0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0 };
meshes[i].vertices = V
meshes[i].uv = UVs;
meshes[i].triangles =
meshobjects[i] = Instantiate(watermesh,Vector3.zero,Quaternion.identity) as GameO
meshobjects[i].GetComponent&MeshFilter&().mesh = meshes[i];
meshobjects[i].transform.parent =
colliders[i] = new GameObject();
colliders[i].name = &#8220;Trigger&#8221;;
colliders[i].transform.parent =
colliders[i].transform.position = new Vector3(Left + Width * (i + 0.5f) / edgecount, Top &#f, 0);
colliders[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(Width / edgecount, 1, 1);
colliders[i].GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().isTrigger =
void UpdateMeshes()
for (int i = 0; i & meshes.L i++)
Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
Vertices[0] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z);
Vertices[1] = new Vector3(xpositions[i+1], ypositions[i+1], z);
Vertices[2] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], bottom, z);
Vertices[3] = new Vector3(xpositions[i+1], bottom, z);
meshes[i].vertices = V
void FixedUpdate()
for (int i = 0; i & xpositions.L i++)
float force = springconstant * (ypositions[i] &#8211; baseheight) + velocities[i]*
accelerations[i] = -
ypositions[i] += velocities[i];
velocities[i] += accelerations[i];
Body.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z));
accelerations[i] = -force/
现在我们将创造波传播。以下节点是根据Michael Hoffman的教程调整而来的:
float[] leftDeltas = new float[xpositions.Length];
float[] rightDeltas = new float[xpositions.Length];
for (int j = 0; j & 8; j++)
for (int i = 0; i & xpositions.L i++)
if (i & 0)
leftDeltas[i] = spread * (ypositions[i] &#8211; ypositions[i-1]);
velocities[i - 1] += leftDeltas[i];
if (i & xpositions.Length &#8211; 1)
rightDeltas[i] = spread * (ypositions[i] &#8211; ypositions[i + 1]);
velocities[i + 1] += rightDeltas[i];
当我们集齐所有的高度数据时,我们最后就可以派上用场了。我们无法查看到最右端的节点右侧,或者最大左端的节点左侧,因此基条件就是i & 0以及i & xpositions.Length &#8211; 1。
public void Splash(float xpos, float velocity)
if (xpos &= xpositions[0] && xpos &= xpositions[xpositions.Length-1])
xpos -= xpositions[0];
int index = Mathf.RoundToInt((xpositions.Length-1)*(xpos / (xpositions[xpositions.Length-1] &#8211; xpositions[0])));
velocities[index] =
Particle-System(from gamedevelopment)
float lifetime = 0.93f + Mathf.Abs(velocity)*0.07f;
splash.GetComponent&ParticleSystem&().startSpeed = 8+2*Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(velocity),0.5f);
splash.GetComponent&ParticleSystem&().startSpeed = 9 + 2 * Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(velocity), 0.5f);
splash.GetComponent&ParticleSystem&().startLifetime =
你可能会看着代码心想,“为什么要两次设置startSpeed?”你这样想没有错,问题在于,我们使用一个起始速度设置为“两个常量间的随机数”这种粒子系统(Shuriken)。不幸的是,我们并没有太多以脚本访问Shuriken的途径 ,所以为了获得这一行为,我们必须两次设置这个值。
Vector3 position = new Vector3(xpositions[index],ypositions[index]-0.35f,5);
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(xpositions[Mathf.FloorToInt(xpositions.Length / 2)], baseheight + 8, 5) &#8211; position);
GameObject splish = Instantiate(splash,position,rotation) as GameO
Destroy(splish, lifetime+0.3f);
现在,我们得制作水花,并让它在粒子应该消失之后的片刻再消失。为什么要在之后片刻呢?因为我们的粒子系统会发送出一些连续的粒子阵,所以即使首批粒子只会持续到Time.time + lifetime,我们最终的粒子阵也仍然会存留一小会儿。
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D Hit)
if (Hit.rigidbody2D != null)
transform.parent.GetComponent&Water&().Splash(transform.position.x, Hit.rigidbody2D.velocity.y*Hit.rigidbody2D.mass / 40f);
void Start()
Splash2(from gamedevelopment)
gameObject.GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().center = new Vector2(Left + Width / 2, (Top + Bottom) / 2);
gameObject.GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().size = new Vector2(Width, Top &#8211; Bottom);
gameObject.GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().isTrigger =
你将会制作一个称为OnTriggerStay2D()的函数,它有一个Collider2D Hit参数。之后,你可以使用我们之前使用的一个检查物体质量的弹性法则的调整版本,并为你的rigidbody2D添加一个力或速度以便令其漂浮在水面。
Creating Dynamic 2D Water Effects in Unity
by Alex Rose
In this tutorial, we&#8217;re going to simulate a dynamic 2D body of water using simple physics. We will use a mixture of a line renderer, mesh renderers, triggers and particles to create our effect. The final result comes complete with waves and splashes, ready to add to your next game. A Unity (Unity3D) demo source is included, but you should be able to implement something similar using the same principles in any game engine.
Related Posts
Make a Splash With Dynamic 2D Water Effects
How to Create a Custom 2D Physics Engine: The Basics and Impulse Resolution
Adding Turbulence to a Particle System
End Result
Here&#8217;s what we&#8217;re going to end up with. You&#8217;ll need the Unity browser plugin to try it out.
Click to create a new object to drop into the water.
Setting Up Our Water Manager
In his tutorial, Michael Hoffman demonstrated how we can model the surface of water with a row of springs.
We&#8217;re going to render the top of our water using one of Unity&#8217;s line renderers, and use so many nodes that it appears as a continuous wave.
Create 2D Dynamic Water Effects in Unity (Unity3D)
We&#8217;ll have to keep track of the positions, velocities and accelerations of every node, though. To do that, we&#8217;re going to use arrays. So at the top of our class we&#8217;ll add these variables:
LineRenderer B
The LineRenderer will store all our nodes and outline our body of water. We still need the water itself, we&#8217;ll create this with Meshes. We&#8217;re going to need objects to hold these meshes too.
We&#8217;re also going to need colliders so that things can interact with our water:
And we&#8217;ll store all our constants as well:
const float springconstant = 0.02f;
const float damping = 0.04f;
const float spread = 0.05f;
const float z = -1f;
These constants are the same kind as Michael discussed, with the exception of z—this is our z-offset for our water. We&#8217;re going to use -1 for this so that it gets displayed in front of our objects. (You might want to change this depending on what you want to appear in fr you&#8217;re going to have to use the z-coordinate to determine where sprites sit relative to it.)
Next, we&#8217;re going to hold onto some values:
These are just the dimensions of the water.
We&#8217;re going to need some public variables we can set in the editor, too. First, the particle system we&#8217;re going to use for our splashes:
public GameObject splash:
Next, the material we&#8217;ll use for our line renderer (in case you want to reuse the script for acid, lava, chemicals, or anything else):
public Material mat:
Plus, the kind of mesh we&#8217;re going to use for the main body of water:
public GameObject watermesh:
These are all going to be based on prefabs, which are all included in the source files.
We want a game object that can hold all of this data, act as a manager, and spawn our body of water ingame to specification. To do that, we&#8217;ll write a function called SpawnWater().
This function will take inputs of the left side, the width, the top, and the bottom of the body of water.
public void SpawnWater(float Left, float Width, float Top, float Bottom)
(Though this seems inconsistent, it acts in the interest of quick level design when building from left to right).
Creating the Nodes
Now we&#8217;re going to find out how many nodes we need:
int edgecount = Mathf.RoundToInt(Width) * 5;
int nodecount = edgecount + 1;
We&#8217;re going to use five per unit width, to give us smooth motion that isn&#8217;t too demanding. (You can vary this to balance efficiency against smoothness.) This gives us all our lines, then we need the + 1 for the extra node on the end.
The first thing we&#8217;re going to do is render our body of water with the LineRenderer component:
Body = gameObject.AddComponent&LineRenderer&();
Body.material =
Body.material.renderQueue = 1000;
Body.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f);
What we&#8217;ve also done here is select our material, and set it to render above the water by choosing its position in the render queue. We&#8217;ve set the correct number of nodes, and set the width of the line to 0.1.
You can vary this depending on how thick you want your line. You may have noticed that SetWidth()
these are the width at the start and the end of the line. We want that width to be constant.
Now that we&#8217;ve made our nodes, we&#8217;ll initialise all our top variables:
xpositions = new float[nodecount];
ypositions = new float[nodecount];
velocities = new float[nodecount];
accelerations = new float[nodecount];
meshobjects = new GameObject[edgecount];
meshes = new Mesh[edgecount];
colliders = new GameObject[edgecount];
baseheight = T
bottom = B
So now we have all our arrays, and we&#8217;re holding on to our data.
Now to actually set the values of our arrays. We&#8217;ll start with the nodes:
for (int i = 0; i & i++)
ypositions[i] = T
xpositions[i] = Left + Width * i /
accelerations[i] = 0;
velocities[i] = 0;
Body.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z));
Here, we set all the y-positions to be at the top of the water, and then incrementally add all the nodes side by side. Our velocities and accelerations are zero initially, as the water is still.
We finish the loop by setting each node in our LineRenderer (Body) to their correct position.
Creating the Meshes
Here&#8217;s where it gets tricky.
We have our line, but we don&#8217;t have the water itself. And the way we can make this is using Meshes. We&#8217;ll start off by creating these:
for (int i = 0; i & i++)
meshes[i] = new Mesh();
Now, Meshes store a bunch of variables. The first variable is pretty simple: it contains all the vertices (or corners).
Create 2D Dynamic Water Effects in Unity (Unity3D)
The diagram shows what we want our mesh segments to look like. For the first segment, the vertices are highlighted. We want four in total.
Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
Vertices[0] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z);
Vertices[1] = new Vector3(xpositions[i + 1], ypositions[i + 1], z);
Vertices[2] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], bottom, z);
Vertices[3] = new Vector3(xpositions[i+1], bottom, z);
Now, as you can see here, vertex 0 is the top-left, 1 is the top-right, 2 is the bottom-left, and 3 is the top-right. We&#8217;ll need to remember that for later.
The second property that meshes need is UVs. Meshes have textures, and the UVs choose which part of the textures we want to grab. In this case, we just want the top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right corners of our texture.
Vector2[] UVs = new Vector2[4];
UVs[0] = new Vector2(0, 1);
UVs[1] = new Vector2(1, 1);
UVs[2] = new Vector2(0, 0);
UVs[3] = new Vector2(1, 0);
Now we need those numbers from before again. Meshes are made up of triangles, and we know that any quadrilateral can be made of two triangles, so now we need to tell the mesh how it should draw those triangles.
Create 2D Dynamic Water Effects in Unity (Unity3D)
Look at the corners with the node order labelled. Triangle A connects nodes 0, 1 and 3; Triangle B connects nodes 3, 2 and 0. Therefore, we want to make an array that contains six integers, reflecting exactly that:
int[] tris = new int[6] { 0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0 };
This creates our quadrilateral. Now we set the mesh values.
meshes[i].vertices = V
meshes[i].uv = UVs;
meshes[i].triangles =
Now, we have our meshes, but we don&#8217;t have Game Objects to render them in the scene. So we&#8217;re going to create them from our watermesh prefab which contains a Mesh Renderer and Mesh Filter.
meshobjects[i] = Instantiate(watermesh,Vector3.zero,Quaternion.identity) as GameO
meshobjects[i].GetComponent&MeshFilter&().mesh = meshes[i];
meshobjects[i].transform.parent =
We set the mesh, and we set it to be the child of the water manager, to tidy things up.
Creating Our Collisions
Now we want our collider too:
colliders[i] = new GameObject();
colliders[i].name = &#8220;Trigger&#8221;;
colliders[i].transform.parent =
colliders[i].transform.position = new Vector3(Left + Width * (i + 0.5f) / edgecount, Top &#f, 0);
colliders[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(Width / edgecount, 1, 1);
colliders[i].GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().isTrigger =
Here, we&#8217;re making box colliders, giving them a name so they&#8217;re a bit tidier in the scene, and making them each children of the water manager again. We set their position to be halfway between the nodes, set their size, and add a WaterDetector class to them.
Now that we have our mesh, we need a function to update it as the water moves:
void UpdateMeshes()
for (int i = 0; i & meshes.L i++)
Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
Vertices[0] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z);
Vertices[1] = new Vector3(xpositions[i+1], ypositions[i+1], z);
Vertices[2] = new Vector3(xpositions[i], bottom, z);
Vertices[3] = new Vector3(xpositions[i+1], bottom, z);
meshes[i].vertices = V
You might notice that this function just uses the code we wrote before. The only difference is that this time we don&#8217;t have to set the tris and UVs, because these stay the same.
Our next task is to make the water itself work. We&#8217;ll use FixedUpdate() to modify them all incrementally.
void FixedUpdate()
Implementing the Physics
First, we&#8217;re going to combine Hooke&#8217;s Law with the Euler method to find the new positions, accelerations and velocities.
So, Hooke&#8217;s Law is F=kx, where F is the force produced by a spring (remember, we&#8217;re modelling the surface of the water as a row of springs), k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement. Our displacement is simply going to be the y-position of each node minus the base height of the nodes.
Next, we add a damping factor proportional to the velocity of the force to dampen the force.
for (int i = 0; i & xpositions.L i++)
float force = springconstant * (ypositions[i] &#8211; baseheight) + velocities[i]*
accelerations[i] = -
ypositions[i] += velocities[i];
velocities[i] += accelerations[i];
Body.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(xpositions[i], ypositions[i], z));
The Eu we just add the acceleration to the velocity and the velocity to the position, every frame.
Note: I just assumed the mass of each node was 1 here, but you&#8217;ll want to use:
accelerations[i] = -force/
if you want a different mass for your nodes.
Tip: For precise physics, we would use Verlet integration, but because we&#8217;re adding damping, we can only use the Euler method, which is a lot quicker to calculate. Generally, though, the Euler method will exponentially introduce kinetic energy from nowhere into your physics system, so don&#8217;t use it for anything precise.
Now we&#8217;re going to create wave propagation. The following code is adapted from Michael Hoffman&#8217;s tutorial.
float[] leftDeltas = new float[xpositions.Length];
float[] rightDeltas = new float[xpositions.Length];
Here, we create two arrays. For each node, we&#8217;re going to check the height of the previous node against the height of the current node and put the difference into leftDeltas.
Then, we&#8217;ll check the height of the subsequent node against the height of the node we&#8217;re checking, and put that difference into rightDeltas. (We&#8217;ll also multiply all values by a spread constant).
for (int j = 0; j & 8; j++)
for (int i = 0; i & xpositions.L i++)
if (i & 0)
leftDeltas[i] = spread * (ypositions[i] &#8211; ypositions[i-1]);
velocities[i - 1] += leftDeltas[i];
if (i & xpositions.Length &#8211; 1)
rightDeltas[i] = spread * (ypositions[i] &#8211; ypositions[i + 1]);
velocities[i + 1] += rightDeltas[i];
We can change the velocities based on the height difference immediately, but we should only store the differences in positions at this point. If we changed the position of the first node straight off the bat, by the time we looked at the second node, the first node will have already moved, so that&#8217;ll ruin all our calculations.
for (int i = 0; i & xpositions.L i++)
if (i & 0)
ypositions[i-1] += leftDeltas[i];
if (i & xpositions.Length &#8211; 1)
ypositions[i + 1] += rightDeltas[i];
So once we&#8217;ve collected all our height data, we can apply it at the end. We can&#8217;t look to the right of the node at the far right, or to the left of the node at the far left, hence the conditions i
& 0 and i & xpositions.Length &#8211; 1.
Also, note that we contained this whole code in a loop, and ran it eight times. This is because we want to run this process in small doses multiple times, rather than one large calculation, which would be a lot less fluid.
Adding Splashes
Now we have water that flows, and it shows. Next, we need to be able to disturb the water!
For this, let&#8217;s add a function called Splash(), which will check the x-position of the splash, and the velocity of whatever is hitting it. It should be public so that we can call it from our colliders later.
public void Splash(float xpos, float velocity)
First, we need to make sure that the specified position is actually within the bounds of our water:
if (xpos &= xpositions[0] && xpos &= xpositions[xpositions.Length-1])
And then we&#8217;ll change xpos so it gives us the position relative to the start of the body of water:
xpos -= xpositions[0];
Next, we&#8217;re going to find out which node it&#8217;s touching. We can calculate that like this:
int index = Mathf.RoundToInt((xpositions.Length-1)*(xpos / (xpositions[xpositions.Length-1] &#8211; xpositions[0])));
So, here&#8217;s what going on here:
We take the position of the splash relative to the position of the left edge of the water (xpos).
We divide this by the position of the right edge relative to the position of the left edge of the water.
This gives us a fraction that tells us where the splash is. For instance, a splash three-quarters of the way along the body of water would give a value of 0.75.
We multiply this by the number of edges and round this number, which gives us the node our splash was closest to.
velocities[index] =
Now we set the velocity of the object that hit our water to that node&#8217;s velocity, so that it gets dragged down by the object.
Note: You could change this line to whatever suits you. For instance, you could add the velocity to its current velocity, or you could use momentum instead of velocity and divide by your node&#8217;s mass.
Create 2D Dynamic Water Effects in Unity (Unity3D)
Now we want to make a particle system that&#8217;ll produce the splash. We
it&#8217;s called &#8220;splash&#8221; (creatively enough). Be sure not to confuse it with Splash(). The one I&#8217;ll be using is included in the source files.
First, we want to set the parameters of the splash to change with the velocity of the object.
float lifetime = 0.93f + Mathf.Abs(velocity)*0.07f;
splash.GetComponent&ParticleSystem&().startSpeed = 8+2*Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(velocity),0.5f);
splash.GetComponent&ParticleSystem&().startSpeed = 9 + 2 * Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(velocity), 0.5f);
splash.GetComponent&ParticleSystem&().startLifetime =
Here, we&#8217;ve taken our particles, set their lifetime so they won&#8217;t die shortly after they hit the surface of the water, and set their speed to be based on the square of their velocity (plus a constant, for small splashes).
You may be looking at that code and thinking, &#8220;Why has he set the startSpeed twice?&#8221;, and you&#8217;d be right to wonder that. The problem is, we&#8217;re using a particle system (Shuriken, provided with the project) that has its start speed set to &#8220;random between two constants&#8221;. Unfortunately, we don&#8217;t have much access over Shuriken by scripts, so to get that behaviour to work we have to set the value twice.
Now I&#8217;m going to add a line that you may or may not want to omit from your script:
Vector3 position = new Vector3(xpositions[index],ypositions[index]-0.35f,5);
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(xpositions[Mathf.FloorToInt(xpositions.Length / 2)], baseheight + 8, 5) &#8211; position);
Shuriken particles won&#8217;t be destroyed when they hit your objects, so if you want to make sure they aren&#8217;t going to land in front of your objects, you can take two measures:
Stick them in the background. (You can tell this by the z-position being 5).
Tilt the particle system to always point towards the center of your body of water—this way, the particles won&#8217;t splash onto the land.
The second line of code takes the midpoint of the positions, moves upwards a bit, and points the particle emitter towards it. I&#8217;ve included this behaviour in the demo. If you&#8217;re using a really wide body of water, you probably don&#8217;t want this behaviour. If your water is in a small pool inside a room, you may well want to use it. So, feel free to scrap that line about rotation.
GameObject splish = Instantiate(splash,position,rotation) as GameO
Destroy(splish, lifetime+0.3f);
Now, we make our splash, and tell it to die a little after the particles are due to die. Why a little afterwards? Because our particle system sends out a few sequential bursts of particles, so even though the first batch only last till Time.time + lifetime, our final bursts will still be around a little after that.
Yes! We&#8217;re finally done, right?
Collision Detection
Wrong! We need to detect our objects, or this was all for nothing!
Remember we added that script to all our colliders before? The one called WaterDetector?
Well we&#8217;re going to make it now! We only want one function in it:
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D Hit)
Using OnTriggerEnter2D(), we can specify what happens whenever a 2D Rigid Body enters our body of water. If we pass a parameter of Collider2D we can find more information about that object.
if (Hit.rigidbody2D != null)
We only want objects that contain a rigidbody2D.
transform.parent.GetComponent&Water&().Splash(transform.position.x, Hit.rigidbody2D.velocity.y*Hit.rigidbody2D.mass / 40f);
Now, all of our colliders are children of the water manager. So we just grab the Water component from their parent and call Splash(), from the position of the collider.
Remember again, I said you could either pass velocity or momentum, if you wanted it to be more physically accurate? Well here&#8217;s where you have to pass the right one. If you multiply the object&#8217;s y-velocity by its mass, you&#8217;ll have its momentum. If you just want to use its velocity, get rid of the mass from that line.
Finally, you&#8217;ll want to call SpawnWater() from somewhere. Let&#8217;s do it at launch:
void Start()
And now we&#8217;re done! Now any rigidbody2D with a collider that hits the water will create a splash, and the waves will move correctly.
Create 2D Dynamic Water Effects in Unity (Unity3D)
Bonus Exercise
As an extra bonus, I&#8217;ve added a few lines of code to the top of SpawnWater().
gameObject.GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().center = new Vector2(Left + Width / 2, (Top + Bottom) / 2);
gameObject.GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().size = new Vector2(Width, Top &#8211; Bottom);
gameObject.GetComponent&BoxCollider2D&().isTrigger =
These lines of code will add a box collider to the water itself. You can use this to make things float in your water, using what you&#8217;ve learnt.
You&#8217;ll want to make a function called OnTriggerStay2D() which takes a parameter of Collider2D Hit. Then, you can use a modified version of the spring formula we used before that checks the mass of the object, and add a force or velocity to your rigidbody2D to make it float in the water.
Make a Splash
In this tutorial, we implemented a simple water simulation for use in 2D games with simple physics code and a line renderer, mesh renderers, triggers and particles. Perhaps you will add wavy bodies of fluid water as an obstacle to your next platformer, ready for your characters to dive into or carefully cross with floating stepping stones, or maybe you could use this in a sailing or windsurfing game, or even a game where you simply skip rocks across the water from a sunny beach. Good luck!(source:)
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