
厨房君真是太没用了,竟然让你看到这个页面!不如先去首页转转吧。Stanford on iTunes U is an archive of audio and video content from schools, departments, and programs across the university on Apple's popular iTunes platform.
The site includes Stanford course lectures, faculty presentations, event highlights, music and more.
Our collection is maintained by .
Do I have to pay to access Stanford on iTunes U?
No. All of the content from Stanford on iTunes U is free.
How do I access Stanford on iTunes U?
First, make sure you have
the most current version of iTunes installed on your Mac or PC computer.
To download the application, visit to .
Next, launch the iTunes application and click on iTunes Store in the source list.
Select iTunes U in the top navigation area, and click on Stanford on the resulting page. Alternatively, you can go directly to our iTunes U page via the &Launch Stanford on iTunes U& link above.
Is Stanford's content part of the iTunes Music Store?
You may now search for and access Stanford content directly in the iTunes Store.
Is the Stanford on iTunes U content under copyright protection?
While we do not implement any digital rights management (DRM) for our content, Stanford University does retain copyright to all
content in our iTunes U collection.
Where did the idea for Stanford on iTunes U come from?
Stanford on iTunes U
grew out of a pilot project with Apple, beginning in the spring of 2004, to deliver
supplemental course content to registered students using iTunes. We soon realized that the same platform would be a great way to deliver Stanford content to alumni and the public as well.
Stanford launched the first publicly available iTunes U collection in 2005.
Contribute to Stanford on iTunes U
Stanford departments and programs can contribute recordings of major events, faculty presentations and other programs and make them available to millions of iTunes users around the world.
For more information or for assistance with Stanford on iTunes U:
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