华为wear手机中怎样找到androud wear

Android Wear 的内忧外患:华硕也将尝试其他手表系统
2014 年 12 月 24 日华硕智能手表 ZenWatch 一代发布会上,华硕宣称第二代智能手表将在 2015 年第三季度推出。就在外界自然而然认为这又是一款 Android Wear 设备时,华硕董事长施崇棠 2015 年 1 月 24 日透漏,第二代 ZenWatch 将会搭载另一款智能手表系统,有长至 7 天的续航时间。
:上周五,华硕 CEO 沈振來在一次投资者大会上再次确认了这个消息:
我们将继续使用 Android Wear,但为了获得更长的续航时间,我们将可能尝试其他适用于智能手表的系统。
三星虽然已经推出了 Android Wear 设备,但其开发重点是基于
LG 此前曾推出搭载 Android Wear 的 G Watch 和 G Watch R,但将在 2016 年早期推出搭载
HTC 的智能手表有望在即将到来的 MWC 2015 大会上亮相,搭载自家研发的 RTOS 系统,并非 Android Wear。
我们知道,Google 吸取了 Android 混乱生态的教训,意图。Android Wear 比智能手机上的 Android 系统更依赖 Google 服务,不同厂商、不同设备,搭载的 Android Wear 将会一模一样:一样的 UI、通知卡片、菜单……
讽刺的是,从各大厂商的动作来看,他们并不安于成为 Google 生态圈的一环。这边 Google 收紧控制,那边各大厂商反而在鼓弄自己的系统,整个智能手表系统市场四分五裂。
除了“内忧”,Android Wear 面对的还有“外患”:苹果将于今年 3 月底在美国零售店正式发售 。台湾一家机构:
2015 年智能手表的出货量将超过 1.3 千万台,这个数字远大于 2014 年 的 4 百万。 的出货量预计占到智能手表总出货量的 65%。
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Best Android smartwatches of 2018
A number of new Android smartwatches have been launched, catering to everyone's needs and tastes. The big question is: which smartwatch is the right one for you? The options out there are within everyone's reach, as most of the latest wearables are strong performers, very well designed and relatively cheap.&Now that we've had a chance to complete our full reviews, we've been able to compile our list of the best Android smartwatches available today.
Jump to section:
Best Android Wear: Huawei Watch 2The Huawei Watch 2 is certainly not the most aesthetically attractive smartwatch on the market but it is perhaps the most complete smartwatch&available to purchase, the strongest entry in the world of Android wearables.
The device boasts a large display, GPS, NFC and support for Android Pay as well as a heart rate monitor. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 2100 chip is designed specifically for wearable users&and is supported by&4GB of internal memory for apps and music. Don't forget that it will also be among the first smart watches to be upgraded to Android Oreo.&
The Huawei Watch 2 comes packed with features. / (C) AndroidPIT
The Huawei Watch 2 also&has other advantages.&These include the current Android Wear 2.0 operating system, an optional SIM slot for nano SIM cards, and a microphone and loudspeaker for&your calls. Not bad for the $259.99 price tag it now has, and it's only going to get cheaper over time.
Huawei Watch 2 technical specifications
Battery size:
Screen size:
390 x 390 pixels (326 ppi)
Android version:
Android Wear
User interface:
Stock Android
Internal storage:
Removable storage:
Not available
Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100
Number of cores:
Max. clock speed:
LTE, NFC, Bluetooth 4.1
Best all-rounder: Samsung Gear S3There is no doubt that Samsung's Tizen smartwatches are winning over many fans&with top performance, flawless fluidity and a unique rotating bezel.
It's not&only functionality and performance have convinced us. The design of the two versions of Samsung Gear S3 (Frontier and Classic) is reminiscent of fine timepieces and makes the wearables of the Korean company suitable for both sports and an elegant dinner in jacket and tie. The amount of sensors and antennas that Samsung has been able to incorporate into this watch makes it perfect for any situation, even the most extreme hiking trips, as both designs are water and dust resistant.Samsung uses its own operating system called Tizen, but it is still compatible with all smartphones. The Gear S3 also comes with Bluetooth, so once you've set it up you will be able to receive SMS, notifications and calls from your smartphone.&
Great in- or out- doors. / (C) AndroidPIT
The smartwatch comes with GPS, a speedometer, barometer and an altimeter, so it is the ultimate hiker's companion. Athletes can use the smartwatch to measure their pulse and count their steps. You can store MP3 files on the watch itself and listen without having your phone paired if you're out for a run. The price of the Gear S3 is higher than most other Android Wear devices today, with prices starting at $299. That said, from what we've seen, it's worth the cost.&
Samsung Gear S3 technical specifications
49 x 46 x 12.9 mm
Battery size:
Screen size:
Display technology:
360 x 360 pixels (278 ppi)
Internal storage:
Removable storage:
Not available
Number of cores:
Max. clock speed:
Bluetooth 4.2
Best smartwatch for sport: Fitbit IonicFitbit's smartwatch has not impressed us with its smart features such as voice commands or innovative methods of interaction. But what convinced us was the excellent battery life combined with the incredible number of fitness programs.If what you are looking for is a connected watch that survives several days of use and has advanced fitness features, the choice can only be Fitbit's newcomer.
If you are a real athlete there are no alternatives, Fitbit offers the solution. / (C) AndroidPIT
Best smartwatch for Swimming: Samsung Gear SportThe latest offering from&the Korean company does not differ much from the previous Gear, indeed it lacks some of its predecessor's&sensors. On the other hand, Gear Sport is the most suitable for swimming thanks to its resistance to diving up to 5 ATM and programs dedicated to swimmers.Gear Sport is also perfect for outdoor enthusiasts thanks to the presence of GPS and step counters. You'll be able to monitor your steps and weather conditions as well as being able to play back your favorite MP3 files without having to rely on your smartphone. Like the Gear S3, the operating system is&Tizen OS.
You can count calories automatically thanks to this smartwatch. / (C) AndroidPIT
Samsung Gear Sport technical specifications
42.9 x 44.6 x 11.6 mm
Battery size:
Screen size:
Display technology:
360 x 360 pixels (302 ppi)
Internal storage:
Number of cores:
Max. clock speed:
NFC, Bluetooth 4.2
&Most stylish smartwatch: Diesel ON Full GuardMore traditional watch manufacturers are slowly entering the smartwatch universe. The latest offering from&Diesel& expands their Android Wear smartwatch collection with a device that shows their experience making fashionable timepieces.It won't be the most suitable smartphone for athletes, won't amaze you with its battery life and won't have the most innovative software. But it has to be said that Diesel's eye for design and experience in the industry make it the most well-designed&Android Wear smartwatch&out of all the ones we've tried.If you're not a hard-pressed athlete and you're looking for a smartwatch to enter the world of Android Wear without sacrificing the appearance of an elegant&wrist piece, the DieselON Full Guard could be the best choice.
There are many options to select the appearance of the watch face. / (C) AndroidPIT
Diesel On Full Guard technical specifications
48 x 54 x 12 mm
Battery size:
Screen size:
Display technology:
454 x 454 pixels (459 ppi)
Android version:
Android Wear
Internal storage:
Removable storage:
Not available
Do you own any Android wearables? Which would you say is the best Android smartwatch? Tell us what you think in the comments.
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Android Wear
如何看待 Google 发布专属智能可穿戴设备的 Android Wear 系统?
刘志鹏,Android Developer / User Experience
目前能看到的资料,就是 Android Wear 开发者网站的一些开发介绍,以及放出的 Preview 版模拟器及注册后 Google 提供的手机端连接 App,只能通过这些很 Preview 的东西窥探 Android Wear 了。
首先说这个名为 Android Wear Preview 的手机 App,我估计正式版时依然会存在,有点像 Google 为 Glass 推出的手机应用 MyGlass,用户通过这个应用将手机、平板电脑等设备与 Android Wear 手表之类的可穿戴设备连接起来(目前只能有线连接模拟器)。如图,左为目前的 Android Wear App,右为 MyGlass App
再看 Android Wear Preview 阶段的模拟器,左图是未连接手机状态,右图是连接后的状态,可以看到连接手机后,右上角的未连接图标转变为 Google logo 图标。从 Google 提供的介绍视频和图片来看,Android Wear 设备的可操作独立功能都集中在右上角这个 Google logo 的按钮中,主要是与 Google Now 整合的一些可以通过语音及滑动进行操作的一些功能,目前在 Preview 版模拟器中,此功能处于禁用状态。
而 Google 目前提供给开发者可以开发拓展的功能,主要是界面上的通知卡片。Android Wear 开发者网站上称为"The Android Wear Developer Preview provides tools and APIs that allow you to enhance your app notifications to provide an optimized user experience on Android Wear." 值得注意的是,开发者能开发及适配的并不是独立的 Android Wear 应用,而是自己的 Android 应用显示在 Android Wear 设备上的通知。
显示效果就如下图所示了,目前 Google 自家的应用已经对 Android Wear 进行了一定的适配,比如我的手机下拉通知栏有 Hangouts 的短信通知、Google+ 的信息通知,以及截屏的通知提示,在 Android Wear 的屏幕上都能同步显示出来,在 Android Wear 设备屏幕上左滑,还可以进行一些简单操作,比如环聊就有开启功能(如下图),点击后,手机的环聊应用会打开(不知有神马意义)。这就是目前 Developer Preview 阶段 Google 提供给开发者的可拓展的功能,Google 在其 Android Wear 开发者网站上表示在未来数月内会推出直接运行自定义界面的独立应用等功能,值得期待(P.S.同时说明 Android Wear 还处于很早期阶段,想买 moto360 估计还得等很久)。
1. 从官方给出的图上看,这是联发科 MTK 的巨大胜利,只有 MTK 的 CPU 目前最贴合需求,MTK 追赶上高通的步伐将加快。
2. 有个 Google 的支持,深圳的几万家手表方案公司终于不用再没完没了的修改 Android 的驱动 bug 了,又难调又无聊。有了 Android Wear 已经裁剪好了内核并优化好了功耗和蓝牙,深圳作为世界硬件中心的地位进一步巩固。
3. 三星排名最后一个 Google 虽然没有什么指代,但 CPU 功能强大的三星的确已经退出了可穿戴 AP 的的竞争,三星的 gear 品牌独立出来不再归入 Galaxy 也是聪明的选择,Tizen os 的 gear2 也是和 gear 一代一样失败的产品。
4. 联想花钱买了个大便宜。
5. Intel 和 mips 为什么来打酱油,因为 Intel 花了 1.5 亿美刀。mips 也不是打酱油的。采用 mips 的君正平台估计也能穿上 Android Wear。但是很少人知道君正,果壳,inwatch,土曼什么的手表都用过君正。买股票赔钱的也许知道君正,大家只知道 mips 帮助生产的龙芯。
6. ID 工业硬件驱动系统 app 前端后端服务器通吃的全站工程师的春天来了,借助于开源,github,google,kickstarter,indiegogo。每一个码农都要相信你一个人就可以值几十刀。}


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