
《权力的游戏》第五季最后一集,贾坤是否在暗示“舞蹈老师”没死? - 知乎11被浏览8340分享邀请回答4添加评论分享收藏感谢收起41 条评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答本片原声正在播放
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订阅权力的游戏 第五季的影评:
& 2005-, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司猫眼电影在线选座,热门影讯,爱上看电影打开《羞羞的铁拳》曝尹正王智剧照,观众:一剪梅CP是最惊喜的彩蛋打开泰国神片《天才枪手》票房表现抢眼,带你领略高阶作弊手法打开张柏芝赚钱困难,还被多人炮轰耍大牌,人不红了难道都要来踩一脚打开日前,《权力的游戏》第五个衍生剧项目曝光。据悉,此项目将会由编剧布莱恩&考格曼和原著作者乔治&马丁共同打造。此前HBO就已经招募了四位知名编剧,分别是《金刚:骷髅岛》编剧马克斯&伯伦斯坦、《海扁王》编剧简&戈德曼、《洛城机密》编剧布莱恩&海尔格兰德、《广告狂人》编剧卡莉&雷伊,同时进行四个不同的衍生剧项目,只要剧本靠谱,具有可行性,任何一个项目都可能“修成正果”。据悉,马丁透露,“邓肯和伊戈”、“劳勃叛乱”这两个题材不会被拍摄成衍生剧。他也给予考格曼极高的评价:“如果丹和大卫(《权力的游戏》两位主创)在过去七季里的地位相当于维斯特洛之王,那么布莱恩&考格曼就是龙石岛王子,布莱恩开发的这部衍生剧改编自原著,将会让绝大多数书迷激动万分,这部剧的背景则设定于维斯特洛历史上令人兴奋的一个阶段。这部剧集开发的每一个阶段,我都会和他通力合作,未来我们将看到两部甚至三部衍生剧获得试播集预订,其中一部有望在年播出。”【看剧】《权利的游戏》1至5季的精华都在这
权利的游戏Game of Thrones周一终于来了!!美国时间4月24日晚22点,北京时间25日早10点,《权利的游戏》第六季正式开播!!无需过多介绍,这部奇幻巨制无疑是美剧历史上最成功的一部剧集之一。至于它到底有多好,烂番茄的评分和评价可以说明一切。第一季到第五季的口碑如下:庞大的故事,曲折的情节,繁杂的角色,前五季的信息量真的好大!!如果你想继续追剧却又忘了前面的故事,小编 is here to help!Below is a primer on where we left off in Season 5 with most of the show’s major characters.Jon SnowLast seen: Full of dagger holes, bleeding out at Castle Black.&身中数刀、流血不止If you hadn’t heard, Snow appeared to die in a mutiny in the Season 5 finale and trailers, photos and everyone associated with the show suggest that he is actually dead. That said, approximately 0 percent of “Thrones” fans think he will stay that way. The question of how he comes back — whether it’s Melisandre the red witch, currently at Castle Black, or some other mechanism altogether — will hang over the show until it’s resolved.Tyrion LannisterLast seen: In charge in Meereen.投靠龙母、掌管弥林城Season 5 was a rough one for Tyrion, who arrived in Pentos in a box, was kidnapped by Ser Jorah in Volantis, dodged Stone Men in Valyria and finally landed in Meereen just in time for a violent insurrection by a gold-masked group known as the Sons of the Harpy. The good news: He survived and is back in a leadership position. Better news: He has Varys the cagey adviser back at his side, a fun pairing that briefly happened last year but was quickly torn asunder. Bad news that perhaps undercuts everything else: Harpys still presumably lurk in the shadows.Daenerys TargaryenLast seen: Exiled in Dothrakiville.流亡在多斯拉克地区Live by the dragon, die by the dragon. Or end up far from home with no GPS by the dragon, at least. The mercurial Drogon deposited Dany in Dothraki parts unknown at the end of Season 5, and while most of us were probably glad to see her finally leave Meereen, the circumstances don’t seem much better wherever she is now. You’ll recall that she’s the widow of a Dothraki warlord (Khal Drogo), so perhaps that will smooth the way for her. She dropped a bread crumb in the form of a ring, and is currently being tracked by a duo consisting of her boy toy (Daario) and her lovelorn, greyscale-ridden admirer (Ser Jorah), so maybe they’ll find her. Or maybe they’ll come to blows. Either way, it should be more fun than Meereen.Cersei LannisterLast seen: Shamed, cradled by a reanimated super soldier in King’s Landing.被新晋大主教的势力挟持,裸体游行,备受羞辱Contemptuous and nasty throughout the early seasons, Cersei had been heading for a fall and last season she took it. Not long after she empowered a religious sect, the Sparrows, in order to persecute Margaery, she herself was locked up for once seducing her twit of a cousin, Lancel. Everything culminated in her agonizing walk of shame in the Season 5 finale. She now has the resurrected Mountain at her disposal, which could be useful — “I choose violence,” she says in a trailer. But Cersei is also presumably about to learn that her daughter Myrcella is dead, which would also seem to bode poorly for the feckless Tommen, her remaining child who is paradoxically both the king and the least powerful person in this story.&Jaime LannisterLast seen: In a boat, holding his dying daughter/niece in his arms.拯救女儿的行动失败,乘船回到君临城Jaime and Bronn took an extended vacation in Dorne that didn’t work out well for anyone, except for perhaps the viperous Ellaria Sand, who poisoned Myrcella as retribution for her lover Oberyn Martell’s death in Season 4. But for the rest of us it was a bummer — Jaime lost his daughter, Bronn got locked up and the whole thing was a bit of a dud from an entertainment standpoint. Now Jaime gets to tell Cersei, who already thinks he’s a kind of a deadbeat and is presumably still smarting from her walk of shame, that her daughter is dead. There’s still time to turn the boat around, Kingslayer.Margaery TyrellLast seen: In jail in King’s Landing.在君临城被囚Margaery thought she had it all figured out, going from one king (Joffrey) to another (Tommen) before the first one’s body was even cold. But she, too, ran afoul of the High Sparrow/Septon and his followers, thanks to her perjury during the trial of her gay brother Loras. &The whole thing was orchestrated by Cersei, who later ended up being persecuted herself. But that is probably of little comfort to Margaery, who remains in her cell, at least until her grandmother, the wealthy Lady Olenna, figures out how to spring her.Sansa StarkLast seen: Leaping from a high wall at Winterfell.逃离Ramsay Bolton的变态控制,跳下临冬城的城墙At the beginning of Season 5, the long-suffering Sansa had the look of a young woman ready to leave her bad luck and bad marriages behind and move on to better things. But no. Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish married her off to Ramsay Bolton, the worst person on the show. She spent most of last year as a hostage in her own childhood home, Winterfell, and her wedding-night rape was probably the most notorious scene of Season 5. Targeted by Ramsay’s jilted girlfriend Myranda, she was saved when her former adopted brother Theon/Reek rediscovered his inner nobility, throwing Myranda to her death and helping Sansa escape. Theon Greyjoy, by the way, could be leaving Reekdom behind just in time. His people, the Ironborn, will be more heavily involved this year.&Arya StarkLast seen: Blind in Braavos.拜Jaqen H’ghar为师,因擅自行动而得到瞎眼的惩罚。Arya seemed destined for ninja-hood at the beginning of Season 5, joining a mysterious group of assassins called the Faceless Men. But instead she ended up in an extended “Karate Kid” training phase at their House of Black and White, doing menial labor for Jaqen H’ghar and taking regular abuse from an unpleasant girl called the Waif. Then things got dark: When Arya reverted to vengeful form, blinding and executing the awful Meryn Trant, one of her kill-list targets, she paid the price with her own eyes.&Brandon StarkLast seen: In a magical cave in Season 4.藏在洞穴中进行灵修。Bran took a gap year to focus on his studies with the Three-Eyed Raven, who will be played by Max von Sydow this season. Perhaps you’ve been puzzled by photos and trailers from the new season that show the paraplegic Bran standing. The explanation is that he is able to walk in his visions, which we’ve previously seen in bits and pieces but will be more substantial this year, as Bran comes into his own as metaphysical force.&编辑:Miss Liu审核:徐蕾莹我们的官方网站:访问 lizhi.fm&荔枝 FM:搜索 英语环球搜狐新闻客户端:搜索 英语环球广播新浪微博:搜索 英语环球广播


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