iphone6s初始界面更新 苹果系统时 界面一直停留在update iclound setings怎么解决

iphone6s更新 苹果系统时 界面一直停留在update iclound setings怎么解决_百度知道
iphone6s更新 苹果系统时 界面一直停留在update iclound setings怎么解决
还可以从 iPhone 中暂时注销 iCloud 服务。  4,在设置列表里,请找到 iCloud 一栏,点击进入。当然,如果在 iCloud 中关闭了“照片”这些选项以后,还是未能解决问题的话,因为当 iPhone 接入无线网络时,它会自动在后台连接苹果的云服务,然后将照片通过网络备份上去。  2,先请打开 iPhone 屏上的“设置”应用  3,等过一段时间再打开试试、我的照片流和 iCloud 照片共享选项。  6,当关闭以后, 再继续使用戏观察,看 iPhone 还会不会经常提示“连接到 iCloud 出错”要样的消息。如果没有的话,那就说明关闭了照片流功能可以解决该问题,如 iCloud 照片图库,接着在 iCloud 功能列表里,点击“照片”一栏  5,随后可以把照片里的所有选项都暂时关闭  1,可以尝试关闭 iCloud 中“我的照片流”这个选项
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Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents
Monday September 29,
It appears that there may be a serious bug with the "Reset All Settings" option in iOS 8, causing users who activate the feature to lose all of their iWork documents stored in iCloud Drive. According to multiple posters on the MacRumors , using the "Reset All Settings" option under General --> Reset has caused documents to be permanently deleted from iCloud Drive.
Because iOS 8 was so sluggish on my iPad 3 I reset all settings (No data or media will be deleted) and sped it up BUT deleted my iWork data! Then promptly synced and deleted it in iCloud.I have public beta of Yosemite so can't roll back via time machine. I have no pre iOS 8 backups in iTunes or iCloud to revert to (well iCloud device backups don't contain cloud documents and I should have iOS 7 backups in iTunes but can't find any. iCloud has no trash like dropbox. They seem gone forever.The "Reset All Settings" option explicitly says that "No data or media will be deleted," and it is meant to reset all user preferences to the default out-of-the-box settings. That the option is deleting iCloud Drive documents appears to be a serious bug, though it may be limited to Apple's own iWork apps like Pages, Keynote, and Numbers. One
had all of his iWork documents wiped by using "Reset All Settings," while other app information remained in iCloud.
In our own testing, using "Reset All Settings" deleted all iWork documents stored in iCloud Drive on the iPhone and . After allowing time for syncing to a Mac running OS X Yosemite, all of the documents disappeared from that machine as well. Preview and TextEdit documents, which cannot be accessed on the iPhone, remained untouched on the Mac.
There appears to be no simple way to recover iCloud Drive documents that have been erased by "Reset All Settings" in Yosemite, and several people who have been affected by the bug are now in contact with Apple support in an effort to retrieve their documents. A
was, however, able to recover his files from a backup folder, and OS X Yosemite users may also have luck with .
One user said that Apple was waiting on engineers to investigate the issue, while another said his account had been
in troubleshooting mode to attempt to recover the data.
Introduced with iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite,
is Apple's answer to cloud-based storage services like Dropbox. iCloud Drive allows users to store a variety of documents like spreadsheets, PDFs, images, and more, accessing them on any device. Currently OS X Mavericks users can access iCloud Drive documents , but iCloud Drive will be fully functional in October, after OS X Yosemite is released.
Users who have iCloud Drive enabled may want to refrain from using the "Reset All Settings" option on their devices for the time being, in order to avoid accidentally erasing important documents stored in iCloud Drive.
Quality Control???
What's going on with Apple lately?
Rating: 100 Votes
Wow, iOS 8 just keeps getting worse and worse
Rating: 71 Votes
Your erasing it wrong
Rating: 54 Votes
Lovely, just lovely.
I would be screwed if I didn't read these forums so frequently.
Rating: 49 Votes
Your deleting it wrong
It's "you're" for "you are" not "your" for being possessive.
Rating: 45 Votes
What the hell happened to waiting to release stuff because "Details matter"? I know Apple wasn't perfect under Jobs but it wasn't this bad. The company seems too lax.
Rating: 43 Votes
Apples PR department must be going nuts right now
Rating: 42 Votes
Bendgate deniers will probably claim this doesn't happen either.
Rating: 41 Votes
Bendgate deniers will probably claim this doesn't happen either.
show me a single video of a phone bending in front pockets, please. not just a bunch of dumbasses trying to break them on purpose.
Rating: 39 Votes
Strike .... 4?
I lost count.
Rating: 34 Votes
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