
GTA5街头部分随机事件和细节GTA5街头部分随机事件和细节爱情观啊百家号作为美国游戏史上最畅销的作品,GTA5发售数年来热度不减,常年占据STEAM销量榜前三,除了线上模式的持续更新外,R星对于游戏细节的展现无出其右。强尼死了,但是失落帮的势力还没有完全消失。强尼的失落帮成员常见抢劫路人和商店,但他们也会抢运钞车,他们会骑着摩托追着运钞车开枪!在好莱坞山上,有一间门卫室(应该是门卫),有时半夜过去会发现失落帮的成员在枪杀那个门卫!在监狱附近有时会有遇到逃犯抢车,运气好点自己也会被抢。路边有时会有人假装搭顺风车,你停下的话他们会拿枪指着你并抢走你的车!(是的你没看错,是你的车被人抢了)通常是你开着好车的情况下会遇到!在野外有时会看见几只美洲虎围攻一头鹿!在山上会看到美洲虎攻击登山的背包客。不幸的是美洲虎也会袭击并且咬死你!警察和歹徒的枪战中,有时会把你的车当掩体,如果歹徒开车逃跑,警察会征用你的车去追!如果你不幸被警车撞了,警察不会道歉而是直接两星通缉你!如果你半夜穿着警服开着警车在路上遇到那些妓女,并且鸣着警笛朝她们开去,她们会慌忙逃跑!因为她们以为是真的条子来了!在野外,会看见一辆抛锚的面包车开着门停在路中间,地图显示是一个蓝点,如果你走过去看就中计了,你会被后面的人电晕。醒来后会发现自己全身被扒光扔在火车铁轨上!在沙漠上有时会有人大喊救命,你过去之后会有几个人伏击你把你打晕,但醒来之后还是在沙漠上,不过衣服也全没了!用富兰克林在野外开车时,有时会遇到几个骑四轮摩托的老头,在后边追车叫你停下,嘲讽你的爱尔兰口音并要拿下你,火力很猛!用崔佛他们会喊加拿大白人!开着好车在路边烧胎秀车,有时会被路人冲过来把你拉下车揍!夜晚开车远光或不开灯时,对面驶来的车会按喇叭或者交替近远光灯闪你,等会车的时候还会骂你。如果对他竖中指,脾气差点的还会骂骂咧咧的过来扁你!在风力发电厂附近,走到最顶端,有几率看到一对男人在车里啪啪啪,走近后他们会说怕你泄密,对你开枪!在一些比较隐蔽的小巷,会看见几个巴勒帮的人在讨论什么,走近后会对你开枪,还会放狗咬你!有时会碰到一个女人说有人犯心脏病了请你帮忙,其实是打劫,跟着她到死胡同里会有两个拿枪的人冲出来。如果你是拿着枪跟她进去,她会机智地说:算了算了,我不需要你这样的帮助。或者会喊两个同伙快跑,这家伙有更厉害的枪!崔佛乡村附近可以玩飞镖的酒吧里,有时候会突然有两个人从店里冲出来,估计是打完劫的。在麦克家附近的精品服饰和发廊也会碰到抢劫,直接进去会被人指着头喊跪下,三分钟内不准动,不杀你是你的荣幸··· 你可以干掉他们把钱还给店主,下次再去理发店时店员会认出你,有几率触发一段隐藏对话!开出租车载客,如果你半路把乘客杀了,当你开着这辆车再去载客的话,下一个乘客看到车里的死尸会逃跑,还会打电话报警!当你的出租车载过几个乘客后,接下来就会遇到不老实的,有到地方逃跑不付钱的,甚至会有上车打劫你的!做完麦克和老崔假冒巡警的任务后,家里更衣室里就会有一套警服。当你穿着警服开着警车遇到真正的警察在追击歹徒时,你鸣着警笛冲上去把歹徒干掉有几率不被通缉!在路上开着警车,如果突然开启警笛,前面的车会立即让路,甚至会手忙脚乱变道撞车!汽水买太多自动售货机会提示已售完,汽水喝太多会打嗝!打劫一家商店三次以上,再去的话会发现收银员也有枪了,你举枪他也举枪,甚至有时路边就停着辆警车!在机场附近,会有人抢路人的车,如果你把他干掉并把车还给被抢者,会收到路人短信,送你一件西装!遇到有人抢自行车,抢回来以后,会收到短信送你十万股票。城市的某个边缘会有两个禽兽要活埋一个女人,救下女人后地上有大把的钱!送她回家途中,她说自己是黑帮老大的女儿,之后还会和你联系,她老爸会往你的帐上再打一大笔钱。在半夜或日出前,去沙滩会有一定几率看到正在整理沙地的作业车辆,还有黄色的救生员吉普车在巡逻,甚至会看到拖拉机拉着犁在沙滩上乱跑!白天当你在沙滩上拿手机拍美女时,她们会骂你流氓!她旁边的男人会说你找死而且要揍你。如果她旁边没有男人,正在远处健身的壮汉有一定几率会冲过来路见不平。此时你掏出枪来他们会嚎叫着逃窜!附近没有警察时开走停着的警车是不会被通缉的,或者附近有警察但是他们视线在别处,用消音武器打破警车玻璃开走也不会被通缉!当你坐上机场路边停着的出租车时,有时会有一些乘客不高兴,觉得你抢了他的出租车,甚至会与你单挑!别还手,如果附近正好有警察,他会被击毙!某个电台节目会说洛杉矶和北京正在竞争全球污染最严重的城市,然后会有听众说无论如何不能输给中国!打劫珠宝店之前的事先侦查任务,如果接任务时麦克穿的太随便,比如背心短裤拖鞋,甚至是光着身子,莱斯特会把你轰出去,叫你穿的正常点再来!事后有些散乱在地上的报纸内容是刚刚发生的珠宝店劫案!在抢完银行后汽车电台也会报道。游戏中有一座大学,里面有花园、教学楼和操场,校园有拿着书的学生,用手机听音乐的人,中午时段会有边吃饭边看书的人,操场上会看见有人在拉单杠、做俯卧撑、仰卧起坐、踢球,有时会看到正在举行的一场短跑比赛,有裁判和警卫,另外校园里还会有上课和下课铃声!附近的高尔夫球场和网球场有时会举行比赛,有专业解说!酒后未清醒时开车会有一定几率被1星通缉!如果你开着坦克碰到路人搭车,他们会说:我可不想坐在这个铁棺材里。在一间酒店附近会有两个醉酒男求搭车,如果途中车开得太快醉酒者会朝车窗外呕吐!也可能碰到一男一女,直接在你车内边啪边说假期很宝贵,珍惜每一秒。游戏内所有的钟表并不是贴图,包括家里、商店理发店里,还有广场上的大钟等,都是实时走动的,你可以拿出手机看时间,分秒不差!在城区内每到整点时会听见广场上的大钟敲响,持续10分钟!富兰克林卧室床边有一盏电蚊灯,有时会看见一只飞虫飞近被电死。还有一把吉他,把吉他弄翻在地,踩到时吉他会发出声音,富兰克林有时会说:别弄坏了。开车从地铁轨道出来后,站台上等车的乘客会惊愕的看着你并对你说脏话。如果你呆着不走,站台警卫会冲过来把你拉下车,如果还手2星通缉!工地上有辆车被塌下的管子压住,车里工人被困,开挖掘机把周围的管子挪开救他出来,稍有不慎就会爆炸!获救后工人说他还有最后一天就要退休了,不想死。如果着火快爆炸时工人会绝望的劝你躲远些!可以把灭火器和室内的饮水机水桶打破,桶里的水会流出来直到流光,如果打在水桶的中间位置就只会流掉一半的水。车的油箱被打了会漏油,油迹会干,车内的燃油表会下降,燃油漏光车会打不着火。如果车窗玻璃破裂,当你关车门时会因为震动而把玻璃彻底震碎!在一条步行街上有一个小丑模样的街头艺人表演哑剧,看完他无重复的哑剧表演要20分钟。路边有时会有弹吉他唱歌的艺人,会有路人看半天后冲过去大喊:我的耳朵快要死了!然后砸了他的吉他,双方发生决斗!机场经常会看到有客机起降,流程规范。如果你开飞机时与其它飞机靠的太近他们会转向避免与你撞机!空中的鸟可以打死,从天上掉下来还可以找到鸟的尸体。在军事基地附近山上用狙击瞄准镜可以观察到基地内军人正在进行队列和射击训练,会有战斗机在跑道上起飞,跑道旁会有人在地面指挥飞行员!GTA5中的细节不胜枚举,以上只算得上一小部分,毕竟70G的游戏没那么被玩透彻,我们佩服R星的同时更期待你的丰富和完善!本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。爱情观啊百家号最近更新:简介:世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路作者最新文章相关文章|  
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GTA5 全部宣传视频 旁白及人物 对话文本
游戏狂人, 积分 1979, 距离下一级还需 21 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1979, 距离下一级还需 21 积分
原文来自 前半部分有 中文翻译,如有错误请指正
Trailer #1
The first trailer for Grand Theft Auto V was released on November 2, 2011. The song used in the trailer was &Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake& by Small Faces.
第一部宣传片于日现身。片中使用的歌曲是Small Faces的 &Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake&
&Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.
Or the... Ah I don't know, that thing. That magic.
You see it in the movies.
I wanted to retire. From what I was doing, you know?
From that, that... line of work. Be a good guy for once, a family man.
So, I bought a big house. Came here, put my feet up, and thought I'd be a dad like all the other dads.
My kids, would be like the kids on TV.
We could play ball and sit in the sun.
But well, you know how it is.&
― Michael De Santa
Time& & & & Analysis
0:00-0:06& & & & ESRB (May contain content inappropriate for children) screen appears.
0:06-0:08& & & & The Del Perro Beach/Vespucci Beach with a lifeguard house, a surfboard, a couple, and a dog are all present.
0:08-0:11& & & & Two male joggers near Del Perro Pier with two females jogging looking back at the pair. An observatory is seen at the background.
0:11-0:17& & & & A view of Downtown Los Santos with a Maverick shown in the background. The screen then reads &Rockstar Games Presents&.
0:17-0:19& & & & A golfer playing on a golf course with a Caddy present. A Blimp can be seen at the background.
0:19& & & & A man on Seashark driving under Miriam Turner Overpass.
0:20-0:22& & & & Three hikers climbing the beta Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness and witnessing the beauty of nature.
0:22-0:27& & & & A Rapid GT dropping down its roof and a woman crossing the pedestrian lane. The man in the car would be a beta Franklin Clinton. There are ECola and Pisswasser posters behind the car and a passing Baller.
0:27-0:29& & & & &A Rockstar North Production& appears on the screen. Several wind power generators, a seaplane (possibly a Skimmer) and towards the bottom of the screen a large utility vehicle can be seen, possibly a Rancher.
0:29-0:30& & & & A man and a woman performing a yoga inside a luxury home.
0:31& & & & Several cars driving along the La Puerta Freeway. Road signs show Downtown Los Santos and Little Seoul, the latter a parody of real-life Koreatown.
0:32-0:34& & & & A sunset view of Muscle Sands Gym.
0:34-0:37& & & & A pedestrian near Eclipse Liquor and Deli, with a man walking down the street. A Sentinel is seen passing by.
0:37-0:38& & & & Mile High Club (possibly a parody of two entertainment complexes that is part of L.A. Live) under construction. It is adjacent to the parody of the real-life US Bank Tower.
0:38-0:42& & & & One of the 3 protagonists, Michael De Santa, overlooking the city.
0:42-0:46& & & & A Duster spraying a field.
0:46-0:49& & & & Michael, and possibly Eddie Toh and Gustavo Mota dressed as exterminators rob a Vangelico jewelry store on Portola Drive. One of the exterminators, Franklin, was also the driver of a red convertible.
0:49-0:50& & & & Michael driving a blue Sentinel.
0:50-0:54& & & & Various street scenes in the city. Note the overhead power lines on the rasied wall, showing that there could be a subway line in GTA V, probably based on the real life Metro Rail.
0:54-0:55& & & & A man hammering a &For Sale& sign in front of a house. A Boxville is passing by and a Futo can be seen in the driveway.
0:55-0:56& & & & Two hookers talking to someone in a Phoenix outside Liquor Ace.
0:57& & & &
A 9F speeding ahead.
0:58-1:00& & & & A Tramp holding up a cardboard sign reading &Need Money for Beer, Pot and Hookers. (At least I'm not bullshitting U!)& near Del Perro Freeway in East Los Santos. And then an alleyway filled with more tramps and tents.
1:00-1:01& & & & A fighter jet, possibly the P-996 Lazer, flying between the city's buildings.
1:01-1:02& & & & The bouncer throwing a drunk man outside of &Tequi-la la& and a Vader sitting at a red light.
1:03-1:04& & & & A Brute oil rig.
1:05& & & & The same Rapid GT aforementioned being chased by a Vapid Police Car, and then crashing into a Cognoscenti Cabrio
1:06-1:08& & & & An African-American (likely a beta Franklin) being chased by LSPD patrolmen. A Police Maverick joins the pursuit and another dog can be seen in the cage in the background as well as a pair of shoes hanging from the electrical wires.
1:08& & & & A burning Vapid Stanier (first-generation) in the foreground, while there is a first-generation Stanier LSPD police cruiser and Ambulance visible in the background.
1:09-1:11& & & & The Vinewood sign with a Shamal flying towards the city. The Blimp can be seen at the background. The skyline of Downtown Los Santos includes the Mile High Club under construction and a parody of the real-life US Bank Tower.
1:12-1:25& & & & The Grand Theft Auto V Logo appears. Note that the &V& is drawn in a style similar to a banknote.
There is an easter egg at the scene right after the GoPostal Boxville van drives past the screen. There is a sidewalk with the street number 2405, which is a reference to the birthdate of Sam Houser, President of Rockstar Games.
At 1:05 A Police Car has the registration number OCT 25 on its front. This is a possible easter egg on the date of the announcement of the trailer. Before the Spring 2013 release announcement was made, many people believed it to be an easter egg for a release date of the game, as all GTA games (except GTA IV because of delay, and DLCs) have been released in October.
The lines and dialogue that Michael says may be a reference to Michael's voice actor Ned Luke, as he was beginning to retire from acting before he started working on GTA V.
Trailer #2
The second trailer for Grand Theft Auto V was released on November 14, 2012. The song used in the trailer was &Skeletons& by Stevie Wonder.侠盗猎车5的第二部宣传片在日被放出。使用的歌曲为Stevie Wonder的&Skeletons&
Grand Theft Auto V Official Trailer 2
Amanda: He's not staying the night, he's a bum!
Tracey: OH MY GOD!
Michael: You know, I've been in this game for a lot of years... I got out alive. If you want my advice... give this shit up.
Trevor: The guns and crank in this area go through Trevor Philips Enterprises... or they ain't going!
Trevor: I'll swing by and sign the contracts, all right? Just ignore the bodies!
Lamar: Can you tell me where Bertolt Beach House is?
Michael: That house right there, with the yellow stairs.
Tanisha: I don't care how many cars you own, you ain't changin'.
Lamar: I'm gettin' my money in the hood, I'm cool.
Franklin: Cool what, slangin' dope and throwin' up gang signs?
Isiah: Your son, J he's a good kid?
Jimmy: Oh my God!
Jimmy: Hey, let's bounce!
Michael: Bounce? We're bouncing now?
麦克:跳?我们现在得跳了是吧? (没上下文不知道什么意思)
Michael: That's Trevor, my best friend. That's Franklin, the son I always wanted.
Franklin: Yeah, whatever...
Trevor: Jesus, your therapist has a lot to answer for.
Time& & & & Analysis
0:00-0:04& & & & ESRB Ratings
0:04-0:06& & & & Overlooking the city amidst the Galileo Observatory.
0:06-0:09& & & & Michael's mansion with a parked 9F.
0:09-0:10& & & & Michael's wife, Amanda, shouting at their daughter, Tracey.
0:10-0:15& & & & Michael walking along the pool, picks a leaf and throwing it aside.
0:15-0:19& & & & Michael drinking juice.
0:19-0:23& & & & A scene of traffic on the bridge, with a train traveling under it, and Los Santos in the background.
0:23-0:25& & & & A busy highway.
0:25-0:27& & & & Classic cars traveling along a dirt road in Blaine County, drunk men fighting.
0:28-0:29& & & & Trevor Philips confronting Ortega outside his trailer home in a river.
0:29-0:30& & & & Trevor inside Yellow Jack Inn, smashing the head of a man.
0:29-0:30& & & & Trevor threatening Ortega.
0:30-0:31& & & & Trevor driving his Dune Buggy in the desert.
0:31-0:35& & & & Trevor throws a Molotov Cocktail, incinerating the O'Neil ranch quickly.
0:35-0:37& & & & Trevor saying one of his famous phrases.
0:37-0:38& & & & A bridge in Los Santos.
0:38-0:40& & & & A bus stop and a train passing nearby on Roy Lowenstein Boulevard.
0:40-0:45& & & & Michael giving indications to Franklin Clinton and Lamar Davis.
0:45-0:46& & & & Franklin stealing a 9F.
0:46-0:48& & & & Franklin following Lamar.
0:48-0:49& & & & Franklin's ex-girlfriend (Tanisha Jackson) shouting at him.
0:50-0:52& & & & A Police Cruiser chasing a Packer, while Franklin drops off the truck with a JB 700, in the mission Pack Man.
0:53-0:55& & & & Franklin being disappointed of Lamar because of his gang life.
0:56-0:56& & & & A F620 chasing a Cheetah.
0:57-1:00& & & & Isiah Friedlander asking Michael if James is a good kid.
1:01-1:05& & & & Jimmy is saved by his father in the mission Father/Son.
1:05-1:09& & & & Michael and James are &bouncing&.
1:10-1:12& & & & Trevor stomping Johnny Klebitz.
1:13-1:14& & & & A Cuban 800 about to take off, and then flying over the forest and the nearby dam.
1:15-1:16& & & & A bank's vault door exploding in the mission Prologue.
1:16-1:17& & & & Chop passing by the Felon.
1:18-1:19& & & & D sliding on a car's hood, then Chop does the same thing while chasing him.
1:19-1:22& & & & Michael in the missions Three's Company and The Jewel Store Job, then Franklin on a motorcycle.
1:22-1:25& & & & Trevor driving off an airplane with a car, then bailing out the vehicle, in the mission Minor Turbulence.
1:25-1:27& & & & Franklin in a dirt bike race, while several racers fall off their bikes.
1:27-1:29& & & & Trevor jumping off a train which is about to crash.
1:30-1:37& & & & Trevor and Franklin meeting for the first time. A Buzzard is seen behind them.
1:37-1:39& & & & A fighter jet (a beta P-996 LAZER) launching its missiles to shoot down a Police Maverick.
1:40-1:41& & & & Three wise monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. This is found in the mission Three's Company.
1:42-1:51& & & & The Grand Theft Auto V and Rockstar logos appearing.
Michael. Franklin. Trevor.
The Michael. Franklin. Trevor. was released on April 30, 2013 . The songs used in the trailers were respectively &Radio Ga Ga& by Queen, &Hood Gone Love It& by Jay Rock, and &Are You Sure Hank Done It this Way& by Waylon Jennings.
三人的介绍视频在号被 放出。所用歌曲分别为Queen的&Radio Ga Ga& , Jay Rock的&Hood Gone Love It& , Waylon Jennings的&Are You Sure Hank Done It this Way&。
Grand Theft Auto V Michael. Franklin. Trevor.
Michael's Trailer
Isiah: What do you want, Michael?
Michael: I don't know, I want something that isn't this.
Tracey (off screen): Dad! Jimmy called me a bitch!
Michael: I want to be a good dad, love my family, you know, live the dream.
Tracey: I hate you!
Jimmy: Why do I have to hold your hand through this whole mid-life crisis bullshit?!
Michael: Come here!
Amanda: Don't kill him!
Michael: But at the same time, I really want the other stuff too.
Michael: Stay down!!!
Isiah: And you're plainly addicted to chaos.
Michael: Well I'm not sure that's true, doc.
Michael: I'm rich, I'm miserable... I'm pretty average for this town.
Isiah: I think you need a new therapist.
Franklin's Trailer
Franklin: So you givin' me a lecture about not being a good enough gang-banger?
Lamar: That's all we got! That's our heritage!
Franklin: I thought we was trying to get out of this bullshit!
Lamar: You soundin' more and more like a snee-i-itch everyday.
Franklin: I sound like somebody trying to make some paper and not get killed.
Lamar: Oh, my bad, &Mr. Goldcard.&
Lamar: Hah! Gangsta' shit!
Stretch: You ain't got no respect!
Franklin: I got respect for reality!
Unknown Gang Member (off screen): Enjoy them hoes, homie!
Franklin: Yeah, whatever...
Trevor's Trailer
Michael (off screen): Did I ever tell you about Trevor?
Trevor: *Wolf howl*
Unknown (off screen): Major drug dealer.
Lester (off screen): Real hillbilly type shit.
Trevor: Bring me my coffee or I'm gonna cut your arm off!
Trevor: Back in town, baby! Yeah!
Floyd: Please, just go and ruin somebody else's home furnishings.
Trevor: I'm new in town and making friends, all right... A lot of friends, I mean, things could get really messy!
Amanda: Just keep him away from me and the children!
Trevor: *Mocking voice*... Nice new tits by the way!
Michael: What is wrong with you?
Trevor: Abandonment issues, I see a shrink once a week.
Trevor: Pew, you'll get shot, amigo!
Trevor: Get out!
Trevor: Floyd! Massage!
Floyd: Oh, uh, n-n-no, I really don't...
Trevor: Do you want me to get my dick out again?
Franklin's Trailer is the only trailer that doesn't feature Trevor.
Official Gameplay Video
Grand Theft Auto V Official Gameplay Video
Narrator: With Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar have tried to re-imagine the open world game in a number of ways. The game world is beautiful, massive and diverse. A sprawling, satirical re-imagining of modern Southern California. Covering mountains and oceans, expensive stores, and strip malls. Urban decay, and untouched wilderness. Beaches and backwoods. The sublime, and the ridiculous. Greed, and hypocrisy.
旁白:凭借侠盗猎车5, Rockstar以多种方式重新定义了开放世界式游戏。游戏中的世界美丽、巨大而且多样。 是个对现代南加州重新构想,世界巨大,且具有讽刺性。地图涵盖了山脉与海洋,名品商店和脱衣舞厅,城市的衰落地带,无垠的荒野,沙滩和森林地带。崇高与可笑的人物。贪婪与虚伪。
Simeon: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be.
Franklin: What?
Franklin: So what we doin' here?
Trevor: We're working, amigo.
Narrator: For the first time, the game features not one, but three would-be heroes.
Trevor: So, now what?
Narrator: Michael, a once successful bank robber, and now less successful family man.
Tracey (off screen): Jimmy called me a bitch!
Jimmy: You know, you're a real asshole.
吉米:你知道么? 你是个真混蛋。
Michael: What did you just say to me?!
Amanda: Stop it! You're ruining my yoga!
阿曼达:别吵了! 你们毁了我的瑜伽!
Narrator: Franklin, a humble street hustler convinced he's surrounded by morons.
Franklin: You can't repo the assets of a dead man, bitch-sittin' chief asshole!
Narrator: And then there's Trevor.
Trevor: Fuck! ...Ahhh!
Narrator: The less said about him, the better.
Introducing three lead characters, transforms both the narrative into one interwoven story and the structure of individual missions. Players can cut between vantage points.
Michael: Yeah, I could use a little backup here.
Narrator: And from one high octane moment to the other.
Franklin: I got you.
IAA Member: He's got support!
Michael: Get us outta' here!
Trevor: Roger that!
Narrator: This helps to give missions new levels of diversity and intensity.
Franklin: (inhaling marijuana) Damn!
Narrator: When not on a mission, the use of three lead characters also allow for a touch of voyeurism. As you can drop in at any moment and find out what your new friends have been up to as they go about their days.
Jimmy: Jeez pop, too much more of that and maybe I won't be dead by 35!
Trevor: Hey officer, give it up, this is getting way outta' hand!
Narrator: The world is not only huge, it's packed with a vast array of
cars to customize, planes to fly, clothes to buy, sports to play, nirvana's to pursue, oceans to dive, animals to spot, hunt, or be hunted by, freaks to watch, meet, and befriend.
Griff: Now get the hell outta' here!
Narrator: Bounties to hunt...
Ralph: No no! No!
Narrator: And on and on.
Maude: How have you been?
Trevor: Oh, simply wonderful, and you?
Maude: Somewhere stuck between joyful and peachy.
Narrator: There's also been a huge focus on mechanics in the game, to make every aspect as fun and fluid as it is broad. Everything from driving and shooting, to tennis and bike riding feels fun and responsive. However, alongside all of this leisure, people also have to take care of business. For all their pretensions, these men are dangerous thieves.
Michael: So it's an industrial area, right? So I'm thinking vehicles... trash truck to block, tow truck to sack.
Narrator: To survive, they have to setup and pull off a series of increasingly audacious heists.
Lester: Gentlemen, some plans for your attention.
Narrator: The player sets these up for themselves and decides how to execute them and with whom.
Lester: There's two ways I see of doing this, we go in smart...
Michael: (whispering) Let's go.
Lester: ...Or we go in loud and dumb.
Michael: Let's go!
Michael: Now ladies and gentlemen, this is your moment! Please don't make me ruin all the great work your plastic surgeons have been doing!
Narrator: After the take is divided, you decide what to spend your money on. Anything from sensible investments, like tattoos and fast cars, to risky ventures like stocks or Los Santos real estate. And then there's Grand Theft Auto Online, which we will show you properly soon.
Grand Theft Auto Online: Official Gameplay Video
Grand Theft Auto Online Official Gameplay Video-0
Narrator: With Grand Theft Auto Online, Rockstar Games is looking to bring the heart of the Grand Theft Auto experience to a living online world with multiple players. Just what you choose to do in that world, is up to you. The game combines a consistent and continuingly expanding world, full of personalities.
Lester: Welcome to paradise, heh. Well that was awkward.
Narrator: With a wide array of redesigned mechanics, and a huge range of both structured, and unstructured activities for you to do. After you fly into Los Santos, you're introduced to the world and it's many opportunities for earning and spending money.
Lamar: You need to better represent-ate yourself, you know what I'm talking about?
Narrator: Having fun, and getting into trouble. You can run around on your own making friends, and enemies. or band together and form a crew. Then tackle a heist, rob a liquor store, or compete in classic online modes. Or do much more besides. Complete any job, and you'll make money and earn reputation. Then you can spend peddy cash customizing your character, their outfits, weapon of choice, or favorite vehicle. As you make some real money, maybe you can buy an apartment, so friends can stop by and hang out, or buy a garage. Fill it with custom vehicles, and then take them racing by land, air, and sea. Or simply cruise around showing off. Everything you do helps you progress through the world. Introducing you to new characters.
Gerald: Now keep your mouth shut about me, you hear?
Narrator: New missions, rewards, and almost limitless opportunities. Rockstar will be constantly developing more content for you to enjoy. But you'll also be able to design your own races, and death matches using the content creator. Then you can share them with friends, and the world. Or try ones that other people have made. Grand Theft Auto Online brings the freedom of the Grand Theft Auto experience. To multiple players, in a dynamic shared world.
Official Trailer
The Official Trailer for Grand Theft Auto V was released on Aug. 29, 2013. The song used in the trailer was &Sleepwalking& by The Chain Gang of 1974.
Grand Theft Auto V The Official Trailer
Michael: A few weeks ago I was happily sulking by my swimming pool...
Michael: What do you want?
Franklin: Just came by to see if there's something I can help you with.
Michael: I'm retired.
Michael: And my psychotic best friend shows up out of nowhere...
Trevor: *bangs head* Nobody tells me what I want!
Michael: ...To torture me over mistakes I made over a decade ago.
Lester: You back in the game?
Michael: I guess.
Trevor: Yes! Woo! Welcome back, man!
Michael: We're all professionals, we all know the score.
Lamar: This is legit business.
Franklin: 401Ks, tax returns, and all.
Michael: We're gonna move quick and we`re gonna keep cool.
Trevor: My job, my score! Get your own!
Amanda: You are alone, you pathetic psychopath.
Lester: Suppose the group hug's out of the question?
Narrator: Grand Theft Auto V, coming September 17th, rated &M& for mature. (American version only)
At approximately 0:18, when Trevor fires his shotgun at the security camera, it seems that the slugs goes straight through the camera and hits the wall. This is most likely a glitch.
Xbox 360 TV Spot
The official Xbox 360 TV Spot for Grand Theft Auto V. The song that played in the trailer was &I Can't Wait& by Stevie Nicks.
GTA 5 - Xbox 360 TV Spot
Trevor Philips: The big one.
Michael De Santa: The big one.
Crew: THE BIG ONE!!!
Trevor: One. Last. Score.
Franklin Clinton: If it works for me, it works for you, babe!
Michael: I've got more to lose than you!
Trevor: Yeah, well, I got nothin'!
Franklin: So what now?
Trevor: Let's hug it out!
Narrator: Grand Theft Auto V. Out now. Rated &M& for Mature.& (American version only)
PC and Next-Gen Trailer
The PC and Next-Gen trailer for Grand Theft Auto V was released on June 10, 2014. The song being played is Baardsen Remix of &From Nowhere& by Dan Croll.
Grand Theft Auto V -- Coming for PlayStation(R)4, Xbox One and PC this Fall-1
Time& & & & Analysis
0:00-0:05& & & & ESRB (May contain content inappropriate for children) screen appears.
0:06-0:08& & & & A view of eastern San Andreas' coastline. Water is seen splashing onto the shore.
0:09-0:11& & & & Two deer, a buck and a doe, seen grazing in the grass while a cougar hides behind a tree waiting to attack.
0:11-0:13& & & & An underwater view of the Pacific Ocean showing a small school of hammerhead sharks swimming around the water.
0:14-0:17& & & & Two cougars running along a dirt pathway on Mount Gordo before stopping near the edge.
0:17-0:19& & & & A train driving along Paleto Forest.
0:19-0:20& & & & The same train driving near the Paleto Forest Sawmill.
0:21-0:22& & & & A construction worker nearly gets run over by a Dump.
0:23-0:24& & & & Two construction workers looking out over Davis Quartz.
0:24-0:25& & & & A long shot view of the Palmer-Taylor Power Station with several construction workers seen inside the station.
0:25-0:27& & & & A billboard next to the Senora Freeway. It reads &AMERICA IS FOR AMERICANS PERIOD.& In the bottom right is an official badge of the LS Civil Border Control. The background of the billboard is that of the American flag.
0:27-0:28& & & & Trevor Philips, shirtless and stumbling, getting up from a meadow.
0:29-0:30& & & & Trevor standing up on top of Mount Gordo with Mount Chiliad in the background. A Bigfoot-like creature appears to be standing near the edge.
0:30-0:32& & & & Overview of Sandy Shores near Trevor's trailer, with Trevor's red Bodhi in the foreground.
0:33-0:35& & & & A long line of traffic on the Los Santos Freeway at night.
0:36-0:46& & & & A Phantom with a RON oil trailer attached in a rainy Port of Los Santos.
0:38-0:4-0& & & & A view of the docks looking out towards Downtown Los Santos at sunset
0:40-0:41& & & & Some hobos standing next to a burning barrel.
0:42-0:43& & & & The angle of the hobos change and an Interceptor speeds past with it's sirens on.
0:44-0:47& & & & A daybreak shot of Forum Drive across from Clinton residence shows a Blimp in the air, the angle changes to Franklin washing his Buffalo, Tonya can be seen across the street while a cat is jumping off a wall in the background.
0:48-0:49& & & & Franklin walking with Chop through a crowd of Families gangsters at night.
0:50-0:52& & & &
A shot of Del Perro Pier at night
0:52& & & & A dusk shot at the back of Michael's mansion with a shadow floating across.
0:52-0:55& & & & Michael attempting yoga and falling over.
0:55-0:59& & & & Michael entering a Felon GT at night, sitting a traffic.
1:00-1:01& & & & Michael being chased by an LSPD Police Maverick and FIB Granger, which strangely lacks men hanging of the doors.
1:01-1:06& & & & A late evening shot of Mirror Park/East Vinewood looking towards South Los Santos,
1:06-1:17& & & & The Grand Theft Auto V logo appears, the screen blacks out saying Grand Theft Auto V, Coming to Playstation 4, Xbox One & PC, Fall 2014 Pre-Order Now.
“A Picket Fence and a Dog Named Skip” PC and Next-Gen Trailer
The A Picket Fence and a Dog Named Skip trailer was released on September 12, 2014.
Grand Theft Auto V “A Picket Fence and a Dog Named Skip”
Solomon: Welcome to show business. Nothing but make-believe will ever feel quite real again.
Peter: It's tragedy. Pathos. Tedium. I'm bored.
Isiah: Think about the person you'd like to be and really obsess about it.
Barry: The paranoia... and weirdness... But I do get concerned about the monsters.
Maude: I want a picket fence and a husband, and a dog named Skip.
Trevor: You do?
Maude: Kinda.
Altruist Cult Leader: Make him pure!
Franklin: Good to see you, dog!
Beverly: We'll continue the search for the truth!
Nigel & Mrs. Thornhill: We're not worthy...
Fabien: Back into my pelvis.
Mrs. Thornhill: Celebs, they're not like you or me.
Time& & & & Analysis
0:00-0:04& & & &
ESRB (This game is anticipated to be mature) screen appears.
Solomon:Welcome to show business.
0:04-0:06& & & &
A shot of the Vinewood Boulevard on a rainy night.
Solomon: Nothing but make-believe...
0:07-0:08& & & &
Solomon Richards speaking to Michael De Santa .
Solomon: ... will ever feel quite real again.
0:08-0:09& & & &
Solomon and Michael touching glasses and laughing.
0:10-0:12& & & &
A mime performing in Vespucci Beach.
Peter: It's tragedy. Pathos.
0:13-0:14& & & &
Peter Dreyfuss speaking to Franklin Clinton during A Starlet in Vinewood.
Peter: Tedium. I'm bored.
0:15-0:16& & & & A shot of Harmony and Larry's RV Sales.
0:16-0:17& & & &
Griff is standing in front of the store as a dog walks by.&/span&
Isiah: Think about the person you'd like to be...
0:17-0:18& & & &
Michael leaving therapy as Isiah gives him advice.
Isiah: ...and really obsess about it.
0:19-0:20& & & & A bodybuilder flexing on Vespucci Beach.
0:20-0:21& & & & Michael driving a Speedophile 2000 while Tracey sits in the back, referring to the mission Daddy's Little Girl.
0:22-0:23& & & &
A drunken Trevor stumbling to a female beachgoer on Pleasure Pier.
Barry: The paranoia... and weirdness...
0:24-0:26& & & &
Barry speaking to Michael on Legion Square during Grass Roots - Michael.
Barry: But I do get concerned about the monsters.
0:26-0:27& & & & A shot of Michael being examined by aliens after being abducted, referring to the mission Did Somebody Say Yoga?
0:27-0:28& & & & Graham the Vinewood Zombie roaring at the camera.
0:28-0:29& & & & Franklin taking part in the Vespucci Triathlon.
0:29-0:30& & & &
An orca swimming in the Pacific Ocean.
0:31-0:32& & & &
Trevor with a scopeless Sniper Rifle hiding behind a Pharte Gas-branded Declasse Burrito on the O'Neil Ranch, referring to the mission Crystal Maze.
Maude: I want a picket fence and a husband...
0:32-0:33& & & & A redneck screaming at the sun in Sandy Shores.
0:34-0:37& & & &
Maude Eccles speaking to Trevor Philips in the ending cutscene of Bail Bond.
Maude: ...and a dog named Skip.
Trevor: You do?
Maude: Kinda.
0:38-0:39& & & & A quick shot of a race taking place near the RON Alternates Wind Farm.
0:39-0:40& & & &
Cletus Ewing drawing a shotgun.
0:40& & & &
The Altruist Cult leader ordering his men to attack Trevor.
Altruist Cult Leader: Make him pure!
0:41-0:42& & & & Carbine Rifle-wielding clowns dancing and laughing after appearing out of a stack of purple smoke, referring to the mission Grass Roots - Trevor.
0:43& & & & A bike race taking place along Vespucci Beach.
0:43-0:44& & & & A man dressed as Commander from Republican Space Rangers entertaining a crowd in front of the Oriental Theater.
0:45-0:46& & & &
Franklin fist-bumping a dog.
Franklin: Good to see you, dog!
0:47& & & & A chimp screaming at the camera, referring to the mission Did Somebody Say Yoga?
0:48& & & & A Submersible heading to a sunken ship.
0:49& & & &
Beverly Felton speaking to Franklin Clinton during the final cutscene of Paparazzo.
Beverly: We'll continue the search for the truth!
0:50& & & & Omega launching a UFO model to fly.
0:51& & & & An UFO emanating a beam of light.
0:52& & & & A Space Docker drifting in Grand Senora Desert.
0:53-0:54& & & & Rickie Luckens playing air guitar in the Lifeinvader office while Michael is using his computer, referring to the mission Friend Request.
0:54-0:56& & & &
Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill kneeling in front of Trevor Philips during the mission Vinewood Souvenirs.
Nigel & Mrs. Thornhill: We're not worthy...
0:57& & & & Pamela Drake standing on the corner of Vinewood Boulevard and Power Street.
0:58& & & &
Fabien LaRouche ordering Amanda De Santa to do the &Downward Dog& pose in front of Michael during the mission Did Somebody Say Yoga?.
Fabien: Back into my pelvis.
0:59-1:01& & & & Michael falling through the sky of Los Santos during a bad trip, referring to the mission Did Somebody Say Yoga?.
1:01-1:02& & & &
Mrs. Thornhill speaking to Trevor Philips during the mission Vinewood Souvenirs
Mrs. Thornhill: Celebs, they're not like you or me.
1:03-1:04& & & & Michael continues to fall through the sky, once again referring to the mission Did Somebody Say Yoga?.
1:05& & & & The screen blacks out saying &Grand Theft Auto V, Coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One November 18. Also coming to PC. Pre-order now.&
First Person Experience Trailer
The &First Person Experience& trailer was released on November 4, 2014.
GTA 5 - First Person Mode Gameplay (PS4, Xbox One & PC)
Time& & & & Analysis
0:00-0:05& & & & ESRB (May contain content inappropriate for children) screen appears.
0:06-0:13& & & & Grand Theft Auto V logo appears, followed by the phrase &Experience Grand Theft Auto in First Person&.
0:14-0:17& & & & Trevor is shown taking a photo of a performer playing as the Commander from the Republican Space Rangers.
0:18-0:46& & & & Michael has a 4-star wanted level, enters a Felon GT, then drives away from the cops on Lake Vinewood Drive. Along the way, an Interceptor passes by & various Sheriff Cruisers are seen stationary. 2 FIB Grangers pass by with 4 NOOSE members hanging off now instead of 2 & police lights off.
0:47-0:59& & & & Trevor is flying a Frogger during The Big Score (Obvious approach). His shooting & stealth stats are seen being increased to 100. Lester fires a rocket at the 2 Buzzards & successfully takes them down.
1:00-1:11& & & & Franklin is now on Grove Street, shooting Ballas gang members, during the mission Hood Safari. He is seen firing an SMG with no attachments equipped. Franklin then throws a Grenade at the Felon. He quickly switches his weapon to the Carbine Rifle with the suppressor, scope, extended clip, grip & flashlight attachments and kills the Ballas members who get out of the cars. The cars then explode.
1:12-1:29& & & & Trevor is now taking off in a Cuban 800 from Sandy Shores Airfield, during the mission Nervous Ron. Ron informs Trevor that there's a biker hanging off the right wing. Trevor is aware of it & proceeds to get him off.
1:30-1:39& & & & Michael is now in Los Santos International Airport, chasing Molly Schultz in a grey Surano during the mission Legal Trouble. Along the way, he fires a few rounds with his Micro-SMG, one of the Interceptors crashes into the RON tanker trailer pulled by a Packer, which then explodes.
1:40-1:46& & & & Trevor is driving a Sanchez dirtbike chasing a Shamal during the mission Caida Libre. He jumps over a moving train.
1:47-2:02& & & & Michael is sneaking into the Humane Labs and Research laboratory during the mission Monkey Business. Dave Norton threatens the scientist to raise his hands against the wall. Michael then fires a Stun Gun at the scientist. Dave then threatens the security guard to drop the weapon. Steve Haines also threatens the guard. The security guard drops his weapon & Michael fires his stun gun.
2:03-2:25& & & & Franklin has a 4-star wanted level. He has just fired a rocket from the Rocket Launcher. Franklin enters the Thrust motorcycle & speeds off. He races down Bay City Avenue, narrowly avoiding vehicles such as the FIB Granger, the Fugitive, the Peyote, the second gen Oracle, a roadblock formed by 2 Interceptors, an Alpha, a Dukes, a Stallion, an FQ2, the Seminole, before finally nearly colliding with another FIB Granger.
2:26-2:52& & & & Trevor is in Fort Zancudo. He enters a P-996 Lazer, & takes off, but not before destroying a Titan with the built-in machine gun. He flies around the base before he destroys a Cargobob.
2:53-3:03& & & & The screen blacks out saying &Grand Theft Auto V, Coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One November 18.& Then a black & white Rockstar Games logo is shown before the video ends.
Launch Trailer
The Grand Theft Auto V Launch trailer was released on Monday November, 10, just under a week before the release on PS4 and Xbox One. The song featured in the trailer is Let's Go All the Way by Sly Fox.
Grand Theft Auto V The Official PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Launch Trailer
Devin: Hey, Slick, it's me!
Devin: I'm a Darwinist, brother, alright? Some prosper...
Solomon: Enjoy the picture, everyone!
Devin: ...And some struggle.
Wade: I thought you said you wasn't gonna hit me?
Rocco: We had a deal! We had paperwork!
Amanda: Un, deux, trois.
Trevor: My daddy was not nice to me!
Devin: Life is just one long mystery. Boom!
Announcer: Grand Theft Auto V. Coming November 18th on Playstation 4 & Xbox One. Rated M for Mature. (American version only)
Online Heists Trailer
The Grand Theft Auto Online Heist Trailer was released on Tuesday December, 16.
Grand Theft Auto Online – Heists Trailer-0
Lester: I know you've been complaining... but you weren't ready.
Lester: You need crew, to take a score.
Heist Planner: All right, first thing's a plane, then we got a bus. We got an inmate transfer schedule, and that's a two person job.
Ron: You sure they're not following you?
Heist Planner: This will require, a little bit of finesse.
Heist Planner: Simple! Should be the easiest money you'll ever make.
When Lester said &I know you've been complaining, but you weren't ready&, this is an obvious reference made by Rockstar about their fans complaining about when heists were coming out.
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