【11086jiangsuticaiwang】20选5LOL Singed Support Jungler 分别是什么意

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三中二之中二比较多人玩过的——Singed Support Jungler 分别是什么意思,请教下
LOL:说游戏的话是英雄联盟 通常聊天的话是laugh out loud(大声笑)的意思 Singed:炼金术士 Support :辅助 Jungler:打野者
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[S8] Make Singed Great Again (Patch 8.4)
3 months ago
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Guide Details
Summoner Spells
Split n' Gank: Map pressure Style
(Advanced)This summoner spell has been used heavily since Season 4 by top laners, and sometimes used by mid laners, and junglers.Bot lane ganks have become more rampant so it's getting more important to be able to quickly group with your team for Dragon fights or counter-ganking.This is great for split pushing, and grouping with your team mid to late game is more crucial now since the Season 4 changes.This is great on
because you can use your
to cancel your opponent's
while you're still able to use it.Don't use this to get back to lane. Use it only to gank other lanes *cough* bot lane *cough*It's more important now than ever to have this ability because objectives are more rewarded (new dragon, herald etc) and death timers are longer. In the worst case scenario,
can create map pressure and allow you to be near your team when they need you. In the best case scenario, it could lead to you winning a team fight and getting your team multiple kills + assists. In the worst case scenario, you waste
on a champion you would have killed anyway. Best case scenario,
rewards you a single kill you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Don't get
I don't trust players with this anymore so always go . Here are some sample videos that clearly show why
is better than : Nobody Expects The Since
got nerfed into oblivion, this is the only other spell left to takeNobody expects
to use , so you'll catch a lot of people by surpriseUse this to get over walls or to secure that critical game-changing RIP Don't get this anymore, it's garbageNerfed to hell thanks to mid laners, now movement speed "ramps up" over 2 seconds which sucks
Primary: ResolveThis tree contains access to tankyness and survivability, especially late game scaling.
is still king, so we take this but now with Inspiration for a total of +130 starting HP.
was the keystone in this tree that was made for . It gives roughly 40 armor and MR in the early game, and in late game can give upwards of like 110 armor and 86 MR once you proc it. It procs from your
so it's great for when you initiate team fights or get into the enemy backline. The damage on it is nice too, but it's not as important as the tankyness.
is a no-brainer, probably the best rune in this tree. It gives a ton of tenacity (way more than previous masteries) from just using your summoner spells. Most critical game-changing fights you start will be after a clutch
or . If you have simply one summoner on cooldown, this is 10% tenacity or 37% with . If used after you
into a fight and/or
into an enemy backline, you're looking at 35% tenacity on its own, and 55% tenacity with . If you also have
in the late game, it can legit give up to 66% tenacity which is insane! is the best of this subtree because at 10 minutes you get free resists and a 5% TOTAL resists multiplier. Previous masteries from other seasons only multiplied bonus stats so you get a lot out of this especially when combined with your . Again, makes rushing AP items feel not as bad because you still get noticeable amounts of tankyness. Here is a quick summary of what these resists might look like. At around level 9 (close to when it activates), it gives you about 11 armor and 10 MR without items. At level 18 with no items, it's 13 armor and 11 MR with no items, you get 17 armor and 15 MR with your ultimate. If you have armor and MR items, this rune can give upwards of 24 armor and 18 MR. This rune also works very nicely with , lots of synergy.
is the new early game damage mitigation rune. It's great against AP and AD laners, you can safely take this on either and it's better than any other choice in that subtree. Secondary: InspirationThis tree not only contains access to a lot of utility and movement speed, which
likes a lot. It also gives you a total of +130 HP when combo'd with Resolve.
gives you free boots and +10 flat movement speed. This is about the same amount of movement speed as
but they're also free so they give you a nice discount for your build. The only downside is that you can't choose when you get boots, this comes in at about 8-10 minutes into the game, depending on how many kills you've gotten. is an interesting new rune that feels like it was built for . It gives you 5% movement speed as long as you have a potion or elixir on . It ALSO works on
which is amazing. It makes up for the lack of movement speed you won't have early game due to your
rune and makes it so you don't ever really need
as much, it's more optional now because you'll have plenty of movement speed.
- Passive Noxious Slipstream ("Free MS")NEW PASSIVE FINALLY 7.14 our time has come.Grants 20% movement speed for 2 seconds when near any champions (10 second cooldown per champion)Basically increases your sticking power and gap close significantlyFeels like a mini Has the same cooldown as
(NOT A COINCIDENCE) Means you no longer have to rely on
to catch up to enemies or
to necessarily stick to your opponents
- Q Poison Trail ("Gas") Singed's primary damage abilityGet this at level 1, and max it firstIt is deceptively powerful, has a 80% TOTAL AP scaling. Each poison tick has 40% scaling, and enemies are guaranteed to receive 2 poison ticks minimum upon exposure. The longer they stay exposed, the more poison ticks.It costs 13 mana per second, don't leave it on for too long before level 6 because it really burns through your mana bar.The first tick is applied almost instantly so combine this with a single auto-attack for great harass and last hitting minions.In team fights, this should pretty much always be on. Don't get caught in a team fight with your Q off!It's AOE and DoT so it's very strong with
- W Mega Adhesive ("Splooge"/"Goo")This is finally not total dogshit. Now has a grounding effect, meaning you can prevent enemies from using mobility abilities or
to finally lock them downSlow and duration has been nerfed, now to 40% for 3 seconds at all levels.You can get this at level 4 now because it's powerful and mana costs have been adjustedALWAYS max this last. Leveling it up feels bad because all it gets you is 1 second off its cooldown and a higher mana costCombo with
to root enemies for 1-2 seconds.
- E Fling ("Flip")The only time you would ever level this skill at level 1 is if your team is fully committed to invading the enemy jungle for a kill.Your primary fight-starting and peeling ability. Use this after the enemy front line uses their gap closers to get to your ADC, then fling them away from your ADC and so they will be helpless and useless. Can be used to cancel channeling (, , , etc). Is a form of Hard CC, use it wisely because it has long cooldown (10 seconds). Use this to initiate a trade. Attack-move the ground immediately after flinging an enemy to land a mid-air auto-attack on them. I personally like to hotkey attack-move to my Mouse3 Button (press the mouse wheel). Can be used to flip an enemy over a wall, if positioned properly. Can be combo'd with
for more hard-CC (1 second snare) which is great for locking down kills.The best way to combo is to use your
first while chasing your enemy or at the spot behind you when you're fighting them, and then
them into it.Max this second because every level increases the damage and root duration.
- R Insanity Potion ("HAM")Turn this on when a fight starts.Turn this on when your opponent goes HAM on you.Turn this on when you want to go HAM on your opponent.Turn this on if you need to catch someone.Turn this on if you need to run away faster. Extremely powerful, gives you super stats for 25 seconds and has a relatively low cooldown. This Ability has the potential to deal 402.5/690/977.5 (25s x poison/s + 2 x fling) magic damage with just the AP part.
Starting Items
Starting Items
Laning Items
Core Items
Core Items
Balanced Build
vs Heavy AD comps
vs Heavy AP comps
Situational Items
default boots to buy, gives you 30% tenacity, more with rune
Always get vs multiple ADCs or 3+ AD champions
Get this early in lane against annoying sustain and auto attack champions
Get this against teams with lots of crit (Yasuo, Tryndamere, ADC)
Great raw stats, passive allows for better and more successful initiations
Get against Teemo, Cass, Ryze, Kog'Maw, and other DPS magic damage
Only get against teams with massive permaslow (Ashe, Frozen Mallet, etc).
Get at your 7th item once your build is complete, puts you over 50% tenacity
Buy after every recall if you do not have one on the map
Get vs Teemo and other stealth champions
Not sure what to buy? Enemy team have a lot of mixed damage?
Even in lane or ahead? 2nd item. Behind? 5th or 6th item. Need tankyness? Don't buy.
Laning ItemsLosing lane to AD champion? First item rush Losing lane to AP champion? First item rush Losing lane to ranged, AS, on-hit, or high-sustain champion? First item rush Easy lane? First item rush Laning evenly against strong melee or pokey ranged? Primary Item Descriptions
- Super Laning ItemsOpen
always. Proxy 3 waves, execute, then buy . Then
is a better version of
because it increases effectiveness of potions and allows you to do lots of damage in lane and potentially snowball. is extremely mana hungry pre-6 but the 100 mana per
gives you 8 additional seconds of
at level 1.
is used to trade, pop it if you poisoned your enemy laner for a good 3-5 seconds.
Place your
in the tri-bush (if red side), or in the little bush river near mid lane (if blue side)
- Forever VisionThis pays for itself if it remains on the map for 4 minutes.Buy this early and place this in either the Baron brush or tri-brush (only if you're purple side) accordingly. Most junglers walk by the baron brush but don't face check it, so it can stay on the map for upwards of 20 minutes (it's happened to me on multiple occasions). It's great because warding the Baron brush early helps you and your mid laner see jungler ganks in topside jungle sooner. Also, it helps see jungle invades.In mid-late game, buy this and place it if you do not have one on the map. - MR Boots of Hating CCTenacity passive combined with the tenacious mastery gives you about 40% total tenacity which is great for absorbing cc, which is what Singed (but tanks in general) are good at.Get this most games, especially if the enemy team has a lot of CC. If the enemy team is primarily AD with lots of CC, this should be your only MR item you need.With
you'll have 49% total tenacity.
- The Preferred Boots to Buy I cannot begin to stress how amazing this item is.At first purchase, it increases your physical damage resistance to about 43% (from about 33%).It's passive (block 10% of basic attacks) is equivalent to ~20 additional armor when you first purchase it, ~34 additional armor at level 18 with your ultimate off, and ~41 additional armor at level 18 with your ultimate on.It's passive is immune to armor penetration, and the block is applied before armor calculation. Unfortunately you can't get this if the enemy team has a lot of CCIn mid and late game, the AD carries determine the outcomes of team fights, so having these boots means you survive longer and can do your
thing longer. - Singed's Nerfed ItemSynergizes well with 300 HP helps you live longer, 75 AP helps you kill faster, and the passive procs with every tick of
for 20% slow, or 40% slow if you
them.As long as you have this item and your
is on during a team fight, you are technically peeling. It gives you perma slow on their entire team potentially. It's also good for chasing people down.95% of the time you'll get this item every time.Since it's nerf, it's really hard to get away with buying this item first like the good ole days, especially now that
is just better in almost every way. I like to get this item second if I didn't get shit on in lane. However, if I did fall behind or my team really needs a tanky frontline I may push this item off to the 5th or 6th slot.
- Banner of OP MinionsIt's a strong item now, get it. Makes cannon minions OP especially with baron buffGives you movement speed near towers, similar to .Helps you close out game and snowball leads, great on
- Righteous Initiation Gives a decent 475 HP and 30 armor.The 10% CDR is a nice touch, more
and Active is kind of necessary, too much mobility creep and mobile champions in the game and meta nowFor 2500g it's a good bargain - Singed's Most Dangerous ItemIt helps Singed to insane amounts of damage with poison and synergizes amazingly with .Passive offers 400 AP to Singed's Poison on enemies that currently have 3000 HP (120 damage/s or 60 damage/0.5s), 200 AP vs enemies with 1500 HP, 100 AP vs enemies with 750 HP, and basically 0 AP vs enemies with 1HP.This item allows you to 1v1 pretty much any enemy. Has many stats that Singed benefits from: HP, AP, and magic penetration.Imagine you have this item and you are peeling for your ADC in a team fight. The enemy team's front line (tanks or assassins) are trying to catch up to your ADC and this item is simply shredding through their HP while your ADC chunks them down with auto attacks. This item is definitely a worthwhile purchase.See the calculation at the end of the section to determine true value of this item and why it is superior to other AP items on .Got buffed so it now gives 80 AP total. This item is pretty core, get it within the first couple complete items - Never Group PlateUtility is too good to not get, and its raw stats are pretty goodOnly get if you plan to exclusively splitpushI guess you can also get it for teamfighting if you think you need the extra movement speed - Life Steal Parole ArmorGreat against auto-attacking champions and ADCs.Strong enough to allow you to 1v1 duel the enemy ADC easily at early levels.This item guarantees you will have over 300 armor by late game.Has a shiny new build path from
which you should get in lane against annoying sustain champions - Only I Can Live ForeverSince patch 5.16, now heals you 3% max HP per second out-of-combat. This amplifies to 3.24% if you have the Runic Armor mastery, and 4% if you have This is an insane amount of regen, and is good against comps with heavy amounts of pokeSuper buffed after 5.22 is now 100g cheaper (all other items are more expensive and game gold income is higher) got nerfed after 5.22 and in general AD champions have less attack speed, which makes the %HP shred weaker and makes this item better.Buy this almost every game, you can also swap this with
when the passive is downNow (patch 6.9) also gives 10% CDR which is nice - Anti-AP MaskEver have those games where the enemy team has like 3-4 Squishy AP carry champions in various roles? This is the item for those games. Great against low-HP enemy teams that do a lot of magic damage (you'd be surprised how common those are). Gives solid AP and MR stats, but also the passive is like an AOE 20 magic pen on the enemy team that your entire team can utilize. Since the rework from mid-season it's actually considered a tanky item now - Randuin's Oh Man, I just can't live without youA 15% attack speed reduction is equivalent to reducing the enemy AD champion's damage output by 15%. The active is great in team fights, use it if your W is on cooldown and you need to catch up with an enemyAlways get against teams with more than one ADC.Always get vs teams with lots of crit ()Is the tankiest item in the game, period. Swap this off with , or get in its place if enemy team has a lot of AD damage.
- LEAVE ME ALONE bootsThis item you should get rarely, it's highly situational (you'd be giving up boots with resistances).You should get this if the enemy team has a lot of perma-slow () and you just need to get away from things - UNSTOPPABLE FORCEGet this if you are full build and have nothing else to buy, but still have money to spend. The elixir is amazing on tanks, and with it you can have up to 55% tenacity if you also have the mastery and the boots.
- Vision DenialOnly get this if the enemy team has a lot of stealth Item Alternatives - Cuck Teemo HelmGet this against super annoying DoT champions and mages who obnoxiously spam their abilities or damage you over and over ()A MUST-BUY if enemy ADC is
no exceptions, put off buying
or just don't buy it. Decent stats otherwise, good against lots of AP champions and the 10% CDR is a nice added bonus - Zz'Rotting TowersPlace the active to attack towers and to defend towers as wellThe passive makes you move faster near your towers so it's great for split pushing - Locket of Deceptive Tankyness Great item that only costs 2200gGreat for team fights, can shield your entire teamGreat for peeling for your carriesGreat to avoid getting bursted when initiating fights with Great for stacking with In late game, the shield blocks around 902 damage (+amplified by ) for 2.5 seconds - Vow To Get CarriedAnother cheap item (2300g) that gives you great bang for your buckUse the active on your ADC to become their partnerEffectively gives your ADC 12% lifeteal on THEIR attacks so you heal like crazy (especially with )Helps you peel for your ADC by absorbing 12% of the damage they take.Raw stats are decent, the 10% CDR is a nice touch
- OVER 9000!!!!!!! HP Another great cheap tank item (2500g)Use it for team fighting, it gives 80 armor and 80 MR when there's 3+ enemies aroundGet it as a last item, howeverEffectively doubles your HP for 4 seconds allowing you to LIVE FOREVERUse it when you initiate () to tank the entire enemy team for a good while
- Zeke's ThingymajigI'm not entirely sure what this item does, but it's cheap (2400g), helps peel for your ADC, and helps your ADC kill thingsOnly get as a last itemADC 2k17 means if they do well, you do well - Best Tank MR Item The HP and regen you get is pretty solid and great for survival.Is always better to buy over
don't let anybody tell you otherwise. The passive increases your HP/5 stat. If you are max level
at full build with your ultimate on, the passive gives you 155 hp/5. This is equivalent to +31 HP per second which is a lot. If you survive for 25 seconds (the entirety of your ultimate), then you regain 775 HP throughout the course of the fight which is about 18% of your max HP.Unless you're against a 4-AP team, you don't really need this until your last item.Get this against teams with 4+ AP champions or if you have lots of heals on your team. - Saddest Gap Close EverPretty sad item for gap closing. If it weren't for the extra magic damage burst, it wouldn't be worth it at allIts stats are pretty mediocre to take up an entire item slotYou shouldn't need this when you have It's a terrible 6th item to buy, so you'd have to replace
with this, which feels really shitty - Frozen In Season 2Great against auto-attacking champions that rely heavily on attack speed.The 20% CDR is pretty nice, puts your
at an 8-second cooldown instead of a 10-second cooldown, also gives
100 HP (because of passive). It's passive is really good and can STACK with
passive, imagine how annoying you'll be to their ADC now!This item is more than 150% gold efficient on
because the mana gives him 100 free HP due to his passive.Synergizes with
allowing you to double the %HP shred. Great in place of
against all-AD team comps (sometimes).Please Don't Get These ItemsThese are items that you really shouldn't buy as Singed. They're either obsolete, out-classed by other items, or just plain dumb. I can't tell you how many Singed players I see getting these items and ruining their potential. - Doran's Not Dark SealDon't get this anymore, it is objectively worse than .Comparing this vs : 35 more raw HP, 50g more expensive, no synergy with , 100 less raw manaBetter on mid laners now,
is worse than
- Actually Garbage Now, Go FigureDon't get this anymore, it was gutted with the mid-season 7 tank "update" Sad amounts of damageSad! - Hextechnically Worst Catalyst UpgradeRaw stats are strictly worse than AP Ratio not that good for Active is strictly worse than
- Rod of Stop Buying This ItemThis item requires it to be a first buy, but is a worst first-buy than At the end of the day, this item will give you 100 AP and 600 HP and take up an entire slot, without an active.
is just as good stats-wise, but with a much much better activeThe passive healing from the
portion gives you 3 HP/s from your , 25 HP from
(every 10 seconds), and 25 HP from
(every 14 seconds). If you average this out then it's equivalent to 7.53 HP/s assuming you always use your
when it's on, and your
is always on. You get more healing/sustain from having
so why bother with this item?
- Silly EmbraceGives about 140-160 AP fully stacked which is less damage than
on It doesn't give as much HP as other items and the active is too situational
wants HP and defensive stats more than AP so this isn't worth it - Suckerer Boots does not do high enough magic damage to warrant this item.Sacrifices utility and tankyness for more damage, it's just not worth it. gets the same amount of magic penetration from
which is superior in every way. - Doran's Barrel LidDon't get this, the stats aren't that great and it delays more important items.I personally don't like purchasing items that I'm going to sell later, unless it's
because it pay itself off after a couple recalls. Very mediocre, gives less sustain than
- Zhonya's SourglassThis item was designed for squishy AP carry champs who do a lot of damage but don't want to get blown up right away.The best part about this item is the active, which you shouldn't be using as
because it means you STOP MOVING for 2.5 WHOLE SECONDS. You should never do this.The 70 AP is mediocre, but that's about all that's nice. The 45 armor isn't very much considering how much he gets from just his ultimate and other items that give more armor.
Click on a champion below to see the author's notes on that particular matchup.
Tahm Kench
Kite LanePrimary strategy: Freeze your minion wave right outside your tower range and
into your tower range if he goes in to last hit a minion. Make sure to turn poison on when you do this and auto-attack him while he's under your tower.Do not underestimate him, he has a lot of sustain and can do a lot of damage.This lane is very snowball-y. Whoever gets an early kill will basically become out of control.He's so weak now, lowered difficulty.
here are some examples for lane phase: Harass LaneThis lane is relatively easy, just farm minions and auto-attack +
her whenever she gets near you.If she goes into her invisibility shroud, spread your poison around in it to get her.Once she hits level 6, she will be going HAM on you more often. Stay near your tower so you can immediately fling her into it if she tries this.Stay away from her if she marks you, don't let her follow up or auto attack you.If you shut her down in lane she will never recover she is heavily snowball dependentIs now built full tank so it's not a tough lane since she'll have low kill pressure on youBuild
to help shut down her sustain
Kite LaneAnnoying to trade with because of her passiveKite her if she hits you with
once, the second one will hurt a lotDodge the tip of her If she uses , then use
to get her out of itDon't fight her if you're under 50% HPHer
makes it almost impossible to outrun herIt used to be an easier matchup, but then they buffed her and released
but it's still winnable though.
Harass LaneCho'Gath is easy, just farm minions and harass him every now and then with , auto attack, and .He will try to hit you with , but it's fairly easy to avoid.Don't fight him with less than 50% HP after level 6 because his ultimate hurts and does True Damage.Don't get eaten!He gets shut down pretty hard once you've purchased
Kite LanePrimary Strategy: Freeze minion wave right outside your tower range and
him into tower range if he tries to go in to last-hit.
is extremely powerful and this lane could be a total disaster if you're not carefulBait him into wasting his
on minions by walking near him but moving away right before he casts his Q spin.He has no escapes or gap closers, so it's easy to kill him with gank from jungler.If you hit level 6 before him, go all-in on him with everything you have.Once he hits level 6, start playing more defensively.Don't fight him when you have under 50% HP.Additionally, his
is important to dodge because if he lands it because it heals him now.You can now safely Sky Auto Attack him because it is easier to escape his pull range now.Don't let him get 5 blood stacks on you and you shouldn't die.
Harass LaneDiana is a melee AP champ that is only dangerous in close range.In close range, you out-dps her anyway. Harass her when she tries to last hit minions.Dodge her , they are pretty predictable.
Farm Lane will never be able to kill you, his kit isn't good enough for that unless you stick around him too long letting him damage you.He will pop his
whenever he can at low HP to heal.Dodge his cleavers.Harass him in lane with , auto-attack, and .He is guaranteed to rush
at which point you're better off just farming.Buy
this is an essential lane purchase
Farm Lane top is still a thing but it's easier this season because he builds full AP nowHe will have annoying burst and waveclear, but will be much easier to killIf his
is up don't bother trying to kill him just farm and harassDodge his
or you may be fuckedMost of his harass will come from his , dodge it!If he
to you then immediately
here is an example of a lane phase:
https://www.twitch.tv/g07h4xf00/v/Kite LaneSince her update in patch 5.15 it's a lot harder to kill her now so lane won't be as easy. Her new playstyle involves her going in-and-out for harass you with
rather than in in IN ALL THE TIME.She does a lot of true damage now, making it harder to itemize.Her new
allows her to counter your
which is EXTREMELY annoying.Deal with her new
like you do with : either bait it out and hold off
until she's used it or use it as soon as she casts another ability.Focus on farming and in team fights just peel her off your carries. Worst case scenario: freeze the minion wave outside of your tower range and
her into tower every chance you get. Be careful of the !Good
players are hard to beat in lane, and she outscales you. Getting
against her is absolutely essential
Shove LaneIs just annoying, has terrible wave clear. Push the lane and roam. It's hard to catch him but if you do he's dead and very squishy.Once you build
you can take like every towerYou absolutely have to dodge his If he
you then you need to
him immediately
Farm LaneThis is a fairly easy matchup because it's easy to dodge his
and However, if you get hit with
expect to take a lot of damageKite him and build
first item
Farm LaneHe's currently super busted thanks to buffs over time and he'll just get all his best items early now. Honestly you should just ban him because he will outscale you and he's too safe of a lanerTry to take out his
before he can use them poke is going to hurt, pick up some early armorRushing
helps you stick to him if you ever get a
here is an example of a lane phase: http://www.twitch.tv/g07h4xf00/c/5048880Kite Lane is pretty annoying, he will try to do harass you with his
don't let him, run as soon as you see him coming toward youIf you see him running up to you,
him away with your
on and run away from him.Primary strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower if he goes in to last hit.His
is pretty strong, so don't fight him while it's up and you're under 50% HP ESPECIALLY if you're the villain purchase makes him irrelevant
here are examples of lane phase: Farm LaneFocus on farming, you outscale him pretty hardFuck this champion, what a little shit. Once he builds
he'll be extremely annoying.If you're able to catch him out of position while he's mini, it should be an easy killIf your jungler comes to gank while he's mini, it should be an easy kill.Stay away from him while he's MegaIf you're fighting him in Mega form for whatever reason, don't stand near walls.His
hurts so stay away from him if you already have two stacks on you (his
can apply stacks so dodge it)He's extremely annoying and can get out of control if he begins to snowball from a jungle gank. Definitely get
in lane and build
ASAP into him
Farm LaneIt's easy to just farm against him, he can't get that aggressive and his burst isn't that high since he builds full tankWhatever you do, don't get
into his tower or you'll die most of the timeDodge his
he needs to land it to win the trade
Farm LaneYour main focus for this lane is to farm. Don't try to fight him until you have your first item. Sidestep his , the bulk of the damage is on the return trail.You can't out-trade him. Hide in the bushes and come out just to farm.If your
is up, try going all-in on him with ghost and make sure to run around dodging his skillshots. Get
second so you can fuck him upBuy
against him in lane since he has LOTS of sustain
Split-Push LaneDefinitely one of the most annoying matchup's you'll ever face.Make sure you have
in your runes.He will spend the entire game splitpushing, and will likely out-push you if he rushes Fuck this champion.Fight cancer with cancer. Keep the lane pressure up with
Kite Lane is like,
levels of bullshit but not as strongABSOLUTELY DO NOT FIGHT HER IF SHE USES HER
the hitbox is actually bigger than it looks, similar problem as You absolutely should dodge her
if for whatever reason she grabs your spirit, you have to fight her to prevent her from cursing you. The curse is so annoying to deal with it, it's best to recall and kill tentacles outside your fountain.If she jumps on you with , immediately
into sky auto attack. Kite her all day. It's easy to just play passively and farm. Don't give her kills or she will become a problem.
against her is absolutely essential, she has too much healing
here is an example of a lane phase: http://www.twitch.tv/g07h4xf00/c/4858775Kite LaneKite her with your , she's pretty squishy early on.She is really mana hungry, take advantage of when she is low on mana to go all-in on her.Backup strategy: freeze minion wave right outside your tower range and
her into your tower if she tries to last hit minions.At level 6 you can go all-in on her and kill her.Careful, she has pretty good sustain so fight her when her HP is &= your HP.The only reason this is a medium difficulty strategy is because if she snowballs from a jungle gank she can get a little out of control and power spikes hard when she gets her Her sustain is super annoying, but she's auto-attack based champion so buy
in laneBecause of her stun, you'll pretty much have to buy
even though you'd rather buy
Kite Lane has 0 sustain. He's also mana hungry. Use this to your advantage to harass and kite him with your .Don't dive his tower while his
is up.Primary strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower if he tries to last hit.He has pretty good burst, juke his
combo and you should greatly reduce his damage output.Save your
for when he . If you fling him out of his own , he won't be able to get free auto attacks off on you.He has high kill potential on you pre-6. Afterwards, he's easy to fight. First item
because he's really bad at pushing
here are examples of a lane phase: Kite Lane is a pretty hard counter to . It is easy to kite him and at early levels your
does a lot of damage to him.If you slip up and he gets the first kill, or kills you in a gank, he might start becoming a problem.Kite him with your
him after he's
to you.Backup Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.Lane could go either way, but most of the time you will win.First two items
and you should win easily
here is an example of a lane phase:All-in LaneHe will try to kite you and harass you, that is expected. He has really low movement speed and no escapes, so try to go all-in on him if you both have about the same HP.Go all-in on him when your ultimate is up. Jayce doesn't have an ultimate so it puts you at a pretty big advantage. Use the lane bushes to your advantage, and only come out to kill minions or to attack / harass him.He is pretty mana hungry early so use this to your advantage.Always fight him with over 50% HP.He's a hard matchup now because he no longer builds
so he power spikes earlier and does more damage in lane is really good to help shut him down, and
works wonders as well. If you have these two items lane gets 10x easier.
All-In LaneYou want to be going all in on him as much as possible, he's extremely squishyHe does fucktons of damage, don't get hit with his
for freeMatchup becomes much harder if he builds , focus on farming if he doesTry not to get hit with his
or you'll take a bunch of free damageIt's a good idea to have your
still up after killing him so he can't kill you back with If you're losing the matchup, get
Farm LaneHe was nerfed to hell and is one of the easiest matchups you can imagineJust farm and push, he has terrible waveclear you will take top tower firstYou can try trading with him, but his
is annoying because it gives him a shield and that in combination with his
burst makes it hurt so don't let himOnce he hits 6, he will probably start roamingDon't worry he isn't as scary as he used to be, focus on getting farmed and big for team fights.First item
and it's a free lane, he has terrible clear and push
Farm LaneThis used to be one of the hardest lane matchup for .Kayle has a slow , ranged attack , and lots of burst, also a heal with movement speed buff , and invincibility ultimate .Try to farm as much as possible, ask jungler for ganks. will be at your tower most of the time, see if you can catch her with a fling into your tower.Not as big of a bully as she used to be after multiple nerfs in Season 4.Builds on-hit now so laning isn't as strong as it used to be when she went full APGet
against her since most of her damage comes from her auto attacks. It also cuts down on her healing from
if she buys either
Farm Lane has a LOT of burst and can spam his spells a lot.He will most likely open
to harass you with his auto attack. His
makes it hard to catch him.Once he hits 6, he will try to go all-in on you. Stay near your tower.Ask your jungler for ganks.Surprisingly,
isn't very good at farming at his tower. Push your lane to his tower and farm minions behind his tower, trying your best to avoid engaging him.Harder difficulty because AP items got buffed and he got a buff in 6.9If you're getting shit on, buy
ASAP against him. Having
also helps but not if you're super behind
Kite LaneHe's a pain in the ass because of his passiveDodge
or at least be ready to escape its tether if you get hit by itHis
does a lot of damage but you can just kite him if he tries itIf he uses
on you, immediately
himHe's easy to kill off his mount, but don't let him get back on or you'll lose the trade hardBuy
against him in lane, and getting
is really effective tooFirst item rush
against him is extremely effective because of how his HP bar works
Farm LaneShe is extremely kitey and annoying to deal withAlmost impossible to get close to for engageFocus on farming, her wave clear is not that good and her skillshot
is very low rangeProxy farm behind her tower if you must (worst case), she is not very mobile so you should be able to stay away from herIn team fights don't even bother going for her focus on either peeling for your backline or diving the enemy ADCFirst item
into , no exceptions.
here is an example lane phase: Kite LaneYou can harass him, he's not very good at going all-in and you can out-dps him.He will spam his
on you a lot. is extremely mana hungry, make him run out of mana and pressure him in lane.If he buys , he gets pretty annoying and harder to kill, at which point just focus on farming.Proxy farming behind his tower is 100% safe.If his
is up, don't stay below 50% HP while near him, it's deceptively strong. You can first item
since this is basically a free lane.
Bully LaneFocus on farming, he doesn't have very good lane presenceHe has severe mana problems early, punish him for it by harassing himIf your jungler comes to help gank, it should be a killYou can push harder than him, so you will take tower first.Hard to kill him once he hits 6, so just focus on farming and
bot lane for ganks. If he turns on his , turn off your
and run away from him. He can out-trade you while his
is on and you are in its range.Your
does not proc his passive, so use this to your advantage. Once he builds
don't bother trying to kill him he'll be too tanky
Harass LaneHarass him with , auto attacks, and . You out-dps him heavily at close range.Primary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.Your
can cancel his .Rush
because he has too much healing and is likely to rush
Kite LaneMost of his damage is from his
don't let him get it off on you, kite it!He'll harass you primarily with his
which isn't so bad but it's also low rangeFocus on farming but he's easy to kill if jungler ganksHis
means you shouldn't fight him with under 50% HP
here is are examples of lane phase: Bloody LaneDespite what most people may say,
actually counters , and here's why:
has to focus on EITHER farming his , OR trading with --he can't do both. can farm minions AND harass .Poison
and auto-attack him whenever he tries to go in to last hit minions with his . him if he is too close to his tower into your minions, he can't out-sustain you and your minions.He is really mana hungry, once he runs out he's pretty useless and you can bully him out of lane.Don't fight him if he uses his , let it run out. It got buffed recently so it's extremely strong in 1v1 scenarios.Focus on farming and taking his tower, once his tower is down you can either roam or pressure him further with ganks from jungler.The caveat is that if his jungler camps you, it makes it really hard to harass him and he becomes more difficult to kill the longer he farms his
or purchases MR items. At this point, just focus on farming. Pressure his lane hard to take his tower early or encourage your jungler to gank for you.Rush
against him to help shut down his sustainUnfortunately you'll likely have to go
because his
lasts forever
Bully Lane top has been gutted, it's now a very easy matchupDodge his , don't get cc'd under tower or take free
harassFirst item
works wonders against himHis
will help him mitigate a lot of your
damage but you should still win most trades
Kite LanePrimary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit. is mana hungry, make him waste his mana with his
and harass him when you can.If he pops his , pop your
(it's better).His
range is higher than your
so don't take free harassFirst item
against him works wonders, also
helps significantly
All-In LaneThis lane is super easy because of all his abilities are skill shots so you should literally be running circles around him dodging all his shit. Don't get hit by
or he can easily follow up with
but you can technically top if you have If he's at point blank range and starts using his , immediately
himYou can 100-0 him if he has his ultimate, he's very slow and can't out-trade you as long as you don't give him free ability hits. If he ever finishes building
he will get much harder to kill so shove the lanes and turn it into a farm alne.
Kite LanePantheon will try to spam
at you. Keep yourself alive with Primary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.If he jumps on you and starts his ,
him away and it will cancel it.Go all-in on him when your
is up.Don't give him an early kill.
relies on early kills to be relevant, deny him this and he will be useless. If he has
then be very careful at levels 2 and 3 he wants cheese killsLet him burn out his mana which is the best time to attack.His
is only good for ganking other lanes or returning to lane, not good for fighting or trading.Buy an early
and build into either
or both and you'll pretty much win lane after this point
will fuck you upDon't get hit by her second
procShe's deceptively tanky thanks to her
don't tower dive her everShe's been nerfed heavily over multiple patches so it's not a hard lane at all anymore
here is an example of a lane phase: All-in LaneOnce in a while you might see a
top lane, it's very good in the current meta.She will likely try to harass you with her range. It doesn't hurt that badly, but definitely stay back if her bird puts her passive on you and let it expire.By level 6-8, you can go all-in on her and kill her. She is really squishy and moves super slowly.Ironically, her one escape ability
requires her to jump towards you then jump back away from you. When she does this, you can catch her with
halfway and cancel the back-flip, then proceed to go all-in on her. Her
isn't really used for trading, it's for roaming and returning to laneBuying
against her ASAP are essential if you want to survive and be a threat, it helps shut her down quite nicelyMake sure you get
as your second major item so you can lock her down
Shove LaneThis is a weird lane matchup because he's really tanky so he's hard to kill but he can't really harass you much or stop you from farmingHis
under his tower can be deadly, don't let him!Run through minions if he tries to hit you with it'll cancel itIf he rushes
then combined with
he'll be basically unkillableIf he tries to roam, shove lane as hard as you canHe has terrible waveclear and last hitting, use this to your advantage and also rush
here are examples of a lane phase: Kite LaneThis lane isn't as hard anymore, and is pretty winnable. Don't underestimate him. He is deceptively tanky and does quite a bit of damage.Backup Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.If he builds tanky, focus on farming.If he builds glass cannon () focus on harassing and kiting him.DON'T fight him when his
is up. Away from your tower, stay above 50% HP especially if you know his
is up.Stay away from him if his rage bar is up, don't let him get a free
on you or it will heal him by a lotALWAYS buy
against him ASAP because he heals too much is the preferred boots despite his
stunOnce you get
the matchup gets much easier and you can actually kill him consistently (unless he's full MR)
Kite LaneStay away from bushes, that is HIS domain.Primary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit. relies heavily on early kills to do well, otherwise he is pretty useless.Make sure to dodge his
it's a skillshot but also free harass because it doesn't cost him anything to useAvoid him if he is at full ferocity, let him blow an ability on minions.Can get super cheesy with a level-2 all in especially if he has
be careful with that.He'll look to roam a lot make sure to shove the lane when he doesIf he jumps on you, immediately
Kite LanePrimary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
her into tower when he goes to last hit.She will try to go all-in on you early levels, don't give her the kill! Play defensively!Her full
combo does a fuckton of damage. Kite her as much as possible, stay away from her if her abilities are off cooldowns. relies heavily on early kills, so deny her this and she becomes less of a threat.Ever since the buff to your
this lane has become a lot easier because
prevents her from casting her
abilitiesAs soon as she turns on her
you have to throw
here is an example game where I lane against a Rumble:Farm LaneHe is extremely annoying, will spam his spells on you as much as possible.Focus on farming, he can harass you and last hit from range so try to dodge his .Ask your jungler for ganks.Only fight him if he is in low heat (&50%) or if he is in full heat (silenced).Stay back if he is between 50-100% heat.Stay near your tower so he's less likely to all-in on you.If you're getting stomped by him, consider getting
Here are examples of lane phase: Farm LaneHe is pretty mana hungry, but bursty nonetheless. Fight him when his mana is low. This happens a lot early game.His
doesn't last that long, don't be discouraged.Focusing on farming is the best strategy. If your jungler comes for a gank, it becomes really easy to kill him.Proxy farming behind is tower is effective because he's not very mobile and if you force him to farm at his tower he will be there draining his mana for the most part.If he leaves lane, shove his tower hard try to destroy his tower first.'s
is a skillshot now, dodge it or use minions to blockHe's much harder to kill now because of his passive shield but still easy to farm against. Focus on farming and stay behind minions to avoid his Q which is now a skill shot.Buying
against him shuts him down hard
Farm LaneI've only ever played against a single Shaco top and he built AP, which makes the most sense for a solo lane shacoHe is super mana hungry, if he wastes all his abilities trying to harass you he will quickly run out of mana and you can out-sustain him.He is incredibly squishy and has no sustain. Force him out of lane by pushing the minion waves hard. AD
has less all-in potential than most other top laners, so if you are up against AD
just kite him because all his damage must be in melee-range. His traps and invisibility makes it difficult to all-in him whenever you want. Ignore him and focus on farming, you outscale him no matter what. If your jungler ganks try to force his
to cooldown before your jungler shows up so he won't have any escapesMost
top wouldn't even run
they are more likely to run
similar to in the jungle, so
is his only escape. Don't underestimate the
burst. Stay back at tower or recall if your HP falls below 40% and you know he has
up.If you don't give up any kills you'll have a very easy time in mid game.
Bully LaneFree lane, you can safely rush
if you'd likeHarass him as much as you can, you out-dps him hard. Don't get
under his tower, that would hurt a lot.If he runs , you can cancel it with .You can cancel his
as well.You push harder than he does.Don't let him get free
off on you.Once you get
he can't do anything
Farm LaneThis match-up will never occur in Ranked.Primary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.Just harass him more than he harasses you.Out-farm him.Nothing much to it.
Farm LaneDodge his attacks by running around he has really slow animations.Very easy to dodge, break his , or simply
him out of his .His most annoying ability is
just dodge it. If he rushes
or , don't bother trying to kill him
Farm LaneLane just got a whole lot easier after his rework, no longer a super lane bullyThere are more skillshots in his abilities now, easier to dodgeNo longer obnoxious amounts of damageJust farm it out and go for trades when his
is on cooldown.Dodge his
so he can't get the most out of trades.Run out of range if he ever uses his
Shove LaneHe has terrible waveclear, so you can push the wave hard and roamYou can't really trade with him because his
hurts a lotDodge his
the slow is really strong and can lead to a If he goes in on you, kite and if he's on you then
himHe'll get pretty tough to kill once he buys
because If you avoid direct confrontation with him it'll feel like an easy lane, and that's easy to doHe's easier to beat now because he's been nerfedBuying
against him is devastating, and
also helps
Kite LaneStay away from bushes, he will try hiding there a lot to catch you by surpriseDodge his
he will be maxing this first and it can hurt a lot especially if you give him his passiveHe might try to cheese you at levels 2/3 with an all-in with Once you buy like one armor item, lane becomes a jokeHe will be rotating mid a lot for ganks make sure to ping MIA
Here are example lane phases: All-In Lane is extremely annoying. He's one of the tougher lane opponents.Utilize the lane bushes to hide yourself, he won't dare go in there after you. If he does, wreck his face (you out-dps him in close range).Come out of the bushes to clear a minion wave. Lock
on him and run towards him through the creeps with your
on. If he runs away, U turn after poisoning all the creeps. If he doesn't run away but attacks you instead,
him and all-in on him. All-in on him at level 6 and you will get the kill.Watch where he places his
and avoid them.He is extremely squishy and easy to kill.As soon as you hit 9 upgrade
and use it to cancel any
he places when you go HAM on him. Once you get your
shoot it at him when you come out of the bush to make him panic and run away, then use that opportunity to poison the minion wave and farm.Sometimes he builds on-hit (like ) or hybrid (like ). If he does, buy
so he can't sustain off youWorst case scenario (if you're really getting stomped) buy
Kite LanePrimary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.Harass
as much as you can, he will try to bite you as often as possible, keep sustained and always out-trade him.If he uses his
on you, it get's really difficult to kill him so just stay awayDon't give him an early kill, or he can snowball into a problem.It's hard to kill him but it's also hard for you to kill him.He's not as hard to lane against anymore because now you can buy
to help shut him down
Farm LanePrimary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and fling him into tower when he goes to last hit.Don't give him an early kill or he can become a problem.You out-dps him and can kite him.Harass him often with , , and auto attacks.If you time it right, you can
him out of his If you suspect he's about to , try to lock him down with
works wonders and guarantees you win lane,
is really good tooMake sure you pick up
against him at some point
Farm LaneRework is no longer as scary or strong as he used to be. Easier to dodge his
now. Run away from him if he turns on his Dodge his
easily, if you can't then hit him back with YOU MUST DODGE HIS
Farm LaneShe is extremely annoying and will try to kite and harass you often. Focus on farming, don't feed her kills.If you can catch her with
or , go all-in on her, she's pretty squishy.Ask your jungler for a gank. A late-game
can hyper carry her team so don't let that happen!Stay away from walls especially if she has Buying a
can help fight her when she activates her Essential for you to buy
against her in that order
Here are example lane phases against :Farm LaneHe will try to kite and harass you often, don't let him spam his skills on you.Hide in the lane bushes and only come out at the right time.If he follows you into the bush, go all-in on him and you will out-dps him at close range.Come out of the bush to
an entire minion wave and lock
onto him. He will either keep attacking you or run away from you. If he keeps attacking, you will likely get him with
at which point you go all-in on him. If he uses his , then he just wasted 30% of his HP so back off for a bit. If he runs away, just
the minions and create a wall of poison between him and your minions.If he recently used his
on a minion, it's safe to come out of the brush because he won't be able to use it on you since its cooldown is pretty high.If you get to level 6 before him, go all-in on him and you will get the kill.Use your
on him and run at him to bait his , or to go all-in.Ask your jungler for ganks,
is really easy to gank when his
is down (it has like a 25 second cooldown). Always stay above 50% HP or he can go HAM and burst you down. Never fight him if he has more HP than you.After the 6.9 patch he's been nerfed significantly. His
is now more costly and easier to dodge because it needs to be charged up.
Kite LaneYou have to rush
because his passive heals him a lot and he'll likely proc it while trading with youIf he tries to
flip you, immediately
himDon't let him get free
on you, that shit hurts
Bully LaneOne of the easiest lane match up for , who is a hard counter for .Primary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and fling him into tower when he goes to last hit.If he
to you to attack,
him immediately with your
on. If he uses his , run past his decoy with your
and you will
him.If he uses his ,
him away and use
so he can't catch you.Harass him often.Go all-in on him when your ult is up.. He is really bad at farming under tower, if you are pushed to tower you can consider farming his minion waves behind his tower.If he buys a lifeteal item, make sure to pick up Getting
helps you win lane a lot
Kite LanePrimary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.He is pretty strong levels 1-5, don't give him an early kill and he won't be a problem.Harass him when you can, and go all-in when you have your ultimate and summoner spells.Watch for the level 2-3 all-ins those are killerOne armor item should be enough to shut him downYou absolutely must buy
against him in lane, though
also helps
Kite LaneSuper annoying lane, his kit is just broken.Primary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.Don't get
by him under his tower.Don't take too much harass from his .Don't give him an early kill and he won't be a problem for you later, after level 6.He may be dumb enough to
you under your own tower, if he does, you can survive and kill him under tower.If he uses
on you, try to
him immediatelyBuy your
earlier in the game early into
is amazing on him means he can't cast his
or , try to
him under tower since he will always be pushed up
Farm LanePrimary Strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower when he goes to last hit.Run away from his ghouls with your
on.He is super mana hungry, go all-in on him when he's low on mana.Focus on farming, he doesn't scale that well.If you catch him, you can probably kill him by going all-in.His
and cast does magic damage but the rest is all physicalYou have to rush
because it fucks up his sustain but also is great against his minions
Farm Lane is super annoying and his passive is bullshit.Step on all of his globs and make him run out of HP from spamming spells.Don't get hit by his spells, push the lane hard.Ask your jungler for a gank.He will rush
at which point just stay alive and focus on farming.Try to stay over 50% HP at all times.His
is pretty strong and is hard to avoid if he hits you with it, run towards your tower with your
and pop potions if he uses it.Nerfed to hell, really easy to lane against now You can rush
and he won't be able to kill ever. Get
Author Notes
Kite LanePrimary strategy: Freeze your minion wave right outside your tower range and
into your tower range if he goes in to last hit a minion. Make sure to turn poison on when you do this and auto-attack him while he's under your tower.Do not underestimate him, he has a lot of sustain and can do a lot of damage.This lane is very snowball-y. Whoever gets an early kill will basically become out of control.He's so weak now, lowered difficulty.
Author Notes
here are some examples for lane phase: Harass LaneThis lane is relatively easy, just farm minions and auto-attack +
her whenever she gets near you.If she goes into her invisibility shroud, spread your poison around in it to get her.Once she hits level 6, she will be going HAM on you more often. Stay near your tower so you can immediately fling her into it if she tries this.Stay away from her if she marks you, don't let her follow up or auto attack you.If you shut her down in lane she will never recover she is heavily snowball dependentIs now built full tank so it's not a tough lane since she'll have low kill pressure on youBuild
to help shut down her sustain
Author Notes
Kite LaneAnnoying to trade with because of her passiveKite her if she hits you with
once, the second one will hurt a lotDodge the tip of her If she uses , then use
to get her out of itDon't fight her if you're under 50% HPHer
makes it almost impossible to outrun herIt used to be an easier matchup, but then they buffed her and released
but it's still winnable though.
Author Notes
Harass LaneCho'Gath is easy, just farm minions and harass him every now and then with , auto attack, and .He will try to hit you with , but it's fairly easy to avoid.Don't fight him with less than 50% HP after level 6 because his ultimate hurts and does True Damage.Don't get eaten!He gets shut down pretty hard once you've purchased
Author Notes
Kite LanePrimary Strategy: Freeze minion wave right outside your tower range and
him into tower range if he tries to go in to last-hit.
is extremely powerful and this lane could be a total disaster if you're not carefulBait him into wasting his
on minions by walking near him but moving away right before he casts his Q spin.He has no escapes or gap closers, so it's easy to kill him with gank from jungler.If you hit level 6 before him, go all-in on him with everything you have.Once he hits level 6, start playing more defensively.Don't fight him when you have under 50% HP.Additionally, his
is important to dodge because if he lands it because it heals him now.You can now safely Sky Auto Attack him because it is easier to escape his pull range now.Don't let him get 5 blood stacks on you and you shouldn't die.
Author Notes
Harass LaneDiana is a melee AP champ that is only dangerous in close range.In close range, you out-dps her anyway. Harass her when she tries to last hit minions.Dodge her , they are pretty predictable.
Author Notes
Farm Lane will never be able to kill you, his kit isn't good enough for that unless you stick around him too long letting him damage you.He will pop his
whenever he can at low HP to heal.Dodge his cleavers.Harass him in lane with , auto-attack, and .He is guaranteed to rush
at which point you're better off just farming.Buy
this is an essential lane purchase
Author Notes
Farm Lane top is still a thing but it's easier this season because he builds full AP nowHe will have annoying burst and waveclear, but will be much easier to killIf his
is up don't bother trying to kill him just farm and harassDodge his
or you may be fuckedMost of his harass will come from his , dodge it!If he
to you then immediately
Author Notes
here is an example of a lane phase:
https://www.twitch.tv/g07h4xf00/v/Kite LaneSince her update in patch 5.15 it's a lot harder to kill her now so lane won't be as easy. Her new playstyle involves her going in-and-out for harass you with
rather than in in IN ALL THE TIME.She does a lot of true damage now, making it harder to itemize.Her new
allows her to counter your
which is EXTREMELY annoying.Deal with her new
like you do with : either bait it out and hold off
until she's used it or use it as soon as she casts another ability.Focus on farming and in team fights just peel her off your carries. Worst case scenario: freeze the minion wave outside of your tower range and
her into tower every chance you get. Be careful of the !Good
players are hard to beat in lane, and she outscales you. Getting
against her is absolutely essential
Author Notes
Shove LaneIs just annoying, has terrible wave clear. Push the lane and roam. It's hard to catch him but if you do he's dead and very squishy.Once you build
you can take like every towerYou absolutely have to dodge his If he
you then you need to
him immediately
Author Notes
Farm LaneThis is a fairly easy matchup because it's easy to dodge his
and However, if you get hit with
expect to take a lot of damageKite him and build
first item
Author Notes
Farm LaneHe's currently super busted thanks to buffs over time and he'll just get all his best items early now. Honestly you should just ban him because he will outscale you and he's too safe of a lanerTry to take out his
before he can use them poke is going to hurt, pick up some early armorRushing
helps you stick to him if you ever get a
Author Notes
here is an example of a lane phase: http://www.twitch.tv/g07h4xf00/c/5048880Kite Lane is pretty annoying, he will try to do harass you with his
don't let him, run as soon as you see him coming toward youIf you see him running up to you,
him away with your
on and run away from him.Primary strategy: freeze minion wave outside your tower range and
him into tower if he goes in to last hit.His
is pretty strong, so don't fight him while it's up and you're under 50% HP ESPECIALLY if you're the villain purchase makes him irrelevant
Author Notes
here are examples of lane phase: Farm LaneFocus on farming, you outscale him pretty hardFuck this champion, what a little shit. Once he builds
he'll be extremely annoying.If you're able to catch him out of position while he's mini, it should be an easy killIf your jungler comes to gank while he's mini, it should be an easy kill.Stay away from him while he's MegaIf you're fighting him in Mega form for whatever reason, don't stand near walls.His
hurts so stay away from him if you already have two stacks on you (his
can apply stacks so dodge it)He's extremely annoying and can get out of control if he begins to snowball from a jungle gank. Definitely get
in lane and build
ASAP into him
Author Notes
Farm LaneIt's easy to just farm against him, he can't get that aggressive and his burst isn't that high since he builds full tankWhatever you do, don't get
into his tower or you'll die most of the timeDodge his
he needs to land it to win the trade
Author Notes
Farm LaneYour main focus for this lane is to farm. Don't try to fight him until you have your first item. Sidestep his , the bulk of the damage is on the return trail.You can't out-trade him. Hide in the bushes and come out just to farm.If your
is up, try going all-in on him with ghost and make sure to run around dodging his skillshots. Get
second so you can fuck him upBuy
against him in lane since he has LOTS of sustain
Author Notes
Split-Push LaneDefinitely one of the most annoying matchup's you'll ever face.Make sure you have
in your runes.He will spend the entire game splitpushing, and will likely out-push you if he rushes Fuck this champion.Fight cancer with cancer. Keep the lane pressure up with
Author Notes
Kite Lane is like,
levels of bullshit but not as strongABSOLUTELY DO NOT FIGHT HER IF SHE USES HER
the hitbox is actually bigger than it looks, similar problem as You absolutely should dodge her
if for whatever reason she grabs your spirit, you have to fight her to prevent her from cursing you. The curse is so annoying to deal with it, it's best to recall and kill tentacles outside your fountain.If she jumps on you with , immediately
into sky auto attack. Kite her all day. It's easy to just play passively and farm. Don't give her kills or she will become a problem.
against her is absolutely essential, she has too much healing
Author Notes
here is an example of a lane phase: http://www.twitch.tv/g07h4xf00/c/4858775Kite LaneKite her with your , she's pretty squishy early on.She is really mana hungry, take advantage of when she is low on mana to go all-in on her.Backup strategy: freeze minion wave right outside your tower range and
her into your tower if she tries to last hit minions.At level 6 you can go all-in on her and kill her.Careful, she has pretty good sustain so fight her when her HP is &= your HP.The only reason this is a medium difficulty strategy is because if she snowballs from a jungle gank she can get a little out of control and power spikes hard when she gets her Her sustain is super annoying, but she's auto-attack based champion so buy
in laneBecause of her stun, you'll pretty much have to buy
even though you'd rather bu}


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