nixeus revel 鼠标回报率怎么调回报率

Nixeus REVEL Software
&/&Nixeus REVEL Software
Nixeus REVEL Customization Software
Official Nixeus REVEL Customization Software allows you to customize the Key-Binding, Performance, DPI settings and Lighting effect to your own preference.
Nixeus REVEL Firmware Update Installation Instructions
1) Make sure the REVEL is connected to the PC
2) Double click on the “FlashOnLine.exe” F/W update program
3) Make sure there are no other programs or windows opened/running that may accidently interrupt the update.
4) Click on “Update” – you will see the program erase, install, and verify the firmware installation (during the installation you will see the REVEL’s LED turn off).
5) Once the firmware is finished installing you will see a note “F/W Update Finish, Plug-Out Device”
(The LED on the mouse will come back on to indicate the firmware has installed successfully).
6) Unplug the mouse from the USB port of the computer and connect it back in, and just hit the “Exit” button after.
If there is an error or interruption during installation the mouse will no longer function (LED does not come back on).
Don’t worry, the mouse is not bricked (first time this happened I thought I bricked the mouse a few months ago).
Make sure the REVEL is still connected and just connect another working mouse (Make sure the other mouse is another brand and not a second REVEL you may own) to use to navigate and run the F/W update program again.
Nixeus REVEL Firmware Update 10/20/2016
Nixeus REVEL Firmware Update 07/15/2016
Copyright (C) 2017
All rights reservedNixeus REVEL游戏鼠标及Type-R Gaming Mouse Pad鼠标垫套装 $35.99(约248.69元)_woot优惠_发现值得买_什么值得买
Nixeus REVEL游戏鼠标及Type-R Gaming Mouse Pad鼠标垫套装
更新时间:05-05 13:34
值友“gemeni”爆料原文:Nixeus REVEL这款鼠标相信外设玩家会比较熟悉,最超值的原相3360引擎鼠标之一,深受国外专业玩家好评。现woot!网站特价:“黑色Nixeus REVEL鼠标 + Type-R Gaming Mouse Pad游戏鼠标垫” 套装售价35.99美元,想体验的玩家可以出手了。价格合适,美亚售价为:鼠标41.53美元、垫子18.99美元。woot!为亚马逊旗下网站,对转运地址、国卡支持良好,推荐!
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&/&&/&&/&Moda Pro Mechanical Keyboard
&/&&/&Moda Pro Mechanical Keyboard
Moda Pro Mechanical Keyboard
Product Description
Premium, Durable, and Functional
The Nixeus MODA PRO is a full size 104-key mechanical keyboard encased in an aluminum body to enhance build strength with polished edges to create a beautiful, premium appearance.
Designed with a floating key form factor, every MX compatible switch is mounted on a single military grade metal plate to provide solid build quality, and longer life.
The MODA PRO’s chassis design also allows for easy maintenance, user customization, and third party modifications.
Nixeus Certified MX Compatible Mechanical Switches are designed for durability – quality controlled and tested with precision machinery from Switzerland.
Each individual switch provides up to 50 million key strokes – up to 10 times longer than the life of normal membrane keyboards. The Nixeus MODA PRO Mechanical Keyboard is backed by a 3 year limited warranty with free technical support.
The Nixeus MODA PRO Mechanical Keyboard is available in Blue (Clicky Tactile) or Brown (Soft Tactile) Switches to Suit Your Preference and Typing Style
The MK-104BL16 features a blue mechanical switch that produces both an audible click and tactile bump feedback felt at your finger tips – similar to the click feedback of a mouse. Each switch offers an actuation force of 60 grams and a shorter actuation distance without the need to fully press down the key. The clicky and tactile bump feedback lets you know the actuation point with a typing experience similar to a typewriter.
The MK-104BN16 features a brown mechanical switch that produces soft tactile bump feedback felt at your finger tips. Each switch offers a lower actuation force of 55 grams and a shorter actuation distance without the need to fully press down the key. The MK-104BN16 provides the best combination of speed and tactile feedback.
User Friendly
Utilizing USB plug and play technology, the Nixeus MODA PRO is easy to use and installs without the need for additional software. A Windows “Lock” feature prevents accidental exiting of games when enabled.
Additional Pre-programmed media key functions for volume +/-, mute, play, pause, forward, and back (while holding “FN” key) allows for easy operation of your favorite computer media.
6-key rollover allows you to press multiple keys at once and an optional ON/OFF N-key rollover allows full anti-ghosting so every key is detected when pressed (Note: Some computer hardware many not support N-key rollover over USB).
The MODA PRO is also 100% compatible with Apple Mac computers and includes extra Mac keycaps (Command & Control), keycap remover, and dust cleaning brush.
Nixeus Moda Pro Mechanical Keyboard
Main Features
Nixeus Certified Mechanical Switches (MX Compatible)
Full Size 104-key Mechanical Keyboard
Floating Key Design – Mounted on a Military Grade Metal Plate
3 Year Limited Warranty with free technical support
Key Actuation Force: 55g (Brown Switch: MK-104BN16), 60g (Blue Switch: MK-104BL16)
Key Actuation Distance: 2.0 +/- 0.4 Mm
50 Million Keystroke Life Span Per Switch
1000Hz Poll Rate ~ 1ms Response Time
6 Key Roll-Over and N-Key-Roll-Over with Anti-Ghosting
Keyboard Size: 17.125″ (Width) X 5.125″ (Height) X 1.25″ (Depth)
Keyboard Weight: 2 Lbs
Connection Type: USB
Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Mac OS
Keycap Remover and Dust Cleaning Brush
Mac Key Caps (For Mac OS Computers)
Quick Start Guide and Warranty Card
Related Products
Copyright (C) 2017
All rights reserved}


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