
转载 & & 作者:阮一峰
不再用到的内存,没有及时释放,就叫做内存泄漏(memory leak)。
有些语言(比如 C 语言)必须手动释放内存,程序员负责内存管理。
buffer = (char*) malloc(42);
// Do something with buffer
上面是 C 语言代码,malloc方法用来申请内存,使用完毕之后,必须自己用free方法释放内存。
这很麻烦,所以大多数语言提供自动内存管理,减轻程序员的负担,这被称为"垃圾回收机制"(garbage collector)。
最常使用的方法叫做""(reference counting):语言引擎有一张"引用表",保存了内存里面所有的资源(通常是各种值)的引用次数。如果一个值的引用次数是0,就表示这个值不再用到了,因此可以将这块内存释放。
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
console.log('hello world');
上面代码中,数组[1, 2, 3, 4]是一个值,会占用内存。变量arr是仅有的对这个值的引用,因此引用次数为1。尽管后面的代码没有用到arr,它还是会持续占用内存。
如果增加一行代码,解除arr对[1, 2, 3, 4]引用,这块内存就可以被垃圾回收机制释放了。
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
console.log('hello world');
上面代码中,arr重置为null,就解除了对[1, 2, 3, 4]的引用,引用次数变成了0,内存就可以释放出来了。
3.1 浏览器
Chrome 浏览器查看内存占用,按照以下步骤操作。
打开开发者工具,选择 Timeline 面板
在顶部的Capture字段里面勾选 Memory
一段时间后,点击对话框的 stop 按钮,面板上就会显示这段时间的内存占用情况。
3.2 命令行
命令行可以使用 Node 提供的方法。
// { rss: ,
// heapTotal: 5685248,
// heapUsed: 3449392,
// external: 8772 }
process.memoryUsage返回一个对象,包含了 Node 进程的内存占用信息。该对象包含四个字段,单位是字节,如下。
rss(resident set size):所有内存占用,包括指令区和堆栈。
external: V8 引擎内部的 C++ 对象占用的内存。
ES6 考虑到了这一点,推出了两种新的数据结构:和 。它们对于值的引用都是不计入垃圾回收机制的,所以名字里面才会有一个"Weak",表示这是弱引用。
下面以 WeakMap 为例,看看它是怎么解决内存泄漏的。
const wm = new WeakMap();
const element = document.getElementById('example');
wm.set(element, 'some information');
wm.get(element) // "some information"
上面代码中,先新建一个 Weakmap 实例。然后,将一个 DOM 节点作为键名存入该实例,并将一些附加信息作为键值,一起存放在 WeakMap 里面。这时,WeakMap 里面对element的引用就是弱引用,不会被计入垃圾回收机制。
也就是说,DOM 节点对象的引用计数是1,而不是2。这时,一旦消除对该节点的引用,它占用的内存就会被垃圾回收机制释放。Weakmap 保存的这个键值对,也会自动消失。
基本上,如果你要往对象上添加数据,又不想干扰垃圾回收机制,就可以使用 WeakMap。
五、WeakMap 示例
WeakMap 的例子很难演示,因为无法观察它里面的引用会自动消失。此时,其他引用都解除了,已经没有引用指向 WeakMap 的键名了,导致无法证实那个键名是不是存在。
根据这个思路,网友 vtxf 补充了下面的。
首先,打开 Node 命令行。
$ node --expose-gc
// 手动执行一次垃圾回收,保证获取的内存使用状态准确
& global.gc();
// 查看内存占用的初始状态,heapUsed 为 4M 左右
& process.memoryUsage();
heapTotal: 7376896,
heapUsed: 4153936,
external: 9059 }
& let wm = new WeakMap();
& let b = new Object();
& global.gc();
// 此时,heapUsed 仍然为 4M 左右
& process.memoryUsage();
heapTotal: 9474048,
heapUsed: 3967272,
external: 8993 }
// 在 WeakMap 中添加一个键值对,
// 键名为对象 b,键值为一个 5* 的数组
& wm.set(b, new Array(5*));
WeakMap {}
// 手动执行一次垃圾回收
& global.gc();
// 此时,heapUsed 为 45M 左右
& process.memoryUsage();
heapTotal: ,
heapUsed: ,
external: 8951 }
// 解除对象 b 的引用
// 再次执行垃圾回收
& global.gc();
// 解除 b 的引用以后,heapUsed 变回 4M 左右
// 说明 WeakMap 中的那个长度为 5* 的数组被销毁了
& process.memoryUsage();
heapTotal: 8425472,
heapUsed: 3979792,
external: 8956 }
上面代码中,只要外部的引用消失,WeakMap 内部的引用,就会自动被垃圾回收清除。由此可见,有了它的帮助,解决内存泄漏就会简单很多。
常用在线小工具Node.js 全局对象_百度文库
Node.js 全局对象
你可能喜欢process.memoryUsage()这几个参数都是什么意思 - CNode技术社区
如题:这几个参数都是什么意思,{ rss: , heapTotal: , heapUsed: 5316664 }这些数字的单位是什么, kb 么?
The process.memoryUsage() method returns an object describing the memory usage of the Node.js process measured in bytes.
rss: 进程常驻内存
CNode 社区为国内最专业的 Node.js 开源技术社区,致力于 Node.js 的技术研究。
新手搭建 Node.js 服务器,推荐使用无需备案的Process memory usage
svmon-P command to display the system all processes currently running the memory usage statistics.
The following is an example of svmon-P command:
# svmon -P
Pid Command
Virtual 64-bit Mthrd 16MB
16264 IBM.ServiceRM
Esid Type Description
Pin Pgsp Virtual
d work shared library text
0 work kernel seg
2 work process private
f work shared library data
1 pers code,/dev/hd2:149841
- pers /dev/hd2:71733
4 work shared memory segment
- pers large file /dev/hd9var:243
3 mmap mapped to sid a03f4
- pers large file /dev/hd9var:247
Pid Command
Virtual 64-bit Mthrd 16MB
17032 IBM.CSMAgentR
Esid Type Description
Pin Pgsp Virtual
d work shared library text
0 work kernel seg
2 work process private
f work shared library data
1 pers code,/dev/hd2:149840
- pers /dev/hd2:71733
- pers /dev/hd2:284985
- pers large file /dev/hd9var:186
- pers large file /dev/hd9var:204
3 mmap mapped to sid 5840b
detailed description of the command output of the overall memory usage of each process, as well as the process used in each report for each segment of the memory usage details. The default collation is the page count in descending order according to
Run svmon command with-u,-p,-g or-v flag, one can change the collation.
To get the system before using the memory process 15 Summary, please use the following command:
# svmon -Pt15 | perl -e 'while(&&){print if($.==2||$&&&!$s++);$.=0 if(/^-+$/)}'
Pid Command
Virtual 64-bit Mthrd 16MB
16264 IBM.ServiceRM
17032 IBM.CSMAgentR
13684 getty
26590 perl5.8.0
7514 sendmail
14968 rmcd
4164 errdemon
11424 rpc.mountd
21564 rlogind
26704 rlogind
Pid 16264 is the maximum memory consumption of the process of identification. Command pointed out that the command name, in this case IBM (R). ServiceRM. Inuse column shows the 10 075, the column is used in the process section of the total number of pages in real memory. Each page size is 4 KB. Pin column shows the 3345, as the process used by the segment of the fixed total number of pages. Pgsp column shows the 3064, the column is the process used by the total number of paging space page. Virtual column (process virtual space in the total number of pages) Show 13 310.
Details of the area shows a summary of each process area to display information for each section. This includes virtual
and effective
section is marked.
reflect the corresponding page of the section used to access the register. Section also shows the type and description, the description text for the paragraph description, including the volume name and permanent section of the file inode. The report also details the support section of the page size (4 KB pages in which
MB pages), RAM Pages
RAM in a fixed number of pages
paging space pages
and the virtual pages
You can even use more options to get more details. -J option displays the file path to permanent section. -L option provides more detailed information on the section,-r option displays the scope of each section of memory used. The following is with-l,-r and-j option svmon command example:
# svmon -S f001e 400 e83dd -l -r -j
Esid Type Description
Pin Pgsp Virtual
d work shared library text
Addr Range: 0..60123
Shared library text segment
2 work process private
Addr Range: 0..969 : 6
- pers /dev/hd2:71733
Addr Range: 0..1
pid(s)=1, 1, 1
Address Range for the permanent section or paragraph to specify a range of client or for the work specified in paragraph two areas. Permanent section or paragraph of the scope of the client with a '0 .. x 'in the form that has been used where x is the maximum number of virtual pages. The scope of work section of the field can be '0 .. x: y. .65535 ', where 0 .. x contains global data, will increase, and y. .65535 contains stack areas will be reduced. For a working segment of the address range is to allocate space from the beginning until the middle of both sides. If the working section of a non-proprietary (kernel or shared library), space allocation is different.
In the example above, segment-specific work is identified in paragraph 400; its address range is 0 .. 969: 65305 .. 65535. Section logo f001e is shared library
its address range is 0 .. 60123.
A section of the process used by many. Each of such paragraph in a real memory page explains the process for each use that section of the Inuse field. Therefore, Inuse the total may exceed total number of pages in real memory. This Pgsp and Pin fields apply. Summary section shows the value from the process used by all segments of the Inuse, Pin, Pgsp and
counter of the total composition.
In the example
e83dd section used by a number of processes, these processes PID is ,,14968 and 9620.
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