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ZedGraph的控件使用全解.docx 13页
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该控件来自于CodeProjecthttp://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/zedgraph.aspx我大多的.NET程序的绘图程序都用的是这个控件。下面是这个控件的文档翻译及其基本使用方法。A flexible charting library for .NET???By?JChampionDownload source files (.NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0)Download dll only (.NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0)Download C# Sample ProjectDownload VB Sample ProjectDownload the?latest versions?from SourceForge一个灵活的.NET绘图库Looking for a way to draw 2D line graphs with C#? Here's yet another charting class library with a high degree of configurability, that is also easy to?use.正在寻找利用C#画二维线型图像的方法吗?这个就是高度可配置的绘图类库,当然,他也是非常容易用的。?IntroductionZedGraph是一个类库,为Windows Forms 设计的用户控件,该控件可以通过专业的数据资料创建2D线、Bar和Pie图像。该类库提供高度的灵活性——几乎每一个图像的部分都能由用户修改。于此同时,通过为所有图像的属性提供缺省值使类库的用法保持简单。类库中包括选择合适的刻度因数范围和基于被显示值的的数据范围的步长值的代码。此外,ZedGraph 兼容于.NET 2.0和VS.NET 2005.ZeGraph 是作为开源开发工程在SourceForge被维护的。该网站包括该项目的wiki、文档、更新历史和所有的发行版本。Wiki上含有一套简单的图像实例由公开的代码完成(许多的例子包括C#和VB代码)。Background????我们可以寻找到很多的绘图类库,但是似乎没有一个能够满足我的需要。我发现MSCHART太诡异了,许多其他的选项都不具有可配置性但我需要达到一种精致的外观。当然,许多商业开发包能够做这种花招,但是我需要某种免费的东东。由此,ZedGraph产生了!????这个类库将可以产生各种线型、条形、图形分割统计图表在Form上,考虑到位置矩形和一些数据点(翻译的有点诡异,没太看明白)。ZedGraph处理二维线形或散点图形,所彩的百分数条形图形,误差条形图像,日本烛台图形和图形分割统计图表——他现在还不能处理2.5D或3D表面图形。可以通过坐标轴标签、标题、图例标签、文字标签、箭头、镜像等对象修饰图像。ZedGraphWiki?和online class documentation?提供了大量的有用的信息,针对其提供更多的信息,ZedGraph 有大量的选项没有在这个入门文档中提供。Using ZedGraph as a UserControl?将ZedGraph作为一个控件可由Visual Studio.NET的控件工具箱中获取。?要创建ZedGraph,首先要打开Visual Studio.NET,创建一个新的Forms项目。打开form设计器使其出现在当前窗口,如下图右击工具箱-&选择项点击浏览定位到 zedgraph.dll文件,并添加。一旦添加了此文件,你会看到ZedGraphControl选项在工具箱中。如下图在项目主菜单-&选择添加引用-&添加ZedGraph.dll,然后点击OK,重复这个过程添ZedGraph.Web.dll,这将包括所有的ZedGraph功能在你的工程中。添加using ZedG语句到你的主Form代码中在Form设计器中,从工具箱中拖拽ZedGraphControl到From上,按照你的意愿修改其大小和位置。你现在在你的Form中就有了一个ZedGraph控件。如下图所有的ZedGraph功能都可以通过ZedGraphControl.MasterPane属性来访问,提供ZedGraphControl.GraphPane来引用第一个GraphPane在主MasterPane列表中。(下面会解释这句话的意思)。在Form设计器中双击Form(不是ZedGraphControl)。这将会放置一个Form1_Load()模板在你的代码文件中。在Form设计器中,激活Form后定位到属性中的事件如图,双击Resizes事件,这时Form1_Resize相应的函数模板将出现在在代码文件中。修改Form1_Load()和Form
然后ZedGraphControl出现在.Net Framework 组件列表中——选中ZedGraphControl,然后点击“确定”按钮,即可在工具箱中看见ZedGraphControl控件视图——工具箱——选择项——.Net Framework 组件——浏览——找到ZedGraph.dll并点击“打开”按钮
你用的是VS2012 吗?浏览——找到ZedGraph.dll并点击“打开”按钮,先提示不安全是否确定,点是,提示“没有可放置在工具箱上的组件”。我原来在VS2005里面是可以的,直接把ZedGraph.dll拖到工具箱,然后就有了
版本原因ZedGraph只支持.net 1.1和.net 2.0
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。It appears you have JavaScript switched off - you can find quick and easy instructions on how to turn on JavaScript here:
Zedgraph projects Jobs:
We are a Media Productions company, offering full productions, editing and creative solutions including video, photography, and audio.
We have some of the best guys in the business in each respective field. On big projects you will get to work directly with them.
What we look for in our team as well as being reliable and excellent in your field is also being creative and artistic which will give...
Feb 3, 2018
Feb 3, 2018Ended
I made a webpage in WP with theme Sydney: [url removed, login to view]
But when people comes to projects (under &kontinenti& on homepage) with mobile phones (especially with iPhone), they don't see that this are actually buttons and not just a photos. So I want that those photos/projects are more interactive (for example they zoom in a bit, the title shows up, or they move a bit ...
Feb 3, 2018
Feb 3, 2018Ended
i have two projects of scrapper 10K is cost please bid if u can take this project on urgent basis
a PID scraper for Footpatrol, IsPID Scraper for Size, Footpatrol & JD
I need a PID scraper which scrapes Footpatrol, JD, and Size? and posts new PID links plus pictures to Discord.
needs to be continuous running checking multiple times a day, lightweight and able to use proxies if needed...
Jan 31, 2018
Jan 31, 2018Ended
I am looking for individual who is expert in creating ICO website within 5 to 7 days as i have multiple projects 1 by 1.
So kindly bid if you are always available for start whenever i need your services and show me a demo with front and back end access you must have.
For 1st project i will not give any advance or milestone but yes from next project i will always offer 50% down payme...
Jan 26, 2018
Jan 26, 2018Ended
Hello developer team or developers.
I would like to see talented developer team or developer.
I have lots of projects , so I need team or developer who can work with me long time.
If you have done first project perfectly , then you will get lots of projects.
skill requirement : mobile app development , web development and etc,
Important point :
communication should be available any...
Jan 25, 2018
Jan 25, 2018Ended
We are a domestic Call center based in India, currently running 2 campaigns and now looking to expand ourself and acquire few new campaigns to dial.
Anyone who is looking to outsource and lead generation campaign
Jan 24, 2018
Jan 24, 2018Ended
We are a startup looking to hire Content writers from India. This is going to be long, so only interested and dedicated writers need to apply. No time wasters please.
Any kind of writing experience is advantageous.
We are looking for writers who can write
&Article writing
Blog writing
Website Content writing
eBook writing
SEO writing
Press Release writing
Jan 24, 2018
Jan 24, 2018Ended
I am looking for a storyboard artist to work with long term to help create and visualise scripts for film and animation.
Jan 22, 2018
Jan 22, 2018Ended
from time to time I need wordpress experts and admin assistants to help complete different projects on multiple wordpress websites. Mainly fixing links, checking issues with plugins and sorting out layouts are the tasks for experts. For admins it is usually inventory and listing or content related issues and tasks. Expert works that require admin level access, must be carried out via TeamViewer as...
Jan 22, 2018
Jan 22, 2018Ended
We are seeking an experienced patent writer, knowledgeable in polymers engineering, civil engineering, defense related industey to redraft, update and expand our existing provisional patent portfolio. We will also need new patents written for new projects.
We seek a long-term relationship with a creative and innovative patent writer.
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Jan 21, 2018
Jan 21, 2018Ended
I have some work, in an Excel spreadsheet.
Jan 21, 2018
Jan 21, 2018Ended
i have 4 projects which you have to complete by any one of the company
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3) one gambling website
4) one hostel mess website with payment integration online
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Jan 20, 2018
Jan 20, 2018Ended
I need some lawyer who can send me a Legal Contract for Outsourcing Pay For Performance based projects
Jan 11, 2018
Jan 11, 2018Ended
Electrical installation and [url removed, login to view] cleaning machine [url removed, login to view] cleaning machine service and maintenance.
Jan 1, 2018
Jan 1, 2018Ended
We are growing IT software and services development company. We need someone who can bring us freelancing project. Costing and pricing we can decide on the basis of bid value for the project
Dec 30, 2017
Dec 30, 2017Ended
I need an Android app. I would like it designed and built.
Dec 28, 2017
Dec 28, 2017Ended
We have multiple web applications
Test cases are already available in Spreadsheet
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Dec 25, 2017
Dec 25, 2017Ended
Hello. I am personally a web / graphics designer.
I need a person. Who can understand my services and target and get me people who are interested in my services. I need a person who can *really* grab me projects online. You will be paid 20% cut of the total amount of the project. Everytime. Plus an upper fee by me. I got a nice portfolio.
Dec 23, 2017
Dec 23, 2017Ended
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Dec 13, 2017
Dec 13, 2017Ended
We are an education consulting firm. We are looking for experts from different fields who are available instantly and thereafter on a regular basis (if they successfully complete their first work with us). You can have expertise in any field varying from Autocad, Engineering, Science to Management, Finance etc.
In case you are available to work now please answer the following:
Nov 27, 2017
Nov 27, 2017Ended
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我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。>> 在 C# 中使用 ZedGraph 绘制动态数据
在 C# 中使用 ZedGraph 绘制动态数据
dynamic_data_cs.rar文件大小:270.78 kB
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这个程序使用 dll 来绘制关系图。通过使用 ZedGraph,我们可以绘制各种图表。此程序是 ZedGraph 应用的一个例子,在这个例子中的动态数据绘制取决于时间。这种方式是显示动态数据的重要途径。我们可以应用本例中的许多类型的动态数据。
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温馨提示: 点击源码文件名可预览文件内容哦 ^_^
DynamicData.sln934.00 B27-04-06 20:44
DynamicData.csproj3.43 kB27-04-06 20:44
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4.42 kB27-04-06 20:44
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1.06 kB27-04-06 20:44
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DynamicData.sln931.00 B12-11-13 14:29
DynamicData.suo18.00 kB14-04-14 15:27
4.48 kB12-11-13 14:29
ZedGraph.dll300.00 kB30-09-07 01:14
DynamicData.exe10.50 kB12-11-13 14:37
DynamicData.pdb25.50 kB12-11-13 14:37
DynamicData.vshost.exe11.34 kB14-04-14 15:27
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DynamicData.csproj3.69 kB12-11-13 14:29
3.55 kB12-11-13 14:37
2.86 kB12-11-13 14:37
Form1.resx5.87 kB12-11-13 14:37
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DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache5.42 kB20-11-13 12:48
1.25 kB14-04-14 15:27
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DynamicData.pdb25.50 kB12-11-13 14:37
DynamicData.Properties.Resources.resources180.00 B12-11-13 14:30
GenerateResource-ResGen.read.1.tlog452.00 B12-11-13 14:37
GenerateResource-ResGen.write.1.tlog1,002.00 B12-11-13 14:37
ResolveAssemblyReference.cache5.27 kB12-11-13 14:29
Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll4.50 kB12-11-13 14:29
404.00 B27-04-06 20:44
1.28 kB27-04-06 20:44
2.78 kB12-11-13 14:29
Resources.resx5.48 kB27-04-06 20:44
1.06 kB12-11-13 14:29
Settings.settings249.00 B27-04-06 20:44
3.27 kB12-11-13 14:29
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UpgradeReport_Minus.gif69.00 B12-11-13 14:29
UpgradeReport_Plus.gif71.00 B12-11-13 14:29
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&Debug&0.00 B20-11-13 12:48
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&bin&0.00 B12-11-13 14:29
&obj&0.00 B12-11-13 14:29
&Properties&0.00 B23-10-07 21:43
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&_UpgradeReport_Files&0.00 B12-11-13 14:29
&dynamic_data_cs&0.00 B12-11-13 17:06
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