represereact native 签名office可以签合同吗

& & office瀛
吉林省建设厅行政审批办公室房地产开发企业资质审批情况一览表 & 序号 申报单位审批内容办结时间 受理人 1 吉林省天融房地产开发有限公司(暂定) ...
福州市教育科学研究规划领导小组办公室 榕教科规〔2012〕2号 关于福州市教育科学研究 &十二五&规划2012年度课题立项的通知 各县(市)区教师进修学校、市直属学校(中小...
无锡市人民政府办公室文件 锡政办发〔号 市政府办公室关于印发无锡市加快 电子商务发展工作指导意见的通知 各市(县)和各区人民政府,市各委、办、局,市各直属...
天津财经大学二八年硕士研究生招生专业目录 研究生招生办公室 二七年八月二十日 招生单位代码:10070 招生单位:天津财经大学 邮政编码300222 地址:天津市河西区珠江道25...
昆山市人民政府办公室文件 昆政办发〔2012〕47号 市政府办公室关于印发昆山市 蓝天工程2012年行动计划的通知 昆山开发区、昆山高新区、花桥经济开发区、旅游度假区管委会...
全国建设工程造价员(土建)合格 2003/06 国家施工员证书合格 语言能力: 英语 :良好 & IT 技能: PowerPoint 熟练 36月AUTOCAD 熟练 36月MS Office 熟练 48月Windows XP ...
椒江区打击走私与海防口岸管理办公室文件 本文档由【中文word文档库】提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学...
return(true); } &/SCRIPT& &/p&&br& &p&&&/p&&br& &p&看此效果必须装有office2000!!!&/p&&br& &/BODY&&br& &/HTML&
28, clip &HTML&
&TITLE&DHTML Demo&/...
⒊实验类别:基础 ⒋实验类型:验证 ⒌实验要求:必做 ⒍实验环境:微型计算机,Microsoft Office Project 2003 实验二、学生成绩管理系统设计(2学时) ⒈实验目的要求 1)掌握...
ph: 847-864- 教會办事处 Address & Phone/Fax of Church Office 3306 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201 电话/传真Phone/Fax: 847-733-1104 教會电邮E-Mail: bolchicago...
河南省人才工作领导小组办公室文件 豫人才办〔2012〕2号 关于做好河南省高层次人才信息管理系统人员基本信息修改补充工作的通知 各省辖市党委组织部,省直各单位组织人事...
中科院研究生院硕士研究生入学考试 《计算机软件基础》考试大纲 本《计算机软件》考试大纲适用于中国科学院研究生院计算机科学与技术等专业的硕士研究生入学考试。计算机...
& 公司总机:010-& E-mail:office@ 前& 台: 800 传& 真: 777& 研发部: 666&
经理直拨 010-& E-mail: 市场部: ...
附件一: 学年度先进班集体标兵名单 (2000元/班) 政治与公共管理学院2008级劳动与社会保障班 信息管理学院2007级编辑出版学班 水利水电学院2007级水电6班 经济...
Kathy Zhang has been enjoying teaching for 22 years. She worked as an English teacher, English academic director, office manager, foreign Affair representative and translator. She ...
掌握典型操作系统的安装、配置与使用,学会对操作系统进行日常的管理与维护 多媒体教学 4 第五章应用软件及常用办公软件 以实践为主导,使学生掌握office三大软件的使用,培...
D、能力:对管理处的工作有整体的思路和构想,具有良好的组织、沟通、协调能力,具有较强的服务意识和客户关系管理能力,能够熟练操作电脑和运用OFFICE 软件,文笔流畅...
招聘计划: 部门:资材部 科室:生管科 岗位:订单计划 学历:大专及以上 人数:1 任职要求: 1、熟练操作OFFICE办公软件; 2、英语需四级以上并能与外界适当地沟通; 3、熟...
本课程的教学内容包括日文Windows操作系统的操作和日文Office办公软件的使用、对日软件开发中的办公用语与经验体会和软件开发过程中的日文文档三个部分。 在学习基础日语...
C056内蒙古亚新隆顺特钢有限公司 1、电气、仪表及自动化技术员若干名 岗位要求:男性,电气、仪表、自动化专业,本科以上学历,熟练操作CAD软件及office软件;吃苦耐劳,...
clear that continuing public controversy has the potential to undermine and diminish my capacity to uphold the importance, dignity and integrity of this high office that I have been ...
能熟练使用Office软件 3、有较强的逻辑推理能力,思维慎密,做事认真严谨;有团队合作精神,及良好的沟通能力。 任职部门:运营管理部 岗位名称:网站开发 需求人数:5人 工...
福建省科学技术奖励委员会办公室公告 2005年度福建省科学技术奖申报工作已结束,本办公室共收到各推荐部门推荐的请奖项目381项。现将请奖项目名称、主要完成单位、主要完...
在2005年1月份,微软首次讨论了Elixir项目,展示了企业应当如何利用Office 2003中基于Web的工具,将Outlook连接到来自Siebel、SAP、甲骨文等厂商的企业系统中。在此后的数...
河南省人才工作领导小组办公室文件 豫人才办〔2012〕2号 关于做好河南省高层次人才信息管理系统人员基本信息修改补充工作的通知 各省辖市党委组织部,省直各单位组织人事...
中国建筑第五工程局有限公司办公室文件 中建五办〔2011〕5号 关于印发鲁贵卿董事长在局七届一次职代会 暨2011年工作会上报告的通知 各单位: 现将鲁贵卿董事长在局七届一...
宋王台 Tai Fu Tai in San Tin 新田大夫第 Tsang Tai Uk in Shatin 沙田曾大屋 Tsui Shing Lau 聚星楼 Tung Chung Fort on Lantau Island 大屿山东涌寨城 Old Wanchai Post Office 旧湾...
中信出版社,出版或修订时间:2002年执笔:朱俊审阅:洪元义 日期:2006.12 审定:刁兆峰 日期:2006.12 《办公自动化》教学大纲 课程编号 : 课程名称 :办公自动化 / Office ...
采访时表示,微软决定尽快在中国整合微软的在线平台Live等系统,并利用这些在线平台,在华推出数字广告解决方案,今后这个广告还将推广到Office在线等服务。 在中国,...
惠泽社会保障(市民)卡多应用系统V1.0 徐晓明,彭劲,文建勇,孔哲 珠海惠泽信息系统有限公司
WPS Office 2005 章庆元...
惠泽社会保障(市民)卡多应用系统V1.0 徐晓明,彭劲,文建勇,孔哲 珠海惠泽信息系统有限公司
WPS Office 2005 章庆元...
*10月30日,浙大微软技术俱乐部举行&MSTC课堂之office系列word广场&活动。 *10月31日,浙大登山协会组织同学参加&游之江校区,登六和塔&活动。 *11月,紫金港校区幻...
符云兰 优秀奖 自然界的存在与发展是客观的 广西师范学院 王显怡 优秀奖 压力压强 辽宁省盘锦市第二高级中学 关元伯 韩丽华 优秀奖 Office表格的建立 辽宁省盘锦市经济技术学校 ...
二等奖 中国现代作家与小城 三等奖基于linux和arm9的温室大棚远程智能监控系统研究新 基于GSM家居监控系统 基于GPS/GPRS的物流监控系统 基于结果的Office操作题自动评分...
西安工程大学 课程编号规则一、课程编号,由6位数字组成。 二、前2位数,是表示学院(部)等处级教学单位的代号,具体规定如下: 01纺织与材料学院 02机电工程学院 03电子...
教学要点 中文Windows 2000操作系统 (二)教学内容 操作系统概述 中文Windows 2000操作系统 Linux操作系统 第三章 办公自动化基础(4学时) (一)教学要点 Office 2000文...
The foreign academic certificate issued by as a BA/MA diploma is approved by the Ministry of Education and verified by a Taiwan's overseas representative office. Among the ...
校党委书记陈德文在吉林大学纪念&三八&国际劳动妇女节 101周年暨&巾帼建功&表彰大会上的讲话 (日) 各位领导、各位来宾、老师们、女同胞们:大家好! 三月的...
2、通过实验,使学生熟练掌握Windows操作系统及Office 2000套件中的常用应用软件;熟练掌握Internet上网技术。 3、通过实验,使学生初步掌握程序设计思路及编程方式,为后...
Michael Jang著 人民邮电出版社 2007 TP316/288 Windows注册表实用技术超级技巧1000例 王策选,詹俊,王国平编著 电子工业出版社 2007 TP316/289 Office 2003在办公中的应...
aw-Hill Higher Education c2006. O15/B446 Explorations : Thomas T. Arny. McGraw-Hill c2006. + P1-49/A768 Insurance coding and electronic claims for the medical office shelley C. ...
四、展品运输指南 广东国际社会公共安全产品博览会 (广东安防展) 2012 年05 月10 & 12 日 广州 .琶洲展览馆B区 国内运输指南 GUANGZHOU OFFICE 广州金怡展览服务有限公...
钟楼宣传动态 第28期(总第187期) 中共钟楼区委宣传部 日 【考察调研】 省委巡回检查组来我区指导检查第三批学习实践活动 & 近日,省委学习实践活动巡回检查...
solutions be developed for the integration of office-to-field data collection systems, remote access capability and V.6 可视化与动画 大会建议 发展在实况人物和环境生成中应用基于影...
企业名称 宁波丽晶时代电子线缆有限公司 所属行业 制造业 通讯地址 宁波市鄞州区姜山镇科技园区 邮政编码 315191 企业网址 WWW. E-mail OFFICE@ ...
INVESTMENT CO.,LTD. W1-481 上海泰威技术发展股份有限公司 W1-485 江苏耐斯数码彩喷材料有限公司 W1-491 GMG Gmbh& shanghai Represenative office W1-515 利盈...
ParisTech office in China 巴黎高科50名工程师项目宣讲会 时间:5月29日14 : 00 地点:北京大学 对象:理工类本科生(除医科) 主讲人:Ga&lle LE GOFF(巴黎高科驻华代表) ...
DAAD Beijing Office Address Sheet English 中文 Name 姓名 O female (女) O male (男)
Present University / Institute / Company / Organisation 就读(职)单位 Academic Field...
1、系统需要有office办公软件。 2、使用IE浏览器,设置站点为可信任:IE浏览器-工具-internet选项-安全-可信站点填写http://jxfw./
ADMISSION OFFICE Student & Education Service Centre (S&O) Statement of Financial Resources State the values in Euro (&), not in your own currency Name: &&&&& Student ...
关于OA系统OFFICE插件指南 第一步:关闭所有打开的浏览器及OFFICE软件。 第二步:直接删除C:\Program Files\HandWrite目录。 第三步:打开IE浏览器,进入&工具&菜单&...
基于专业云计算服务的Office 365,以革新企业生产力为使命,更借助移动办公、高效协作、专业形象、轻松IT和超值服务五大商业价值,致力于为企业成长提供源源动力。即日起至...
OFFICE控件安装 在VISTA下,如果无法正常的注册安装OFFICE控件,需要先对VISTA进行一些设置。 1、需要在用户账户中关闭&用户帐户控制&; 设置好后,就可以通过IE访问...
财金所教师office hours 姓名office hours 研究室 刘代洋 一15:30-17:30 IB1003-A 张琬喻 二12:30-14:30 IB1001-A 梁琼如 二16:30-18:30 IB1002-A 谢剑平 四10:30~12:30 IB1004-B 黄...
利用office绘制施工进度计划横道图 在word中绘制横道图需要利用绘图工具来实现。 在Excel中利用&悬浮的条形图&可以制作简单的横道图。Step1 启动Excel,仿照图1的格式,...
Student Residence Office City University of Hong Kong 22 Cornwall Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel No.: (852)
Fax No.: (852)
Email : ...
病理教研室office hour安排 周次 日期 星期 时间 地点 答疑教师 6
一8:30-9:30 北校区科技楼东210 王芬 6
一16:00-17:00 北校区科技楼东210 丁力 6
DAAD Beijing Office Address Sheet English 中文 Name 姓名 O female (女) O male (男)
Present University / Institute / Company / Organisation 就读(职)单位 Academic Field...
微软云端办公室 Office 365 支援各式行动装置、随处存取、高安全性的云端生产力解决方案 Microsoft& Office 365 不仅简化 IT 管理,同时有效提升企业生产力。Office 365 具有高度...
【OFFICE达人必备】word用法大全 三招去掉页眉那条横线 1、在页眉中,在&格式&-&边框和底纹&中设置表格和边框为&无&,应用于&段落& 2、同上,只是把边框的颜色设...
Foreign Affairs Office Supported Application&&Client Consent 外办递交的申请&申请人的同意函 Group File Number: 团组受理号 FAO Name: 外办名称 Total Number of Applicants:...
KPMG Shenzhen Office Open Day报名表 - 申请者个人信息 申请者姓名: 身份证号码: 生源地: 手机号码: 邮箱地址: 预计在深圳停留的时间段: - 申请者目前在读 学校_学院_...
Attn: Visa Office,(申请国家名称)Embassy in Beijing From: Co., Ltd(公司英文名称) Address:公司地址) Tel:公司电话) To Whom It May Concern Dear Madam/ Sir: On ...
Office Use Ref. No: Received:
Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies
Application for Cluster Research Grant Application Details About the Applicant: Name
Attn: Visa Office,(申请国家名称)Embassy in Beijing From: Co., Ltd(公司英文名称) Address:公司地址) Tel:公司电话) To Whom It May Concern Dear Sir or Madam: This ...
Office of International Relations, Dongguk University, Seoul 100-715, Korea Tel: 82-2- Fax: 82-2- E-mail:
外国留学生入学申请表 APPL...
( PI information ( Renewal Report ( Standard Continuation (
( Follow-up IBC1/RD IBC2/RD Carnegie Mellon University Institution
WRI Beijing office is seeking a highly motivated graduate or college student to be a part-time intern for the China Communication work.
Position Summary: The World Resources ...
外文2013年春季学年office hour 2012级office hour Office hours: 星期四和星期五第一节:尹晓倩、石燕、张书 星期五第一节和第五节:徐小云、张莉琳、傅正蓉 地点:中心实验大楼...
Office of Academic Advising Garland Hall, Suite 3A / 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore MD 6-8216 Degree Audit Chec
Office Use Ref. No:
Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies Lingnan Application for Subsistence Allowance to Attend Conference To motivate colleague
Office of Administration Constantine (Deno) G. Verenes Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration Deno Verenes serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration.
Office of the Dean & Graduate School-New Brunswick 25 Bishop Place & New Brunswick & New Jersey
732/932-7034 & 732/932-7407 APPLICATION FOR ...
For Office Use Only Candidate Number Cambridge ESOL Групповая заявка на проведение квалификационного тестирования по английскому языку Cambridge ESOL. Пожалуйста...
【OFFICE达人必备】不用删减文字也能给Word文档瘦身 利用Word生成的文档,每页在20KB左右,但看到用记事本生成的文档,相同的内容只有1KB左右,能让Word也减减肥吗...
To:HKSSF Office(Fax: 致:学体會秘书处(传真: 电邮 We hereby inform HKSSF regarding the postponed match...
DAAD Beijing Office Address Sheet English 中文 Name 姓名 O female (女) O male (男)
Present University / Institute / Company / Organisation 就读(职)单位 Academic Field...
Office办公软件试题-B答案 名词解释: 1、表格是一种有关特定实体的数据集合。每一个表格都由数据字段和数据记录组成。 2、表达式是产生结果的符号组合,这些符号包括标识...
将Office2003转换成pdf文件的步骤 网络中心 下载转换软件dopdf-7.exe常用软件/dopdf-7.exe 下载后双击dopdf-7.exe直接安装 或者 http://www.qhfz....
全称:Office Lady主流IS店 简称:OL主流IS店, 意为:时尚白领主流女鞋店 IS全称ladies' shoes意为女鞋 最好加上一段简介例如:Office Lady主流IS店---OL创意主流女鞋
微软Office办公软件 公开课通知面对一大堆Excel数据表格时是不是很头痛? 是不是感觉每天复制粘贴效率很低? 你相信之前1(小时)完成的工作,其实只需要5(分钟)吗? 想不...
2013年3月经济学及实习Office Hour排班表 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 1 2 3 4 5 6 杨育涵 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 范玉仪 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 陈怡婷 张可澔 21 ...
Office 2010 plus 激活工具操作流程 因为工具可能会被误报病毒,使用前,请先关闭或退出安全软件(杀毒软件及助手、卫士之类)。 确保激活过程中&电脑联网&。 激活步骤共三...
教你做个Office Lady吸引男同事的眼球 早就想上来分享一下自己的独家护肤心得了~但是一直都懒懒的,就总没有发帖,今天发帖,希望大家看完后支持一下哦~反正是很适合依依...
Office2000下内部COM插件的编程实现 翻译:徐景周 下载示例源码 简介 你也许曾在Office2000下的Word2000、Access2000、Excel2000、PowerPoint2000等软件中的工具条或菜...
其实很简单,使用Office Excel即可完成。 操作如下: 首先把记事本文件最大化,将数据复制到打开的Excel,然后,选择列,当然只有一个列,进行如下操作 打开Excel,选择数据/...
DAAD Beijing Office Address Sheet English 中文 Name 姓名 O female (女) O male (男)
Present University / Institute / Company / Organisation 就读(职)单位 Academic Field...
软件学院Office大赛复赛人员名单 软件编码 051班: 杨博、覃巍、张振楠、张劲松、白霄、豆振海、孙秀娟、王文治、周琳娅、阴肖悦 052班: 李康乐、刘通、刘扬、呼志飞、孙金...
Student Residence Office City University of Hong Kong 22 Cornwall Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel No.: (852)
Fax No.: (852)
Email: ...
关于OFFICE病毒防治通知 最近OFFICE病毒突发,为了方便各局、股室工作顺利开展,特发布OFFICE病毒专杀。 一、病毒现象: 当打开OFFICE文档时,提示加载宏,才可打开...
KoFi&king of office furniture 谐音 coffee KoFi
Section A. Office Staffing 38 CFR 21.380, and other applicable laws and regulations, such as the Veterans' Readjustment Appointment (VRA).
1. General Information on Office ...
The Office of Financial Aid awards financial aid, including Federal Direct Loans, up to the maximum amount that a student can receive. Students are encouraged to bo
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• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.Temporal angiostatin release from platelets.
ContextHuman platelets were incubated in an aggregometer and platelet releasates were sampled at the following time points: one minute prior to the addition of collagen, during platelet shape change following addition of collagen, at 50% light transmittance, and maximal aggregation (Fig. 1A). During each of these time points angiostatin and VEGF release was assayed. Compared to the passive release of angiostatin from unactivated platelets (1 minute time point), angiostatin release from collagen-stimulated platelets followed that of aggregation with maximum angiostatin release occurring upon maximum aggregation (Fig. 1B). In contrast, the release of the pro-angiogenic molecule VEGF from platelets occurred much earlier during platelet activation by collagen with maximum release occurring during platelet shape change (Fig. 1C). In absence of collagen to stimulate aggregation, passive platelet release of angiostatin did not significantly increase over 6 minutes (Fig. 1D).Join ResearchGate to access over 30 million figures and 100+ million publications – all in one place.Copy referenceCopy captionEmbed figurePublished in
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Article & Mar 2013
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On the other hand, the activated platelets have been shown to secret and/or generate de novo proteolytically-derived plasminogen fragments, referred to as angiostatins, due to plasmin autoproteolysis. The mechanism of actinmediated angiostatin formation can represent the way, in which platelets may regulate reparative angiogenesis, thus counteracting proangiogenic stimuli[30]. Interestingly, actin is not the only cytoskeletal protein found in such an unusual location. ABSTRACT: Aim. To elucidate whether actin exposed on the surface of agonist-activated platelets is responsible for plasminogen binding. Methods. Human washed platelets were obtained by gel-filtration on Sepharose-2B. The levels of exposed actin on the outer surface of plasma membrane of intact and thrombin- or collagen-stimulated platelets were monitored by flow cytometry. The binding of plasminogen fluorescent conjugate (Pg-FITC) with platelets treated with anti-actin antibody or non-immune IgG (control) was analyzed cytometrically. Results. Thrombin or collagen exposure resulted in the dose-dependent actin expression on the surface of stimulated platelets. Pre-treatment of stimulated platelets with specific anti-actin antibodies was shown to significantly prevent the binding of Pg-FITC with the platelet surface. Conclusion. The results of the present study indicate that actin exposed on the platelet surface at the agonistinduced activation is involved in the plasminogen binding. Full-text · Article · Jun 2017 It has been well-documented that angiostatins induce anoikis and apoptosis and inhibit proliferation and migration of endotheliocytes, thus restrict vessel tube formation and neovascularization[6,7]. Currently, numerous reports indicate that various cell types are able to gene rate angiostatins in relatively high amounts[8,9]. In the previous papers, angiostatins are described as constantly formed by several types of retina-resident cells[10]. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study was to examine the plasminogen localization and to detect levels of its fragments (angiostatins) in various regions of rat brain as well as to establish whether rat brain astrocytes could be involved in angiostatin production. It was shown immunohistochemically that plasminogen is distributed broadly in the various brain regions, with predominant expression in meningeal layer and IV, V, and VI layers or cerebral cortex, dentate gyrus, meningeal and Purkinje cells, molecular and granular layers of cerebellum, as well as vessel walls. Angiostatin polypeptides were detected by Western blot analysis mostly in the cerebral cortex and were represented by 50 and 40-30 kDa polypeptides. In the whole cell lysates from primary cultures of rat astrocytes, immunoreactive polypeptides with Mm ~ 92, 84, 65-60, 50, 40, 38-30 kDa, corresponding to native plasminogen and a variety of its truncated products, including angiostatin polypeptides, were revealed. Incubation of astrocytes with exogenous plasminogen resulted in gradual increasing levels of some plasminogen fragments, particularly 30 kDa protein. Moreover, this polypeptide appeared to be the single angiostatin released by astrocytes in vitro. We report here for the first time that astrocytes are one of the cell types in CNS that could be responsible for angiostatin formation and releasing. Full-text · Article · Apr 2017 +1 more author...Nishioka et al.[60]described that in vivo administration of LA induces angiogenesis through angiostatin suppression. Angiostatin is a proteolytic fragment of plasminogen and suppresses angiogenesis by inhibiting endothelial cell proliferation and migration and by inducing endothelial cell apoptosis[61]. In the present study, we did not detect angiostatin mRNA expression seven days after the wound in any group (data not shown). ABSTRACT: Introduction
Impaired wound healing has been widely reported in diabetes. Linoleic acid (LA) accelerates the skin wound healing process in non-diabetic rats. However, LA has not been tested in diabetic animals.
We investigated whether oral administration of pure LA improves wound healing in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Dorsal wounds were induced in streptozotocin-induced type-1 diabetic rats treated or not with LA (0.22 g/kg b.w.) for 10 days. Wound closure was daily assessed for two weeks. Wound tissues were collected at specific time-points and used to measure fatty acid composition, and contents of cytokines, growth factors and eicosanoids. Histological and qPCR analyses were employed to examine the dynamics of cell migration during the healing process.
LA reduced the wound area 14 days after wound induction. LA also increased the concentrations of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemotaxis (CINC-2αβ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4), and reduced the expression of macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (MIP-1). These results together with the histological analysis, which showed accumulation of leukocytes in the wound early in the healing process, indicate that LA brought forward the inflammatory phase and improved wound healing in diabetic rats. Angiogenesis was induced by LA through elevation in tissue content of key mediators of this process: vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin-2 (ANGPT-2).
Oral administration of LA hastened wound closure in diabetic rats by improving the inflammatory phase and angiogenesis. Full-text · Article · Oct 2016 +1 more author...Nishioka et al.[60]described that in vivo administration of LA induces angiogenesis through angiostatin suppression. Angiostatin is a proteolytic fragment of plasminogen and suppresses angiogenesis by inhibiting endothelial cell proliferation and migration and by inducing endothelial cell apoptosis[61]. In the present study, we did not detect angiostatin mRNA expression seven days after the wound in any group (data not shown). Article · Oct 2016 +1 more author...For example, actin mediates autoproteolysis of plasminogen/plasmin to angiostatins on cancer cells [9]. It is of interest that platelets are able not only to sequester angio- statins [22], but also to produce these angiogenesis inhibitors on their plasma membrane232425, and it is likely that exposed extracellular actin plays a similar role in this process. At least, it has been established that one more platelet cytoskeletal protein, vimentin, which is also found extracellulary, is of great significance, binding the complex vitronectin- PAI-1 [5]. ABSTRACT: Platelets play the key role in thrombosis and are also involved in angiogenesis as well as immune and reparative responses. In the function cascade, platelets undergo a complex cell processing, and subcellular fragments, not detectable in the resting state, are exposed on platelet surface after stimulation with agonists. This study has been performed to evaluate dynamic characteristics of actin exposition on the surface of plasma membrane of thrombin-activated platelets. Using flow-cytometric assay, it has been observed that the level of actin presented on activated platelets directly depends on agonist concentration. In the case of platelet stimulation with thrombin in the highest concentration (1.0 U/ml) taken for this study, the level of actin exposed on activated platelets was up to 4.4 times higher as compared with resting cells. Confirmation of the flow cytometry data for cell-surface actin on thrombin-activated platelets was achieved by direct visualization using a confocal laser scanning microscopy. Period of actin exposition appeared to be longer than the time phase corresponding to platelet secretion stage. Functional role of platelet surface actin has required further detailed studying, however, it is thought that superficial actin could interact with various blood plasma proteins, including plasminogen and its activators, serving as a binding site and/or center for their pericellular processing. Full-text · Article · Sep 2014 Platelets play a critical role in regulating angiogenesis in wound healing. As platelet alpha granules contain several growth factors and chemokines that positively and negatively regulate angiogenesis, a spatial-temporal control of the release of angiogenic regulators to allow for a balance of anti-and proangiogenic factors is required [24]. Although the angiogenic effect of single platelet factors has been extensively studied, there are few data available on the angiogenic effect of platelet derivatives as PL. ABSTRACT: Platelets are rich in mediators able to positively affect cell activity in wound healing. Aim of this study was to characterize the effect of different concentrations of human pooled allogeneic platelet lysate on human cells involved in the different phases of wound healing (inflammatory phase, angiogenesis, extracellular matrix secretion and epithelialization).
Platelet lysate effect was studied on endothelial cells, monocytes, fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in terms of viability and proliferation, migration, angiogenesis, tissue repair pathway activation (ERK1/2) and inflammatory response evaluation (NFκB). Results were compared both with basal medium and with a positive control containing serum and growth factors. Platelet lysate induced viability and proliferation at the highest concentrations tested (10% and 20% v/v). Whereas both platelet lysate concentrations increased cell migration, only 20% platelet lysate was able to significantly promote angiogenic activity (p&0.05 vs. control), comparably to the positive control. Both platelet lysate concentrations activated important inflammatory pathways such as ERK1/2 and NFκB with the same early kinetics, whereas the effect was different for later time-points.
These data suggest the possibility of using allogeneic platelet lysate as both an alternative to growth factors commonly used for cell culture and as a tool for clinical regenerative application for wound healing. Full-text · Article · Dec 2013 +1 more author...}


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