
steam - What is the cause of Error Code 118, and how can I resolve this? - Arqade
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Above is a screenshot of the error I am getting in my Steam application. It says:
"Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline or you may not be connected to the internet."
I have a connection to the internet and it's working properly, I have no clue what might be the cause of this problem but I can visit the site when I use the "cache" opt
Any idea what might be the fix for this?
Steam's servers are most likely down.
This happens sometimes during heavy traffic, but oftentimes it's during a steam sale like the Autumn sale they had in November or the Holiday sale they are having now.
Here's a summary of Valve's advice, taken from the
part of their help page:
Check your firewalls:
Your firewalls could be disabling portions of Steam's service
Disable background applications: These could be interfering with Steam
Virus, spyware, malware, etc.:
These could be interfering with Steam
Check your router: This could be the main source of the problem.
More or less, if the above solutions don't work for you, this is likely a problem on Steam's end, so just take it easy and wait for Steam servers to go back to normal.
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