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Unit 1 交际篇英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-1:欢迎来访 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-2:新任总经理上任通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-3:新职员到职通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-4:辞职的交际 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-5:调职的交际 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-6:卸任的交际 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-7:转职的交际 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-8:返回工作岗位的交际 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-9:赞扬同事的交际 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 1-10:佳节问候的交际 Unit 2 申请篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-1:申请留学 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-2:申请请假 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-3:申请汇款 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-4:申请商标注册 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-5:申请信用证 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-6:申请许可证 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-7:申请贷款 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-8:申请出国进修 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-9:申请调换部门 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 2-10:申请员工宿舍 Unit 3 求职篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-1:应聘行政助理 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-2:咨询空缺职位 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-3:推荐信 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-4:自荐信 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-5:电子履历发送 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-6:推荐人发函确认 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-7:请求安排面试 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-8:询问面试结果 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-9:感谢信 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 3-10:拒绝信 Unit 4 感谢篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-1:感谢咨询 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-2:感谢来信 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-3:感谢订购 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-4:感谢提供样品 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-5:感谢馈赠 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-6:感谢关照 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-7:感谢款待 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-8:感谢慰问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-9:感谢介绍客户 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-10:感谢协助 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-11:感谢陪伴 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-12:感谢参访 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 4-15:感谢合作 Unit 5 邀请篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-1:邀请参加聚会 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-2:邀请参加发布会 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-3:邀请担任发言人 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-4:邀请参加研讨会 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-5:邀请参加访问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-6:邀请赴宴 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-7:邀请参加婚礼 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-8:邀请参加生日派对 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-9:邀请参加周年庆典 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-10:正式接受邀请函 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-11:拒绝邀请 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-12:邀请出席纪念活动 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-13:邀请进行合作 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-14:反客为主的邀请 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 5-15:取消邀请 Unit 6 同志篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-1:搬迁通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-2:电话号码变更通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-3:职位变更通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-4:暂停营业通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-5:开业通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-6:营业时间变更通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-7:盘点通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-8:盘点通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-9:求职录用通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-10:节假日通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-11:裁员通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-12:人事变动通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-13:公司破产通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-14:公司停业通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-15:商品出货通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-16:样品寄送通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-17:订购商品通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-18:确认商品订购通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-19:商品缺货通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-20:付款确认通知 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 6-21:入账金额不足通知 Unit 7 开发维护篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-1:开发业务 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-2:拓展业务 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-3:介绍新产品 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-4:附加服务介绍 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-5:恢复业务关系 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-6:巩固业务关系 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-7:加深业务联系 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-8:请求介绍客户 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-9:寻求合作 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-10:肯定回复 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-11:婉拒对方 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-12:再次寻求业务合作 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-13:咨询产品使用情况 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-14:维护老客户 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 7-15:感谢客户 Unit 8 询问篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-1:咨询商品资讯 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-2:咨询交货日期 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-3:咨询交易条件 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-4:咨询库存状况 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-5:咨询未到商品 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-6:咨询价格及费用 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-7:咨询公司资讯 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-8:咨询银行业务 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-9:咨询仓库租赁 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 8-10:咨询饭店订房状况 Unit 9 请求篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-1:请求付款 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-2:请求退费 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-3:请求寄送价目表 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-4:请求宅配到家 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-5:请求公司资料 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-6:请求开立发票 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-7:请求追加投资 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-8:请求会面 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-9:请求延期 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-10:请求推荐客户 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-11:请求变更日期 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-12:请求退货 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-13:请求澄清事实 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-14:请求协助 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-15:请求资料返还 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-16:请求制作合同书 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-17:请求返还合同书 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-18:请求商品目录 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-19:请求订购办公用品 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 9-20:请求购买回应 Unit 10 催促篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-1:催促寄送样品 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-2:催促返还所借资料 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-3:催促寄送商品目录 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-4:催促出货 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-5:催促寄送货品 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-6:催促开立发票 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-7:催促制作合同书 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-8:催促返还合同书 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-9:催促开立信用证 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 10-10:催促支付货款 Unit 11 投诉篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-1:投诉货品错误 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-2:投诉货品数量错误 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-3:投诉商品瑕疵 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-4:投诉商品毁损 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-5:投诉商品不符合说明 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-6:投诉与样品差异明显 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-7:投诉订单注销 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-8:投诉请款金额错误 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-9:投诉未开发票 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-10:投诉商家取消订单 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-11:投诉违反合同 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-12:投诉延期交货 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-13:投诉商品不良 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 11-14:投诉售后服务不佳 Unit 12 拒绝篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-1:因库存短缺而退订 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-2:婉拒报价 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-3:拒绝降价请求 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-4:交易条件无法变更 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-5:不接受退货 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-6:无法取消订单 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-7:婉拒提议 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-8:无法提早交货 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-9:无法提供协助 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-10:无法介绍客户 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-11:正式邀请函的婉谢回复 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-12:无法变更日期 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-13:拒绝交货延迟 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-14:无法接受临时取消订单 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 12-15:无法履行合同 Unit 13 道歉篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-1:订货失误的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-2:瑕疵品的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-3:商品毁损的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-4:交货延迟的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-5:货款滞纳的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-6:发票错误的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-7:汇款延迟的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-8:延迟回复的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-9:忘记取消订单的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-10:商品目录更正的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-11:延迟出具收据的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-12:商品数量错误的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-13:货物送达错误的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-14:金额不足的道歉 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 13-15:意外违反合同的道歉 Unit 14 恭贺篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-1:恭贺添丁 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-2:恭贺生日 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-3:恭贺金榜题名 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-4:恭贺获奖 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-5:恭贺升迁 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-6:恭贺新婚 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-7:恭贺乔迁 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-8:恭贺生意兴隆 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-9:恭贺病愈 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 14-10:恭贺梦想成真 Unit 15 慰问吊唁篇 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-1:生病慰问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-2:意外事故慰问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-3:遭逢地震慰问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-4:遭逢火灾慰问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-5:遭逢水灾慰问 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-6:讣文 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-7:吊唁同事逝世 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-8:吊唁领导人逝世 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-9:吊唁亲人逝世 英语 E-mail 抄这本就够了 Unit 15-10:答复唁电交际篇(1):欢迎来访 Dear Whitney, 亲爱的惠特尼先生: I am glad to learn that you will be visiting Toronto next month. I'll be in Montreal between February 21 and 25, so if it's convenient for you, shall we Arrange to meet on the 28th? Please 很高兴您下个月要来到多伦多。2 月 21 日到 25 日 期间我将会待在蒙特利尔,如果您方便的话,我们安排 28 日见面如何? let me know whether I can arrange hotel accommodations and transportation from the airport for you. 请告诉我是否需要为您安排饭店住宿及机场的接送服务。 Expecting your arrival soon! 期待您尽快到来! Truly yours, Mike Smith 迈克 ? 史密斯 谨上 交际篇(2):新任总经理上任通知 Dear Mr. Keller, 亲爱的凯勒先生: I am pleased to announce the appointment of IDEA Corporation's general manager of advertising. 此次概念公司任命何女士为广告部总经理,在此特别通知。 Ms. Ho has worked in advertising area for 10 years. She has an insightful view of the advertising industry. All in all, we are eager to work with you and meet your objectives. 何女士在广告业已经打拼了十年,她对广告业有着独到的见解。总之,我们期望与您共同合作,并且努力达到您的要求。 This new appointment brings additional strength to IDEA Corporation. You could contact her for your advertising needs. 这项新的人事任命给概念公司带来新的力量。倘若贵公司有任何广告需求,请联络何女士。 Sincerely yours, IDEA Corporation 概念公司 谨上 交际篇(3):新职员到职通知 Dear members, 亲爱的同事们: All attention, please! 大家注意了! I hereby make an announcement that there will be three new colleagues coming into our company. They are Cindy Wang, Nancy Li and May Chou. 我在此宣布一个消息:将有三位新同事加入我们公司,她们分别是王辛蒂、李南西和周玫。 They will serve in Marketing Department from tomorrow on, namely, December 2, 2008. 她们将从明天起,即 2008 年 12 月 2 日开始在营销部任职。 Please get along well with new colleagues and pursue better development of our company. 请各位与新同事好好相处,一同为公司谋求更好的发展。 Thanks in advance for your cooperation! 谢谢各位的合作! Sincerely yours, Personnel Department 人事部 谨上 交际篇(4):辞职的交际 Dear Ms. Steele, 亲爱的史蒂尔女士: I am writing to let you know a decision of mine. 我写信是要告诉您关于我的决定。 I want to resign from the NCB Company for some personal reason. Moreover, I will be starting a new position with the Government Bookstore as an office manager. I think perhaps that job would be more suitable for me. Anyway, I am still going to express 7 many thanks for your support while I was there. 由于私人原因,我想从 NCB 公司辞职。另外,我将要开始转换跑道去做政府刊物书店的经理。我想那份工作或许更适 合我。无论如何,我都要感谢您过去对我的支持与照顾。 I hope everything goes well! 祝您一切顺利! Faithfully yours, Bill 比尔 谨上 交际篇(5):调职的交际 Dear Mr. Green, 亲爱的格林先生: This is to let you know that I will be transferred to Beijing office of our company as of May 11,
年 5 月 11 号我将调职到敝公司的北京分公司,特此告知。 I would like to thank you for all your support during the past years and hope that you will continue to extend the same to my replacement, Miss Gao. 感谢您一直以来的支持与照顾,同时,也拜托您对我的继任者高小姐继续予以支持关照。 With thanks and regards, 献上诚挚的感谢和祝福, Sincerely yours, Alex 艾力克斯 谨上 交际篇(6):卸任的交际 Dear all, 亲爱的同事们: All good things must come to an end. I am leaving this company. 天下没有不散的筵席!我要离开公司了。 When I look back on the past years, all the memories I have of working with you are invaluable to me. I would like to deliver my heartfelt thanks to all that have shown me your guidance, support and assistance. 当我回首过去这些年,与大家共事的回忆对我来说是无价的。我在这里衷心地感谢大家曾给我的指导、支持与协助。 Attached is my personal contact information. 随信附上我的个人联络资料。 Keep in touch and I wish all of you a promising future! 保持联络,并祝福大家都拥有美好的未来! Warmly regards, 献上最诚挚的祝福, Mike Pan 麦克 ? 潘 交际篇(7):转职的交际 Dear Edward, 亲爱的爱德华先生: I have recently changed my job and become a consultant in Milestone Consultation International Co. So I have also moved to a new place near our company. 我最近刚换了份新工作,进入了里石国际管理咨询公司当咨询顾问。所以我也把家搬到了公司附近。 My new address and contact number are as follows, 下面是我的新地址和电话号码: Address: 8F, 130, Sec 1, Fu Hsin Road, Taipei 106 地址:106 台北市复兴路一段 130 号 8 楼 Telephone number: 886-2- 电话:886-2- I hope to keep in touch with you. 希望今后保持联络并多多关照。 With my best wishes, 献上最美好的祝福, Kate 凯特 Dear John, 亲爱的约翰: I hope this letter finds you well. 收信愉快。 I just want to let you know that I have recovered from my recent appendicitis. Now I have come back to work again. 我只是想告诉你,我的盲肠炎已经痊愈,并且已经再次回到工作岗位上了。 I look forward to working with you again and hearing from you soon. 期待再次与你共事,也期盼你尽快与我联系。 Thank you very much for your consolation. 非常感谢你的慰问。 Yours truly, Ken 肯恩 谨上 交际篇(9):赞扬同事的交际 Dear Kevin, 亲爱的凯文: First of all, congratulations on meeting and exceeding our goals for school instrument sales in October! 首先,恭喜你达到并超过了十月份的学校乐器销售目标! You worked on arranging for a trade-in for a completely new set of instruments and helped make October a month to remember. 你以旧换新的点子使得十月份成为了值得纪念的月份。 I hope you will put the bonus check to good use, and continue to bring new ideas to the sales department. 我希望您能好好利用这笔奖金,并且继续为我们销售部提供新的点子。 Sincerely yours, John Diamond 约翰 ? 戴尔蒙 谨上 交际篇(10):佳节问候的交际 Dear Mr. Smith, 亲爱的史密斯先生: Holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year! 岁末年初送上我最诚挚的问候,祝您新年快乐! May you and all your family members have a joyous holiday season. Thank you for your patronage over the past few years and I hope we will enjoy more years of business cooperation together. 祝福您和您的家人度过一个愉快的佳节。 对于您过去的关照在此深表感谢, 并且希望今后我们能够一如既往地长期合作。 Best regards, 献上最诚挚的祝福, Yours faithfully, Walt Lin 华特 ? 林 谨上 申请篇(1):申请留学 Dear Sir or Madam, 亲爱的敬启者: I would like to apply for admission to your university as a Master's student in Applied Economics next September. 我想申请贵校明年九月开学的应用经济学硕士课程。 I am in my fourth year of undergraduate studies at Peking University at present, and I will receive a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in July. It has been my dream to pursue graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, an institution well-known for its excellent faculty and students as well as the strong leadership in the field of economics. I am confident that I would benefit a lot from the rich academic and cultural community of your university. 我现在是一名北京大学的大四学生,将于今年七月份获得经济学学士学位。能去宾夕法尼亚大学读研究生一直是我的梦 想。贵校教员和学生都相当优秀,而且贵校在经济学领域里享有极高的声誉。我相信我将在这个富有学术和文化气息的 校园里受到熏陶,受益匪浅。 As requested, I have sent two letters of recommendation, an original copy of my university transcript, and a copy of my TOEFL certificate. Please also find attached my completed application form. 我已经按照贵校的要求,将两份推荐信、一份大学成绩单正本,以及一份托福成绩单副本寄出。入学申请表请参见附件。 Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 非常感谢您对我的申请予以考虑。期待能尽快收到您的回复。 Sincerely yours, David Wang 大卫 ? 王 敬上 申请篇(2):申请请假 Dear Boss: 亲爱的老板: I am afraid that I have to tell you the bad news. 很抱歉,我要告诉您一个坏消息。 Something incredible happened to me last weekend. I had a car accident and thus broke my legs. Therefore, I have to inform you that maybe I cannot go to work in the next few weeks because of this serious accident. So I want to ask for a month's leave. Thank you for your consideration and 这个周末我发生了一件令人无法置信的意外,我出了车祸,并且弄断了腿。所以我必须通知您,由于这个严重的意外, 我可能在接下来的几个星期内无法到公司上班。特向您请一个月的假。 I'm expecting your approval. 望您考虑并予以批准。 Enclosed herewith is my X-ray photo for verification. 随信附上我的 X 光照片以兹证明。 Sincerely yours, Nancy Li 南希 ? 李 敬上 申请篇(3):申请汇款 Dear Bank of Taiwan, Tunhua Branch, 致台湾银行敦化分行: I hereby request you to effect the following remittances subject to the conditions overleaf, which I have read and agreed to be bound by. 本人已阅读并同意遵守此页背面所列条款,兹委托贵行据此办理下列汇款。 T/T M/T D/D 电汇 信汇 票汇 Date 日期 Amount 金额 Name of Beneficiary 收款人姓名 Address of Beneficiary 收款人地址 Name of Remitter 汇款人姓名 Address of Remitter 汇款人地址 Remarks 备注 Signature 签名 In payment of the above remittance, please debit my account with you. 上述汇款支付办法,从本人在贵行开立的账户中扣除。 申请篇(4):申请商标注册 Dear Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, 亲爱的专利商标局局长: (Corporate Name) (公司名称) (State or Country of Corporation) (公司所在州或国家) (Business Address) (公司地址) The above identified applicant has adopted and is using the trademark shown in the accompanying drawing for (common, usual or ordinary name of goods) and requested that such mark be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946. 上述申请人已经并正将附图中展示的商标用于(商品通用名称),现请求美国专利商标局根据 1946 年 7 月 5 日通过 的法案而建立的商标目录上注册该商标。该商标于(日期)第一次用于该商品,于(日期)第一次使用于(贸易类型), 且现在仍在该贸易中使用。 The trademark was first used on the goods on (Date); was first used in (Type of Commerce) commerce on (Date); and is now in use in such commerce. The mark is used by applying it to (manner of application, such as the goods or labels affixed to the product). Five specimens showing the mark as actually used are presented herewith. 该商标采取(使用方式,例如在产品上附标签)用在商品上。现附上 5 份样品,显示商标的实际使用情况。 Corporate Name By:(Signature of Corporate Officer and Official Title) 公司名称 由:(公司官员姓名及正式职务) 申请篇(5):申请信用证 Dear Sirs, 敬启者: Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed Mega International Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please inform us by fax when the order has been executed. 非常感谢贵方 6 月 18 日有关条款详细情况的来信。根据你方要求开立不可撤销信用证,我方已经通知兆丰国际商业 银行开立金额为 5 万美元的信用证,有效期至 9 月 20 日。当你方执行订单时,请传真告知我方。 Thank you for your cooperation! 谢谢您的合作! Sincerely yours, ABC Company ABC 公司 谨上 申请篇(6):申请许可证 Dear President of CECA, 亲爱的中国电子元件行业协会会长: I, Min Li, do hereby apply for a license to display the trademark of CECA, “COOL” at my place of business located at Felicity Street 520, in the Tang city. 本人,李民,在此郑重申请中国电子组件行业协会商标使用许可证,以便获准在位于唐城幸福大街 520 号的公司所在 地展示“COOL”商标。 This application is in accordance with the regulations of the CECA. I am cognizant of the regulations of CECA that govern the display of said trademark and the manner of conducting business, and I agree to abide by such regulations at all times. 本申请系依据中国电子组件行业协会条例提出。本人清楚协会对上述商品展示和业务经营模式的规范条例,并同意永久 遵守这些条例。 Sincerely yours, Min Lee 李民 谨上 申请篇(7):申请贷款 Dear Loan Section Head, 亲爱的贷款部门经理: I'm writing this letter in applying for 150,000 dollars from your bank for opening a Japanese cuisine restaurant. 我写这封信是为了向贵行申请十五万美元的贷款来开一家日本餐馆。 I've carried out a survey and found that there is only a small restaurant selling Japanese foods. The potential Japanese food market is large and we have sufficient customers. What's more, we have employed excellent cooks that can ensure the quality of the meal. The loan money will be used in the inner decoration. My partner, Peter and I will provide real estate of our families that worth 200,000 dollars as guaranty. 我已经做了一下调查,发现这里只有一家很小的日式餐馆。日式餐饮的潜在市场非常的大,并且我们有充足的客源。此 外,我们有很棒的厨师来确保餐饮的品质。申请的贷款将用于室内装潢。我的合伙人彼得和我将会提供我们价值二十万 美元的房产作为担保。 Leading us the loan will prove a wise choice. Please consider our application seriously and we are looking forward to your response! 贷款给我们是明智的选择,请慎重考虑我们的申请,并期待您的答复! Sincerely yours, Ted Green 泰德 ? 格林 谨上 申请篇(8):申请出国进修 Dear Mr. Miller, 亲爱的米勒先生: I am writing to you for a big plan! 您好!我写信给您是为了一个大计划! I am the supervisor of Research and Development Department. In order to improve my professional skill and offer better service for our company, I think I need to learn more about current international cutting-edge technology. I hereby advance an application for further study abroad. 我是研发部的主管,为了提高职业技能以便能提供公司更好的服务,我认为我需要学习当下国际上的尖端科技,特此向 您提出出国进修的申请。 I will ensure to study hard and come back to contribute more for our company's prosperous future! Your decision may affect our tomorrow. Please consider carefully. 我保证会努力学习,回来为公司的繁荣做出更大的贡献。您的决定可能会影响公司的未来,请慎重考虑。 Expecting your support! 期望您的支持! Sincerely yours, Betty 贝蒂 谨上 申请篇(9):申请调换部门 Dear Sir or Madam, 亲爱的敬启者: This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months since May 2, 2008. I am always working very hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection. 我是行政部门的克丽丝 ? 史诺,于 2008 年 5 月 2 日开始在这个部门工作,至今已有 6 个月的时间了。工作中,我 始终坚持努力工作,每项工作都力求完美。 I love our company, and I really hope I could have long-term development here. Therefore, I want to know the company overall. As the Market Department is the leading department, which is in charge of the main business, I want to enter this department to learn more. I promise I will work as hard in the new department as in my current department. 我很热爱我们公司,并希望能够在这里得到长远的发展, 所以我想了解公司更多部门的工作。行销部是公司的主要部门, 负责公司的主要业务,我希望公司能够同意我前往这个部门学习,我一定会像在现在这个部门一样努力工作。 I desperately expect your permission! 热切盼望您的批准! Sincerely yours, Chrissie Snow 克丽丝 ? 史诺 敬上 申请篇(10):申请员工宿舍 Dear Boss, 亲爱的老板: I am writing to you for solving a problem. 我写信给您是为了解决一个问题。 My name is Alvin Hsu, a new staff member of the company. I come from Yunlin County, and came to the city alone, where is completely strange to me. I have no relatives here and I have no money to rent a house. It is definitely difficult for me to get accommodations. I sincerely hope that the company could help solve my big problem. I hereby apply for a dormitory. 我是公司的新进员工许艾文。我来自云林县,现在一个人来到这个对我完全陌生的城市,在这我没有亲戚,也没有钱租 房子。住宿对我来说真的很困难,我诚挚地希望公司能够帮助我解决这个大难题,特此向老板申请宿舍。 Expecting your approval! 希望老板批准! Truly yours, Alvin Hsu 许艾文 敬上 求职篇(1):应聘行政助理 Dear Mr. Affleck, 亲爱的艾佛列克先生: I am replying to your advertisement in the New York Times for an administrative assistant. 我写信为了是回复贵公司在《纽约时报》上要招聘一名行政助理所刊登的广告。 I worked for a big multinational company for one year as an administrative assistant and such experience has prepared me for the work you are calling for. I believe I am the best man for this position. 我曾在一家大型跨国公司做过一年行政助理的工作。这一经历使我能符合你们所要求的工作。我相信我是这个职位的最 佳人选。 Enclosed is my resume. And I hope you will consider my application. Thank for your time. 附件中有我的个人简历。敬请考虑。谢谢您宝贵的时间! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 殷切期待您的回音! Yours sincerely, Colin Jackson (Enclosure) 科林 ? 杰克森 谨上 (附件) Dear Mr. Jackman, 亲爱的杰克曼先生: I am writing to inquire if your company has any opening in the area of food engineering. I have long been interested in working in your company. Although I am a recent graduate with some intern experience, I still want to pursue a job which I find fascinating. 我写信给您是想询问贵公司是否还有食品工程领域的职位空缺。我一直很向往到贵公司工作。尽管我才刚毕业不久,只 有一些实习经验,但是,我还是想找一份自己心仪的工作。 If any, please reply and I will send you a resume via Email. Thank you for you time. 如果有的话,烦请回复,我将 Email 我的简历给您。谢谢您的宝贵时间! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 殷切期待您的回音! Yours sincerely, Andy Carter 安迪 ? 卡特 谨上 求职篇(3):推荐信 Dear Mr. Reynolds, 亲爱的雷诺兹先生: I am honored to provide this letter of recommendation for Ronan Cruise. 我很荣幸能为罗南?克鲁斯写这封推荐信。 I have known him for several years as his team leader. He is an excellent assistant with high responsibility, team work spirit and positive working attitude. And I believe he would be a valuable asset to any company. 作为他的团队领导人,我们相识多年。他是一个很出色的助手,有着强烈的责任感,团队精神和积极的工作态度。我相 信,他在任何一个公司都将是一个非常能干的人。 If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me at 886-2-. 如果你们想了解更多的话,请尽管与我联系,我的电话是 886-2-。 Yours sincerely, Adam Bennett 亚当?班奈特 谨上 求职篇(4):自荐信 Dear Mr. Johnson, 亲爱的约翰逊先生: I worked as an English editor for two years, but I have held a particular interest in teaching English since I was an English Department student in University. 我曾做过两年的英语编辑工作。但是,从我还是一个英语系的学生开始,我就对英语教学特别有兴趣。 With my knowledge in English, work experience, patience and passion for teaching, I believe I am capable of doing this job. Please consider me for the teaching position. If possible, you can contact me at 02-. 凭借着我的英语知识、工作经验、耐心和对教学的热诚,我相信我能胜任这份工作。敬请考虑我对这个教学职位的申请。 如果可能的话,您可以电话联系我,我的电话是 02-。 Looking forward to hearing from you! 期待您的回音! Yours sincerely, Kevin Seal 凯文 ? 席尔 谨上 求职篇(5):电子履历发送 Dear Ms. Billman, 亲爱的比尔曼女士: I am responding to your job offer announcement in 51job.com and applying for the position of computer clerk. I majored in computer science with a minor in English. I believe all these will qualify me for this position described on this website. 我看到您在无忧网上的招聘资讯,特此回复,想应征贵公司电脑职员的职位。我在大学主修电脑、副修英语。我相信这 些将使我能够胜任求职网站上所描述的电脑职员一职。 Enclosed is my resume, which will detail my qualifications for this position. Thank you for you time. 附件中是我的个人简历,里面有我各项资历的详细描述。谢谢您的宝贵时间! Looking forward to hearing from you! 期待您的回音! Yours sincerely, Lindsay Chen (Enclosure) 琳赛 ? 陈 谨上 (附件) 求职篇(6):推荐人发函确认 Dear Mr. Jackson, 亲爱的杰克逊先生: Stanley Donen has been in our employ for the past three years. He is a man with a pleasant personality and really did a great job those years. 史丹利 ? 多南曾在我们公司工作三年之久。他性格开朗,这些年工作也相当出色。 We are indeed sorry to lose Stanley's services, but he leaves us to find a position with great opportunities for advancement. We wish him a brilliant future ahead of him. 我们对他的离开深感遗憾,但是我们也深知,他是为了谋求更大的发展空间而寻找新的职位。在此,我们预祝他前程似 锦。 Yours sincerely, Orlando Knight 奥兰多 ? 奈特 谨上 求职篇(7):请求安排面试 Dear Mr. Kidd, 亲爱的基德先生: I am writing to apply for the position of a secretary, as advertised in the New York Times. 我想应征贵公司在《纽约时报》上刊登的秘书一职。 I have more than five years of experience in government agencies. I am sure my employment experience is perfect for the secretary position. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can fully explain my qualifications. 我拥有在政府部门工作五年多的经验。我相信,我的工作经验完全符合秘书这一职务的工作要求。我谨希望获得面试的 机会,以便能充分说明我所具备的各项资历。 Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 殷切期待您的回音! Yours sincerely, Kevin Charisse 凯文?查理丝 谨上 求职篇(8):询问面试结果 Dear Mr. Mitchell, 亲爱的米契尔先生: You mentioned that you would be getting back to me concerning the outcome of our meeting by March 5, 2009. Since that date has passed, I think I should make sure that you have no additional questions. 您说过会于 2009 年 3 月 5 日之前通知我面试的结果。由于日期已过,我想我应该确认一下您是否有其他问题。 Your prompt 6 consideration would be greatly appreciated and you can reach me at 02-. 如您能及时考虑,我将不胜感激。你可以电话联系我,我的电话是 02-。 Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 殷切期盼您的回复! Yours sincerely, David Reynolds 大卫 ? 雷诺兹 谨上 求职篇(9):感谢信 Dear Mr. Urban, 亲爱的厄本先生: Thank you for your offer of employing me as your secretary. 谢谢您录用我作为您的秘书。 I am very excited about being part of your team, and eager to start work on March 15, 2009. I will work harder than before and get along with the team members. 能成为你们团队中的一分子我感到万分开心,并且很期待在 2009 年 3 月 15 日那天到公司开始上班。我会比以前更 加努力工作,并与团队成员相处融洽。 Yours sincerely, Nicole Jackson 妮可?杰克逊 谨上 求职篇(10):拒绝信 Dear Mr. Goodman, 亲爱的古德曼先生: Thank you for you letter of March 12, in which you offered me the position of auditor. 谢谢您在 3 月 12 日的来信,录用我成为贵公司的审计员。 I am extremely sorry but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more interesting to me. That position suits my education background better. I hope you will find the right man soon and thank you for your offer again. 但是很抱歉,我刚接受了一个自己更感兴趣的工作。那个职位更适合我的教育背景。希望您能尽快找到合适的人选,也 再次感谢您的录用。 Yours sincerely, Kevin Davis 凯文 ? 戴维斯 谨上 感谢篇(1):感谢咨询 Dear Mr. Smith, 亲爱的史密斯先生: Thank you for your inquiry regarding the humidifiers UL9982001. The information you want has been sent to you today. Please kindly check. 非常感谢您对我公司生产的 UL9982001 型号的加湿器的咨询。 If you have further questions about this product, please contact Miss Lee at our Service Department. Her direct number is 666-1234. 您所需要的资料今天已经寄出了,请查收。如果您对敝公司产品还有任何问题,请直接拨打 02- 与客服部的 李小姐联系。 Thanks again for your attention and support. 再次感谢您的关注和支持。 Sincerely yours, HM Corporation HM 公司 谨上 感谢篇(2):感谢来信 Dear Alan, 亲爱的艾伦: I feel so delightful to receive your mail. It has been a couple of months since we met in Bali. 收到你的来信,我感到非常开心。自从上次在巴厘岛一别已经有好几个月的时间了。 I've been concentrating on my work like a workaholic since I came back from Bali. What about you? Have you finished your novel? 我一从巴厘岛回来就像个工作狂一样专心投入工作。不知道你的近况如何呢?写完你的小说了吗? Please tell me what's happening in London. I am planning to visit you sometime soon. 请告诉我你在伦敦的近况,我打算抽空去看你。 Let's stay in touch. Bye for now! 保持联络哦,再见! Best wishes, 献上最诚挚的祝福, Orsan 奥森 谨上 感谢篇(3):感谢订购 Dear Mr. Kane, 亲爱的凯恩先生: Thank you very much for ordering our software &Mini Diary&. 感谢您订购敝公司的“迷你日记”软件。 Your purchase information is attached. We will send the goods to you upon receipt of your payment. &br /& 订购确认资料已经随函附上,在您确认付款后,商品将会寄出。 If there are any other commodities you are interested in, please feel free to contact us for further information. 如果您对敝公司的其他产品也有兴趣,并需要进一步的资讯,请不吝咨询。 Sincerely yours, Minisoft Co. 迷你软件公司 谨上 感谢篇(4):感谢提供样品 Dear Mr. Hill, 亲爱的希尔先生: Thank you ever so much for your kindness and assistance in sending the electronic component sample to us from your company so soon. 非常感谢贵公司的友善和协助,把电子元件样品如此迅速地寄送过来。 We are in the process of trying it out at present. And we will connect with you at any time if there are any findings and questions we may have about it. 目前我方正在讨论中。如果我们有任何发现或任何问题,我方会随时与您联系。 Thanks for your cooperation. 感谢您的合作。 Yours sincerely, MG Co. MG 公司 谨上 感谢篇(5):感谢馈赠 Dear Cecily, 亲爱的希丝莉: I was so excited yesterday evening that I am sure I did not thank you adequately for the beautiful Christmas gift. The woolen shawl is lovely and exactly the color I would have selected myself. 昨晚,我真是太激动了。我肯定没有好好地感谢你送我这么漂亮的圣诞礼物。那条羊毛披肩着实令人喜爱,颜色也正是 我喜欢的。 Now that winter has come, it is indeed the right time to wear the warm shawl. I will think of you with gratitude and affection every time I wear it. 现在冬天已经来临,正好是围件温暖披肩的时候。每当我围上它的时候,我就会带着感情和感激的心情想起你。 Many thanks to you again and our best wishes to you for the New Year! 再次向你表示感谢,并向你致上最美好的新年祝福! Affectionately yours, Lucy 你亲爱的好友, 露西 感谢篇(6):感谢关照 Dear Mary, 亲爱的玛丽: This is to express my appreciation. 写这封信是为了表达感谢之情。 I would like to thank you for your enthusiasm and hospitality during my visit to your country. It was my first experience staying overseas for two months, so I was a little nervous in the beginning. However, you treated me like a member of your family and made me feel at home. 在我参观贵国期间,多谢您的热情款待。这是我第一次在海外待两个月之久,开始还有些紧张。但是您把我当成自己家 中的一员,让我感觉毫无拘束。 Please give my pure-hearted regards and special thanks to your family. 请代我向您的家人致上诚挚的问候及特别的感谢。 I look forward to hearing from you again as soon as possible. 期待尽快收到您的来信。 Kindest regards, Catharine 献上最诚挚的问候, 凯萨琳 感谢篇(7):感谢款待 Dear Mr. Geng, 亲爱的耿先生: Thank you very much for your wonderful hospitality during our stay in Beijing. I would like to express my appreciation to you for making our trip such an enjoyable and successful one. 非常感谢我们到北京时您对我们的热情款待。 We sincerely appreciate you for taking time out of your busy schedule to show us around your office and factory. I also hope that you will have a chance to visit us in London in the near future. 感谢您为我们安排了如此愉快成功的旅程。衷心地感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间带我们参观您的办公室和工厂。也期望您 能在不远的将来抽空到伦敦找我们。 Yours truly, Jessica 杰西卡 谨上 感谢篇(8):感谢慰问 Dear Anne, 亲爱的安: I shall always remember with gratitude the Email you sent me when you learned of Jane's death. No one but you knew my sister so well and loved her as her own family did. Only you could have written that letter. It brought me comfort, Anne, when I needed it badly. 当你听说珍恩病故后发给我的那封电子邮件,使我一辈子都不能忘怀。你像我们家人一样了解我姐姐,并且爱她,只有 你能写出那样的慰问信来。在我悲痛万分的时候,安妮,你的信给了我安慰。 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Email and for your many kindness to Jane during her long illness. 我打从心底感谢你,感谢你的来信,感谢你在珍恩久病期间给予她的深切同情。 Affectionately, Elizabeth 你亲爱的好友, 伊丽莎白 感谢篇(9):感谢介绍客户 Dear Mr. Burns, 亲爱的伯恩斯先生: Thank you for your introduction, which help us to establish a new business relationship with E-Trade USA. 非常感谢您把美国电子贸易公司介绍给我们,才使我们建立了新的业务关系。 In a cozy atmosphere, we have met with Mr. Tom Billy, Executive Director of E-Trade in Shanghai this week regarding their legal needs in China. Mr. Billy hold you in high regard and is particularly interested in several of our attorneys 7 educated and trained in the U.S. We look forward to providing E-Trade with the finest and most cost effective services. 这个星期,在一个很舒适的气氛下,我们在上海与美国电子贸易公司的执行董事汤姆 ?比利先生会面,谈了一些关于他 们在中国需要的一些法律服务。比利先生非常尊敬您,并且对我们曾在美国接受教育和培训的几位律师尤其感兴趣。我 们会给美国电子贸易公司提供最优质与最高效的服务。 We owe you the greatest debt of gratitude. 我们在此向您表示由衷的感谢。 Sincerely yours, East Justice Law Firm 东方正义律师事务所 谨上 感谢篇(10):感谢协助 Dear Subscriber, 亲爱的订户: I am writing this to express my gratitude for your cooperation and kind assistance. 这封信是为了向各位的合作和善心协助表示衷心的感谢。 The questionnaire you filled out is a great help to us in our effort to improve the efficiency of our customer service departments. In addition, you will be rewarded by our improved services. 我们由衷地感谢各位对这次的问卷调查进行协助。我们希望在这次的问卷后,客服部门的效率可以提高,除此之外,也 希望能给顾客提供更为周到的服务。 With your help, I believe that we can make it! Thanks again from the bottom of our heart. 相信有了各位的帮助我们一定能做得更好!再次由衷表示感谢。 Sincerely yours, Q&A Magazine Q&A 杂志 谨上 感谢篇(11):感谢陪伴 Dear Brown, 亲爱的布朗先生: This is to tell you that I've arrived home now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the vacation, you taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off work to show me around so many places. 我已经回到家了!非常感谢您和您的家人陪我度过一个如此美好的假期。假期中,您在百忙之中抽空陪我,教我学会游 泳、划船、钓鱼,还陪我到处逛,参观很多地方,我真的很感激。 Your wife is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds just in the week I spent with you. Surely, I've spent a happy and memorable vacation. Thanks again. 您的妻子厨艺真棒!我想一个星期的时间我一定长了 10 磅肉呢!当然,我也度过了一个愉快而难忘的假期。再次表示 感谢。 I hope you will be able to visit us sometime. Let's keep in touch. 希望您也能有机会来我们这里玩。保持联络哦! Truly yours, Luke Wang 路克?王 谨上 感谢篇(12):感谢参访 Dear Mr. Zhang, 亲爱的张先生: I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality to us in your beautiful country. 此信是为了感谢在贵国时您的盛情款待。 During the entire visit, we were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one so that we would be able to continue our discussion, expand our bilateral economic and trade relations and bring benefits to our people. 整个参访过程中,我们都被贵国业务代表的热情所感染。真诚地希望我们能像此次一样有更多的交流,使得我们能继续 深入探讨发展双边经贸关系,以造福两国人民。 I am looking forward to your early visit here. 期待您对我国的访问。 With kind regards, 献上最诚挚的问候, UV delegation UV 代表团 谨上 感谢篇(15):感谢合作 Dear Mr. Wells, 亲爱的威尔斯先生: This is to express great gratitude for your close collaboration with us. 写这封信是想表达我们双方密切合作的感激之情。 I would like to thank you for your cooperation for our business. We have had a profitable year. Therefore, we are keenly desirous of enlarging our trade in various kinds of chemical textiles. We do hope we could have further cooperation with each other and achieve co-prosperity in the future. Thank you so much again. 衷心地感谢您与我们在贸易上的合作。我们在这一年中获得了很多的利润。因此,我们强烈希望扩大我们在化学制品中 各个方面的贸易合作。我们真心希望能继续与您深入合作,将来获得共同繁荣。再次表示感谢。 With thanks and regards. 献上诚挚的感谢和祝福。 Yours truly, CT Corporation CT 公司 谨上 邀请篇(1):邀请参加聚会 Dear Bob, 亲爱的鲍伯: Tom and I have recently moved to Purple Vine Town and would like to invite all of our friends over for a housewarming party. 汤姆和我最近已经搬到紫藤镇了,所以想邀请所有的朋友们来我们的新家参加乔迁派对。 Please join us at 16:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 29, 2008. Directions are enclosed. 时间定于这个星期日,2008 年 6 月 29 日下午 4 点,谨附地图。 We hope you and your wife will be able to attend 6 on time. 希望您和您的妻子都能够准时来参加。 Yours truly, Fiona 菲奥娜 谨上 邀请篇(2):邀请参加发布会 Dear Sir or Madam, 亲爱的女士、先生们: Organized by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the World Industrial and Commercial Organizations (WICO) Summit will be held on December 19-20, 2008 in Taipei. 由联合国工发组织主办的世界工商协会高峰会将于 2008 年 12 月 19~20 日于台北召开。 To facilitate your better understanding of the Summit, a press conference will be held at Jhongshan Building, at 15:00-16:30 pm. on November 20th, 2008. Please refer to &br& http://www.××××.com for further information of the WICO Summit. 为了便于您更了解此次的高峰会,世界工商协会高峰会委员将于 2008 年 11 月 20 日下午 3:00 ~ 4:30,在中山楼举行 记者会。想要了解高峰会详情,请洽询网站: http://www.××××.com。 We sincerely hope you will be with us. 我们真诚地希望各位能够共襄盛举。 Sincerely yours, Contact person: Jason Wu 会议联系人:杰森?吴邀请篇(3):邀请担任发言人 Dear Ms. Jane, 亲爱的简女士: I'd like to ask you that would you please serve as our speaker on Advertising Directors Association? I can think of no one more qualified to fill this role than you. ADA is prepared to pay all your expenses. The media panel is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 16, 2008 and end no later than 5 p.m. 我想请问您愿不愿意担任此次广告总监协会的发言人?我认为您是担此重任的最佳人选。广告总监协会将支付您的全部 费用。媒体讨论会计划于下周四,也就是 2008 年 10 月 16 日下午三点开始,于当日五点前结束。 I do hope it will be possible for you to undertake this assignment. Let me know as soon as you can, please. If your response is favorable, I'll send other information to you. 我真心希望您能接受这一邀请,并尽快告知我您的决定。如果您同意担任,我会将其他相关资料寄给您。 Sincerely yours, ADA Organizer ADA 主办者 谨上 邀请篇(4):邀请参加研讨会 Dear Professor Wang, 亲爱的王教授: I am pleased to inform you that you are cordially invited to participate in the conference of North America as our guest. Your round-trip air ticket, accommodations and meal expenses will be subsidized. Should you be interested, please let us know at your earliest convenience. 很高兴通知您,我们诚挚地邀请您作为贵宾,参加我们北美的研讨会。我们会为您支付往返机票、食宿等费用。如果您 感兴趣,方便的话,请尽快与我们联系。 I am looking forward to seeing you in this conference, and I am sure you will play an important role in the event. If your response is consenting, I'll send the relevant information to you. 期待您能出席会议,并且相信您会在此次会议中扮演重要的角色。如果您同意,我会把相关资料寄给您。 Sincerely yours, NS Sponsor NS 主办者 谨上 邀请篇(6):邀请参加访问 Dear Mr. Chen, 亲爱的陈先生: I am delighted to be able to invite you as a visiting scholar in Australia. You will be based at the Melbourne campus but may visit other campuses whilst you are in Australia. 很高兴邀请您作为访问学者来访问澳大利亚。您将驻留的是墨尔本大学,但是您在澳大利亚期间还可以访问其他大学。 As a visiting scholar, you will be able to pursue your specific research agenda and to collaborate and communicate with the University of Sydney faculty during your stay. 作为一名访问学者,您将可以进行您的具体研究议程。还可以在您逗留期间与悉尼大学的教员进行交流合作。 Please let me know if you have any further inquiries and we look forward to your visit. 如果您还有任何疑问,请通知我们。我们期待您的到访。 Yours sincerely, The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学 谨上 邀请篇(6):邀请赴宴 Dear Sarah, 亲爱的莎拉: My husband and I should be very much pleased if you and your daughter would dine with us at 6:30 p.m. next Sunday, the eleventh of the Emperor Building. I am inviting a few other people, and I hope we may sing Karaoke after dinner. If you would consent to bring some video tapes, I am sure we would have a most wonderful evening. 我和我的丈夫非常高兴地邀请你和你的女儿前来参加我们的晚宴。时间定于下个星期日下午六点半,地点位于帝国大厦 十一楼。我还会再邀请一些人,我希望吃完晚饭我们可以去唱卡拉 OK。如果你能带些录影带来,我相信我们将度过一 个最美妙的夜晚。 We do hope you can come and are expecting to see you then. 我们真心希望你们能够前来,期待你们届时光临。 Yours cordially, May Smith 梅 ? 史密斯 谨上 邀请篇(7):邀请参加婚礼 Dear Robin, 亲爱的罗宾: On Sunday, August 11, at three o'clock p.m., Richard and I are taking the important step in life. We are getting married at St. Peter's, that charming little church―you know it―at 26 Freeway Drive. 8 月 11 日,星期日下午三点,我和理查将迈入人生重要的一步。我们将在圣彼得这座迷人的小教堂里举行婚礼。这个 教堂在弗利韦大道 26 号,这个你是知道的吧。 We have sent the invitation card to you. I hardly need to tell you that we would not consider it a real wedding if you were not present. There will be an informal reception in the church parlor afterward and we want you there, too. 我们已经将请柬寄去给你了。不用说,如果你不来的话,这场婚礼就不像是真正的婚礼。婚礼后还会在教堂接待室举行 便宴,希望你能赏光。 Affectionately yours, Mary 你亲爱的好友, 玛丽 邀请篇(8):邀请参加生日派对 Dear Louise, 亲爱的露易丝: Please come to my birthday party! 请你来参加我的生日派对! It's my fifth birthday. I am going to have a huge birthday cake and we will play games together! Please call my mom to let us know if you can come. If the answer is yes, don't forget to bring me a beautiful present! The date: Sunday, June 29 from 3 to 6 p.m. 这是我的第五个生日。我会有一个大大生日的蛋糕,我们还要一起玩游戏哦!请打电话告诉我妈妈你会不会来。如果会 来的话,别忘了带一份漂亮的礼物给我哦!时间:星期日,6 月 29 号,下午三点到六点。 P.S. : Please tell your parents that there will be a barbecue for the grownups, too! 附言:请告诉你的父母,大人可以烤肉哦! Sincerely yours, Hannah 汉娜 谨上 邀请篇(9):邀请参加周年庆典 Dear residents of building#7, 亲爱的 7 号楼所有住户: You are cordially invited to share in a celebration of George and Emma's 50th Wedding Anniversary. 诚挚地邀请您参加乔治和爱玛结婚 50 周年纪念庆祝会。 Fifty years ago, a beautiful woman Emma and a handsome George promised to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. Now, as their dear friends, we will celebrate that commitment once more for them. 五十年前,漂亮的爱玛和英俊的乔治承诺相爱一生,相守一世。现在,作为他们的朋友,我们要为他们再次颂扬这样的 承诺。 Please join us in SURPRISE reception for George and Emma in the hall on May 21, from 3 to 5 p.m. Thank you for your company. 请各位于 5 月 21 号下午三点到五点到大厅参加这个“惊喜”招待会。感谢各位的陪伴。 Sincerely yours, Jack Miller 杰克 ? 米勒 谨上 邀请篇(10):正式接受邀请函 Dear Mr. Li, 亲爱的李先生: Thank you so much for inviting me to address the Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon at 12 p.m. on September 21, at the Mayors' Building on the subject of &The Status of Expert Systems in Business During the Next Decade.& I am pleased to accept your invitation. 承蒙盛情邀请我于 9 月 21 日十二时在商会每月一次的午宴上致辞,不胜感谢。午宴地点在市长大厦,题目为“今后十 年内专家制度在商业中的地位”。我很高兴地接受你们的邀请。 I look forward to this opportunity of being with you and the members of Chamber of Commerce once again. 盼望再次有机会与你及商会的成员们会面。 Sincerely yours, Kate Hu 凯特?胡 谨上 邀请篇(11):拒绝邀请 Dear Henry, 亲爱的亨利: My friend, thank you for your letter of May 2. 我的朋友,谢谢你五月二号写给我的信。 Your letter says there will be a get-together on May 6 in Bluestone Park, and you want to invite me to the party with you. However, I am awfully sorry to tell you that on that day I am going to see an old friend who's seriously ill. So I am afraid it's impossible for me to go with you then. 你信上说五月六号在蓝石公园有一个联欢会,你想邀请我和你去一起参加。然而,我感到非常抱歉,那天我要去探望一 个重病的朋友,所以我恐怕没办法陪你去了。 I believe that you can find another partner soon. 我相信你一定能很快找到另一个伙伴的。 Yours faithfully, Rose 罗丝 谨上 邀请篇(12):邀请出席纪念活动 Dear Mr. Mayor, 亲爱的市长先生: Next Saturday marks the 256th anniversary of the founding of the British Museum. The superintendent of it is planning to celebrate the event with a reception at Claridges Hotel on Saturday, January 17 between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. We shall be honored to have you as our chief guest who will address the party for about four minutes. 下周六是大英博物馆建成 256 周年纪念日。博物馆负责人拟于一月十七日(星期六)晚上五至八时在克莱里奇饭店举 行庆祝招待会。我们想邀请您作为主宾参加,并希望届时您能致辞四分钟左右。 I would appreciate it if you could indicate your availability or inability to attend the reception before January 13. 如果您能在一月十三日之前告知我您能否与会,我将不胜感激。 Sincerely yours, Tom Clarke 汤姆?克拉克 谨上 邀请篇(13):邀请进行合作 Dear Professor Cheng, 亲爱的程教授: I am pleased to learn that you have an opportunity to spend a year away from your institution to pursue research in Physics, and I'd like to ask you if I could have the honor to invite you to spend that year working in my research group at MIT. I am sure it will be beneficial to both of us. 很高兴获悉您有机会离开贵院一年去做物理学的研究。我想请问您是否愿意来麻省理工学院我们的科研组做一年的课题 研究吗?我相信我们双方都能获益良多。 I am very happy to cover all expenses, including the costs of living expenses, travel costs and research costs. 我们非常乐于为你支付所有的费用,包括生活费用,旅行费用以及研究所需的费用。 I look forward to working with you. 期待与您共事。 Truly yours, Robin Williams 罗宾 ? 威廉斯 谨上 邀请篇(14):反客为主的邀请 Dear Mr. Yang, 亲爱的杨先生: With great pleasure I have received your letter to invite me to have lunch on Saturday, June 28. 非常高兴收到您的来信,以及您希望我出席六月二十八日(星期六)午宴的邀请。 I would be very happy to have the opportunity of discussing with you on the proposed visit to Tokyo by your Minister of Education. I would be even happier if you could let me host the lunch for you at 12:00 on that day in the International Hotel. I am sure you will give me your consent since you are in Tokyo and I should be the host. 我非常愿意有此机会与您讨论贵国教育部长拟访问东京事宜,更愿意于那天十二点在国际饭店宴请您。既然您来到了东 京,我就应尽地主之谊,您一定不会反对吧。 I am looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you on Saturday at 12:00 in the lobby of the International Hotel. 我期待星期六十二点在国际饭店大厅见到您。 With my best regards, Hanna Wei 献上最诚挚的祝福, 汉娜?魏 邀请篇(15):取消邀请 Dear Mrs. Alston, 亲爱艾尔斯顿夫人: I am very sorry to tell you that I have to cancel the dinner this weekend. 非常抱歉地通知您,这个周末的晚宴我们不得不取消了。 I just heard that my mother is seriously ill. My husband and I must go to see her at once and we are leaving early tomorrow morning. Therefore, we have to recall our dinner invitation this Saturday, the fourth of April. However, we will plan on a party later on, and you will be cordially invited then. 我刚刚接到我母亲病重的消息,我和我丈夫必须立刻回去探病, 我们明天一大早就要出发。 所以我们不得不取消本周六, 也就是四月四日的晚宴邀请。不过我们打算之后再举办一个聚会,到时我们一定会诚挚地邀请您。 I am sure that you and Mr. Alston will understand our anxiety, and will forgive this last minute change. 我相信您和艾尔斯顿先生一定能理解我们焦急的心情,也一定会原谅我们不得不最后改变计划。 Sincerely yours, Linda Peal 琳达 ? 皮尔 谨上 通知篇(1):搬迁通知 Dear Customers, 亲爱的顾客: We are pleased to announce that our Marketing Department will move to Seaside Mansion, Room 1704 at 36 Leo Street from July 8, 2008. Our numbers remain unchanged and mail should continue to be addressed to the Post Office Box NO.31. 我们很高兴地宣布,本公司市场部自 2008 年 7 月 8 日起将迁往里欧街 36 号的海滨大厦 1704 室。我们的电话/传 真号码保持不变,邮件地址仍为 31 号邮政信箱。 Each staff member of our company takes this opportunity to solicit your continued support and attention. Yours faithfully, 本公司全体人员借此机会恳请各位继续给予支持与关注。 Tony Tsou Marketing Manager 市场部经理 东尼?邹 谨上通知篇(2):电话号码变更通知 Dear Mr. Kidney, 亲爱的基尼先生: I am ready to tell you about my latest change. 写这封信是想告诉您关于我的一些新变化。 My office phone number has changed from 02- to 02-. You could also fax me at this new number. 我的办公室电话从 02- 改为 02- 了。这个号码也可以直接接受传真。 Please contact me at my new number from now on. 从现在开始,您可以用这个新号码联系我。 I look forward to talking with you as soon as you can. 我很期待能够尽快与您对话沟通。 Yours faithfully, Lincoln Burrows 林肯 ? 布洛斯 谨上 通知篇(3):职位变更通知 Dear Mr. Cole, 亲爱的科尔先生: I would like to introduce you Ms. Sarah Brown. She is replacing me as the superintendent for Import Department as of April 10. 我想把莎拉?布朗女士介绍给您认识她将于 4 月 10 日开始接任我在进口部主管一职。 I am greatly grateful for all your support during my tenure. I hope that you will extend to Ms. Sarah Brown the same kindness and assistance you have ever shown me in the past years. 我要对于您在我任职期间的支持表示由衷地感谢。 我希望您以后也能像过去支持我一样给予莎拉?布朗女士同样的照顾与 协助。 Thank you again for your long-standing support. 再次感谢您长久以来的支持。 Yours faithfully, Mark Smith 马克 ? 史密斯 谨上 通知篇(4):暂停营业通知 Dear Mr. Wills, 亲爱的威尔斯先生: I am writing to inform you that our store will be closed temporarily from August 8 to 15, due to renovations to the interior of the building. 我写信是要告诉您,由于我们店内即将重新装潢翻新,因此我们将于 8 月 8 日至 15 日暂停营业。 We are planning to reopen on August 16, and we are sure to advise you if there are any changes then. 我们打算在 8 月 16 日重新开业。如果到时候有任何变动,我们一定会通知您。 We are deeply sorry if it may cause you any inconvenience. 对于此次暂停营业可能给您造成的不便,我们深表歉意。 Best wishes, 致上最美好的祝福, Ted Young 泰德 ? 杨 通知篇(5):开业通知 Dear Sir or Madam, 亲爱的敬启者: We are pleased to inform you that on account of rapid increase in the volume of our trade, we have decided to open another sales office for our products here in New York on August 28. We have employed a staff of consultants and a well-trained service group, which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us. 我们很高兴地通知各位,由于交易量快速增加,我们决定将于 8 月 28 日在纽约开设另一家产品销售办事处。我们有 一群咨询顾问和一支受过良好训练的服务团队,可以为从我处购买的设备进行日常检查。 We would be delighted if you were to take full advantage of our services and favorable shopping environment. We fully guarantee the quality of our products. 如果您能充分利用我们的服务和良好的购物环境,我们将不胜感激。我们全面保证本公司产品的品质。 Yours faithfully, Jim Green 吉姆 ? 格林 谨上 通知篇(6):营业时间变更通知 Dear Clients, 亲爱的各位客户: We are pleased to make an announcement hereby. 我们在此很高兴地宣布: Effective November 3, 2008, our new operating hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 自 2008 年 11 月 3 日起,本公司的营业时间将变更为每周一到周五的上午 9 点至晚上 9 点。 We sincerely hope that this change of office hours will allow us to provide the fullest and most considerate service to you. 我们诚挚地希望此次营业时间的变更能给各位提供最全面而周到的服务。 Yours faithfully, Collins Book Company 科林图书公司 谨上 通知篇(7):缴费通知 Dear Resident, 亲爱的居民: This is to notify you that you have to pay $74 water rate in July. 通知您缴纳七月份水费 74 美元。 This month you have made use of 20 tons of water, and each ton costs $3.70, which reached a total of $74. 本月您共使用 20 吨水,每吨单价 3.70 美元,总计金额为 74 美元。 In order to facilitate water payment, reduce the troubles of paying bills and improve the efficiency, I sincerely recommend users to pay water charges through bank transfer. 为了水费缴款便利,减少缴费麻烦,并提高效率,我们诚挚建议用户透过银行转账缴纳水费。 Thank you for your understanding and support! 感谢您的理解和支持! Sincerely yours, Water Corporation 自来水公司 谨上 通知篇(8):盘点通知 Dear customers and suppliers, 亲爱的客户及供应商: Thank you very much for your kind support and cooperation! 非常感谢各位对我们的关照! Please be informed that our annual stocktaking will be held from December 28 to 31, 2008. During the period, all of our delivering and receiving operations will be stopped. Therefore, we would not arrange any goods delivery to all of your warehouses except special requests by your Purchasing Department before December 22, 2008. We will resume the normal delivering and receiving operations from January 2, 2009. 谨此通知本公司将于 2008 年 12 月 28 日至 12 月 31 日进行盘点,此段期间将会暂停所有收送货业务,以便盘点 工作可以顺利进行。 若有特殊情况, 请贵采购部预先于本月 22 日前告知, 本公司会另行安排。 此外, 本公司将会在 2009 年 1 月 2 日恢复营运。 We also apologize for any inconvenience caused. 不便之处敬请见谅。 Yours faithfully, Oriental Logistics Co. 东方物流公司 谨上 通知篇(9):求职录用通知 Dear Miss Mika, 亲爱的米卡小姐: In view of your interview on November 23, it is a great pleasure to inform you that you have been approved by the Board of Directors, and the Personnel Department has decided to appoint you as the secretary to General Manager, commencing from December 1, 2008. 鉴于您在 11 月 23 日的面试结果, 我非常高兴地通知您, 您已经通过了董事会的批准, 人事部已经决定自 2008 年 12 月 1 日起,聘用您为总经理秘书。 We will send you a Notification of an Offer later on. In addition, we will arrange a time to sign the employment contract with you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 稍后我们会寄给您录用通知书。另外我们还会另外安排时间与您签订雇用合同。如果您还有任何问题,请与我联系。 We are looking forward to having you here with us! 期待您的加入! Yours sincerely, Novelty Co. Ltd. 新意有限公司 谨上 通知篇(10):节假日通知 Dear all, 亲爱的同仁们: I am very pleased to announce the good news! 我在此非常开心地宣布一个好消息! To express our appreciation for your hard work this year and enable everyone to spend the holidays with friends and family, we have decided to close the office from December 25 to January 2, inclusive. All personnel will be given paid leave during this period. 为了对各位一年来的辛勤工作表示感谢,同时也为了能让各位和家人和朋友一起尽情享受假期,我们已经决定从 12 月 25 日至隔年 1 月 2 日放假(包括首尾两日)。这段时间里,所有员工都将享受带薪休假。 Wishing all of you a happy and healthy holiday season! 祝福大家都有个愉快健康的假期! Sincerely yours, Administrative Department 行政部 谨上 通知篇(11):裁员通知 Dear Ben, 亲爱的本: We had been hoping that during this difficult period of reorganization we could keep all of our employees with the company. Unfortunately, this is not the case.Therefore, with regret, we have to inform you that we will be unable to utilize your services anymore. We are pleased with the qualities you have exhibited during your period of employment, and will be sorry to lose you. 我们一直希望能够在此次重组的困难时期保留公司的全体雇员,不幸的是这个愿望无法实现。因此,公司不得不遗憾地 通知您,我们无法再继续雇用您。公司一直很满意你在受聘期间所展现的素质,并为失去您这样的雇员感到遗憾。 We wish you a promising future! 祝福您前程似锦! Yours truly, ABC Co. ABC 公司 谨上 通知篇(12):人事变动通知 Dear Colleagues, 亲爱的同仁们: We are very pleased to announce, effective the same day, the appointment of Julia Turner as Chief Information Officer of IDEA Company. Ms. Turner possesses 12 years of experience in the information technology sector and her extensive knowledge and experience will bring invaluable asset to our company. 我们非常高兴地宣布,概念公司的首席信息官一职将由茱莉亚 ? 特纳女士担任,即日生效。特纳女士在资讯技术方面拥 有长达 12 年的相关工作经验。她丰富的知识和阅历将会为本公司带来不可估量的价值。 Please join us in welcoming Ms. Turner to IDEA! 请大家一起欢迎特纳女士加入本公司! Sincerely yours, Adam Smith 亚当?史密斯 谨上 通知篇(13):公司破产通知 All employees: 全体职工: According to the creditor’s application, the Court, in accordance with the law, has declared the debtor to pay off their debts and set up a liquidation team to take over all assets. 根据债权人的申请,本院已裁定宣告债务人破产还债,并依法成立清算组接管了的所有资产。 All workers are now required to strictly comply with the law and to protect the business property. Everyone shall not illegally deal with business books, writs, materials, seal and license, and shall not conceal, divide the business property. 现要求的全体职工严格遵守法律规定,保护好企业财产,不得非法处理企业账册、文书、资料、印章和证照,不得隐匿、 私分企业财产。 The Enterprise's legal representative shall not be absent from duty or implement any acts to holdback the liquidation before the end of bankruptcy proceedings. 企业的法定代表人在破产终结前不得擅离职守,或实施妨害破产清算的行为。 People's Court 人民法院 通知篇(14):公司停业通知 Dear Customers, 亲爱的顾客: We are going to cease operations for some time. 我们决定停业一段时间。 Our year-end holidays have been scheduled as follows: The office will close on December 25, 2008 and reopen on January 4, 2009. We thank you for your support over the past year and we wish you all a joyous holiday season! 本公司的年终假期预定按照以下方式执行: 本公司将于 2008 年 12 月 25 日开始休假, 2009 年 1 月 4 日再度营业。 感谢各位一年来的支持。祝您有个愉快的假期! Yours faithfully, Liberty Co., Ltd. 利柏地股份有限公司 谨上 通知篇(15):商品出货通知 Dear Mr. Hopkins, 亲爱的霍布金斯先生: This is a notification of shipment. 此为出货通知。 We have shipped your order NO. 3108 as of March 12, 2009. And I also sent you the relevant shipping documents by fax. Please check. 您订单号为 3108 的货物已于 2009 年 3 月 10 日出货。相关出货资料也已经传真给您了,请注意查收。 You should receive the goods you ordered by March 20, 2009 if there is no accident. 正常的状况下,您的货物在 2009 年 3 月 20 日就能收到了。 Please let us know when they arrive. Thanks very much! 如果货物到达,请通知我们。谢谢! Yours truly, HANS Company HANS 公司 谨上 通知篇(16):样品}


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