sdl一运行就闪退,平板没centos root登录闪退的原因吗

答:不能,你可能会说你以前看到过有人用bochs打开网页了。针对这个,我问过那个帖子的作者,她说 她也是碰巧成功的,重新开机后就不行了。所以,bochs目前是无法上网的。2、问:为什么我的bochs特别卡?
我自己弄了一个镜像...为何进去木有鼠标呢?确定设置里面是开启的...而且换另外一个IMG可以看到鼠标...咋整? 求解
为啥只有鼠标 其他的都点不动
这是什么情况         --照单全收的盲从就像是在吃屎,难道你甘心傻傻的当孙子…
哥看到这种帖子的时候,哥总 是很淡定的点进去!不求粉,不评 价,不喷人,不只为打酱油,只是想 证明哥,依然存在。当楼主看到我的 回复的时候,或许我已经离开了这个 帖子!不要伤心,不要难过!
你又来这里吹牛了,害我找了 几 个社区,翻了几百页帖子,终于 找 到你了。工头让我告诉你,明 天去工 地早些,三车水泥两车砖 头,如果搬 不完,连昨天的工钱 也不给你了…… 还有,村东头的王 寡妇问你: 什么时 候攒够钱去娶 她?如果等到年底你还 不回去, 她就嫁给村西歪脖子柳树下 面的 刘驼背了………
请先确认文件没有错误,SDL文件夹在SD 卡根目录下,镜像文件在SDL里。如果没 问题,请打开配置文件,将ata0-master: type=disk, path=&c.img&改成这样,然后 再把boot:这个值改为c.img,保存退出。 然后再把镜像文件的名字改为c.img。如 果你没弄错的话,这样应该可以,亲测可用
登录百度帐号推荐应用直播的大火从2016年一直烧到了2017年,搭建直播平台的技术——直播APP源码也渐渐浮出水面,在直播大火的现在,您是不是也想要一款独属于自己的直播平台呢?小编今天就教您搭一款简易直播平台。 一.前端推流 1.推流可以采用命令: ffmpeg -i inpu
孙涛 极客邦前端负责人 大家好,我是来自极客邦的前端负责人孙涛。今天的分享主要会说以下五个方面说起: 极客时间诞生记 先说一下极客时间是什么。其实也可以通俗理解成是一个技术版的“得到”,不过我们也确实“得到”很多支持,在我们iOS版1.0.6上线App St
苹果越狱不好搞,但他们居然两个月内针对三个最新版系统“越”了三次,这就很神奇了。 “他们”就是阿里巴巴的潘多拉实验室。 潘多拉实验室于 2017 年成立,此前仅在阿里先知创新大会上露过一次面,其安全研究员用视频演示了安卓8.0 的 Root 提权和 iOS
崩溃的情况 进入游戏一会儿,神马都不要做,双手离开手机,盯着屏幕看吧,游戏会定时从服务器那儿读取一些数据,时间一长,闪退了。尼玛问题是神马呢?完全没有头绪,不过大体猜测是因为网络请求导致的,那么好,先排查服务器返回结果是否有问题,最终确认每次客户端崩溃的时候
注:Android 5.0的问题总结在这个帖子里。 1、用(SDK starter package)的installler安装Android SDK时提示无法找到JDK,但实际上机器上已经安装了JDK。 一个对不少人有效的解决方法是看到此提示时先点一下“回退”
前言 这几天,第三轮全站优化结束,测试项目在2G首屏载入速度取得了一些优化成绩,对比下来有10s左右的差距: 这次优化工作结束后,已经是第三次大规模折腾公司框架了,这里将一些自己知道的移动端的建议提出来分享下,希望对各位有用 文中有误请您提出,以免误人自误
本文是针对之前博文《要考虑》中问题2的答案整理,参考资料来源网络和自己的理解,欢迎指正: 1. 分辨率: 由于当下手机款式繁杂,分辨率多样化,在测试时候会出现功能界面位置不正确,点击作用区重叠或溢出的情况 2. 版本更新方式: B/S架构的软件的版本更新只需要
阅读目录 1.为啥要投诉 2.投诉EMS 3.投诉中国移动 4.总结   上个月要找房子,搬家很多事情,真实头疼。。。搬家还把腰闪了。。。。现在还有点痛。然后中间碰到 移动宽带 移机的事情,搞得我非常火。然后想起去年投诉EMS的事情,在事情处理完成后,我果断
接上文:(阅读本文前,建议阅读前两篇文章先) 浅谈Hybrid技术的设计与实现 浅谈Hybrid技术的设计与实现第二弹 根据之前的介绍,大家对前端与Native的交互应该有一些简单的认识了,很多朋友就会觉得这个交互很简单嘛,其实并不难嘛,事实上单从Nativ
接上文:(阅读本文前,建议阅读前两篇文章先) 浅谈Hybrid技术的设计与实现 浅谈Hybrid技术的设计与实现第二弹 根据之前的介绍,大家对前端与Native的交互应该有一些简单的认识了,很多朋友就会觉得这个交互很简单嘛,其实并不难嘛,事实上单从Native
React Native(以下简称RN)绑定微信分享/微信登录/微信支付的实现演示+源码+注意事项!微信的调用大同小异,本文实现了微信的分享功能,其他功能可以在链接文档里面找到具体的方法。 本文分文三个部分:一、效果展示;二、实现步骤;三、注意事项; 一、效果
Silverlight/Windows8/WPF/WP7/HTML5周学习导读(7月16日-7月22日) 本周Silverlight学习资源更新 Silverlight DataGrid用法 模板列黑眼圈之家 Silverlight 上传文件小顽童168 Si
Silverlight/Windows8/WPF/WP7/HTML5周学习导读(7月16日-7月22日) 本周Silverlight学习资源更新 Silverlight DataGrid用法 模板列黑眼圈之家 Silverlight 上传文件小顽童168 S
入职阿里巴巴云零售事业部的第三天,殊勤就被叫到了杭州中大银泰城,她要去看看新建的天猫智慧快闪店。此前,殊勤曾带领ZARA亚洲第一门店拿下超过2亿的年销售额。 “那天商场一开门,我就冲进去了。”兴致勃勃地体验完试衣镜、互动大屏等“黑科技”后,殊勤在门店外站了好
沧海一声笑,移动应用的CRASH原因我找到! --记最新款数字化測试“星云測试“的使用攻略 世界进步那么快,非常多新奇的点子层出不穷,于是我们创业。我们做最酷的手机应用,做最轰炸的应用推广。不加国际友人,仅咱泱泱大中华14亿人口,智能手机用户眼下就已经超过5亿项目语言:None
Index: zh_CN.po
--- zh_CN.po (revision 0)
+++ zh_CN.po (revision 4)
@@ -0,0 +1,6679 @@
+# Copyright (C)
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# LI Daobing &&, 2007.
+# Wang Li &.cn&, 2002.
+msgstr &&
+&Project-Id-Version: libc 2.7\n&
+&Last-Translator: LI Daobing &&\n&
+&Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) &\n&
+&MIME-Version: 1.0\n&
+&Content-Type: text/ charset=UTF-8\n&
+&Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid &%.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter requires a value&
+msgstr &%.*s:参数 ARGP_HELP_FMT 需要一个值&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid &%.*s: Unknown ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter&
+msgstr &%.*s:未知的 ARGP_HELP_FMT 参数&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid &Garbage in ARGP_HELP_FMT: %s&
+msgstr &ARGP_HELP_FMT 中有垃圾: %s&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:1215
+msgid &Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.&
+msgstr &长选项的强制或可选参数对对应的短选项也是强制或可选的。&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:1601
+msgid &Usage:&
+msgstr &用法:&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:1605
+#: argp/argp-help.c:1617
+msgid & [OPTION...]&
+msgstr & [选项...]&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:1644
+#, c-format
+msgid &Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information.\n&
+msgstr &试用“%s --help”或“%s --usage”以获取更多信息。\n&
+#: argp/argp-help.c:1672
+#, c-format
+msgid &Report bugs to %s.\n&
+msgstr &将错误报告给 %s。\n&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:102
+msgid &Give this help list&
+msgstr &给出该系统求助列表&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:103
+msgid &Give a short usage message&
+msgstr &给出简要的用法信息&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:104
+msgid &Set the program name&
+msgstr &设定程序名&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:106
+msgid &Hang for SECS seconds (default 3600)&
+msgstr &挂起 SECS 秒 (默认 3600)&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:167
+msgid &Print program version&
+msgstr &打印程序版本号&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:183
+msgid &(PROGRAM ERROR) No version known!?&
+msgstr &(程序错误) 不知道版本号!?&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:623
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: Too many arguments\n&
+msgstr &%s:过多的选项\n&
+#: argp/argp-parse.c:766
+msgid &(PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognized!?&
+msgstr &(程序错误) 选项应该可识别!?&
+#: assert/assert-perr.c:57
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s%s%s:%u: %s%sUnexpected error: %s.\n&
+msgstr &%s%s%s:%u:%s%s意外的错误:%s。\n&
+#: assert/assert.c:57
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\n&
+msgstr &%s%s%s:%u:%s%s断言“%s”失败。\n&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:110 catgets/gencat.c:114 nscd/nscd.c:97 nss/makedb.c:61
+msgid &NAME&
+msgstr &名称&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:111
+msgid &Create C header file NAME containing symbol definitions&
+msgstr &创建含有符号定义的给定名称的 C 头文件&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:113
+msgid &Do not use existing catalog, force new output file&
+msgstr &不使用现有的分类,强制创建新输出文件&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:114 nss/makedb.c:61
+msgid &Write output to file NAME&
+msgstr &将输出写入到指定文件中&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:119
+&Generate message catalog.\vIf INPUT-FILE is -, input is read from standard input.
+&is -, output is written to standard output.\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:124
+msgstr &&
+&-o 输出文件 [输入文件]...\n&
+&[输出文件 [输入文件]...]&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:232 debug/pcprofiledump.c:204 iconv/iconv_prog.c:411
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:380 locale/programs/localedef.c:371
+#: login/programs/pt_chown.c:88 malloc/memusagestat.c:526 nss/makedb.c:231
+&For bug reporting instructions, please see:\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:246 debug/ elf/ldconfig.c:296
+#: elf/ elf/sprof.c:355 iconv/iconv_prog.c:426
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:395 locale/programs/locale.c:275
+#: locale/programs/localedef.c:387 login/programs/pt_chown.c:59
+#: malloc/ nscd/nscd.c:406 nss/getent.c:83 nss/makedb.c:245
+#: posix/getconf.c:1012
+#, c-format
+&Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n&
+&T see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:251 debug/ elf/ldconfig.c:301 elf/sprof.c:361
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:431 iconv/iconvconfig.c:400 locale/programs/locale.c:280
+#: locale/programs/localedef.c:392 malloc/ nscd/nscd.c:411
+#: nss/getent.c:88 nss/makedb.c:250 posix/getconf.c:1017
+#, c-format
+msgid &Written by %s.\n&
+msgstr &由 %s 编写。\n&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:282
+msgid &*standard input*&
+msgstr &*标准输入*&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:288 iconv/iconv_charmap.c:158 iconv/iconv_prog.c:298
+#: nss/makedb.c:170
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot open input file `%s'&
+msgstr &无法打开输入文件“%s”&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:417 catgets/gencat.c:494
+msgid &illegal set number&
+msgstr &非法的集合编号&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:444
+msgid &duplicate set definition&
+msgstr &重复的集合定义&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:446 catgets/gencat.c:623 catgets/gencat.c:677
+msgid &this is the first definition&
+msgstr &这是第一个定义&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:522
+#, c-format
+msgid &unknown set `%s'&
+msgstr &未知集合“%s”&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:563
+msgid &invalid quote character&
+msgstr &无效的引用字符&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:576
+#, c-format
+msgid &unknown directive `%s': line ignored&
+msgstr &未知的指令“%s”:忽略此行&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:621
+msgid &duplicated message number&
+msgstr &重复的消息编号&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:674
+msgid &duplicated message identifier&
+msgstr &重复的消息标识符&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:731
+msgid &invalid character: message ignored&
+msgstr &无效的字符:忽略消息&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:774
+msgid &invalid line&
+msgstr &无效的行&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:828
+msgid &malformed line ignored&
+msgstr &&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:992 catgets/gencat.c:1033 nss/makedb.c:183
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot open output file `%s'&
+msgstr &无法打开输出文件“%s”&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:1195 locale/programs/linereader.c:560
+msgid &invalid escape sequence&
+msgstr &无效的转义序列&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:1217
+msgid &unterminated message&
+msgstr &未终止的消息&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:1241
+#, c-format
+msgid &while opening old catalog file&
+msgstr &在打开旧分类文件时&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:1332
+#, c-format
+msgid &conversion modules not available&
+msgstr &转换模块不可用&
+#: catgets/gencat.c:1358
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot determine escape character&
+msgstr &无法确定转义字符&
+#: debug/pcprofiledump.c:53
+msgid &Don't buffer output&
+msgstr &不要对输出进行缓冲&
+#: debug/pcprofiledump.c:58
+msgid &Dump information generated by PC profiling.&
+msgstr &&
+#: debug/pcprofiledump.c:61
+msgid &[FILE]&
+msgstr &[文件]&
+#: debug/pcprofiledump.c:104
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot open input file&
+msgstr &无法打开输入文件&
+#: debug/pcprofiledump.c:111
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot read header&
+msgstr &无法读入头&
+#: debug/pcprofiledump.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid &invalid pointer size&
+msgstr &无效的指针大小&
+#: debug/ debug/
+msgid &Usage: xtrace [OPTION]... PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]...\\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: debug/
+msgid &Try \\`xtrace --help' for more information.\\n&
+msgstr &试用“xtrace --help”以获取更多信息。\\n&
+#: debug/
+msgid &xtrace: option \\`$1' requires an argument.\\n&
+msgstr &xtrace: 选项“$1”需要一个参数\\n&
+#: debug/
+&Trace execution of program by printing currently executed function.\n&
Don't run the program, just print the data from FILE.\n&
Print this help and exit\n&
Give a short usage message\n&
Print version information and exit\n&
+&Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for any corresponding\n&
+&short options.\n&
+&For bug reporting instructions, please see:\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: debug/
+msgid &xtrace: unrecognized option \\`$1'\\n&
+msgstr &xtrace:无法识别的选项“$1”\\n&
+#: debug/
+msgid &No program name given\\n&
+msgstr &未指定程序名&
+#: debug/
+#, sh-format
+msgid &executable \\`$program' not found\\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: debug/
+#, sh-format
+msgid &\\`$program' is no executable\\n&
+msgstr &“$program”不可执行\\n&
+#: dlfcn/dlinfo.c:64
+msgid &RTLD_SELF used in code not dynamically loaded&
+msgstr &&
+#: dlfcn/dlinfo.c:73
+msgid &unsupported dlinfo request&
+msgstr &不支持的 dlinfo 请求&
+#: dlfcn/dlmopen.c:64
+msgid &invalid namespace&
+msgstr &无效的名字空间&
+#: dlfcn/dlmopen.c:69
+msgid &invalid mode&
+msgstr &无效的模式&
+#: dlfcn/dlopen.c:64
+msgid &invalid mode parameter&
+msgstr &无效的模式参数&
+#: elf/cache.c:69
+msgid &unknown&
+msgstr &未知&
+#: elf/cache.c:112
+msgid &Unknown OS&
+msgstr &未知的操作系统&
+#: elf/cache.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid &, OS ABI: %s %d.%d.%d&
+msgstr &, OS ABI: %s %d.%d.%d&
+#: elf/cache.c:134 elf/ldconfig.c:1270
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't open cache file %s\n&
+msgstr &无法打开缓冲文件 %s\n&
+#: elf/cache.c:148
+#, c-format
+msgid &mmap of cache file failed.\n&
+msgstr &缓冲文件的 mmap 失败。\n&
+#: elf/cache.c:152 elf/cache.c:166
+#, c-format
+msgid &File is not a cache file.\n&
+msgstr &文件不是缓冲区文件。\n&
+#: elf/cache.c:199 elf/cache.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid &%d libs found in cache `%s'\n&
+msgstr &在缓冲区“%2$s”中找到 %1$d 个库\n&
+#: elf/cache.c:403
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't create temporary cache file %s&
+msgstr &无法创建临时缓冲文件 %s&
+#: elf/cache.c:411 elf/cache.c:421 elf/cache.c:425 elf/cache.c:430
+#, c-format
+msgid &Writing of cache data failed&
+msgstr &写缓冲数据失败&
+#: elf/cache.c:435
+#, c-format
+msgid &Changing access rights of %s to %#o failed&
+msgstr &将 %s 的访问权限改变为 %#o 失败&
+#: elf/cache.c:440
+#, c-format
+msgid &Renaming of %s to %s failed&
+msgstr &将 %s 改名为 %s 失败&
+#: elf/dl-close.c:378 elf/dl-open.c:460
+msgid &cannot create scope list&
+msgstr &无法创建范围列表&
+#: elf/dl-close.c:724
+msgid &shared object not open&
+msgstr &共享库未打开&
+#: elf/dl-deps.c:114
+msgid &DST not allowed in SUID/SGID programs&
+msgstr &在 SUID/SGID 程序中不允许 DST&
+#: elf/dl-deps.c:127 elf/dl-open.c:282
+msgid &empty dynamic string token substitution&
+msgstr &空动态字符串替换&
+#: elf/dl-deps.c:133
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot load auxiliary `%s' because of empty dynamic string token substitution\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-deps.c:474
+msgid &cannot allocate dependency list&
+msgstr &无法分配倚赖列表&
+#: elf/dl-deps.c:510 elf/dl-deps.c:565
+msgid &cannot allocate symbol search list&
+msgstr &无法分配符号搜索列表&
+#: elf/dl-deps.c:550
+msgid &Filters not supported with LD_TRACE_PRELINKING&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-error.c:77
+msgstr &动态链接器 BUG!!!&
+#: elf/dl-error.c:124
+msgid &error while loading shared libraries&
+msgstr &装入共享库时出错&
+#: elf/dl-fptr.c:88
+msgid &cannot map pages for fdesc table&
+msgstr &无法为 fdesc 表映射页&
+#: elf/dl-fptr.c:192
+msgid &cannot map pages for fptr table&
+msgstr &无法为 fptr 表映射页&
+#: elf/dl-fptr.c:221
+msgid &internal error: symidx out of range of fptr table&
+msgstr &内部错误: symidx 超出 fptr 表的范围&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:372
+msgid &cannot allocate name record&
+msgstr &无法分配名记录&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:474 elf/dl-load.c:582 elf/dl-load.c:667 elf/dl-load.c:780
+msgid &cannot create cache for search path&
+msgstr &无法创建搜索路径缓冲器&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:565
+msgid &cannot create RUNPATH/RPATH copy&
+msgstr &无法创建 RUNPATH/RPATH 的副本&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:653
+msgid &cannot create search path array&
+msgstr &无法创建搜索路径数组&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:864
+msgid &cannot stat shared object&
+msgstr &无法对共享目标进行 stat 操作&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:934
+msgid &cannot open zero fill device&
+msgstr &无法打开零填充设备&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:979 elf/dl-load.c:2224
+msgid &cannot create shared object descriptor&
+msgstr &无法创建共享对象描述符&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:998 elf/dl-load.c:1656 elf/dl-load.c:1748
+msgid &cannot read file data&
+msgstr &无法读入文件数据&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1042
+msgid &ELF load command alignment not page-aligned&
+msgstr &ELF 加载命令对齐不是按页对齐的&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1049
+msgid &ELF load command address/offset not properly aligned&
+msgstr &ELF 装入命令的地址/偏移量没有正确地对齐&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1132
+msgid &cannot allocate TLS data structures for initial thread&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1155
+msgid &cannot handle TLS data&
+msgstr &无法处理 TLS 数据&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1174
+msgid &object file has no loadable segments&
+msgstr &目标文件没有可加载段&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1210
+msgid &failed to map segment from shared object&
+msgstr &无法从共享目标中映射段&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1236
+msgid &cannot dynamically load executable&
+msgstr &无法动态装入可执行文件&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1298
+msgid &cannot change memory protections&
+msgstr &无法改变内存保护&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1317
+msgid &cannot map zero-fill pages&
+msgstr &无法映射用零填充的页&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1331
+msgid &object file has no dynamic section&
+msgstr &目标文件没有动态节&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1354
+msgid &shared object cannot be dlopen()ed&
+msgstr &无法用 dlopen() 打开共享库&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1367
+msgid &cannot allocate memory for program header&
+msgstr &无法为程序头分配内存&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1384 elf/dl-open.c:218
+msgid &invalid caller&
+msgstr &无效的调用者&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1423
+msgid &cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires&
+msgstr &无法启用共享目标需要的执行栈&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1436
+msgid &cannot close file descriptor&
+msgstr &无法关闭文件描述符&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1478
+msgid &cannot create searchlist&
+msgstr &无法创建搜索列表&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1656
+msgid &file too short&
+msgstr &文件过短&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1685
+msgid &invalid ELF header&
+msgstr &无效的 ELF 头&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1697
+msgid &ELF file data encoding not big-endian&
+msgstr &ELF 文件数据编码不是 big-endian&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1699
+msgid &ELF file data encoding not little-endian&
+msgstr &ELF 文件数据编码不是 little-endian&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1703
+msgid &ELF file version ident does not match current one&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1707
+msgid &ELF file OS ABI invalid&
+msgstr &ELF 文件 OS ABI 无效&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1709
+msgid &ELF file ABI version invalid&
+msgstr &ELF 文件 ABI 版本无效&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1712
+msgid &internal error&
+msgstr &内部错误&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1719
+msgid &ELF file version does not match current one&
+msgstr &ELF 文件版本与当前版本不匹配&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1727
+msgid &only ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loaded&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:1733
+msgid &ELF file's phentsize not the expected size&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:2240
+msgid &wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64&
+msgstr &错误 ELF 类: ELFCLASS64&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:2241
+msgid &wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32&
+msgstr &错误 ELF 类: ELFCLASS32&
+#: elf/dl-load.c:2244
+msgid &cannot open shared object file&
+msgstr &无法打开共享对象文件&
+#: elf/dl-lookup.c:356
+msgid &relocation error&
+msgstr &重定位错误&
+#: elf/dl-lookup.c:384
+msgid &symbol lookup error&
+msgstr &符号查询错误&
+#: elf/dl-open.c:114
+msgid &cannot extend global scope&
+msgstr &无法扩展全局范围&
+#: elf/dl-open.c:512
+msgid &TLS generation counter wrapped!
Please report this.&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-open.c:549
+msgid &invalid mode for dlopen()&
+msgstr &无效的 dlopen() 模式&
+#: elf/dl-open.c:566
+msgid &no more namespaces available for dlmopen()&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-open.c:579
+msgid &invalid target namespace in dlmopen()&
+msgstr &dlmopen() 中无效的目标名字空间&
+#: elf/dl-reloc.c:54
+msgid &cannot allocate memory in static TLS block&
+msgstr &无法在静态 TLS 块中分配内存&
+#: elf/dl-reloc.c:196
+msgid &cannot make segment writable for relocation&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-reloc.c:277
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: no PLTREL found in object %s\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-reloc.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: out of memory to store relocation results for %s\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-reloc.c:304
+msgid &cannot restore segment prot after reloc&
+msgstr &重定位后无法恢复段 prot&
+#: elf/dl-reloc.c:329
+msgid &cannot apply additional memory protection after relocation&
+msgstr &无法在重定位后应用额外的内存保护&
+#: elf/dl-sym.c:162
+msgid &RTLD_NEXT used in code not dynamically loaded&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/dl-sysdep.c:469 elf/dl-sysdep.c:481
+msgid &cannot create capability list&
+msgstr &无法创建功能列表&
+#: elf/dl-tls.c:825
+msgid &cannot create TLS data structures&
+msgstr &无法创建 TLS 数据结构&
+#: elf/dl-version.c:303
+msgid &cannot allocate version reference table&
+msgstr &无法分配版本引用表格&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:138
+msgid &Print cache&
+msgstr &打印缓冲区&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:139
+msgid &Generate verbose messages&
+msgstr &生成详细消息&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:140
+msgid &Don't build cache&
+msgstr &不要创建缓冲区&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:141
+msgid &Don't generate links&
+msgstr &不要生成连接&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:142
+msgid &Change to and use ROOT as root directory&
+msgstr &进入 ROOT 目录并将其作为根目录&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:142
+msgid &ROOT&
+msgstr &ROOT&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:143
+msgid &CACHE&
+msgstr &CACHE&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:143
+msgid &Use CACHE as cache file&
+msgstr &将 CACHE 用作缓冲区文件&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:144
+msgid &CONF&
+msgstr &CONF&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:144
+msgid &Use CONF as configuration file&
+msgstr &将 CONF 用作配置文件&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:145
+msgid &Only process directories specified on the command line.
Don't build cache.&
+msgstr &只在命令行中给出了进程目录。未创建缓冲区。&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:146
+msgid &Manually link individual libraries.&
+msgstr &手工连接独立的库。&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:147
+msgid &FORMAT&
+msgstr &FORMAT&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:147
+msgid &Format to use: new, old or compat (default)&
+msgstr &采用的格式:新、旧或兼容(默认)&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:148
+msgid &Ignore auxiliary cache file&
+msgstr &忽略辅助缓存文件&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:156
+msgid &Configure Dynamic Linker Run Time Bindings.&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:319
+#, c-format
+msgid &Path `%s' given more than once&
+msgstr &多次给出路径“%s”&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s is not a known library type&
+msgstr &%s 不是已知类型的库&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:384
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't stat %s&
+msgstr &无法对 %s 进行 stat 操作&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:458
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't stat %s\n&
+msgstr &无法对 %s 进行 stat 操作\n&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:468
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s is not a symbolic link\n&
+msgstr &%s 不是符号连接\n&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:487
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't unlink %s&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:493
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't link %s to %s&
+msgstr &无法将 %s 连接到 %s&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:499
+msgid & (changed)\n&
+msgstr & (改变)\n&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:501
+msgid & (SKIPPED)\n&
+msgstr & (跳过)\n&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:556
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't find %s&
+msgstr &无法找到 %s&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:572 elf/ldconfig.c:745 elf/ldconfig.c:793 elf/ldconfig.c:827
+#, c-format
+msgid &Cannot lstat %s&
+msgstr &无法对 %s 进行 lstat 操作&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid &Ignored file %s since it is not a regular file.&
+msgstr &由于不是一个普通文件,忽略文件 %s&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:588
+#, c-format
+msgid &No link created since soname could not be found for %s&
+msgstr &未创建链接,因为 %s 无法找到 soname&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:671
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't open directory %s&
+msgstr &无法打开目录 %s&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:759
+#, c-format
+msgid &Cannot stat %s&
+msgstr &无法对 %s 进行 stat 操作&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:814 elf/readlib.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid &Input file %s not found.\n&
+msgstr &未找到输入文件 %s。\n&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:888
+#, c-format
+msgid &libc5 library %s in wrong directory&
+msgstr &libc5 的库 %s 处于错误的目录中&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:891
+#, c-format
+msgid &libc6 library %s in wrong directory&
+msgstr &libc5 的库 %s 处于错误的目录中&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:894
+#, c-format
+msgid &libc4 library %s in wrong directory&
+msgstr &libc4 的库 %s 处于错误的目录中&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:922
+#, c-format
+msgid &libraries %s and %s in directory %s have same soname but different type.&
+msgstr &目录 %3$s 中的 %1$s 和 %2$s 的 so 名称相同但类型不同。&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1031
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't open configuration file %s&
+msgstr &无法打开配置文件 %s&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1095
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s:%u: bad syntax in hwcap line&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1101
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s:%u: hwcap index %lu above maximum %u&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1108 elf/ldconfig.c:1116
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s:%u: hwcap index %lu already defined as %s&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1119
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s:%u: duplicate hwcap %lu %s&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1141
+#, c-format
+msgid &need absolute file name for configuration file when using -r&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1148 locale/programs/xmalloc.c:70 malloc/obstack.c:434
+#: malloc/obstack.c:436 posix/getconf.c:985 posix/getconf.c:1163
+#, c-format
+msgid &memory exhausted&
+msgstr &内存耗尽&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1178
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s:%u: cannot read directory %s&
+msgstr &%s:%u: 无法读取目录 %s&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1223
+#, c-format
+msgid &relative path `%s' used to build cache&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1249
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't chdir to /&
+msgstr &无法改变目录到 /&
+#: elf/ldconfig.c:1291
+#, c-format
+msgid &Can't open cache file directory %s\n&
+msgstr &无法打开缓冲文件目录 %s\n&
+#: elf/
+msgid &Written by %s and %s.\n&
+msgstr &由 %s 和 %s 编写。\n&
+#: elf/
+&Usage: ldd [OPTION]... FILE...\n&
print this help and exit\n&
print version information and exit\n&
-d, --data-relocs
process data relocations\n&
-r, --function-relocs
process data and function relocations\n&
-u, --unused
print unused direct dependencies\n&
-v, --verbose
print all information\n&
+&For bug reporting instructions, please see:\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/
+msgid &ldd: option \\`$1' is ambiguous&
+msgstr &ldd: 选项“$1”具有二义性&
+#: elf/
+msgid &unrecognized option&
+msgstr &无法识别的选项&
+#: elf/ elf/
+msgid &Try \\`ldd --help' for more information.&
+msgstr &试用“ldd --help”以获取更多信息。&
+#: elf/
+msgid &missing file arguments&
+msgstr &缺少文件参数&
+#. TRANS No such file or directory.
This is a ``file doesn't exist'' error
+#. TRANS for ordinary files that are referenced in contexts where they are
+#. TRANS expected to already exist.
+#: elf/ sysdeps/gnu/errlist.c:36
+msgid &No such file or directory&
+msgstr &没有那个文件或目录&
+#: elf/ inet/rcmd.c:483
+msgid &not regular file&
+msgstr &不是普通文件&
+#: elf/
+msgid &warning: you do not have execution permission for&
+msgstr &警告: 你没有执行权限 &
+#: elf/
+msgid &\tnot a dynamic executable&
+msgstr &\t不是动态可执行文件&
+#: elf/
+msgid &exited with unknown exit code&
+msgstr &以未知的退出码退出&
+#: elf/
+msgid &error: you do not have read permission for&
+msgstr &错误: 你没有读权限 &
+#: elf/readelflib.c:35
+#, c-format
+msgid &file %s is truncated\n&
+msgstr &文件 %s 己被截断\n&
+#: elf/readelflib.c:67
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s is a 32 bit ELF file.\n&
+msgstr &%s 是一个 32 位 ELF 文件。\n&
+#: elf/readelflib.c:69
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s is a 64 bit ELF file.\n&
+msgstr &%s 是一个 64 位 ELF 文件。\n&
+#: elf/readelflib.c:71
+#, c-format
+msgid &Unknown ELFCLASS in file %s.\n&
+msgstr &文件 %s 中未知的 ELFCLASS。\n&
+#: elf/readelflib.c:78
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s is not a shared object file (Type: %d).\n&
+msgstr &%s 不是共享目标文件 (类型:%d)。\n&
+#: elf/readelflib.c:109
+#, c-format
+msgid &more than one dynamic segment\n&
+msgstr &多于一个动态段\n&
+#: elf/readlib.c:97
+#, c-format
+msgid &Cannot fstat file %s.\n&
+msgstr &无法对文件 %s 进行 fstat 操作。\n&
+#: elf/readlib.c:108
+#, c-format
+msgid &File %s is empty, not checked.&
+msgstr &文件 %s 为空,未检查。&
+#: elf/readlib.c:114
+#, c-format
+msgid &File %s is too small, not checked.&
+msgstr &文件 %s 过小,未检查。&
+#: elf/readlib.c:124
+#, c-format
+msgid &Cannot mmap file %s.\n&
+msgstr &无法对文件 %s 进行 mmap 操作。\n&
+#: elf/readlib.c:162
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.\n&
+msgstr &%s 不是 ELF 文件 - 它起始的魔数错误。\n&
+#: elf/sprof.c:77
+msgid &Output selection:&
+msgstr &输出选择:&
+#: elf/sprof.c:79
+msgid &print list of count paths and their number of use&
+msgstr &打印当前路径的列表和他们的使用次数&
+#: elf/sprof.c:81
+msgid &generate flat profile with counts and ticks&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/sprof.c:82
+msgid &generate call graph&
+msgstr &生成调用图&
+#: elf/sprof.c:89
+&Read and display shared object profiling data.\vFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/sprof.c:94
+msgstr &SHOBJ [PROFDATA]&
+#: elf/sprof.c:400
+#, c-format
+msgid &failed to load shared object `%s'&
+msgstr &装入共享目标文件“%s”失败&
+#: elf/sprof.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot create internal descriptors&
+msgstr &无法创建内部描述符&
+#: elf/sprof.c:528
+#, c-format
+msgid &Reopening shared object `%s' failed&
+msgstr &重现打开共享对象“%s”失败&
+#: elf/sprof.c:535 elf/sprof.c:629
+#, c-format
+msgid &reading of section headers failed&
+msgstr &读取节头部失败&
+#: elf/sprof.c:543 elf/sprof.c:637
+#, c-format
+msgid &reading of section header string table failed&
+msgstr &读取节头部字符串表失败&
+#: elf/sprof.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid &*** Cannot read debuginfo file name: %m\n&
+msgstr &*** 无法读取调试信息文件名: %m\n&
+#: elf/sprof.c:589
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot determine file name&
+msgstr &无法确定文件名&
+#: elf/sprof.c:622
+#, c-format
+msgid &reading of ELF header failed&
+msgstr &读取 ELF 头部失败&
+#: elf/sprof.c:658
+#, c-format
+msgid &*** The file `%s' is stripped: no detailed analysis possible\n&
+msgstr &*** 文件“%s”已剥离:不可能进行细节分析\n&
+#: elf/sprof.c:688
+#, c-format
+msgid &failed to load symbol data&
+msgstr &装入符号数据失败&
+#: elf/sprof.c:755
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot load profiling data&
+msgstr &无法加载 profile 数据&
+#: elf/sprof.c:764
+#, c-format
+msgid &while stat'ing profiling data file&
+msgstr &当分析 profile 数据文件&
+#: elf/sprof.c:772
+#, c-format
+msgid &profiling data file `%s' does not match shared object `%s'&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/sprof.c:783
+#, c-format
+msgid &failed to mmap the profiling data file&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/sprof.c:791
+#, c-format
+msgid &error while closing the profiling data file&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/sprof.c:800 elf/sprof.c:870
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot create internal descriptor&
+msgstr &无法创建内部描述符&
+#: elf/sprof.c:846
+#, c-format
+msgid &`%s' is no correct profile data file for `%s'&
+msgstr &&
+#: elf/sprof.c:1027 elf/sprof.c:1085
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot allocate symbol data&
+msgstr &无法分配符号数据&
+#: iconv/iconv_charmap.c:176 iconv/iconv_prog.c:316
+#, c-format
+msgid &error while closing input `%s'&
+msgstr &关闭输入“%s”时出错&
+#: iconv/iconv_charmap.c:450
+#, c-format
+msgid &illegal input sequence at position %Zd&
+msgstr &位于 %Zd 的非法输入序列&
+#: iconv/iconv_charmap.c:469 iconv/iconv_prog.c:526
+#, c-format
+msgid &incomplete character or shift sequence at end of buffer&
+msgstr &位于缓冲区末尾的不完整字符或转义序列&
+#: iconv/iconv_charmap.c:514 iconv/iconv_charmap.c:550 iconv/iconv_prog.c:569
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:605
+#, c-format
+msgid &error while reading the input&
+msgstr &读取输入时出错&
+#: iconv/iconv_charmap.c:532 iconv/iconv_prog.c:587
+#, c-format
+msgid &unable to allocate buffer for input&
+msgstr &无法为输入分配缓冲区&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:60
+msgid &Input/Output format specification:&
+msgstr &输入/输出格式规范:&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:61
+msgid &encoding of original text&
+msgstr &原始文本编码&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:62
+msgid &encoding for output&
+msgstr &输出编码&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:63
+msgid &Information:&
+msgstr &信息:&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:64
+msgid &list all known coded character sets&
+msgstr &列举所有已知的字符集&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:65 locale/programs/localedef.c:127
+msgid &Output control:&
+msgstr &输出控制:&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:66
+msgid &omit invalid characters from output&
+msgstr &从输出中忽略无效的字符&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:67
+msgid &output file&
+msgstr &输出文件&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:68
+msgid &suppress warnings&
+msgstr &关闭警告&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:69
+msgid &print progress information&
+msgstr &打印进度信息&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:74
+msgid &Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another.&
+msgstr &转换给定文件的编码。&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:78
+msgid &[FILE...]&
+msgstr &[文件...]&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:200
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot open output file&
+msgstr &无法打开输出文件&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid &conversions from `%s' and to `%s' are not supported&
+msgstr &不支持从“%s”到“%s”的转换&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:247
+#, c-format
+msgid &conversion from `%s' is not supported&
+msgstr &不支持以“%s”为源头的转换&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:254
+#, c-format
+msgid &conversion to `%s' is not supported&
+msgstr &不支持以“%s”为目标的转换&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid &conversion from `%s' to `%s' is not supported&
+msgstr &不支持从“%s”到“%s”的转换&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:268
+#, c-format
+msgid &failed to start conversion processing&
+msgstr &启动转换处理失败&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:362
+#, c-format
+msgid &error while closing output file&
+msgstr &关闭输出文件时出错&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:471 iconv/iconv_prog.c:497
+#, c-format
+msgid &conversion stopped due to problem in writing the output&
+msgstr &由于写入输出时出现的问题转换停止&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:522
+#, c-format
+msgid &illegal input sequence at position %ld&
+msgstr &未知 %ld 处的非法输入序列&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid &internal error (illegal descriptor)&
+msgstr &内部错误 (非法的描述符)&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:533
+#, c-format
+msgid &unknown iconv() error %d&
+msgstr &未知的 iconv() 错误 %d&
+#: iconv/iconv_prog.c:779
+&The following list contain all the coded character sets known.
This does\n&
+&not necessarily mean that all combinations of these names can be used for\n&
+&the FROM and TO command line parameters.
One coded character set can be\n&
+&listed with several different names (aliases).\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:110
+msgid &Create fastloading iconv module configuration file.&
+msgstr &创建快速装入 iconv 模块配置文件。&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:114
+msgid &[DIR...]&
+msgstr &[目录...]&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:127
+msgid &Prefix used for all file accesses&
+msgstr &用于所有文件访问的前缀&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:128
+msgid &Put output in FILE instead of installed location (--prefix does not apply to FILE)&
+msgstr &&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:132
+msgid &Do not search standard directories, only those on the command line&
+msgstr &&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid &Directory arguments required when using --nostdlib&
+msgstr &&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:343 locale/programs/localedef.c:291
+#, c-format
+msgid &no output file produced because warnings were issued&
+msgstr &由于出现警告而未生成输出文件&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid &while inserting in search tree&
+msgstr &插入搜索树时&
+#: iconv/iconvconfig.c:1238
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot generate output file&
+msgstr &无法生成输出文件&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:157
+msgid &rcmd: Cannot allocate memory\n&
+msgstr &rcmd:无法分配内存\n&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:172
+msgid &rcmd: socket: All ports in use\n&
+msgstr &rcmd:socket:所有端口都已在使用了\n&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:200
+#, c-format
+msgid &connect to address %s: &
+msgstr &连接到地址 %s:&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid &Trying %s...\n&
+msgstr &正在尝试 %s...\n&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:249
+#, c-format
+msgid &rcmd: write (setting up stderr): %m\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:265
+#, c-format
+msgid &rcmd: poll (setting up stderr): %m\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:268
+msgid &poll: protocol failure in circuit setup\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:301
+msgid &socket: protocol failure in circuit setup\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:325
+#, c-format
+msgid &rcmd: %s: short read&
+msgstr &&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:481
+msgid &lstat failed&
+msgstr &lstat 操作失败&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:488
+msgid &cannot open&
+msgstr &无法打开&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:490
+msgid &fstat failed&
+msgstr &fstat 失败&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:492
+msgid &bad owner&
+msgstr &错误的拥有者&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:494
+msgid &writeable by other than owner&
+msgstr &可由除所有者之外的人写入&
+#: inet/rcmd.c:496
+msgid &hard linked somewhere&
+msgstr &某处的硬连接&
+#: inet/ruserpass.c:170 inet/ruserpass.c:193
+msgid &out of memory&
+msgstr &内存不足&
+#: inet/ruserpass.c:184
+msgid &Error: .netrc file is readable by others.&
+msgstr &错误:.netrc 对其它人是可读的。&
+#: inet/ruserpass.c:185
+msgid &Remove password or make file unreadable by others.&
+msgstr &删除不能由其它人读入的口令或 make 文件&
+#: inet/ruserpass.c:277
+#, c-format
+msgid &Unknown .netrc keyword %s&
+msgstr &未知的 .netrc 关键字 %s&
+#: libidn/nfkc.c:464
+msgid &Character out of range for UTF-8&
+msgstr &字符超出 UTF-8 的范围&
+#: locale/programs/charmap-dir.c:59
+#, c-format
+msgid &cannot read character map directory `%s'&
+msgstr &无法读入字母映射目录“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:138
+#, c-format
+msgid &character map file `%s' not found&
+msgstr &找不到字符映射文件“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid &default character map file `%s' not found&
+msgstr &找不到默认字符映射文件“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid &character map `%s' is not ASCII compatible, locale not ISO C compliant\n&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:337
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: &mb_cur_max& must be greater than &mb_cur_min&\n&
+msgstr &%s:&mb_cur_max& 必须大于 &mb_cur_min&\n&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:357 locale/programs/charmap.c:374
+#: locale/programs/repertoire.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid &syntax error in prolog: %s&
+msgstr &序言中语法错误:%s&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:358
+msgid &invalid definition&
+msgstr &无效的定义&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:375 locale/programs/locfile.c:126
+#: locale/programs/locfile.c:153 locale/programs/repertoire.c:175
+msgid &bad argument&
+msgstr &错误的参数&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:403
+#, c-format
+msgid &duplicate definition of &%s&&
+msgstr &重复定义 &%s&&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:410
+#, c-format
+msgid &value for &%s& must be 1 or greater&
+msgstr &&%s&的值必须是 1 或更大&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:422
+#, c-format
+msgid &value of &%s& must be greater or equal than the value of &%s&&
+msgstr &&%s& 的值必须大于等于 &%s& 的值&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:445 locale/programs/repertoire.c:183
+#, c-format
+msgid &argument to &%s& must be a single character&
+msgstr &&%s&的参数必须是单个字符&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:471
+msgid &character sets with locking states are not supported&
+msgstr &不支持带有锁定状态的字符集&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:498 locale/programs/charmap.c:552
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:584 locale/programs/charmap.c:678
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:733 locale/programs/charmap.c:774
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:815
+#, c-format
+msgid &syntax error in %s definition: %s&
+msgstr &%s 的定义中的语法错误:%s&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:499 locale/programs/charmap.c:679
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:775 locale/programs/repertoire.c:230
+msgid &no symbolic name given&
+msgstr &没有给出符号名&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:553
+msgid &invalid encoding given&
+msgstr &给出无效的编码&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:562
+msgid &too few bytes in character encoding&
+msgstr &字符编码中字节数过少&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:564
+msgid &too many bytes in character encoding&
+msgstr &字符编码中字节数过多&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:586 locale/programs/charmap.c:734
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:817 locale/programs/repertoire.c:296
+msgid &no symbolic name given for end of range&
+msgstr &没有为范围的结束给出符号化的名称&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:610 locale/programs/ld-address.c:600
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2767 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3924
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2232 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2984
+#: locale/programs/ld-identification.c:452
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:238 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:332
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:943 locale/programs/ld-name.c:307
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:368 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:241
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:313 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1221
+#: locale/programs/repertoire.c:313
+#, c-format
+msgid &%1$s: definition does not end with `END %1$s'&
+msgstr &%1$s:定义不以“END %1$s”结尾&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:643
+msgid &only WIDTH definitions are allowed to follow the CHARMAP definition&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:651 locale/programs/charmap.c:714
+#, c-format
+msgid &value for %s must be an integer&
+msgstr &%s 的值必须为整数&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: error in state machine&
+msgstr &%s:状态机出错&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:850 locale/programs/ld-address.c:616
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2764 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:4115
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2229 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3001
+#: locale/programs/ld-identification.c:468
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:254 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:348
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:959 locale/programs/ld-name.c:323
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:384 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:257
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:329 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1237
+#: locale/programs/locfile.c:826 locale/programs/repertoire.c:324
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: premature end of file&
+msgstr &%s:文件不完整&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:869 locale/programs/charmap.c:880
+#, c-format
+msgid &unknown character `%s'&
+msgstr &未知的字符“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:888
+#, c-format
+msgid &number of bytes for byte sequence of beginning and end of range not the same: %d vs %d&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:993 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3047
+#: locale/programs/repertoire.c:419
+msgid &invalid names for character range&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:1005 locale/programs/repertoire.c:431
+msgid &hexadecimal range format should use only capital characters&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:1023 locale/programs/repertoire.c:449
+#, c-format
+msgid &&%s& and &%s& are invalid names for range&
+msgstr &&%s& 和 &%s& 是无效的范围名&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:1029 locale/programs/repertoire.c:456
+msgid &upper limit in range is smaller than lower limit&
+msgstr &范围的上限小于下限&
+#: locale/programs/charmap.c:1087
+msgid &resulting bytes for range not representable.&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:133 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1556
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:420 locale/programs/ld-identification.c:133
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:94 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:97
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:194 locale/programs/ld-name.c:94
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:98 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:91
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:94 locale/programs/ld-time.c:159
+#, c-format
+msgid &No definition for %s category found&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:144 locale/programs/ld-address.c:182
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:200 locale/programs/ld-address.c:229
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:301 locale/programs/ld-address.c:320
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:333 locale/programs/ld-identification.c:146
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:105 locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:206
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:250 locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:266
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:278 locale/programs/ld-name.c:105
+#: locale/programs/ld-name.c:142 locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:112
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:126 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:102
+#: locale/programs/ld-paper.c:111 locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:105
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:162 locale/programs/ld-time.c:175
+#: locale/programs/ld-time.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: field `%s' not defined&
+msgstr &%s:域“%s”未定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:156 locale/programs/ld-address.c:208
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:238 locale/programs/ld-address.c:276
+#: locale/programs/ld-name.c:117 locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: field `%s' must not be empty&
+msgstr &%s:域“%s”不能为空&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:168
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: invalid escape `%%%c' sequence in field `%s'&
+msgstr &%1$s:域“%3$s”中无效的转义“%%%2$c”序列&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:219
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: terminology language code `%s' not defined&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: field `%s' must not be defined&
+msgstr &%s:域“%s”必须未定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:258 locale/programs/ld-address.c:287
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: language abbreviation `%s' not defined&
+msgstr &%s:未定义的语言缩写“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:265 locale/programs/ld-address.c:293
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:327 locale/programs/ld-address.c:339
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: `%s' value does not match `%s' value&
+msgstr &%s:“%s”的值不能匹配“%s”的值&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:312
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: numeric country code `%d' not valid&
+msgstr &%s:数值国家编码“%d”无效&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:508 locale/programs/ld-address.c:545
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:583 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2608
+#: locale/programs/ld-identification.c:364
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:221 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:301
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:701 locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:736
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:777 locale/programs/ld-name.c:280
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:263 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:224
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:288 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1126
+#: locale/programs/ld-time.c:1168
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: field `%s' declared more than once&
+msgstr &%s:多次声明域“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:512 locale/programs/ld-address.c:550
+#: locale/programs/ld-identification.c:368 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:311
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:705 locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:740
+#: locale/programs/ld-name.c:284 locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:267
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:292 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1020
+#: locale/programs/ld-time.c:1089 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: unknown character in field `%s'&
+msgstr &%s:域“%s”中含有未知字符&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:597 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3922
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2981 locale/programs/ld-identification.c:449
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:235 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:330
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:941 locale/programs/ld-name.c:305
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:366 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:239
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:311 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1219
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: incomplete `END' line&
+msgstr &%s:不完整的“END”行&
+#: locale/programs/ld-address.c:607 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:542
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:594 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:890
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:903 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2733
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2754 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:4105
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1960 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2219
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2806 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2992
+#: locale/programs/ld-identification.c:459
+#: locale/programs/ld-measurement.c:245 locale/programs/ld-messages.c:339
+#: locale/programs/ld-monetary.c:950 locale/programs/ld-name.c:314
+#: locale/programs/ld-numeric.c:375 locale/programs/ld-paper.c:248
+#: locale/programs/ld-telephone.c:320 locale/programs/ld-time.c:1228
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: syntax error&
+msgstr &%s:语法错误&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:417
+#, c-format
+msgid &`%.*s' already defined in charmap&
+msgstr &已经在字符映射表中定义了“%.*s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:426
+#, c-format
+msgid &`%.*s' already defined in repertoire&
+msgstr &已经在指令表中定义了“%.*s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid &`%.*s' already defined as collating symbol&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:440
+#, c-format
+msgid &`%.*s' already defined as collating element&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:471 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:497
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: `forward' and `backward' are mutually excluding each other&
+msgstr &%s:“forward”和“backward”是互斥的&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:481 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:507
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:523
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: `%s' mentioned more than once in definition of weight %d&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: first entry only had %d&
+msgstr &%s:规则过多;第一个条目只含有 %d&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:615
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: not enough sorting rules&
+msgstr &%s:排序规则不足&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:780
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: empty weight string not allowed&
+msgstr &%s:不允许空权字符串&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:875
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: weights must use the same ellipsis symbol as the name&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:931
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: too many values&
+msgstr &%s:值过多&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1051 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1226
+#, c-format
+msgid &order for `%.*s' already defined at %s:%Zu&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1101
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: the start and the end symbol of a range must stand for characters&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1128
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: byte sequences of first and last character must have the same length&
+msgstr &%s:字节序列的第一个和最后一个字符的长度必须相同&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1170
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: byte sequence of first character of range is not lower than that of the last character&
+msgstr &%s:范围的字节序列的第一个字符不小于最后一个字符&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1295
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: symbolic range ellipsis must not directly follow `order_start'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1299
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: symbolic range ellipsis must not be directly followed by `order_end'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1319 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1477
+#, c-format
+msgid &`%s' and `%.*s' are not valid names for symbolic range&
+msgstr &“%s”和“%.*s”是无效的符号范围名&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1369 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3858
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: order for `%.*s' already defined at %s:%Zu&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1378
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: `%s' must be a character&
+msgstr &%s:“%s”必须是一个字符&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1573
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: `position' must be used for a specific level in all sections or none&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1598
+#, c-format
+msgid &symbol `%s' not defined&
+msgstr &符号“%s”未定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1674 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1780
+#, c-format
+msgid &symbol `%s' has the same encoding as&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1678 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1784
+#, c-format
+msgid &symbol `%s'&
+msgstr &符号“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1826
+#, c-format
+msgid &no definition of `UNDEFINED'&
+msgstr &没有关于“UNDEFINIED”的定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:1855
+#, c-format
+msgid & giving up&
+msgstr &错误过多;放弃&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2659 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:4044
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: nested conditionals not supported&
+msgstr &%s: 不支持嵌套条件&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2677
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: more then one 'else'&
+msgstr &%s: 多于一个'else'&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2852
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: duplicate definition of `%s'&
+msgstr &%s:重复定义“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:2888
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: duplicate declaration of section `%s'&
+msgstr &%s:重复声明节“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3027
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: unknown character in collating symbol name&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3159
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: unknown character in equivalent definition name&
+msgstr &%s:等价定义名中未知的字符&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3172
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: unknown character in equivalent definition value&
+msgstr &%s:等价定义值中未知的字符&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3182
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: unknown symbol `%s' in equivalent definition&
+msgstr &%s:等价定义中未知的符号“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3191
+msgid &error while adding equivalent collating symbol&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3221
+#, c-format
+msgid &duplicate definition of script `%s'&
+msgstr &重复定义脚本“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3269
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: unknown section name `%.*s'&
+msgstr &%s:未知的节名“%.*s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3298
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: multiple order definitions for section `%s'&
+msgstr &%s:关于“%s”节出现多个顺序定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3326
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: invalid number of sorting rules&
+msgstr &%s:排序规则的数量无效&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3353
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: multiple order definitions for unnamed section&
+msgstr &%s:关于未命名节出现多个顺序定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3407 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3537
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3900
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: missing `order_end' keyword&
+msgstr &%s:遗漏关键字“order_end”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3470
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: order for collating symbol %.*s not yet defined&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3488
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: order for collating element %.*s not yet defined&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3499
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: cannot reorder after %.*s: symbol not known&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3551 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3912
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: missing `reorder-end' keyword&
+msgstr &%s:以后关键字“reorder-end”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3585 locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3783
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: section `%.*s' not known&
+msgstr &%s:未知的节“%.*s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3650
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: bad symbol &%.*s&&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3846
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: cannot have `%s' as end of ellipsis range&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3896
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: empty category description not allowed&
+msgstr &%s:不允许空范畴描述&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:3915
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: missing `reorder-sections-end' keyword&
+msgstr &%s:遗漏关键字“reorder-sections-end”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:4077
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: '%s' without matching 'ifdef' or 'ifndef'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-collate.c:4095
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: 'endif' without matching 'ifdef' or 'ifndef'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:439
+#, c-format
+msgid &No character set name specified in charmap&
+msgstr &字符映射表中未给出字符集名称&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:468
+#, c-format
+msgid &character L'\\u%0*x' in class `%s' must be in class `%s'&
+msgstr &&
+# msgstr &类“%2$s”中的字符 L'\\u%0*x' 必须属于类“%3$s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:483
+#, c-format
+msgid &character L'\\u%0*x' in class `%s' must not be in class `%s'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:497 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:555
+#, c-format
+msgid &internal error in %s, line %u&
+msgstr &在 %s 的第 %u 行出现内部错误&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:526
+#, c-format
+msgid &character '%s' in class `%s' must be in class `%s'&
+msgstr &类“%2$s”中的字符“%1$s”必须属于类“%3$s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:542
+#, c-format
+msgid &character '%s' in class `%s' must not be in class `%s'&
+msgstr &类“%2$s”中的字符“%1$s”不得属于类“%3$s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:572 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:610
+#, c-format
+msgid &&SP& character not in class `%s'&
+msgstr &字符 &SP& 不在类“%s”中&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:584 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:621
+#, c-format
+msgid &&SP& character must not be in class `%s'&
+msgstr &字符 &SP& 不能属于类“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:599
+#, c-format
+msgid &character &SP& not defined in character map&
+msgstr &字符映射中未定义字符 &SP&&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:714
+#, c-format
+msgid &`digit' category has not entries in groups of ten&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:763
+#, c-format
+msgid &no input digits defined and none of the standard names in the charmap&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:828
+#, c-format
+msgid &not all characters used in `outdigit' are available in the charmap&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:845
+#, c-format
+msgid &not all characters used in `outdigit' are available in the repertoire&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1245
+#, c-format
+msgid &character class `%s' already defined&
+msgstr &字符类“%s”已定义&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1251
+#, c-format
+msgid &implementation limit: no more than %Zd character classes allowed&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1277
+#, c-format
+msgid &character map `%s' already defined&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1283
+#, c-format
+msgid &implementation limit: no more than %d character maps allowed&
+msgstr &实现限制:不得多于 %d 个字符映射表&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1548 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1673
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1779 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2471
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3467
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: field `%s' does not contain exactly ten entries&
+msgstr &%s:域“%s”含有条目的个数不是十个&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1576 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2150
+#, c-format
+msgid &to-value &U%0*X& of range is smaller than from-value &U%0*X&&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1703
+msgid &start and end character sequence of range must have the same length&
+msgstr &范围的起始和终止字符序列必须具有相同的长度&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:1710
+msgid &to-value character sequence is smaller than from-value sequence&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2070 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2121
+msgid &premature end of `translit_ignore' definition&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2076 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2127
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2169
+msgid &syntax error&
+msgstr &语法错误&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2303
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: syntax error in definition of new character class&
+msgstr &%s:在定义新字符集合中出现语法错误&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2318
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: syntax error in definition of new character map&
+msgstr &%s:在新字符映射中出现语法错误&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2493
+msgid &ellipsis range must be marked by two operands of same type&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2502
+msgid &with symbolic name range values the absolute ellipsis `...' must not be used&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2517
+msgid &with UCS range values one must use the hexadecimal symbolic ellipsis `..'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2531
+msgid &with character code range values one must use the absolute ellipsis `...'&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2682
+#, c-format
+msgid &duplicated definition for mapping `%s'&
+msgstr &重复定义映射“%s”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2768 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2912
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: `translit_start' section does not end with `translit_end'&
+msgstr &%s:“translit_start”节不以“translit_end”结束&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2863
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: duplicate `default_missing' definition&
+msgstr &%s:重复定义“default_missing”&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2868
+msgid &previous definition was here&
+msgstr &前一个定义在这里&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:2890
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: no representable `default_missing' definition found&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3043 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3127
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3147 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3168
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3189 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3210
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3231 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3271
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3292 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3359
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3401 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3426
+#, c-format
+msgid &%s: character `%s' not defined while needed as default value&
+msgstr &&
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3048 locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3132
+#: locale/programs/ld-ctype.c:3152 locale/programs/ld-c}


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