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Lecture One 英语基本句型与汉译英 Basic English Sentence Patterns C-E Translation 英语五种基本句型 1.S + Vi. 2.S + Vi. + P 3.S + Vt. + O 4.S + Vt. + o + O 5.S + Vt. + O + OC 1. 利用第一句型进行翻译(主语 + 谓语) 1) 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。 Birds dwell in a tree by the pond, A monk knocks at the door under the moon. 2)卧不安席,食不甘味,心摇摇如悬旌。 (国策) I do not sleep soundly, eat heartily, and my heart leaps all the time. 3)臣无祖母,无以至今日;祖母无臣,无以终余年;祖孙二人,相依为命。 (李密) I could not have lived till today without my grandmother, and she would not survive in her later days without me. Both my grandmother and I rely on each other so as to exist in this world. Practice (1) 1) 浩月当空。 The moon shines brightly. 2) 日出于东而落于西。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 3) 到了春天美丽的花朵开遍原野。 In spring beautiful flowers bloom in the open country. 2. 根据第二句型翻译(S+Vi+P) 1) 他直到最后都是很忠实的。 He remained faithful to the last. 2) 她渐入老境。 She is growing (or getting) old. 3) 他直到四十岁才结婚。 He remained unmarried until forty years old. Practice (2) 1) 他生为圣徒,死为烈士。 He lived a saint, and died a martyr. 2) 鸟鸣山更幽。 It seems to be more lonesome in the mountains when birds are singing. 3) 良药苦口利于病。 Good medicine tastes bitter (to the mouth), but is good for a disease. 3、利用第三句型进行翻译 (S + Vt. + O) 1) 我知道如何游泳。 I know how to swim. 2)勤能补拙。 Diligence makes up the deficiency in ability. 1) 具有&夺取&意义的动词 在具有“夺取、除去、减轻、发表”等意义的他动词后面,被夺取或除去的对象不能译成宾 语,而要加一个介词“of”把对象引出来,方在句尾。 比如: 强盗抢了他的钱。 A highwayman robbed him of his money. 他们把海上的强盗一扫而光。 They cleared the sea of those robbers.2) 具有&供给&意义的动词 具有“供给”等意义的他动词,不能直接把所供给的事物作为宾语,必须用介词 with 将事 物引出来。只有受到供给的人或物才能成为宾语,直接接在他动词的后面 比如: 该公司提供给我们款项来做那个工程。 The company supplied us with money for the project. 委员会赐给他一张奖状。 The committee presented him with a reward. provide somebody with furnish … with load the cart with straw 3) 具有&作成&意义的动词。 具有“作成、制造”等意义的动词,句中 of 所引出的名词是作成什么的材料。如果改变原 料本质,则用 from,并用 into 表示成品。 比如: 他们用木头做了一张书桌。 They made a desk of wood. 那个农民用葡萄酿酒。 The farmer made wine from grapes. The farmer made grapes into wine. 我经常愚弄他。 I often make a fool of him. 我专攻英语 I make a special study of English. 4)具有“拉、抓、拿、击、打、踢”等意义的他动词。 这些动词不把直接接受动作的人身上某一部分作为宾语, 而要把那个人当作对象来说, 是从 大处着眼的意思,同时把身上的某个部分作为某个介词的宾语。可以采用“介词 + the +名 词”的形式,把它放在宾语的后面。 比如: 他轻拍我的背。 He patted me on the back. 老人抓住了那孩子的衣领。 The old man seized the boy by the collar. 她打了他一记耳光。 She strikes him across the face. 5) 自动词用于第三句型的情况: (1) 同源宾语 (2)含使动意义的自动词 (3)接介词 (4)加补足词。 Practice (4) 我做了一个怪梦。 I dreamed a strange dream. 我慢慢地把马赶上了山。 I slowly walked my horse up the hill. 她年轻时,好多男人追她。 She was much run after in her youth. 人生可不能醉生梦死。 One must not sleep or dream one#39;s life away. Practice (3) 他喜欢在大河里游泳。 He likes to swim in the rivers. 他逃避了处罚。 He escaped being punished. 时间在这个小城造成了许多变化。 Time has wrought many changes in the town. 群众大声喝倒彩把演讲者轰下台来。 The crowd shouted down the speaker. 4. 利用第四句型翻译 (S + Vt. + o + O) 1)授予动词 2)告知动词 3)贡献动词 4)得失动词Practice (5) 历史给我们提供了值得注意的经验。 History affords us lessons that merit attention. 我教你们汉英翻译。 I teach you C-E translation 她愿意为你效劳。 She will render you a service. 此话让我们对他失去同情。 The remark lost him our sympathy. 5. 利用第五句型翻译(S+Vt.+O+OC ) (1) 认识动词,即有心灵感觉(mental perception)的动词,其属格补语主要是表示性质 的。如:think,consider,call,believe,imagine,find,prove 等。在那宾格与补语之间, 有时可以加上&to be&的字眼。 那孩子走出学校进入社会时,并不以为统治是荒诞的,权威是可笑的。 When he left the school and entered the world, the boy is not disposed to consider rule absurd and authority ridiculous. 2) 感觉动词,即有身体感觉(physical perception)动词,有 see,hear,feel,want,wish, like,hold,keep,leave,have,wear 等。 现今我觉得我的生活有说不出的空虚。 Now I feel my life unspeakably empty. 3) 有些作为动词,在宾格补语之前,有加上一个 as 的必要。 他们认为已经绝望,就把他放弃了。 They gave him up as hopeless.4) 有些宾格补语是表示由那动作的结果而产生的状态。 这类动词多半有使动意义 (make, render,set,drive,etc)或表示一般的动作(strike,beat,shoot,fold, keep)他的一切麻烦我会解决的。 I will set all his troubles right. 我们靠希望而生存。 Hope keeps us alive. 5) 反身自动词如要宾格补语时,也像作为动词时一样,那个补语是表示动作的结果所产 生的状态。 他们谈着话不知不觉地睡着了。 They talked themselves asleep. 第二讲 汉英词语用法对比与翻译 Lecture Two Comparison Between Chinese and English Words and Their Translation Translation practice last week 由于连年战争,我们的生意很萧条。 Our business has suffered not a little through the war. The effect upon our business of the war has been striking. The war has affected our business to a remarkable extent. The war has done our business much harm. The war has rendered our business dull. 一、汉英时态比较与翻译 例 1:二十岁那年,我就逃出了父亲的家庭。直到现在还是过着流浪的生活。 (萧红《永远的憧憬和追求》 ) When I was twenty, I fled home. Since then I have been wandering around like hobo. 例 2:傅先生公开承认自己反动透顶,但是傅先生在和平解放北平时为人民立了功。 ( 《毛泽 东选集》第五卷) Mr. Fu openly admits that he was utterly reactionary, yet he did a service to the people in the peaceful liberation of Beijing. 例 3:我本来是一个谦虚谨慎、人见人爱的孩子,是牛津大学将我弄得这么人见人嫌。 I was a modest, good- it is Oxford that has made me insufferable. 例 4:仿佛为探寻什么而来,然而,我永远不能寻见什么了,除非我也睡在花床的下面,土 地连接着土地,在那里面或许还有一种温暖、爱的交流?(缪崇群《花床》 ) I seem to have come here in search of something, but I will never be able to find anything, except hoping that someday I will go and sleep underneath a flower bead where the land is one in which there is an interflow of warmth and love. (Trans. by Gao Wei and Liu Shichong) 二、汉英词语的具体与抽象比较及其翻译 Our very anxiety is born of our knowledge of what is now possible for each other and all. (我们之所以焦虑不安是因为我们知道对每一个人,对所有人可能发生什么事。 ) It is a revealing fact about our language and our culture that someone dedicated to pursuit of knowledge is compared to such a freak. (把专心于追求知识的人比做这样一种畸形人, 这一事实突出地反映了我们的语言和文化现 状。 ) 英语中在动词或形容词后面加上- - - - -isml C -ness 等名词后缀,我们 就可以明显感觉到其抽象性。 另外,英语中的介词非常丰富。介词本身就是虚词,表达比较虚泛的意义。介词除了可以构 成各式各样的短语或成语,还为多个抽象名词结构的连着使用创造了条件。例如: He was not to appeal for the end of poverty and i he called for the destruction of the system which was responsible for these evils. (他并不满足于呼吁消除贫困、愚昧和疾病,他号召摧毁那个造成一切罪恶的制度。 ) 例 1:他绝望了,正在此时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。 He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue. 例 2:他通晓多种不常使用的外国语,这使我们大家感到惊讶。 His familiarity with many rarely used languages surprised us all. 例 3:住在上海“弄堂房子”里的人对月亮的圆缺隐现是不甚关心的。 People living in the small alleyways of Shanghai pay little attention to the waxing and waning, or the visibility, of the moon. 例 4:男性不愿退休,与他们预想中将来要失去很多东西有关,其中主要的是失去赚钱的机 会,而不是丧失对工作的依恋之情。 Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, of mainly of money rather than of attachment to work. 例 5:有月亮吧,就像多了一盏灯。没有月亮吧,犹如街灯损坏了,没有亮起来。 Moon or no moon simply means the appearance of one extra street lamp or that one of the street lamps has gone wrong and ceased to give out light. 例 6:我先是诧异,接着是很不安,似乎这话与我有关。 (鲁迅《祝福》 ) My initial astonishment gave way
I felt that this had something to do with me. 例 7:唉,那是客臣的井蛙之见喽,所谓“情人眼里出西施”啦。 Alas, that was owing to my ignorance, that is what is called partiality. 例 8: 添砖加瓦 make a little contribution 望穿秋水 await with great anxiety 画饼充饥 feed on fancies 例 9:总之,就全国范围来说,我们一定能够逐步顺利解决沿海同内地贫富差距的问题。 In short, taking the country as a whole, we are certainly able to settle the problem regarding the wealth gap between the coastal and hinterland areas gradually and smoothly. (trans. by Beijing Review) In short, taking the country as a whole, I am confident that we can gradually bridge the gap between coast and inland areas. 例 10:他讲话时,态度坚定,但面带愁容,时而眼神暗淡。 He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim. 三、汉英词语的动静对比与翻译 例 1:火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. (utilizing English nouns) 例 2:他统治那个地区长达 20 年之久。 He had been the ruler of that region for as long as twenty years. 2)利用形容词 例 3:那个家伙老师滔滔不绝讲个不停。 That fellow is very talkative. (utilizing English adjective) 例 4:他们迫切地想得到消息。 They were news-hungry. 3)利用介词 例 5:有一个有力的证据足以推定他们所讲的是真实的。 There is a strong presumption in favor of the truthfulness of their statement. 例 6:你得喝几口水,把药丸吞下去。 You have to wash the pill down with sips of water. Homework for today 我们两国的领导人就香港问题达成协议,为各自的国家和人民做了一件非常有意义的事情。 香港问题已经有近一个半世纪的历史, 这个问题不解决, 在我们两国和两国人民之间总是存 在阴影。现在这个阴影消除了,我们两国之间的合作和两国人民之间的友好前景光明。 Translation Reference The leaders of our two countries have reached agreement on the question of Hong Kong and have done something highly significant in the interest of our countries and peoples. This problem has lasted for a century and half. As long as it remained unsolved, it cast a shadow over the relations between us. Now that the shadow has been lifted, a bright prospect has opened up for cooperation between our two countries and friendly contact between our two peoples. 第三讲 汉英意形对比与翻译 Chinese Parataxis and English Hypotaxis and Translation 一、汉语与英语的语言组织法特点 所谓意(parataxis) ,指的是词语或句子间的连接主要凭借语义或语句间的逻辑关系来实现; 所谓形合(hypotaxis)则指的是词语或句子间的连接主要仰仗连接词或语言的形态变化来实 现。据此,我们认为“意合和形合是语言组织法,是从意义到具体语言形式的两个既有各自 特点又不相互排斥的途径,是汉英对比研究和翻译理论研究的重要课题之一。 ” 二、意合与形合的表现形式 汉语的连句成章往往凭借作者的形象思维和灵感思维, 通过省略功能虚词, 利用词语和句子 意念组合表现出事件发生的先后顺序和逻辑关系, 而将句子成分的功能和层次往往置于次要 地位。比如:汗流浃背;玩物丧志;不进则退,等 英语的形合则表现在词语连成句子、短语连成句子、分句连成句子的时候,都是要依仗诸如 像连词、关系词、介词等功能词语和具有状语功能的分词结构等来构建。 英语词与词之间的关系常由一个客观的词来指示,不像汉语要由读者自己来解读。比如, Don’t come in until I call you.在这句英语中,两个动作之间的关系由一个连接词 until 明确 表示出来, 不可能有误解。 同样表达这个意思, 汉语就完全可以不用任何表示关系的连接词。 “不叫你别进来。 ”因此,我们可以得出这样结论:汉语是以意驭形而英语则以形制意。 三、化意合为形合的具体操作方法 根据上述汉英两种语言的组句方式的对比,我们不难看出:汉语的句法特征是“意合对接” (parataxical linkage) 。在汉语翻译成英语时,就是要把汉语的意合形式转化为英语的形合 形式。在这个过程中,关键是要分清汉语原文中哪些是主体意念,将其置于主句;哪些是客 体描摹,事件背景、概念前提或条件、思维的指向、行为的对象等等,将其作从句或词组处 理。 1、 将汉语句子译成带从句的英语句子 例 1:船上这几位,有在法国留学的,有在英国、德国、比国等读书,到巴黎去增长夜生活 经验,因此也坐法国船的。 (钱钟书《围城》 ) Although some of those on board had been students in France, the others, who had been studying in England, Germany, and Belgium, had gone to Paris to gain more experience of night life before taking French ship home.(Jeanne K Nathan K. Mao 译) 例 2:船走得很慢,大家一片乡心,正愁无处寄托,不知哪里忽来了两副麻将牌。 (钱钟书 《围城》 ) The ship moved ever so slowly, while homesickness welled up in everyone’s heart and yearned for release. Then suddenly from heaven knows where appeared two sets of mahjong, the Chinese national pastime. (Jeanne K Nathan K. Mao 译) 例 3:生命没有寄托的人,青年时代和“儿时”对他格外宝贵。 (瞿秋白《儿时》 ) When one has nothing to live for in life, he tends to look back with nostalgia on the days gone by――his youth and childhood. 例 4:题目妯娌吵嘴,不巧被我撞见了。 I chanced to be present when the sisters-in-law were having a quarrel. 2、将汉语句子译成带介词短语的英语句子 例 1:好不容易才说服她,照我的想法办。 With some difficulty I brought her round to my way of thinking. 例 2:那女孩长得面黄肌瘦,身材短小,满脸现着泪痕。 (谢冰莹《刹那的印象》 ) Short and slight in build, she looked thin and sickly with a tear-stained face.(张培基译) 3、将汉语句子译成分词或带不定式结构的英语句子 例 1:他什么苦都吃得,从不晓得享用,也像乡下人。 (朱自清《哀互生》 ) Looking like a countryman, he could withstand any hardship, never seeking ease and comfort. 例 2:一个人的生究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?(邓拓《生命的三分之一》 ) What is the significance of life? Is there any gauge to measure it? 例 3:只见那个理发师俯下身,听小姑娘说,她要什么发式。 Leaning down to hear the little girl, the barber listened to her about the style she wanted. 例 4:对人太苛求,没有什么道理,自己也容易失望。 You have little cause to make excessive demands from others and make yourself disappointed in return. 4、将汉语句子译成带定式复合结构的英语句子 例 1:酒不醉人人自醉。 It is no the wine that intoxicates but the drinker who gets himself drunk. 例 2:人到醉时方觉醒,醒时难得醉时清。 It is not until one gets drunk that he gets sober and it is difficult for him to get as sober as he gets drunk. 例 3:一人之下,万人之上。 There is no one above him but the Emperor. 例 4:千算万算,不及天算。 Whatever human mind intend, it is the Heaven that decides the end. 5、运用多种操作方法将汉语句群译成英语句子 太华之高不知几千仞,惜未能裹粮往登马。归途见林柿正黄,就马上摘食之。土人呼止,弗 听,嚼之,涩甚,急吐去。下骑觅泉漱口,始能言。土人大笑。盖柿须摘下,煮一沸始去其 涩,余不知也。 I have no idea how many thousand feet high the Huashan Mountains are and regret very much not having been able to pack up some dry provisions and go exploring them for a few days. On my way back I saw some wild persimmons, which were of a ripe color. I picked one from the tree while on horseback, and was going to eat it then and there. The native people tried to stop me, but I wouldn?t listen to them. Only after taking a bite did I find it to have a very harsh flavor. So much so that I quickly spat it out and had to come down from horseback and rinse my mouth at a spring before I could speak, to the great merriment of my native advisers. For persimmons should be boiled in order to take away their harsh flavor, but I learnt this a little too late. Homework for Today &万字& 从前有一个人,家里很有钱,只是一个字也不认识,于是请了个教师,教他儿子读 书。 老师教他儿子写字,老师说:&一画就是'一'字,二画就是'二'字, 三画就是'三'字。& 这孩子学了这几个字,就把笔一丢,连忙跑去跟他父亲说:&爸爸,我已经都学会了, 用不着再请老师了。&他父亲很高兴,就把老师辞掉了。 过了几天,他的父亲要请一个姓万的亲戚吃饭,叫他儿子写个请帖,这孩子写呀写呀, 一写写了老半天,还没有写完。他父亲去催他,这孩子抱怨说:&天下姓名多得很,为什么 偏偏姓万?从早上到现在,我横画竖画,才只画了五百画,离一万还差得远呢?& Translation to the Last &万字& The Character &Wan& (10,000) 从前有一个人,家里很有钱,只是一个字也不认识,于是请了个教师,教他儿子读书。 Once upon a time there was a man who was quite well-off, but illiterate. Thus, he got a tutor to teach his son how to read and write. 老师教他儿子写字,老师说:&一画就是'一'字,二画就是'二'字, 三画就是'三'字。& Teaching his son to write Chinese characters, the teacher said, &One stroke is the character one, two strokes are two and three strokes, three.& 这孩子学了这几个字,就把笔一丢,连忙跑去跟他父亲说:&爸爸,我已经都学会了,用不 着再请老师了。&他父亲很高兴,就把老师辞掉了。 After the boy knew how to write these three characters, he threw away his brush and ran to his father. He said, &Father, I now know how to write Chinese characters. The tutor is no longer useful to me.& His father was very happy to hear that and asked the tutor to leave. 过了几天,他的父亲要请一个姓万的亲戚吃饭,叫他儿子写个请帖。 A few days later, his father wanted to invite a relative named Wan to dinner in his home, and asked his son to write an invitation card. 这孩子写呀写呀,一写写了老半天,还没有写完。他父亲去催他。 The boy had not finished even though he had been writing for quite a while, so his father went to hurry him up. 这孩子抱怨说:&天下姓名多得很,为什么偏偏姓万?从早上到现在,我横画竖画,才只画 了五百画,离一万还差得远呢?& The boy complained, &There are a lot of family names in the world under heaven. Why does he have to be named Wan? I have been writing since morning, and have finished 500 strokes. That is far from 10,000.& 第四讲 汉英翻译中选词方法 Lecture Four Ways of the Choices of Words in C-E Translation 1、根据思维习惯进行选词 东西方文化差异体现在思维方式方面主要表现为:综合思维与分析思维之别,具象思维 与抽象思维之异,顺向思维与逆向思维之差。从本质上说,一个民族不可能只具有一种单一 的单向思维模式。但由于历史、地域、文字和生存方式等因素的影响,不同的民族往往会侧 重于某种思维方式, 而另一种或几种思维方式则表现得不那么明显。 思维方式的不同往往会 在语言上反映出来。 译例说明 例 1:前事不忘,后事之事。 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. Lessons learned from the past can serve as a guide one in the future. 例 2:前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。 Looking back, I do not see the ancients. Looking ahead, I can?t see the wise ones to come. Brooding on the endless universe, Alone, in my sorrow, tears stream down. 2、根据语境选词 语境首先指的是文本语言环境, 也包括副语言环境, 副语言环境系指参与交际者的表情、 神态、 语气、 语调、 体势及交际者所处的场景等从属于话语的附加因素。 还包括非语言环境, 非语环境系指与原作内容相关并影响其内容而在文本中却无具体书面文字形式的文化历史 和地理知识及相关背景。 译例说明: 1) “情况” : circumstances, situation, conditions (1)在这种情况下 under these / such circumstances such being the case in accordance with this specific condition (3)现在的情况不同了。 Now things are quite different. (4)他们的情况怎么样了? How do matters stand with them? What has happened to them? What has become of them? (5)前线有什么情况? How is the condition at the front? (6)前面有情况,做好战斗准备。 There's enemy activity ahead. Prepare for combat. (7)可是在其他地方,情况却完全两样了。 But the picture outside this place is quite another story. (8)我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。 We may go there,but that depends. 2) “抓” : (1)狗把她的手抓了。 The dog scratched her hand. (2)你这是在瞎抓。 You are finding yourself at a loss. (3)抓养猪配种。 Pay close attention to pig-breeding. (5)前线有什么情况? How is the condition at the front? (6)前面有情况,做好战斗准备。 There's enemy activity ahead. Prepare for combat. (7)可是在其他地方,情况却完全两样了。 But the picture outside this place is quite another story. (8)我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。 We may go there,but that depends. 3、根据词义的搭配进行选词 汉英两种语言在长期使用过程中形成了各自的固定词组和搭配用法,翻译时必须注意两 者的差异, 不能把汉语词语的搭配用法生搬硬套到英语译文中去。 词语的搭配主要包括两个 方面:一是语义搭配,主要是指逻辑意义上表达习惯;一是结构搭配,主要是指定语和中心 词的搭配和动宾搭配等。 好教徒(= 虔诚的教徒) a faithful Christian 好父母(= 慈爱的父母) a loving parent 好儿女(= 孝顺的儿女) an obedient child 好妻子(= 贤良的妻子) a virtuous wife 好丈夫(= 尽职的丈夫) a dutiful husband 1)上班 go to work / to be on duty 2)上报 to appear in the newspaper / to report to a higher authority 3)上场 to appear on the stage / court 4)上当 to be taken in 5)上灯 to light the lamp 6)上访 to apply for an audience with the higher authorities to appeal for help. 7)上告 to complain to the higher authority / appeal to a higher court 8)上照 to come out well in a photograph 4、根据词的广义和狭义、强弱之分正确选词 (1)农业是国民经济的基础。 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. (2)农、林、木、副、渔互相结合的方针。 the principle of combining farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-occupations and fishery (3) “多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久只争朝夕。 ” &So many deeds cry out to be done, And always urgently. The world rolls on, Time passes. Ten thousand years are too long, Seize the day, seize the hour.& 5、根据词义的褒贬和语体色彩以及政治含义进行选词 1)他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。 They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism. 2)别了,司徒雷登! Farewell, Leighton Stuart! 3)禁止赌博。 Gambling is prohibited. 4)这小伙子干活真冲。 This young fellow does his work with vim and vigor. 5)peasant, farmer, etc. Homework for Today 十三陵 十三陵位于北京西北郊。离城约五十公里,是中国明朝十三个封建皇帝的陵墓。 长陵是明朝第三代皇帝的陵墓,是十三陵中修建最早、规模最大的一座。这座陵墓的前 边有一个大宫殿,是明朝统治 者举行祭祀的地方。这个大殿修建于一四二七年,面积共一 千九百多平方米,是中国现在最大的木结构古建筑之一。殿里有几十根大木柱,其中四根最 大的高 14、3 米,直径 1、17 米,两个人抱不过来。 定陵在长陵的西南面, 它是明朝朱钧皇帝的陵墓。 他统治中国四十八年 (1573----1620) 。 在他当上皇帝的第十二年就开始修筑自己的陵墓。那时他才二十三岁。定陵的墓室-------地 下宫殿,面积一千九百多平方米,由前、中、后和左右五个殿组成,全是石结构,没有柱子。 前殿、中殿和后殿,有三座大石门,石门很大,每座重八吨。修建定陵前后用了六年时间, 每天有三万多民工参加极端艰苦的劳动,不少民工在劳动中失去了生命。 第五讲 社会符号学意义与汉英翻译 The Meaning of Social Semiotics and C-E Translation Translation to last 十三陵 he Ming Tombs 十三陵位于北京西北郊。离城约五十公里,是中国明朝十三个封建皇帝的陵墓。 The Ming Tombs are located about 50 kilometers to the northwest of Beijing. They are the tombs of the thirteen feudal emperors of the Ming dynasty (). 长陵是明朝第三代皇帝的陵墓,是十三陵中修建最早、规模最大的一座。这座陵墓的前边有 一个大宫殿,是明朝统治 者举行祭祀的地方。 Zhangling, tomb of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, is the earliest and largest one among the thirteen tombs. In front of the tomb is a hall. It is the place where the Ming rulers offered sacrifices. 这个大殿修建于一四二七年, 面积共一千九百多平方米, 是中国现在最大的木结构古建筑之 一。 The big hall, built in 1427 and with an area of 1,900 square meters, is one of the biggest extant ancient wooden structures in China. 殿里有几十根大木柱,其中四根最大的高 14、3 米,直径 1、17 米,两个人抱不过来。 In the hall there are several tens of big wooden columns, the largest four among which are each 14.3 meters high and 1.7 meters in diameter. Two men with their arms stretched cannot encircle one column. 定陵在长陵的西南面,它是明朝朱钧皇帝的陵墓。他统治中国四十八年(1573----1620) 。在 他当上皇帝的第十二年就开始修筑自己的陵墓。那时他才二十三岁。 Dingling is the tomb of Emperor Zhu Yijun, who ruled China for 48 years (). In his twelfth year as emperor he began to build his tomb. At that time he was only 23 years old. 定陵的墓室-------地下宫殿,面积一千九百多平方米,由前、中、后和左右五个殿组成,全 是石结构,没有柱子。前殿、中殿和后殿,有三座大石门,石门很大,每座重八吨。 Dingling's tomb chamber, the underground palace, has an area of 1,900 square meters. It consists of five halls----front, middle, rear, left and right. They are all stone structures without columns. The front, middle and rear halls have a big stone gate each. They are very big, each weighing 8 tons. 修建定陵前后用了六年时间, 每天有三万多民工参加极端艰苦的劳动, 不少民工在劳动中失 去了生命。 It took altogether 6 years to build Dingling. Every day 30,000 civilian laborers took part in the extremely hard labor, in the course of which many of them lost their lives. 1、 什么是社会符号学意义 符号学(semiotics)是研究符号指意系统的科学。皮尔斯提出了“符号学”的名称和第一个 全面的符号学研究纲领。 但对符号学发展做出实质性贡献的却是莫里斯。 他区分了符号关系 的三个方面,指出:符号与其所指称或描写的实体与事件之间的关系是语义关系,符号与符 号之间的关系是符号句法关系, 符号与符号使用者之间的关系是语用关系。 与这三种关系相 对应的,就是语言符号(包括音素、音节、词素、词、短语、分句、句子乃至话语)的三类 意义,即指称意义、言内意义和语用意义。 2、 指称意义的概念与汉英翻译 指称意义(referential meaning) ,也就是我们平常所说的概念意义(ideational meaning)它是 语言符号(包括句子)和它所描绘或叙述的主观世界或客观世界的实体或事件之间的关系, 它主要同交际主题有关。换句话说,它是指词语、句子和篇章反映的客观世界。 比如: 月亮: moon 他仰望着蔚蓝色的天空。 He looked up at the blue sky 这些鲜花多美啊! How lovely these flowers are! 指称意义和字面意义(literal meaning)虽然在大部分情况下是重合的,却是从两个不同角度 去看的两个不同概念。 指称意义是词语同她之外的某个实体之间的关系, 而字面意义则是单 个词语最先在语言使用者脑中唤起的概念或形象。 当译者从指称意义的角度考虑问题时, 是 把源语信息中具有相对独立的交际能力的一个词语同它所指称的实体联系起来, 然后在译语 中找出同样一个实体的对等说法。 而从字面意义的角度考虑问题时, 则是把源语单个的词最 常见的意义换用译语中具有这种意义的符号去表示。 例如: 1)知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it――this is knowledge. 2)南京的风俗:但凡新媳妇进门,三日就要到厨下收拾一样菜,发个利市。这菜一定是鱼, 取“富贵有余”的意思。 The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish, which stands for fortune. 3、 指称意义的翻译方法 汉英词语的指称意义的翻译一般可采用直译法为主,意译、音译、音译与意译相结合的方法 为辅。 例如: 1)延安的歌声是黑夜的火把,雪天的煤炭,大旱的甘霖。 Songs of Yan?an are torches in the dark night, charcoal fire in the snowy weather, and timely rainfall in a severe drought. 2)生产多么需要科学! 革命多么需要科学! 人民多么需要科学! Our production is in burning need of science! Our revolution is in burning need of science! Our people are in burning need of science! 3)刘玉翠回到村里,就好比是住进了监牢里。 (明喻) Having returned to the village, Liu Yucai felt as if she had got into the prison. 4) 霎时间,东西长安街成了喧腾的大海。 (暗喻) At once, the Eastern and Western Chang?an Roads became roaring oceans. 5)群山肃立,江河挥泪,辽阔的祖国大地沉静在巨大的悲痛之中。(拟人) The mountains are standi the rivers are s our vast motherland is soaked in enormous grief. 6)突然,在我们头顶上五六丈的上空,发出一声可怕的霹雳,闪电像利剑一样直插下来, 天空被彻底吹裂了,震碎了。 (夸张) All of a sudden, there came a terrible thunder-clap about fifty feet directly above our heads, and a bolt thrust downward like a sharp sword. The sky was brought into pieces. 意译译例: 卜卜卜――机关枪的声音跟着又来。 (拟声 onomatopoeia) The staccato chatter of a machine gun was heard again. 招风若草 look for trouble (死译 invite wind to exasperate the grass) 外甥打灯笼――照舅(照旧) act according to the old ways (死译 the nephew carrying a lantern――showing the way for his uncle) 音译法举例 音译法是指用音位为单位在英语译文中保留汉语的发音以便突出原文的主要语言功能的翻 译方法。 姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。 Outside the city of Suzhou Is resounding a distant knell. It is Han Shan Monastery―― Towards us, tolling its midnight bell 1) 音意结合法 音意结合法是指在英语译文中几保留原文的发音又能体现原文的指称意义, 以既谐音又谐意 的方式达到功能相似。 这种方法的使用一般有两种形式, 一是在拼音之前或之后加上一个表 意词;二是直接套用谐音谐意的英语单词。 例如: 绿丹兰 Ludanlan cosmetics 稳德福酒楼 Wonderful Restaurant “索”牌(塑料绳具的商标) solid 4、言内意义的概念与翻译 言内意义(intralingual meaning) ,或叫语篇意义(textual meaning)是指句子成分与句子成 分之间或句子与句子之间的关系,它决定着行文的韵律节奏、如何衔接连贯,达到何种修辞 效果,等等。主要表现在利用词素之间的语音关系所表现出来的韵律平仄、双声和押韵;利 用词素之间的语义关系形成的谐音双关、一语双叙、拈连、仿似、飞白、排比、对偶、层递、 设问、顶真、回环、倒装等修辞格和语序、句子的长短、句子结构的紧凑或松散都体现了句 子成分之间的关系; 篇章的层次、段落的排列组合、 句式的变化、布局的和谐、 语义的连贯、 自然的衔接都体现了篇章内符号的关系,它们都是言内意义的体现。 几个译例: 1) 接受竟成了劫。 (谐音双关) Taking-over turns out to be loot-taking. 2)红雨随心翻作浪, 青山着意化为桥。 (对偶 antithesis) Crimson rain swirls in waves under our will, Green mountains turn to bridge at our wish. 3)春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 (双关) The silkworm till its death spins silk from love- The candle only when burnt has no tears to shed. 4)一个钻窗子进来的人,不管是偷东西还是偷情,早已决心来替你做个暂时的主人。 (钱钟 书《写在人生边上》 ) (拈连) When there is someone coming in through the window, whether he is going to steal some property or steal somebody?s heart, he has decided that he will replace the host for a little while. 5、语用意义的概念与翻译 语用意义(pragmatic meaning)或交际意义(communicative meaning)是语言符号与其使用 者之间的关系,包括表征意义、表达意义、社交意义、祈使意义和联想意义。是语言符号对 人产生的影响,也就是常说的蕴含意义( connotative meaning )或联想意义( associative meaning) 。语用意义在很大程度上受制于语言的社会文化环境。 某一具体语言环境中出现的 词语往往不仅具有指称意义、言内意义,还包含由此而衍生出的语用意义。 Homework for today 科学技术是人类共同创造的财富。 任何一个民族, 一个国家都需要学习别的民族别的国家的 长处,学习人家的先进科学技术。我们不仅因为今天科学技术落后,需要努力向外国学习。 即使我们的科学技术赶上了世界先进水平,也要学习人家的长处。 第六讲 汉语习语的翻译 Lecture Six Translation of Chinese Idioms 1、 汉语习语的概念与特点 习语是劳动人民长期沿袭使用的定型词组或短语。习语一般具有结构严谨,形式简练, 含义精辟,形象鲜明,表达生动等特点,因而为人们所喜闻乐用,广为流传。汉语习语在广 义上包括成语、俗语、谚语、歇后语、格言和方言等,类别繁多,民族特色突出。正因为如 此,习语的翻译也比较复杂。 1)汉语四字词组的特点与翻译 四字词组通常有四个要素构成,通常分为前后两部分。两部分之间的语法关系可以是主谓、 动宾、偏正或并列关系。因此,四字词组又可分为主谓词组、动宾词组、偏正词组和联合词 组。 直译法 直译的优势是能够比较完整地保留汉语四字词组的比喻形象、 民族色彩和语言风格。 但直译 必须以不引起译文读者的误解和不违背译文表达习惯为前提。 直译法举例: (1)处理人民内部的矛盾,必须坚持和风细雨的方法,坚持“团结――批评――团结”的 方法。 It is essential to persist in using methods as mild as a drizzle and as gentle as a breeze, and to adhere to the formula of “unity―criticism―unity”, in dealing with contradictions among the people. (2)所以这李执虽然青春丧偶,且处于高粱锦绣之中,竟如“槁木死灰”一般,一概不问。 So this young widow living in the lap of luxury was no better off than withered wood or cold ashes, taking no interest in the outside world. 意译法 意译主要是指翻译时抓住原文内容和寓意这一重要方面, 牺牲形象结合上下文比较灵活地传 达原义。 意译法举例: (1)刘雨生回到乡政府,把老谢的话,一五一十,告诉了邓秀枚和李月琴。 When Liu Yusheng got back the township government, he recounted everything Lao Xie said in detail to Deng Xiumei and Li Yuhui. (2)他讲起话来总是眉飞色舞。 He always beams with joy when speaking. 节译法举例: (1)冷淡的阳光照着他们的愁眉苦脸和长发白眼。 The cold, pale sunlight fell on their gloomy faces, long hair and lusterless eyes. (2)忽然有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。 Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply. 借用英语中的同义习语 (1)只有大胆地破釜沉舟地跟他们斗,也许有翻身的那一天。 All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day you?ll come out on top. (2)我没想到他对同志们的批评竟充耳不闻。 I didn?t expect him to turn a deaf ear for the comrades? criticism. 直译和意译兼用法 (1)她一个单身人,无亲无故。 But this girl Mei was all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her. (2)王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站、七十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。 Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian traveled day after day past large posting station and small, till he came to the city of Jinan. 2)谚语的特点与翻译 谚语就是对各种生活现象进行综合概括并在群众中广泛流传运用的语言。 这些谚语的极大部 分是劳动人民对长期生活经验的科学总结。英语和汉语的谚语都有这样的特点:比喻生动, 寓意深刻, 用词精练, 没有一个多余的词, 单句讲究韵律, 双句讲究对仗, 文体非常口语化, 便于记忆流传。如何翻译谚语?是直译还是意译?这完全取决于谚语的语言特点和文化背 景。 直译法 (1) 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 It is easy to dodge a pear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding. (2) 城门失火,殃及池鱼。 A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat. (3)路遥知马力,日久见人心。 As a long road tests a horse?s strength, so a long task proves a person?s heart. (4) 初生牛犊不怕虎。 New-born calves make little of tigers. (Young people are fearless) 意译法 (1)失之东隅,收之桑榆。 What one loses on the swings one gets back on the roundabouts. (2) 塞翁失马,按知非福? A loss may turn out to be a gain. (3) 此地无银三百两。 A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence. 套译法 (1) 一次被火烧,二次避火苗。 A burnt child dreads the fire. (2) 半瓶醋,出事故。 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (3) 少见多怪。 Wonder is the daughter of ignorance. (4) 三思而后行。 Look before you leap. 3)歇后语的特点与翻译 歇后语是群众中广为流传的一种特殊语言形式,具有生动形象、诙谐幽默等特点。它一般由 两个部分组成,前半截为形象的比喻,后半截是前面比喻的解释、说明。无论是文学作品, 还是日常口语里,我们经常要同歇后语打交道。在习语翻译中,歇后语英译也是一个很重要 的部分。 直译法 (1) 那个宝玉是个“丈八的灯台,――照见人家,照不见自己”的,只知嫌人家脏。这是 他的房子,由着你们糟蹋。 As for Baoyu, he?s like a ten-foot lampstand that sheds light on others but none on itself. He complains that other people are dirty, yet leaves you to turn his own rooms topsy-turvy. “咱们俩的事,一条绳拴着两蚂蚱,谁也跑不了。 ” “We are like two grasshopp neither can get away!” “你可倒好!肉包子打狗,一去不回头! ”她的嗓门很高,和平日在车厂与车夫们吵嘴时一 样。 “Well, you certainly are a guy! A dog given a bone doesn?t come back for more!” Her voice was as loud as when she bawled out at the rickshaw men in the yard. 日本曹长心里像有十五个吊桶打水,七上八下地不安宁。 It was as if the sword of Damocles hung over the Japanese sergeant. 意译法 穷棒子闹翻身,是八仙过海,各显其能。 When we pass from the old society to the new, each of us shows his true worth. 等他们赶来增援时,已是“正月十五贴门神――晚了半月啦。 ” But they were too late for a rescue. 可是谭招弟心中却想:骑着毛驴看书――走着瞧吧,看究竟是啥原因。 But Tan Zhaodi was still thinking to herself. “Lets wait and see what the reason for it turns out to be in the end.” 可是谭招弟心中却想:骑着毛驴看书――走着瞧吧,看究竟是啥原因。 But Tan Zhaodi was still thinking to herself. “Lets wait and see what the reason for it turns out to be in the end.” “我是想:咱们是孔夫子搬家,净是(输)书,心里真有点点干啥的。 ” “Only I fell bad when we lose every fight.” “我在店里呢,是灯草拐杖,做不得主(柱)的。 ” “My position in the company doesn?t permit me to make a decision individually.” 4) 俚语的特点与翻译 俚语是比较通俗的口语词,有的带有粗俗性,有的带有方言性。俚语不但出现在口语中,而 且也出现在戏剧、电视、电影以及小说的对白中。一般说来,俚语可分三类:委婉语,赌咒 语和粗俗语。 翻译举例: (1) 她有喜了。 She is a mother-to-be. She is in the family way. (2) 你这个杀千刀的! You be hanged! (3) 见鬼去吧! To hell with you! (4) 小妇养的!动了兵器了! Sons of bitches! They are using weapons now. (5) 他妈的,你们有话就说吧! If you have something to say, say it. Damn you! (6) 还有你这个浪货,跟谁来不行,非跟他! And you too, you baggage. Couldn?t you have picked somebody else? Why did it have to be him? (7) 王八蛋们,怎么又在这儿碰上了! You devils, so we meet again! 5) 惯用语的特点与翻译 惯用语是以口头上常用的洗练、含蓄的语言,比一般词和词组更具稳定性,比四字词语更具 灵活性。比书面语言更具含蓄讽刺、生动形象的比喻性。惯用语主要出现在群众的日常口语 中,书面语中出现在小说、电影、电视、戏剧的人物对话里,也出现在比较口语化的议论文 和散文中。由此可见,无论是口译还是笔译,都会碰到惯用语的翻译问题。 直译法举例: 连根拔 tear up by the roots 走后门 get in by the backdoor 一窝蜂 like a swarm of bees 及时雨 timely rainfall 九牛二虎之力 the strength of nine bulls and two tigers 病急乱投医 turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill 直译补意法 卷铺盖 pack up and quit 包眼福 feast one?s eyes on sth. 单打一 concentrate on one thing only 咬耳朵 whisper in one?s ear 扇阴风,点鬼火 fan the winds of evil and spread the fires of turmoil 意译法 门外汉 the uninitiated or a layman (a man outside the gate) 小广播 spreading of hearsay information or bush telegraph (a small broadcast station) 风凉话 irresponsible and sarcastic remarks (cold words) 扣帽子 put a label on sb. (put a cap on sb.) 寻短见 commit suicide or take one?s own life (look for a short view) 炒冷饭 dish up the same old staff (fry the cold rice) 套译法 杀风景 be a wet blanket 拍马屁 lick sb?s boots 放空炮 spout hot air / talk big 绕圈子 beat about the bush 灌米汤 butter sb. Up 摆架子 put on airs 开绿灯 give the green light 泼冷水 pour cold water on 唱反调 sing a different tune 挖空心思 rack one? s brains 试金石 touchstone Translation to the last 科学技术是人类共同创造的财富。 任何一个民族, 一个国家都需要学习别的民族别的国家的 长处,学习人家的先进科学技术。 Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. Any nation or country must learn from the strong points of other nations and countries, from their advanced science and technology. 我们不仅因为今天科学技术落后, 需要努力向外国学习。 即使我们的科学技术赶上了世界先 进水平,也要学习人家的长处。 It is not just today, when we are scientifically backward, that we need to learn from other countries. After we catch up with the world?s advanced levels in science and technology, we shall still have to learn from the strong points of others. Homework for Today 1.咱们不能黑影里电灯,只看脚下。 2. “那么,什么时候解决战斗?还是老牛拉破车,慢慢吞吞的吗? 3.他咯咯地笑着说: “这叫画饼充饥! ” 4. “人勤地不懒惰。 ”这话真不假。 5.失败是成功之母。 6.薛潘也来上学,不过是三日打鱼,两日晒网。 7. 送君千里,终有一别。 8. 人怕出名猪怕壮。 9. 后来出嫁了,两个人还是藕断丝连,这只能怪包办婚姻,不能怪她。 10、但是,事实胜于雄辩。水落自然石出。 第七讲 汉语语态的翻译 Translation of Chinese Voices Translation to L5 & L6 科学技术是人类共同创造的财富。 任何一个民族, 一个国家都需要学习别的民族别的国家的 长处,学习人家的先进科学技术。 Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. Any nation or country must learn from the strong points of other nations and countries, from their advanced science and technology.我们不仅因为今天科学技术落后, 需要努力向外国学习。 即使我们的科学技术赶上了世界先 进水平,也要学习人家的长处。 It is not just today, when we are scientifically backward, that we need to learn from other countries. After we catch up with the world?s advanced levels in science and technology, we shall still have to learn from the strong points of others. 1.咱们不能黑影里电灯,只看脚下。 Let?s not light a lamp in the dark which shows only our feet. 2. “那么,什么时候解决战斗?还是老牛拉破车,慢慢吞吞的吗? “Well, then, when are going to get the battle finished off? Are you still going to be the old bullock pulling a broken cart, creeping slowly along? 3.他咯咯地笑着说: “这叫画饼充饥! ” Now he chuckled and commented, “That?s called ?Drawing a cake to satisfy your hunger.?” 4. “人勤地不懒惰。 ”这话真不假。 If a man is diligent, soil is not idle.” How true the proverb is! 5.失败是成功之母。 Failure is the mother of success. 6.薛潘也来上学,不过是三日打鱼,两日晒网。 Xue Pan enrolled as student. But he was like the fisherman who fishes for three days and then suns his net for two. 汉语语态特征 汉语的被动语态形式用得比英语少得多。 汉语句子表示被动意义得句型主要有两种: 一种是 有标记的的被动句,即句中有“被、为、叫、让、给、受、由、挨、遭、遇、为??所??, 加以,予以”等助词、助动词和介词为标记。另一种是无标记的被动句,它没有形式标记, 要通过逻辑意义来判断。 这种表示被动意义而不用被动形式的句子在汉语里相当多, 主要包 括:无主句、泛指主语句、非人称主语句等,汉译英时都应当转译成被动语态的英语句子。 一、有标记的汉语被动句 1、这件事将由他们处理。 This matter will be dealt with by them. 2、火在一小时后被扑灭。 The fire was put out an hour later. 3、旧规章被废除了。 4、社会主义思想体系已为全国人民所接受。 Socialist ideology has been accepted by the people of the whole country. 5、该计划将由一个特别委员会加以审查。 The plan will be examined by a special committee. 二、无标记的被动句 1、新的教学方法几年前就已采用了。 New methods of teaching were adopted a few years ago. 2、这项工程将于明年年底竣工。 This project will have been completed by the end of next year. 3、爱滋病病毒只能通过血液或其他体液传播。 The AIDS virus is only transmitted by blood and other body fluids. 4、基本建设速度加快,投资环境不断完善。 The capital construction has been accelerated and the environment for investment has been continuously improved. 5、新的基础工程项目有的正在建设,有的正在规划之中。 Some of the new infrastructure projects are well under way and others in the process of being planned. 三、无主语句 1、应当坚定不移地执行计划生育的基本国策 Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policy of family planning. 2、到现在为止还没有得出结论。 So far no conclusion has been arrived at. 3、必须维护生态环境的平衡。 The ecological environment should be kept in balance. 4、尚未决定谁去担任这项任务。 It has not been decided who is to take up the task. 四、泛指主语句 1、有人指出,这些指控是毫无根据的。 It was pointed out that the accusations were groundless. 2、大家认为,他对这项工作很满足。 He was considered quite satisfied with the job. 3、人们发现橡胶是很好的绝缘体。 Rubber is found to be a good insulating material. 4、有人看见老教授深夜还在做实验。 The old professor was seen making an experiment late at night. 五、以“是??的”结构引导的被动句 1、 交际理论家们断言, 在面对面的交际中, 少于 30%的信息是通过讲话传递的, 而多于 70% 的信息是非语言的方式完成的。 Communication theorists have affirmed that in face-to-face communication less than 30% of all the information is communicated through speaking. Over 70% is sent by non-verbal means. 2、通常港口税是以船只的注册吨位计算的。 Usually the dues are calculated on the registered tonnage of the ship. 3、疟疾是蚊子携带的寄生虫传染的。 Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite carried by mosquitoes. 六、以地点为主语的被动句 1、1981 年以来法国将外贸赤字成功地削减了一半以上。 The foreign trade deficit in France has been successfully cut by more than half since 1981. 2、日本发生强烈地震的报道已经得到证实。 The report of a strong earthquake in Japan has been confirmed. 3、中国讲汉语。 Chinese is spoken in China. 4、我们学院去年建造了以栋新的行政大楼。 A new administrative building was built in our institute last year. 附:关于汉语的一些习惯用语的英译法 1、 应该说?? It should be said that… 2、 据报告?? It is reported that… 3、 很明显?? It is obvious that… 4、 据谣传?? It rumored that… 1、 人们(有人、大家)认为?? It is considered (thought) that … 2、 普遍(一般、通常)认为?? It is generally (usually) accepted that 3、 有人(人们、大家)相信?? It is believed that … 4、 大家知道(众所周知)?? It is well-known that …(agreed, recognized) that … 9、 据说(有人说)?? It is said that … 10、据闻(悉)?? It is learned that .. 11、据推测?? It is supposed that … 12、据估计(预计)?? It is estimated that … 13、必须指出?? It must be pointed out that … 14、必须(应该)承认?? It must (should) be admitted that … 15、可见(可以看出)?? It will be seen that … 16、由此可见?? It will be seen from this that… 17、不用说(谁都知道)?? It is understood that… 18、无可否认?? It cannot be denied that … 19、已经证明?? It has been proved (demonstrated) that … 20、可以肯定?? It may be confirmed that …. 21、可以有把握地说?? It may be safely said that … 22、人们有时会问?? It is sometimes asked that … 23、人们希望?? It is expected (hoped) that… Homework for today 我喝我的清茶 他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生需要一种境界:自我安定。 面对别人成功与荣耀,我喝我的清茶,我明白那掌声已有所属,匆匆忙忙赶过去,不 会有成功等着你,还是自己再创业绩吧,跟着别人只能摸着成功的尾巴。 凡事不逃避,我喝我的清茶。荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就 枯死了。人生也一样,避恶、避丑、避邪,只能说明自己心里脆弱。 一个自我安定的人 不怕环境污染自己的,而有力量影响他人。古代孟母三迁是为了怕孩子受坏影响,要为自己 就没有必要逃避了,后来孟子长大成人后也没听说孟母再搬家。 自我安定可不是找一个安宁的所在,而恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境, “定” 是一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。只有达到这一境界才能掌握自己的方向,才能做到 “他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。 ” Translation to the last 我喝我的清茶 Contenting Myself with Plain Tea 他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生需要一种境界:自我安定。 Human life, it seems to me, needs a placidity of mind. While other may be wining and dining, I?m content with plain tea. 面对别人成功与荣耀,我喝我的清茶,我明白那掌声已有所属,匆匆忙忙赶过去,不 会有成功等着你,还是自己再创业绩吧,跟着别人只能摸着成功的尾巴。 Not dazzled by other people?s aura of success and glamour, I?ll indulge in my simple pleasure. Clearly aware where the credit goes, I won?t join in the rush in the vain hope of accepting the prize to be handed to me on a plate. The best a blind follower can do is tailing after the winners. The only alternative is to create wonders of one?s own. 凡事不逃避,我喝我的清茶。荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯 死了。 I stick to the pureness of my pleasure, never escaping from reality. The lotus grows in the mud without being tainted. If, to avoid the dirt, one plants it on dry clean ground, it simply won?t grow. 人生也一样,避恶、避丑、避邪,只能说明自己心里脆弱。一个自我安定的人不怕环境 污染自己的,而有力量影响他人。 The same holds true for human beings. Shrinking from what is ugly, vile and evil only proves the frailty of one?s character. A person in full possession of mental serenity never stands in fear of being mentally contaminated by the filthy environment. On the contrary, he can exercise positive influences all around. 古代孟母三迁是为了怕孩子受坏影响,要为自己就没有必要逃避了,后来孟子长大成 人后也没听说孟母再搬家。 Mencius?s mother made three removals during his childhood to keep him away from bad influences, which did not pose any problem for her. History does not record any more of such removals after he grew up. 自我安定可不是找一个安宁的所在,而恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境, “定”是 一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。 Enjoying the tranquility of mind does not mean hiding oneself in a haven. What is meant is the maintenance of such a mental state in the midst of chaos, i.e. moral immovability amidst kaleidoscopic changes. 只有达到这一境界才能掌握自己的方向,才能做到“他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。 ” Only a person who has attained this plane can be a real master of his destiny, contenting himself with the purest and simplest pleasure. 第八讲 汉英翻译中主谓语的确定 Lecture Eight Determination of Subject and Predicate in C-E Chinese A. 主语的确定 汉语中的主语不像英语中的主语那样容易确定。 因为汉语是主题显著的语言, 它所突出的 是主题而不是主语。再者,汉语句法的特征是意合。这一特征往往使句子中的指代关系(尤 其是主语)在形式不明显。因此,译者必须善于认准和确定原文句子中不明显、被省略或未 说明的主语,并在译文中妥帖地表现出来。确定主语时,应遵循以下 4 个原则: 1、须符合英语的语言习惯和必须符合英美人的思维方式 希望今后舟山能与更多的外国城市结为姐妹城市。 It is hoped that Zhoushan will establish sister relations with more foreign cities in the future. 众所周知,舟山将在 2007 年建成一座通往大陆的跨海大桥。 As is known to all, 2007 will see the completion of a trans-sea bridge leading to the mainland in Zhoushan. 自改革开放以来,中国已经建立了二十多所民办高校。 There have been established more than nongovernmental institutions of higher learning since China?s reform and opening. 2、必须是句中应该突出的信息 有了辨证唯物论的思想,就省了许多事,也少犯许多错误。 Once dialectical materialism is grasped, a lot of trouble will be saved and many mistakes avoided. 必须进行认真的教育,以期一步一步解决这个问题。 Education must be assiduously carried out so that this problem can be solved step by step. 在发展生产的基础上,改善工人和劳动人民的生活。 The livelihood of the workers and other working people is to improve on the basis of increased production. 3、必须符合句中的逻辑关系 在经济建设的实践中,特别是整党中,在经济体制改革中,已经并正在成长大批优秀人 才。 Large numbers of talented persons have come to the fore in economic construction, especially in the course of Party consolidation and the reform of the economic structure. 编辑的责任是重大的,应当提高编辑的社会地位。 All editors are facing tremendous duties, and their social status should be raised. 我们舟山还在吸引外资企业进行老企业改造、房地产开发等方面制定了一系列优惠政策。 We have also formulated a series of preferential policies in Zhoushan to absorb foreign capitals in such fields as technical renovation of old enterprises, and real estate development. 4、在篇章翻译中,必须符合上下文的行文需要 在篇章翻译中,主语还必须符合上下文行文的需要。篇章是一些意义相关的句子通过一 定承接手段合乎逻辑地组织起来的语义整体。 虽然连句成篇的衔接手段多种多样, 但作为句 子“龙头”的主语在连句成篇、承上启下的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。汉语篇章中的主语 主要是通过原词复现、 照应和省略的方式起着衔接的作用。 而英语的主语则往往避免重复原 词而更多地使用照应和替代的方式来衔接上下文。 学习篇章的汉译英, 还需要牢记英语和汉 语的这一差异,根据上下文确定主语。否则,篇章只不过是缺乏逻辑的句群堆砌或“句不达 意” 。在篇章的汉译英过程中,为符合上下文行文的需要,常常依据下列原则确定主语: 1)汉语原文原词用复现的手段承接上下文时,译文可采用照应和替代的办法承接上下文。 我们的民族将再也不是被人侮辱的民族的了,我们已经站起来了。 Ours will no longer be a nation subject to insult and humiliation. We have stood up. 2)原文以照应的手段承接上下文时,译文亦采用照应的手段承接上下文。 解净活这么大可是头一回经受这样的阵势。 她进工厂六年多了, 还没有真正了解工厂。 Xie Jing had never been treated like this in her life. Though she had been in this plant for six years, she had not really understood it. 3)原文以省略的手段衔接篇章时,译文可采用照应和替代的办法承接上下文。 武松一步步上那冈子来。回头看这日色时,渐渐地坠下去了。 Wu Song plodded up the ridge. When he looked back at the sun, it was almost gone. B. 谓语的确定 (1)汉语的谓语无人称和数的变化,不管主语是单数还是复数;不管主语是第几人称,谓 语形态都不变。而英语的谓语有人称和数的变化,其单数、复数和人称要依据主语来决定。 译例: 他除了你以外,没有朋友。 He has no friend but you. 她是个俗气的富婆。 She is one of the vulgar rich. (2)汉语谓语动词本身显现不出时间的先后,其时间的先后往往是以添加表示不同时间概 念的词语或以动词排列的先后顺序表示出来。 但英语的谓语动词本身有时态、 语态语气的变 化, 谓语动词动作所发生的时间概念除了添加表示时间的状语外, 往往还要通过为谓语动词 时态的变化来表现。 译例: 得知她所做的决定我们感到很吃惊。 It surprised us to have learned of the decision she had made. 我们要认真吸取处理这个问题的经验。 We will make efforts to gain experience in handling this problem。 (3)汉语中的名词、形容词、数词和介词短语均可以直接作谓语;而英语往往要以连系动 词作为桥梁将这些词类连接起来,否则就无法成句。 译例: 也像一切怕羞的人一样,他有时有点儿傲慢。 Like all shy men he sometimes appears somewhat arrogant. 这个新发明会成为对全人类有用的。 This new invention will prove useful to all humanity. (4)汉语句子中的谓语可以是一个主谓词组,而英语的句子是不可以用主谓词组充当谓语 的。在将以主谓词组作谓语的汉语句子译成英语时,往往要变换句式。 译例: 他们正在谈论的那位女教师品格正直。 The woman teacher they are now talking about is upright. 武汉这个地方,我认为比深圳好。 I think Wuhan is better than Shenzhen. (5)汉语和英语的句子有五种常见的句型,其主要成分的顺序是一致的。在将汉语句子译 成英语时,若主要成分的顺序一致,则可套用对应的英语句型,所选择的谓语也大致可以与 原文对应。 英语基本句型: S+V S+V+P S+V+O S+V+o+O S + V + O + OC Homework for today 1)要学习、不要骄傲,不能看不起别人。 2)做一切工作,必须切合实际,不合实际就错了。 3)从这个事件可以看出当前世界斗争的重点。 4) “信奉质量第一,用户至上”是本企业的经营宗旨。欢迎国内外人士光临洽谈。 5) 本公司欢迎与海外客商加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。 第九讲 汉英翻译中的语序变换 Lecture Nine Change of Word Order in C-E Translation Translated Version to the Last 1)要学习、不要骄傲,不能看不起别人。 We must study and must not become conceited or look down on others 2)做一切工作,必须切合实际,不合实际就错了。 Whatever we do must accord with reality, otherwise it is wrong. 3)从这个事件可以看出当前世界斗争的重点。 From this incident we can pinpoint the focus of struggle in the world today. 4) “信奉质量第一,用户至上”是本企业的经营宗旨。欢迎国内外人士光临洽谈。 Our company adheres to the motto of quality first, customer supremacy. Customers both home and abroad are welcome to hold business talks with us. 5)本公司欢迎与海外客商加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。 Customers all over the world are welcome to establish and develop business contacts with us. 1.汉英词序上的异同 汉族的思维方式是: 主体――行为标志――行为――客体 这一思维方式所引起的语言表达模式是: 主语 + 状语 +谓语 + 宾语 (以及定语必须前置等) 以英语为母语的民族反映现实的思维顺序主要是: 主体――行为――行为客体――行为标志 这一思维方式所引起的语言表达模式是: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 状语(以及较长的定语必须后置等) (1)在时间上,汉语通常按事情发生或出现的先后顺序排列,而英语词序则主要是根据语 境的需要安排。 侵略者不到走投无路的时候是不会投降的。 The invaders will not surrender until they come to the end of their tether. 当女演员登上舞台时,观众中爆发出一阵掌声。 A loud applause exploded fro the audience when the actress went on the stage. (2)在事理上,汉语的词序比较固定,通常按照先因后果,先假设后可能,先条件后结果 的顺序来排列;而英语的词序比较灵活,但通常开门见山,直奔主题,然后再作解释。在表 示因果关系时,一般先讲结果再说明原因,在表示假设时,往往先说结果,再说条件。 她不老实,我不能信任她。 I can?t trust her, because she is not honest. Because she is not honest, I can not trust her. 抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。 Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved. (3)在对某事发表评论时,汉语通常先叙述(即事实或描写) ,后表态(即判断或结论) 。 每个人各司其责,这一点是很重要的。 It is important that everyone does his duty. 凡有产业的单身汉,总要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。 It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of wife. 2.词序调整的方法 1) 根据时间顺序进行调整 (1)顺译 1)多个表示连贯动作的动词并列时,汉语和英语往往都可以按照动作发生的先后顺序来安 排词序。 它先是离我较远,见我不去伤害它,便一点点挨近、然后蹦到我的杯子上,俯下头来喝茶, 再偏脸瞧瞧我的反应。 First it kept its distance from me, then hopped nearer, then stood upon my glass and eventually lowered its head to drink my tea. 姑娘们洗净蒙受了一天的黄土、风尘,露出粗糙的面色,把头发梳得乌亮,然后就比赛着穿 出最好的衣服。 The girls washed off the dust and stains of the day, revealing their rough and ruddy complexion, combed their hair, and then vied with one another in wearing their best outfits. 2)汉语中有些按照时间先后安排语序的复合句译成英语时也可采用顺序法。 传说秦始皇来到泰山封禅的时候,遇上了暴风雨,他就躲在一棵很大的松树下避雨。 It is said that when the First Emperor of Qin came to Mount Taishan to perform the rites of worshipping Heaven and Earth, he was caught in a storm, and found shelter under a giant pine tree. (2) 逆译 汉语习惯是按照动作发生的时间先后组句的, 而英语则比较灵活。 它虽然有时也按动作或 事件的先后顺序来组句, 但更多的却是通过使用各种表示时间的连词、 关系代词或介词将动 作或事件的先后次序打乱。 离开教室时请把灯关掉。 Turn off the light when you leave the classroom. 我访问了一些地方、遇到了不少人。要谈起来,奇妙的事儿可多着呢。 There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 2、根据搭配需要进行调整 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去了,听说明天就能回来。 He has a daughter, who works in Beijing. Someone has phoned her and it is said that she will be back tomorrow. 根据搭配需要调整语序主要集中在以下四个方面: 1、定语的位置 2、状语的位置 3、一系列表示时间或地点的词在一起时的先后顺序 4、叙事和表态的先后顺序 (1)定语的换序 1)新器件应满足所要求的条件。 The new device should satisfy the required conditions. 2)在太空中有各种各样肉眼看不见的波。 There are various kinds of waves invisible to the naked eye in the aerospace. 3)日本和我们是一衣带水的邻邦。 Japan is our neighbor separated only by a narrow strip of water. 4)他是一位中国现代优秀作家。 He is an outstanding modern Chinese writer. 5)那是中国内地出版的第一份报纸。 That was the first newspaper that had been published in inland China. (2)状语的换序 1)复杂的计算我们可以用计算机进行,因为它能迅速地求出准确的答案。 In complicated calculations we can use a computer, because it quickly gives us an exact solution. 2) 他们刚刚作了一项物理实验。 They have just made an experiment in physics. 3)尽管如此,我们对这件事情仍然不能掉以轻心。 Nevertheless, we should not treat the matter lightly. (3)一系列表示时间、地点、方式的状语先后顺序的调整 1)他家住浙江杭州西湖路 195 号。 He lives at 195 West LakeRoad,Hangzhou,Zhejiang. 2)敬启者:您所订的《中国日报》将于 1996 年 5 月 26 日满期。 Dear Sir, Your subscription to China Daily expires on May 26, 1996. 3)他每天早晨在教室里认真地学习。 He studies hard in the classroom every morning. 3、按照逻辑顺序进行调整 1)知己知彼,百战不殆。 You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. If you know the enemy as well as yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without defeat. 2)到上海不去豫圆和城隍庙商场不算来过大上海。 You cannot claim to have been to Shanghai without visiting the Yu Yuan Garden and the City God Temple Bazaar. Those who have come to Shanghai but missed Yu Yuan Garden and the City God Temple Bazaar can not claim that they have been to the city. 4、根据信息重心进行调整 有了这一条,中国就大有希望。 Then, there will be great hopes for China. Then, the prospects for China will be excellent. (better) Homework for Today 凡外商投资企业有能力也愿意与天津市工业企业通过技术转让 , 引进人才、 技术帮助、 经济支持等途径共同开发国家统一经营以外的制成品,特别是开发机电产品和精细化工产 品, 并通过外方的销售渠道直接为外国公司提供制成品, 可以向市外经贸委申请扩大联合开 发的业务。 第十讲 汉语长句的英译 Lecture Ten Translation of Chinese Long Sentences Translated Version to the Last Where an enterprise is willing and able to develop the finished products that are not subject to the unified operation by the State through joint efforts with the industrial enterprises in Tianjin, particularly in respect of machinery and electronic products and refined chemical products, by means of technology tranfer, introduction of technical personnel, technical assistance and economic support, and to provide for foreign companies the finished products through the sales channel of the foreign parties, they may apply to the Municiple Commission of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade for the expansion of the business of joint development. 1、长句的定义 汉语长句是指字数较多、结构繁复、语义呈现多层次、多梯级的句子。汉语长句从其内 部结构来看,可分为两种:一种是句子成分比较多,而且有的内部成分比较复杂,这种句子 内容比较丰富,陈述比较细致;另一种长句是复句或多重复句,这种句子可以把事物间的逻 辑关系表达出来,从而把较复杂的事物之间的关系与联系交代的很清楚、明确。 构成汉语长句的原因 其一,当一个句子包含有很多转折或附加成分时,句子信息量就会不断扩大,结果就形成了 一个在语义和结构上较为复杂的句子。 其二,当一个句子要表达多层次的意思时,往往以平行、并列等结构将词组、分句线性地组 合在一起,这样就构成了长句。 2、英语长句和汉语的长句在结构上的差异 英语的长句是由基础搭架“主语+谓语”扩展开来的,其扩展方式可以是增加句子的修 饰语,也可以是增加并列成 分或并列句,或者是利用成语或从句充当句子成分。另外,英 语重形合,英语句子中的主谓成份是全句之纲,主谓关系非常明显,其它成分往往是通过各 种连接手段(如使用介词、连词、关系代词和关系副词等)同主谓成分挂钩成句。英语句子 内部的语义成分既有“顺序排列” ,也有“逆序排列” 。 3、长句翻译的方法 [1] 断句后按原文顺序翻译 所谓断句,就是把原文的一句话译作两句或更多句子。断句后再按照原文顺序翻译。汉语句 子处于下列几种情况下英语译时都是可以采用断句的方法。 1)汉语句子较长,内容庞杂。 (1)一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结合,反对华而不实和任何虚夸,少说空话,多做 工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。 Deed and word must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated. We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated. (2)历来只有真正老实的劳动者,才懂得劳动生产财富的道理,才能排除一切想入非非的 发财思想,而踏踏实实地用自己的辛勤劳动,为社会也为自己创造财富和积累财富。 Throughout the ages only honest laboring people see the truth that wealth is created through labor. Only they can free their minds of any fantastic ideas of getting rich. And only create and accumulate wealth for both society and themselves through practical work. (3)接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放 债,这么一连串的发财计划,当然也不能算是生产的计划。 He went on indulging in wishful thinking. Chickens would breed more chickens. Selling them would bring him more money. With this he could buy cows. The cows would breed too and selling oxen would make more money for him. With the money, he could become a money-lender. Such a succession of steps for getting rich, of course, had nothing at all to do with production. 2)汉语的总分复句 汉语的总分复句都包括总说和分述两个部分。有的句子是先总说,后分述;也有的句子是先 分述,后总说。翻译成英语时通常是:对于汉语先总说后分述的句子,可以在句子的开头部 分断句,即将最前面的总说或概括部分单独译成一个英语句子;先分述后总说的句子,可以 在句子结尾部分断句,即将最后的总结或判断部分断开,单独译成一个英语句子。 (1)人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切切实实的 工作。 The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much of our effort to rid their minds of wrong ideas. (2)灾难深重的中华民族,一百年来,其优秀人物奋斗牺牲,前赴后继,摸索救国救民的 真理,是可歌可泣的。 For a hundred years, the finest sons and daughters of the disaster-ridden Chinese nation fought and sacrificed their lives, one stepping into the breach as another fell, in quest of the truth that would save the country and the people. This moved us to song and tears. 3) 汉语长句中若含有反问句、反诘句或感叹句,英译时往往要断句。 (1)盛夏炎日,一走进浙江莫干山的林间小道就汗止心凉,加上轻风拂煦,浑身有说不出 的舒坦,忍不住要赞叹一声:莫干山,好一个清凉世界! No matter how hot it is &outside&, once you step onto the trail through the forest on Mogan Mountain in Zhejiang Province, the sweat withdraws from your body .In addition, the breeze refreshes you with a gentle caress. How cool it is ! (2)延安虽然还没有战争,但军队天天在前方打仗,后方也唤工作忙,文章太长,有谁来 看呢? Although there is as yet no fighting here in Yen'an , our troops at the front are daily engaged in battle, and the people in the rear are busy at work. If articles are too long ,who will read them ? 4) 汉语的转折复句 汉语句子中语气发生了变化,或改换了主句,或意思有转折,即前半句说明一方面的情况, 后半句说明另一方面的情况,英译时也常常要断句。 例如 (1)我们的人民政府是真正代表人民利益的政府,是为人民服务的政府,但是它同人民群 众之间也有一定的矛盾。 Our People?s Government is one that genuinely represents the people?s interests, and it is a government that serves the people. Nevertheless, there are still certain contradictions between the government and the people. (2)为了我们的事业,我已将生死置之度外,如有不幸,就把我埋在阴山顶上,以表示一 个共产主义者的崇高而圣洁的节操!( 〈王若飞在狱中〉 ) For the sake of our cause, I?ve never worried about life or death. If the worst happens, please bury me on top of the Daching Mountains so as show the lofty, pure moral principle of a Communist! 5) 汉语中强调语势 汉语句子中的强调语势,英译时也往往采用断句的方法。 例如: (1)毛主席和周总理留给我们的建设社会主义现代化强国的遗愿,一定要实现,也一定能 够实现。 The behest of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou that we should make China a modern, powerful socialist country must be fulfilled. It can be certainly fulfill}


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