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利物浦官方宣布卡罗尔离队 18岁天才新星加盟
以租借身份加盟讯 北京时间8月31日凌晨,利物浦( ) 在官网上宣布,23岁的英格兰锋霸卡罗尔以租借身份加盟西汉姆,为期1年。这名在2011年1月加盟利物浦的高中锋没能在安菲尔德证明自己,红军向、尤文( ) 等球队推销未果,只能将他出租。
23岁的卡罗尔,在出道并打出名堂,曾被认为是阿兰希勒的接班人,2011年1月,利物浦斥资3500万欧元将卡罗尔挖到安菲尔德,时任红军主帅的达格利什认为这名年轻人将成为球队主要的进攻火力点,他和苏亚雷斯的组合将横扫英超( ) 。但卡罗尔迟迟没能在安菲尔德证明自己,上赛季他47次代表球队出战,仅仅打入了9个进球。赛季结束后,达格利什和利物浦分手,新帅罗杰斯在今夏花费千万英镑引进,他的阵容中并没有卡罗尔的位置。今年夏天,利物浦四处推销卡罗尔,此前就对纽卡表示可以1700万英镑回购,但被拒绝。昨天传出消息称卡罗尔非常接近加盟,但加利亚尼声称前锋已经够用了,并不需要引进卡罗尔。眼看转会窗口时间所剩无几,利物浦清理冗余人员的速度必须加快,红军迅速和英超升班马西汉姆达成了协议,卡罗尔在通过体检后将在铁锤帮租借效力一个赛季。罗杰斯说:“卡罗尔需要比赛时间,这是他最后的机会。”卡罗尔处理掉后,利物浦接下来要努力送走查理-亚当和,在和乔-阿伦加盟后,这两名球员已经没有位置。其中斯皮林已经接近离队,他同意以租借身份加盟英冠球队,主帅科伊尔对他十分欣赏。有人走就有人来,利物浦官方宣布了年轻射手耶希尔(Samed Yesil )的加盟,这名18岁的小将在U16、U17和U18的26场比赛中攻进22球,效率非常高。利物浦只花费了100万英镑就把他从挖了过来。此外,利物浦还希望在最后时刻得到的头号得分手。(kerlon)
【卡罗尔换略伦特???】《太阳报》再次为利物浦放出一颗卫星,该报称利物浦如果成功在转会窗口关闭前清洗卡罗尔,将全力从毕尔巴鄂收购西班牙国脚中锋略伦特!@* (@soccer)
Copyright & 1998 - 2017 Tencent. All Rights Reserved把下列句子翻译成英文:1.我们可以六点钟做作业. 2,卡罗尔正在吃晚饭. 3,她们吃的是西红柿和土豆.
把下列句子翻译成英文:1.我们可以六点钟做作业. 2,卡罗尔正在吃晚饭. 3,她们吃的是西红柿和土豆.
We can do homework at six o'clockCarol is eating dinnerThey eat tomatoes and potatoes
与《把下列句子翻译成英文:1.我们可以六点钟做作业. 2,卡罗尔正在吃晚饭. 3,她们吃的是西红柿和土豆.》相关的作业问题
The Teacher says we can not go home until we finished our homeworkI don't think their school hour starts at 7:45How often do you visit your parents? Four ti
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China scenic taihu lake.When we looked around,the blue sky,the shimmering light.中国太湖风景秀丽.放眼望去,碧水长空,破光粼粼.
I'd like to study/learn English.
whether I am with you or not,I wish you happy forever,for your happiness is the greatest blessing I ever have.
1 play football2 let's go3 I see.4 Watch TV5 fly kite6 do homework7 pany computer game8 wake up9 have breakfast10 What time is it?11 ten to eight 12 twenty past
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1.He filmed his friend's wedding ceremony last week.2.The breeze is whispering in the leaves.3.How many guests can be seated in each table?4.There are six days
秘奇有天 ..此爱非彼爱.以后,迩向幸福走去的时候.莪才会从爱变守护.永远守护.一直到莪结婚,中年.老年,直至莪死去.' Micky,This love is not other love.late,when you step to happinessI change love into protection.Fore
1)我给妈妈挑选了一份特殊的礼物-i have chosen a special gift for my mother.(2)他的话令格林先生非常生气-Mr Green was very angry at his words.2.完成对话.A:Hello,Lucy.Where are you going?B:I'm g
1 我拿不准这本书是谁的(belong to) I don't know whom is this book belong to 2 布朗先生来到中国寻找更美好的未来.(in search of) Mr Brown go to China in seach of the more better futher.3 他为了
They have some fish and chicken for dinner.
The school collapsed on earthquake in Sichuan,china 1 1ASNS.On May 20th 2008,It was known that 239 teachers and students died in their school collapsed during e
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The 2010 World Expo will be held in Shanghai.
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Children should eat more vegatables and fruits to keep health.It sounds good,but not real to life.Young people have been influenced by the western life style.Sc}


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