质数币与比特币 谁的交易支付宝 比特币速度更快

译者:熊珊 原文来源:
原作:Danny Bradbury
一个名叫Joey Rich的比特币卖家就在这个问题上吃了大亏。2010年,当比特币交易所BuyBitcoins.com遭遇一系列被盗信用卡退单拒付事件之后,Rich的9000美元初期投资都化为了泡影。他认为,正是不法分子利用被盗信用卡的收益和退单拒付相结合,盗走了他的所有资金。
比如,CEX. io的首席信息官Jeffrey Smith就表示,公司十分欢迎客户用信用卡进行比特币交易。
Brawker网站在应对信用卡欺诈方面想出了一个新招数--让传统的电子商务卖方来应对。数月前,Cyril Houri创立了该网站,网站为想买比特币的人们和想要在网上用比特币购买东西的人们提供了联系平台。
未央研究 编译
One of the biggest problems for bitcoin exchanges and their customers is often making the exchange quick and easy. Exchanges like Canadian firm Virtex made the decision a long time ago not to accept credit cards. Their biggest concern? Fraud, in the form of chargebacks.
In a credit card chargeback, a credit-card paying customer asks the issuing bank (the bank that gave them the card) to reverse a transaction made with a merchant.
This can happen for a variety of legitimate reasons. A merchant may not have delivered the promised goods or service, or it may have been faulty. In some cases, a card may have been stolen and used without the owner’s consent.Sometimes, however, the owner of the card perpetrates their own fraud, by trying to reverse a legitimate financial transaction. It’s effectively a pre-blockchain version of double spending. This can happen a lot on the Internet, where companies are dealing with large numbers of unknown customers half a world away.
Chargeback target
This happened to Joey Rich, who found himself at the wrong end of a steep learning curve in 2010.
Having purchased some coins, he began selling them at a profit. He lost his initial investment of $9,000, though, after his bitcoin exchange, BuyBitcoins.com, suffered a series of chargebacks from stolen credit cards.
He explained that a combination of lost credit card revenues and chargeback fees led to a loss of his funds.
Rich said:
“For chargebacks, credit card companies charge fees of $25 to $35 in addition to the reversal of the original payment as a deterrent. So I also got hit with a huge number of those $35 fees, which is especially painful on orders of $5 to $10. As my my bank account went into the red, I started getting hit with overdraft fees as well, so it was quite a fiasco.”
Aside from the lost revenues, one of the nasty side effects of chargebacks is that credit card processors keep score. Too many chargebacks raises flags against your account. Eventually, his account was terminated, and Rich was added to a blacklist.
“I didn't really know anything about credit card processing back then, and didn't understand how reversible those payments are,” he admitted.
To make matters worse, he explained that the credit card processor hadn’t deposited the original $9,000 into his account in the first place, due to an administrative error. That didn’t stop them withdrawing $7,000 in chargeback transactions and fees, though, putting him in deficit and incurring even more charges in the form of overdraft fees.
It took him a year to sort it out and limp away with some money. In the interim, he had closed the exchange down while he figured out a way to handle credit cards more effectively.
In 2012, Rich reopened the site, this time with identity verification features, including options for users to upload a scan of their driver's license, to log in with their Facebook account, and to be geolocated using HTML5 in the browser (which he claimed is far better than geolocation by IP address).
Successful completion of all these tasks contributed to a trust score, which would help to decide whether a user’s order was processed or not.
At this point, Rich was using a different credit card processor.
“Those identity verification requirements helped me to do much better, and I reached about $45,000 in sales in the month of May 2013. However, about $4,500 of those were charged back, resulting in the termination of that account.”
The chargeback minefield
Clearly, credit card processing for merchants is harder than it looks. The rewards are ease and convenience, though, and depending on the customer demographic, are simply too tempting for some exchanges to resist.
CEX.io will happily take your credit card payments in exchange for bitcoin, confirms CIO Jeffrey Smith.
“Credit card transactions are the fastest and most popular mean of payment. In order to go mainstream, an exchange has to have a credit or debit card deposit/withdraw option, among other payment methods,” he said.
The processing fees for credit cards makes them financially suitable for transactions up to $1,000, Smith indicated. After that, other mechanisms may be preferable. Wire bank transfers are good for larger amounts, but the process may take up to 10 days, he said, making it less than ideal for shorter-term investments.
Smith claims that the firm has lost no money at all on chargebacks. “We avoid chargebacks by working only with the credit or debit card providers who use 3D Secure. This layer of security enables us to reduce risks of chargebacks,” he explained.
3D Secure, which readers may know as ‘ erified by Visa' or MasterCard SecureCode, requires a form of identification by the issuer, in addition to the merchant.
Alternative methods
Others are less trusting. One exchange CEO, who preferred not to be named, said that his demographic made it acceptable not to accept credit cards.
“When you’re dealing solely with SWIFT wire transfers, as we do right now, one of the biggest benefits is that they’re irreversible. Fraud isn’t one of our worries. Something like that is more attractive to a more B2B business-focused exchange like us.”
Burned by his credit card experiences, Rich now has another method of taking payments for bitcoin: PayPal. Customers paying via that service are now sent ‘bitcoin gift cards’, which are effectively paper wallets that he sends out by mail.
“I left the identity verification features in, but made them less important, since security lies mainly in physical delivery of the cards. I have been accepting an average of around $3,000 in sales per month, and have not lost any money to chargebacks yet. However, I refund quite a few payments that either look suspicious or are delivered to an address where they are never redeemed.”
Rich delivers the service, started in August 2014, through his BitcoinGiftCard.org site. The PayPal service costs about 4% in fees, which is "irritating", he said, as it’s higher than those asked by the credit card companies.
Passing on the risk
Another site, Brawker, has an ingenious solution for avoiding chargeback fraud: let conventional ecommerce players deal with it. Cyril Houri, who founded the site a few months ago, explained that it matches people wanting to buy bitcoin with those wanting to spend their bitcoin through non-bitcoin merchants online (see CoinDesk's review of the service here).
If Bob wants to buy a $200 DVD player from Amazon, but wants to pay for it in bitcoin, then he can publish that fact on Brawker. If Alice wants to buy $200-worth of bitcoin, she can bid for that order. If her bid is accepted, she then buys the goods in fiat currency, giving Bob’s address. Bob then sends the bitcoin to Alice after she sends him proof of purchase.
It’s effectively an exchange order book built atop online sales of other products.
The upside of this model is that the ecommerce provider handles any chargeback issues. If Alice decides to declare a chargeback on the DVD player, that’ll be Amazon’s problem (or Best Buy’s, or John Lewis’s, or whichever merchant is being used).
Houri’s company doesn’t even have a credit card merchant account. It has a bank account to pay expenses, but that’s it.
“You have the benefit of using the ecommerce infrastructure,” he said, arguing that the delivery of physical goods via ecommerce is often faster online than sending money via traditional methods. “Being able to piggyback on that makes it as convenient as possible.”
There is some inconvenience, though. Alice can only buy bitcoins in the quantity that Bob – or anyone else on the other side of the order book – wants to spend them. That makes it hard to buy exactly the number of bitcoins that she wants.
Houri said:
“With traditional exchanges, the commodity at the other end is fungible. In our case the commodity is a physical good. It’s someone who wanted to buy a hat, and in the other end it’s someone that is prepared to buy that hat’s value in bitcoin.”
Even Brawker is exploring stronger client verification, though. After all, any form of taking Internet payments is an exercise in risk. The more than you can decrease the risk, the better.
Credit cards may have their advantages when it comes to bitcoin purchases, but they also have their drawbacks. What’s interesting is how entrepreneurs try to route their way around them. On the Internet, it’s innovation that abhors a vacuum.
版权所有 (C) 清华大学五道口金融学院互联网金融实验室 | 京ICP备号-1千万不要买比特币,这是个陷阱
1. 希腊是一个蹩脚的借口。历史即使会重复,也不会是简单的完全复制。
2. 目前的价格上涨还是从原来圈内的人在推动,并没有太多外来的因素。而且推动的人主要可能是矿机商。
3. 请抛售你持有的币,这样就能破除矿机商操纵市场的企图,让他们的矿机卖不出去。
这个思维模式很奇葩 不过值得思考
本帖最后由 nhchmg 于
09:23 编辑
& &你完全可以说比特币一文不值, 但是好好想想,比特币涨到8000后,一路下跌,快两年了,现在居然还值1600,你不觉得奇怪吗?是谁在托起价格? 看看你说的那些涨了很多倍的山寨币,看看他们从高点跌下来的时候,跌到了 多少分之一了? 最近涨得非常迅猛有两个币,质数币和LTC,ltc从380跌到了5.32,质数币从65跌到0.11, 而比特币从8000跌到933,用计算器算一下,再想想吧
根据 Bitcoin.de 的首席执行官奥弗•福莱思科姆博(Olive Flaskaemper)说,与往常相比,如今有希腊民众在 Bitcoin.de 上面的注册量激增了10倍。世界上第三大交易平台 Bitstamp 上的比特币交易量暴涨79%(从10周的平均交易量来计算)。甚至中国的交易平台也对希腊市场越来越有兴趣。总部在上海的 Lakebtc 看到其网站来自希腊的访客有40%的增长。http://www.8btc.com/greece-bitcoin
自从火了,一些打着比特币的新币幌子推出一系列山寨币,国内外都有,加起来超过30种,涨幅甚至高达300%。曾经“亚欧币”忽悠了4万多人上当,卷走投资者40亿元,让人血本无归。然而,大部分投资者到了骗局被曝光后,才大梦初醒,但残酷的事实已摆在眼前。&【为什么山寨币这么受欢迎?】首先,到底什么是“山寨币”?山寨币是比特币后续产生的以区块链技术为底层实现的币种,市面上质量比较好、抗跌性强的山寨币有莱特币LTC、未来币NXT、无限币IFC、质数币XPM、美卡币MEC、分子币MOL、苹果币APCCOIN、阳光币SSC。山寨币通过比特币源码或思想来实现,从而进行创新,可以解决现实生活中的问题,甚至有更多的应用场景。这么看来,山寨币的潜力并不亚于比特币。因此,不难解释为什么比特币要好几年才翻那么多倍,而山寨币几乎都在涨,还有一些可以在几天之内翻几十倍。&【山寨币圈钱手法曝光】不法分子打着数字货币的旗号制造出各种各样的“山寨币”,并以高额回报为诱饵,进行诈骗、传销等违法犯罪活动。当然并不是每个炒币的人都能赚到钱,优质的山寨币的确可以投资,但无论质量如何,山寨币在刚刚上市那几天,操作难度简单,拉高的概率很大,因此庄家和投机者往往利用这个机会进行圈钱。庄家赚了之后,目的达到了,即使手里大把代币,也会一直放着不管它了,但被套牢的韭菜们就惨了,高价买入,积压大量资金,当成交量萎缩、整盘过久,一旦出现抛盘,就会造成行情暴跌,当跌得差不多了,他们又会低价买入,再次拉高,这就是庄家的操作套路。投资数字货币是有门槛的,我们需要辨别个人或企业自行造的币,有没传销现象,项目是否可靠,公开信息是否透明,参与是否公平公正。&【为什么你会遇到山寨币?】随着市场热钱纷纷涌入虚拟市场,催生了巨大的山寨币市场,可其中良莠不齐,投资者难以辨别,往往在被套后才发现,但归根到底判断山寨币是否可靠,关键还是看交易平台的能力。一般来说,一个山寨币,资金充足,项目质量好,上了好几个主流交易所,那么这个山寨币算是很靠谱了,因为合格的交易所都会对币种进行严格审核,确保投资者可以交易可靠的标的。可是,目前国内外监管趋严,这样的交易所已经不多了,而weex.com这个场内交易所正好符合要求。&上币严格weex.com交易所遵循严格的上币审核制度,上币需要经过一系列调查评估,绝对不上空气币、传销币、劣质山寨币,目前开放的币种有BTC、BCH、LTC、ETH、ZEC、DASH,近期还会陆续上线ETC等各大币种。这些都是目前交易活跃的大币种,相对某些平台上虽种类繁多但不乏“空气币”的做法,关于做交易所,weex.com是认真了!&专业性高weex.com是一个海外合规场内交易所,团队来自新加坡、香港、台湾、日本各国网际网络的专业人士,多方全产业链业务布局,核心成员在数字货币领域具备丰厚的行业经验,旨在服务全球数字货币爱好者。&支持法币充提weex.com交易所除了支持一般网银充值、美元账户充值、BTC、LTC、ETH、ZEC、BCH、DASH充值方式外,同时支持法币充提,目前法币充提是国内大部分交易所的硬伤,而weex.com是屈指可数的能够支持法币充提的数字货币交易平台,用户还可以使用便捷的API交易系统。&安全性强在风控方面,weex.com交易所拥有自主研发最先进的撮合引擎,是安全、快速、便捷的全新交易平台!使用Google验证器、手机短信等二次验证方式,提高了账户的安全性。并且通过详细了解与多方面沟通,分别与Bitcoin Financial Group(比特币金融集团)、Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance(日本三井住友保险公司)和Great American Insurance Group(大美国保险集团)三家公司洽谈合作,针对交易中可能出现风险的环节,进行投保。与各大保险公司强强联合,在交易环节中将大大提高货物的安全,免去交易商的后顾之忧。经过以上研究,我们发现选择一个靠谱的交易所真的很重要,甚至可以减少遇到山寨币的风险, weex.com或许是你新的选择!weex.com 法币支付通道全新升级,交易更加便捷!接入了多家支付公司,满足更高的业务并发需求,除了网银支付以外,开通了快捷支付,其他支付方式包括H5、大额、以及其他法币币种都在陆续对接中。因为接入了多家支付公司,weex.com计划全线下调充提支付的手续费用反馈让利给用户,我们一起来期待吧~(商业投稿,仅代表个人观点)
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