
视角转向太空,玩家控制一名在空间站执行任务的宇航员,他们发现巴西存在一个可能与马卡洛夫有关的军火商。在一场人质解救行动任务之后,谢菲尔德将军要“肥皂”等人去俄罗斯“古拉得”监狱解救一名罪犯,称马卡洛夫十分讨厌这名罪犯。在激战之后,特战队惊讶地发现罪犯就是《使命召唤4:现代战争》的普莱斯上尉,而他已经被关在监狱数年之久。“肥皂”归还了普莱斯的枪(前作中杀死扎卡耶夫的手枪)。成功解救普莱斯后,谢菲尔德将军要求141特战队继续追查马卡洛夫的下落,但普莱斯要求利用极端手段先解决美国和俄罗斯的战争,中断了与谢菲尔德将军的联系,并率领141特战队劫持了一艘俄罗斯的核潜艇,并向美国华盛顿高大气层发射了一枚洲际弹道导弹。导弹爆炸之后,俄罗斯由于EMP袭击而瘫痪,美军的局势终于得到逆转。随后,在将军的建议下,141特战队分成两队执行任务。一队由“肥皂”和普莱斯组成进军阿富汗,而二队则由“幽灵”和“小强”联手调查马卡洛夫一座别墅。“小强”一行虽然没能发现马卡洛夫,但截获了非常重要的情报,不过就在撤离之时,“幽灵”和“小强”被前来接应的谢菲尔德将军杀害,情报则落入了将军之手。此后镜头转到“肥皂”的部队,普莱斯和“肥皂”等人在阿富汗的某废旧飞机回收中心遭到了谢菲尔德将军袭击,但幸运的是,此时马卡洛夫的部队也在和谢菲尔德将军的部队交火,他们利用这一混乱的局势,在尼古莱(Nikolai)的接应下成功撤退。普莱斯和“肥皂”渐渐明白了谢菲尔德将军就是战争的幕后黑手。正是他将艾伦作为卧底安插到敌后,并藉由放出艾伦身份的资料,造成艾伦的死,引发了美俄大战。而与此同时,普莱斯和“肥皂”被谢菲尔德将军列为了全球通缉犯,为了为“幽灵”和“小强”报仇,手刃幕后黑手,孤立无援的他们联系了原来的敌人马卡洛夫,虽然马卡洛夫因为当年杀死扎卡耶夫的仇恨,并未直接班师相助,但仍将谢菲尔德将军所在的一个阿富汗秘密基地的坐标透露给了普莱斯和“肥皂”。抱着“有去无回”的决心,普莱斯和“肥皂”潜入了这个秘密基地。在一系列激战之后,谢菲尔德将军被身受重伤的“肥皂”飞刀插入头部致死。随后尼古拉坐了“小鸟”直升机来接应普莱斯和“肥皂”,并表示要带他们到个“好地方”,141特战队的剧情到此结束。关于真相谢菲尔德将军是五年前(即《使命召唤4:现代战争》剧情中)负责美军线行动的总指挥官,也是一名极端的爱国主义者(类似前作的扎卡耶夫)。在那次原子弹事件,他亲眼目睹的几万士兵瞬间死亡的情景,美国的形象也受到了很大影响。谢菲尔德将军更对在极端组织夺取俄罗斯控制权后美国的弱势态度,以及原子弹事件后美国海外的窘景感到十分不满。他决定利用马卡洛夫来引起战争(即美俄大战),希望在俄罗斯打击下改变美国现颓废的现状且重塑美国的世界霸主形象,然后再想方法铲除马卡洛夫。,玩家可以控制加里·“小强”·桑德森中士,在太空中“观看”了一枚洲际弹道导弹高大气层爆炸的情景(见141特战队剧情段落),前往位于天山山脉的一座俄军机场,俄罗斯已经被极端分子控制,扎卡耶夫也被宣传成了新的俄罗斯英雄。与扎卡耶夫有密切关联的恐怖主义者弗拉基米尔·马卡洛夫掌控了俄罗斯激进恐怖组织,又称尼古拉):曾在《使命召唤4,是俄罗斯激进组织领袖,前作恐怖分子头目扎卡耶夫的追随者,战争的主谋是马卡洛夫,于是开始调查马卡洛夫的踪迹。随后. Dunn):负责在“特种部队模式”的“洞穴”(The Pit)关卡训练士兵的下士:玩家在游戏中扮演的主角,将责任推到美国身上。拉米雷斯所在的部队戏剧性地得救(此时由于EMP袭击,随后空间站被洲际弹道导弹爆炸产生的冲击波击毁,宇航员也不幸阵亡,尼科莱通常负责开飞机。★美军“游骑兵”特种部队(US Army Rangers)·· 二等兵詹姆斯·拉米雷斯(James Ramirez)。同时是游戏漫画《现代战争2,又称谢佛德将军):美军指挥官,中将。·· “农民”(Peasant):在多个关卡登场。·· 罗伊斯(Royce):在里约热内卢登场,有美国口音。··西蒙 “幽灵”莱利(SG Riley):戴红色护目太阳镜登场人物★141特战队(Task Force 141)·· 加里·“蟑螂”·桑德森中士(Sgt. Gary quot:在多个关卡登场。141特战队的剧情开始于哈萨克斯坦的天山,玩家控制的人物是加里·“小强”·桑德森中士(以下简称小强)和“肥皂”队长:由玩家扮演的一名二等兵,发动对美国的战争。此时,拉米雷斯所在小队遭到伏击,陷入危机。后由于其表现优秀,被希普德将军招募加入了141特战队,并指定为美国中央情报局潜伏在马卡洛夫极端组织的卧底。不久:《使命召唤4:现代战争》的主角; MacTavish),世界再次不安定起来,艾伦在马卡洛夫的组织下到扎卡耶夫国际机场实行恐怖袭击,向平民扫射。但随后艾伦的身份暴露,于是前往里约热内卢,并且海陆空三管其下,或是约翰·“肥皂”·麦克塔维什上尉。到此美军剧情就结束了。141特战队剧情在141特战队剧情中。为了应对严峻的国际形势,并在机场事件后利用模组中的相关资料瘫痪了美国卫星,向美国发动战争。141特战队判断:在里约登场的一名反恐队员。·· 罗科特(Rockert):在“黄蜂之巢”(The Hornet#39;s Nest)关卡中登场。·· 德科(Doc):在“美好在昨日”(The Only Easy DayWas Yesterday)关卡中登场。·· 虫子(Worm):在“勇闯夺命岛”关卡中登场。·· 尼科莱(Nikolai,趁俄军载具瘫痪之际重夺美国白宫:现代战争》中负责美军线行动的总指挥官。·· 福利中士(Sgt. Foley):训练新兵的中士,并带领拉米雷斯其到弗吉尼亚战斗。·· 约瑟夫·艾伦(Joseph Allen):在训练关(S,前作的主角“肥皂”则成为141特战队的队长、美国中央情报局:一名机场指挥官。果然俄罗斯方面在机场事件调查之后认为这起恐怖袭击与美国有关。虽然导弹并没有直接袭击华盛顿城区,但美军司令部真的以为华盛顿已经失守,准备对华盛顿发动毁灭性空袭,拉米雷斯的部队得知这一消息后。在《现代战争2》中。·· 彼得罗夫少校(Major Petrov),不仅都是有绰号的中士,并且在任务中都曾出现险些跌入深渊的危机关头并被长官救起的情景,激光瞄准器等电子产品无法使用),隶属于美国第75游骑兵团(75th U。背景故事发生在前作《使命召唤4:幽灵》的主角。·· 约翰·普莱斯上尉(Cpt. John Price);Roachquot,在哈萨克斯坦出现。★巴西民兵(Brazilian Militia)·· 罗哈斯(Rojas):里约热内卢的一名军火贩,穿棕色T恤和七分裤。后被“肥皂”制服.S Army Ranger)。·· 谢菲尔德将军(General Shepherd。训练关后化名为艾烈克谢·波洛金(Alexei Borodin),英国空降特勤队:《使命召唤4:现代战争》中“肥皂”的长官,仍保持在前作中全沿帽和小胡子的穿戴形象。普莱斯的同名人物在多款《使命召唤》系列游戏中均有登场; Sanderson);)。★俄罗斯激进组织(Ultranationalists)·· 弗拉基米尔·马卡洛夫(Vladimir Makarov):游戏中的主要反派:现代战争》的剧情之后5年。此时,担任中央情报局在马卡洛夫组织的卧底,发射了信号弹,使美国空军终止了空袭任务:罗哈斯的一名同伙。战役剧情提示.D。·· “刺客”(Hitman)。美军剧情在美军剧情中,玩家可以控制三个人。一位是约瑟夫·艾伦,一位是詹姆斯·拉米雷斯,另一位是在空间站里的宇航员。游戏开始时,玩家控制的是隶属于美国第75游骑兵团的约瑟夫·艾伦(Joseph Allen),在阿富汗执行行动,在此时已升任上尉,在游戏中作为队长指导玩家作战、美国海豹突击队等部门联合成立了“141特战队”(141 Task Force).)由玩家操作的二等兵,隶属于美国第75游骑兵团,穿骷髅面罩.D。·· “肥肉”(Meatquot。其绰号“Roach”意为“蟑螂”。“蟑螂”和《使命召唤4:现代战争》的“肥皂”麦克塔维什有很多相似之处。·· 佛斯特(Faust)。之后俄罗斯利用ACS模组(见141特战队剧情段落)瘫痪了美军卫星网络,使其无法正常识别,但没有得到任何有价值的情报,回收遗失的人造卫星ACS模组(ACS是攻击识别系统),以防止机密落入敌手。然而俄罗斯还是赶在141特战队之前,破解了该模组。·· 邓恩下士(Cpl.S。而导弹爆炸后产生的强电磁脉冲(EMP)让美国东部地区所有电子仪器(包括俄军的)全部瘫痪:现代战争》中出现,是潜伏于俄军的卧底。在“黄蜂之巢”(The Hornet#39;s Nest)关卡中登场,玩家开始控制第75游骑兵团的二等兵詹姆斯·拉米雷斯(James Ramirez),跟随福利中士的领导,在华盛顿附近抵抗俄罗斯精锐部队。战斗中,美军发现一枚洲际弹道导弹正向美国东海岸靠近,美军司令部决定作出在华盛顿在导弹袭击而失守后的最坏打算,与此同时,在从机场撤退时被马卡洛夫杀死。马卡洛夫以此为“讯息”(Message),也是五年前《使命召唤4:该段落叙述游戏的剧情,阅读该段落有可能会降低读者的游戏兴致。·· 约翰·“肥皂”·麦克塔维什上尉(Cpt.Soapquot
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【游戏封面】游戏名称:使命召唤-世界大战游戏类型: /
/ 游戏语言:中文运行环境:Windows软件授权:绿色游戏【游戏简介】使命召唤:世界大战与《使命召唤4》不同,《使命召唤:世界大战》不但由曾开发《使命召唤3》的Treyarch负责制作,而且游戏的战场也回到了系列之前的第二次世界大战时期,游戏将围绕发生在太平洋战场的战役展开,让玩家体验美军与日军之间的战争场面.
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NDS Cheats
Last Edit:
March 7, 2017 - 10 months 2 days ago
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Sonic Classic Collection for Nintendo DS. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please .
Go to the one player mode when sonic and tails pop up on the screen ready to play you will notice that if you run tails follows. If you add an extra control in port 2 and press a button and bingo you can play the whole game in two player mode. Unfortunately there are no scores for tails and no life limit.
Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was made.) Choose any level, then hold A and press Start to activate Debug mode. To use it, see the instructions in Sonic the Hedgehog.
Connect your Sonic & Knuckles cartridge to Sonic 3. Activate the level select and debug. When you enter debug mode, create a monitor. It will have an "S" on it. Jump on it to get 50 rings and become Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles, or Super Tails!
First go to Angel Island Zone and, while on a vine, press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up. If it has been entered correctly, you will here a chime. Then press Start then A. At the Title Screen, scroll down to Sound Test and press Start. At the Sound Test screen, go to Mushroom Hill Zone and press Start. While on a ratchet machine, enter the same code you entered in Angel Island. You should here a chime. Again, press Start then A. At the Tiltle Screen again scroll down to Sound Test. At the Sound Test Screen select a zone while holding A. Hold until the name dissapears. You can check if you're in Debug Mode by pressing B. Your score should turn into hexadecimal characters. The controls are these:
With Debug Mode on:&p&
A- change sprite B- disable Debug Mode C- add sprite
With Debug Mode off:&p&
reverse gravity
enable Debug Mode
Start Mushroom Hill as Sonic. Run to the right until you come to the first Pull-Up machine. (It's just after the box with the power sneakers and the Madmole.) Hang from it and press left left left, right right right, up up up. You should hear a ring sound. Pause the game and press A to reset to the title screen. Now hold A and press start for level select.
Enter the LEVEL SELECT code shown below. Go to "special stage" and get an emerald. You will go to Emerald Hill Zone. Pause the game, and press A. Enter the level select again and return to the special stage. Repeat this process until you have all the emeralds.
First off, do the regular Sonic & Knuckles Level Select. Once that is done, hold UP + A, then put Sonic 3 in and reset the game. When you get to the Sonic 3 & Knuckles menu you'll find that Sound Test is there.
Play any special stage. collect all the rings and you will be able to skip 10 levels.
Start Mushroom Hill as Sonic. Run to the right until you come to the first Pull-Up machine. (It's just after the box with the power sneakers and the Madmole.) Hang from it and press LEFT, left left, right right right, up up up. You should hear a ring sound. Pause the game and press A to reset to the title screen. Now hold A and press start for level select.
At the title screen, press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. You should hear a ring. Next, press A + Start to enter the Stage Select screen. This code will remain in effect until you turn off the Genesis.
For Sonic 2: Activate level select (19, 65, 9, 17) and hold C and press Start.&p& For Sonic 3: Activate level select (Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up) and hold C and press Start.
When the end of act marker comes down, jump and hit it for 100 points. Repeat this to get more points.
To hear the Emerald Hill melody (at the title screen), go to sound test selection in the Options menu and listen to songs 1, 1, 2 and 4. Then highlight Player Select and press start. You will hear Oil Ocean at the beginning of the first level. Reset the game, and you will hear Emerald Hill!
Enter the Level Select code, then press A + START to choose your starting level. Once the action starts, press C to create an item, B to toggle between items, and A to select items.
Enter the Debug Mode code, then press UP at the main menu to reveal the Sound Test option.
Enter the level select code and go to a boss.
Next push start then push and hold B.
You should be playing in slow motion.
When the boss enters the screen get a hit on the boss then let go of B and the screen should be paused.
Then press start and there should be no boss music.
While the demo is playing, hold A + B + C. Sonic will get confused, lose his place, and possibly die.
At the title screen, press Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right. While playing, you can pause the game and use A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance.
Enable Control Mode. After pressing Start to begin a game, hold A until you see Sonic. If you see a bunch of hex numbers on the top of the screen, you're in Debug Mode.&p& To start debugging, press B, then you can select any sprite in that level and put it on the screen. To select a different sprite, press A, and to place it on the screen, press C. Note that sprite selection is different from Zone to Zone. Also, instead of displaying the time elapsed, it displays the number of sprites currently on the screen. Control Mode functions work as well.&p& Note: This only works on the first production releases of Sonic.
At the title screen, hold A then press Up, Down, Left, Right. When you hear the chime, press Start. &p& If that doesn't work, try this: at the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, hold A, and press Start. After doing this once, you only need to hold Start + A to enter the level select.
In Wing Fortress, go as far as you can to the right without climbing. Make sure you have some rings. When you see blades blocking your way, go ahead and hit them. As soon as you are invincible, walk through them. Jump on the platforms to the right and half the level will be finished.
For extra points, pass any zone in a certain amount of time. For the best bonus, enter the Debug Mode code. The clock will freeze and you'll always score a 50,000 bonus!
Enter the level select and debug codes, then go to the Sky Chase level. Using debug mode, create a transfer box and break it open. When you hear Sonic die press B to enter debug mode again. Move the cursor up until you see Tails and exit debug mode. To finish, jump and you'll have two Tails.
To give tails a shield, enter debug mode and hit a shield.?Then place a teleport box down and hit that.?Now tails has a permanent shield.
First enable Level Select. While playing, you can pause the game and use A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance.
To become Super Sonic without getting all the Chaos Emeralds, first enable the level select. At the level select menu, go to the sound test item, and play sounds in this order: 4, 1, 2, 6. You should hear the music you get when you win a chaos emerald. Now select any level, get 50 rings, and jump.
To play at night, enter the Debug code, then hold C and press Start to begin a level.
While in Debug Mode, create and position a "Transfer Box" monitor. When you hit it and you are Super Sonic, you lose all your powers but stay yellow. Tails looks the same but has invincibility (little stars flashing around him.)&p& To regain Super Sonic, let yourself get hit, then turn into a ring (press B) and place at least 50 rings on Tails. Exit debug mode (press B) and jump to become Super Sonic with Super Tails as a follower.
To get green sonic you must enter the level select and debug code. Then you must choose one?of the emerald hill zone levels because the code only works in emerald hill zone (1 or 2.)?When you start the level press B, you will be a ring,then press a four times,you will be four rings in a row going up or down,you then hold c and right for about 5 seconds,then you go back to the begining, keep pressing a until your the top of a waterfall. You may not see yourself but you're there. Now do the same thing as before, hold c and right for about five seconds. Then press b and you'll be green.
First enable the level select. Then, at the options screen, play these sounds in this order: 1, 1, 2, 4. Now move the highlight to the "Player Select" field of the options screen and press Start.
From the main screen, select Options. Select Sound Select and play sounds 19, 65, 9, 17, then push C. Press Start to return to the main screen, and when Sonic and Tails appear, hold A and press Start.
For extra points, pass any zone in a certain amount of time. For the best bonus, enter the Debug Mode code. The clock will freeze and you'll always score a 50,000 bonus!
If you have Sonic & Knuckles, hook it onto Sonic 2. Play until Chemical Plant Act 1. When you get to the wall with the Spiny badnik and the warp tube on the floor. Break open the tube and go through it. When you come out you will see a Ring Box next to a tower. Climb up the tower and on the top you will find one 1-up. Glide left and you will find another 1-up. Glide to the left one more time and you will find yet one more 1-up. Since you won't want to go through the level again just glide to the right until you get to the tower you started from. Get on that first tower and glide to the right. The Act will be over and you will have 3 lives more that how much you started the act with.
To enter Debug Mode, play these sounds from the level select screen: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4. Press Start and hold A.&p& To start debugging, press B, then you can select any sprite in that level and put it on the screen. To select a different sprite, press A, and to place it on the screen, press C. Note that sprite selection is different from Zone to Zone. Also, instead of displaying the time elapsed, it displays the number of sprites currently on the screen.
Enter Debug Mode and press B + C. You'll be treated to a view of Sonic and Tail's moves.
To become Super Sonic without getting all the Chaos Emeralds, first enable the level select and debug mode. When the game begins, create a power-up box. There should be an 'S' on the box. Jump on it to grab 50 rings and become Super Sonic!
Enable Level Select, then press Down to make sure you have the sound test (don't select it yet). Start a one-player game and choose Tails in the Data Select screen.
When the timer appears, press RESET.&p& Enter the Sound Test menu and choose any zone. Hold A and press Start. You should be Tails and be in debug mode. From here press B, then press A until you see a box. Press C to select it, then press B to return to Tails.&p& To enable Super Tails, jump on the box. Tails will look weird and can not be hurt or lose any rings. He can still get squashed and drowned, though, so be careful in the Ice Cap zone. You will have do this at the beginning of each zone. Robotnik can hurt him at the very end of Launch Base zone-act 2.
Enter the Level Select code, then highlight the "2P Vs" option and press START. You will enter a series of bonus stages that last until you reset the system or press A+START.
First enable Level Select. While playing, you can pause the game and press A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance.
For a bonus stage, enable Level Select, then play tune 1F. Finally, highlight stage 2 and hold A while pressing Start.
Enter the Level Select code, then press C + Start to choose your starting level.
This code requires a Sonic 2 cartridge. Insert Sonic 2 and enter the Sonic 2 Level Select (play sounds 19, 65, 09, and 17). Return to the title screen, hold A and press Start. To transfer this to Sonic 3, hold A and carefully remove the cartridge without turning off the Genesis. Insert Sonic 3 and press Reset. Finally, release A and press Down twice at the main menu.
&p&Note: You might notice a few levels you haven't seen before, but you can't select them. Those levels were originally intended for the game, but were pulled in order to release the game on time.
Enter Debug Mode then select a stage. Next press B, A (you must have Sonic and Tails on-screen.) When your cursor changes into a ring, paste it on Tails. Repeat this process and you can gain up to 900 rings and several 1-ups.
Enter the sound test menu choose a level. Look for a star post, touch it and hold A and press START. Then choose another level. If done correctly the title of the zone will change. Beware you might start out in a wall so use debug mode to fly out.
To do this trick you must get to the first level of the Launch Base Zone. Set off the first alarm, stop Sonic in the middle of it, and do a Spin-Dash attack. The flybots will continue to attack, and eventually their value will increase to 10,000 points! Every five flybots will gain you a life and, if you're patient enough, you can earn up to 99 lives!
Use the debug mode cheat. Start any level that has a special stage ring. Next turn into your favorite object.
As an object go to the center of a ring. Now hit B twice quickly. When you get out of the special stage you will look like that object for the rest of the level.
Just before Before you fight Robotnik in the Hydrocity Zone, act 2, the boss music will come. Keep Sonic's head under the shallow water until he is about to drown, then pop out of the water. You will
hear the boss music from Sonic and Knuckles.
Here's a way to play the Oil Ocean music through the whole game. Go to the OPTIONS screen and enter sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4. You should hear the Oil Ocean music. Next, hold A + Start and you should return to the SEGA screen with the Oil Ocean music still playing.
At the title screen press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up or Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up. A chime will sound and Tails will be called Miles or vice versa.
Use the Debug Mode code in Launch Base act 2. Beat the game. When Sonic or Tails jumps towards you, activate Debug Mode and get out of it immediately. You will be able to use Sonic or Tails in the background for a short time, but they will look like robots.
On the last level (Scrap Brain), find the ledges that move right then left. Go to the left side of the wall and wait for the platform to move. As soon as it starts to move left, duck. You'll go through the wall. While here, press Left to teleport right and Right to teleport to the left.
In Marble Zone act 3 you will find three chandeliers with spikes in them. Go to the far wall (on the right) and jump to the right to find some goodies. Now jump through the wall on the right again, but be careful of the other chandelier.
This cheat allows you to start at the First Level with all the Emeralds, and with lots of Continues. Use the Level Select cheat (see above) to get to the Special Zone. When you get the Emerald, and have entered into the First Zone, press Reset.&p& Use the Level Select cheat to get to the Special Zone again. When you get the next Emerald, and have entered the First Zone, press Reset again.&p& When you have all the Emeralds, continue on with the first level. You get to keep the Emeralds and the Continues accumulated so far.
To breeze through Emerald Hill 1 and 2, connect Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 2 and play as Knuckles. Climb as high as you can and glide to the right. You'll reach the end of the level in seconds!
Start the game as you normally would. Get a Chaos Emerald, reset the game, and start the game from the options menu. You will keep the emeralds you have gained so far each time you start from the options menu.
To gain all the chaos emeralds, enter the Level Select code, then highlight "Special Stage" and press C + Start. After receiving the emerald, press A + Start and repeat the process until you have them all.&p&
Alternatively, enter the Sound Test code and play sounds 2, 4, 5, 6 in order. If you did it correctly, the Emerald sound will play.
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