ubuantu安装 mate可以不输密码直接进系统吗

Ubuntu Mate 开机自动登录
&&&&Ubuntu Mate 开机自动登录
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Alternately, you can accquire downloads for the desktop version from the
Choose your&architecture
Ideal for computers&with:
More than 3 GB of&RAM.
64-bit capable Intel and AMD&processors
UEFI PCs booting in CSM&mode.
Modern Intel-based Apple&Macs
Ideal for computers&with:
Less than 2 GB of&RAM.
Intel and AMD&processors.
Ageing PCs with low-RAM&resources.
Older Intel-based Apple Macintosh&systems.
For hardware&like:
Apple Macintosh G3, G4 and&G5
Apple iBooks and&PowerBooks
IBM OpenPower 7xx&Machines
For aarch32 (ARMv7) computers,&like:
Raspberry Pi&2
Raspberry Pi&3
Which release would you like?
Choose a different architecture
Ubuntu MATE
Choose a different release
This is a development pre-release
It is better suited for developers and testers who want to help with Ubuntu MATE QA, or to provide testing feedback and file bug reports.
If you can spare the bytes, a torrent is the recommended method to download Ubuntu&MATE.
Download Size
SHA256SUM Checksum
A little bit goes a long way. If everyone who downloaded Ubuntu MATE donated $2.50
it would fund the full-time development of Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Please help both projects
flourish by showing your support with a tip.
Tip us $2.50
Tip us $10
Tip us $20
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To donate more, donate with BitCoin or become an Ubuntu MATE Patron,
Purchase DVDs and&USBs
OSDisc.com is a leading source for Linux DVDs and USBs. Purchase ready-to-use bootable
DVDs and memory sticks that come pre-installed with Ubuntu MATE and have persistent&storage.
HELLOTUX sell an Ubuntu MATE branded 8GB Metallic Unibody USB stick that is just 41 mm
long and less than 5 mm thick. It’s the perfect flash drive for your key ring, always
with you. HELLOTUX will also help you to upgrade your flash drive to the next version
of Ubuntu MATE, absolutely&free.
The following resources may be useful to help get you up and&running.
Mirrors and Other&Options
You might prefer to find a DVD image on a mirror server that is geographically
close to you in order to achieve a faster&download.
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is a trademark of .}


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