
Big Data and Cloud Tips: How to setup password-less ssh to the slaves?
Rant about Big Data, Cloud and related technologies.
For setting up Hadoop on a cluster of machines, the master should be able to do a password-less ssh to start the daemons on all the slaves.
Class MR - master starts TaskTracker and the DataNode on all the slaves.
MRv2 (next generation MR) - master starts NodeManager and the DataNode on all the slaves.
Here are the steps to setup password-ssh.
Ensure that port 22 is open on all the slave (`telnet slave-hostname 22` should connect).
1) Install openssh-client on the master
sudo apt-get install openssh-client
2) Install openssh-server on all the slaves
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
3) Generate the ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
4) Copy the key to all the slaves (replace username appropriately as the user starting the Hadoop daemons). Will be prompted for the password.
ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@slave-hostname
5) If the master also acts a slave (`ssh localhost` should work without a password)
cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub && $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
If hdfs/mapreduce are run as
then the steps (3,4 and 5) have to be repeated for all the users.
How to test ?
1) Run `ssh user@slave-hostname`. It should get connected without prompting for a password.
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Many a times the events from the applications have to be analyzed to know more about the customer behavior for recommendations or to figu...SSH原理与运用(一):远程登录 - 阮一峰的网络日志
最早的时候,互联网通信都是明文通信,一旦被截获,内容就暴露无疑。1995年,芬兰学者Tatu Ylonen设计了SSH协议,将登录信息全部加密,成为互联网安全的一个基本解决方案,迅速在全世界获得推广,目前已经成为Linux系统的标准配置。
此外,本文只讨论SSH在Linux Shell中的用法。如果要在Windows系统中使用SSH,会用到另一种软件,这需要另文介绍。
  $ ssh user@host
  $ ssh host
  $ ssh -p 2222 user@host
可以设想,如果攻击者插在用户与远程主机之间(比如在公共的wifi区域),用伪造的公钥,获取用户的登录密码。再用这个密码登录远程主机,那么SSH的安全机制就荡然无存了。这种风险就是著名的(Man-in-the-middle attack)。
  $ ssh user@host
  The authenticity of host 'host (12.18.429.21)' can't be established.
  RSA key fingerprint is 98:2e:d7:e0:de:9f:ac:67:28:c2:42:2d:37:16:58:4d.
  Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
  Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
  Warning: Permanently added 'host,12.18.429.21' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
  Password: (enter password)
  $ ssh-keygen
  $ ssh-copy-id user@host
  RSAAuthentication yes
  PubkeyAuthentication yes
  AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
  // ubuntu系统
  service ssh restart
  // debian系统
  /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  $ ssh user@host 'mkdir -p .ssh && cat && .ssh/authorized_keys' & ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
这条命令由多个语句组成,依次分解开来看:(1)"$ ssh user@host",表示登录远程主机;(2)单引号中的mkdir .ssh && cat && .ssh/authorized_keys,表示登录后在远程shell上执行的命令:(3)"$ mkdir -p .ssh"的作用是,如果用户主目录中的.ssh目录不存在,就创建一个;(4)'cat && .ssh/authorized_keys' & ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub的作用是,将本地的公钥文件~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub,重定向追加到远程文件authorized_keys的末尾。
区块链(blockchain)是眼下的大热门,新闻媒体大量报道,宣称它将创造未来。Access denied | www.cyberciti.biz used Cloudflare to restrict access
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The owner of this website (www.cyberciti.biz) has banned your access based on your browser's signature (3fa5dd7e7d346df0-ua98).How to SSH to an iPhone (or iPad)
You may know already that
has the same underlying unix architecture as , and because of this you can SSH into an iPhone or iPad just like you would connect to any other Mac or unix based machine.
As it turns out for us nerdier users, this ability is disabled without a jailbreak, so in order to SSH into your iOS device you will need to jailbreak first. How to do this varies on what version of iOS your hardware is using, but you can find our
or just look for the .
To clarify, this is a guide on how to setup the ability to SSH into your iPhone or iPad from another machine, if you are just looking for an SSH client for the iPhone or iPad,
is by far the best, and costs $7.99.
How to Setup SSH and then Connect with SSH to an iPhone or iPad
As previously mentioned, the first thing you need to do is jailbreak, that is out of the scope of this article but it’s easy to do. After your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is jailbroken, proceed with the following:
Step 1) From the iOS Device:
Launch Cydia and search for and install OpenSSH (it’s in the networking section on Cydia) – you won’t see anything on your Springboard because this runs in the background
After OpenSSH is downloaded and installed, tap onto “Settings” and then onto “Wi-Fi”
Tap on the arrow next to the WiFi router you are connected to, this will bring up the wireless network settings
Make note of the IP Address visible on the first screen, as an example we’ll say it’s
Step 2) SSH from your Mac or Windows PC:
Launch the Terminal in Mac OS X, or PuTTY for Windows users
Type the following at the command line:
ssh root@
Remember to use the IP address you found in the prior step on your iPhone
Wait a minute or two while the SSH encryption keys are generated, accept them when (if) asked – this delay only occurs the first time you ssh from a computer to the iOS device
When asked for a password, use “alpine” but without the quotes, this is the default password for all iOS devices
Step 3) Change the Default iOS Passwords:
You will now be connected to your iPhone or iPad via SSH. The first thing you’re going to want to do is change the default passwords, otherwise anyone on the network could theoretically connect to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. This is just a matter of typing the following command:
Provide a new password and then confirm it when asked.
Now you’ll want to change the ‘mobile’ ID password to be safe, this is basically the same procedure:
passwd mobile
Enter a new password and confirm it.
The video below walks through the process of changing the root passwords. This is very easy and only takes a moment.
If you plan on connecting to your iOS device frequently, you may want to set a manual DHCP IP address so that it doesn’t change on you, and then
so you don’t have to type the entire connection string again.
SSH into your iPhone from the iPhone (or iPad to itself, etc) ie: Connect to localhost:
For connecting to localhost from your iOS device, you just need to have an SSH or Terminal client on the iPhone itself. Again, I’ll , but there are other options out there.
SFTP to the iPhone or iPad:
Transferring files to the iPhone or iPad is just a matter of using SFTP after OpenSSH has been installed and is running. You’ll use the same IP address, login, and password as connecting with SSH, just from an ftp client instead of the Terminal. A few good free FTP clients are CyberDuck for Mac, or Filezilla for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
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Posted by: William Pearson in , , ,
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