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本帖最后由 erinnn 于
08:15 编辑
总会有人在E3之前讨论任天堂第一方到底还有几张牌可以出 然后就揪着任天堂的老作品不放当然任天堂也懂得很多人喜欢XX的新作 YY的续作这样的噱头来送钱
很多人可能以前根本不知道有新光神话这个游戏 不过25年后传奇的续作也的确为这款完全算是原创类游戏挂上了卖点
垮了25年的游戏都能出续作 一下子把第一方可以出的牌从塞尔达 马里奥 银河猎人 星之卡比 口袋妖怪这些几乎每年都能见到的熟面孔一下子扩大了好几百倍
有人会说sony啊 sony啊 sony啊也有十几个牌可以出 而任天堂已经把牌快出完了
Laser Clay Shooting System - 1973
EVR Race - 1975
Wild Gunman - 1976
Shooting Trainer - 1976
Sky Hawk - 1976
Battle Shark - 1977
Test Driver - 1978
Block Fever - 1978
Computer Othello - 1978
Space Fever - 1979
SF-HiSplitter - 1979
Space Launcher - 1979
Sheriff - 1979
Monkey Magic - 1979
Head On N - 1979
Smashmatic - 197?
Dead Line - 197?
Fancy Ball - 197?
Space Fire Bird - 1980
Radar Scope - 1980
HeliFire - 1980
Donkey Kong - 1981
Sky Skipper - 1981
Space Demon - 1981
Donkey Kong Jr. - 1982
Popeye - 1982
Mario Bros. - 1983
Donkey Kong 3 - 1984
Punch-Out!! - 1984
Super Punch-Out!! - 1984
Vs. Balloon FIght - 1984
Vs. Baseball - 1984
Vs. Clu Clu Land - 1984
Vs. Duck Hunt - 1984
Vs. Excitebike - 1984
Vs. Hogan's Alley - 1984
Vs. Pinball - 1984
Vs. Tennis - 1984
Vs. Urban Champion - 1984
Vs. Wild Gunman - 1984
Vs. Wrecking Crew - 1984
Vs. Stroke and Match Golf - 1984
Vs. Mahjong - 1984
Arm Wrestling - 1985
Vs. Ice Climber - 1985
Vs. Ladies Golf - 1985
Vs. Mach Rider - 1985
Vs. Soccer - 1985
Vs. Slalom - 1986
Vs. Super Mario Bros. - 1986
Vs. Volleyball - 1986
Vs. Gumshoe - 1987
Vs. Dr. Mario - 1990
Cruis'n Exotica - 1999
F-Zero AX - 2003
Super Mario Fushigi no Korokoro Party - 2004
Mario Kart Arcade GP - 2005
Donkey Kong: Jungle Fever - 2005
Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 - 2006
Donkey Kong: Banana Kingdom - 2006
Pokémon Battrio - 2007
Rhythm Tengoku - 2007
任天堂Color TV
Color TV Game 6 - 1977
Color TV Game 15 - 1978
Color TV Racing 112 - 1978
Color TV Block Kusure - 1979
Computer TV Game - 1980
红白机FC 任天堂娱乐系统
10-Yard Fight& && &&&Irem& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1985& && &&&[1]
4 Nin uchi Mahjong& && &&&Hudson Soft& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1984& && &&&[2]
Adventures of Lolo& && &&&HAL Laboratory& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&April 1989& && &&&[3]
Anticipation& && &&&Rare& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1988& && &&&[4]
Athletic World Data& && &&&Bandai& && &&&Nintendo Europe& && &&&November 1986& && &&&[5]
Balloon Fight& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&January 1985& && &&&[6]
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1990& && &&&[7]
Baseball& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1983& && &&&[8]
Clu Clu Land& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1984& && &&&[9]
Cobra Triangle& && &&&Rare& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1989& && &&&[10]
Dance Aerobics& && &&&Human Entertainment& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1987& && &&&[11]
Devil World& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&October 1984& && &&&[12]
Donkey Kong& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1983& && &&&[13]
Donkey Kong 3& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1984& && &&&[14]
Donkey Kong Classics& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&October 1988& && &&&[15]
Donkey Kong Jr.& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1983& && &&&[16]
Donkey Kong Jr. Math& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1983& && &&&[17]
Dr. Mario& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1990& && &&&[18]
Dragon Warrior& && &&&ChunSoft& && &&&Nintendo America& && &&&May 1986& && &&&[19]
Duck Hunt& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&April 1984& && &&&[20]
Excitebike& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1984& && &&&[21]
F1 Race& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1984& && &&&[22]
Famicom Wars& && &&&Intelligent Systems& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1988& && &&&[23]
Family Basic& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&June 1984& && &&&[24]
Family Basic V3& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1985& && &&&[25]
Faxanadu& && &&&Falcom& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1987& && &&&[26]
Final Fantasy& && &&&SquareSoft& && &&&Nintendo America& && &&&December 1987& && &&&[27]
Fire Emblem Gaiden& && &&&Intelligent Systems& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1992& && &&&[28]
Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi& && &&&Intelligent Systems& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&April 1990& && &&&[29]
Ginga no Sannin& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1987& && &&&[30]
Golf& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&May 1984& && &&&[31]
Gomoku Narabe Renju& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1983& && &&&[32]
Gumshoe& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&June 1986& && &&&[33]
Gyromite& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1985& && &&&[34]
Hogan's Alley& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&June 1984& && &&&[35]
Ice Climber& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&January 1985& && &&&[36]
Ice Hockey& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1988& && &&&[37]
Joy Mech Fight& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&May 1993& && &&&[38]
Kid Icarus& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1987& && &&&[39]
Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Dreamland
HAL Laboratory& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1993& && &&&[40]
Kung Fu& && &&&Irem& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&June 1985& && &&&[41]
Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man& && &&&Taxan& && &&&Nintendo Europe& && &&&September 1990& && &&&[42]
Lunar Pool& && &&&Compile& && &&&Nintendo Europe& && &&&December 1985& && &&&[43]
Mach Rider& && &&&HAL Laboratory& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&October 1985& && &&&[44]
Mahjong& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1983& && &&&[45]
Mario Bros.& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1983& && &&&[46]
Metroid& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1986& && &&&[47]
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&October 1987& && &&&[48]
Mother& && &&&Ape Studios& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1989& && &&&[49]
NES Open Tournament Golf& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1991& && &&&[50]
NES Play Action Football& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1990& && &&&[51]
Nintendo World Championships 1990& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&1990& && &&&[52]
Nintendo World Cup& && &&&Technos& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&May 1990& && &&&[53]
Pinball& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1984& && &&&[54]
Pinbot& && &&&Rare& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&April 1990& && &&&[55]
Popeye& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1983& && &&&[56]
Popeye no Eigo Asobi& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1983& && &&&[57]
Pro Wrestling& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1987& && &&&[58]
Punch-Out!!& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1990& && &&&[59]
R.C. Pro-Am& && &&&Rare& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1988& && &&&[60]
Rad Racer& && &&&SquareSoft& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1987& && &&&[61]
Shin 4-Jin Uchi Mahjong: Yakuman Tengoku& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&June 1991& && &&&[62]
Short Order / Eggsplode& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1989& && &&&[63]
Slalom& && &&&Rare& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1987& && &&&[64]
Snake Rattle 'n Roll& && &&&Rare& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1990& && &&&[65]
Soccer& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1985& && &&&[66]
Stack-Up& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1985& && &&&[67]
Stadium Events& && &&&Bandai& && &&&Nintendo America& && &&&December 1986& && &&&[68]
StarTropics& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1990& && &&&[69]
Super Mario Bros.& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1985& && &&&[70]
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1988& && &&&[71]
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt / World Class Track Meet& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1990& && &&&[72]
Super Mario Bros. / Tetris / Nintendo World Cup& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1988& && &&&[73]
Super Mario Bros. 2& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&October 1988& && &&&[74]
Super Mario Bros. 3& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&October 1988& && &&&[75]
Super Spike V'Ball& && &&&Technos Japan& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1989& && &&&[76]
Super Spike V'Ball / Nintendo World Cup& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1990& && &&&[77]
Super Team Games& && &&&Human Entertainment& && &&&Nintendo America& && &&&November 1987& && &&&[78]
Tennis& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&January 1984& && &&&[79]
Tetris& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1989& && &&&[80]
Tetris 2& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1993& && &&&[81]
The Guardian Legend& && &&&Compile& && &&&Nintendo Europe& && &&&February 1988& && &&&[82]
The Legend of Zelda& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1987& && &&&[83]
To the Earth& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1989& && &&&[84]
Top Players Tennis& && &&&Asmik Ace Entertainment& && &&&Nintendo Europe& && &&&October 1989& && &&&[85]
Urban Champion& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1984& && &&&[86]
Volleyball& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1987& && &&&[87]
Wario's Woods& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1994& && &&&[88]
Wild Gunman& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1984& && &&&[89]
Wrecking Crew& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&June 1985& && &&&[90]
Yoshi& && &&&Game Freak& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&December 1991& && &&&[91]
Yoshi's Cookie& && &&&Bullet Proof Software& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1992& && &&&[92]
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1988& && &&&[93]
Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1994& && &&&[94]
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. - 1986
Baseball - 1986
Golf - 1986
Mahjong - 1986
Metroid - 1986
Nazo no Murasame-jō - 1986
Palutena no Kagami - 1986
Pro Wrestling - Famicom Wrestling Association - 1986
Soccer - 1986
Super Mario Bros. - 1986
Super Mario Bros. 2 - 1986
Tennis - 1986
Volleyball - 1986
Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy - 1986
Doki Doki Panic - 1987
Famicom Golf: Japan Course - 1987
Famicom Golf: U.S. Course - 1987
Famicom Grand Prix - F1 Race - 1987
Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School - 1987
Shin Onigashima - 1987
The Legend of Zelda 2: link no Bouken - 1987
Donkey Kong - 1988
Donkey Kong Jr. - 1988
Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot Rally - 1988
Famicom Tantei Club: Kieta Kōkeisha - 1988
Ice Climber - 1988
Ice Hockey - 1988
Kaettekita Mario Bros. - 1988
Vs. Excitebike - 1988
Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shōjo - 1989
Pinball - 1989
Wrecking Crew - 1989
Yūyūki - 1989
Knight Move - 1990
Backgammon - 1990
Time Twist: Rekishi no Katasumi de... - 1991
Clu Clu Land: Welcome to New Clu Clu Land - 1992
Super Mario World - 1990
F-Zero - 1990
Pilotwings - 1991
SimCity - 1991
Super Tennis - 1991
Mario Paint - 1992
Super Mario Kart - 1992
Super Scope 6 - 1992
Battle Clash - 1992
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - 1992
Super Play Action Football - 1992
NCAA Basketball - 1992
Super Soccer - 1992
Star Fox - 1993
Super Mario All-Stars - 1993
Yoshi's Safari - 1993
Vegas Stakes - 1993
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge - 1993
NHL Stanley Cup - 1993
Mario & Wario - 1993
Yoshi's Cookie - Kuruppon Oven de Cookie - 1993
Super Metroid - 1994
Stunt Race FX - 1994
Donkey Kong Country - 1994
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball - 1994
Super Punch-Out!! - 1994
Tin Star - 1994
Tetris & Dr. Mario - 1994
Uniracers - 1994
Wario's Woods - 1994
Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World - 1994
Illusion of Gaia - 1994
Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo - 1994
Mega Man 6 - 1994
EarthBound - 1995
Kirby's Dream Course - 1995
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - 1995
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - 1995
Kirby's Avalanche - 1995
Killer Instinct - 1995
Mario's Super Picross - 1995
Panel de Pon - 1995
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - 1996
Kirby Super Star - 1996
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! - 1996
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run - 1996
Tetris Attack - 1996
Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu - 1996
Marvelous: Another Treasure Island - 1996
Kirby's Dream Land 3 - 1997
Heisei Shin Onigashima - 1997
Space Invaders - 1997
Wrecking Crew '98 - 1998
Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shōjo - 1998
Kirby no Kirakira Kizzu - 1998
Sutte Hakkun - 1998
Zoo-tto Mahjong! - 1998
Power Soukoban - 1999
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 1999
Famicom Bunko: Hajimari no Mori - 1999
Power Lode Runner - 1999
Picross NP Vol. 1 - 1999
Picross NP Vol. 2 - 1999
Picross NP Vol. 3 - 1999
Picross NP Vol. 4 - 1999
Picross NP Vol. 5 - 1999
Picross NP Vol. 6 - 2000
Picross NP Vol. 7 - 2000
Picross NP Vol. 8 - 2000
超任扩展卫星SFC Satellaview-BS
BS Zelda no Densetsu - 1995
BS Mario Paint: Yuu Shou Naizou Ban - 1995
BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki - 1995
Wario's Woods: Burst of Laughter Version - 1995
Yoshi no Panepon - 1996
Kirby no Omocha Hako: Beesuboruu - 1996
BS Zelda no Densetsu (2nd map) - 1996
BS F-Zero Grand Prix -
Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 - 1997
Excitebike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium - 1997
Wario's Woods: Again - 1997
BS Zelda no Densetsu Kodai no Sekiban - 1997
BS Dr. Mario - 1997
Panel de Pon '98 - 1998
Marvelous: Camp Arnold - Unknown
Marvelous: Time Athletic - Unknown
Satella Q - Unknown
Satella Walker - Unknown
Satella Walker 2 - Unknown
Shin Onigashima - Unknown
Sim City: Gai Tsukuri Taikai - Unknown
Special Tee Shot - Unknown
Super Famicom Wars - Unknown
Super Mario Collection - Unknown
Super Mario USA Power Challenge - Unknown
Sutte Hakkun - Unknown
Sutte Hakkun '98: Winter Event Version - Unknown
BS Tantei Club: Yuki ni Kieta Kako? - Unknown
Zoo-tto Mahjong! - Unknown
Super Mario 64 - 1996
Pilotwings 64 - 1996
Wave Race 64 - 1996
Killer Instinct Gold - 1996
Cruis'n USA - 1996
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - 1996
Mario Kart 64 - 1997
Blast Corps - 1997
Bomberman 64 - 1997
Diddy Kong Racing - 1997
GoldenEye 007 - 1997
Star Fox 64 - 1997
Tetrisphere - 1997
Mischief Makers - 1997
Super Mario 64 Rumble Pak version - 1997
Wave Race 64 Rumble Pak version - 1997
1080° Snowboarding - 1998
Banjo-Kazooie - 1998
Bomberman Hero - 1998
Cruis'n World - 1998
F-1 World Grand Prix - 1998
F-Zero X - 1998
Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside - 1998
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 1998
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr. - 1998
Waialae Country Club: True Golf Classics - 1998
Yoshi's Story - 1998
Command & Conquer - 1999
Donkey Kong 64 - 1999
Harvest Moon 64 - 1999
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest - 1999
Mario Golf - 1999
Mario Party - 1999
NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant - 1999
The New Tetris - 1999
Pokémon Snap - 1999
Star Wars Episode 1: Racer - 1999
Super Smash Bros. - 1999
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber - 1999
Custom Robo - 1999
Banjo-Tooie - 2000
Cruis'n Exotica - 2000
Excitebike 64 - 2000
Hey You, Pikachu! - 2000
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - 2000
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 2000
Mario Party 2 - 2000
Mario Tennis - 2000
Mickey's Speedway USA - 2000
Perfect Dark - 2000
Pokémon Puzzle League - 2000
Pokémon Stadium - 2000
Ridge Racer 64 - 2000
Starcraft 64 - 2000
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth - 2000
Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 - 2000
Custom Robo V2 - 2000
Dr. Mario 64 - 2001
Mario Party 3 - 2001
Paper Mario - 2001
Pokémon Stadium 2 - 2001
Doubutsu no Mori (Animal Forest) - 2001
F-Zero X Expansion Kit& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Randnet& && &&&April 2000& && &&&[95]
Kyojin no Doshin Kaihō Sensen Chibikko Chikko Daishūgō& && &&&Param& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&May 2000& && &&&[96]
Mario Artist: Communication Kit& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Randnet& && &&&June 2000& && &&&[97]
Mario Artist: Paint Studio& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Randnet& && &&&December 1999& && &&&[98]
Mario Artist: Polygon Studio& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Randnet& && &&&August 2000& && &&&[99]
Mario Artist: Talent Studio& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Randnet& && &&&February 2000& && &&&[100]
Randnet Disk& && &&&Randnet& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 2000& && &&&[101]
Luigi's Mansion - 2001
Pikmin - 2001
Super Smash Bros. Melee - 2001
Wave Race: Blue Storm - 2001
Animal Crossing - 2002
Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse - 2002
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - 2002
Mario Party 4 - 2002
Metroid Prime - 2002
NBA Courtside 2002 - 2002
Star Fox Adventures - 2002
Super Mario Sunshine - 2002
Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest - 2002
Doshin the Giant - 2002
1080° Avalanche - 2003
F-Zero GX - 2003
Kirby Air Ride - 2003
The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition - 2003
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest - 2003
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 2003
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour - 2003
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! - 2003
Mario Party 5 - 2003
Pokémon Channel - 2003
Wario World - 2003
Dōbutsu no Mori e-Plus - 2003
GiFTPiA - 2003
Nintendo Puzzle Collection - 2003
Custom Robo - 2004
Donkey Konga - 2004
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure - 2004
Mario Party 6 - 2004
Mario Power Tennis - 2004
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - 2004
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - 2004
Pikmin 2 - 2004
Pokémon Box: Ruby and Sapphire - 2004
Pokémon Colosseum - 2004
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ - 2004
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - 2004
Kururin Squash! - 2004
Battalion Wars - 2005
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - 2005
Donkey Konga 2 - 2005
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - 2005
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 2005
Geist - 2005
Mario Party 7 - 2005
Mario Superstar Baseball - 2005
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - 2005
Star Fox: Assault - 2005
Super Mario Strikers - 2005
Densetsu no Quiz Ou Ketteisen - 2005
Donkey Konga 3 - 2005
Baten Kaitos Origins - 2006
Chibi-Robo! - 2006
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 2006
Odama - 2006
Cars Mater-National Championship 2007
Wii Sports - 2006
Excite Truck - 2006
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 2006
Wii Play - 2006
WarioWare: Smooth Moves - 2007
Eyeshield 21: Field Saikyō no Senshi - 2007
Super Paper Mario - 2007
Mario Party 8 - 2007
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree - 2007
Pokémon Battle Revolution - 2007
Mario Strikers Charged - 2007
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 2007
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast - 2007
Battalion Wars 2 - 2007
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 2007
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - 2007
Super Mario Galaxy - 2007
Link's Crossbow Training - 2007
Wii Chess - 2008
Endless Ocean - 2008
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 2008
Minna no Joushiki Ryoku TV - 2008
Mario Kart Wii - 2008
Wii Fit - 2008
Mario Super Sluggers - 2008
Wario Land: Shake It! - 2008
Fatal Frame IV - 2008
Captain Rainbow - 2008
Wii Music - 2008
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 2008
Disaster: Day of Crisis - 2008
Pikmin - 2008 (New Play Control!)
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat - 2008
Wii Sports Resort - 2009
Punch-Out!! - 2009
Excitebots: Trick Racing - 2009
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor- 2009
Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories - 2009
FlingSmash - 2009
Takt of Magic - 2009
Endless Ocean: Blue World - 2009
Minna ga Shuyaku no NHK Kouhaku Quiz Kassen - 2009
Mario Power Tennis - 2009
Pikmin 2 - 2009 (New Play Control!)
Metroid Prime - 2009
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - 2009
Metroid Prime Trilogy - 2009
Chibi-Robo - 2009
New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 2009
Wii Fit Plus - 2009
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility - 2009
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure - 2009
Ando Kensaku - 2010
Xenoblade Chronicles - 2010
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 2010
Metroid: Other M - 2010
The Last Story - 2010
Wii Party - 2010
Super Mario All-Stars - 2010
Kirby's Epic Yarn - 2010
Donkey Kong Country Returns - 2010
Mario Sports Mix - 2011
Pandora's Tower - 2011
Wii Play: Motion- 2011
Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident - 2011
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 2011
Kirby's Return to Dream Land - 2011
Rhythm Heaven Fever - 2011
Fortune Street - 2011
Mario Party 9 - 2012
任天堂Wii Ware
Dr. Mario Online RX - 2008
My Pokémon Ranch - 2008
Magnetica Twist - 2008
MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade - 2008
World Chess - 2008
Art Style: ORBIENT - 2008
Art Style: CUBELLO - 2008
Art Style: ROTOHEX - 2008
Yakuman Wii: Ide Yosuke no Kenkou Mahjong - 2008
Lonpos - 2008
Bonsai Barber - 2009
World of Goo - 2009 (published by Nintendo in Japan only)
Rock 'n' Roll Climber - 2009
PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit - 2009
You, Me and the Cubes - 2009
Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! - 2009 (Club Nintendo)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad - 2009
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad - 2009
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Light Adventure Squad - 2009
Eco Shooter: Planet 530 - 2009
Excitebike: World Rally - 2009
Grill-Off with Ultra Hand! - 2009 (Club Nintendo)
Art Style: Penta Tentacles - 2010
Line Attack Heroes - 2010
任天堂 Wii U
Chase Mii Nintendo Nintendo TBA [102]
LEGO City Stories Traveller's Tale Nintendo TBA [103]
Kirby Warps of Legends Nintendo Nintendo TBA [104]
New Super Mario Bros. Mii Nintendo Nintendo cancelled [105]
Pikmin 3 Nintendo Nintendo TBA [106]
Super Smash Bros. Nintendo Nintendo TBA [107]
The Legend of Zelda Nintendo Nintendo TBA [108]
Game & Watch 银版
Ball - 1980
Flagman - 1980
Vermin - 1980
Fire - 1980
Judge - 1980
Game & Watch 金版
Manhole - 1981
Helmet - 1981
Lion - 1981
Game & Watch 宽屏版
Parachute - 1981
Octopus - 1981
Popeye - 1981
Chef - 1981
Mickey Mouse - 1981
Egg - 1981
Fire - 1981
Turtle Bridge - 1982
Fire Attack - 1982
Snoopy Tennis - 1982
Game & Watch 新宽屏版
Donkey Kong Jr. - 1982
Mario's Cement Factory - 1983
Manhole - 1983
Tropical Fish - 1985
Super Mario Bros. - 1988
Climber - 1988
Balloon Fight - 1988
Mario the Juggler - 1991
Game & Watch 双屏版(nds原型机)
Oil Panic - 1982
Donkey Kong - 1982
Mickey & Donald - 1982
Green House - 1982
Donkey Kong II - 1983
Mario Bros. - 1983
Rain Shower - 1983
Life Boat - 1983
Pinball - 1983
Black Jack - 1985
Squish - 1986
Bombsweeper - 1987
Safebuster - 1988
Zelda - 1989
Game & Watch 桌面版
Donkey Kong Jr. - 1983
Mario's Cement Factory - 1983
Snoopy - 1983
Popeye - 1983
Game & Watch 3D版(3ds原型机?)
Snoopy - 1983
Popeye - 1983
Donkey Kong Jr. - 1983
Mario's Bombs Away - 1983
Mickey Mouse - 1984
Donkey Kong Circus - 1984
Game & Watch 超级彩屏版
Spitball Sparky - 1984
Crab Grab - 1984
Game & Watch 小型双人版
Boxing - 1984
Donkey Kong 3 - 1984
Donkey Kong Hockey - 1984
Game & Watch 液晶屏幕版
Super Mario Bros. - 1986
Climber - 1986
Balloon Fight - 1986
Alleyway - 1989
Baseball - 1989
Golf - 1989
Super Mario Land - 1989
Tennis - 1989
Tetris - 1989
Yakuman - 1989
Qix - 1990
Balloon Kid - 1990
Dr. Mario - 1990
F-1 Race - 1990
Play Action Football - 1990
Radar Mission - 1990
Solar Striker - 1990
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters - 1991
Super R.C. Pro-Am - 1991
Yoshi - 1991
Nintendo World Cup - 1991
Game Boy Wars - 1991
Kirby's Dream Land - 1992
Metroid II: Return of Samus - 1992
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins 1992
Wave Race - 1992
Yoshi's Cookie - 1992
Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru - 1992
Kirby's Pinball Land - 1993
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - 1993
Tetris 2 - 1993
Top Rank Tennis - 1993
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - 1994
Donkey Kong - 1994
Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman! - 1994
Space Invaders - 1994
Donkey Kong Land - 1995
Killer Instinct - 1995
Kirby's Block Ball - 1995
Kirby's Dream Land 2 - 1995
Mario's Picross - 1995
Vegas Stakes - 1995
Arcade Classic 1: Asteroids + Missile Command - 1995
Arcade Classic 2: Centipede + Milipede - 1995
Arcade Classic 3: Galaga + Galaxian - 1995
Arcade Classic 4: Defender + Joust - 1995
Street Fighter II - 1995
Game Boy Gallery - 1995
Donkey Kong Land 2 - 1996
Mole Mania - 1996
Pokémon Red - 1996
Pokémon Green - 1996
Pokémon Blue - 1996
Tetris Attack - 1996
Tetris Blast - 1996
Picross 2 - 1996
Donkey Kong Land III - 1996
Game & Watch Gallery - 1997
Game & Watch Gallery 2 - 1997
Kirby's Star Stacker - 1997
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball - 1997
Tetris Plus - 1997
The King of Fighters '95 - 1997
Game Boy Camera - 1998
Wario Land II - 1998
Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands! - 1998
Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition - 1998
任天堂Virtual Boy(3ds原型机)
3D Tetris& && &&&T&E Soft& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&March 1996& && &&&[109]
Galactic Pinball& && &&&Intelligent Systems& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1995& && &&&[110]
Golf& && &&&T&E Soft& && &&&Nintendo America1& && &&&August 1995& && &&&[111]
Mario Clash& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&September 1995& && &&&[112]
Mario's Tennis& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1995& && &&&[113]
Nester's Funky Bowling& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&February 1996& && &&&[114]
Red Alarm& && &&&T&E Soft& && &&&Nintendo America1& && &&&July 1995& && &&&[115]
Teleroboxer& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&July 1995& && &&&[116]
Vertical Force& && &&&Hudson Soft& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&August 1995& && &&&[117]
Virtual Boy Wario Land& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&Nintendo& && &&&November 1995& && &&&[118]
1 Only released by Nintendo in America.
Harvest Moon GBC - 1998
Wario Land II - 1998
Tetris DX - 1998
Game & Watch Gallery 2 - 1998
Pocket Bomberman - 1998
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - 1998
Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3 - 1999
Ken Griffey, Jr.'s Slugfest - 1999
Game & Watch Gallery 3 - 1999
R-Type DX - 1999
Conker's Pocket Tales - 1999
Mario Golf - 1999
Disney's Beauty and the Beast: A Board Game Adventure - 1999
Pokémon Gold - 1999
Pokémon Silver - 1999
Mickey's Racing Adventure - 1999
Star Wars Episode I: Racer - 1999
NBA 3 on 3 Featuring Kobe Bryant - 1999
Bionic Commando: Elite Forces - 1999
Donkey Kong GB: Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong - 2000
Trade & Battle: Card Hero - 2000
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe - 2000
Wario Land 3 - 2000
Crystalis - 2000
Warlocked - 2000
Balloon Fight GB - 2000
Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble - 2000
Perfect Dark - 2000
Tottoko Hamtaro: Tomodachi Daisaku Ikusa Dechu - 2000
Disney's The Little Mermaid II: Pinball Frenzy - 2000
Pokémon Pinball - 2000
Kaijin Zona - 2000
Donkey Kong Country - 2000
Karkurenbo Battle Monster Tactics - 2000
Pokémon Trading Card Game - 2000
Mario Tennis - 2001
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages - 2001
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - 2001
Pocket Soccer - 2001
Mickey's Speedway USA - 2001
Pokémon Card GB2: Team Great Rocket is Here! - 2001
Alice in Wonderland - 2001
Mobile Golf - 2001
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge - 2001
Pokémon Crystal - 2001
Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! - 2002
Pokémon miniEdit
Pokémon Party mini - 2001
Pokémon Pinball mini - 2001
Pokémon Puzzle Collection - 2001
Pokémon Zany Cards - 2001
Pokémon Shock Tetris - 2001
Pokémon Puzzle Collection 2 - 2001
Pokémon Breeder mini - 2001
Togepi's Great Adventure - 2001
Pichu Bros. mini - 2001
Advance Wars - 2001
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity - 2001
Golden Sun - 2001
Mario Kart: Super Circuit - 2001
Super Mario Advance - 2001
Wario Land 4 - 2001
Kuru Kuru Kururin - 2001
Kururin Paradise - 2001
Magical Vacation - 2001
Disney's Magical Quest Starring Mickey & Minnie - 2002
Game & Watch Gallery 4 - 2002
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land - 2002
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - 2002
Metroid Fusion - 2002
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 - 2002
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 - 2002
Densetsu no Starfy - 2002
Custom Robo GX - 2002
Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi - 2002
Sakura Momoko no Ukiuki Carnival - 2002
Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu! - 2002
Domo-Kun no Fushigi Terebi - 2002
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising - 2003
Donkey Kong Country - 2003
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - 2003
Fire Emblem - 2003
Golden Sun: The Lost Age - 2003
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak - 2003
Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue - 2003
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - 2003
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire - 2003
Pokémon Sapphire - 2003
Pokémon Ruby - 2003
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 - 2003
Sword of Mana - 2003
Top Gear Rally - 2003
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ - 2003
Mother 1 + 2 - 2003
Densetsu no Starfy 2 - 2003
Densetsu no Starfy 3 - 2003
Classic NES Series: Bomberman - 2004
Classic NES Series: Castlevania - 2004
Classic NES Series: Donkey Kong - 2004
Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario - 2004
Classic NES Series: Excitebike - 2004
Classic NES Series: Ice Climber - 2004
Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda - 2004
Classic NES Series: Metroid - 2004
Classic NES Series: Pac-Man - 2004
Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros. - 2004
Classic NES Series: Xevious - 2004
NES Classics: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - 2004
Donkey Kong Country 2 - 2004
F-Zero GP Legend - 2004
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls - 2004
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games - 2004
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - 2004
Mario Golf: Advance Tour - 2004
Mario Pinball Land - 2004
Mario vs. Donkey Kong - 2004
Metroid: Zero Mission - 2004
Pokémon FireRed - 2004
Pokémon LeafGreen - 2004
F-Zero Climax - 2004
Famicom Mini: Balloon Fight - 2004
Famicom Mini: Clu Clu Land - 2004
Famicom Mini: Famicom Mukashibanashi: Shin Onigashima - 2004
Famicom Mini: Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo - 2004
Famicom Mini: Famicom Tantei Club: Keita Koukeisha - 2004
Famicom Mini: Kid Icarus - 2004
Famicom Mini: Mario Bros. - 2004
Famicom Mini: Nazo no Murasame-jō - 2004
Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. 2 - 2004
Wrecking Crew - 2004
DK: King of Swing - 2005
Donkey Kong Country 3 - 2005
Sennen Kazoku - 2005
Dr. Mario & Puzzle League - 2005
Dynasty Warriors Advance - 2005
Final Fantasy IV Advance - 2005
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 2005
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - 2005
Mario Party Advance - 2005
Mario Tennis: Power Tour - 2005
Pokémon Emerald - 2005
WarioWare: Twisted! - 2005
Yoshi Topsy-Turvy - 2005
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 2005
Drill Dozer - 2006
Eyeshield 21: Devilbats Devildays - 2006
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team - 2006
Final Fantasy V Advance - 2006
Tales of Phantasia - 2006
Rhythm Tengoku - 2006
Mother 3 - 2006
Boundish - 2006
Dialhex - 2006
Dotstream - 2006
Coloris - 2006
Orbital - 2006
Soundvoyager - 2006
Digidrive - 2006
Polarium Advance - 2006
Calciobit - 2006
Final Fantasy VI Advance - 2007
Air Hockey-e - 2002
Animal Crossing-e - 2002
Balloon Fight-e - 2002
Donkey Kong Jr.-e - 2002
Excitebike-e - 2002
Pinball-e - 2002
Tennis-e - 2002
Baseball-e - 2002
Donkey Kong-e - 2002
Ice Climber-e - 2002
Mario Bros.-e - 2002
Urban Champion-e - 2002
Domokun Card-e - 2002
Kirby Slide Puzzle - 2002
Manhole-e - 2002
Mario Party-e - 2002
Pikmin 2 Card-e - 2002
Pokémon Battle-e - 2002
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3-e - 2002
Tottoko Hamtaro Card-e - 2002
Mario vs. Donkey Kong-e - 2002
Domo-Kun no Fushigi Terebi-e - 2002
E3 2002 Promo Pack - 2002
Clu Clu Land-e - 2003
Donkey Kong 3-e - 2003
Golf-e - 2003
F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu-e - 2003
PictoChat - 2004
Super Mario 64 DS - 2004
Ridge Racer DS - 2004
Jam with the Band - 2004
WarioWare: Touched - 2005
Yoshi Touch & Go - 2005
Pokémon Dash - 2005
Polarium - 2005
Kirby: Canvas Curse - 2005
Meteos - 2005
Advance Wars: Dual Strike - 2005
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends - 2005
Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends - 2005
Nintendogs: Lab & Friends - 2005
Daredemo Asobi Taizen - 2005
Trace Memory - 2005
Metroid Prime Pinball - 2005
Nintendogs: Best Friends Edition - 2005
Mario Kart DS - 2005
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - 2005
Animal Crossing: Wild World - 2005
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan - 2005
Jump Super Stars - 2005
Nintendogs: Shiba & Friends - 2005
DS Rakuhiki Jiten - 2005
Tottoko Hamtaro Nazonazo Q: Kumonoue no? Shiro - 2005
Yakuman DS - 2005
Electroplankton - 2006
True Swing Golf - 2006
Super Princess Peach - 2006
Pokémon Trozei! - 2006
Metroid Prime Hunters - 2006
Tetris DS - 2006
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day - 2006
New Super Mario Bros. - 2006
Magnetica - 2006
Big Brain Academy - 2006
Sudoku Gridmaster - 2006
Tenchu: Dark Secret - 2006
Star Fox Command - 2006
Mario Hoops 3-on-3 - 2006
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team - 2006
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis - 2006
Kanji Sonomama DS Rakubiki Jiten - 2006
Clubhouse Games - 2006
Nintendogs: Dalmatian & Friends - 2006
Magical Starsign - 2006
Pokémon Ranger - 2006
Children of Mana - 2006
Elite Beat Agents - 2006
Yoshi's Island DS - 2006
Kirby: Squeak Squad - 2006
Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland - 2006
Densetsu no Starfy 4 - 2006
English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills! - 2006
Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What to Eat? - 2006
Project Hacker Kakusei - 2006
Game & Watch Collection - 2006
Jump Ultimate Stars - 2006
Chousouju Mecha MG - 2006
Eyeshield 21: MAX Devil Power - 2006
Mawashitetsu Nageru Touch Panic - 2006
Kanshū Nippon Jōshikiryoku Kentei Kyōkai: Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai Otona no Jōshikiryoku Training DS - 2006
Wi-Fi Taiyou: Yakuman DS - 2006
Kenkou Ouen Recipe 1000: DS Kondate Zenshuu - 2006
Point & Speak Travel Notebook - 2006
Touch Hyakunin Isshu: DS Shigureden - 2006
Custom Robo Arena - 2007
Diddy Kong Racing DS - 2007
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - 2007
Planet Puzzle League - 2007
Pokémon Diamond - 2007
Pokémon Pearl - 2007
Nintendo DS Browser - 2007
Wario: Master of Disguise - 2007
Picross DS - 2007
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! - 2007
DK Jungle Climber - 2007
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 2007
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol - 2007
Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day - 2007
Mario Party DS - 2007
Master of Illusion - 2007
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouedan 2 - 2007
Jet Impulse - 2007
Kurikin: Nano Island Story - 2007
Ganbaru Watashi no Kakei Diary - 2007
Slide Adventure: Mag Kid - 2007
Exclamation Warriors Sakeburein - 2007
Theta - 2007
Otona No DS Kao Training - 2007
Suujin Taisen - 2007
Tingle's Balloon Fight - 2007
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat - 2007
Kousoku Card Battle: Card Hero - 2007
Make 10: A Journey of Numbers - 2007
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - 2008
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time - 2008
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness - 2008
Crosswords DS - 2008
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - 2008
Professor Kageyama's Maths Training The Hundred Cell Calculation Method - 2008
Professor Layton and the Curious Village - 2008
Glory of Hercules - 2008
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - 2008
Fossil Fighters - 2008
Soma Bringer - 2008
Band Brothers DX - 2008
Game & Watch Collection 2 - 2008
The Legendary Starfy - 2008
Pokémon Platinum - 2008
Fire Emblem: Shin Ankoku Ryū to Hikari no Ken - 2008
Rhythm Heaven - 2008
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir - 2008
Kirby Super Star Ultra - 2008
100 Classic Book Collection - 2008
DS Uranai Seikatsu - 2009
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - 2009
Picross 3D - 2009
Tomodachi Collection - 2009
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - 2009
Pokémon HeartGold - 2009
Pokémon SoulSilver - 2009
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box - 2009
Style Savvy - 2009
Active Health with Carol Vorderman - 2009
Okaeri! Chibi Robo! Happy Richie Dai Souji - 2009
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - 2009
Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha Kanshuu: Shiranai Mamade wa Son o Suru Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS - 2009
Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love - 2009
Last Window: Mayonaka no Yakusoku - 2010
Pokémon Ranger: Tracks of Light - 2010
America's Test Kitchen: Let's Get Cooking - 2010
Rooms: The Main Building - 2010
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - 2010
Pokémon Black and White - 2010
Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~ - 2010
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-land Mayhem! - 2010
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future - 2010
Super Fossil Fighters - 2010
Kirby Mass Attack - 2011
Professor Layton and the Last Specter - 2011
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 - 2011
任天堂DSi ware
Nintendo DSi Browser - 2008
Flipnote Studio - 2008
Art Style: AQUIA - 2008
Art Style: D-CODE - 2008
Brain Age Express: Literature - 2008
Brain Age Express: Math - 2008
Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics - 2008
Dr. Mario Express - 2008
Master of Illusion Express: Deep Psyche - 2008
Master of Illusion Express: Funny Face - 2008
Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games - 2008
Paper Plane - 2008
Bird & Beans - 2008
WarioWare: Snapped! - 2008
Art Style: PiCOPiCT - 2009
Art Style: SOMNIUM - 2009
Chotto Suujin Taisen - 2009
Clubhouse Games Express: Trump Cards - 2009
Planet Puzzle League DSi - 2009
Solitaire DSi - 2009
20 Classic Book Collection DSi - 2009
Art Style: BOXLIFE - 2009
Art Style: NALAKU - 2009
Ide Yousuke's Healthy Mahjong DSi - 2009
Clubhouse Games Express: Table Games - 2009
KuruKuru Action: KuruPachi 6 - 2009
Ganbaru Watashi no Osaifu Ouendan - 2009
Chotto Magic Taizen: Suki Kirai Hakkenki - 2009
Kakon de Keshite: Wakugumi no Jikan - 2009
Itsudemo Pri-Kura * Kiradeko Premium - 2009
Sudoku Student - 2009
Chotto Magic Taizen: Date Uranai - 2009
Atsumeru Egao Chou - 2009
Ugoku Memo Tobari Version2 - 2009
Chotto Magic Taizen: Nenzu Camera - 2009
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! - 2009
Rhythm de Kitaeru: Atarashii Eigo Zuke - Yasashii Kaiwahen - 2009
Rhythm de Kitaeru: Atarashii Eigo Zuke - Native Kaiwahen - 2009
Dragon Quest Wars - 2009 (developed by Intelligent Systems)
Puzzle Iro Iro Monthly Crossword House Vol. 1 - 2009
Puzzle Iro Iro Monthly Crossword House Vol. 2 - 2009
Puzzle Iro Iro Monthly Crossword House Vol. 3 - 2009
Puzzle Iro Iro Monthly Crossword House Vol. 4 - 2009
Puzzle Iro Iro Monthly Crossword House Vol. 5 - 2009
Puzzle Iro Iro Monthly Crossword House Vol. 6 - 2009
Electroplankton Trapy - 2009
Electroplankton Hanenbow - 2009
Electroplankton Nanocarp - 2009
Electroplankton Beatness - 2009
Electroplankton Rec-Rec - 2009
Electroplankton Lumiloop - 2009
Electroplankton Luminaria - 2009
Electroplankton Sun Animalcule - 2009
Electroplankton Marine Snow - 2009
Electroplankton Volvoice - 2009
Ball - 2009
Flagman - 2009
Vermin - 2009
Judge - 2009
Helmet - 2009
Chef - 2009
Donkey Kong Jr. - 2009
Mario's Cement Factory - 2009
Manhole - 2009
Card Hero Speed Battle Custom - 2009
Aa Mujou Satsuna - 2009
Art Academy: First Semester - 2009
Art Academy: Second Semester - 2009
Art Style: DIGIDRIVE - 2009
Picturebook Games: The Royal Bluff - 2009
Pinball Pulse: The Ancients Beckon - 2009
Sparkle Snapshots - 2009
Crash-Course Domo - 2009
Hard-Hat Domo - 2009
Pro-Putt Domo - 2009
Rock-n-Roll Domo - 2009
White-Water Domo - 2009
Panel Connection: 3 Minute Rocket - 2009
Reflect Missile - 2009
Kappa Michi - 2009
Fight with Photos: Photo Fighter X - 2009
Hobo Nichi Rosenzu - 2009
Nintendo DSi Clock Photo Stand Type - 2009
Animal Crossing Calculator - 2009
Animal Crossing Clock - 2009
Mario Calculator - 2009
Mario Clock - 2009
Band Brothers DX Radio with Photo Stand - 2009
Six in One Translator - 2009
Dekisugi Tingle Pack - 2009
Pocket Rurupu - 2009
Nintendo DSi Instrument Tuner - 2009
Nintendo DSi Metronome - 2009
Sleep Record Alarm Clock - 2009
Nintendo DSi Calendar - 2009
Genius Personal Eiwaraku Jiten - 2010
Genius Personal Waeiraku Jiten - 2010
Hobo Rosenzu 2010: Zenkoku 7 Area + Shinkansen Map - 2010
Aura-Aura Climber - 2010
Pocket Rurubu Izuhakone - 2010
Pocket Rurubu Shinshuu - 2010
Otona no Renai Shousetsu: Harlequin Selection - 2010
Looksley's Line Up - 2010
Kaite Oboeru: Shashin Tango - 2010
Kaite Oboeru: Eitango Chou - 2010
DS Kokoro Nurie - 2010
Hobo no Kenkou Techou - 2010
Tsukutte Utau Saru Band - 2010
Photo Dojo - 2010
X-Scape - 2010
Flametail - 2010
Nintendo Countdown Calendar - 2010
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 2011
Mario Kart 7 - 2011
Nintendogs + Cats - 2011
PilotWings Resort - 2011
Star Fox 64 3D - 2011
Steel Diver - 2011
Super Mario 3D Land - 2011
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (published by Nintendo only in Australia) - 2011
Kid Icarus: Uprising - 2012
Paper Mario - 2011
Animal Crossing - 2012
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games - 2012
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 2012
Luigi's Mansion 2 - TBA
Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo 3DS) - TBA
任天堂3DS eshop
Picture Lives! -2011
Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive - 2011
Pushmo - 2011
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword - 2012
Dillon's Rolling Western - 2012
任天堂虚拟主机 wii dsi 3ds
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Super Mario Land
Radar Mission
3D ClassicsEdit
3D Classics: Excitebike - 2011
3D Classics: Xevious - 2011
3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure - 2011
Computer Mahjong - 1987
其中当年卖的和光神话差不多 并且形成一定话题的则超过300个
像任四部目前有4个游戏担当 ps和is虽然刚放下火纹和新光 实际上也还有2个游戏在同时进行
其他部门也都开发超过1年时间了 今年老任自己发行的游戏大概就能超过30个
相比sony的十几张牌 估计ps系全平台干不过老任一半的开发组
lz辛苦了 送分给你
在线时间289 小时
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猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 22752, 距离下一级还需 7248 积分
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猥人师表 Lv.6, 积分 3093, 距离下一级还需 1907 积分
在线时间731 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 21986, 距离下一级还需 8014 积分
在线时间146 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 26746, 距离下一级还需 3254 积分
在线时间412 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 23032, 距离下一级还需 6968 积分
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猥震海内 Lv.9, 积分 36072, 距离下一级还需 23928 积分
PSN 港服 SCGabriel
在线时间3644 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 29263, 距离下一级还需 737 积分
在线时间833 小时
猥震海内 Lv.9, 积分 44747, 距离下一级还需 15253 积分
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