
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Audioengine 声擎 B2-BLK高级桌面式蓝牙音箱(黑梣木)-数码影音-亚马逊中国
Audioengine 声擎 B2-BLK高级桌面式蓝牙音箱(黑梣木)
简介 将您所有的音乐从苹果产品或者平板电脑无线发送到B2有源音箱。 通过任何蓝牙设备无线传输您所有的音乐。您的电脑,苹果产品或安卓手机已带有蓝牙功能,所以连接B2无线音箱能够得到更好的声音。来体验声擎屡获殊荣的音质、手工打造的木制箱体,搭载aptX专利的蓝牙技术和超远的无线覆盖范围吧! 大多数蓝牙产品的音频质量通常糟糕透顶,且它们有限的使用范围也无法令人满意。B2通过搭载专为高品质音频设计的专利算法aptX解决了这些问题。B2还有着独特的电路设计和一个精密调谐的外置天线以扩展信号的有效覆盖范围,提供了其它蓝牙音箱产品无法企及的使用距离。 与众不同 B2手工打造的木质箱体沿用了声擎经典设计和高品质的组件,让消费者以合理价格购买到出色音质的产品是声擎一贯的承诺。B2进一步拉近了您电脑音乐和豪华高保真音响系统之间的距离,即使您不是一个音频发烧友,也必定能感受到它是如此的不同。 解码能力 B2采用了TI PCM5102A DAC,它以低噪声及高保真广为人知。它会把所有位深都填充成24位,从而实现更高的信噪比。由于PCM5102A高信噪比的规格、数字信号被转换(超采样)为24位及电源部分三重稳压滤波的处理,B2呈现的低噪声和低失真特性相比于其他蓝牙音箱是一个令人印象深刻的压倒性优势。 使用距离 大多数蓝牙产品的使用范围都非常有限,通常只有一个房间大小。通过仔细调谐信号管理电路和天线,我们创造了一个卓越的解决方案,能获得多个房间的使用距离且没有音质上的损失。 高品质蓝牙音频 B2搭载的aptX是一种先进的蓝牙音频编码技术,比起以前的版本能提供更高品质的声音。B2能向下兼容所有的蓝牙版本,因此您可以通过无线方式从任何蓝牙音源传输音乐,享受出色的音质。 特殊定制 声擎团队对高、低音单元和一些重要部件上都坚持自己设计、生产。换句话说,声擎的音箱部件***是别人批量生产,然后我们现成采购的,我们是根据自己的需求严格定制的。变压器、磁铁和线材等,虽然不是在我们工厂里生产,但都是我们自己设计的。声擎的每一台机器上,箱体、扬声器单元、低音单元接口设计、功率放大器和转换线路都是声擎工程师精心细致地调试、安装的。但这也让我们的系统更为***,比无源音箱加独立功率放大器或是类似的音响系统节能得多。 驱动单元 声擎的磁流体冷却高音单元采用钕磁铁,***能满足音乐发烧友对扬声器的质量要求。丝膜高音单元在高功率和先进的设计下表现出色。凯芙拉低音单元采用无纺布的玻璃芳纶复合材料,并用橡胶封边。凯芙拉显然表现优异,当扬声器单元在高功率运转时,低音方面仍能保真。扬声器的材料和结构稳固,足以抵挡有些较大的震动,因此声擎没有采用影响音质的扬声器网设计,优质的材料使声擎的产品在多年后音效和外形都仍能保持良好。 箱体结构 为了减少不必要的失真和谐振,我们使用了很厚的树脂粘合的中密度板作为箱体材料,并加强了内部的支撑。用高强度吸音材料填充内部以减少不必要的声音反射。箱体边缘打磨成圆角以减少高音在前面板造成的声音衍射。为了杜绝串扰,B2箱体内部采用了两侧子箱体相互独立的复杂设计,两侧箱体各自的前置倒相孔都是经过单独调试的。
商品尺寸31 x 15 x 10.5 cm
商品重量3.3 Kg
发货重量4.2 Kg
5 星 (0%)0%4 星4 星 (0%)0%2 星2 星 (0%)0%与其他买家分享您的想法已确认购买很少用,1-2个月才开一次,总共开机时间加起来估计不到7天,居然蓝牙就坏了,质量也太差了!!!买的30多的蓝牙音箱,几乎天天车上用也没出问题。
one of My friend have had
B2 for two weeks. He
said like this The speaker produces a warm, but balanced sound. Good image size with some depth, especially for a single speaker. Lots of detail so jazz and other acoustic music sounds great. Double base on Miles Davis So What sounds convincing. Great dynamics for classical music. You will want to listen to it for hours. Great review at Amazon.
TS5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Excellent sound if set up properly -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Well, I'm an audiophile with a $30,000 dedicated stereo system in a dedicated room and have written many in-depth reviews of high-end audio equipment for a premier review site.
I find the negative reviews of this speaker unfortunate as this speaker is capable of very satisfying and high quality sound, but like most higher quality audio products it requires a little more effort to get the best out of it.
Specifically, for starters you want to play some music through it for at least 50 hours before making any assessments of its sound.
This is because right out of the box the drivers will be stiff and need to loosen up before they will sound as designed, and the internal electronics inside the speaker also need to burn in.Next, especially if the speaker will often be situated below ear height (but even if not) I'd highly recommend purchasing the associated ADS1 speaker "stands" as they aim the tweeters more toward your ears, which is critical as the high frequency sound from tweeters is highly directional and could be significantly compromised/decreased if your ears are well above or below the tweeters' axis.
Secondly and also importantly, the rubber stands do a good job of damping vibrations between the speaker and whatever surface it's on, which improves bass tightness and evenness as well as overall imaging.
These details may explain many of the reviews that found the B2 to be bass heavy or mushy sounding.
Oh, and while we're on this topic, if sound quality is important and you want to hear the B2 at its best, REMOVE THE GRILL WHEN LISTENING.
It blocks the sound -- especially the treble -- when it's on.
The grill is more for protecting the drivers from prying fingers when not in use.THIS NEXT PIECE IS CRITICAL.
The B2 is a pretty revealing of whatever quality is fed into it precisely because it uses higher quality components than most other products in this class.
Many other competitors boost bass and lower mids and attenuate upper treble so basically all music will sound the same through it.
They'll never sound accurate or great, but they'll pretty much always sound appealing no matter what's fed into them.
If that's what you're after, the B2 may not be for you.
But there's something most people ignore that can make the B2 sound significantly better than almost all of the others.
In your phone or whatever you're using for a sound source you can go into the audio settings and choose from several preset equalization options usually labelled "Jazz," "Rock," etc.
These settings vary the sound you'll hear greatly, so it's critical you at least go through them with some of your music to find the one or two that sound best to you.
The B2 will reward you substantially for your effort with likely significantly improved sound.
Even better, if your phone, tablet, or whatever has an option called "Equalizer" or the like you may have the ability to customize the sound you hear to your specific preferences (rather than being limited to the above preset options) by giving you the ability to adjust individual
frequencies from the low bass up through the midrange and up to the high treble.
Don't worry, this is easy and if you take some time to play with it and you'll likely find a personal setting you prefer to any of the preset options.
That's what I did and the B2 rewarded with very well balanced and pleasing sound that greatly surpassed most other wireless speakers I've heard.
If it at all helps get you started with this, a good curve to start with would look something like a small letters "nr" next to each other with the lowest bass frequency starting at the midline and rising a little before decreasing to the midline in the midrange and then increasing back up again and leveling off at the highest treble a good bit above the midline.
You'll see what I mean once you're in the equalizer.
Again, if you put some effort in at the beginning the B2 has the resolution and refinement to produce very nice sound.
Basically, garbage in garbage out.
The B2 will let you hear it either way.
Don't be afraid to play around with it to ultimately find what sounds best to you.Lastly, there were some comments about the B2 sounding narrow unless you're sitting in front of it.
I had the B2 out in a field while we played a waffle ball game and the sound does get compromised if you move off axis as it does with many high-end speakers.
To mitigate this I turned the B2 up on its narrow end, and the sound literally filled the whole field with more than adequate volume and even decent bass.
If you have the B2 in a larger space or in a party type situation you might want to try this if placement allows.
By the way, I left the B2's volume controller on the rear at the mid level permanently and adjusted volume from my phone, and the speaker was always plenty loud enough so that's what I recommend doing.Sorry for the length of this post, but especially if you're willing to follow the steps above (or even if you're not) the B2 is a very well made and great sounding speaker that will reward you more than most competitors out there.
131 个人发现此评论有用.
Spee5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Great buy -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Excellent sound for a bluetooth speaker and a real beauty to look at. High quality construction and powerful enough for a whole room. Note that this is not considered a portable speaker since (1) it's heavy, (2) doesn't have a rechargeable battery, and (3) the controls are in the back and not easily accessible. I would recommend the DS1 speaker stands with it by AudioEngine. They fit nicely and they improve the sound.
4 个人发现此评论有用.
MJA5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Works great for me -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I tried a different powered bluetooth speaker and though it had great sound, but it stopped working after three days. I elected to return it instead of getting a replacement and eventually decided to try this one instead.
Although smaller and lighter, I was very surprised by the full sound this speaker generates.
Unlike some other reviewers, I have never had issues connecting to this speaker via bluetooth and the speaker fills the room with a full, rich sound even though it sits on the bottom shelf of my entertainment center.
It has been working great for over two months now so I'm pleased I decided to give it a try.
1 个人发现此评论有用.
liveinak5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Perfect for the task. -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I bought this for my wife's massage studio. Another example of Audioengine quality engineering. Sounds great and has excellent Bluetooth reception.
1 个人发现此评论有用.


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