
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。零售中的upt 是什么意思_百度知道
零售中的upt 是什么意思
客单量(UPT)(Units Per Transaction)是商场或超市平均每个客户购买货品的数量,是店铺营运重要衡量指标,计算公式是:客单量=货品销售数量/成交笔数。
那么这个月的UPT就是310/205=1.51Units Per Transaction, 就是用来统计单位时间段内平均每笔交易所售出的货品数,也就是说平均每单生意成交了1.51双鞋。例如一家鞋店,一个月的交易总次数205笔,一共出售了310双鞋
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Using APT to install packagesInstalling Debian Software with the Advanced Package ToolPrevNext2. Using APT to install packages2.1. Assumptions
I use the POTATO (version 2.2) release of Debian in my
discussion here. To see which version you've got, try
% uname -r
My system is version '2.2.17'.
The uname utility is available in the
shellutils package:
# apt-get install shellutils
to get it, if you don't have it.
In addition, I use the tcsh command shell,
just to be difficult.
Note that your system is BOUND to be different from mine -- type
and amount of memory, drive sizes, peripheral gadgets -- so YMMV
(your mileage may vary) wildly from mine. Even so, with luck it
might prove useful nonetheless...
2.2. Setup -- apt-setup
This little gizmo sets up the configuration file for you:
# apt-setup
It asks you some questions and winds up configuring your
/etc/apt/sources.list file. It tells
apt where to get the packages from, when you
request an update to your currently installed packages or when you
ask to install packages you've never tried before.
If you don't have apt-setup on your potato
(or later) Debian system, get the base-config package,
which supplies it:
# apt-get install base-config
Of course, you can always set up apt's
sources.list file by hand if you must. Check out
% man sources.list
to learn about the format of the 'sources.list' file, if you're the
determined type. For a list of Debian mirrors to use there, try
But if you're like me -- lazy -- you'll just run
# apt-setup
and be done with it.
2.3. Following a distribution
Keep in mind that Debian is a work-in-progress, meaning
that as holes are found and bugs are killed in the stable
distribution, a whole new world is developing on the UNSTABLE
distribution. If you need something from 'unstable' go
ahead and try it -- just don't gamble more than you can afford to lose,
right? Venturing into UNSTABLE
is fine if you
don't mind being on the "front lines" so to speak. Most of us stick
with the stable distribution, which has no new gizmos
only patches and fixes are added to the stable
release. You might occasionally want to delve into
UNSTABLE territory, for some new functionality that's
not available in the stodgy, old, stable area. It's up to you, but
don't expect a refund if something breaks -- it's called
UNSTABLE for a reason!
Starting in 2001 a new distribution of Debian is available.
It is called testing, and it covers the ground
between stable and UNSTABLE.
Testing is made of packages that have survived 14 days in unstable
without breaking. Major life-threatening bugs are thus solved before
making their way into testing. However, that also means that
security upgrades are also at least 14 days behind schedule...
However if your version of
apt supports it ( &= 0.5 ), there is a
very easy way to follow multiple distributions, it is
called pinning:
You must modify
/etc/apt/preferences and
1&Package: *
2&Pin: release a=stable
3&Pin-Priority: 900
5&Package: *
6&Pin: release a=testing
7&Pin-Priority: -10
then you must add lines for both stable
and testing to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and do an apt-get update which will download
the usual files twice, one for each
After this, you can use the -t option to
choose which distribution you want to get packages from:
# apt-get -t testing install sgmltools2
The Pin-Priority fields ensure that unless you
specifiy it manually, all packages will be taken from the
stable distribution (of course, dependencies are always met,
so you might have to download more than one package from
If you're running a live server, where any uncertainty or
instability would be a definite liability,
definitely shy away from
UNSTABLE or even testing
unless you enjoy soothing the frazzled nerves
of management, and their paying customers, and your spouse,
who keeps asking why you're always looking for a new job.
2.4. Updating your system --
apt-get upgrade
So you've got your Debian system humming -- you don't need to
let it fall behind! You can easily stay up-to-date with the
latest security patches, any bug fixes and an occasional
enhancement. That's the beauty of apt.
Once sources.list is set up and you're online,
# apt-get update
to refresh the list of available packages -- if new things are
available, that is how your Debian system will learn of it --
and then simply
# apt-get upgrade
which downloads, configures and then replaces any packages you've
already got that have been tweaked. You'll probably want to do it
periodically, to squash bugs and plug security holes.
NOTE that the Debian gurus work like the dickens to see to it
that your settings are not clobbered
when you upgrade a package or two. You may have spent a month
getting exim or inetd to hum
your very own tune, and heaven help the
miscreant who clobbers your settings, right? Sometimes there's
enough of a difference between what you've been running (the old
version) and the upgrade to be installed (the new version) that
the old settings may not be usabl in this
unusual case, apt informs you that
your old settings are being saved,
and in order for the new program to
function the way you want it to, you'll have to migrate your
settings by hand. But this is rare -- usually, your settings
stay right where you put them and you'd hardly ever know
anything had improved.
All this happens without having to restart. (For Mac and Windows
people -- imagine leaving your computer up for two MONTHS! It's
2.5. Installing packages --
apt-get install
Once you're online, it's easy
to install new packages you'
simply do something like
# apt-get install vim traceroute mysql-server mysql-client
# apt-get install logcheck
to download, configure and install whichever packages you want.
Where does apt put all this stuff it downloads? The
"cache" is located under /var/cache/apt/;
there's a 'table-of-contents' file there called
(and if you're set up to also get source-code packages,
you'll also have srcpkgcache.bin) and the actual
*.deb package files are in
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