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  这是老外做的一个视频,投石巨人与无数哥布林的战斗, 一个石头丢死一群哥布林,看起来很爽
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小心投石索!!! 击倒巨人的凶手
1楼 21:12&|副将7投石索 英文sling 是人类历史上最古老的远程武器之一 历史可追溯至公元前一万年圣经中描写大卫使用投石索发射的石头集中了巨人歌利亚的额头 将其打败实际上投石索从古埃及时代开始就是重要的远程力量亚述人也将其编入自己战无不胜的常备军 重甲投石手在色诺芬的万人大转进行动中 投石索发挥了重要作用 使得这群基佬不至于团灭从此 克里特弓箭手和罗德岛投石手成为希腊军中远程双杰 整个地中海赫赫有名除了罗德岛投石手 巴利阿里投石兵也是当时各国竞相雇佣的远程力量Strabo罗马历史学家如此记载他们:...their training in the use of slings used to be such, from childhood&up, that [parents] would not so much as give bread to their children&unless they first hit it with the sling.&父母将不会给予他们的孩子哪怕是一块面包,直到孩子击中这块面包为止狄奥多鲁斯描述第三次希墨拉战役的片段----------------------------------------------------------------------But when Hamilcar saw that his men were being overpowered and that the&Greeks in constantly increasing numbers were making their way into the&camp,he brought up his slingers, who came from the Baliaric Islands and&numbered at least a thousand. By hurling a shower of great stones, they&wounded many and even killed not a few of those who were attacking, and&they shattered the defensive armour of most of them. For these men, who&are accustomed to sling stones weighing a mina,contribute a great deal&toward victory in battle, since from childhood they practise constantly&with the sling. In this way they drove the Greeks from the camp and&defeated them.-----------------------------------------------------------------------一千多巴里阿里投石手发飙,打退了进攻迦太基营地的叙拉古军队,希腊军队的铠甲(亚麻甲)无法抵挡投石手丢出的石弹(石弹一明那,四百多克)李维的罗马史如此描述投石手A hundred slingers were recruited from Aegium and Patrae and Dymae.&These peoples were trained from boyhood [...] Having been trained to&shoot through rings of moderate circumference from long distances, they&would wound not merely the heads of their enemies but any part of the&face at which they might have aimed.&想打你左脸就不打你右脸39BC,帕提亚骑射手被海量投石手所压制,而铁甲骑兵也无法击败在高地上展开的11个军团。Battle of Mount Gindarus:When the Parthians got to the town, which sat on a small hill, they&encountered Roman legions confidently formed in battle order on the&slopes. The Parthians rushed to attack - whether this order came from&Pacorus or was a spontaneous charge is unknown. In any case, Ventidius&ordered his troops, who had the advantage of high ground, to attack the&horse-archers advancing up the slope. The horse-archers were forced into&close-quartered combat against the legionaries and suffered heavily for&it, for they were unsuited for such combat. The Parthian cavalry's will&eventually broke and panic spread, many of the horse archers being&driven down the slope where they crashed into their fellows in their&desperation to escape. The horse-archers eventually fled or fell.&Parthian heavy cavalry, which was stationed at the bottom of the hill,&was enveloped and surrounded by the legionaries. Instead of immediately&attacking with the legionaries, Ventidius made use of his slingers to&rain down projectiles on the Parthian heavy cavalry, which included&Pacorus himself. After the barrage was lifted the legionaries moved in&and were quickly able to identify Pacorus because of his standard and&expensive armour. Pacorus was eventually slain along with his&bodyguards, and the remaining cavalry broke and attempted to flee from&their entrapment, which not all managed to do. Overall the Roman army&had achieved a complete victory.[3]罗马方用投石手打击帕提亚重骑兵。收起回复3楼 21:15&|:&最后一张似乎证明了投石对有甲目标伤害有限:&回复 零度小然 :压制住就够了,假如打下马就更好了:&回复 零度小然 :要从图里来看,枪都脱手了。那人估计是昏过去了:&回复 零度小然 :帕克茹斯就是被投石击中头盔重伤身亡:&“甚至比波军弓箭都远”这句话是不是说明常规的投石索射程没有弓箭远,罗德岛投石兵是特例。如果特例的话就没什么奇怪的了。还有11条回复,副将7直到中世纪&投石手依然活跃在战场上5楼 21:19&|副将7明代 也有投石手的存在收起回复6楼 21:20&|:&陆敬严,中国古代兵器:&我想问一下,飘杆投石器的射程和射弹重量:&回复 恶魔罹巴斯 :没有具体数据 但是宋代有手炮 石重半[宋]斤&副将7最简单的投石索弹药就是常见的石头其次是经过打磨的石头然后是形状规整的梭型铅弹最后是飞镖型弹药当然 普通投石的穿透性自然不如弓箭 但是在面对着甲目标时钝击伤害的石块表现的比弓弩更好Vegetius,四世纪的罗马作家写道:Soldiers, despite their defensive armor, are often more aggravated by&the round stones from the sling than by all the arrows of the enemy.&Stones kill without mangling the body, and the contusion is mortal&without loss of blood.&面对片甲 锁甲之类的软甲,钝击伤害能不见血地剥夺敌人的性命9楼 21:30&|副将7投石索与弓弩的优劣对比优势:1弹药便宜&2发射速度快( A good slinger could fire more than twelve rounds a minute. )3对士兵力量要求不高4对体力消耗小5可装备盾牌劣势:1准确度低2个人需要空间较大 无法集中部署3训练难度高 需要全民风俗加成综上所述&作战中 投石兵最适合的作战方式为压制对方的投射部队在压制射击的时候 投石能最大限度的避免自己准确低的劣势充分发挥自己射速快 体力消耗小 弹药便宜的优势同时 分散部署也降低了被对方投射武器命中的概率直到近代的线列战争 列兵们面对散兵的射击也会感到一筹莫展从希腊和罗马的战例中我们也可以看出,善用投石兵他们就能够有效压制对方的投射火力在帝国时代1中投石兵有面对远程部队的加成,恐怕也是制作者参考了这几个战例。
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