《经济学人》:高等教育 育人是育人,还是军备竞赛

◎智谷趋势(ID:zgtrend)&|& 路口大爷01五年博士后才是全职工作的敲门砖“教育是人类最崇尚、最神圣的事业,上帝也要低下他尊贵的头,向她致敬。”要是门捷列夫能看到当今的教育形势,估计想把这句话收回去。最近,《经济学人》疾呼:“是时候终止学术军备竞赛!”这篇评论指出,全球高等教育早已变样,在一个“学术军备竞赛”的怪圈中越陷越深。不论是穷国还是富国,都在举上下之力投资教育,政府出钱,学校配合扩招,家庭乖乖掏钱,接受高等教育的人数节节攀升。乍一听,人类社会似乎将处处充满流动的活力,现代工业体系也有源源不断的后备人才输送。实际情况却打脸了。巨额的投资不仅没有得到预期中的可观回报,反而砸出了一场愈演愈烈的“学术军备竞赛”,高等教育人数激增,文凭变得低廉,雇主只能不断提高学历要求,导致大批毕业生面临失业难题。比如在历来重视教育的韩国,25--34岁的就业人群接受高等教育程度达70%,本科学历真的不要太烂大街。更让人吃惊的是,韩国的失业人群中竟然有半数是本科毕业生。连硕士都得去当电话接线员。而找不到体面活干的毕业生只能拖延工作,花更多的时间和金钱回学校深造,越多越多人在争相拿下更高的文凭,大学也造出了越来越多拔尖的硕士、博士、博士后。但市场需要这么多精致学历吗?经合组织(OECD)一项研究表明,博士们在取得博士学位后五年,很多还在做临时工作,这一比例在斯洛伐克超过了60%,比利时、捷克、德国和西班牙超过了45%,在有些国家,五年博士后才是获得一份全职工作的敲门砖。而大约三分之一的澳大利亚博士们从事与专业毫无关系的工作,高学历被极大浪费。中下阶级对学位的痴迷很容易理解:它几乎等同于社会地位,是获得一份体面工作的敲门砖,是底层进入中产阶级的入场券,是中场捍卫阶级的军火。教育也就落入一场美苏对峙式的军备竞赛中,“你有我也要有,而且还要比你强”的思路加速了“学历通胀”的来袭,A越来越好拿,学历注水。对于低学历的底层来说,高学历的泛滥却堵死向上的通道,社会阶层固化,寒门再难出贵子。教育学家警告,学历通胀是整个教育体系坍塌的前兆。你是不是以为中国教育的毛病出在“应试教育”,而非所谓的“学历军备竞赛”?那你就大错特错了。北大郑也夫教授在《吾国教育病理》一书中指出,“应试教育”只是病症,“学历军备竞赛”才是真正的病理。因此,当发达国家在呼吁终止这个怪圈时,我看到这场浩浩荡荡的“学历军备竞赛”在中国还远远没有到达顶峰,而且战火已经从高等教育蔓延至幼儿园阶段,这才是最让人揪心的荒诞现实。02最怕输的中国家长中国父母是全世界最怕输的家长,就算是在应试教育“荼毒”下成长的80后城市中产父母,也不得不向社会妥协。本来也想给孩子一个快乐无精神负担的童年,本来也想给他一个创造力自由肆意生长的环境,但是效果还没出来,别人家的孩子已经开始重视“素质教育”,早教班、补习班、兴趣班、奥数班、英语班……别人家的孩子越是机灵,心里头的焦虑感越重。财富可以遗传,但实力可以吗?不上补习班,会不会愧对孩子?将来孩子会不会跌出中产、坠入底层?能保证给他一个安稳、确定的未来吗?内心还在犹豫时,教育资源的分化加了一把火,优质教育越来越集中在一二线城市的头部学校,助燃这场教育军备竞赛的较量。终点现在看似是高考,但等高中再争早来不及了,初中也不行,幼儿园就要开始争,苦不堪言也不能退出。谁都不想这样,可是能怎么办呢,一旦你放松就意味着输了,别人会碾压你,你的孩子只能去等级更低的学校。上好幼儿园难于上青天,小升初、初升高更让家长们如临大敌。即便红黄蓝被爆出虐童事件,依然有家长为一个幼儿园入学名额连夜排队,为此争得头破血流。去年成都的几个小区为了谁家孩子更有资格入读学区内一所最优质小学而引爆一场“中产内部踩踏事件”,家长们比收入、比职业、比出身……焦虑的中国家长已经默认:幼儿园不如别人,小学也不会好了,小学不好,初中、高中更不可能超越。入学资格还只是“最基本”的战斗凭证。为了赢,“素质教育”也得跟上,不改善教育,就不可能改变命运,别人家孩子加持过的武器,咱们家一样也不能落下。教育变成销金窟,学区房、补习课、夏令营、出国游学.....每一项为了“更高起点”的背后都是巨额的花销。总有一天,孩子会知道这么强迫他学习是为了他将来好。在这场“教育军备竞赛”中,中产家长们早已经没有了自主权,只求能比别人家的孩子再高一头。北京的幼儿家长说“不会烘焙、陶艺,不好意思去开家长会”,家长还替孩子们开发出五大鄙视链,从动画片、旅游地、兴趣班、幼儿园到早教机构。当然,学校也会配合开发出彰显“高级感”的筛选条件。真是哪里有教育需求,哪里就可以成为踩踏他人的战场。人人都认为不能在教育上输给别人,出人头地,要上更好的大学,要有更高的收入和更体面的工作学历要高,要当社会精英,要牢牢捍卫住阶级,却悲哀地发现,学历通胀来了。03如果清华北大都买不起房,那还买学区房干嘛?这是去年刷屏的段子:“为什么学历不值钱而学区房值钱”引起中国城市父母的热议,一时间成了中国教育一个无解的难题。人人挤破了头想上大学,是因为“精英教育”的思维统治了社会。试想,如果家里是独生子女,怎么可能不鼎力支持他考上大学,就算是个三本学校也要去读,因为没有学历工作难找,没有大学学历也意味着很大可能失去大城市户口的获取资格,中专、高职的水平怎么和别人家孩子比,要矮别人一截的。学校这边配合扩招。这事儿舆论会支持,财政会支持,何乐而不为?扩招前的落榜生如今都被纳入高等教育的大门之中,但是门槛放低的那一刻,拿到手的录取通知书就已经贬值了。精英永远都只可能是一小撮,当地位上的百分之十变成百分之二十、四十,还谈何“优异拔尖”?那么这场学历军备竞赛只会被不断推后,进入下一轮的硕士竞争。政府大力投资教育,也让多少家庭误以为自己获得了向上流动的准入场券。滥发学历如同滥印钞,但年轻人还是得投入更多的金钱、精力、时间去竞争这份加速贬值的学历。为什么学历不值钱而学区房值钱?炒学区房一方面是教育资源的分化,但更大程度上是在概念炒作,炒作精英教育的理念。只要所有人都深信学区资源的异同会带来教育成果的差异,只有所有人都参与这场学区房的炒作,只要一日有人接盘,学区房就一直是一项值钱的投资。但是出于教育的初衷而买下学区房的投资值吗?攻读高学历的投资值吗?事实上,这场教育军备竞赛,越往后,越有利于能打财富持久战的家庭殷实的上层,对于普通人来说,学历的溢出效应也就越弱,那些能力不足而硬是要攻读学位的学生预期收益几乎会降为零。投入大半身家去竞争的中产家庭,会是赢家吗?郑也夫教授有句话是这么说的:“教育大饼所以能取悦全社会的公民,在于其“一药两吃”。对底层人其药效近乎障眼法,对上层人其药效类似宽心丸。”高考的热情很难消退,就算前人一毕业就失业,但信息恐怕很难反馈到高中生这里。高校在学生就业数据上的造假能将信息扭曲,大众不会知道真实的大学生失业数据,不会知道被随意应付的失业合同掩盖下的真实就业情况。04学历军备竞赛是不是在毁掉下一代?这在世界上很多国家,包括德国、日本都有法律规定的,在幼儿园期间不许识字,不许教算术,只是让孩子玩。中国父母将这场“学历军备竞赛”提前到幼儿阶段,是不是揠苗助长,最终会毁掉我们的下一代?儿童的创造力是不是被扼杀?再假设,马斯克如果生在中国家庭,是不是不可能在攻读斯坦福硕士学位的第二天选择退学创业?比尔·盖茨如果是中国人,是不是也会被家里人逼着把书读完?中国未来是不是依旧难出诺贝尔奖得主?教育改革的路还漫长。全球不少教育学者都在提倡应该给予年轻人更多的受教育和职业训练选择,不把高等教育作为唯一出路。在这方面,德国的“分流教育”为我们提供了样本。德国从十岁就开始分流进入两种中学:一种是中学、普高和读大学,还有一种进职业学校做技工,而且学生是心甘情愿学一门好手艺安身立命,没有人觉得这是“丢脸”、“没有尊严”、“失败者”的选择,一是技工收入并不比大学毕业生低,二是不存在城乡户口的分界。在现下这种顺我者昌、逆我者亡的社会大势中,父母该怎么做?在这里,也推荐一个TED播放量最大的一个演讲,出自被誉为“世界教育部长”Ken Robinson,主题为《学校扼杀了孩子的创造力》。郑也夫教授的观点也有启发性:给子女一点帮助,但不要伺候得太勤快,把他/她伺候坏了。记住他/她是一个生命,有自己生长的力量。在这个时代中,想从教育军备竞赛中完成顺利的大逃亡,只能依靠自己。
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《经济学人》搅拌乳海 印度和中国扩展海上力量 针锋相对(评论大亮)
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Churning the oceans
As their navies expand, India and China will begin to bump up against each other at sea
AT THE 18-country East Asia Summit this week in Phnom Penh, Manmohan Singh, India’s prime minister, found time to update his Twitter feed. He posted a picture of a Cambodian dance troupe performing “Samudra Manthan”, or “the churning of the oceans”—an episode from Hindu mythology. Perhaps he liked the reminder of India’s deep “civilisational” links with countries to its east. Or perhaps he was struck by the analogy to the present-day tussle for dominance in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific, and in particular, India’s emerging naval rivalry with China.
在本周在金边举行的东亚18国峰会上,印度总理曼莫汉·辛格忙里偷闲更新了他的twitter。他上传了一张照片,图中柬埔寨的演员队伍正在跳着名为“Samudra Manthan”或又可被称为“搅拌乳海”的舞蹈,这种舞蹈形式据传来源于印度教神话。或许他欣赏的是这背后所暗示的,印度通过文化这种形式与东方的国家联系在了一起;“搅拌乳海”的故事讲述了阿修罗和毗湿奴在海上的争斗,而这和眼下的局势——争夺西太平洋和印度洋主导权的争斗日益升级——尤其是印度与中国开展的军备竞赛是如此相似,可能他是对这两者间微妙的类比深有感触吧。
As it happens, “Samudra Manthan” is the title of a new book on this topic by C. Raja Mohan, an Indian writer on strategic affairs, for whom the myth is a metaphor for the two countries’ competition at sea. This contest remains far more tentative and low-key than the 50-year stand-off over their disputed Himalayan border, where China humiliated India in a brief, bloody war in 1962. But the book raises alarming questions about the risks of future maritime confrontation.
碰巧的是,最近有一本名为“Samudra Manthan”的新书上市。作者C.·罗杰 ·默汉,一位专门撰写政治战略的印度作家,他认为“搅拌乳海”的神话是描写两个大国在大洋上争斗的很好隐喻。不过这次的竞赛可比两国50年前的那场要低调的多,1962年在喜马拉雅山下,中国以一场迅雷不及掩耳又血腥的军事行动狠狠羞辱了印度。这本书对未来两国可能的海上军事冲突提出了警告。
Although both China and India have long, adventurous maritime traditions, neither has been a sea power for most of its history. Both have been preoccupied with the risks over their land frontiers. China had a brief outgoing flurry under Admiral Zheng He (). But it built a great wall, not a great navy. From Alexander the Great on, India’s north-western frontier was the route of choice for invaders. But after suffering from Western imperial expansion at sea, both China and India learned the importance of naval might. Both have globalised rapidly in recent years, encouraging maritime ambitions. Both, in Mr Raja Mohan’s words, are transforming their navies “from forces conceived for coastal defence and denying their neighbouring waters to hostile powers to instruments that can project force far beyond their shores”.
China’s naval plans receive more attention. By 2020 its navy is expected to have 73 “principal combatants” (big warships) and 78 submarines, 12 of them nuclear-powered. Last year its first aircraft-carrier, bought from Ukraine, indigenous carriers are under construction. Proving it can now operate far from its own shores, China’s navy has joined anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. Of course this evolution is not aimed at India, so much as at building a force commensurate with China’s new economic might, securing its sea lines of communication and, eventually perhaps, challenging American dominance in the western Pacific, with a view to enforcing China’s view of its national sovereignty in Taiwan and elsewhere.
Indian strategists, however, tend towards paranoia where China is concerned. China’s close strategic relations with India’s neighbours, notably Pakistan, have given rise to the perception that China is intent on throttling India with a “string of pearls”—naval facilities around the Indian Ocean. These include ports China has built at Gwadar in P at in Sri L at Kyaukphyu in M and at Chittagong in Bangladesh.
None of these, however, is as yet a military facility. And the Pakistani and Burmese projects can be explained in part by two Chinese obsessions only peripherally related to India. One is the drive to develop China’s relatively backward western interior. Just as India sees Sittwe in Myanmar and the Kaladan river as a route to its own north-eastern provinces, Myanmar offers the south-western Chinese province of Yunnan access to the sea. Pakistan does the same for the western region of Xinjiang. And in theory India’s Kolkata might become the port for Lhasa in Tibet. Second is the so-called “Malacca dilemma”—the vulnerability China feels because so much of its imported energy passes through the narrow chokepoint of the Malacca Strait. Gwadar and, especially, Kyaukphyu provide an alternative route.
India’s naval advances are less dramatic. But it has operated two aircraft-carriers since the 1960s, and aims to have three carrier groups operational by 2020, as part of a fleet that by 2022 would have around 160 ships and 400 aircraft, making it one of the world’s five biggest navies. Like China, it also hopes to acquire a full “nuclear triad”—by adding sea-based missiles to its nuclear deterrent. While China has been testing the waters to its south and south-west, India’s navy has been looking east, partly to follow India’s trade links. India fears Chinese “strategic encirclement”. Similarly, China looks askance at India’s expanding defence ties with America, South-East Asia, Japan and South Korea.
China suspects India of complicity in efforts to undermine its sweeping claim to sovereignty over almost all of the South China Sea. It saw evidence of this in India’s involvement in oil-and-gas exploration in waters disputed by China and Vietnam. The underlying fear is of an American-led plot to contain China. Even were such a plot hatched, India would be a reluctant conspirator. But it and China are in a “security dilemma”, where one country’s “essential steps” to safeguard its interests are taken by the other as threats that demand a response.
A trilemma, really
This is further complicated by the role of the United States, which remains the dominant naval power in both the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean. India knows that it cannot match China’s military muscle, but does not want to rely too heavily on America. China does not want India to emerge as a true rival for regional power, but does not want to push it into an American alliance.
The risk, as Chinese and Indian warships venture farther afield, is akin to that in China’s maritime disputes with Japan and its South-East Asian neighbours: of an accidental conflict that escalates. This is exacerbated by an absence of codes of conduct and forums to thrash out disputes. The East Asian Summit, which includes America, might one day become such a gathering. But for the time being it aims only at “confidence-building”. Marred this year again by squabbles about how to discuss disputes in the South China Sea, the summit finds even that elusive.
swastikNov 22nd, 22:28
I think Indo-Chinese rivalry is over exaggerated.I have rarely seen my fellow Indians discussing china as a threat. They only admire Chinese for its economic success & are wary from the Chinese who might take their jobs.
If only china can kick out the terrorist Pakistan from its strategic embrace & India reciprocate to lend out a helping hand to china with T things will improve very fast
Fun with FruitNov 23rd, 00:42
ASEAN cannot agree a binding code of conduct for the South China Sea because Cambodia, China's bosom buddy, keeps scuppering it: twice so far.
This situation cannot continue. ASEAN must unify if it's members are to play a larger role on the world stage.
None of the individual ASEAN members have the economic/political/military clout to 'punch above their weight' internationally, and this continued bickering is making ASEAN a laughing stock.
China's aim: to divide and conquer ASEAN, annex the South China Sea and it's resources, prevent the US from supporting its allies, and establish tributary dominance over Nanyang.
Obama is attempting to provide leadership in the region, but ASEAN must get it's act together. The first step towards doing that is to expel Cambodia.
Ashok Chowgulein reply to Fun with FruitNov 25th, 03:32
The problem with China is its leadership, which indulges in playing games rather than give effective rule. This leadership has a megalomaniac tendencies because the individuals insist that they should be respected merely because of their position, and not because of what they have done. The individuals are in the position that they are because of connections (either family or holding on to the coat tails of a rising leader), and have rarely done any grass root work. In the process they do not generate any sense of humility, which is very important for a politician who wishes to be a mass leader. And it is such tendencies that makes them indulge in issues like the passport case.
The leadership does not understand any aspects of protest that happen in a democracy, and take them as a personal affront, rather than use the criticism for self-correction. Many years ago, when the then President of China visited Switzerland, and saw the Tibetan protestors, he was very angry. He said that Switzerland lost a friend in China!
When a Chinese dissident was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the Chinese leaders mounted all sorts of pressure on the Norwegian government to rescind the prize. Little did the leadership understand that the prize awarding body has nothing to do with the government.
Such leadership will rarely do good for the people. The changes in the economic policies, post-Mao, had nothing to do with the people, but to ensure that the people do not revolt against the leaders. But this leadership rarely takes any actions against the family members of the leadership when the latter are involved in corrupt deals or unsocial behaviour.
Ashok Chowgule
Goa, India.
Ashok ChowguleNov 24th, 15:15
The article says: &China suspects India of complicity in efforts to undermine its sweeping claim to sovereignty over almost all of the South China Sea. It saw evidence of this in India’s involvement in oil-and-gas exploration in waters disputed by China and Vietnam.&
This would give an impression that it is only India that is objecting to China's sweeping claims. These claims actually adversely affect the economic well-being of the other nations that have a coast line on the South China Sea. And looking at the map of the claim, the absurdity is really obvious.
Ashok Chowgule
Fun with Fruit in reply to Ashok ChowguleNov 25th, 00:51
China is now including parts of India, Vietnam, the Philippines and the whole of Taiwan on a map printed inside new passports:
China obviously feels it doesn't need friends. It is going to continue pushing the envelope until something breaks.
silent nightNov 25th, 11:30
The biggest problem is not that India or China why,how or whether to expand. It is that US's navy,an American country,which the author deliberately evades need find a reason to continue to stay in the western Pacific and Indian Ocean.India or China navies still isn't the main character in the two sea area.
benbersonNov 25th, 14:50
Great article. A whole new perspective of china's dilemma- not wanting to push India into the US' 'arms'!
ReportPermalinkReplysanmanin reply to benbersonNov 25th, 16:39
Oh, of course - I'm sure China must have felt similarly 'conflicted' about antagonizing India when they proliferated nuclear warheads and missiles to Pakistan. As if China's past behaviour is a model of pacifist self-restraint.
sanmanNov 25th, 16:19
As usual, the author's comments are deliberately myopic and slanted. Claiming that Gwadar, Chittagong and Hambantota are not yet military bases and therefore nothing to worry about, is like saying that the Varyag was only purchased to become a casino and is therefore nothing to worry about. As we can see from the latest headlines, the casino has become a floating fortress in suspiciously short order, and likewise the same would be possible for Gwadar, Chittagong and Hambantota. At that point, the author will conveniently suffer amnesia and forget their past pronouncements, leaving readers to scratch their heads.
huaren200003 hours 40 mins ago
Another perspective is that it is the Brit's wet dream for the two most populous nations on earth to be at each others throats and thus make for a possible British Empire perhaps likely in the future. Alas, tough to say.
Both China and India have a lot of treasure to reclaim, so the Brits hold unto ill-gotten treasure with a nervous eye towards the future.
Mr. Cave Man
Nov 27th, 05:19
Beating War drums is what these 'strategic thinkers' do .Their job is to create conflicts where none exists. As for the facts , Indian and Chinese Navy operate essentially in different seas that are separated by a continental landmass. Malacca Choke point , Pirates issue are as much as Chinese concern as that of India's. Besides Navies are not some independent war machinery roaming around the Oceans rather part of a country . Since Indians and Chinese have made peace, Navies ought to fall in line as well.
<font color="# hours 56 mins ago
Sir, we are in total agreement with you. India is the most magnificent country on this planet and her hi-tech economy and year-after-year superb growth leaves a long lasting impression on us humble Chinese.
Their trains run on time, and without incidents. I heard that you just need to plan 5 minutes for interchanges in Indian train stations. Look at us, on the other hand, our flights are late and crowded 80% of the time. I will be too ashamed to even mention the word Chunyun. Their industries have been the envy of the world, producing from the Tata Jaguar cars to the Reliance smart phones.
Our poor farmers are still eating grass in the Western deserts, and in our more prosperous eastern sea board, we are still dreaming of our first Mahindra motorbike. While Indian software is powering the world's computer clouds housed in the skyscrappers such as the Burj Khalifa, we are still waiting to break ground on our very first high-rise building timidly named the Shanghai Center.
In the last 20 years, India has convinced all of us that for any country to succeed we will have to adopt the Hindu democratic system completely, from our cabinet, down to the grass-roots level everywhere. However, due to our stubbornly Confucius traditions our elites are procrasnically resistant to change, and we have had no successes.
Rescue however is at hand. The US, Japan, and Great Britain are far more effective states. They can adopt the Indian system quickly. I give it 5 once they have done it they can then teach us to learn their know-how of steering a country to the Hindu way.
Please, go ahead, US first, Japan second, and Britain third. We will start saving money from now. In 5 years, we should have enough down-payment to allow these splendid countries to teach us the way.
Many thanks in advance.
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camachoin reply to HuyuNov 27th, 06:37
It's funny how my reply to this ridiculous comment was removed but not the comment itself which is clearly a hate speech.
Asso Retain reply to President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho17 mins ago
I think the comment is quite ironic, and funy also.
D8zA9caebPin reply to HuyuNov 27th, 10:42
Its a shame that Indian Hindu democratic system could not create an army of paid commentators, writing vanguard English. Nor does she has slave labor to toil 18 hours per day.
注:搅乳海又称搅拌乳海是印度神话。毗湿奴和阿修罗为了取得长生不老的甘露,一同搅乳海,毗湿奴令诸神把草药投入大乳海,并拔取曼荼罗山以作为搅海的杵。搅海的工作持续数百年之久,从海中搅出一只牛,然后搅出天女梵琉尼,也就是谷酒女神。天神与阿修罗发动抢露大战。最后由天神取得,但是阿修罗之一的罗睺却偷偷变成天神之身,混在其中,饮得甘露,被发现后,毗湿奴用神盘将罗睺砍成两截。但饮下甘露的罗睺的头仍得以不死。为了报仇,他吞食日神和月神。结果造成了日蚀和月蚀。《摩诃婆罗多》中已经有搅乳海的神话。(From wiki)
本帖最后由 lyj1987128 于
16:01 编辑
最后一个评论 一度让我产生了幻觉。。。&
...最后一个有12个推荐??................千万不要告诉我是 三哥三妹点得。
最后一个看得比较乐 特别是关于火车方面的
我觉得吧~ 印度人和英国人真的和我们活在不同的世界中~
我们这儿理解的游行,可能更多地表现为,上访= =+你去医院门口转转,很容易看得到= =b&
本帖最后由 秋意浓 于
16:55 编辑
印度人真心被西方洗脑洗得够彻底 说什么信什么&
= =最后一条一定会有人当真的………………森森的惆怅~
nikijj 发表于
淫才,你暴露了。最后一条评论 要笑死我~
希望大家多向最后一位学习 向外多宣传宣传啊 我们是落后的迂腐的不求上进的毫无优点的= ̄ω ̄=
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