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The Magic Circle is a
, dedicated to promoting and advancing the art of .
Applicants must qualify for membership, either through a performance exam or by a written thesis on a branch of magic, after which they will be designated Member of the Magic Circle (M.M.C.) Further distinctions may earn them the title Associate of the Inner Magic Circle (A.I.M.C.), and Member of The Inner Magic Circle (M.I.M.C) a select group limited to 300 members. The Circle was founded in 1905, and was male-only until 1991. There is a junior branch, the Young Magicians Club, which gained popularity through the success of the
commemorating the founding of the Magic Circle on the former Pinoli's in
A staircase at the Magic Circle building
The Magic Circle was founded in 1905 after a meeting of 23 amateur and professional magicians at London's Pinoli's Restaurant. At this founders meeting, chaired by , those present decided upon the name of the Society: it was initially felt that the name of the Society should be the Martin Chapender Club, in memory of the performer and founding member who had recently died at the age of twenty-five. However, it was then agreed that the name "Magic Circle" would be more appropriate and that this name shared the same initials as those of Martin Chapender.
The first official meeting was at the Green Man
in , but meetings were later in a room at
in Langham Place, where
were regularly seen performing.
Devant became the first president of the Magic Circle, and in 1906, Maskelyne edited the first issue of The Magic Circular magazine, a regular feature for members ever since. The Magic Circular claims to be the longest-running regular magic magazine in conjuring history.
The club was male-only until 1991, when more than 75% of members voted to admit women. As of 2010 there were around eighty female members of the Magic Circle, including ' wife, . In 2014,
became the first female officer in the Magic Circle, as well as the youngest person to be e she was elected as secretary.
The motto of the society is the Latin indocilis privata loqui, roughly translated as "not apt to disclose secrets" (lit. "incapable [of] speaking [of] private [things]") ; members give their word not to wilfully disclose magic secrets other than to bona fide students of magic. Anyone breaking this or any other rule may be expelled.
' Cabinet' at The Magic Circle Museum, London
Since 1998, the Magic Circle building in central London near
has been available for meetings and corporate entertainment. It was voted the UK's Number One Venue in the hospitality industry's Top 20 UK Venues poll 2008.
The Magic Circle's headquarters houses a , library, museum, a dining room, a clubroom and bars. The museum features magic tricks, props, posters, programs, toys, photographs and artefacts related to conjuring history. Items of interest include, ’s original
illusion, 's robes, an original
with associated
apparatus, sets of props used by television magicians
and , items and a sound recording of
taken from an Edison cylinder, and a set of cups and balls used by HRH
when he took his Magic Circle exam in 1975. Visits are by arranged tour.
Magicians who wish to join may spend up to two years as an Apprentice before applying for full membership. They need to have known two current members for at least one year and must be at least 18 years old. These two members are then asked to act as sponsors, or referees, on the candidate's application form and propose them as a suitable candidate for membership. Following the receipt and processing of the application, the candidate is invited to an interview with the examinations secretary, usually at the London headquarters. If the candidate proves suitable and sufficiently knowledgeable a performance exam is scheduled or a thesis may be written. The exam takes place in front of a panel of judges, and candidates must demonstrate their skills to members in a rehearsed act.
If a thesis is chosen, it is read by two examiners and a copy is made available in the Magic Circle library. The final stage is by vote by members of the Council, who will approve the candidate as a member. Once the applicant is successful, they are free to call themselves "Members of the Society" and use the letters M.M.C. after their name.
Members of the Magic Circle include: , , , , , , and .
Members may take a further examination to achieve the degree of Associate of the Inner Magic Circle. The designation A.I.M.C. shows this higher membership. The A.I.M.C. degree can also be attained through thesis, and in rare cases – that is when a candidate gains 18 or higher out of a possible 20 marks in the written exam – examinees taking the M.M.C. exam are awarded the A.I.M.C. degree. Those who attain an A.I.M.C. degree as a result of a performance examination are awarded the A.I.M.C. with silver star.
Within the society, there are a number of members never exceeding three-hundred known as the "Inner Magic Circle". Full membership of the Inner Magic Circle is denoted by the letters M.I.M.C. after the member's name. Membership of the Inner Magic Circle is by call of The Society's President. The M.I.M.C. degree may be awarded with a gold star, to signify that the recipient is a performer of magic (as opposed to e.g. an inventor, historian or noteworthy volunteer for the Society). The honour of a gold star does not necessarily signify the holder's excellence as a performer and not all recipients are performers of excellence.
Members must undertake not to reveal magic secrets to anyone except bona fide magicians, on pain of expulsion.[]
The Young Magicians Club is part of the Youth Initiative of the Magic Circle (the other major part being the prestigious Young Magician of the Year Competition) and is a club for magicians between the inclusive ages of 10 and 18 which was founded in 1996. Sponsored by the Magic Circle, members of the Young Magicians Club meet for monthly workshops at the Magic Circle Headquarters, the 'Centre for the Magic Arts' in London. The Young Magicians Club has a current membership of around 200 members.
The Young Magicians Club's principal means of communication among its members is its bi-monthly magazine Secrets. The worldwide membership also communicates through a members-only on-line forum on the Young Magicians Club website.
Membership in The Young Magicians Club requires no interview or exam and is open to all young people interested in magic. There are monthly all-day workshops for members who come from all over the country to take part. Adult members of the Magic Circle take on the responsibility of instructing the members of the Young Magicians Club. Local adult magic clubs will often have a junior magicians club attached to them but The Young Magicians Club is the only such club associated with the Magic Circle. Members of the Young Magicians Club are eligible to join the Magic Circle at a reduced rate when they reach 18, but then they must complete the examination procedure for full membership.[]
The Young Magicians Club holds their annual one-day convention every October called 'J-Day'. The convention includes lectures and the finals of two competitions with awards, which include the Home Counties Trophy for stage magic, The Mark Leveridge Cup for close-up magic, Kaymar Komedy Cup and the Peter McCahon Award for Originality. In recent years, the celebrity guest lectures have been presented by
in 2014 and Dave Loosley and
The popularity of the
franchise was one of the key reasons for the organisation's growth this century with membership doubling after the announcement of the first film in 2001.
Soteriou, H Brown, Matt (5 May 2010). . .
(June 2010). .
. Telegraph.co.uk. 7 November .
. The Magic Circle.
. The Magic Circle.
. ionline 2018.
Dawes, Edwin A Bailey, Michael (1 July 2005). . Jeremy Mills Publishing 2018 – via Google Books.
. themagiccircle.co.uk 2018.
. Huddersfield Daily Examiner. 10 June 2009.
. The Young Magicians Club.
Thomson, Ian A. (July 2000). . MagicWeek.
Wallace, S Hall, Macer (27 August 2000). . . London.
Tim Hulse, , . 6 September 1998. Retrieved 21 May 2015.
Sam Wallace and Macer Hall, . , 19 June 2001. Retrieved 1 March 2008.
, , 14 October 2005. Retrieved 1 March 2008.
Simon O'Hagan, , The Independent on Sunday, 15 June 2003. Retrieved via subscription 1 March 2008.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
Magic organizations
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& 荣耀Magic缺点是什么?荣耀Magic优缺点一览
荣耀Magic作为一款概念手机,发布之初就受到所有媒体的关注。而根据官方的发布会介绍,荣耀Magci的研发周期超过了4年,耗费了无数工程师们的心血。当然,任何事物都不是完美的,更何况电子产品。荣耀Magic正式发布之后,大家可以看出还是有很高的提升空间的,下面我们先来回顾一下具体的配置信息,然后再来讲一讲荣耀Magic缺点是什么。荣耀Magic配置方面并不是最顶尖级别,使用了华为上代旗舰处理器麒麟950,配备4G+64GB内存组合,而5.09英寸的2K曲面屏并不能算是很大。前置800万像素+双后置1200万摄像头组合,以及2900mAh的电池,加上超级快充,满足日常使用的需要。而独创的八曲面外观设计,以及全新的Magic Live赋予了这款手机不一样的用户体验。荣耀Magic缺点:1,使用上代华为麒麟950处理器华为的麒麟950处理器,并不算是顶尖的处理器。而此次荣耀Magic使用这块处理器,可能更多的是无奈之下的选择。开篇我们讲过,荣耀Magic研发周期4年,而立项之初可能已经使用了领先当时很多的麒麟950处理器。但是可能放到4年之后,这种选择就变得不是那么有吸引力。另外,荣耀Magic没有使用顶尖的处理器,也在从另一个方面引导用户期待他的下一代产品,也许是荣耀Magic 2或者升级版。2,电池只有2900mAh众所周知,目前智能手机遇到的待机瓶颈,基本都是电池带来的。而此次荣耀虽然首次采用了新的石墨烯材料,但是在电池容量上并没有太大突破。作为一款5英寸的2K分辨率显示屏,显然重度手机用户是做不到一天一充的,请大家随身携带充电器。3,八曲面并无太多应用支持三星针对曲面屏定制系统,应该算是手机市场中最早的厂商。而后续的包括vivo OPPO以及小米等国产厂商,初次使用曲面屏时候,都仅仅只是外观好看而已。此次的荣耀Magic也是如此,希望后续版本会努力修改。荣耀Magic优点:1,“八曲面”外观科技感十足首次采用“八曲面”的外观设计,的确让荣耀Magic与其他产品,在颜值上拉开了不少差距。正反面都使用3D玻璃,通过打磨四周边缘打到了8面曲面的效果,增加了手感的同时也提升了精致感。2,Magic Live智能系统针对荣耀Magic打造的智能学习系统,Magic Live会逐渐改变你的生活。比如荣耀Magic会自动记录你每天上班的时间,当你开车的时候会自动切换到驾驶模式,并根据路上的流量推荐最佳的路线。当你和家人朋友聊天的时候,会根据你们的聊天内容提供各种建议,比如聊到电影时会自动显示电影简介和购票信息,聊到旅游时会推荐合适的景点。随着使用的深入,荣耀Magic能够成为你生活中的全能小助手。3,HUAWEI Magic Power超级快充此次使用在荣耀Magic的快充技术,被官方成为HUAWEI Magic Power超级快充。该快充最高能提供5V8A的大电流充电方案,应该在速度以及温度上,控制都非常不错。而根据实测得知,荣耀Magic要想把2900mAh的电池充满,需要花费45分钟左右,充电5分钟可以充入24%,10分钟可以充入46%。总结如下:荣耀Magic虽然作为一款概念手机发布,但是缺点和问题还是不少。相信在荣耀后续的升级版本中,应该会有加强。而同样,荣耀Magic的优点也是显而易见的。概念手机进军高端手机市场,这种思路对于目前国产手机同质化严重的问题,是一种不错的突围思路。


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