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下载 A9VG 客户端(iOS, Android)资深玩家亲测:你想要一台任天堂Switch和塞尔达吗
导读:Nintendo Switch,是任天堂公司于2017年3月首发的旗舰产品,主机采用家用机、掌机一体化设计理念。该产品将成为未来任天堂娱乐事业蓝图的中心。我们一起来看看它的独特之处吧。
There’s some debate as to whether or not the Nintendo Switch will be worth buying at launch, or whether gamers should hold on to their cash until the new console has more content and more time to hammer out any potential bugs.玩家购买首发Nintendo Switch到底值不值,还是应该把钱留到游戏阵容更加丰富后,或潜在bug被发现以后再出手?Indeed, my colleague Paul Tassi lays out all the very sensible reasons why consumers should possibly wait to make the leap. By Christmas, there will be many more games out and possibly even some holiday bundles, for instance.的确,我的同事Paul Tassi列出了几个都是非常理性的原因来说明为什么顾客也许应该等一段时间,例如到圣诞节时,会有更多游戏面世,而且很有可能会有假日同捆版。But right at the end of his post, he makes the opposite case: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.不过就在那篇文章最后,他提出了一个相反的原因:《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》1. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Is Reason Enough To Get A Switch1、《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》就是一个足够购买Switch的理由Once upon a time, I said that the PlayStation 3 was worth buying if only because it was the only place you could play Demon’s Souls (though this was mildly hyperbolic given the many other great PS3 titles available.) For a brief period, the most compelling case for a PS4 purchase was Bloodborne (before various other exclusives landed on that system.)很久以前我说过,单单凭着《恶魔之魂》在PS3独占就可以让PS3变得足够值得购买(鉴于还有许多其他的PS3大作,这只是一种稍微夸张的说法);在一段很短的时间里,最能引发购买PS4欲望的就是《血源》(在其他独占游戏降临之前)。The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is that kind of game. Not only system-purchase-justifying, but generation-defining. I don’t want to say too much, but I can say that in my time with the game so far I’ve felt like a child again, experiencing video games for the first time. Of course, you can also get the game on the Wii U, so Zelda alone may not be a compelling enough answer (though you can’t play it on the go with a Wii U...)《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》就是这样一种游戏,不仅仅是能让你购买主机的大作,甚至是可以定义一代游戏的大作。我不想说太多,但我可以说这是我玩游戏这么久以来第一次如此期待一款游戏,感觉自己又变回了小孩子一样。当然,你也可以在WiiU上玩到这款游戏,所以塞尔达不一定是一个引人入胜的答案。(不过你不能把WiiU带出去玩…)But that’s not all! There are other reasons to get on the Switch hype train.不过这不是全部,还有其他让你提高对Switch期待的理由!2. The Switch Is A Terrific Video Game Console For Families, Parties2、Switch是一个绝佳的家庭和聚会用游戏主机I’ve also played 1-2 Switch and Just Dance 2017 on Nintendo’s new console, and as a father I can say that these two games on the Switch are absolutely great for families. 1-2 Switch is the best Nintendo party game I’ve played in years, though I admit that its sticker price is a little high.我在任天堂这款新游戏机上玩了《1-2 Switch》和《舞力全开2017》,身为一个父亲我可以说,这两款游戏在家庭里玩真是棒极了。《1-2 Switch》是我几年以来玩过的最好的任天堂聚会游戏,尽管我承认它的标价有一点点高。The game has 28 different mini-games which you play with two or more players. These include games like "Fake Draw" which is a gun-fight simulator where you have to fire when the narrator reads aloud the word "Fire!" The twist is that the narrator will read out lots of other similar words also, and if you fire on one of these by mistake (or even lift the controller part way) you’ll lose. It’s a lot of fun to play and even more to watch others play.这款游戏有28个不同的小游戏,可以有两个或更多的玩家来玩。比如其中有一款叫做“假装拔枪”的模拟枪战游戏,你需要在解说员喊出“开火”这个单词的时候开火。难点在于解说员同样会喊出其他类似的单词,如果你在其他的时候不小心开火(或者举起手柄),你都算输了。玩起来真的超有趣,而且看别人玩甚至更有趣。One of the really neat things about 1-2 Switch is that you can bring it with you so easily to things like family gatherings or parties. Since the Switch is so easy to take with you, 1-2 Switch becomes the first console party game that you can basically play anywhere. It’s no more difficult than bringing a board game over to a get together, especially since you don’t need to hook it up to anything. We played 1-2 Switch for an hour at home and then an hour or more at a family dinner. The kids were tired afterwards. And everybody at the get together had fun either playing or watching the kids play.1-2 Switch最棒的一点是它携带方便,你可以带着它参加家庭聚会或者派对。同样由于这个原因,《1-2 Switch》会是聚会游戏机的首选,你几乎能在任何地方玩它。带着它并不比带一个桌面游戏更麻烦,尤其是你不需要向别人介绍任何东西。我们在家玩了一小时的《1-2 Switch》,然后又在家庭聚会上玩了一个多小时。之后孩子们都筋疲力尽了。聚会的每个人都要么因为玩这个游戏很开心,要么因为看着孩子们玩而开心。Just Dance 2017 is not a game I’d normally be interested in, but I set it up for my kids yesterday and they danced straight for 45 minutes. Between the two games, they’ve gotten more physical activity playing video games over the weekend than they’ve spent sitting down playing video games.《舞力全开2017》这种游戏平时我是不会感兴趣的,不过昨天为我的孩子们设置好后,他们一直跳了45分钟。比起平时周末坐着玩电视游戏,这两个游戏让他们得到了更多的运动。3. The Battery Life Is Really Good3、电池续航能力佳My colleague Andy Robertson put the Switch’s battery life to the test and it came away with shining colors, beating the iPad and the PS Vita. Read his rundown here.我的同事Andy Robertson进行了Switch的电池使用时间测试,结果非常不错,打败了ipad和psv。来这里看他对此的总结。This makes my previous point even more compelling. You can bring the Switch over to a get-together and play it for hours without plugging it in.这让我的上一条理由看起来更加诱人,你可以带着Switch去一个聚会然后玩上几个小时都不用插充电器。Of course, if you want to plug it in you can just use a USB-C charger, something that more and more phones are using these days (like the Google Pixel.) That won’t work as well in Tabletop mode (the charging port is on the bottom) but in handheld mode should work fine.当然,如果你想充电的话只需一个USB-C充电器,现在有越来越多的手机上都在用了(比如谷歌Pixel)。不过这在它的桌面游玩模式下不太方便(充电插口在底部),但在手持模式下应该是很不错的。4. The Joy-Cons Are Fantastic4、Joy-Con手柄非常不可思议Another really great thing I discovered while playing 1-2 Switch was the truly remarkable haptic feedback in the Joy-Con controllers. There’s a game called "Ball Count" where each player holds one of the controllers in the palm of their hands. You then tilt it back and forth and it feels like tiny spheres are rolling around inside. You have to guess how many each time. It feels incredibly realistic, as though tiny metal orbs are really clinking around inside the controller.我在玩1-2 Switch时发现的另外一个超棒的地方就是Joy-Con手柄卓越的触觉反馈。有个叫做“数球”的小游戏,每个玩家用手掌握着一个手柄,前后倾斜,会感觉到有小球在里面滚动,需要猜出每次有几个球。那感觉难以置信的真实,就好像小金属球真的在手柄里面互相撞击一样。The controllers really do feel good, and not just with games like Ball Count. I really love the sound they make when you click them into place on the tablet also. It’s such a simple thing but it makes a huge difference, and that’s kind of what makes the Switch so cool: Lots of these small details that all add up to make a great piece of hardware.手柄的感觉真的很好,而且不仅仅是体现在数球这种游戏上,我也非常喜欢把手柄插进本体两侧发出的咔哒声。虽然是个很简单的事情感觉却很不同,这也差不多是为什么Switch这么酷:许许多多的这种小细节加在一起构成了这个伟大的主机。I haven’t experienced any of the syncing issues that other outlets have reported either.我还没有完全体验他们在预告片里展示过的其他亮点。Games aside, I realize there’s a ton of questions hanging over the Switch still, as Paul clearly pointed out. The online is perhaps the biggest question mark. But I can’t help but get on board with Nintendo’s latest hardware. Beyond the fun I’ve had with its handful of games, it’s just an incredible piece of hardware. Whatever it lacks in horsepower, it makes up for in design and portability. You can read my preview/first impressions of the system for more in-depth thoughts on that.游戏先放在一边不说,正如Paul指出的那样,我也知道关于Switch还有一大堆问题悬而未决。在线联机说不定是最大的问题。然而我实在忍不住要加入任天堂最新的主机阵营了,先不提我在这些少数游戏中享受到的乐趣,就单看这台超棒的主机好了。不管在性能上有何短板,它都通过设计和便携性进行了弥补。你可以通过阅读我的测评/第一印象来得到更多关于这方面的深层想法。5. The Price Is Right5、价格合适Finally, for what you’re getting I think $299 is a fantastic price-point. This is a console that offers something truly different and compelling from the rest of the pack. It combines the best of mobile gaming with the best of traditional home console gaming, and while it may never boast the most advanced graphics or 4K, it may help convince the industry that those things actually don’t matter as much as satisfying games and satisfying inputs.最后,就你所知,我认为299美元是一个很好的价格点。这是一台与其他主机相比非常不同并且引人注目的主机,它结合了最好的便携游戏机体验和传统的家庭游戏机体验,大概它不能夸耀自己超前的画面或4K屏幕,但或许它能说服业界,这些东西与令人满意的游戏体验和输入设备方面相比实在无足轻重。Sure, there won’t be a ton of games right away, but by the end of 2017 you should have a pretty varied list to choose from. And if the system is a success, we may even see more third-party support materialize. I’m rooting for a virtuous cycle in that regard rather than a downward spiral.当然,眼下还没有特别多的游戏,不过到2017年底应该就会有各式各样的游戏可以挑选了。而且如果这个系统成功的话,我们说不定会看到更多的第三方游戏出现。我在这一点上支持出现一个良性循环而不是螺旋式下降。The real issue is whether or not you’ll be able to even buy a Switch at launch.真正的问题在于你是否能买一台首发Switch。I’ll be taking a look at Skylanders: Superchargers on the Switch next, if I can tear myself away from Zelda.如果我能把我自己从塞尔达上拉开,下一步我会去看一看《小龙斯派罗:超级充能者》的Switch版。Look for my review of the Nintendo Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in the coming days.请期待接下来几天里我对任天堂Switch和《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》的测评。
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