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Camila Cabello - She Loves Control (Acoustic) - Grocery Shop - 电台节目 - 网易云音乐
Camila Cabello - She Loves Control (Acoustic)
Grocery Shop 第299期
Mac版酷狗音乐已更新Camila Cabello |
shows off humorous side while making her way through airport security on Wednesday afternoon (March 14) at LAX Airport in Los Angeles.
The newly 21-year-old singer struck a couple of poses for photographers as she went through the metal detectors ahead of her flight out of town.
The day before, Camila took part in Glamour Magazine's "You Sang My Song" where she watched fans perform covers of her songs!
Check it out below!
Camila Cabello Watches Fans Cover Her Songs
performs in a pink dress on stage at the
held at The Forum on Sunday (March 11) in Los Angeles.
The 21-year-old singer was seemingly inspired by
while performing her smash hit song "Havana" during the show.
Make sure to
earlier in the night.
Camila has already been announced as the winner of the Fangirls Award and she’s also up for Best New Pop Artist, Best Cover Song for “Say You Won’t Let Go,” Best Fan Army for the Camilizers, Best Solo Breakout, and Best Remix for “Havana” with Daddy Yankee.
FYI: Camila is wearing a custom Walter Mendez pink satin strapless gown with high slit and detachable satin bow and matching boots, as well as Sasha Samuel earrings.
25+ pictures inside of Camila Cabello performing at the iHeartRadio Music Awards...
hits the red carpet at the
held at The Forum on Sunday (March 11) in Los Angeles.
The 21-year-old singer is set to perform during the show tonight and she is nominated for six awards, with one win already!
Camila has been announced as the winner of the Fangirls Award and she's also up for Best New Pop Artist, Best Cover Song for "Say You Won't Let Go," Best Fan Army for the Camilizers, Best Solo Breakout, and Best Remix for "Havana" with .
Photo:GettyAdam Levine just bought a sick new house and you can take a peek inside with these photos. The house has 7 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, and Adam paid over $35 million for the abode. Check it out...
covered 's "Crying In The Club" and added his own touch to the song.
The-year-old musician was performing a concert in Killarney, Ireland, where he performed the tune from his gal pal.
Video from his performance quickly made its way online and got around, even catching Camila's eye!
"WOWEEEEEE @NiallOfficial ?????????," she wrote on , retweeting a video of Niall's performance.
In case you missed it, check out Niall's newest music video for his song "," which is the fourth single off his debut solo album Flicker.
. covering Crying In The Club today at
& Camila Cabello News (@CCabelloNews)
just released the music video for "Never Be The Same," which you can watch right here!
The 21-year-old "Havana" pop superstar dropped the visual for her latest single on Thursday (March 8).
"Never Be The Same" is the second single from Camila's debut self-titled solo album, Camila. She'll also be heading out on the Never Be The Same Tour beginning in Vancouver on April 9.
Watch the video for "Never Be The Same" below! You can also download the song on .
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Top CelebsCamila Cabello首專同名「Camila」自壓【billboard后花园吧】_百度贴吧
Camila Cabello首專同名「Camila」自壓收藏
一樓上圖 萌萌噠
二樓簡介, 資源還在傳令人流連忘返的女神魅力連小賈斯汀和歐巴馬都被撩倒最不同凡響的出走 超級女團五佳人之後 再造流行新顛峰◎強襲告示牌音樂獎、MTV歐洲音樂獎、青少年選擇獎等17座國際大獎,4億粉絲傾心潮拜首張個人大碟◎「潮流天王」菲董混搭Sia、贊恩、Lorde葛萊美金牌團隊打造天后接班大作◎收錄全球80國iTunes冠軍 、英國金榜5周冠軍金曲〈Havana〉與〈Never Be The Same〉、〈Real Friends〉等最新話題單曲共11首歌曲 自全美最強女子天團五佳人(Fifth Harmony)單飛的卡蜜拉(Camila Cabello),極盡所能展現骨子裡的冶艷拉丁熱情及超狂唱作實力,以別於過往的個人強烈風格驚艷全球粉絲。出生古巴東哈瓦那,全名Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao的卡蜜拉,年幼跟隨家人經常往返哈瓦那與墨西哥,最終定居邁阿密。15歲參加美國The X Factor選秀節目第二季,以翻唱靈魂天后Aretha Franklin經典作〈Respect〉成功晉級,雖曾落入淘汰區,但最後敗部復活合組五佳人出道!陸續發行暖身EP《Better Together》、《Reflection》、《7 / 27》等作品,接連抱走全美音樂獎「最受歡迎演唱組合」在內共55座大獎!2016年底Camila正式展開單飛生涯,超高人氣可說是未演先轟動。早在2015年便與人氣唱作新秀Shawn Mendes合作美榜TOP20單曲〈I Know What You Did Last Summer〉、獻聲饒舌歌手Machine Gun Kelly流行榜殿軍單曲〈Bad Things〉、偕同Pitbull和J Balvin替電影「玩命關頭8」演唱重點襯樂〈Hey Ma〉,霸佔告示牌熱門拉丁單曲榜NO.5;超強電音團隊Major Lazer亦借重Camila超人氣為新曲〈Know No Better〉獻藝,全面登入美國流行、舞曲、節奏藍調/嘻哈各榜;Camila也為奇幻犯罪鉅片「光靈」貢獻原聲帶新曲〈Crown〉!2017年颶風瑪莉亞造成波多黎各嚴重災情,Camila義不容辭投入募款義唱活動、與Jennifer Lopez、Gloria Estefan、Marc Anthony等巨星合唱〈Almost Like Praying〉,足證除了音樂事業,她對世界的關懷也不落人後。
醞釀多時首張個人大碟《Camila》,藉由十首全新創作反映出Camila自離開五佳人後至今的心路歷程及內心轉變,以最赤裸的方式將自己複雜的情緒及不為人知的秘密故事一次呈現;網羅11座葛萊美加持Pharrell Williams(Ed Sheeran, Robin Thicke)、Frank Dukes(Zayn, Lorde)、Jesse Shatkin(Sia, Charlie Puth)等超強製作陣容聯手打造。首波主打單曲〈哈瓦那 Havana〉全然突顯卡蜜拉與生俱來的拉丁能量,各種性感冶艷一次引爆!特地找來饒舌才子Young Thug幫腔,強勢登基全球80國iTunes冠軍,蟬連英國金榜5周冠軍、美國連霸5周亞軍;就連Justin Bieber和前美國總統歐巴馬都公開讚揚!Camila更戲癮上身一人分飾三角,〈Havana〉MV在YouTube累積超過4億次點閱、入籍告示牌「2017年百大金曲」、美國The Fader音樂雜誌「首金曲」等名單;Camila同時躋身Spotify「全球最高串流數藝人」第4名。第二波主打〈Never Be The Same〉發行首周在美國創下超過600萬次串流+3萬次下載,成為當周告示牌單曲榜空降名次最佳單曲。Camila以高難度演唱技巧搭入中版R&B風格,唱出一段感情中的內心掙扎與拉扯。空心吉他伴奏〈Real Friends〉道盡離鄉背景的寂寥感受和對友情的省悟,再掀另一波話題。 CD 1編號 曲名 1. Never Be The Same 2. All These Years 3. She Loves Control 4. Havana feat. Young Thug 5. Inside Out 6. Consequences 7. Real Friends 8. Something's Gotta Give 9. In The Dark 10. Into It 11. Never Be The Same (Radio Edit)
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