
在屏幕上,加入名為 3D Touch 的觸控功能
3D Touch 觸控功能,能以按壓屏幕的力度,從而作出不同的操作功能
配備 A9 CPU,效能大幅提升
在規格上,採用了自家研發的 A9 CPU。從 CPU 款號名稱可以預期,A9 CPU
所採用的 A9X CPU,效能上有一點輸蝕,但對比上代的 A8 CPU,有著 70% 的效能提升,預計用家無論玩遊戲及應付日常工作,都能有非常流暢的體驗。
iPhone 6S 及 iPhone 6S Plus 均採用 A9 CPU
比上代的 A8 CPU,有著 70% 的效能提升
1,200 萬像素主相機,500 萬像素前鏡頭
今次在拍攝規格上,與上代一致,只有Plus 版設有光學防手震功能,追求 Apple
最高的拍攝規格,可以選擇屏幕較大的 iPhone 6S Plus。
配備了全新的 iSight 主相機,可拍攝 1,200 萬像素的相片,配支援雙色調
LED 補光。由於拍攝像素比上代大了 50%,拍攝的細緻度相對提升不少,預計仍是個可靠的拍攝裝置。而且新加入 Live Photo 功能,可拍攝連聲音播放的動態相片,令拍攝功能更添玩味。
全新的 iSight 主相機,可拍攝 1,200 萬像素的相片
拍攝功能加入 Live Photo,可拍攝連聲音播放的動態相片
主要用來自拍及 Facetime 視像通話的前鏡頭方面, 及
亦由上代的 120
萬像素,一躍提升至 500 萬像素,拍攝像素提升不少,可與一眾旗艦手機看齊。為了讓自拍的效果更出色, 及
的 Retina 屏幕,更引入名為 Retina Flash 功能,可作為前相機的補光燈,是個能減省成本,而又可為自拍補光的聰明設計。
前鏡頭一躍提升至 500 萬像素
Retina 屏幕更可作為前相機的補光燈
Apple 官方將會為
分別設有 16GB/64GB/128GB 版本,售價與上代不變。香港會於 9 月
12 日,下午 3 時零 1 分接受預訂,並會於 9 月 25 日推出。由於中國今次亦成首賣的地區,筆者預計首天的炒價,不會像早前說般,可達至天價的兩萬元。
iPhone 6S 定價:
iPhone 6S Plus 定價:
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  iphone6s Plus怎么用?下面统一小编为大家介绍一 下苹果6s Plus怎么用方法,还不了解的一起来看看吧。
  iphone6s Plus如何用:
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Copy .Com. All Rights Reserved.Got an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus? Do these 10 things first | Macworld
Got an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus? Do these 10 things first
Your new iPhone is is finally here. Here are some essential steps to take first so you can get the most out of your new device.
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The wait is finally over: . Woohoo! Sure, you’re probably eager to download some cool games or test out that new , but before you go crazy, there are a few housekeeping details you should tend to first.1. Back up your old phoneBackups are never fun, but they’re essential to avert disaster down the road—plus, you’ll need a recent backup if you want your new iPhone to behave like, well, a better version of your old iPhone. While you can back up your iPhone via iCloud or iTunes, we prefer the iTunes method since it’s a little faster. Tether your iPhone to your Mac with the appropriate USB cable and launch iTunes, then select your iPhone, and under Backups, choose This Computer. Checking Encrypt local backup is a good idea, not just for privacy reasons, but also because that way your account passwords are stored and you won’t have to enter them all again. Click the button to Back up now.
iCloud, eye-schmoud. Backing up and restoring with iTunes is so much faster.
2. Restore your new iPhone from that backupKeep that Lightning cable out and plug in your new iPhone 6s, then tell your phone you want to restore from an iTunes backup. Once your iPhone is up and running and everything’s how you like, then you can switch back to iCloud backups if you prefer, in Settings & iCloud & Backup. But it never hurts to run a backup on your own Mac every now and then. (And if you’re coming from an Android phone, there’s a new
that can assist you.)Also, creating an
will also ensure any Health app data is carried over to your new phone. It won’t get saved in unencrypted backups.3. Finish the setupThere are a few remaining steps to finish up the setup process. You’ll enter your iCloud account password, enter a second security code if you’re using two-factor authentication on said iCloud account, agree to the iCloud terms and conditions, and set up how people can reach you over iMessage and Face Time. With the exception of a couple of other matters, you’re on your way.
If you’ve never used Touch ID before, welcome to the future. It’s a great feature.
4. Set up your Touch IDYes, you should use Touch ID for maximum security. Apple promises that its fingerprint reader is even more accurate and quicker with the iPhone 6s, so take the few moments to repeatedly press a finger on the Home button to register it. If you trust another human to enter your phone, you can add their finger (or more of your own digits) by going to Settings & Passcode. Since you need to have Touch ID enabled in order to use Apple Pay, this would be a good time to jump into Apple’s Wallet app (formerly known as Passbook) to set that up. If you’re new to Apple Pay, just follow the instructions within Wallet to add a credit card or two. If you previously had an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, you’ll notice that your credit cards have disappeared on your new iPhone. Why? For your security, of course. Your Wallet history will still be there, but you’ll have to re-enter any payment cards you’d like to use with Apple Pay.
Bonus: If you go with Standard view, you get room for an extra row of icons.
5. Pick a size with Display ZoomIf you didn’t have an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, this will be a new feature to pay attention to. You can enlarge the default view on your iPhone, which will zap away a row of icon space but makes everything easier on the eyes. Apple helpfully gives you a three-panel preview, including how the home screen would look with each setting, as well as a sample Messages screen and a sample email in Mail.You can always change this up in the settings if your first choice isn’t to your liking.6. Peruse the settingsThe settings aren’t all that much different in iOS 9 (your device should arrive with iOS 9.0.1 ready to roll) but there are a few new things to consider. Check out
to see what is located where so you don’t get lost. And don’t forget, you can now search now for any items located in the iPhone Settings app. 7. Update your appsYou’ll want the latest versions of all of your apps in order to take advantage of all of the cool, new tricks that come with iOS 9. Several apps take advantage of Spotlight indexing, which allows you to find information inside of them with a simple search. A few apps also got an early invite to the
party, like . Here’s
that are ready for iOS 9. You can have all your apps auto-update by flipping the Updates switch in Settings & iTunes & App Stores & Automatic Downloads. Or, you can manually update your apps one by one and check out the “What’s New” release notes to see what has changed. 8. Try a Live PhotoA Live Photo is a photo that also serves as a mini three-second video. Essentially, the iPhone captures 1.5 seconds of video before and after you snap your pic. To take a Live Photo, go into the Camera app and switch to Photo mode (it won’t work in Square or Pano photo modes). In the top row of icons (or the side if you’re shooting horizontally), you’ll find a new, bull’s-eye-like icon. This is the Live Photo icon, and if it’s orange, it’ if it’s white, it’s off. Tap it to turn it on or off.When shooting a Live Photo, remember that the iPhone is recording video before and after you take the pic. You need to hold the phone steady for a couple of seconds before and after your shoot. To see your Live Photos in action, you’ll find them among your regular photos in the Photos app. When you swipe through your pics, the Live Photo animation will show and then stop. To see it again, perform a 3D touch on the Photo by pressing firmly and holding on the pic. You can share your Live Photos, but iOS 9, watchOS 2, and El Capitan (coming soon) are required
otherwise, you’ll just see the still pic. 9. 3D Touch everything3D Touch offers a way to use your apps without actually opening them. A 3D Touch is performed by pressing down firmly (but don’t hold down!) on an app’s icon on your Home screen. A contextual menu pops up with a selection of tasks you can do. For example, 3D Touch the Phone app, and contacts you fr tap the one you want to call. Try 3D Touch on your apps on your H if you don’t want to perform any of the functions, just tap away from the contextual menu. If an app doesn’t have 3D Touch support yet (mostly third-party apps), the screen will blur and you’ll feel haptic feedback, but then the screen will go back to normal.
With 3D Touch, you might not even have to launch an app to access what you need.
You can do 3D Touch within some apps, too. Try doing a “peek and pop” in Mail, which lets you preview and open a message. Open Mail and go to an inbox. Press down firmly and hold it on an email: This is a “peek” where a preview of the message appears. Now press down more firmly on the email preview: This is the “pop” and opens the message in Mail. Peek and pop works in Messages, Music, Calendar, and other apps. Open up an app and give it a try.10. Check out News and NotesApple completely revamped two of its core apps, making them tremendously more exciting. First is , which ditches the ugly layout of Newsstand and replaces it with an elegant, Flipboard-style news feed.
News uses RSS feeds to pull together stories from different publishers in a magazine-style layout.
also got a ton of love, with new capabilities to sketch notes with your finger, use more complex formatting, and embed content from other apps.11. Call your momI’m sure she’d love to hear from you.What did we leave out? What’s the first thing you’re always itching to do with a shiny new iPhone? Let us know, and have fun with your new phone.
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前段时间,由厦门火柴人科技(Stick Games)研发、中顺和盈(Acingame)发行的格斗手游《火柴人联盟2》正式登陆国内各大安卓渠道。历时两年半时间的打磨,《火柴人联盟2》会呈现何种精彩?又有何市场成绩收获?GameRes游资网采访了“火柴人联盟”系列制作人 鬼人,为我们分享关于《火柴人联盟2》的游戏设计思路和对于游戏制作的看法。}


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