
Free XML editor download
Free XML editor download
Firstobject's free XML editor for Windows is called foxe. It loads big files (multi-megabyte) fast and lets you format XML and edit HTML and any loosely formed XML or other markup. The tree view is editable and customizable for useful navigation.
P built on
Does not require Java or MSXML
Light compact design, small footprint
, single exe
Other features include syntax coloring, word wrap, Go To Line, show XML path, Microsoft global IME, MSXML based DTD validation. installer (624k) 23-Apr-2011
High performance text editing and parsing of text files, aligning and indenting XML, print, print preview, e-mail sending, text encoding selection and conversion, Unicode character functions, and C++ code generation to see how to create or navigate your XML with CMarkup.
Foxe supports most encoding names in the XML Declaration encoding or HTML charset, plus UTF-16 BOM and UTF-8 preambles, only assuming the system current locale ANSI charset when it doesn't pass UTF-8 autodetection.
Programmable XML tool
Foxe is growing as an XML tool with
scripting for processing documents with CMarkup functions using C++ syntax. It can automatically generate a program for you when you right-click on an element or attribute. In debugging mode you can watch as it extracts information from documents and builds other documents.
Unicode features of the free XML editor
The firstobject XML editor also has some unique Unicode text features. If you want to get any character into your document and you don't know how to type it, just type the Unicode code point number and right-click Convert Char Ref e.g. Euro: € € U+20AC U-20AC or 8364. Use the Char Unicode menu option to display the Unicode code point and range of the character to the right of the cursor or any number of selected characters. e.g.
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="shift_jis"?&
U+20AC (8364, Currency Symbols 20A0 - 20CF) UTF-8 E2 82 AC shift_jis N/A
U+4E2D (20013, CJK Unified Ideographs 4E00 - 9FFF) UTF-8 E4 B8 AD
shift_jis 92 86
U+, Hiragana 3040 - 309F) UTF-8 E3 81 99
shift_jis 82 B7
XML editor C++ source code
The full Visual C++ source code for this firstobject XML editor (including the
gigabyte edit control MFC component) is available as part of the . It allows developers to implement custom XML handling functions such as validation, transformation, beautify, and reporting for their own purposes.
Licensing: This editor is free software to use anywhere (including commercially). However, please ask permission before redistributing it outside your institution (e.g. bundling it for customers).关注官方微信享受服务和福利}


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