谁有使命召唤黑色行动7 黑色行动的资源

Operation 40 - Intel 1
You&ll follow Woods and Bowman through an arched stone gate and then up a set of stone stairs as they talk about the U.S. trying to kill Castro for the past three years. When you reach the storage building pictured above, check the crates on the wall opposite where you entered. The first intel is right next to the rocket launcher.
Operation 40 - Intel 2
Start looking for this intel after you&ve killed the Castro lookalike and his mistress. You&ll move through a short outdoor section, then into the large, fiery hall with balconies pictured above. The intel is through the first door on the right, past an unmade bed and television.
Operation 40 - Intel 3
The final intel in this mission can be found once you slide down the muddy hill and enter the airplane hangar. Just climb the portable metal stairs on the left and grab the intel on top.
Vorkuta - Intel 1
Wait until Sergei is breaking down the door to the arms locker and you&re climbing the tower stairs with Reznov. Halfway up, he&ll split off to commandeer a broadcast station. The intel will be on a cabinet to the right of his back.
Vorkuta - Intel 2
Sergei is trapped! Slide under the door! Directly ahead will be the control room with a panel to free him, while in the back right corner of the warehouse will be a dark hallway leading to a desk with the intel. Make sure to grab it before climbing the stairs and continuing the mission.
Vorkuta - Intel 3
When you wake up next to the motorcycles, turn around 180 degrees and search the area a few yards behind Reznov. The intel is on a bottom shelf, illuminated by a nearby lamp. This intel must be grabbed before approaching your motorcycle and triggering the chase sequence.
Executive Order - Intel 1
Once you&ve broken cover by shooting the guards - in the mission&s first interior section - make your way up the stairs until you reach the third floor, helpfully labeled with the number &3& painted on the walls. The intel is located under a gold insignia and four TV monitors.
Executive Order - Intel 2
Plant the C4, blow a hole in the wall, then - as the launch room crashes and sparks around you, but before leaving to shoot down the rocket - run towards the computer console in the corner and take the intel.
Executive Order - Intel 3
The third intel can be found in a series of underground bunkers at the end of this mission. Look for a portrait of Vladimir Lenin on the wall to know when you&re in the correct room, then check the top of the computer console near the window for the intel.
S.O.G. - Intel 1
Find this intel in the open hill area, after you&ve destroyed the three tanks and before you drop down the hatch. It&s located in front of the long supply shed at the top of the hill.
S.O.G. - Intel 2
You&ll exit the tunnels and enter another big downhill section with waves of Vietcong soldiers attacking. In the midst of all the chaos, make your way down and to the left - there&s a large shelter near the bottom, with the intel sitting on a window sill. Since this area is relatively nonlinear, you should study the screens or watch the video for a more exact idea of its location.
S.O.G. - Intel 3
More tunnels, these full of injured U.S. soldiers and broken, burning structure beams. Right before you reach the brighter room with the American flag, check the darker corner to your right, near the soldier catching his breath. The intel is located on a lower shelf.
The Defector - Intel 1
See the mysterious projector and screen? Leave that room and halfway down the hall - on your right - will be a smaller room with a corpse on the floor and an intel on the green desk.
The Defector - Intel 2
At this point, you&ll be fighting through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, supporting a tank and calling targets for a helicopter. Look for the building indicated in the first screen above - use the Vietnamese store signs for reference if necessary - and within you&ll find the intel on a desk under a clock.
The Defector - Intel 3
Near the end of the mission, you&ll be asked to hold position in a large town square as Vietcong attack through smoke screens. Before fighting them all off, find the building under the &DAK& billboard and enter through the torn hole in the wall. The intel is on a desk to the left.
Numbers - Intel 1
Your interrogation of Clarke has been very rudely interrupted, but before running forward to fight and climb the ladder, turn to your right and head into the side room full of messy papers and bulletin boards. The intel is here.
Numbers - Intel 2
Climb down the pipe, shoot the two unsuspecting soldiers from above, run across the rainy planks while Clarke tells you the location of Steiner and, finally, slide across the sloped rooftop in slow-motion as birds fly away. The intel is hidden behind the low wall in front of you, left side.
Numbers - Intel 3
Know the part at the end of the mission, when you slide down a ramp into an ambush? And survive only with a pistol until a van picks you up? Yeah, if you reached that part, you&ve already gone a little too far. Let yourself die so that the game reloads, then immediately before sliding down the last ramp - but immediately after jumping over the last balcony railing - turn 180 degrees around to discover the intel sitting within easy grasp on the ground behind you.
Project Nova - Intel 1
When the scripted truck ride finishes, you&ll run downhill through dozens of enemies. Eventually, the game will block your outside progress with two snowmobiles, forcing you inside a dark, two-story building. The intel is in the second room of the second floor, under a map of the United States.
Project Nova - Intel 2
Almost immediately after acquiring the first intel, you&ll enter a hangar with a rocket parked in the middle. The intel is on the desk of a little office at the back of the hangar.
Project Nova - Intel 3
Grab this intel as you&re escaping the ship under a time limit. It&s located on the upper decks, past a pair of curved pipes and just to the right of a narrow staircase - the same staircase that leads you to the rope that ends the mission.
Victor Charlie - Intel 1
Murder the two Vietcong as they sleep in their hammocks, then head into the next room. Before sneaking forward to kill the man who&s sitting on a crate and eating, turn back towards the door you entered and you&ll see a small outside area on the right. The intel is propped in the corner, opposite the metal barrels.
Victor Charlie - Intel 2
Blow up the Vietnamese village and make your way to the hut at the very back of town. The intel is on the ground, right of the wooden table.
Victor Charlie - Intel 3
This intel can be found in the rat tunnels. You will help Reznov move a barrier and then watch him smash a Vietnamese soldier against the wall. Afterwards, he will tell you to take the lead - move forward, but turn left at the first possible opportunity. The intel is halfway along this detour tunnel, lying on the righthand side.
Crash Site - Intel 1
When the mission begins, just walk in a straight line. Pass the helicopter, pass the red flare, until you reach a crate with barrels. The intel is on top. If you boarded the boat, you went way too far.
Crash Site - Intel 2
As soon as you&ve exited the boat, keep your eyes on the ground. The intel can be easily spotted, a few yards ahead, as you follow Woods.
Crash Site - Intel 3
Reach the crashed plane and climb the wing. You should see the intel as soon as you jump back off the plane, but before entering the plane&s fuselage.
WMD - Intel 1
Grab this intel after you&ve swooshed from the Blackbird in space to the team on the ground for the second time. Breach the door, clear the room of enemies, and check the desk to your left, below the railing.
WMD - Intel 2
Shoot the hinges off the door and make your way up to the communication tower, kicking down another door to enter. Teammates will rappel through the windows and start taking out bad guys on the balcony. Run through the chaos until you reach a locker room in the back of the upper floor. The intel is on a bench.
WMD - Intel 3
The mission&s final intel is in the huge spacious warehouse filled with blue-and-yellow explosive barrels. Ignore the control room and head to the second table with barrels on top - the intel is with them.
Payback - Intel 1
Finish the game of roulette and begin chasing the Russian through the underground tunnels. Within a minute or two, you should reach a larger cavern with a waterfall and streaming sunlight. The intel is on a metal shelf agains the righthand wall.
Payback - Intel 2
Before boarding the Hind helicopter with Woods, check the table next to the green tent. The intel is next to the radio.
Payback - Intel 3
Free Reznov and race after him, into a large room with lots of rafter beams and LOTS of bad guys. Once the area is safe, look for the intel in the back left corner, a little left of the door that enemies kept popping through.
Rebirth - Intel 1
Exit the shipping container and stealth kill the first guard with an axe. The intel is immediately to your left here, on the ground in front of a crate. Don&t take too long, however, or you&ll be spotted by the helicopters.
Rebirth - Intel 2
Inside the laboratory of caged monkeys and pigs is an octagonal gas containment chamber that holds both the intel and a soldier. Here&s the tricky part. If you shoot at the soldier, the chamber&s doors will automatically close, blocking you from entering. So use your knife instead, or shoot him after you&ve acquired the intel. Don&t worry if you&re trapped and killed by Nova 6& gas - the mission will reload shortly before this point, with the intel already in your collection.
Rebirth - Intel 3
When you&re playing as Hudson in the hazmat suit, a building will explode into flames right in front of you. The mission path will take you into this building and up the stairs, but first, check the door on your right. Inside is a small dining room, and across from the stove and fridge, on a wall full of pots and pans, is the intel.
Revelations - Intel 1
After escaping the interrogation chair at the very beginning of the mission, you&ll stumble down the hallway and through a set of double doors. Turn left here instead of continuing forward to find the intel on top of a glowing vending machine.
Revelations - Intel 2
Within seconds of collecting the previous intel, you&ll trigger a lengthy flashback in which Mason lies on a table and his unusual willpower is discussed. After the cutscene, move towards the hallway&s hypnotic red numbers and turn right. This direction is a dead end, but by sticking to shadowy left wall, you&ll discover another intel on top of a trash can.
Revelations - Intel 3
Continue stumbling until you see the JFK flashback and the hallucination of a rocket launching above you. At the end of this hallway, turn left into a larger office and look for the intel on a desk. It&s next to a typewriter and near the four television screens.
Redemption - Intel 1
Finish the helicopter sequence, then run forward until you see an open shipping container with a mast pole collapsed on its roof. Go inside the container - the intel is tucked under the door at the other end. If you reach the Valkyrie rocket launcher, you&ve gone too far.
Redemption - Intel 2
Blow up the two helicopters and continue forward. The mission will take you inside the ship. After descending a couple sets of stairs, fighting through a small locker room, and descending another couple sets of stairs, you&ll reach a larger room, with two enemies taking cover behind a table. The intel is behind that table as well.
Redemption - Intel 3
Call of Duty: Black Ops& final intel can be found immediately before you enter the final room of the game, in a little observation hallway with two desks and two swivel chairs. The intel is underneath the left desk.
Nov 11, 2010
Cuba1,在进入卡斯特罗营地之前的仓库里,INTEL在一个RPG和一个拖拉机的旁边。2,在杀了卡斯特罗之后,在长长的室内走廊第一个拐弯处右转进入一个睡房,INTEL在一个抽屉的上面,之后出房间就是下楼梯的CHECK POINT。3,在进入飞机机库之后,左侧有个绿色楼梯,INTEL在上面。Vorkuta1,在推矿车成功之后,进入到一个塔楼的2楼,INTEL在REZNOV旁边的白色柜子上面,旁边有一些录音设备。之后是上3楼用弹弓炸3个目标。2,在SERGEI顶住门的机械库里,走到右侧底有个小房间可以进去,INTEL在一个亮着台灯的桌子上。3,在催泪弹剧情之后,进入骑摩托车剧情,先别上摩托车,在右侧有亮光处,INTEL在一个油管机架和一个灭火器旁边。Executive Orders1,进入敌方建筑物之后,在3楼,INTEL在右侧的桌子上,上面是一个金色的徽章和一些电视机。2,在C4炸墙之后,进入最里侧可以看到INTEL。3,在发射井里,老兵最难打的走廊,走廊右侧有个黄色车可作为掩体,进入右侧房间里,INTEL在左侧的窗户旁边。S.O.G1,在轰完3辆坦克之后,反方向有个放着一堆物资的棚子,INTEL在一堆货物的中间。2,老兵最恶心的越南斜坡,在最右侧油桶旁边的碉堡里面,INTEL在右侧窗户上。3,进入一个隧道,会看到有个美国兵在摇晃着挥手,INTEL在他右侧的机架上。The Defector1,在遇到REZNOV之后,出房间在走廊左侧的房间里有INTEL,在亮着台灯的桌子上。2,在第一次用RADIO呼叫空中支援之后,拐弯之后会看到一个白色房子有敌人站在窗子前,INTEL在里面一个有电视的桌子上。3,在用C4炸完目标物之后,你会看到目标地点和一团紫烟,往右侧会看到&DAK&标志,在下面有个房子的外墙破了个大洞,INTEL在里面。Numbers1,一开始审问完之后,直走右转进入一个小隔间,INTEL在亮着台灯的桌子上。2,在第二次慢动作,从屋顶滑下杀4个敌人的地方,INTEL在蓝色小屋旁边的角落里。3,在CLARKE博士死了之后,在滑到最底手【这也要和谐?】枪杀一堆敌人之前,跳到红色屋顶的时候,回头看到有INTEL。Project Nova1,在一栋一楼有Panzerschrek火箭炮和铁丝网的建筑物里,上2楼最里侧的房间是目标地点,INTEL在一副白色下面的桌子上。2,在V2火箭仓库里,在最里面的小房间里,INTEL在桌子上,旁边是个更衣柜。3,在装完炸弹有3:00时限逃跑的路上,INTEL在最后一个需要上楼梯的楼梯旁边,在右侧地上
Victor Charlie1,在暗杀完3个越共之后,立刻回头,INTEL在最里侧的角落里。2,在引爆炸弹之后,直走经过几个铁桶进入一个门口有木架的房子,INTEL在房子里。3,在地下隧道里和REZNOV汇合之后,REZNOV被袭击的地方,走左边的岔路,INTEL在岔路的右侧地上。Crash Site1,一开始上船前,INTEL在左侧的一箱货物上,旁边是几个铁桶。2,下船登陆之后,INTEL在你前进路上的地上,旁边有个几个队友。3,在从机翼进入毁坏的飞机之后,INTEL在你跳下地方的附近地上。WMD1,第二次可以控制HUDSON,突击变电所的时候,INTEL在一开始进入门口的楼梯旁,绿色柜上。2,在突袭通信卫星站的时候,先不要从2楼下1楼,在2楼楼梯边有个小房间,里面有INTEL。3,在NOVA6生产工厂里,先不要进目标地点,INTEL在工厂中间偏左侧放蓝色桶的铁架上。Payback1,在杀敌方将领之前的巨大溶洞场景里,INTEL在右侧的灰色架子上。2,在抢直升机的场景里,INTEL在右侧帐篷旁边,旁边有收音机。3,救了REZNOV之后,和敌方火拼的场景,INTEL在左侧最里侧的箱子上。Rebirth Island1,MASON暗杀第一个人之后,往左看,有INTEL。2,在通过电梯侵入到第二个实验室之后,会看到中间的小房间里面有4个关着猴子的铁笼,快速进入,INTEL在里面。3,控制HUDSON在NOVA6毒气中战斗的时候,来到一个场景是2个队友分两侧站在一个门前叫你突入,别理,在右侧有个房间,进入是厨房,INTEL混在一些罐子的中间。Revelatios1,来到一个房间中间写了一个很大的数字&4&,往左走,INTEL在一个香烟售卖机的上面。2,之后会看到墙上有数字&132& &3& &31& &34&,出房间往右走,INTEL在垃圾箱上。3,当来到一个地板上印着NSA徽章的地方,左转进入一个很多监视器的房间,INTEL在左侧的桌子上,旁边是电视墙。Redemption1,在登陆到船的甲板之后,会出现2架敌方直升机需要用Valkyrie火箭炮轰掉的地方,在拿Valkyrie火箭炮的左侧有个集装箱,在集装箱门的夹角处有INTEL。2,在跟HUDSON一起行动的时候,进入到一个有红色地板的房间,INTEL隐藏在一进门口看到的桌子下。3,当你的目标变成stop the transmission时,上楼梯到2楼的第一个房间,右侧的桌子下面有INTEL。
第一关1.与Woods和Bowman用钩锁滑行下去进入第一个屋,进屋后正对面柜子上。2.杀死Castro替身后,与WOODS和BOWMAN来到二楼走廊与大量敌兵周旋,右侧电视机房间的另一间。3.来到最后的机库。左边架子上。第二关1.与Reznov闯进的第一个屋子,不急上楼看左边的架子上。2.壮汉挡门进入控制室给大家开门的场景,控制室出来左后方暗处角落。3.与Reznov来到MOTOR场景,不急上MOTOR,后面的架子上。第三关无第四关1.攻下第一个瞭望塔的3楼,很明显。2.用C4炸掉的发射控制室内,很明显。3.与众队友进入通道。。混战一段。。右边一个挂有列宁肖像照的屋子内。第五关1.第一轮攻击(打三辆坦克)的场景。后面高地的补给处。2.敌军攻山头踢油桶下去的地方,下方防守偏右的一个机枪暗堡内的台沿上。3.Woods被你救下进入的隧道里,向前走,在靠右面的架子上。第六关1.遇见Reznov后的下一个房间内。2.呼叫武装直升机后,向前推进。街道左面一个带有电视机的房间。3.最后防守场景,一个支离破碎的房子,上到二层里面第七关1.最开始的场景,干掉敌兵后不爬梯子,屋子后面的角落里。2.从房檐向下滑进入SLOW MOTION的场景,下来后燃烧的油桶后面。3.最后与Weaver逃出的时候,最后一个房顶不要继续向下滑,看后面。第八关1.第一个攻占的房子2楼。2.V2火箭车对面路的那间房子。3.最后逃出舰船的时候,外面的最后一个楼梯处的右面角落。第九关1.暗杀两个睡觉和一个背对身的敌人屋子。2.安装***之后,开始袭击敌军场景的一个小屋子内。3.钻入地道,选择左边的路线走即可。第十关1.开始场景向前走,在木箱上,很明显。2.从冲锋舟登陆下来的地上,同样明显。3.进入坠毁运输机后,视角注意看地面。第11关1.指挥作战小队清理的第二个大屋子,即用***摧毁线路的屋子进门后的地方。2.Weaver用飞刀杀死一名敌兵后,准备突击的屋子内的一楼。3.最后一个逃跑的场景,在一个绑满***桶的仓库内。第12关1.刚开始山洞,走不远有一处正前方与右上方都有敌人的地方,靠右面的黑暗处。2.准备上武装直升机时候,旁边的桌上,很明显。3.最后清理俄罗斯特种兵的大山洞场景,山洞里面左前方的黑暗处。这是藏的最阴险的一个。第13关1.刚开始出场用扳手杀死第一个敌人,左后方角落。2.有四只猴子和一名敌人的一个实验室内。就是你进入拿的时候会关门放NOVA6的实验舱。3.Weaver和Hudson小队,在敌人放NOVA的场景,一个右面有电视机的房间内。第14关1.看见墙上标有4字样的地方,向左边走。2.看见三个红点的位置附近,视角的暗处。3.最后火箭发射幻觉之后,继续走到一个房间的桌子上。第15关1.下武装直升机后,甲板向前看到一个集装箱的时候,进入集装箱后看左门下面。2.与小队攻入油轮,下到一个红色地板的屋子,仔细看桌子的下面。3.最后杀Dragovich前的屋子的桌子下。
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使命召唤7黑色行动破解版 中文版
《黑色行动破解版》是《使命召唤7黑色行动》的免费破解版本,该游戏除了在PC平台登陆之外,还登陆了iOS/Xbox360 / PS3 / Wii /MAC OS平台。《使命召唤7黑色行动》已经于日正式发售,您可以在游戏堡免费下载《使命召唤7黑色行动》,进行畅玩。
故事设定在上世纪后期的美国越南时期,游戏主要描述了战争期间的一个名称为Studies and Observations Group的组织,他们将在越南战争中承担最秘密、最危险的任务。游戏场景会穿插北极、古巴等一些冷战时期的热点地区。玩家投身越南丛林时将扮演MACV-SOG成员,专司敌后渗透、破坏、暗杀等不可告人的隐秘勾当。《使命召唤:黑色行动》将为你带来电影般的视觉冲击和紧张的战斗。
《使命召唤7:黑色行动》游戏背景故事剧情设定在了上世纪后期的美国越南战争时期,游戏主要描述了战争期间的一个名称为Studies and Observations Group的组织。他们将在越南战争中承担最秘密、最危险的任务。而且游戏场景还会穿插北极、古巴等一些冷战时期的热点地区。玩家投身越南丛林时将扮演MACV-SOG成员,专司敌后渗透、破坏、暗杀等不可告人的隐秘勾当。《使命召唤:黑色行动》将为你带来电影般的视觉冲击和紧张刺激的战斗。
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  /god :无敌模式
  /demigod :“半神”模式
  /give ammo :获得弹药
  /noclip :穿墙模式
  /ufo :飞行模式
  /give all :获得所有武器
  /g_speed # :设置玩家速度 #为任意数字 默认是190
  /player_sustainammo 1 :无限弹药
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