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-& 南昌雅典(ulysse nardin
南昌雅典(ulysse nardin)指定专业的维修中心
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南昌雅典(ulysse nardin)指定专业的维修中心  【全国百家连锁,雅典(ulysse nardin)维修领导品牌,服务地区:北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳、杭州、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌...】公司成立于2001年是一家专注于雅典(ulysse nardin)维修的现代化大型服务型企业。公司总部位于北京,在全国各大中型城市设有维修服务中心,形成了庞大的手表售后维修服务网络,为广大
南昌雅典(ulysse nardin)指定专业的维修中心  【全国百家连锁,雅典(ulysse nardin)维修领导品牌,服务地区:北京、、天津、广州、深圳、、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌...】成立于2001年是一家专注于雅典(ulysse nardin)维修的现代化大型服务型企业。公司总部位于北京,在全国各大中型城市设有维修服务中心,形成了庞大的手表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务! 专业团队:1、资深团队:由制表师、修表师、抛光技师、珠宝技师和其它组成小组,长期开展在职培训,提供更完善的顾客服务。2、学徒传统:派遣维修技师付瑞士、日本等名表工厂参加培训,培养一流的手表维修技师,以保证未来优秀团队的人才供给。雅典(ulysse nardin)维修服务中心拥有遍及全国的专业服务网络、专业的维修技术、透明的维修价格、立等可取的维修效率。
  雅典(ulysse nardin)维修服务中心,该公司成立于2001年是一家专注于手表维修的现代化大型服务型企业。公司总部位于北京,在全国各大中型城市设有维修服务中心,形成了庞大的手表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务!
  服务项目:雅典(ulysse nardin)维修;雅典(ulysse nardin)保养;雅典(ulysse nardin)更换手表电池;雅典(ulysse nardin)定制、更换表带等。
  【广州(广州店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:广州市天河区体育西路103号维多利广场
  【深圳(深圳店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:深圳市罗湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦(信兴广场)
  【北京(北京店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:北京西单大悦城写字楼
  【上海(上海店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:上海黄浦区南京东路置地广场
  【成都(四川店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:成都市锦江区天府广场百扬大厦
  【杭州(浙江店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:杭州大厦C座坤和中心
  【济南(山东店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:济南市历下区泉城路180号齐鲁国际大厦B座
  【沈阳(辽宁店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:沈阳市和平区中华路69-1号富丽华国际商务中心
  【南京(江苏店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:南京市南京国际金融中心写字楼
  【太原(山西店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:太原迎泽区柳巷南路钟鼓楼街
  【江西(南昌店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:江西省南昌市东湖区胜利路步行街32号
  【天津(天津店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:天津市和平区南京路219号天津中心写字楼
  【河南(郑州店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:郑州市金水区花园路39号国贸中心招银大厦
  雅典表(Ulysse Nardin)创于1846年,至今已经走过了170年,
  Athens table editor
  Total gem watch show opened as scheduled at Ulysse Nardin. Athens has been committed in the early development of three repeater table, the table is to ask the revival technology pioneer. Joined the action figure crafted dial, become an unprecedented creation so that Athens three repeater table fame.
  Chinese name English name Ulysse Nardin Ulysse Nardin
  Ulysse Nardin (Ulysse Nardin) was founded in 1846, it has gone through 170 years,
  As the world's top watches, Athens in its long-lasting long-term context, the ability to consummate watchmaking and innovation, has become synonymous with. Athens initially nautical clock started its production of nautical clock is ever reliable navigational instruments, as the world's more than 50 navies essential instrument to Athens enamel, dolls three questions, Kinks Tourbillon and three unmatched Astronomy - steps waiting for that, it ranked top in the world of watches.
  Ulysse Nardin于日在瑞士Le Locle出生。早年由其父Leonard Frederic亲自传授有关钟表工艺的技术,后来跟随当代钟表大师威廉·杜布斯(William Dubois)学习。于1846年创立雅典公司。早期只有一个柜位,其精密钟表以始创者为名,显出非凡的优质工艺技术,至今已有超过156年的历史。
  1862年雅典表于伦敦国际博览会的《精密时计、袋装天文台时计》组别中夺得最受尊崇的《荣誉大奖》,令Ulysse Nardin在国际的袋装天文台时计领域上稳居领导地位。并于1878年其旗下的袋装天文台表及航海天文钟于巴黎环球博览会中夺得金奖;1893年在芝加哥环球博览会中展出一枚黄金与银混合的精致浮雕设计的天文台表,为艺术与科学的绝世结晶,在《航海及袋装天文台时计》组别中荣获金奖;雅典的位置航海天文台时计于美国华盛顿首府的海军天文台测试中,夺得7项测试的首名。1915年在参加华盛顿首府海军天文台测试的60枚天文台腕表之中,雅典赢得冠军。
  Dr. Oechslin is the soul of the new generation of Ulysse Nardin, Dr. Oechslin virtue of its superior knowledge and passion for watches, the basic creative ideas into full mechanical watch, watch design is not only depending on the interest, but also developed a revolutionary Palace level Galileo satellite dish watch,Jesus Christ makes Athens to shine in the history of the achievements of the watch. Dr. Oechslin further play its infinite creativity, developed Copernicus and Kepler running meter watch astronomical watch, together with the Galileo satellite dish watch, became Athens' timepieces trilogy, "This is not only mechanical wrist a remarkable achievement of the table, but also highlights the Athens on the physical and philosophical exploration spirit of perseverance.
  Ulysse Nardin was born in Le Locle, Switzerland on January 22, 1823. By the early years of his father Leonard Frederic personally teach technology-related watch technology, then follow the contemporary master clocks William Dubs (William Dubois) learning. The company was founded in Athens in 1846. Early only a counter, its precision clocks to the originators of the name, showing extraordinary quality technology, has been more than 156 years of history.
  Ulysse Nardin in 1862 London International Expo "precision timepieces, when bagged Observatory meter" won the most respected groups in the "Grand Award" so that Ulysse Nardin at international bagged Observatory stable leadership on the field count status. And its subsidiary chronometer pocket and marine chronometers won in 1878 at the Paris Universal Exposition in G 1893 exhibited a mix of gold and silver fine relief design chronometer at the Chicago World Fair, the art and scientific masterpiece crystals "sailing and bagged Observatory meter" constituencies won the G when Athens Observatory sailing position counter to the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, the capital of the test, won seven of the first to test. Washington Capitals in 1915 to participate in the test 60 Naval Observatory chronometer among Athens to win the championship.
  Ulysse Nardin于日在瑞士Le Locle出生。早年由其父Leonard Frederic亲自传授有关钟表工艺的技术,后来跟随当代钟表大师威廉·杜布斯(William Dubois)学习。于1846年创立雅典公司。早期只有一个柜位,其精密钟表以始创者为名,显出非凡的优质工艺技术,至今已有超过156年的历史。
  1862年雅典表于伦敦国际博览会的《精密时计、袋装天文台时计》组别中夺得最受尊崇的《荣誉大奖》,令Ulysse Nardin在国际的袋装天文台时计领域上稳居领导地位。并于1878年其旗下的袋装天文台表及航海天文钟于巴黎环球博览会中夺得金奖;1893年在芝加哥环球博览会中展出一枚黄金与银混合的精致浮雕设计的天文台表,为艺术与科学的绝世结晶,在《航海及袋装天文台时计》组别中荣获金奖;雅典的位置航海天文台时计于美国华盛顿首府的海军天文台测试中,夺得7项测试的首名。1915年在参加华盛顿首府海军天文台测试的60枚天文台腕表之中,雅典赢得冠军。
  Dr. Oechslin is the soul of the new generation of Ulysse Nardin, Dr. Oechslin virtue of its superior knowledge and passion for watches, the basic creative ideas into full mechanical watch, watch design is not only depending on the interest, but also developed a revolutionary Palace level Galileo satellite dish watch,Jesus Christ makes Athens to shine in the history of the achievements of the watch. Dr. Oechslin further play its infinite creativity, developed Copernicus and Kepler running meter watch astronomical watch, together with the Galileo satellite dish watch, became Athens' timepieces trilogy, "This is not only mechanical wrist a remarkable achievement of the table, but also highlights the Athens on the physical and philosophical exploration spirit of perseverance.
  Ulysse Nardin was born in Le Locle, Switzerland on January 22, 1823. By the early years of his father Leonard Frederic personally teach technology-related watch technology, then follow the contemporary master clocks William Dubs (William Dubois) learning. The company was founded in Athens in 1846. Early only a counter, its precision clocks to the originators of the name, showing extraordinary quality technology, has been more than 156 years of history.
  Ulysse Nardin in 1862 London International Expo "precision timepieces, when bagged Observatory meter" won the most respected groups in the "Grand Award" so that Ulysse Nardin at international bagged Observatory stable leadership on the field count status. And its subsidiary chronometer pocket and marine chronometers won in 1878 at the Paris Universal Exposition in G 1893 exhibited a mix of gold and silver fine relief design chronometer at the Chicago World Fair, the art and scientific masterpiece crystals "sailing and bagged Observatory meter" constituencies won the G when Athens Observatory sailing position counter to the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, the capital of the test, won seven of the first to test. Washington Capitals in 1915 to participate in the test 60 Naval Observatory chronometer among Athens to win the championship.
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北京市-市辖区-东城区 北京西单大悦城(总部)
南昌雅典(ulysse nardin)指定正规售后中心
南昌雅典(ulysse nardin)指定正规售后中心  【全国百家连锁,雅典(ulysse nardin)维修领导品牌,服务地区:北京、、天津、广州、深圳、、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌...】成立于2001年是一家专注于雅典(ulysse nardin)维修的现代化大型服务型企业。公司总部位于北京,在全国各大中型城市设有维修服务中心,形成了庞大的手表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务! 专业团队:1、资深团队:由制表师、修表师、抛光技师、珠宝技师和其它组成小组,长期开展在职培训,提供更完善的顾客服务。2、学徒传统:派遣维修技师付瑞士、日本等名表工厂参加培训,培养一流的手表维修技师,以保证未来优秀团队的人才供给。雅典(ulysse nardin)维修服务中心拥有遍及全国的专业服务网络、专业的维修技术、透明的维修价格、立等可取的维修效率。
  雅典(ulysse nardin)维修服务中心,该公司成立于2001年是一家专注于手表维修的现代化大型服务型企业。公司总部位于北京,在全国各大中型城市设有维修服务中心,形成了庞大的手表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务!
  服务项目:雅典(ulysse nardin)维修;雅典(ulysse nardin)保养;雅典(ulysse nardin)更换手表电池;雅典(ulysse nardin)定制、更换表带等。
  【广州(广州店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:广州市天河区体育西路103号维多利广场
  【深圳(深圳店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:深圳市罗湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦(信兴广场)
  【北京(北京店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:北京西单大悦城写字楼
  【上海(上海店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:上海黄浦区南京东路置地广场
  【成都(四川店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:成都市锦江区天府广场百扬大厦
  【杭州(浙江店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:杭州大厦C座坤和中心
  【济南(山东店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:济南市历下区泉城路180号齐鲁国际大厦B座
  【沈阳(辽宁店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:沈阳市和平区中华路69-1号富丽华国际商务中心
  【南京(江苏店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:南京市南京国际金融中心写字楼
  【太原(山西店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:太原迎泽区柳巷南路钟鼓楼街
  【江西(南昌店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:江西省南昌市东湖区胜利路步行街32号
  【天津(天津店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:天津市和平区南京路219号天津中心写字楼
  【河南(郑州店)雅典(ulysse nardin)服务地址】:郑州市金水区花园路39号国贸中心招银大厦
  雅典表(Ulysse Nardin)创于1846年,至今已经走过了170年,
  Athens table editor
  Total gem watch show opened as scheduled at Ulysse Nardin. Athens has been committed in the early development of three repeater table, the table is to ask the revival technology pioneer. Joined the action figure crafted dial, become an unprecedented creation so that Athens three repeater table fame.
  Chinese name English name Ulysse Nardin Ulysse Nardin
  Ulysse Nardin (Ulysse Nardin) was founded in 1846, it has gone through 170 years,
  As the world's top watches, Athens in its long-lasting long-term context, the ability to consummate watchmaking and innovation, has become synonymous with. Athens initially nautical clock started its production of nautical clock is ever reliable navigational instruments, as the world's more than 50 navies essential instrument to Athens enamel, dolls three questions, Kinks Tourbillon and three unmatched Astronomy - steps waiting for that, it ranked top in the world of watches.
  品牌背后的驱动力了近30年,罗尔夫·W·施奈德是一个精明的商人,瑞士制表业的积极倡导者。以及他多年的行业经验,这是他的远见和这将推动雅典到21世纪的决心。罗尔夫·施奈德看到了它的巨大价值,以及潜在它含有表达制表工艺的新愿景。在50年代末期,28岁的罗尔夫来到亚洲,负责瑞士贸易公司的钟表师。这标志着他毕生的激情和兴趣制表的开始。到1968年,他创办了第一的瑞士工厂生产在泰国钟表零件。后来,他建在吉隆坡拨号厂,生产的瑞士制表业等精密元件。当罗尔夫得知雅典的家族制表公司于1983年被出售,他立即着手收购业务。五代Nardin的家庭已通过多年来带领公司,所有的同时产生了曾在19世纪它的名字高精密时计。但是,在20世纪70年代的石英表崛起的威胁,该公司是脆弱的。史耐德的策略很简单 - 制造的手表,无论资本对公司的深厚的专业知识和拥抱创新的全新理念。铸造有关的方式来体现这一新的视角,他偶然在制表师约尔格芽胞的卢塞恩车间一台壁挂式星盘。这是史耐德的前进的道路:雅典将小型化的星盘,使之成为新的机械表的一部分。他征星盘的制造商,路德维希·欧克林博士。史学家,发明家和制表大师,欧克林是理想的 - 也许是唯一的 - 男人的工作。在雅典星盘伽利略诞生了,一个革命性的手表,雅典开垦了机械制表的世界中的卓越地位。在施奈德的指导下,雅典继续惊奇具有无可比拟的技术创新的钟表世界近30年来。非凡的技术时计,包括GMT万年历,畸形,成吉思汗和索纳塔都已经认识到与奖品为技术创新。 “怪胎是机械制表的诗歌”他的宝贝的施奈德,2002年度创新奖于2006年的著名的手表得主说,史耐德监督所推出的第一个内部构思和执行的自动上弦基地口径联合国人160。施奈德还坚信在开发新材料,并率先在机芯零件的生产中使用的硅。他的精力和远见帮助确保雅典的持续财富作为世界上最具创新性的高档手表公司之一。以表彰制表这些贡献,史耐德是由国际博物馆高级钟表企业颁发奖盖亚之灵于2003年。这个奖项随后由大奖赛德日内瓦高级钟表授予终身成就奖:亚洲版在新加坡。在表彰他对制表的贡献,施奈德被赋予了大奖赛德日内瓦高级钟表终身成就奖:在新加坡的亚洲版。罗尔夫·施奈德的高级钟表的重要人物,拥有者和雅典总统近30年的,在2011年4月离开了人世。
  Driving force behind the brand for nearly 30 years, Rolf · W · Schneider is a shrewd businessman, an active advocate of the Swiss watchmaking industry. As well as his many years of industry experience, and it was his vision that will drive the 21st century Athens determination.Rolf Schneider saw its tremendous value, and the potential it contains the expression of a new vision of watchmaking.In the late 1950s, 28-year-old Rolf came to Asia, in charge of Swiss trading company watchmakers. This marked the beginning of his lifelong passion and interest in watchmaking. By 1968, he founded the first Swiss watch factory production parts in Thailand. Later, he built precision components dial factory in Kuala Lumpur, the production of the Swiss watchmaking industry.When Rolf learned Athens family watch company was sold in 1983, he immediately set acquisitions. Five Nardin family has led the company through the years, all the while had been produced in the 19th century its name high-precision timepieces. However, the threat of the rise of quartz watches in the 1970s, the company is vulnerable.Schneider's strategy was simple - made watches, regardless of the company's capital deep expertise and embrace innovative new ideas.Casting about for ways to reflect this new perspective, he stumbled watchmaker Jorg spores Lucerne plant a wall-mounted satellite dish.This is the way forward Schnyder: Athens miniaturized chart, making it part of the new mechanical watches. He enlisted astrolabe manufacturer, Dr. Ludwig Oechslin. Historian, inventor and watchmakers, Oechslin is ideal - perhaps the only - men's work. Galileo was born in Athens, the astrolabe, and a revolutionary watch, Athens opened up the world of mechanical watchmaking eminence.Under the guidance of Schneider, Athens continued to amaze with unparalleled technological innovation watch the world nearly 30 years. Extraordinary technical timepieces, including calendar GMT, deformity, Genghis Khan and the Sonata has been recognized with prizes for technological innovation. "Freak mechanical watchmaking poem" his baby Schneider, the 2002 Innovation Award in 2006, the famous watch winner said automatic winding base Schnyder Authority launched the first internal conceived and executed caliber UN-160.Schneider also believes in the development of new materials, silicon and lead used in the production of movement parts.His energy and vision to help ensure the continued wealth of Athens as one of the world's most innovative high-end watch company. In recognition of these contributions watchmaking, Schnyder is Gaia Spirit Award in 2003, awarded by the International Museum of Haute Horlogerie companies. This award is then awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Grand Prix de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva: Asia in Singapore.In recognition of his contribution to watchmaking, Schneider was given the Grand Prix de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva Lifetime Achievement Award: Asia in Singapore.Rolf Schneider, an important figure of Haute Horlogerie, owner and president of Athens for nearly 30 years, in April 2011, passed away.
  传奇航海时代 原创品味象征
  Legends Age of Sail Original symbol taste
  Ulysse Nardin was founded in the era of maritime power of the 19th century (1846), such a special space-time background, so that has more than 150 years of history of Ulysse Nardin and navigation table forged a bond. In the era of sea power, extreme courage and perseverance in the ocean still can not resist the fear of stray, except navigators rely on the sun and the horizon to identify the heading, the most needed is an absolutely accurate astronomical clock to calculate navigation position. And with the precision of known function Athens Marine Observatory clock, to calculate the difference between half a second, accurately calculate the latitude and longitude of the vessel at sea. Ulysse Nardin more bags from the year 1878 to astronomical tables and the marine chronometer won the gold medal at the Paris Universal Exposition, the harsh environment test by extreme temperatures, lay one of Ulysse Nardin leading position in the field of navigation table, the world over when the 50 countries designated Athens Observatory sailing fleet in terms of professional equipment.
  To celebrate 150 years Ulysse Nardin invasive plant, launched in 1996, only marine chronometer in 1846, in recognition of extraordinary achievements in the history of the count at the time of professional sailing. This watch Swiss official chronometer testing organizations (COSC) certification, with UN-26 automatic movement, the biggest feature is the twelve o'clock direction embossed style power reserve display plate, face plate followed a hundred years ago the ship Athens Observatory sailing linear clock used by the configuration, Ulysse Nardin is famous classic representative, small seconds on the 1846 words, that is, the year Ulysse Nardin was founded, the original meaning strong, but also very memorable. 38mm rose gold case, coin pattern bezel, six o'clock super size second hand and date display enlarged after the face plate with a retro taste of modern minimalism, genuinely interesting. Each has its own serial number, screw-in crown makes waterproof up to 200 meters, sapphire crystal glass, black or white surface, can be used with the unique skin-friendly leather strap or rubber strap, is most suitable for daily wear practical grade watches.
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