一个老虎机游戏 算法UI,怎么才算好

ui零基础 看什么书入门 有没关于手机游戏的ui的书 最好是入门一本 再_百度知道
ui零基础 看什么书入门 有没关于手机游戏的ui的书 最好是入门一本 再
自学UI设计,是否一定比在UI设计专业培训机构学到的知识要少?答案因人而异。对于自觉性很高的朋友来说,自学UI设计是一个非常不错的想法。既能节省部分授课费用,还可以自由地支配学习的时间和进度。但对热衷于自学UI设计的朋友来说,还是需要注意以下事项: 首先,需要了解UI设计行业所学的相关课程 这是自学UI设计首先要做的功课。只有先了解的相关的课程,才能制定相应的课程学习计划,进而制定学习时间表。否则,学起来也只能是一盘散沙。 UI设计的课程,基本分为三大块:一个是理论课程,比如APP分类介绍、设计心理学、色彩心理学、创意心理学、视觉分析报告、图像设计基本知识、UI理论、认识用户界面、用户调研、GUI原生系统界面设计规范等等;第二个是软件的应用,比如Photoshop、Illustrator、Flash、After Effects软件应用、Freemind、Powerpoint思维导图及原型设计等等;第三个就业指导,比如UI设计师的职业规划、个人方案设计/展示等等。 前两大块,自学者完全可以按照课程的分类和难易程度制定学习计划。例如,规定所有课程多长时间学完、每一项小的课程多长时间…… 其次,需要制定详细的学习时间表 所谓科学系统地学习某项技能或者某个学科,前期必须要制定一份详细的学习计划表。因为自学缺乏培训机构讲师的督促,只能依靠个人的自觉性,按照计划表有进度地推进知识的摄入。而学习表的制定,也可令自学UI设计的朋友,宏观了解课程的安排及时间进度。 这里说的时间表,不仅仅包括课程的时间表,每项课程所耗费的时间。同时也包括自学者个人学习时间的安排,一周学习几天,是利用每天空闲的时间还是周末的时间,这些也都是需要进行规划的。 最后,需要进行项目的实操 任何一门学科,都必须理论与实际相结合,尤其是技术型的学科。前期所有的理论,所有的铺垫都是为了能够实现一个应用产品。因此,即便是自学者,也要进行项目的实操。比如可以设计一款游戏的UI界面、网站UI界面、软件UI界面等等。技术型人才,永远是拿作品说话,有得力的作品,那么,就业空间必然很大。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。游戏 UI 如何做到高精度? - 知乎593被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="4分享邀请回答161 条评论分享收藏感谢收起26044 条评论分享收藏感谢收起阐述游戏UI设计师的定义及职业要求
发布时间: 08:25:58
作者:Caryn Vainio
game UI(from zacharyknoles)
游戏用户界面(以下简称UI)设计并不是那么光鲜的工作,它只不过是游戏制作机器中的一个不那么显眼的齿轮,这和程序员、美术人员和游戏设计师并不一样&#8212;&#8212;这也正是为何我会惊讶于有人特意向我请教这一问题的原因。但我很乐见这一情况,因为越多合格的求职者进入游戏UI领域,就意味着我们今后将看到越出色的游戏界面。至于UI设计师的市场需求,我可以明白告诉你,每隔两个月都有一些大型公司向我伸出橄榄枝,或者请我帮忙推荐合适的人选。我自己暂时还没有求职的打算,因为我很满意在Uber Entertainment的工作情况,但如果你有意进入这一行,倒可以留意下本系列文章,我将在此探讨成为游戏UI设计师的相关话题:
每家游戏开发公司都有自己一套UI制作流程,因此这里并不存在成为游戏UI设计师的固定模版。有些公司拥有一整个处理UI的团队&#8212;&#8212;例如BioWare游戏《Mass Effect》的职员列表中就有好几个UI设计师的名字。而有些公司的UI设计几乎不需要任何一名全职UI设计师,而是直接将UI工作外包给其他人,或者是让一名美术人员和程序员搭伙组成一个UI团队。也有其他公司的UI设计师可能身兼数职,可能要为公司所有游戏而非特定项目设计UI,并且还可能要负责公司营销宣传材料的平面设计和用户体验设计。
*Adobe Photoshop,Illustrator以及Flash/Actionscript:UI设计师可以使用Adobe Creative Suite所能实现的任何应用程序,但这些是多数UI设计工作最常用的工具。Photoshop可用于创建从完整的UI模块到用于UI屏幕的个体资产等一切UI内容。Illustrator是一项运用较不普遍的游戏UI开发工具,但我个人认为用它制作明晰的流程图以及图标(我喜欢用基于矢量的工具制作图标集合,然后导入Photoshop创建运用到游戏中所需的实际纹理)。
autodesk_scaleform(from uraldev.ru)
用iPad等平板电脑绘制UI草图则是另一种可行方法,可以使用Sketchbook Pro、Paper等绘图程序实现。这些应用通常与Dropbox、Evernote或分享服务等工具结合使用,可让你快速便捷地向团队成员发送UI理念。
The Path to Game UI Design, Part 1: Character Sheets
When you’re a game developer and someone asks you how to get into the game industry — which happens about twice a week — they almost always mean, “How do I become a game designer?” or, “I have lots of ideas for games. How do I get a job where I can get paid for my game ideas?” (Hint: you can’t, but that’s another article for another time.) The question is almost never framed in the context of a specific position within the game industry, like a programmer or an artist. Most people tend to think of people like me who work in the game industry as having some kind of in their minds the job description on my business card reads, “plays games all day” .
But once in a while I get asked specifically about my job as a user interface designer for games, my qualifications, and how I got here. Every few months I’m asked the question, “how can I –” (or my friend, or my cousin) “– become a game UI designer?” And I realized recently that it’s time I laid out the answer in something I can pull up easily the next time the question comes up.
User interface design for games isn’t glorious — it’s one of the less visible cogs in the machinery of making games, unlike programmers, artists, and game designers — and this is one reason why I’m often surprised I get the question at all. But I’m always happy to get it, because the more qualified people there are going into game UI the better game interfaces will get over time. And if there’s any question about the demand for UI designers, I can tell you that every couple of months I’m asked by some of the bigger companies in the industry if I’m interested in a position with them or know someone who’s qualified. I’m not looking, since I’m happy where I am (Uber Entertainment, of course), but if the demand is still high by the time you’re reading this and you’re interested in this path into the game industry, it’s a good time to be you. We’ll spend the next few days talking about these topics in becoming a game UI designer:
- What Encompasses Game UI Design?
- Who is Qualified? A look at the different paths into game UI design
- Types of Jobs: The UI Designer, the UI Artist, and the Hybrid
- The Tools
- Getting Experience
- About Game Design Schools and Programs
- “How Did YOU Do It?”
- Further Resources
What Encompasses Game User Interface Design?
A user interface designer’s work is the glue that binds the player’s input to actio it can also be one of the ways that a player receives feedback from the game. The most common interface that people recognize in games is the Heads Up Display, or HUD. This is the overlay of information that a player sees in most games, and it frequently displays information such as health, ammo for weapons, what weapon is currently in use, and more.
Game UI also encompasses front end menus, such as options screens, server browsers, and other similar screens outside of the actual gameplay.
Who Is Qualified?
The path into game UI design can be approached from many angles. Let’s discuss a few of them, going from most experienced to least.
The Web/App UI Developer: This person already has a background in UI design in another field. Since the principles of good UI design are the same no matter what you’re designing UI for, such a developer is already halfway there. The web or application UI developer will need to translate his or her knowledge and skills into the world of games. Designing game UI uses the same set of skills and principles as web development and design or application UI design does: the UI needs to be communicative and easy to use. The additional skills the web or app developer will need to acquire are the ability to communicate game design information in an environment that is constantly changing and learning how to present what can frequently be complex game design mechanics in a way that is understandable, informative, and barrier-free. Later on we’ll cover ways to practice these skills.
The Graphic Design Degree Holder: There aren’t any colleges that offer a degree in game UI design, but there are plenty that offer degrees in graphic design. This is one of the most applicable degrees you can have if you’re fresh out of college and want to work in games. Much of UI design requires graphic design skills, so if your education was focused on this, you’ve already got a foot near the door. If you fall into this category, your next steps should be to work on applying your graphic design skills to game UI and to educate yourself on the tech and tools involved.
The Self-Starter: What if you’re not a web developer, app UI developer, or even someone with a degree in design? It’s still possible to become a game UI designer — I’m evidence of that. But you’ve got more work ahead of you than anyone else. You’re probably doing design work on the side (or you should be), and plenty of working graphic designers are self-taught. Making sure you have plenty of work under your belt to show that you’ve got design chops is going to be the biggest task on your list.
The Path to Game UI Design, Part II: The Roles
Yesterday we looked at what types of backgrounds might be applicable to game UI design. Today we’ll talk about the three main roles that the UI designer or artist might play in the game industry.
Types of Jobs: The UI Designer, the UI Artist, and the Hybrid
Every game development company has their own process for developing UI and there isn’t one specific template you can try to fit into to become a game UI designer. Some companies have entire teams to handle their UI — BioWare’s credits list several UI designers for Mass Effect, a game with obviously huge UI requirements. Other companies have such minimal UI that they may not even employ a full-time UI artist, instead choosing to contract their UI work out or to pull an artist and a programmer together to make a UI team. And other companies may have UI designers that serve as a kind of service provider for the whole company, providing UI design services for all the games the company is working on rather than being attached to one specific project, and possibly additional services such as graphic design and user experience design for marketing and promotional materials.
But most companies need some kind of full-time UI let’s take a look at the three main types of game UI developers.
The UI Artist: The UI Artist is someone whose focus is almost entirely on the look and art style of the UI. He or she may have little to no involvement in the bigger picture of the UI — the overall flow, the user experience, or how the UI integrates with the game’s design concepts. The UI Artist usually has very strong art or graphic design skills and is usually not expected to have any technical skills in scripting or coding. When a company has a UI artist on board, the more technical aspects of the UI are usually handled by a programmer or other technical artist, while a game designer tends to the flow of the UI and its integration with the game design. On some teams the UI Artist is paired with a UI Designer, who creates the map and flow of the UI while the artist creates the look and feel. The UI Artist with strong art skills is essential for art-heavy UI in games like RPGs.
The UI Designer: The UI Designer typically has a more top-level role in the design of a game’s UI. Rather than creating art mock ups and UI art assets, he or she usually creates sketches and wireframes that map out the flow of the UI and how it will integrate with the core game design. The UI Designer will likely produce rough working prototypes of UI screens and transitions, but he or she will probably leave the final aesthetic design up to the UI Artist or the art lead. On some teams the role of UI Designer is played by a game designer. Some game companies look for UX (User Experience) Designers to handle the role of both the UI designer and the user experience designer. Depending on the tech structure of the project, the UI Designer may not need to do any actual scripting or programming, and instead may create sketches and wireframes that a programming team will turn into working UI. A UI Designer that can do basic scripting or coding, however, is likely able to work without depending on others to get rough prototypes of UI into the game for testing.
The Hybrid: The Hybrid is, as you guessed, a combination of both The Artist and the Designer. The Hybrid UI Designer needs to function in both roles. First he or she will create rough sketches, wireframes, and working prototypes of large-scale UI maps and flow. Next he or she will create rough working UI screens in the game for testing and work purposes (since some game concepts require UI elements to fully function, even if those elements are roughed in). And finally, The Hybrid UI Designer will work with the art lead to determine the final aesthetic style of the UI and create the raw art assets needed to complete the UI’s look and feel. In most cases the Hybrid UI Designer will have both art skills and technical skills but may not be an expert in either area, instead being a switch-hitter who can take the UI most of the way to completion and then allow artists and programmers on the team to bring the UI to its final completion and polish.
These role descriptions are only a rough guideline on the types of UI positions most game companies might employ, and the specifics will vary from company to company and even from project to project within a company. If Company XYZ’s first game is a bare-bones shooter and their second game is a large MMO (massive multiplayer online) RPG, the type of UI person they’ll need is going to be very different between the two projects. In all cases, The Hybrid UI Designer has the most varied skill set and will likely be the most successful at being able to easily move from project to project despite widely changing UI needs.
The Path to Game UI Design, Part III: The Tools
Yesterday we talked about the different hats that UI designers and artists
today, let’s discuss the tools that they use.
There’s a wide variety of tools used in creating game UI, and experience with those tools is going to be critical to becoming a game UI designer. Let’s look at the tools that every budding UI designer should be familiar with.
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash/Actionscript: A UI designer can use any set of applications that do what the Adobe Creative Suite does, but this is the most common set of tools for the bulk of UI design tasks. Photoshop is used to create everything from full UI mock ups to the raw individual assets used within UI screens. Illustrator is less commonly used as a game UI development tool, but I personally find it useful for creating clean wireframes (more on that in a moment), and for icon work (I prefer creating suites of icons in a vector-based tool and then taking them into Photoshop to create the actual textures used in the game).
Flash is useful for two reasons. First, a designer can create quick and dirty working prototypes of UI flow and interaction without needing to create and run UI in the game (which, on some teams, might need the help of a programmer). If you have a chunk of UI that has a set of fairly complex interactions and you’re not sure if it meets the design needs of the game designer, you can mock up the full interaction in Flash very quickly and have anyone on the team test it and provide feedback. Actionscript is the scripting component of Flash and is often necessary for more complex interactions.
Secondly, Flash and Actionscript together are a development environment for Scaleform, the UI system that is becoming more and more common in games. Developing UI in Flash for games that use Scaleform will allow you to be able to take well-developed Flash mock ups directly into the game, saving time.
Pen and paper: Sketching out your UI flows and screen concepts with pen and paper is the quickest way to iterate on UI. While many people will ask you what wireframing tool you use — and you’ll hear a lot thrown around — I’ll editorialize a bit and say that if you want to learn to use a wireframing tool and it makes your UI development easier, by all means use it. But I’ve found pen and paper to be the absolute fastest way of getting ideas out and iterated on. Learn the various wireframing tools if you can work quickly and easily in them, but it’s a valuable UI designer who can do clear, informative sketches on a whiteboard during discussions.
Sketching UI with tablets like the iPad is another possibility, and can be done with sketch programs such as Sketchbook Pro, Paper, and more. These apps often integrate with tools such as Dropbox, Evernote, or sharing services, which let you quickly and easily send your UI concepts to team members without having to scan them.
Game SDKs: If your game project doesn’t use a tool like Scaleform and instead has a proprietary UI system, you’ll need to at least learn the basics of that system in order to get UI up and running in the game. Fewer game and tech companies are opting to build their own UI systems and are instead moving to include systems like Scaleform. Some smaller games with downloadable SDKs (Software Development Kit), however, may have their own UI systems. These SDKs allow you to dig into the actual construction of the game, and possibly its UI, by giving you all the same content and tools that the game creators used and letting you make whatever changes you’d like to make it your own. Some games allow you to play with just the UI, essentially reskinning the default UI — Blizzard’s World of Warcraft allows you to do this by using the Lua scripting system. And if you’re looking to work on mobile games for devices like the iPhone, you’ll want to get yourself familiar with XCode, the freely-downloadable development environment for iOS.(source:、、)
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