
【摘要】:正HPA轴的活性表现出明显的昼夜节律,该节律受下丘脑视交叉上核(SCN)的调控。SCN加压素(AVP)神经元可抑制下丘脑室旁核CRH神经元的活性。我们前期的结果发现,抑郁症时SCN AVP的合成和释放间的平衡紊乱,即一方面抑郁症患者AVP mRNA表达降低,而另一方面AVP
400-819-9993神经科学导论1.你如何理解特定的脑功能定位于不同的脑区? 不同的功能定位于不同的神经根,那么不同的功能也很有可能定位于不同的脑部位。 这是有很多实验证明的:有人曾通过系统的摧毁闹得特定部位,并检查由此引起的而感觉 和运动缺陷(Flourens);broca遇到的一个病人(左额叶上发现了损伤,自己无法说话, 但是能够理解别人的言语) 总结:特定脑功能定位于不同的脑部位→Flourens 否定了Gall 的颅相说,Paul Broca 大 脑分区, 建立神经心理学 2.脑有哪些组织层次?你如何理解神经元是脑的基本功能单元? 神经元,突触, 3.举例说明神经系统结构和功能在进化上的保守性及对环境适应性; 保守性: 1.For example, similar fear reaction for many different species (the same behavioral trait) which evolved from a common ancestor. Advantageous presumably because it facilitated escape from predators.Because behavior reflects the activity of the nervous system, we can infer that the brain mechanisms that underlie this fear reaction may be similar across these species. 2.抢乌贼巨大轴突,神经电冲动传导,适用于人类 3.如大鼠有机会重复自我摄取可卡因,也会明显成瘾。 环境适应性: 猴在树梢上跳跃与敏锐视觉,大鼠虽然“鼠目寸光”在洞中穿行与嘴边的触须。突触传递1.电突触的结构和功能特征;无脊椎动物电突触生理功能举例; 结构: Six connexins form a channel (connexon接合质), and two connexons (one from each cell) form a gap junction channel.功能特性: Functional properties of electrical synapses: Equally pass in both direction Electrically coupled Very fast, and if the synapse is large, fail-safe. Thus, an AP in the presynaptic neuron can produce, almost instantaneously, an AP in the postsynaptic neuron.举例: In invertebrate species, such as the crayfish小龙虾, electrical synapses are sometimes found between sensory and motor neurons in neural pathways mediating escape reflexes.2.化学突触的基本结构:相关结构名词的中英文及其意义;突触囊泡(synaptic vesicle)和 分泌颗粒(secretory granule)的比较;突触前后组分的比较;基于结构的突触分类;外周 化学突触神经肌接头的结构特征及功能意义; 相关结构名词的中英文与意义: synaptic cleft突触间隙 (20–50 nm ), filled with a matrix of fibrous extracellular protein. One function of this matrix is to make the pre- and postsynaptic membranes adhere to each other. presynaptic element突触前部, is usually an axon terminal. synaptic vesicles (50 nm in diameter), store neurotransmitter used to communicate with the postsynaptic neuron. secretory granules (larger vesicles, about 100 nm diameter) contain soluble protein (dark in EM, large dense-core vesicles) Membrane differentiations膜的分化: on either side of the synaptic cleft Active zone活性带:looks like pyramid角锥体, the sites of NT release postsynaptic density 突触后密集区:contains receptors converting signal from intercellular to intracellular 突触囊泡(synaptic vesicle)和分泌颗粒(secretory granule)的比较: 突触囊泡(synaptic vesicle): synaptic vesicles (50 nm in diameter), store neurotransmitter used to communicate with the postsynaptic neuron. 分泌颗粒(secretory granule): secretory granules (larger vesicles, about 100 nm diameter) contain soluble protein (dark in EM, large dense-core vesicles) 突触前后组分的比较: Membrane differentiations—— Active zone活性带:looks like pyramid角锥体, the sites of NT release postsynaptic density 突触后密集区:contains receptors converting signal from intercellular to intracellular 基于结构的突触分类: Two categories of CNS synaptic membrane differentiations. (a) A Gray’s type I synapse is asymmetrical and usually excitatory. (b) A Gray’s type II synapse is symmetrical and usually inhibitory. 外周化学突触神经肌接头的结构特征及功能意义: 相同之处:Neuromuscular junctions occur between the axons of motor neurons of the spinal cord and skeletal muscle. NMJ has many of the structural features of chemical synapses in the CNS. 特征 结构:The neuromuscular junction: The postsynaptic membrane, known as the motor endplate, contains junctional folds with numerous neurotransmitter receptors. 功能:Neuromuscular synaptic transmission is fast and reliable. An AP in the motor axon always causes an AP in the muscle cell it innervates (What structural features for this reliability?)3.化学突触传递的基本原理(要点) Synthesis and package into vesicles of neurotransmitter (NT); 突触合成 单胺类和氨基酸类: ?????酶运输到轴突终末,将前提物质合成神经递质 ? 转运体蛋白浓缩神经递质入突触囊泡并存储. 肽类: ? 肽链前提在胞体合成? 高尔基体中裂解合成活性肽链 出芽形成分泌囊泡 分泌颗粒运输到轴突终末存储 Release of vesicle NT to cleft in response to a presynaptic AP; 突触前动作电位诱导递质释放 动作电位→突触前膜去极化→ 电压门控钙离子通道激活([Ca2+]i0.0002 mM → 0.1 mM) →囊泡释放(胞吐)→递质释放入突触间隙 囊泡释放(胞吐):[Ca2+]i 增加诱发已经锚定的囊泡与突触前膜融合以及储备囊泡从细胞 骨架释放并锚定到活性带。突触囊泡借助一系列囊泡膜蛋白和突触膜蛋白的相互作用完成 入坞(docking)、启动(priming)、融合(fusion)过程,称作SNARE假说。 补充:SNARE: SNAP Receptor SNAP: Soluble NSF Attach Protein NSF: N-ethylmaleimidesensitive factor (N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感的融合因子)Induction of an electrical or biochemical response to NT in the postsynaptic neuron 突触后面反 应 递质门控离子通道→EPSP(Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)Ach- or Glutamate-gated channels)或IPSP(Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) BABA- or Glycine-gated channels) G 蛋白耦联受体G-proteins→效应分子“effector” proteins(两种:G-protein-gated ion channels和Enzymes that synthesize second messengers) Clearance of NT from the synaptic cleft 递质清除 简单扩散(氨基酸类和单胺类递质)、重摄取:突触前膜特殊转运蛋白、降解:酶解4.神经递质的类别和化学特征;神经递质在同一神经元的共存;化学和多肽类神经递质的 合成和储存的基本特点;转运体概念; Three chemical categories Amine, amino acid, peptide Secretory granules and synaptic vesicles 神经递质在同一神经元的共存:amine + peptide;amino acid + peptide 化学和多肽类神经递质的合成和储存的基本特点: 单胺类和氨基酸类: ?????酶运输到轴突终末,将前提物质合成神经递质 ? 转运体蛋白浓缩神经递质入突触囊泡并存储. 肽类: ? 肽链前提在胞体合成? 高尔基体中裂解合成活性肽链 ? 出芽形成分泌囊泡? 分泌颗粒运输到轴突终末存储 转运体概念: Transporters, proteins in the vesicle membrane, take up and concentrate the amino acid and amaine neurotransmitters inside the vesicle.5.递质释放的电及分子事件;突触囊泡快速释放的关键机制;肽类递质释放的特点; 递质释放的电及分子事件:An action potential in the axon terminal → depolarization of the terminal membrane → voltage-gated calcium channels in the active zones to open ([Ca2+]i 0.0002 mM → ? 0.1 mM)→ vesicles release(exocytosis)→ the contents to spill out into the synaptic cleft 突触囊泡快速释放的关键机制:The exocytosis occurs very rapidly within 0.2 msec of the Ca2+ influx into the terminal. Why? The mechanism by which [Ca2+] i stimulates exocytosis: Reserve pool of vesicles bound to the cytoskeleton Docking of vesicles to active zone SNARE protein complex, conformation altered by ↑[Ca2+]i Endocytosis Recycled vesicle refilled with neurotransmitter 肽类递质释放的特点:Secretory granules also release peptide neurotransmitters by exocytosis: typically not at the active zones requires high-frequency trains of AP and more calcium influx.6.与递质结合的突触后受体的基本类型和功能特征;EPSC、IPSC概念、相关的主要递质和 受体;G蛋白偶联受体的基本结构和功能特征、自身受体; 与递质结合的突触后受体的基本类型和功能特征:基本类型:receptors can be classified into two types: transmitter-gated ion channels and G-protein-coupled receptors; 功能特征: key in a lock, induce conformational changes in the receptor and lead to different functions. EPSC、IPSC概念、相关的主要递质和受体:见上文 G蛋白偶联受体的基本结构和功能特征功能特征:Fast chemical synaptic transmission is mediated by amino acid and amine neurotransmitters acting on transmitter-gated ion channels. However, all three types of neurotransmitter, acting on GPCR, can also have slower, longerlasting, and much more diverse postsynaptic actions. 自身受体: 1.found in the presy 2.Sensitive to
3.Typically, autoreceptors are GPCR; 4.The common consequences is inhibition of neurotransmitter release, this allows a presynaptic terminal to regulate itself7.神经递质的回收和降解的三个主要途径;神经药理学的基本概念(以乙酰胆碱受体为 例) 神经递质的回收和降解的三个主要途径:见上文 神经药理学的基本概念(以乙酰胆碱受体为例):Each of the steps of synaptic transmission is chemical, and therefore can be affected by specific drugs and toxins. Inhibitors: e.g. Nerve gases inhibite the enzyme AChE. Inhibitors of neurotransmitter receptors, called receptor antagonists (e.g. Curare, an arrow-tip poison, binds tightly to the ACh receptors) Receptor agonists: e.g. nicotine, binds to, and activates, the ACh receptors in skeletal muscle and CNS. nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChR).8.突触整合的基本原理(要点);决定EPSP输入是否产生AP的主要因素; EPSP的整合 树突性质对突触整合的贡献 抑制作用 调制作用 决定EPSP输入是否产生AP的主要因素,包括协同起作用的兴奋性突触数目、突触到峰电位 起始区的距离以及树突膜的性质。9.神经元信息的输入和输出特征;量子释放的概念;EPSP总和(时间、空间);树突特征 与突触整合;抑制作用(抑制性突触的分布特征、IPSP、分流抑制);调制(如何实现功 能?) 量子释放:神经递质释放的最基本单位是一个突触囊泡的内容物。每个囊泡含有大约相同 数目的递质分子。被释放的递质总量就是这个数的整数倍。因此突触后EPSP的幅度就是对 一个囊泡内容物反应幅度的整数倍。突触后的EPSP是量子化的,反映了一个突触囊泡的递 质分子总数和突触中可用的突触受体的数量。 空间总和:将在树突上不同突触处同时产生的许多EPSPs进行叠加 时间总和:在同一个突触产生的,时间间隔在1~15ms之内的一系列EPSP叠加 分流抑制 抑制性突触后受体结合的神经递质是GABA或Gly,递质门控通道仅允许Cl-通透,驱使Cl向使膜电位朝氯平衡电位(-65mv)的方向跨膜移动。当递质释放时,如果膜电位低于65mV,激活这些通道就会导致一个超极化IPSP。 考虑如下情况,在突触远端有一个兴奋性突触,靠近胞体的突触近端有一个抑制性突触。 激活兴奋性突触能触发正电荷流入树突,此电流在其流向胞体的过程中使膜去极化。但是 在激活的抑制性突触位点,膜电位大约等于-65mV,正电位在该位点流出膜外,迫使Vm为 -65mV。这个突触作为一个电分流,防止电流流过胞体到达轴丘,这种抑制称为分流抑 制。 调制 许多具有G蛋白偶联神经递质受体的突触都不与离子通道直接关联。这些受体的突触性激 活不会直接诱发EPSP和IPSP,而是调节与递质门控通道偶联的突触所产生的EPSP。这种突 触传递叫做调制。递质系统 1.鉴定神经递质的标准是什么? Criteria to identify a neurotransmitter: The molecule must be synthesized and stored in the presynaptic neuron. The molecule must be released by the presynaptic axon terminal upon stimulation. The molecule, when experimentally applied, must produce a response in the postsynaptic cell that mimics the response produced by the release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic neuron. 1.该分子在突触前神经元合成并储存 2.受到刺激时由突触前膜释放 3.将该分子外加于突触与突触前膜,释放该递质的效应一致2.有什么方法可以鉴定神经元特定神经递质的存在? 免疫细胞化学immunocytochemistry ;This method uses labeled antibodies to identify the location of molecules within cells. 原位杂交in situ hybridization; In the method of in situ hybridization, a synthetic probe is constructed containing a sequence of complementary nucleotides that will allow it to stick to the mRNA. If the probe is labeled, the location of cells containing the mRNA will be revealed.3.神经递质乙酰胆碱的发现以及从发现吗啡受体到发现内源性吗啡配体,对你有什么启 发? To show that a neurotransmitter candidate is actually released upon stimulation. Axon stimulation → test biological activity → chemical analysis (as Loewi and Dale did in identification of ACh as a transmitter at many peripheral synapses) Ligand-Binding Methods:Selective drugs provide an opportunity to analyze receptors directly, even before the neurotransmitter itself had been identified.4.乙酰胆碱能神经元:乙酰胆碱代谢循环要点;抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶的病理联系; The neurotransmitter at NMJ, synthesized by all the motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain stem. Other cholinergic cells contribute to the functions of specific circuits in the PNS and CNS. 循环: ACh synthesis needs an enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). Transport of choline into the neuron is the rate-limiting step in ACh synthesis. 抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶的病理联系: Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) secreted from Cholinergic and noncholinergic neurons to degrades ACh. Inhibition of AChE disrupts transmission at cholinergic synapses on skeletal muscle and heart muscle.5.儿茶酚胺能神经元:儿茶酚胺类神经递质有哪些?代谢要点及重要的病理联系(如巴金 森病、药物依赖); 儿茶酚胺类神经递质有哪些? Include dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), and epinephrine. 代谢要点: All such neurons contain tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)酪氨酸羟化酶, which catalyzes the first step in catecholamine synthesis, the conversion of tyrosine to a compound called dopa多巴。多巴在 轴浆中合成;去甲肾上腺素在囊泡中多巴胺-β 羟化酶作用下由多巴胺合成;肾上腺素在轴 浆中有苯乙醇胺氮位甲基移位酶作用下有去甲肾上腺素合成。 重要的病理联系: 1.Dopa is converted into the neurotransmitter dopamine by the enzyme dopa decarboxylase. Parkinson’s disease and dopa supplement therapy. 2.The actions of catecholamines in the synaptic cleft are terminated by selective uptake of the neurotransmitters back into the axon terminal via Na+-dependent transporters. This step is sensitive to a number of different drugs. For example, amphetamine and cocaine block catecholamine uptake.6.5-羟色胺能神经元:代谢要点与抗抑郁症联系 与抗抑郁症联系: Serotonergic neurons are relatively few in number, but they appear to play an important role in the brain systems that regulate mood, emotional behavior, and sleep. 5-HT is removed from the synaptic cleft by the action of a specific transporter, which is sensitive to a number of different drugs. e.g. antidepressant drugs like fluoxetine. Once back in the cytosol, 5HT is either reloaded to SVs or degraded by MAO.7.有哪些氨基酸能神经元?神经元为何能有效利用必需氨基酸作为神经递质?合成GABA 的关键酶是什么?有哪些氨基酸能神经元?Amino acid neurotransmitters Glu, Gly, and GABA serve as neurotransmitters at most CNS synapses 神经元为何能有效利用必需氨基酸作为神经递质?Glutamate and glycine are synthesized from glucose and other precursors by enzymes existing in all cells. Differences among neurons are quantitative rather than qualitative. e.g. the glutamatergic terminals have about 20 mM Glu, only 2-3 times higher than nonglutamatergic cells. Importantly, in glutamatergic terminalss, but not in other’s, the glutamate transporter concentrates Glu in SVs to reach about 50 mM. 合成GABA的关键酶是什么? The key synthesizing enzyme is glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), a good marker for GABAergic neurons. One chemical step to convert the major excitatory into the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain!8.嘌呤能神经元:ATP作为递质的要点 1.ATP is concentrated in vesicles , released into the cleft by presynaptic spikes in a Ca2+dependent manner. 2.ATP is often packaged in vesicles along with another classic transmitter (e.g. catecholamine) which means they are probably co-transmitters.9.突触后向突触前逆向信号传递的概念及相关的类神经递质物质 endocannabinoids (大麻酚,endogenous cannabinoids), can be released from postsynaptic neurons and act on presynaptic terminals, called
thus, endocannabinoids are retrograde messengers, a kind of feedback regulation. Gaseous molecule, nitric oxide (NO). Carbon monoxide (CO) has also been suggested as a messenger, being extensively studied and hotly debated. 10.乙酰胆碱受体的亚型及其药理学(哪些内容对其他递质受体具有普适性?) the nicotinic ACh receptor at NMJ have five subunits arranged like a barrel to form a single pore. Four different subunits α, β, γ, δ are used. There is one ACh binding site on each of the α subunits. The nicotinic ACh receptor on neurons is also a pentamer, but, unlike the muscle receptor, most of them are comprised of α and β subunits only.11.递质门控离子通道结构的基本特征:多亚基组成、亚基具有不同的结构,以乙酰胆碱受 体和谷氨酸受体通道说明之。 Similarities in subunit structure for different transmitter-gated ion channels (a) They have in common the four regions called M1–M4, which are segments where the polypeptides will coil into alpha helices to span the membrane. Kainate receptors are subtypes of glutamate receptors. (b) M1–M4 regions of the ACh subunit, as they are believed to be threaded through the membrane. The glutamate-gated channels are most likely tetramers structure. The M2 region does not span the membrane, but instead forms a hairpin that both enters and exits from the inside of the membrane, resembling potassium channels.12.AMPA受体和NMDA受体都是谷氨酸门控的离子通道,但有各自的功能特征,请说明。 AMPA-gated channels are permeable to both Na+ and K +, and most of them are not permeable to Ca2+. The net effect is to admit Na+ ions into the cell, causing a rapid and large depolarization. NMDA-gated channels differ from AMPA receptors in two very important ways: (1) NMDAgated channels are permeable to Ca2+, and (2) inward ionic current through NMDA-gated channels is voltage dependent. It is hard to overstate the importance of intracellular Ca2+ to cell functions. presynaptica physiological and pathological. Thus, activation of NMDA receptors can, in principle, cause widespread and lasting changes in the postsynaptic neuron.13.GABA受体受体的调制及其药理学意义; Synaptic inhibition must be tightly regulated in the brain. Too much causes a loss of co too little leads to a seizure. It is why the GABAA receptor has several other sites where chemicals can dramatically modulate its function. e.g. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮卓)and barbiturates (巴比妥). When GABA is present, increase the frequency, or the duration of channel openings, respectively, thus, more Clcurrent, stronger IPSPs, enhanced behavior inhibition. And selective for GABAA receptor, no effect on glycine receptor. What is the endogenous ligands for these drug binding sites? They may serve as regulators of inhibition.14.GPCR的结构和功能特征;举例说明神经元GPCR偶联的效应系统及其机制(直捷通路 shortcut pathway、第二信使系统) The Basic Structure of GPCRs:A family members (about 100), a single polypeptide, seven membrane-spanning α-helices, two extracellular loops (binding sites). Two intracellular loops (binding to and activating G-proteins) Structural variations at these two sites determine which agonist binding and which G-proteins and effector systems activated in response to transmitter binding. The basic structure of a G-protein-coupled receptor:Most metabotropic receptors have seven membrane-spanning α-helices, a transmitter binding site on the extracellular side, and a G-protein binding site on the intracellular side. The basic mode of operation of G-proteins: (a) In its inactive state, the α subunit of the Gprotein binds GDP. (b) When activated by a G-protein-coupled receptor, the GDP is exchanged for GTP. (c) The activated G-protein splits, and both the Gα (GTP) subunit and the Gβγ subunit become available to activate effector proteins. (d) The G subunit slowly removes phosphate (PO4) from GTP, converting GTP to GDP and terminating its own activity. The Shortcut Pathway 直捷通路:A variety of neurotransmitters use the shortcut pathway, from receptor to G-protein to ion channel.e.g. ① the muscarinic receptors in the heart to explain why ACh slows the heart rate. ② neuronal GABAB receptors. Second Messenger Cascades.第二信使级联反应:G-proteins can also directly activate certain enzymes and the laters trigger an elaborate series of biochemical reactions, a cascade that often ends in the activation of other“downstream” enzymes that alter neuronal function.胶质细胞: Key points 解读: 幻灯片1:描述了神经胶质细胞的种类 与作用,主要记住他上面写得就好了 少突胶质细胞:中枢神经系统中有髓 神经纤维的髓鞘是有少突胶质细胞形 成。髓鞘的厚薄常与轴突直径成正 比。每个少突胶质细胞有许多的突 起,同时可以包卷多条轴突。中枢有 髓神经纤维的郎飞氏结处无髓鞘包 裹,有星形胶质细胞的突起覆盖。星形胶质细胞: 代谢:参与神经递质的代谢——星形胶质细胞能够摄取谷氨酸、GABA,通过其细胞内谷 氨酰胺合成酶吧摄入的谷氨酸和GABA转变为谷氨酰胺,再将其转运到神经细胞,谷氨酰 胺是合成这两种神经递质的主要原料。 营养、通讯(钙波内容见下文):星形胶质细胞比脑内其他任何类型的细胞具有更广泛的 缝隙连接,由此使得星形胶质细胞类似于合胞体样结构。这种缝隙连接的功能为:加强相 邻细胞的连接;细胞通讯,其方式为离子偶联以及代谢物偶联。离子偶联即电偶联,可使 细胞形成同步活动。而代谢偶联则能使单糖、氨基酸、核苷酸、维生素以及激素和其他一 些低分子物质自由通过缝隙连接。 小胶质细胞:认为小胶质细胞来源于中胚层,并具有迁移和吞噬的特性。提出小胶质细胞 是不同于神经元(第一类)和大胶质细胞(第二类)的中枢第三类细胞。首次描述了小胶 质细胞具有类阿米巴样和分枝状的两种状态,认为在病理情况下,小胶质细胞可以从非活 性的分枝状转变成具有吞噬性的类阿米巴状的活性状态,具有巨噬细胞那样的运动和吞噬 的功能。当神经系统发生病变,如涉及范围较小,程度较轻,无髓鞘变性及血管损伤,则 星形胶质和小胶质细胞都是主要的吞噬细胞,少突胶质细胞也参与吞噬作用。 施万细胞:它沿神经元的突起分布。施万细胞包裹在神经纤维上,这种神经纤维叫有髓神 经纤维。 有髓神经纤维和无髓神经纤维的施万细胞的形态和功能有所差异,施万细胞的外 表面有基膜,能分泌神经营养因子,促进受损的神经元的存活及其轴突的再生。幻灯片2:神经元-胶质细胞交叉对话:由Ca2+波介导,实现对脑微循环的动态控制具体的工作机制 见下图 三种模型:1.通 过gap junction 2.PLC 转换成 IP3/Ca,IP3/Ca 溢出,激发下一 个细胞的PLC 3.一下子释放很 多的IP3/Ca,激 发很多的之后的 细胞幻灯片3:钾离子空 间缓冲 真题:胶质细胞中有调节钾离子功能的以及简要机理当附近神经元活动导 致大脑细胞外钾离子 浓 度 增 加 时 , K+ 通 过 膜通道进入星形胶质 细胞,星形胶质细胞 网络的延伸作用有助 于 K+ 在 大 范 围 内 消 耗。 神 经 元 兴 奋 时 K+ 外 流,是细胞外 K+ 浓度 增高,导致其周围星 形胶质细胞膜电流可 是星形胶质细胞将 K+ 从释放不为的莫单位形成电位差。由此而的膜电流可使星形胶质细胞 将 K+从释放的部位摄入到胞内,以保持细胞外 K+浓度的平衡。而进入 的 K+可以通过细胞间的缝隙连接很快的扩散,从而使胞内的 K+浓度降 低。幻灯片4: 依据图下的小字:?代谢偶联:即很多 东西的代谢都偶联到 一个细胞了。另外,星形胶质细胞摄取突触间 隙的谷氨酸,在胞内转换 为谷氨酰胺再转运至神经 元;神经元将谷氨酰胺再 转换为谷氨酸。 这个过程与能量代谢耦联具体:神经元和星形 胶质细胞之间谷氨 酸、谷氨酰胺循环是 神经递质活跃代谢偶 联的一个例子。谷氨 酸、谷氨酰胺、 GABA 、NH4+ 在神经元 和星形胶质细胞之间的交换系统高度整合。在星形胶质细胞的区室 里,氨的解毒和谷氨酸及 GABA 的失活和谷氨酰胺合成酶的专一分布联 系在一起。 幻灯片5:?即描述了一 种转运体: 细胞外神经 递质的清除 (谷氨酸转 运体) 特征:生电 性 、 由 Na+K+ 浓 度 梯 度 和膜负电位 驱动、可修 饰、在某些 情 况 下 可 逆、起通道功能一般感觉系统1.五种基本味觉(basic taste)是哪几种,了解其代表性味觉刺激分子; 酸甜咸苦鲜 2.味觉受体细胞的基本概念和特点; 3.Taste Map是否存在?为什么? 不存在 Because it is clear now that distinct cell types expressing unique receptors are tuned to detect each of the five basic tastes. Importantly, receptor cells for each taste quality function as dedicated sensors wired to elicit stereotypic responses. 4.味觉刺激如何激活味觉受体细胞?(如:通过离子通道途径,和通道GPCR途径) Taste stimuli, or tastants, may (1) Directly pass through ion channels (salt and sour) (2) bind to and block ion channels (sour), (3) bind to G-protein-coupled receptors in the membrane that activate second messenger systems that, in turn, open ion channels (bitter, sweet, and umami). 5.嗅上皮的基本组成; 嗅球、筛板、基底细胞、支持细胞、嗅觉受体细胞、嗅神经、纤毛 6.嗅觉受体神经元的基本概念和特点; 7.气味分子激活嗅觉受体神经元的胞内通路; Odor? GPCR? AC(腺苷酸环化酶) ? cAMP ? CNG Channel ? 错误!未找到引用 源。 Channel 8.机械门控通道、温度门控通道的基本概念和特点;9.内耳毛细胞的基本概念及其生理作用; 10.体感系统包括哪些感觉; Touch、pain、temperature? 11.痛觉的基本概念; Pain is the feeling, or the perception, of irritating, sore, stinging, aching, throbbing, miserable, or unbearable sensations arising from a part of the body. Nociception (痛觉) is the sensory process that provides the signals that trigger pain. 12.痛觉受体的种类; mechanical nociceptors(机械感受器)、thermal nociceptors(热感受器)、 chemical nociceptors(化学感受器)、polymodal nociceptors 13.机械敏感通道在皮肤的触觉感受中起何作用? 将机械刺激转变为电化学信号 14.痛觉过敏的基本概念; 15.TRP 型温度受体的基本类型和作用。 TRPA1、TRPM8、TRPV4、TRPV3、TRPV1、TRPV2 Thermoreceptor TRP channels tuned to detect different temperatures.视觉信息处理复习1.注意复习课件以及《神经科学-探索脑》教科书,考试内容均在课件和教科书中。 2.视网膜的基本结构。 视网膜是分层排列的。但是细胞层是内外跌倒的:光必须穿过玻璃体,神经节细胞和双 极细胞才能到达光感受器。这些细胞透明度非常高,图像几乎不变形。 3.光感受器感光的基本机制 光感受器分为四个部分:外段、内段、胞体和突触终末。 外段具有大量膜盘,有光敏感的视色素对光进行吸收,然后触发光感受器膜电位的变化。 4.外网层的信息传递机制 视网膜在暗中一直在释放谷氨酸;光感受器的递质就是谷氨酸,与外网层的两种细胞, 水平细胞和双极细胞形成突触连接。 5.神经节细胞的类型和感受野 M型神经节细胞、P型神经节细胞、非M非P型神经节细胞 特点:M细胞具有较大的感受野;M细胞对于中心刺激反应是瞬间动作电位的发放;P细胞 反应则为持续放电。M细胞对于移动刺激检测重要;P细胞对于形状和细微之处更敏感。 神经节细胞与双极细胞一样具有中心-周围感受野结构。给光中心和撤光中心神经节细胞 接受同一类型的双极细胞的输入。因此,当中心接受一个小光点刺激时,一个给光中心的 神经节细胞产生去极化反应,产生动作电位。而撤光中心神经节细胞对于中心的暗点有反 应。这两种细胞对于中心刺激的反应杯周边刺激反应抵消。 6.左右大脑视野的形成 双眼感受右侧半视野视觉刺激的神经节细胞将其轴突投射至左视束,而感受左侧半视野 视觉刺激的神经节细胞将其轴突投射至右视束。左侧半视野双眼区域内的物体成像与左眼 视网膜的鼻侧,因此关于左侧半视野的所有信息被导入大脑右侧;右侧同理。 7.外侧膝状体的结构和细胞类型 外侧膝状体核位于丘脑背部。哺乳动物的外侧膝状体在横切面上看,由6层细胞组成。最 靠近腹侧的为第1层。就好像有6张薄冰堆叠而成。薄冰不是平铺的,而是形成膝状弯曲, 因此被称为 膝状体。 8.神经节细胞-外侧膝状体-V1区的轴突投射 大细胞通路始于视网膜的 M 型神经节细胞,这些细胞轴突投射至 LGN 的大细胞层, LGN 的大细胞层投射至纹状皮层的 IVCa,IVCa 神经元投射至 IVB 层。 小细胞通路始于视网膜 P 型细胞,投射至 LGN 的小细胞层。然后到 V1 区的 IVCb 层。 IVCb 神经元投射至 III 层的斑块去和斑块间区。颗粒细胞层始于非 M-非 P 型神经节细胞。 非 M-非 P 细胞投射至 LGN 的颗粒层,LGN 颗粒层直接投射至 III 的斑块区。 9.眼优势柱的发现和机制 跨神经元的放射自显影。将放射性浦氨酸从一侧眼球注入。神经节细胞摄取浦氨酸并结 合到蛋白中。蛋白沿轴突运送到 LGN,一些带放射性标记的物质从神经节细胞的轴突终末 溢出。被 LGN 神经元摄取后,运送至纹状皮层。 10.简单细胞和复杂细胞的特性 简单细胞对沿其长轴的狭缝光条或暗条反应最佳,而对于垂直方向刺激反应非常弱,因 此IVCa细胞具有方位选择性。复杂细胞大多是双眼反应,对波长不敏感,但对刺激方向高度选择性。11.视觉信息处理的并行处理机制重点内容提示(学习记忆的分子机制)1.学习记忆按照时程和表现形式的分类方式 According to time course: Working memory(瞬时的记忆) Short term memory Long term memory According to appearance: non-declarative memory (implicit memory) declarative memory (explicit memory) 2.可陈述记忆,过程记忆以及工作记忆的基本脑区定位 Localization of declarative memory: temporal lobe颞叶 diencephalon间脑 Localization of procedure memory striatum纹状体 Localization of working memory frontal cortex额皮质 3.巴甫洛夫经典条件化的基本要素以及条件化的实现方式 CS: conditioned stimulus A signaling stimulus that does not elicit a response by itself US: unconditioned stimulus: A stimulus is a factor that causes a response in an organism Conditioning: coupling of CS and US to elicit a response 4.海兔的联想式学习的基本范式和分子机制,尤其是所涉及的神经细胞,突触末梢的关键 分子信号转导事件,以及最终的影响神经元兴奋性改变的机制 Classical conditioning: US: a strong shock to the tail. CS: gentle stimulation of the siphon that does not cause a response. Response: the withdrawal of the gill. (a) The US alone leads to activation of the motor neuron (via an interneuron, not shown) and to sensitization of the sensory input. (b) Pairing the CS and the US causes greater activation of adenylyl cyclase than either stimulus does by itself because the CS admits Ca presynaptic terminal. The Ca2+ 2+into the(by interacting with a protein called calmodulin)increases the response of adenylyl cyclase to G-proteins. 5.海马神经元LTP形成的关键分子机制,包括AMPA受体和NMDA受体的调控方式,强直刺激对 于LTP形成的必要性及其在分子水平的对应解释 6.小脑皮层神经元LTD形成的关键分子机制,包括所涉及的神经元,突触末梢的关键分子信 号转导事件,以及最终影响神经元兴奋性改变的机制。 Climbing fiber activation depolarizes the Purkinje cell dendrite, and then activate voltage-gated calcium channels to allow influx of Ca allow Na influx in Purkinje cell dendrite There is postsynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor that is coupled via G protein to phospholipase C which can produce DAG to activate PKC PKC phosphorylate GluR2, and decrease postsynaptic AMPA receptors+ 2+Parallel fiber release glutamate to activate postsynaptic AMPA receptor and 神经系统发育和神经干细胞1.神经系统由外胚层的神经板(neural plate)分化发育而来。 2.神 经 板 首先 经 折叠 形 成神 经 沟 ( neural groove ) , 神 经 沟闭 合 后形 成 神经 管 ( neural tube ) ,神经管进一步发育形成中枢神经系统,而外周神经系统则由神经脊( neural crest)发育而来。 神经胚形成(Neurulation) :脊索上方外胚层增厚,中线两侧细胞增殖,形成板样结 构,称为神经板(neural plate) ;神经板受中胚层细胞诱导凹陷形成神经沟,两边增厚形 成神经褶;神经沟闭合形成神经管 neural tube 和神经嵴 neural crest。 (神经管:脑、神 经垂体、脊髓、运动神经元、视网膜;神经嵴:细胞具有迁移性,发育为周围神经系统, 感觉、交感及副交感神经系统的神经元和胶质细胞、肾上腺髓质、 黑素细胞、头部软骨、 牙本质) 3.神经管发育过程中,依次经历 3 脑泡阶段、 5 脑泡阶段和成熟阶段。 3 个初级脑泡:前脑、中脑、菱脑(后脑) 5 脑泡:端脑、中脑、视泡(三者由前脑发育而来) 、中脑、后脑 —前脑泡→视泡和端脑泡、间脑→视泡、大脑皮层和基底端脑、丘脑和下丘脑→ 皮层白质、胼胝体、内囊(与其他部位进行联系)前脑与感觉、知觉、意识、认知以及随 意运动有关 —中脑泡→中脑(顶盖→上丘、下丘;被盖→红核、黑质(随意运动) ;中脑水管) 中脑参与感觉系统和运动控制 —后脑→小脑、脑桥、延髓 后脑参与感觉信息、随意运动调控和自主神经系统的调节功能 —神经管末端直接分化为脊髓 4.神经诱导(neural induction) :外胚层中的多能干细胞被诱导转化为神经上皮的过程称为 神经诱导,位于中胚层中的“组织者” (organizer region)释放多种因子,在神经诱导过程 中起重要作用。 5.蝾螈的神经诱导实验 蝾螈早期原肠胚胎孔背唇诱导次级胚胎的形成:蝾螈早期原肠胚胎孔的背唇被移植到 另一个早期原肠胚正常发育为表皮的区域,被植入的组织内陷形成一个次级原肠胚,最终 形成一个与受体相连的次级胚胎。 6.Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) 信号通路在外胚层向神经细胞分化过程中起重要作 用。 Default Model of Neural Induction 神经诱导的默认模式:只有在存在 BMP 信号时, 此 段外胚层细胞才发育为上皮组织, 否则默认发育为神经组织。 Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) as Suppressors of Neuronal Differentiation ; FGF and Wnt may induce neuronal differentiation 7.神经轴例如头尾轴(anterior-posterior axis)和背腹轴(dorsal-ventral axis)的形成。 神经板前后方向的分化信号来自于 Wnt( In response to this Wnt signaling gradient and other signals, cells in anterior express Otx2 and cells in posterior express Gbx2.内胚层和中胚层 细胞分泌 FGF 和维甲酸使得分化更加完善。 ) 神经板背侧的分化信号来自于 BMPs,腹侧的分化信号来自于 Shh 8.Notch 信号通路在神经突细胞分化过程中有重要作用。 Notch Signaling Regulates the Fate of Cells in the Developing Cerebral Cortex —The activation of notch signaling in glial progenitor cells results in the differentiation as astrocytes(星形胶质细胞) and inhibits differentiation as oligodendrocytes(少突胶质细胞). Notch signaling also inhibits progenitor cells from differentiating into neurons 9.神 经 元 迁 移 方 式 主 要 包 括 放 射 状 迁 移 ( radial migration ) 和 切 向 迁 移 ( tangential migration) ,大脑皮层中的兴奋性神经元多通过放射状迁移而来,抑制性中间神经元则主要 通过切向迁移而来。 补充:Glial cells serve as a scaffold in radial migration 胶质细胞是放射状迁移的“脚手架” Axon tracts serve as a scaffold for tangential migration 轴突是切向前移的“脚手架” Neural crest cell migration in the peripheral nervous system does not rely on scaffolding 10.轴突生长诱导(axon guidance) ,生长锥(growth cone) 轴突生长诱导:Chemoattraction(netrin) and Chemorepulsion(slit) Netrins: Netrins are secreted molecules that can act to attract or repel axons by binding to their receptors, DCC and UNC5. Slits: Secreted proteins that normally repel growth cones by engaging Robo classreceptors. Ephrins and Eph: Signaling into both the Ephrin- and Eph-bearing cells is called &bi-directional signaling.”This interaction can be attractive or repulsive. Semaphorins: Semaphorins are primarily axonal repellents by interacting with complexes of cell-surface receptors called Plexins and Neuropilins. Cell adhesion molecules: integrin、cadherin、Ig superfamily Neuronal Growth Cone 生长锥:The filopodia probe the environment and direct the growth of the axon toward attractive cues 轴突末端有延伸生长功能的器官称之为生长锥 轴突依靠于细胞外基质蛋白(laminin)的连接不断延伸 11.神经肌肉接头(neuromuscular junction)的形成过程 1. The growing motor neuron secretes the protein agrin into the basal lamina 2. Agrin interacts with MuSK in the muscle cell membrane 3. This interaction leads to the clustering of ACh receptors in the postsynaptic membrane via the actions of rapsyn 12.突触消除,突触可塑性 突触消除:—Initially, each muscle fiber receives inputs from several alpha motor neurons. Over the course of development, all inputs but one are lost. —Normally. Postsynaptic AChR loss precedes the withdrawal of the axon branch. Simply blocking a subset of receptors with α -bungarotoxin can also stimulate synapse elimination. 突出可塑性:Hebb 突触、Hebb 氏修饰作用 Synaptic rearrangement: the target cell receives the same number of synapses in both cases, but the innervation pattern has changed. 13.神经干细胞 Neural stem cells (NSCs) are self-renewing multipotent populations present in the mammalian CNS. They generate the neurons and glia of the developing and adult brain. Two features of NSCs: self-renew and multipotent potential. 14.神经元和神经胶质细胞(星形胶质细胞和寡突胶质细胞)由神经干细胞分化发育而来, 而小胶质细胞(microglia)并非由神经干细胞发育而来。 Microglia derive from yolk-sac macrophages formed during primitive hematopoiesis beginning at embryonic day 7.5 (E7.5) 15.成年哺乳动物包括人的海马齿状回中存在神经干细胞。 16.可以通过 iPS(induced pluoripotent stem cells)技术在体外产生神经干细胞。运动和运动疾病1.运动系统包括躯体运动系统和自主运动系统。 2.躯体运动系统:中枢神经系统中与运动控制有关结构的总称,包括大脑皮层、脑干、脊 髓、基地神经节、小脑和外周躯体运动神经纤维。其作用是生成运动计划( plan) 、编制运 动程序(program) ,并向骨骼肌发出运动指令(command),以引起骨骼肌的收缩活动而产 生躯体运动。 3.运动可分为反射运动、随意运动和节律性运动三种类型。 反射运动 Reflexive movements:最简单和最基本的运动方式,很少受意识的影响,具有 等级反应性的特征(反应的幅度和速度与刺激强度有关) 随意运动 Voluntary movements:为了达到某种目的而指向一定目标的运动。 节律性运动 Rhythmic movements:介于反射运动和随意运动间的一类运动。比如呼吸、 心跳等。 4.脊髓、脑干和大脑皮层中的运动神经元控制运动,基底神经节和小脑对运动有调控作 用。 5.脊髓运动神经元位于脊髓灰质腹侧角,包括 alpha 运动神经元和 gamma 运动神经元,分 别支配梭外肌纤维和梭内肌纤维。 Lower Motor Neurons(低位运动神经元) :in ventral horn of spinal cord Alpha motor neurons(α 运动神经元): Predominantly in spinal cord – axons synapse on skeletal muscles Gamma motor neurons ( γ 运 动神 经元 ) : Located among alpha motor neurons and innervate intrafusal fibers (梭内肌纤维)of skeletal muscles Extrafusal fibers(梭外肌纤维): Innervated by alpha motor neurons Intrafusal fibers(梭内肌纤维): Innervated by gamma motor neurons 肌索(muscle spindle):感受肌肉长度变化信息的感受装置 6.运动单位(motor unit)和运动神经元池(motor neuron pool) Motor unit(运动单位): Motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates Motor neuron pool(运动神经元池): All the motor neurons that innervate a single muscle 7.脊髓运动神经元丢失或功能障碍可引起 ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) ALS:肌萎缩性侧索硬化症 ALS is a progressive fatal disease caused by degeneration of lower motor neurons in the lateral horn of the spinal cord and upper motor neurons of the cerebral cortex, resulting in progressive motor weakness 8.兴奋-收缩偶联 Alpha motor neurons release ACh→ACh produces large EPSP in muscle fiber→EPSP evokes muscle action potential→Action potential triggers Ca2+ release→ Fiber contracts→Ca2+ reuptake→Fiber relaxes 9.重症肌无力(Myasthenia Gravis)是一种自身免疫病,神经肌肉接头的乙酰胆碱受体受到 损害而引起。 MG is characterized by weakness and fatigability of voluntary muscles, typically including the muscles of facial expression MG is an autoimmune disease. The immune system of afflicted individuals generates antibodies against the body’s own nicotinic Ach receptors Effective treatments include AChE inhibitors or suppression of the immune system 10.脊髓中的 alpha 运动神经元受到感觉信息、高位(脑干和皮层)运动神经元及中间神经 元的调控。 11.肌梭和高尔基腱器官为骨骼肌的感受装置,分别感受肌纤维长度和张力变化的信息。 Spinal Control of Motor Units 运动单位的脊髓控制 : Proprioception from muscle spindles 来自肌索的本体感觉 Proprioception from Golgi tendon organs 来自高尔基腱器官的本体感觉 Spinal interneurons 脊髓中间神经元 12.高位运动神经元通过下行脊髓束对脊髓运动神经元进行调控,下行脊髓束可分为外侧通 路(lateral pathway)和内侧通路(medial pathway) ,外侧通路包括皮质脊髓束和红核脊髓 束,内存通路包括前庭脊髓束、顶盖脊髓束、网状脊髓束等。 13.基底神经节(basal ganglion)由纹状体、丘脑下核、苍白球、中脑黑质等组成,基底神 经节异常与帕金森氏症和亨廷顿病等密切相关。 Basal Ganglia 基底神经节: Selection and initiation of willed movements Input pathway to basal ganglia: cerebral cortex and substantia nigra Output pathway of basal ganglia: cortex and brain stem Parkinson ’ s disease (PD) : Loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta(SNpc) Huntington ’ s disease (HD) : HD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of a CAG repeat coding for polyglutamine in the N terminus of the huntingtin protein. 14.小脑在运动控制的基本作用。 —Involved in control of smooth and accurate movements (Clumsy movement results from dysfunction) —Involved in control of eye-hand coordination, movement timing, posture — Serves as a type of movement error detection and correction system ( Receives copy of motor neural signals sent from motor cortex to muscles) —Involved in learning motor skills 15.小脑损失和导致运动障碍。 Cerebellar lesions 小脑损伤 Ataxia(共济失调): Uncoordinated and inaccurate movements Dyssynergia(痉挛): Decomposition of synergistic multijoint movements Dysmetria(测距不准): Overshoot or undershoot target 下丘脑与垂体的内分泌功能1.“神经内分泌”概念; 神经元可以释放神经激素直接进入垂体后叶的毛细血管内。大细胞性神经分泌细胞(PvC) 释放催产素和血管升压素。小细胞性神经分泌细胞(MgC)释放促垂体激素(也就是促**激素 释放激素) 。 2.下丘脑分泌哪些激素调控垂体前叶促激素的分泌? 生长激素释放激素(RHGH) 、生长激素抑制激素(SS) 、促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH) 、促 肾 上 腺 皮质 激 素释 放激素 ( CRH ) 、促 性 腺激 素释 放 激 素( GnRH ) 、 催乳 素 释 放因 子 (PRF) 、催乳素释放抑制激素(PIH) 3.下丘脑分泌哪些激素到垂体后叶? 血管升压素(抗利尿激素 ADH ) 、催产素(OXT) 4.腺垂体主要分泌哪些促激素? 生长激素 GH 、催乳素 PRL 、促甲状腺激素 TSH、促肾上腺皮质激素 ACTH、卵泡刺激素 FSH、黄体生成素 LH 5.什么是 HPA 轴、HPT 轴、HPG 轴,描述其成分内内部调控方式 HPA 轴:下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴 HPT 轴:下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴 HPG 轴:下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴 6.催产素有哪些主要功能? 注:OXT=OT 促进子宫收缩(孕期降低子宫敏感性,妊娠后期增强;分娩过程中正反馈) 刺激乳腺排乳(let down,通过促进乳腺腺泡周围上皮细胞收缩实现) 应激 在消化、调节渗透压、心血管活动调节、学习与记忆、体温、提高痛阈方面也有作用 7.神经内分泌系统和神经系统的联系与区别 ? Nervous system performs short term crisis management(短期) ? Endocrine system regulates long term ongoing metabolic (长期) ? Endocrine communication is carried out by endocrine cells releasing hormones(内分泌 细胞释放激素) – Alter metabolic activities of tissues and organs (改变组织器官的代谢活性) – Target cells(靶细胞) – Paracrine communication involves chemical messengers between cells within one tissue(旁分泌) 8.下丘脑主要通过哪三条途径调控身体功能? ①由下丘脑核发出的下行传导束到达脑干和脊髓的植物性神经中枢,再通过植物性神经调 节内脏活动; (自主神经系统)②下丘脑的视上核和室旁核发出的纤维构成下丘脑——垂体 束到达神经垂体,两核分泌的加压素(抗利尿激素)和催产素沿着此束流到神经垂体内贮 存,在神经调节下释放入血液循环; (神经)③下丘脑分泌多种多肽类神经激素对腺垂体的 分泌起特异性刺激作用或抑制作用,称为释放激素或抑制释放激素。 (内分泌) 下丘脑通过上述算途径,调节人体的体温、摄食、水平衡、血压、内分泌和情绪反应等重 要生理过程大脑的性分化 1. 什么是性别认同/性别身份(gender identity)? gender identity 性别认同 one’s individuality as male female, or ambivalent, especially as it is experienced in selfawareness and behavior gender identity is the private experience of gender role 补充:gender role 性别角色 everything that a person says and does,to indicate to others,or to the self,the degree that one is either male or female,it includes but is not restricted to sexual arousal and response. gender roe is the public expression of gender identity. 2. 什么是性取向? ( ppt 上无,百度版本)性取向,亦称性倾向、性指向、性位向,是指一个人在情 感、浪漫、与性上对男性及女性有何种型态的耐久吸引。通常,性倾向被归为三类:异性 恋(对异性产生浪漫情感与性的吸引) 、同性恋(对同性产生浪漫情感与性的吸引) 、双性 恋(对两性均能产生浪漫情感与性的吸引) 。补充(个人觉得可以不写) :性倾向的定义并 不单单含有或依赖于性行为,而是依赖并表现于一个人在性和浪漫情感上的耐久吸引,这 包括一个人在爱、依附感、亲密行为等非性方面的内在深刻需求,具体表现例如:非性爱 慕、共同目标与价值观、相互支持爱护、长久承诺等。严格说来,每个人都对同性和异性 有着不同程度的好感和爱慕倾向。 3. 举例说明雄激素对大脑性分化的作用 性别决定区域在 Y 染色体,其上有睾丸决定因子使得睾丸发育。睾丸能够分泌雄激 素,使性分化朝着雄性化进展,而缺失雄激素,发育朝着女性化进展。 4. 说明性激素不敏感综合征的特征 临床表现多种多样,可介于表型女性与几乎正常的男性之间。表型为正常女性的 CAIS 常因原发性闭经就诊而发现,少数则因疝手术在疝囊或腹股沟管中意外发现睾丸而得以诊 断。 在完全型 AIS 患者中,表现为原发闭经,女性体态,青春期有乳房发育但乳头发育不 成熟,无阴腋毛或稀少,女性外阴,阴道呈盲端,无宫颈和子宫,多以原发闭经就诊。性 腺可位于大阴唇、腹股沟或腹腔内。在 IAIS 患者中,临床表现差异很大,可伴有尿道下 裂、小阴茎、小睾丸,男性第二性征发育不完善。有病例报道:患者染色体核型 46XY,生 殖腺为睾丸,男性的第二性征发育不完善,外阴似女性,阴毛呈倒三角形,阴囊缺如,阴 茎短小,无阴道,尿道下裂呈会阴型,无子宫及附件,雄激素接近正常成年男性水平,符 合 IAIS 的诊断。 5.为什么说“性别认同”的程序化过程是不能被逆转的?请举例 The sexual differentiation of the genitals takes places much earlier in development (i.e. in the first two months of pregnancy) than sexual differentiation of the brain (that starts in the second half of pregnancy and becomes overt upon reaching adulthood), these two processes may be influenced independently. ‘programming’ or ‘organizing’ effects (permanent modification ), and ‘activating’ effects (transient modification)举例:患有尿道上裂的儿童尽管改变了性别也倾向于表现出原来的性别角色。6 举例说明大鼠脑内具有性别差异的结构(至少举 6 个例子) 7 举例说明人脑内具有性别差异的结构(至少举 4 个例子) 8 为什么说性取向并非个人选择?请举例 性取向一定程度上由遗传决定,可能存在同性恋基因。 同性恋取向概率是最高的同卵双生同性恋个体,低于异卵双生,兄弟姐单纯的妹之间要更 低。这些数据表明遗传对性取向发展的贡献。下丘脑与食欲控制1.举例说明下丘脑控制食欲的证据 2.LEPTIN(瘦素)的来源和主要功能 来源:由脂肪细胞产生 功能:调节能量摄入和消耗,调节代谢,抑制食欲,减肥。 3.瘦素改变导致肥胖症的 3 条主要途径 a, Failu b, inappropriately low leptin secretion for a given fat mass, in which the fat mass would expand until ‘normal’ leptin levels are reached, c, relative or absolute insensitivity to leptin, associated with increased circulating leptin (产生不足;分泌不足;敏感性降低) 4.描述大鼠后脑对饱感信号反应的主要模式 Model for regulation of the hindbrain response to satiety signals Adiposity signals such as leptin acts on hypothalamic ARC neurons that project to hypothalamic areas such as the LHA (not shown) and PVN In turn, these ‘second order’ neurons project to hindbrain autonomic centers such as the NTS (孤束核,一般内脏感觉神经纤维和味觉纤维终止核) that process afferent input from satiety signals such as CCK (缩胆囊素). Input from descending, leptin-sensitive hypothalamic projections is integrated in the NTS with vagally mediated input from CCK, such that the timing of meal termination is regulated by changes in body fat content. 5.Prader-Willi 综合症的起因 (the cause)? a rare genetic disorder in which 7 genes (or some subset thereof) on chromosome 15 (q 11-13) are deleted or unexpressed (chromosome 15q partial deletion) on the paternal chromosome. (由从父亲中得来的 15 号染色体的 7 个基因缺失或者不表达引起的基因疾病) 6.Prader-Willi 综合症的下丘脑症状 ? hypogonadism, underdevelopment of the sexual organs (LHRH)生殖器官发育不良 ? decreased sexual behaviour ? insufficient growth (GH) ? obesity (OXT: satiety neurons) ? abnormal regulation of sleep (SCN) ? abnormal presentation of the fetus at birth, high proportion premature or postmature births, difficult labour (CRH, OXT)(早产,晚产,难产) ? fits of temper, depression and sudden aggression(脾气不好,抑郁,攻击性强) ? disorder of eating and metabolism in PWS(饮食代谢障碍) 7 什么是神经性厌食症 an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. (拒绝保持正常体型和害怕增重的饮食障碍) coupled with a distorted self image which may be maintained by various cognitive biases that alter how the patient evaluates and thinks about her or his body, food and eating.(常伴有对自 己和别人对自己的认知偏差) Patients continue to feel hunger, but deny themselves all but very small quantities of food. (场 感到饥饿但是不愿意摄食) 8 神经性厌食症是社会心理疾病么?为什么? It is a serious mental illness with a high incidence of comorbidity and the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. Anorexia most often has its onset in adolescence and is most prevalent among adolescent girls. However, it can affect men and women of any age, race, and socioeconomic and cultural background.(英文来自课件)下丘脑与生物学节律1. 什么叫昼夜节律,请举例 ? the daily cycles of daylight and darkness that result from the spin of the Earth。In humans, there is an approximately inverse relationship between the propensity(倾 向、习性) to sleep and body temperature 由于地球自转引起的白天黑夜周期性改变。 (fluctuate daily)在人类中,它近似于睡眠 和体温的倾向性的改变。 举例:睡眠与觉醒,体温,尿液产生,激素分泌等 2. 什么叫自由运行节律(free-running rhythm)? When mammals are completely deprived of zeitgebers, they settle into an activity-rest rhythm often with a period more or less than 24 hrs, in which case their rhythms are said to freerun (自由运转) 当哺乳动物完全不受到给时者的影响的时候,它们会进入一个相对自由的活跃-静 息节律,节律时间可以大于或者小于 24H。 3. 从生物学节律的观点,什么是“时差” ,应该如何纠正它 In isolation experiments, behavior and physiology do not always continue to cycle together: the rhythms of temperature and sleeping-waking, which are normally synchronized to a 24-hr period, become desynchronized. 我们的行为和生理并不是一直保持良好的节律,当体温和睡觉的周期和 24 小时不 同步的时候,我们打破了生物节律,出现了时差。 4. 描述人类昼夜节律定时系统组成 A biological clock producing circadian rhythms consists of several components: Light-sensitive input pathway → Clock → Output pathway One or more input pathways are sensiti the clock itself continues to run and keep its basic rhythm even when the input pathway is removed. Output pathways from the clock allow it to control certain brain and body functions according to the timing of the clock. 5. 举例说明视交叉上核(SCN)是生物钟的证据 SCN 被刺激后,节律活动可以被预测 除去 SCN 的核心,许多生理节律都发生缺失、在仓鼠中移植新的 SCN 后,节律可以在 2-4 周内重新出现。 没有 SCN,大脑的节律不能恢复。6. 是什么在重调(reset)生物钟?如何调 Light retinal ganglion cells send direct projections to the SCN, i.e. the retinohypothalamic tract(视网膜下丘脑束), which provides information about light to the SCN(视网膜神经 节细胞传递信息给视交叉上核) ? light can also alter blood-borne factors(通过血液传送的因子) ? SCN is highly vascularized(血管化的) Melatonin(褪黑激素) ? secreted from the pineal gland(松果体分泌) ? increased levels of melatonin: one feels sleepy ? melatonin can act on receptors in the SCN(视交叉上核) to phase-advance the biological clock 7 视网膜内向 SCN 发送光线信息的细胞是哪类? a very specialized type of ganglion cell. 一种特化的神经节细胞。 8. 举例说明什么是超昼夜节律( infradian rhythm ) 、次昼夜节律 (ultradian rhythm) – Infradian – less than once a day – Hibernation 冬眠, ovulation 排卵 – Ultradian – more than once a day – Sleep cycles (REM and other sleep stages) 神经元及其静息态的膜特性教学目标:掌握神经元结构和功能的特点以及神经元静息膜电位的产生 专业词汇:Neurites,静息膜电位,平衡电位 离子平衡 钾离子在胞内更浓集,而钠离子则相反。如果膜仅对钾离子通透,为什么钾离子不向细胞 外扩散,直到细胞膜两边的浓度相等为止呢?回答是否定的,因为如果钾离子向外扩散, 正电荷将在膜的外表面积累,而过量的负电荷将停留在内表面上。其结果是,在膜两边产生 了电位差,内面相对外面为负。电位梯度减缓了正电性的钾离子外流;当电位变得足够大时, 钾的净外流将中止。这即为钾的平衡电位(EK)。在EK 时,浓度梯度和电位梯度对跨膜 离子流动的作用正好平衡。单独的钾离子仍进入或离开细胞,但是没有净流动发生。这时 钾离子处于平衡。 钾处于跨膜平衡的条件 钾离子处于跨膜平衡的条件是:跨膜钾离子浓度梯度被钾离子流 沿浓度梯度产生的跨膜电位所平衡。可以由Nernst 方程导出钾离子 的平衡电位:[K]o和[K]i分别为胞外和胞内钾浓度。如果胞外和胞内钾浓度比为1/30,EK为58log (1/30)= -85mV。静息膜电位 神经元静息时膜内相对膜外为负,因此静息膜电位是负的。静息膜电位通常可以用钾离子 的平衡电位来估算,因为静息状态下细胞膜对钾离子最通透。在实际情况下,神经元细胞 膜对钠离子和 氯离子也有一定的通透性,它们之间的相对通透率大概是:PK : Pna : PCl = 1 : 0.03 : 0.1。当胞外钾离子浓度较低时,钠离子和氯离子对静息膜电位的贡献不容忽视, 此时可用GHK方程来计算膜电位。 在神经细胞中,细胞内的钠离子和钾离子浓度通过钠-钾ATP酶(简称钠-钾泵)保持不 变。钠-钾泵通过泵出3个Na+和泵进2个K+的比例转运离子,来保持胞内钠、钾浓度不变。 因此,代谢能量被用来使细胞维持在稳态。由于钠-钾泵泵出的正离子要比泵入的多,这 使得膜电位更负。 思考题 1.神经元不同部位(胞体、树突、轴突)的细胞器和细胞骨架分布有什么不同? (1)胞体:含有较发达的粗面内质网、游离核糖体、线粒体、微丝、神经丝和微管以及高 尔基复合体等。粗面内质网常呈现规则的平行排列,游离核糖体分布于其间。常与神经丝 交叉排列成网,并伸入树突和轴突内,构成神经元的细胞骨架常与神经丝交叉排列成网, 并伸入树突和轴突内,构成神经元的细胞骨架。 (2)树突:胞质内含有尼氏体,线粒体和平行排列的神经原纤维等,但无高尔基复合体。 (3)轴突:轴质内有许多与轴突长袖平行的神经原纤维和细长的线粒体,但无尼氏体和高 尔基复合体。无糙面内质网,膜蛋白组成不同于其他部分。树突表面可见许多棘状突起称 树突棘,是形成突触的部位。从轴丘到轴突全长有神经丝和神经微管,以及滑面内质网和 多泡体等。 2.神经元胞内K+多于胞外,为什么胞内是负电位? 神经膜内外存在不同离子的浓度差异。静息条件下,胞内高钾低钠,而胞外高钠低钾,导 致总体离子浓度胞外高于胞内,使得胞内呈现负电位。动作电位教学目标:掌握动作电位的特点及其产生、传导的机制 专业词汇:去极化,超射,绝对不应期,相对不应期,膜片钳,TTX钠和钾携带的电流 Hodgkin和Huxley显示,动作电位首先是由于钠的内流,然后是钾的跨膜外流。此外,他们 能推导出各电流的相对大小和时间进程。一种方便的方法是用胆碱(一种非通透阳离子) 取代胞外的绝大部分钠离子来去除钠电流。结果就没有净电流通过激活的钠通道,这使得 只剩下钾电流。将钾电流从总离子电流中减去,就得到钠电流的幅值和时间进程。 钠通道和钾通道的选择性毒剂 自从Hodgkin和Huxley的原创性实验以后,已经找到了方便的药理学方法来选择性地阻断钠 和钾通道。河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,TTX)对阻断钠通道特别有用。TTX是一种致命的毒 素,浓集在河豚鱼的卵巢中和其它一些器官中。TTX的突出优点在于其作用的高度专一 性。Moore,Narahashi及其同事们用枪乌贼的巨轴突证明,TTX在1μ M以下的浓度即可选 择性地阻断电压激活的钠电导。当对用TTX处理过的轴突施以去极化阶跃电压,无内向钠 电流可见,而只有外向钾电流。TTX不改变钾电流的幅值和时间进程。经内部灌流液向胞 内注入TTX并不起作用。因此TTX结合在钠通道外口的位点上,从而在物理上阻遏Na+离 子电流通过通道。钠电流的失活 从Hodgkin和Huxley的实验可知,钠和钾电流的时间进程很不相同。与钠电流相比,钾电流 起始处有明显的延迟,但是一旦产生,钾电流将会在阶跃电压持续期间保持高水平。另一 方面,钠电流上升快得多,却很快减小为0——尽管膜仍处于去极化。钠电流的这种减小我 们称为失活。不应期 不应期是一个动作电位在神经元上出现后不可能在这个神经元上立即产生第二个动作电位 的现象:⑴钠通道在动作电位下降相期间失活达到最大程度,需要再过几毫秒才能恢复。 在这段时间,几乎没有通道(即使有,也很少)可以利用来增加gNa;⑵因为钾通道的激 活,gK在动作电位的下降相期间非常大,并且很缓慢地减小到静息水平。在这段时间中, gNa要大大地增加才能引发任何再生性去极化。这两个因素使动作电位的整个下降相都处 于绝对不应期,在此期间,外部施加的去极化不论有多大,都不能引发第二次再生性反 应。这个过程之后是一个相对不应期,在此期间,随着钠通道从失活状态的恢复和钾通道 的关闭,阈值逐渐回复到正常水平。动作电位传导 动作电位因电流的纵向扩布而沿着轴突传播。膜的每一个区域产生全或无的冲动,这种冲 动使邻近的尚未活动的区域去极化,并使之兴奋。这种去极化导致一个新的再生性冲动。 为了解冲动的传播、突触传递和整合,必须知道电流如何沿神经被动地扩布。 当电流沿神经轴突或树突扩布时,它随着距离而衰减。这种衰减取决于若干因素,主要是 纤维的直径和膜特性。纵向电流沿一大直径,高膜阻抗的纤维可扩布得更远。膜电容影响 电信号的时间进程,通常还影响它们的空间分布。为估计一个阈下电位变化会扩布多远, 需要知道神经元的几何特性及其膜特性,并且还要了解电位变化的时间进程。 许多脊椎动物神经细胞的轴突被一高电阻低电容的髓鞘所覆盖。这层鞘起到了非常有效的 绝缘作用,且使与神经冲动有关的电流以一定间隔在髓鞘中断处(Ranvier结)流过膜。冲 动从一个Ranvier结跳跃至另一个,这样传导速度便提高了。髓鞘化的神经出现在神经系统 中传导速度有重要意义的通路中。 全细胞膜片钳 用较粗的电极尖(直径约1微米)和细胞表面接触,与膜形成紧密的封接。当在电极尖端中 的小片膜破裂后,电极内液与细胞内液相通。 思考题 1.Some voltage-gated K+ channels are known as delayed rectifiers because of the timing of their opening during an action potential. What would happen if these channels took much longer than normal to open? 与动作电位复极化有关,延长平台期时间。(这个找不到解释,只查到有篇论文提到一点 点,截图在下面)2.动作电位的特征是什么? 1.“全或无”现象; 2.全幅式传导性; 3.不可叠加性。17.脑的节律与睡眠 教学目标:掌握 EEG 的特点及其产生机制、睡眠的过程和神经机制 (EEG特点:变化非常大,经常与注意、睡眠或觉醒等一些特殊的行为状态及癫痫发作或 昏迷等病理状态相关联) 专业词汇:EEG, REM sleep, Non-REM sleep, 昼夜节律 18.脑电图(electroencephalography,EEG)和脑电的产生 大脑皮层包含很多神经元,这些神经元活动在某种程度上表现为同步发出的有规律的放电 节律(脑电波)。在头皮上放置成对的电极可以采集到反应深层皮层活动的电位变化。人 类脑电图由奥地利精神病学家伯格(Berger)于 1924 年在其子的头部第一次记录下来,}


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