
h3lix uicache failed_
h3lix uicache failed
日&-&出现h3lix图标,且能启动。但是点击后,直接报uicache failed!不再往下进行。百度了,无相关信息的帖子。我的两部iphone5 是同样的情况,应该不是偶发现象...&&普通
日&-&新工具h3lix..成功后有个run uicache这个有什么用... 新工具h3lix 只看楼主 收藏 回复shouzhijiuku
黄钻苹果 11 成功后有个run uicache这个有什么用 ...&&普通
日&-&9:回打开桌面上的h3lix后点点uicache 刘嗬娜
可以没有32位设备...这里 手机已经点了信任 了 而且进h3lix里面点了之后出现kernelexploit f...&&普通
日&-&出现h3lix图标,且能启动。 但是点击后,直接报uicache failed! 不再往下进行。百度了,无相关信息的帖子。 我的两部iphone5 是同样的情况,应该不是偶发...&&普通
h3lix hashes signed by tihmstar: da4fa22518fbfa4c0bcc4df73c027d1c90a717f...9:回打开桌面上的h3lix后点点uicache上一篇:没有了 下一篇:马蓉喊话王宝强 微博...&&普通
日&-&h3lix工具 地址 http://cloud.abcydia.com/jailbreak/abcydia_h3lix-rc1....6:回打开桌面上的h3lix后点点uicache 回复
日&-&ios 10.x 可以了tihmstar 已经发布了 ios 10 的工具 h3lix,不过仅限...9:回打开桌面上的h3lix后点点uicache h3lix saigon苹果ios10.x工具...&&普通
日&-&h3lix hashes signed by tihmstar: da4fa22518fbfa4c0bcc4df73c027d1c...9:回打开桌面上的h3lix后点点uicache&!-- 点击此处--&...&&普通
h3lix is a semi-untethered jailbreak for 32-bit devices running any version...running uicache manually form the app clears cydia caches rc4 1 january, 20...&&普通
日&-&安装好了h3lix ..电脑上卡在 generatingapplicationmap... 安装好了h3lix 点击uicache重启没有cydia 只看楼主 收藏 回复寻找猴子的香蕉
123原创猜&网址形式6相关词猜&相似度F3略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略精确匹配1略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略D2略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略精确匹配3略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略精确匹配4略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略D5略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略D6略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略D7略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略D8略略略略主页次优先&|&子页内容充实略略D9略略略略子页优先级较低略略D10您需要通过验证再能继续浏览 3秒后开始验证
丨 粤ICP备号-10 丨 新三板上市公司威锋科技(836555)
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(C) Joyslink Inc. All rights reserved 保留所有权利How to Jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 with h3lix Jailbreak - iPhoneHeat
h3lix jailbreak for iOS 10.3.3 is now available for all the 32-bit iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices. If you want to know how to jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 using h3lix jailbreak on any compatible iOS device, then follow the step-by-step instructions after the jump.
The h3lix jailbreak was released by a developer and hacker tihmstar on the Christmas Eve. Before you proceed with the jailbreak process, please read these important points carefully:
h3lix jailbreak only supports iOS 10.3.3, the final iOS 10 update.
It is a . It means you’ll have to enter your device in jailbreak mode after every reboot. If you’re using a free Apple Developer account, you will also need to resign the jailbreak application every seven days.
This jailbreak tool only supports 32-bit iOS devices that include:
iPad 4th generation
Since iOS 10.3.3 is the last software update available for these devices, it means the above-mentioned three iOS devices have been jailbroken for life.
A Twitter user that goes by the handle @iBSparkes has announced that he will release an iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak for 64-bit iOS devices as well. He named his jailbreak as Meridian Jailbreak.
If your device is running a newer version and it is between iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2, then you can use
to jailbreak iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 on all the supported devices including iPhone X, iPhone, 8, and the iPhone 8 Plus.
Take complete backup or your device either using
or on the .
Make sure your device has sufficient battery level to complete the jailbreak process.
Jailbreak iPhone and iPad iOS 10.3.3 with h3lix jailbreak
Here are easy to follow steps to jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 on any compatible iPhone and iPad using h3lix jailbreak:
Step 1: Download h3lix Jailbreak and Cydia Impactor
To achieve iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak, you need to download both the h3lix Jailbreak and Cydia Impactor from these links:
Download h3lix jailbreak from the official website here.
Download Cydia Impactor from here for Windows, macOS, or Linux.
Step 2: Sideload/Install h3lix IPA
Now that you have both the h3lix IPA and the Cydia Compactor, here is how to install the jailbreak IPA:
Connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch using the cable to your computer.
Launch Cydia Compactor on your PC, and it will identify the connected iPhone or iPad.
Drag-and-drop the h3lix jailbreak IPA file onto the interface of Cydia Impactor.
Input your Apple Developer account ID and password when it asks for. Now, wait for the Cydia Impactor to sideload the signed h3lix app on your iOS device.
Step 3: Trust Developer Profile
Once the Cydia Impactor has successfully sideloaded the h3lix jailbreak app, it’s time to trust the developer profile installed:
Open Settings.
Tap on General.
Tap of Profile(s) & Device Management.
Note: in some iOS version it may just be: General & Device Management.
Tap the profile associated with h3lix jailbreak app.
Tap on Trust and confirm it.
Step 4: Execute the Jailbreak process
You should now have the h3lix jailbreak app on your Home screen. Launch the jailbreak app by tapping on it.
Press the Jailbreak button to begin the jailbreak process.
After the completion of jailbreak process, your device will respring automatically, and you should see Cydia on your Home screen.
That’s it! You have successfully jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 with h3lix jailbreak tool.
How to make Semi-Untethered Jailbreak Work?
As mentioned earlier, h3lix jailbreak is a , which means the jailbreak will stop working after every reboot. Any jailbreak app or tweak will stop working after the restart. To re-enter the jailbreak mode, you will need to launch the h3lix jailbreak app and follow the on-screen instruction to re-jailbreak.
Does h3lix jailbreak app expire?
If you have installed h3lix jailbreak app using a free Apple Developer account, it will expire after 7 days. It means you’ll have to re-install it using Cydia Impactor to get another 7 days window. The installation steps are exactly similar to what we have discussed in the original guide above.
Note: you only need the h3lix jailbreak app whenever you reboot the device for re-jailbreaking purposes. Even when the app has expired after 7 days, and you do not reboot your device, the jailbreak will keep on working. You would need the app whenever you restart.
Do not forget to share your h3lix Jailbreak experience in the comments section below.您需要通过验证再能继续浏览 3秒后开始验证
丨 粤ICP备号-10 丨 新三板上市公司威锋科技(836555)
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丨 粤ICP备号-10 丨 新三板上市公司威锋科技(836555)
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