
每日轻松一刻:三星NOTE7 行走的手榴弹_网易新闻
每日轻松一刻:三星NOTE7 行走的手榴弹
Note7用户请关机停止使用!Note7用户请关机停止使用!Note7用户请关机停止使用!重要的事情必须说三遍!天上的星星不说话,地上的三星会爆炸。闲杂人等都给我闪开,我手里有note7!在Note7“更新版”再次出现事故时,三星终于坐不住了!今天,三星电子表示,要求所有合作伙伴停止销售和置换Galaxy Note 7手机。并要求NOTE7用户关机,停止使用,包括持原装手机和已完成更换的用户。三星正与美国消费者产品安全委员会一起调查手机爆炸起火的原因。47天,整整47天,三星你终于不嘴硬了!啪!啪!啪!三星NOTE7,行走的手榴弹!所以,易友们,你还会买三星吗?再弱弱问下,要是不买三星,你会买哪个牌子的手机?中国导演我只服冯大爷别人买iPhone4时我买了洗衣机,别人买iPhone4s时我买了冰箱,别人买iPhone5的时候我买了空调,别人买iPhone5s的时候我买了电脑,别人买iPhone6的时候我买了电视,别人买iPhone6s的时候我买了沙发,别人买iPhone7的时候我买了note7,现在,我的洗衣机冰箱空调电脑电视沙发全都没了!琉克说:“如果想销毁死亡笔记,必须要经过特殊的步骤。”夜神月问:“什么步骤?”琉克不说话,在死亡笔记封面上的Death Note后面加了个7字,死亡笔记轰然爆炸。(噗尺)你们为什么都要黑三星?三星是一个特别棒的企业,产品创新能力强,质量好,用户体验很棒,我支持三星!好了,你可以把抵在我头上的note7拿走了吧。我就看不起你们这些黑三星的人,我朋友用的note7,现在生活很幸福,一日三餐有人喂。朋友说这是他在成都机场的显示屏上拍到的。。。若干年后,韩国人可以这样吹牛逼了:地球起源于三星大爆炸。感觉三星真的药丸……三星:手机爆炸已经无法满足我们了,看吧,手雷外形的主机,主机爆炸即将到来,敬请期待。三星终于暴露了军火商的本质。恭喜三星,贺喜三星,已成功从手机厂商转变为军火商。目测此时库克的心情是酱紫的……库克你别高兴太早!会炸的不仅仅是三星,你们iPhone 7也炸了。小米:我出5。魅族:我出6。苹果:我出7。华为:我出9。三星:我炸。小米:要不起。华为:要不起。苹果:等下,你们闪开,棒子我忍你很久了,老子要的起,CTMD王炸! OPPO:喂!110吗?这里有人赌钱。警车:vivo~vivo~vivo~我们真是在用生命玩手机!可臣妾就是戒不掉啊!讲真,长这么大,唯一坚持下来的一件事就是每天给手机充电。我们试过在床上,试过在椅子上,试过在厨房,也试过趴在饭桌上,但都无济于事……我们根本找不到一个4G信号好的地方。现在很多年轻人为了耍酷,过马路也要戴着耳机,殊不知这样做非常危险,万一被车撞到,耳机不就坏了吗?耳机坏了多费钱,毕竟赚钱很辛苦。上班太惨了,坐牢还有减刑,上班只有加班。假如可以选择生活,我宁愿简简单单。一个茶杯,一桩茅屋 ,一亩良田…………………………一个亿存款。像我们这个年纪开电动车,一定要戴安全头盔,否则会被开宝马奔驰的同学认出来。这个事你们还记得吗?重要!【支付宝提现明天开始收费】【支付宝提现明天开始收费】【支付宝提现明天开始收费】吓得我赶紧把支付宝里面的几块钱取出来了,放心了!认真脸,随手传播正能量!从明天起,支付宝将对个人用户超过免费额度的提现收取0.1%的服务费,每人累计有2万元基础免费额度。①支付宝的钱转到自己银行卡或他人银行卡,收费!②余额宝资金转出到本人银行卡或支付宝余额,继续免费!所以,你懂!今天,快快将你支付宝的余额转到余额宝!蓝瘦,香菇,本来今颠高高兴兴,三星,马云,泥为什莫要做这种事。为什莫?为什莫?【还是蓝瘦,还是香菇】蓝瘦,香菇,又到了这样的季节……图自设计系奶子今年的秋天有点冷,是不是?这不是我要的秋天!我印象中的秋天是凉爽,衬衫,舒服的晚风,不是这种早上穿衬衫出门冷的掉头回去再加两层才行到了傍晚晚风把人吹到怀疑人生的秋天。秋天是浪漫的季节,是和喜欢的人踏着落叶散步的季节,不是让人冷到打颤的季节,你要是想冻我们那你干脆当冬天算了,打着秋天的名号不干事算什么啊。(刘大大大大大脸)骚年,你真的很有必要找个人取暖。这是即将到来的秀恩爱高峰期……你感受下。现在有些人,自己都找不到对象,天天还跑网上给明星婚姻出谋划策。年纪轻轻的没点正事,非惦记着居委会大妈的工作。“你跟他不合适,分了吧。”分了然后呢?跟你过?(留几手)其实如果女朋友老是不回你信息,或者回得特别慢,总是对你不冷不热的,先不要急着吵架,你安静下来心平气和地想一想:自己到底有没有女朋友。90后的你也已经不再是孩子了。你们造吗?00后小伙都当爹了,一家3口加起来才33岁!16岁的小敏(化名)在新生儿重症监护病房门口不住地走动,等待孩子出来。“这么年轻就当爸,什么感觉?”一病人家属见状打趣问,小敏有点羞涩:“还好啦,比人家是早了点”。“哪里一点点,起码早10年吧!”小敏脸又红了……00后都有小孩了……再次呼吁社会关爱80后90后空巢老人。胖编:特么的00后当爹了,蓝瘦,香菇。我想说是的择偶条件太苛刻了么,三个要求:1,女。2,年龄不能大过我妈。3,如果觉得前两条太苛刻还可以商量。他们自己都还是个孩子就生了孩子。可怜了孩子的爷爷奶奶,除了养儿子还要养孙子。讲真,小敏还是很有担当的,敢生,敢认, 而不是逃避。祝你们一家人好运!这位老公,也祝你好运……10月8日,民警在成都火车站捡到一皮包,找到失主夫妻,核对包内财物时丈夫却言辞闪烁,原来包内竟藏了他存的2万“私房钱”。妻子一听当场就翻了脸。男子称平时妻子管太严,抽烟喝酒和聚会,他都囊中羞涩。两万私房钱,我跟你讲,朋友你这是在玩火。男子拉着民警的手:“警察同志,我能活下来的,对吧?”藏私房钱真的是一门学问!笨,把钱存银行里,然后把银行卡剪碎扔掉。用钱的时候再拿身份证去补办银行卡。这个老婆也是太苛刻。男女之间相处,女人要处处让着男人。就拿我来说,我做任何事就都让着老公,比如让他洗衣服,让他做饭,让他刷碗,让他收拾屋子。【震惊,香菇】惊掉了下巴……350多斤的她极度自信,“就喜欢胖胖的自己”。Sarah Rout是一个体重350多斤的超级女胖子,尽管医生警告她,如果不及时控制体重,肥胖很可能会要了她的命,但是自信的她却拒绝减肥,“我非常喜欢现在的自己,350多斤的我非常漂亮。”他的丈夫Tony虽然也同意Sarah Rout的观点,但是出于对妻子的健康考虑,还是希望她能够适当地减轻一点体重。厉害了,我的姐……请问哪里来的自信!我似乎看到她丈夫在苦笑……想起了那个一屁股坐死了自己男友的新闻,心疼他老公。妹子,自信固然好,健康更重要。为了健康,减减肥吧!在直播平台关注一个叫减肥日记的一年多了,很有毅力的一个MM,从180斤天天跳操,跳到了230斤,一直在坚持,生活中有无数这样平凡的人,给我很多感动,今天发现她还有另一个账号在直播吃酱肘子。(cof1cof1)大蒜味可口可乐,你值得拥有主银为了让家里的大胖喵羞愧减肥!带回了另一只很苗条的喵。一个月后……所谓近猪者吃,近胖者胖。朋友看了我以前的照片,摇头惋惜道:“诶!好端端的一个人,怎么说胖就胖了。”我哭了,泪水打湿了我的鸡腿堡盐酥鸡烤鸭烤猪蹄东坡肘子酱排骨酱牛肉糖醋排骨红烧排骨酱排骨回锅肉水煮鱼粉蒸肉番茄牛腩炸鸡腿锅包肉烤冷面鸡柳葱油鱼可乐鸡翅啤酒鸭羊肉串溜肉段红烧狮子头梅干菜扣肉小炒肉宫保鸡丁辣子鸡铁板烧烤肉排骨年糕口水鸡炖羊肉手抓肉卤鸭叫花鸡水煮牛肉烤鱼麻辣烫。减肥,一把辛酸泪……不说了,我先吃口上面的新菜,看着好诱人呢。【生气,想喷】真看热闹不嫌事大。小轿车高速自燃, 围观者嗑瓜子拍照……近日,湖南洞新高速,一小轿车自燃火势汹汹。救援过程中,着火车辆前方400米左右的匝道口,5台小车依次停在路肩,司乘人员下车嗑瓜子拍照,围观看热闹……不能真相的吃瓜-子-群众。一个个伸长了脖子,像鹅一样——鲁迅。民警劝离无果,依法分别给予他们记6分、罚款200元的处罚。警察提醒:看热闹也要分场合…你支持民警的做法吗?该!该!该!高速停车看热闹不扣你扣谁,罚的太轻!真变态恋衣癖。他偷女性内衣,发泄完送回还配上纸条……7月以来,南京的夏女士发现自己晒在外面的内衣多次失踪。一天,被盗的内衣竟被人偷偷还回来了,还配了一张不堪入目的纸条。6日,嫌疑人周某又到夏女士家附近转悠,被夏女士老公当场抓获并报警。发泄。。。厉害了我的哥。恋衣癖已经到了登峰造极的地步,这是病得治!贞操锁,感觉你必须来一个。只是我真的真的很好奇那个不堪入目的纸条到底有多不堪入目。夏女士,求带!夏女士,请注意!南京的盆友请注意!你们家可能会有蛇出没!10月10日晚,一则消息在网上疯传,消息称:六合雄州街道山北村一农庄私自养眼镜蛇,几天前突然跑出,估计二三百条。随后,官方证实了此消息,称8月26日至29日,春益养殖合作社200多条幼蛇外逃,后陆续捉回、打死幼蛇约150条,现仍有50多条下落不明。卧槽!!卧槽!!卧槽!!眼镜蛇!隔着屏幕都要吓死宝宝了,世界上最怕的动物之一!8月跑的,现在才公布……想想就口怕。淡定淡定!当地已成立应急处置工作组,并从上海调来血清。提醒:如被咬伤立即拨打120!世界真可怕,只愿每个人都能健康平安。今天,小编想特别纪念一个人群——缉毒警察。看过《湄公河行动》,有人问:为何给牺牲的警犬立碑,没有给牺牲缉毒警立碑。警察叔叔给出的标准答案是:因为毒贩会跟随前去祭拜的亲友进行报复,这是处于安全考虑……(这个细节其实很真实)最残忍最痛心的永远是真相,向缉毒警察致敬!看了下面的留言,瞬间你会理解为什么有一线民警说“不会原谅任何吸毒复出的明星,谁给死去的缉毒警一个重生的机会,谁给他的孩子一个新爸爸?”所以,吸毒的演员明星,不要妄想得到我们的轻易原谅,你们对不起这些在天的英灵。以上就是今天的轻松一刻,我是己新,下期见。请问各位大神,这四个字念什么???【上期答案up!】【心理测试:测测你喜欢同性还是异性哟~】你跟朋友一起去郊游。山顶附近的岩石上,看着一朵非常漂亮的鲜花。朋友问:“要不要摘下来?”这时你会怎么回答呢?A、可不能随便摘花吧B、我只要看看就够了C、好啊,我们去摘吧D、小心啊,花上好像有刺(答案在最后哦~)狗狗的表情在说话,来,配上你的吐槽图!【上期吐槽精选】你觉得哪个吐槽更传神呢?真的,你们都不知道国足的好~介意再加入几个人么?三楼净说什么大实话,不怕二狗打击报复吗?订阅轻松一刻频道,解锁新闻阅读新姿势!【心理测试答案】A、会在幻想中享受同性恋的乐趣你经常会幻想和自己有关的同性恋情节,但仅仅止于向这一步,如果你是女性的话那一定是一个不折不扣的腐女,经常会憧憬美少年间的禁断之恋。但一般来说在现实中你不会发生同性恋,很可能是因为并没有遇到足够出色和有吸引力的对象,因此只能通过幻想来弥补这种空缺。B、具有很强的同性恋倾向,完全无法抵挡同性的诱惑即使现在的你不是同性恋,你的内心也隐藏着很强烈的同性恋倾向,只是自己还没有察觉而已,你的身边会有许多同性朋友,你也似乎更加乐于和他们在一起,和异性之间的恋情相比,你觉得同性间的友情更加的浪漫动人。你也经常会对一些出色的前辈或者朋友产生仰慕之情,但你却没发现那就是同性之恋间的情愫,误以为是单纯的敬佩和喜爱,一旦有一个你心水的同性主动向你发出邀请,那你一定无法按捺住自己内心的冲动。C、对同性恋没有任何的兴趣,甚至是会对同性恋友人产生抵触感你对同性恋没有丝毫的兴趣,是坚定不移的异性恋者,当同性之间的关系过于亲密时,你往往会有种不自在的感觉,甚至是有点反感,而和异性的交往则常会让你感到十分融洽,觉得比和同性交往要有趣得多。D、会将同性作为情敌看待,并和他们争风吃醋你是一个观念传统的人,坚信男人要像个男人,女人要像个女人,女人都喜欢有男子汉气概的男人,男人都喜欢温柔的女人。你认为正因为性别不同,才使对方更有魅力,才有恋爱的感觉。因此,不管跟对方多么情投意合,如果是同性的话,也只能产生友情,你绝不可能和他成为恋人。在恋爱方面你很一根筋,会把同性看成是跟自己抢夺心爱的人的可恨情敌,跟他展开激烈的竞争。
本文来源:轻松一刻工作室 。内部媒体
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&& Galaxy Note7 Safety Recall
Note7 Charging Restrictions
Consumer safety remains our highest priority and we’ve had overwhelming participation in the U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program. Nearly all recalled Galaxy Note7 devices have been returned.
To further increase participation, a software update has been released that prevents U.S. Galaxy Note7 devices from charging and eliminates their ability to work as mobile devices.
If you have not yet returned your device, you should immediately power it down and contact your carrier to obtain a refund or exchange.
U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program
Under the terms of the U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program, you have the following choices:
Exchange your current Galaxy Note7 for another Samsung smartphone with a refund of the price difference between devices
Obtain a refund at your point of purchase
Affected Devices
The expanded recall applies to all Galaxy Note7 devices – including the original and replacement. Because your safety is important to us, if you are currently using a Galaxy Note7, please power down immediately and participate in our U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program.
Contact the carrier or retail outlet where you purchased your Galaxy Note7. If you bought your Galaxy Note7 from Samsung.com visit . If you have any questions, contact us at 1-844-365-6197 and we can help you.
You can contact the carrier or retail outlet where you purchased your device. If you bought your Note7 from Samsung.com or have questions, you should contact us at 1-844-365-6197 and we can help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What was the cause of the Galaxy Note7 incidents?
Our investigation, as well as the investigations completed by three independent industry organizations, concluded that batteries were found to be the cause of the Note7 incidents. These batteries were unique to the Note7 devices.
To learn more about the cause of the Note7 incidents and to see how we’re enhancing existing processes and raising the bar with new safety tests, visit
2. What are you doing to ensure this doesn’t happen again?
We have implemented a broad range of internal quality and safety processes to further enhance product safety including additional protocols such as the multi-layer safety measures and 8-Point Battery Safety Check.
To learn more, visit
3. Is the NoteFE eligible for the U.S. Note7 Refund & Exchange Program?
No. The U.S. Note7 Refund & Exchange Program only applies to Galaxy Note7 devices. The NoteFE is not subject to recall.
4. Why won’t my Galaxy Note7 charge?
Consumer safety remains our highest priority and we’ve had overwhelming participation in the U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program. Nearly all recalled Galaxy Note7 devices have been returned.
To further increase participation, a software update has been released that prevents U.S. Galaxy Note7 devices from charging and eliminates their ability to work as mobile devices.
If you are currently using a Galaxy Note7, please power down immediately and contact your carrier to obtain a refund or exchange. If you have any questions, you should contact us at 1-844-365-6197 and we can help you.
5. Is it okay for me to continue using my Galaxy Note7?
No. Because your safety is important to us, if you are currently using a Galaxy Note7, please power down immediately and participate in our U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program. If you bought your Galaxy Note7 from Samsung.com, visit . If you have any questions, you should contact us at 1-844-365-6197 and we can help you.
6. Are there any other Samsung phones impacted by the recall?
No. This recall is only related to Galaxy Note7 devices.
7. I exchanged my old Galaxy Note7 for a new Note7. Is my replacement Galaxy Note7 affected by the recall?
Yes, this does apply to all Galaxy Note7 phones. We apologize for the inconvenience.
8. How do I get a replacement for my Note7?
You can participate in our U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program. If you bought your Galaxy Note7 from Samsung.com, visit . If you have any questions, you should contact us at 1-844-365-6197 and we can help you.
9. What do I need to do with my Note7?
Because your safety is important to us, if you own a Galaxy Note7 we ask that you power it down immediately and participate in our U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program. If you bought your Galaxy Note7 from Samsung.com, visit . If you have any questions, you should contact us at 1-844-365-6197 and we can help you.
10. How do I properly return my Galaxy Note7 to Samsung?
Most consumers can replace their Galaxy Note7 through their carrier or retailer. If you are not aware of how to contact your carrier or retailer, please contact Samsung directly at 1-844-365-6197. If you purchased from Samsung.com, visit .
11. If I am shipping my device back to Samsung, carrier or retailer, how do I do it?
Because your safety is important to us, a specially designed box will be shipped to you. This packaging will allow you to
safely return your Galaxy Note7, please review the video below for specific packing instructions.
12. I’ve go will I be allowed to take my Note7 on the plane with me?
No. You will not be allowed to take your Galaxy Note7 on any flights. This includes both carry on and checked luggage. We ask that you abide by any guidance from the FAA and refer to the
for more information. Because your safety is important to us, if you own a Galaxy Note7 we ask that you power it down and exchange your Galaxy Note7 for another Samsung smartphone or receive a refund. If you bought your Galaxy Note7 from Samsung.com or have questions, please call 1-844-365-6197
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