腐蚀Amsterdam II服IP是什么

《刺客信条》创始人宣布拿回 《1666:阿姆斯特丹》IP
文章作者:Lin 发布时间:日 09:10:18
【本文系着迷网独家稿件,未经授权,禁止以任何形式转载,否则将追究法律责任】《刺客信条》系列已成为育碧如今最值钱的IP,而他的创始人Patrice Desilets,在《刺客信条》发售后离开了育碧,并加入了THQ。他开始工作于一个新的IP-1666:阿姆斯特丹(1666: Amsterdam.)  然而,命运却充满了讽刺,THQ倒闭了,把自己的版权向任何接受者兜售,幸运的是,1666的版权最终被育碧所获,Patrice
Désilets得以获得一个转机。然而最终他还是被育碧解雇,但是育碧却得以保留了1666的IP-一个沉默的IP。  现在,沉默被打破了,一个新的商标被注册了,育碧于4月13日向美国专利商标局(USPTO)申请了新的商标。而4月26号Patrice Desilets宣称他已经解决了于育碧的法律纠纷,并且育碧还回了《1666阿姆斯特丹》IP的所有权,以及对于这款游戏的开发持有创意与业务的控制。希望育碧能够和Patrice Desilets一起再创造一个佳作。
我收到一封来自UTC+01:00 阿姆斯特丹、柏林、罗马时间的邮件,内容如下:这是炸骗信息吗?My greetings to you and your family.I plead your forgiveness over my unconventional approach to you regarding this matter, it is with trust and confidence that i write to make this urgent business proposal to you, please treat it with utmost attention.My names are Mr. Franklin K. G I am a retired bank manager of Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Ltd. I do not want problems but just hope you can assist me, I write you this letter in good faith. I have a transaction of Five million two hundred and fifty thousand United States dollars ($5,250,000.00). I realized this fund from my bank excess profit after trading with the capital sum and I deposited the funds in Escrow Account, nobody will have access to it even the bank does not have access to this account because it cannot be deducted until after the transfer.However, I can not be directly getting myself connected/involved to this money transfer/transaction for obvious reasons. So i am contacting you to assist/help me receive the funds in your country, which I know is possible if you liaise properly with me and get 30% of the total funds as your benefit/commission. The transfer would be made via swift and it will be a Bank-to-Bank wired transfer. (Basically you are standing as the beneficiary to the fund)I am ill that is why am contacting you to finalize this transaction to enable me have a very good medical attention and hope to join you in your place for a business investment.All I need is for you to get a good bank account where this fund can be transferred into, and also for you to stand to claim as the original depositor of this fund so that within six working days the funds will be transferred to your designated bank account.Please note that I have been careful and have made all arrangements towards the success and smooth transfer of the fund to your account before contacting you. For security reasons and confidentiality of this transaction, I demand that you should not expose this proposal and the entire transaction to anybody. I have put in so much trust in you with the hope that you would not betray me or sit on this money when it is finally transferred into your account. If this proposal is acceptable to you, indicate your interest urgently by contacting immediately.Thanks for your understanding, co-operation and trust i awaits your urgent reply so that we can proceed immediately.Yours faithfullyMr. Franklin K. Glover.


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