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Includes 91 Steam Achievements
Title: Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord | 三国志:汉末霸业
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 26 May, 2017
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&(1) : During Early Access players will be able to experience about 80% of the game. We will listen to feedback and suggestions and then improve the game based on your input.
(2) : The game will have bugs. It will crash. There will be performance and gameplay issues. We require a huge number of test results from the community to help us to improve the game.
(3) : We are an indie team and due to the lack of funding we will need more support from Early Access participants to complete this game&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&About 12 months&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The current version is about 80% of the full game.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Currently EA version includes
Scenario: AD190,AD195,AD200,AD201,AD207
58 cities, 31 forces, 1300 officers
【Affairs】:Completed - 95%
Includes Develop, Proposal, Transport, Tech(part)
【Personnel】:Completed - 95%
Includes Employ, Search, Move, Award, Punish, Appoint, Prisoner
【Military】:Completed - 90%
Includes Deploy, Recruit, Drill, Spy
【Diplomacy 】:Completed - 80%
Includes Exchange prisoner, Union, Alliance, Present, Induce surrender
【Strategy】:Completed - 80%
Includes Alienate, Rumor, Cajole
【Sovereign】:Completed - 80%
Includes Move Capital, City Policy, Successor, Loan
【Information】:Completed - 90%
【Map】:Completed - 90%
New additions to the game:
New big map view
Multiple city control
Tavern rumor
City view with weather, different landscape
Real time deploy system on big map view
More unit classes
Steam trading cards&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&When the game is completed the price will be reviewed, it will cost more than it does now. Order now to get the best price!&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We will have conversations directly with players on the forum, we will listen all feedback and suggestions from the players and that input will effect the final game. We will also build an in-game Wiki which all players will be able to join and contribute to. A dedicated and involved community will help us to improve our game.&
Buy Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord
Downloadable Content For This Game
Recent updates
1. Improved reputation, infamy system★ Ruler and officer's reputation and infamy are effected by different tasks, events ★ Reputation and infamy causes chance of search, employ etcs 2. Added quick location on world map★ Now city, unit can be located and selected by quick location bar on the world map3. Added frequently used formation button★ Formation can be saved and use at next time4. Added Prisoner Transfer, now prisoner can be transferred between cities5. Improved scenario editor6. Improved relationship system★ Improved family Ui★ Drill, recruit together now gives increase of rapport between officers7. Improved battlefield★ Adjusted
the combo between officers and between units★Adjusted skill Rockfall8. Fixed bugs and Ui
1. Added Scenario Editor1) Main screen - edit - scenario 2) Editor includes 3 functions: create new, edit official scenario and edit created scenario
★ Create new scenario:create new scenario, you can select default general lists or modified listsSteps: Main screen - edit - scenario - new★Edit official scenario:Import the official scenario and editSteps: Main screen - edit - scenario - import★Edit created scenario:Edit the any created/imported scenario by userSteps: Main screen - edit - scenario - edit3)Added new officer: The officer editor in the scenario editor★ Edited officer lists can be saved as xxxxxx.hmg file, default folder is My Documents
★ xxx.hmg file includes official officer lists + created officer lists★ xxx.hmg can be imported to the new scenario, also can be shared to others (workshop soon...)4)Scenario folder: any created/saved scenario is stored in the Gameforlder/userstory★Scenario folder name is the name that input during creating new scenario★Scenario folder structure: generalicon folder: Officer's portrait, do not use same name as official already used (customized portrait for Modding use) generaliconsmall folder: Officer's small portrait. Must keep same name as generalicon (customized portrait for Modding use) caption folder: Scenario caption picture. It shows beside the scenario name in the scenario lists. Size:, caption.png only.readme txt: storyconfig.xml: all scenario data, please do NOT edit unless you are pro moder. storydesc.xml: scenario description,
please do NOT edit unless you are pro moder.
5)The saves from official scenario will not work in the exported official scenario, even they are same names. Exported official scenario is actually new created scenario.
2. Improved relations 1)Added family group, it shows the family member who belongs to same patriarch.★ Family lists includes anyone who related to this family, included past one.★ Now, family lists only show from patriarch's view only.2)Added notice about relation changes3)Added more effects★ If relation between officer and ruler turns to Hate or Foe, the officer will quit the force, the officer's spouse will also quit★ Child's affiliated location: the child follows father if age is under 5, the child follows ruler is age is over 5. (This is reserved for Education function for soon update)4)Improved relation interface ★ Any married female turned her patriarch to his hunsband3. Improved marriage and sworn 1)Added item requires, marriage requires jewelry, Sworn requires wine.2)Marriage and sworn gives officers chance to learn from each other, higher LV item gives better chance to learn more attributes. Sworn gives 1-5 attributes points, marriage gives 2-5 points.4. Improved Ai diplomacy 5. Improved Auto siege battle 6. Improved Ai recruit7. Fixed bugs and Ui
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About This Game
Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord is a turn-based lord-playing strategy game developed by the Chengdu Longyou Studio. The studio created this game world set in the period of the Three Kingdoms mainly based on people's opinions on other games set in that period. The game is very detailed in depicting the differences between various cities and also the abilities and features of the military officers. The game also applies an appealing battle system in which weather, landforms, and many other factors will influence the result of each battle.
The game is based on the famous Chinese historical novel
by Luo Guanzhong (about A.D. 1330 - 1400).
I. Simple and graceful graphics finished by fine-lined drawing
The portrait of every character in the game is finished by fine-lined drawing with the same style as the picture-story books &Romance of the Three Kingdoms&. All interfaces of the game are designed in a typical Chinese style.
II. The governing modes are easy to get started with:
There are easy governing modes in the game so that players can manage various affairs easily and spend more time enjoying its other facets. Due to the game's lord-playing mode, players do not need to pay much attention to cities besides their own capital. Instead, they can order prefects to govern other cities and later on give them commands when necessary.
III. A rich variety of gameplay and contents
Over 1,300 officers are available in the game (including those recorded in historical books and novels).
There are up to 30 attributes for officers.
Over 300 features of officers are available.
Over 500 kinds of verified precious items have been applied to the game world for players of different preferences to choose from.
Over 60 cities of different styles and 200 features of cities are available.
There are also abundant techs research and development items.
Its system of combat units contains three main kinds of combat units and about 20 kinds of special combat units.
Ultra abundant official positions.
Numerous simulated natural phenomena, incidents and disasters will highly represent the calamitous period of the Three Kingdoms.
Travelling around will trigger various incidents.
IV. The turn-based battle mode requires careful planning in deploying troops
Weather, landforms, and even the height of the battlefield will influence any battles in the game.
There's also a siege mechanism with a great gaming environment. There are various siege vehicles for players to storm castles and also defending their own castles.
V. Other functions
There are also other functions available in the game.
Cloud Save
Steam Cards
The achievement system allows players to collect and show off achievements
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows 7sp1 or Windows 10Processor: Intel Core2 Duo E6550 or AMD equivalent or aboveMemory: 2 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA Geforce GT440(512M)or AMD Radeon equivalent or aboveDirectX: Version 9.0Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 3 GB available space
Recommended:OS: Windows 7sp1 or Windows 10Processor: I3 or AMD equivalent or aboveMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX560se or AMD Radeon equivalent or aboveDirectX: Version 9.0Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 3 GB available space
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平台异同点讲解和手柄推荐 《怪物猎人》PC猛汉集结
被玩家戏称为冷饭大厂的卡普空(CAPCOM)手握强力IP,《怪物猎人 世界》正式开服,上架Steam和Wegame平台,其中Steam支持繁体中文,而Wegame则独占简体中文。游戏中玩家将扮演猎人去蛮荒大陆狩猎强大的怪兽,享受3A级的动作体验。其战斗严谨,难度不低,对玩家的操控需求比较高。对于初尝《怪物猎人 世界》的PC玩家,这款跨平台的动作游戏在操作上确实有些不同。
开局一人一猫,了解版本与配置提起“怪物猎人”想必熟悉掌机、主机游戏的玩家一定都不会陌生,作为一款诞生于2004年的作品在尝试了OL、X与XX的疲态后,本系列迎来了一个全新的变革。游戏一改此前的硬派共斗风格,而是力求为我们营造出一个原生态共斗狩猎体验。同时游戏也延续了此前众多经典的设定,我们每个人都是游戏中的猎人,从最开始的一穷二白不断狩猎、收集各类素材,打造全新的武器装备,以挑战更强的怪物。无论是连招、调和、捕获等狩猎技能,还是战斗中的进阶技巧,卡普空都将本系列的特点发挥到了极致。同时,游戏中经典的武器系统得以保留,从片手剑、太刀、操虫棍等近战武器到轻弩、重弩、弓箭,几乎每一种武器都有一套严密紧凑且自成体系的玩法。因此每次开始尝试一种新武器都像是在玩一款全新的游戏。各个武器在输出效率方面肯定无法做到绝对意义上的平衡,但是不论是用太刀耍帅、用狩猎笛谱曲、用操虫棍撑杆跳、还是用远程武器站在安全距离外安心地输出,都能找到那份独有的乐趣。 值4 点评-1 原创0 好价0&与主机版相比,PC版《怪物猎人 世界》有着更细致的图像选项和更快的载入速度。关于Steam与Wegame版本的异同,我们也简单总结一下:Steam版Wegame版语言繁体中文简体中文、繁体中文联网模式可离线,但依然影响存档不可离线(Wegame强制登录),强制离线的话会影响存档售价308元195元左右(近期活动价)服务器国际服,可与外国友人协作国内玩家协作,优先使用国际线路,延迟高的话自动切换至Wegame服务器互联情况不可与Wegame玩家联机不可与Steam玩家联机游戏的最低配置门槛不高(4代酷睿、GTX760以上),但想要高效满帧流畅还是需要GTX1060 6G及以上的显卡。如果游玩中遇到卡顿,则可尝试关闭垂直同步、调低或关闭环境光遮蔽、关闭立体描绘质量、调低光影设置或关闭反锯齿。推出于2017年的8代酷睿i5-8400 CPU处理器拥有6核6线程,较前代提高了的核心数带来了1.5倍的工作量提升,主频2.8GHz,缓存9MB,TDP功耗65W,需LGA 1151插槽搭载,属于中端利器。 值1 点评1 原创12 好价18规格方面,GTX 1060定位中端,搭载“帕斯卡”GP106核心,采用16nm FinFET制程工艺,内含1280 CUDA核心流处理器。GTX 1060 GAMING 6G属于标准版,有三种模式可调,Silent Mode模式维持公版水平,Gaming Mode模式默频1518 MHz、BOOST可提升至1733MHz;OC Mode超频模式下核心默频1531MHz,BOOST可加速至1716MHz。GTX 1060 GAMING X定位略高属于超频版,同样有三种模式可调,Silent Mode模式相同,Gaming Mode模式默频1569MHz、BOOST可提升至1784MHz;OC Mode超频模式下核心默频1594MHz,BOOST可加速至1809MHz,当然仍有超频潜力可挖掘。显存方面都搭载192bit位宽6GB GDRR5显存,8Gbps等效频率能够推出192.00GB/s总带宽,提供单8pin辅助供电,背后还有背板加固和辅助散热。尾部I/O扩展包括3x Display Port 1.4、HDMI 2.0b和DVI,出风口设计很特别。 值46 点评0 原创13 好价18你的狩猎小队,建议选手柄操作《怪物猎人 世界》中的按键提示会根据玩家的输入设备实时切换。比如用键盘操作就会显示对应键鼠的按键提示,换到手柄操作即可显示手柄的按键提示,不过游戏中的手柄按键提示则是ABXY,即Xbox手柄的版本。首先我们来看一下操作键位。PC键鼠PlayStation手柄Xbox手柄对应操作WASD左摇杆左摇杆移动人物鼠标移动右摇杆右摇杆移动视角ShiftL3LS冲刺跑动FR3RS锁定怪物鼠标左键三角Y普通攻击鼠标右键圆圈B采集、调查、特殊攻击E方块X使用道具、收起武器空格键XA蹲下、翻滚躲避QL1LB视角重置、快捷栏开启C、VL2LT瞄准或显示准星Q+WASD、Q+方向键L1+右摇杆、L1+方向键LB+右摇杆、LB+方向键使用快捷栏道具、切换快捷栏Q+鼠标键、方向键方向键、L1+方块方向键、LB+X选择道具《怪物猎人 世界》适配PC操作的情况还是比较棒的,数字键可以直接快捷使用道具,而主机移植作品常常存在的鼠标视角问题在本作中也消弭无踪。不过初接触《怪物猎人 世界》的PC猛汉会在本就难度颇高的战斗中遭遇不少阻力,这主要是因为键鼠操作战斗时的键位对左手灵活度有一定要求,从上方的键位表可以看出左手在键盘上需作出移动、道具、远程攻击、翻滚操作、锁定操作,战斗中很容易混乱,而右手鼠标则因为锁定怪物不需要很多操作。所以对不少玩家来说,手柄是游玩《怪物猎人 世界》的更好选择。Steam版游戏可通过Steam设置-控制器-常规控制器设置-选择手柄类型来进行适配,Wegame版游戏基本是做到即插即用。鉴于游戏实时显示的键位提示都是Xbox手柄图标,故而首推荐的还是人体工程学楷模的Xbox手柄。Xbox One S游戏主机发布的同时,微软也带来了一款增强设计的手柄,微软仍旧称其为Xbox无线手柄,但为了与初版区分,我们这里称之为Xbox One S无线手柄/控制器好了。与初版Xbox One手柄的区别是,它支持蓝牙连接,所以无需专用适配器也能用于PC,微软号称无线连接的最大距离也相比初版提升了一倍。而且和改进版的Xbox One手柄一样,底部具备一个3.5mm耳机接口,支持市面上的多数耳机,不再限于专用接口耳机。 值47 点评1 原创5 好价48Xbox Elite无线手柄采用了定制化设计,具备可替换的摇杆和方向键,凹面的凸起的、十字的圆面的,应有尽有,可根据不同的游戏进行更换。因为用磁体进行固定,所以有没有工具都可以轻松拆卸安装。除此之外,精英手柄最大的变化就是手柄背面增加了四个踏板型按键,原先握住手柄的姿势可能需要调整,你得保证不会误触它们。他们的最大作用就是利用主机内的APP进行自定义组合设计,方便高端玩家打出更厉害的动作。同时肩键和扳机键也可调节,让玩游戏再也不是一件折磨手的事情。 值266 点评2 原创12 好价49在本代的几款主机当中,Xbox One的手柄手感无疑是最好的,本款Microsoft(微软)的无线适配器能兼容USB 3.0和USB 2.0接口,可以在Windows 10环境下使用,最多同时支持8个手柄,耳机则支持最多4个聊天耳机或两个立体声耳机。有了它之后,PC玩家们也终于能够摆脱线缆的烦恼了,相信同时也能够解锁不少游戏姿势吧。此外最新驱动将支持win7、8、10三代系统。 值86 点评1 原创5 好价17&▲Win10可通过Xbox无线适配器无线游玩,Win7需要自带蓝牙才能使用无线功能喜欢PS4的玩家同样也可以选择自家手柄,在无线方面可以通过软件识别映射蓝牙连接PC。PlayStation系列手柄一直是除主机本体之外的另一大话题产品,尤其更新至第四代,手感及功能使用方面相比前面数代都有了长足的进步。全新的DUALSHOCK 4无线控制器除了蓝牙外也完全支持USB有线操控,与过去最主要的区别是在触摸板部位“开窗”可见了发光条,在一些游戏当中可以作为视觉提示等等,比如血量和异常状态等。 值56 点评1 原创0 好价19这款SONY 索尼水晶透明版 DUALSHOCK 4 手柄在外观上与普通版本无异,只是将主体的壳体材质更换为透明,网友之间已经有了不少DIY全透明主机以及手柄,可见透明外壳版本电子产品的这种若隐若现的感觉深得人心。主要壳体为透明,但按键以及摇杆等全为黑色,与其他版本的DUALSHOCK 4相同。 值6 点评0 原创0 好价0除了主机厂的手柄之外,玩家也可以选择性价比不错的第三方PC手柄,也可以获得不错的游戏体验。比如:V600S即V600的无线版,通过2.4G无线连接,10米连接范围。内置550MAh电池,官方续航20-50小时。支持安卓、PC平台使用,具有双震动马达。主体采用镜面材质,两侧柄位磨砂手感。按键布局采用Xbox方案,多设置了4颗专属快捷键来切换模式。 值0 点评0 原创0 好价0罗技F710无线游戏手柄,双震动反馈,悬浮式方向键,手感好、按键灵敏、无延迟,力反馈真实。F710支持普通模式、360模式、安卓模式(Android 4.0以上),对大部分电脑游戏、XBOX游戏都能很好的支持,据玩家反馈游戏的支持率达到90%左右。具有Profiler软件,对不支持内置游戏手柄的游戏,可以通过可编程进行自定义模仿键盘和鼠标输入。 值38 点评1 原创1 好价5联想拯救者手柄采用Xbox布局,扳机键支持调整键程,摇杆支持更换键帽,并附带了6个可更换的摇杆帽。左右握把配置了震动马达,下方也有3.5mm接口,后背有一枚编程模式键和两枚自定义编程键。 值2 点评0 原创0 好价0这款北通BTP-2185无线手柄,造型与XBOX360手柄有些雷同,握感舒适。采用2.4GHz无限连接方式,10米有效操控距离,内置550mAh的锂电池,同时配有1.5米的充电线,支持边玩边充。支持“智能刷机”功能,可自定义按键功能,兼容PC和PS3。 值57 点评1 原创4 好价18这些三方手柄不仅可以游玩《怪物猎人 世界》,同样也可以连接安卓手机设备使用,算是一举多得。不过为了一款游戏购入手柄到底值不值得?这自然还是看您游玩《怪物猎人 世界》的感受了。一直以来该款游戏就以“原生态的硬派共斗”著称,玩家每天以喂野兽为生,通过一系列的狩猎和装备加强才能变成业界猛汉,守护世界。但是PC手柄的使用范围也不局限于这款游戏,玩累了《怪物猎人 世界》也可以换换口味试试别的:《仁王》是由Koei 光荣制作的一款暗黑战国动作角色扮演游戏。作为IGN评分高达9.6分的史诗级别游戏,故事讲述了一名金发碧眼的英国船员在群雄割据的日本战国时代的舞台上,以“来自异国的能够驱鬼的武士”的身份,参与到了战国末期石田三成与德川家康的争斗中。本款游戏吸收了如《黑魂》、《忍龙》等众多游戏的趣味玩法,同时与自己独特的风格相结合,让人欲罢不能。《Nioh: Complete Edition(仁王完整版)》是融合收录游戏本篇“九州篇”~“近江篇”、3个大型更新内容“东北之龙”、“义的后继者”、“元和偃武”的完整版本。Steam版限定特典拥有装备“调节阀前立头盔”,可以在游戏中的“神社”处,选择“赐物”选项收取特典。 值3 点评0 原创0 好价5黑暗之魂3是宫崎英高制作的经典IP——魂系列的最新作品。发行商为万代南梦宫。剧情和世界观依然延续了黑魂2的设定。无论是操作手感还是画面细致程度,相比于前作都有不少的提升。魂系列的核心还在于极低容错率的战斗和地图的探索。剧情仍然是需要玩家慢慢摸索支离破碎的线索和猜测构成。在探索新大陆的过程中,不断死亡、新生。不断感受着痛苦,但是在击败精心设计的BOSS后,获得快乐和成就感仍然令人痴迷。在目前快餐化的游戏产业中,魂系列仍然代表浙对硬核游戏品质的不断追求。 值13 点评0 原创0 好价15&指路的苍蓝星为你闪烁放下运行平台之争,《怪物猎人 世界》是一款优秀的动作共斗游戏。而这款游戏自千禧年诞生后的发展史,同样也是厂家卡普空成长的传奇历程。老玩家见证了它的成长,新玩家则可以感受它带来的新鲜感与愉悦感。愿指路的苍蓝星为你闪烁,愿大家在新大陆玩的快乐。


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