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苹果手机突然跳出这段话 标题为messages logginglogging_百度知道
苹果手机突然跳出这段话 标题为messages logginglogging
标题为messages logginglogging
用了那么久 以前从来没看过logs have been successfully captured and stored in this file:message log(20:17)
是系统里面的描述文件丢失导致的, 留下QQ我教你解决
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苹果手机总是弹出messages logging是什么意思?
苹果手机总是弹出的“messages logging”是手机短信应用遇到了bug之后,正在记录消息日志的提醒。错误的日志信息会被打包成zip文件上传到苹果服务器。而这个bug同时也是ios 10系统的通病,升级之后的系统就不会出现这个bug了。
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(C) Joyslink Inc. All rights reserved 保留所有权利The Core App Design
To unleash the power of OS X, you develop apps using the Cocoa application environment. Cocoa presents the app’s user interface and integrates it tightly with the other components of the operating system. Cocoa provides an integrated suite of
object-oriented software components packaged in two core class libraries, the AppKit and Foundation
frameworks, and a number of underlying frameworks providing supporting technologies. Cocoa classes are reusable and extensible—you can use them as is or extend them for your particular requirements.
使用Cocoa应用程序环境来开发应用,以释放OS X的强大性能。Cocoa呈现应用的用户界面,并将其与操作系统的其它组件整合为一体。Cocoa通过AppKit和Foundation框架这两个核心类库来提供一套面向对象的软件组件整合套装,以及一些提供支持技术的底层框架。Cocoa类可复用、可扩展——你可以直接使用它们,也可以根据特殊需要来扩展它们。
Cocoa makes it easy to create apps that adopt all of the conventions and expose all of the power of OS X. In fact, you can create a new Cocoa application project in Xcode and, without adding any code, have a functional app. Such an app is able
to display its window (or create new documents) and implements many standard system behaviors. And although the Xcode templates provide some code to make this all happen, the amount of code they provide is minimal. Most of the behavior is provided by Cocoa
Cocoa使创建既能适应惯例、又能展现OS X能力的应用变得简单。事实上,如果在Xcode中创建一个新的Cocoa应用程序工程,几乎不用添加任何代码,就拥有了一个可用的应用。这个应用可以显示它的窗口(或创建新的文档),还能实现许多基本系统功能。为实现这些功能,尽管Xcode模板提供了一些代码,但代码的数量极少。大部分的功能是由Cocoa本身提供的。
To make a great app, you should build on the foundations Cocoa lays down for you, working with the conventions and infrastructure provided for you. To do so effectively, it's important to understand how a Cocoa app fits together.
Fundamental Design Patterns
Cocoa incorporates many design patterns in its implementation. Table 2-1 lists the key design patterns with which you should be familiar.
Table 2-1&&Fundamental design patterns used by Mac apps
表2-1 Mac应用使用的基础设计模式
Design pattern
Why it is important
Use of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern ensures that the objects you create now can be reused or updated easily in future versions of your app.
Cocoa provides most of the classes used to build your app’s controller and view layers. It is your job to customize the classes you need and provide the necessary data model objects to go with them.
MVC is central to a good design for a Cocoa application because many Cocoa technologies and architectures are based on MVC and require that your custom objects assume one of the MVC roles.
The delegation design pattern allows you to change the runtime behavior of an object without subclassing. Delegate objects conform to a specific
protocol that defines the interaction points between the delegate and the object it modifies. At specific points, the master object calls the methods of its delegate to provide it with information or
ask what to do. The delegate can then take whatever actions are appropriate.
Responder chain
The responder chain defines the relationships between event-handling objects in your app. As events arrive, the app dispatches them to the first responder object for handling. If that object does not want the event, it passes it to the next responder,
which can either handle the event or send it to its next responder, and so on up the chain.
Windows and views are the most common types of responder objects and are always the first responders for mouse events. Other types of objects, such as your app’s controller objects, may also be responders.
Controls use the target-action design pattern to notify your app of user interactions. When the user interacts with a control in a predefined way (such as by touching a button), the control sends a message (the action) to an object you specify
(the target). Upon receiving the action message, the target object can then respond in an appropriate manner.
Block objects
Block objects are a convenient way to encapsulate code and local stack variables in a form that can be executed later. Blocks are used in lieu of callback functions by many frameworks and are also used in conjunction with Grand Central Dispatch
to perform tasks asynchronously.
For more information about using blocks, see .
Notifications are used throughout Cocoa to deliver news of changes to your app. Many objects send notifications at key moments in the object’s life cycle. Intercepting these notifications gives you a chance to respond and add
custom behavior.
Key-value observing (KVO)
KVO tracks changes to a specific property of an object. When that property changes, the change generates automatic notifications for any objects that registered an interest in that property. Those observers then have a chance
to respond to the change.
Cocoa bindings provide a convenient bridge between the model, view, and controller portions of your app. You bind a view to some underlying data object (which can be static or dynamic) through one of your controllers. Changes
to the view are then automatically reflected in the data object, and vice versa.
The use of bindings is not required for apps but does minimize the amount of code you have to write. You can set up bindings programmatically or using Interface Builder.
The App Style Determines the Core Architecture
The style of your app defines which core objects you must use in its implementation. Cocoa supports the creation of both single-window and multiwindow apps. For multiwindow designs, it also provides a document architecture to help manage the
files associated with each app window. Thus, apps can have the following forms:
Single-window utility app
Single-window library-style app
Multiwindow document-based app
You should choose a basic app style early in your design process because that choice affects everything you do later. The single-window styles are preferred in many cases, especially for developers bringing apps from iOS. The single-window style
typically yields a more streamlined user experience, and it also makes it easier for your app to support a full-screen mode. However, if your app works extensively with complex documents, the multiwindow style may be preferable because it provides more document-related
infrastructure to help you implement your app.
The Calculator app provided with OS X, shown in Figure 2-1, is an example of a single-window utility app. Utility apps typically handle ephemeral data or manage system processes. Calculator does not create or deal with any documents or persistent
user data but simply processes numerical data entered by the user into the text field in its single window, displaying the results of its calculations in the same field. When the user quits the app, the data it processed is simply discarded.
OS X提供的计算机应用,如图2-1所示,是一个单一窗口实用程序应用的例子。实用程序通常处理短暂的数据或管理系统进程。计算器不创建或处理文档,也不存储用户数据,它只是在其窗口中简单地处理用户输入到文本框中的数据,并展示计算结果。当用户退出这个应用时,数据会被简单地丢弃。
Figure 2-1&&The Calculator single-window utility app
图2-1 计算器,单一窗口实用程序
Single-window, library-style (or “shoebox”) apps do handle persistent user data. One of the most prominent examples of a library-style app is iPhoto, shown in Figure 2-2. The user data handled by iPhoto are photos (and associated metadata), which
the app edits, displays, and stores. All user interaction with iPhoto happens in a single window. Although iPhoto stores its data in files, it doesn’t present the files to the user. The app presents a simplified interface so that users don’t need to manage
files in order to use the app. Instead, they work directly with their photos. Moreover, iPhoto hides its files from regular manipulation in the Finder by placing them within a single package. In addition, the app saves the user’s editing changes to disk at
appropriate times. So, users are relieved of the need to manually save, open, or close documents. This simplicity for users is one of the key advantages of the library-style app design.
Figure 2-2&&The iPhoto single-window app
图2-2 iPhoto,单一窗口应用
A good example of a multiwindow document-based app is TextEdit, which creates, displays, and edits documents containing plain or styled text and images. TextEdit does not organize or manage its documents—users do that with the Finder. Each TextEdit
document opens in its own window, multiple documents can be open at one time, and the user interacts with the frontmost document using controls in the window’s toolbar and the app’s menu bar. Figure 2-3 shows a document created by TextEdit. For more information
about the document-based app design, see Document-Based Apps Are Based on an NSDocument Subclass.
文本编辑是基于文档的多窗口应用的一个很好的例子,它创建、显示、编辑包含简易或格式化文本和图片的文档。文本编辑不组织或管理文档——用户使用Finder来组织和管理它们。每个文本编辑的文档在其自己的窗口中打开,许多文档可同时打开,用户使用窗口的工具栏、应用的菜单栏与最上方的文档进行交互。图2-3展示了一个由文本编辑创建的文档。关于基于文档的应用设计的更多信息,参考Document-Based Apps Are Based on an NSDocument
Figure 2-3&&TextEdit document window
图2-3 文本编辑文档窗口
Both single-window and multiwindow apps can present an effective full-screen mode, which provides an immersive experience that enables users to focus on their tasks without distractions. For information about full-screen mode, see
The Core Objects for All Cocoa Apps
Regardless of whether you are using a single-window or multiwindow app style, all apps use the same core set of objects. Cocoa provides the default behavior for most of these objects. You are expected to provide a certain amount of customization
of these objects to implement your app’s custom behavior.
Figure 2-4 shows the relationships among the core objects for the single-window app styles. The objects in this figure are separated according to whether they are part of the
model, view, or controller portions of the app. As you can see from the figure, the Cocoa–provided objects provide much of the controller and view layer for your app.
Figure 2-4&&Key objects in a single-window app
图2-4 单一窗口应用中的关键对象
Table 2-2 describes the roles played by the objects in the diagram.
Table 2-2&&The core objects used by all Cocoa apps
表2-2 通用核心对象
(Required) Runs the event loop and manage interactions between your app and the system. You typically use the
NSApplication class as is, putting any custom app-object-related code in your application delegate object.
Application delegate object
(Expected) A custom object that you provide which works closely with the
NSApplication object to run the app and manage the transitions between different application states.
Your application delegate object must conform to the .
应用代理对象必须遵守 。
Data model objects
Store content specific to your app. A banking app might store a database containing financial transactions, whereas a painting app might store an image object or the sequence of drawing commands that led to the creation of that image.
Window controllers
Responsible for loading and managing a single window each and coordinating with the system to handle standard window behaviors.
You subclass
to manage both the window and its contents. Each window controller is responsible for everything that happens in its window. If the contents of your window are simple, the window controller may do all of the management
itself. If your window is more complex, the window controller might use one or more view controllers to manage portions of the window.
Window objects
Represent your onscreen windows, configured in different styles depending on your app’s needs. For example, most windows have title bars and borders but you can also configure windows without those visual adornments. A window object is almost
always managed by a window controller.
An app can also have secondary windows, also known as dialogs and panels. These windows are subordinate to the current document window or, in the case of single-window apps, to the main window. They support the document or main window, for example,
allowing selection of fonts and color, allowing the selection of tools from a palette, or displaying a warning, A secondary window is often modal.
View controllers
Coordinate the loading of a single view hierarchy into your app. Use view controllers to divide up the work for managing more sophisticated window layouts. Your view controllers work together (with the window controller) to present the window
If you have developed iOS apps, be aware that AppKit view controllers play a less prominent role than UIKit view controllers. In OS X, AppKit view controllers are assistants to the window controller, which is ultimately responsible for everything
that goes in the window. The main job of an AppKit view controller is to load its view hierarchy. Everything else is custom code that you write.
如果你曾经开发过iOS应用,会发现AppKit视图控制器没有UIKit视图控制器那么重要。在OS X中,AppKit视图控制器是窗口控制器的辅助,它从根本上负责窗口中的所有事务。AppKit视图控制器的主要任务是加载其视图层次。剩余的事情就是你所写的自定义代码。
View objects
Define a rectangular region in a window, draw the contents of that region, and handle events in that region. Views can be layered on top of each other to create view hierarchies, whereby one view obscures a portion of the underlying view.
Control objects
Represent standard system controls. These view subclasses provide standard visual items such as buttons, text fields, and tables that you can use to build your user interface. Although a few controls are used as is to present visual adornments,
most work with your code is to manage user interactions with your app’s content.
Additional Core Objects for Multiwindow Apps
As opposed to a single-window app, a multiwindow app uses several windows to present its primary content. The Cocoa support for multiwindow apps is built around a document-based model implemented by a subsystem called the
document architecture. In this model, each document object manages its content, coordinates the reading and writing of that content from disk, and presents the content in a window for editing. All document objects work with the Cocoa infrastructure
to coordinate event delivery and such, but each document object is otherwise independent of its fellow document objects.
Figure 2-5 shows the relationships among the core objects of a multiwindow document-based app. Many of the same objects in this figure are identical to those used by a single-window app. The main difference is the insertion of the
objects between the application objects and the objects for managing the user interface.
Figure 2-5&&Key objects in a multiwindow document app
表2-5 多窗口文档应用关键对象
Table 2-3 describes the role of the inserted
objects. (For information about the roles of the other objects in the diagram, see
Table 2-2.)
Table 2-3&&Additional objects used by multiwindow document apps
表2-3 多窗口文档应用使用的附加对象
Document Controller object
The NSDocumentController class defines a high-level controller for creating and managing all document objects. In addition to managing documents, the document controller also manages many document-related
menu items, such as the Open Recent menu and the open and save panels.
Document object
class is the base class for implementing documents in a multiwindow app. This class acts as the controller for the data objects associated with the document. You define your own custom subclasses to manage the interactions
with your app’s data objects and to work with one or more
objects to display the document contents on the screen.
Integrating iCloud Support Into Your App
No matter how you store your app’s data, iCloud is a convenient way to make that data available to all of a user’s devices. To integrate iCloud into your app, you change where you store user files. Instead of storing them in the user’s Home folder
or in your App Sandbox container, you store them in special file system locations known as ubiquity containers. A ubiquity container serves as the local representation of corresponding iCloud storage. It is outside of your App Sandbox container, and so requires
specific entitlements for your app to interact with it.
In addition to a change in file system locations, your app design needs to acknowledge that your data model is accessible to multiple processes. The following considerations apply:
Document-based apps get iCloud support through the
class, which handles most of the interactions required to manage the on-disk file packages that represent documents.
If you implement a custom data model and manage files yourself, you must explicitly use file coordination to ensure that the changes you make are done safely and in concert with the changes made on the user’s other devices. For details, see
For storing small amounts of data in iCloud, you use key-value storage. Use key-value storage for such things as stocks or weather information, locations, bookmarks, a recent-documents list, settings and preferences, and simple game state. Every
iCloud app should take advantage of key-value storage. To interact with key-value storage, you use the shared
To learn how to adopt iCloud in your app, read .
Shoebox-Style Apps Should Not Use NSDocument
When implementing a single-window, shoebox-style (sometimes referred to as a “library” style) app, it is sometimes better not to use
NSDocument objects to manage your content. The
NSDocument class was designed specifically for use in multiwindow document apps. Instead, use custom controller objects to manage your data. Those custom controllers would then work with a view controller or your
app’s main window controller to coordinate the presentation of the data.
Although you normally use an NSDocumentController object only in multiwindow apps, you can subclass it and use it in a single-window app to coordinate the Open Recent and similar behaviors. When subclassing,
though, you must override any methods related to the creation of NSDocument objects.
Document-Based Apps Are Based on an NSDocument Subclass
Documents are containers for user data that can be stored in files and iCloud. In a document-based design, the app enables users to create and manage documents containing their data. One app typically handles multiple documents, each in its own
window, and often displays more than one document at a time. For example, a word processor provides commands to create new documents, it presents an editing environment in which the user enters text and embeds graphics into the document, it saves the document
data to disk (and, optionally, iCloud), and it provides other document-related commands, such as printing and version management. In Cocoa, the document-based app design is enabled by the document architecture, which is part of of the AppKit framework.
Documents in OS X
OS X中的文档
There are several ways to think of a document. Conceptually, a document is a container for a body of information that can be named and stored in a disk file and in iCloud. In this sense, the document is not the same as the file but is an object
in memory that owns and manages the document data. To users, the document is their information—such as text and graphics formatted on a page. Programmatically, a document is an instance of a custom
NSDocument subclass that knows how to represent internally persistent data that it can display in windows. This document object knows how to read document data from a file and create an object graph in memory for
the document data model. It also knows how to handle the user’s editing commands to modify the data model and write the document data back out to disk. So, the document object mediates between different representations of document data, as shown in Figure
Figure 2-6&&Document file, object, and data model
表2-6 文档文件、对象和数据模型
Using iCloud, documents can be shared automatically among a user’s computers and iOS devices. Changes to the document data are synchronized without user intervention. For information about iCloud, see
Integrating iCloud Support Into Your App.
使用iCloud,文档可自动在用户计算机和iOS设备之间分享。文档数据变化可自动同步,无需用户介入。关于iCloud的信息,参考Integrating iCloud Support Into Your App。
The Document Architecture Provides Many Capabilities for Free
The document-based style of app is a design choice that you should consider when you design your app. If it makes sense for your users to create multiple discrete sets of data, each of which they can edit in a graphical environment and store
in files or iCloud, then you certainly should plan to develop a document-based app.
The Cocoa document architecture provides a framework for document-based apps to do the following things:
Create new documents. The first time the user chooses to save a new document, it presents a dialog enabling the user to name and save the document in a disk file in a user-chosen location.
Open existing documents stored in files. A document-based app specifies the types of document it can read and write, as well as read-only and write-only types. It can represent the data of different types internally
and display the data appropriately. It can also close documents.
Automatically save documents. Document-based apps can adopt autosaving in place, and its documents are automatically saved at appropriate times so that the data the user sees on screen is effectively the same
as that saved on disk. Saving is done safely, so that an interrupted save operation does not leave data inconsistent.
Asynchronously read and write document data. Reading and writing are done asynchronously on a background thread, so that lengthy operations do not make the app’s user interface unresponsive. In addition, reads
and writes are coordinated using NSFilePresenter protocol and
NSFileCoordinator class to reduce version conflicts. Coordinated reads and writes reduce version conflicts both among different apps sharing document data in local storage and among different instances of an app on
different devices sharing document data via iCloud.
Manage multiple versions of documents. Autosave creates versions at regular intervals, and users can manually save a version whenever they wish. Users can browse versions and revert the document’s contents to
a chosen version using a Time Machine–like interface. The version browser is also used to resolve version conflicts from simultaneous iCloud updates.
管理文档的不同版本。自动保存定期创建新版本,用户也可根据意愿手动保存新版本。使用一个类似Time Machine的界面,用户可以浏览版本,并将文档内容转换到所选择的版本。版本浏览器也用于解决iCloud同时更新时产生的冲突。
Print documents. The print dialog and page setup dialog enable the user to choose various page layouts.
Monitor and set the document’s edited status and validate menu items. To avoid automatic saving of inadvertent changes, old files are locked from editing until explicitly unlocked by the user.
Track changes. The document manages its edited status and implements multilevel undo and redo.
Handle app and window delegation. Notifications are sent and delegate methods called at significant lifecycle events, such as when the app terminates.
for more detailed information about how to implement a document-based app.
The App Life Cycle
The app life cycle is the progress of an app from its launch through its termination. Apps can be launched by the user or the system. The user launches apps by double-clicking the app icon, using Launchpad, or opening a file whose type is currently
associated with the app. In OS X v10.7 and later, the system launches apps at user login time when it needs to restore the user’s desktop to its previous state.
应用的生命周期是一个应用从加载到终结的过程。应用可由用户或系统来加载。用户使用Launchpad,通过双击应用图标来加载应用,或打开一个类型与应用关联的文件。在OS X v10.7及之后,当系统需要恢复用户桌面到其之前状态时,会在用户登录时加载应用。
When an app is launched, the system creates a process and all of the normal system-related data structures for it. Inside the process, it creates a main thread and uses it to begin executing your app’s code. At that point, your app’s code takes
over and your app is running.
The main Function is the App Entry Point
Like any C-based app, the main entry point for a Mac app at launch time is the
main function. In a Mac app, the
main function is used only minimally. Its main job is to give control to the AppKit framework. Any new project you create in Xcode comes with a default
main function like the one shown in Listing 2-1. You should normally not need to change the implementation of this function.
Listing 2-1&&The main function of a Mac app
列表2-1 Mac应用的main函数
#import &Cocoa/Cocoa.h&
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return NSApplicationMain(argc,
(const char **) argv);
function initializes your app and prepares it to run. As part of the initialization process, this function does several things:
Creates an instance of the
class. You can access this object from anywhere in your app using the
class method.
Loads the nib file specified by the NSMainNibFile key in the
Info.plist file and instantiates all of the objects in that file. This is your app’s main nib file and should contain your application delegate and any other critical objects that must be loaded early in the launch
cycle. Any objects that are not needed at launch time should be placed in separate nib files and loaded later.
method of your application object to finish the launch cycle and begin processing events.
By the time the run method is called, the main objects of your app are loaded into memory but the app is still not fully launched. The
run method notifies the application delegate that the app is about to launch, shows the application menu bar, opens any files that were passed to the app,
does some framework housekeeping, and starts the event processing loop. All of this work occurs on the app’s main thread with one exception. Files may be opened in secondary
threads if the
class method of the corresponding
NSDocument object returns YES.
If your app preserves its user interface between launch cycles, Cocoa loads any preserved data at launch time and uses it to re-create the windows that were open the last time your app was running. For more information about how to preserve your
app’s user interface, see User Interface Preservation.
如果应用在启动周期保存了其用户界面,Cocoa会在启动时加载保存的数据,并使用它来重新创建应用最近一次运行时打开的窗口。关于如何保存应用用户界面的更多信息,参考User Interface Preservation.
The App’s Main Event Loop Drives Interactions
As the user interacts with your app, the app’s main event loop processes incoming events and dispatches them to the appropriate objects for handling. When the
object is first created, it establishes a connection with the system window server, which receives events from the underlying hardware and transfers them to the app. The app also sets up a FIFO event queue to store the
events sent to it by the window server. The main event loop is then responsible for dequeueing and processing events waiting in the queue, as shown in Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7&&The main event loop
图2-7 主事件循环
method of the NSApplication object is the workhorse of the main event loop. In a closed loop, this method executes the following steps until the app terminates:
Services window-update notifications, which results in the redrawing of any windows that are marked as “dirty.”
Dequeues an event from its internal event queue using the
method and converts the event data into an
Dispatches the event to the appropriate target object using the
method of NSApplication.
When the app dispatches an event, the
method uses the type of the event to determine the appropriate target. There are two major types of input events: key events and mouse events. Key events are sent to the key window—the window that is currently accepting
key presses. Mouse events are dispatched to the window in which the event occurred.
For mouse events, the window looks for the view in which the event occurred and dispatches the event to that object first. Views are
responder objects and are capable of responding to any type of event. If the view is a control, it typically uses the event to generate an
action message for its associated target.
The overall process for handling events is described in detail in .
Automatic and Sudden Termination of Apps Improve the User Experience
In OS X v10.7 and later, the use of the Quit command to terminate an app is diminished in favor of more user-centric techniques. Specifically, Cocoa supports two techniques that make the termination of an app transparent and fast:
在OS X v10.7及其之后,为支持更加以用户为中心的技术,使用Quit命令来结束应用的情况减少了。更确切的说,Cocoa支持两种技术,使用结束应用更加透明和迅速:
Automatic termination eliminates the need for users to quit an app. Instead, the system manages app termination transparently behind the scenes, terminating apps that are not in use to reclaim needed resources such as memory.
Sudden termination allows the system to kill an app’s process immediately without waiting for it to perform any final actions. The system uses this technique to improve the speed of operations such as logging out of, restarting, or shutting down
the computer.
Automatic termination and sudden termination are independent techniques, although both are designed to improve the user experience of app termination. Although Apple recommends that apps support both, an app can support one technique and not
the other. Apps that support both techniques can be terminated by the system without the app being involved at all. On the other hand, if an app supports sudden termination but not automatic termination, then it must be sent a Quit event, which it needs to
process without displaying any user interface dialogs.
Automatic termination transfers the job of managing processes from the user to the system, which is better equipped to handle the job. Users do not need to manage processes manually anyway. All they really need is to run apps and have those apps
available when they need them. Automatic termination makes that possible while ensuring that system performance is not adversely affected.
Apps must opt in to both automatic termination and sudden termination and implement appropriate support for them. In both cases, the app must ensure that any user data is saved well before termination can happen. And because the user does not
quit an autoterminable app, such an app should also save the state of its user interface using the built-in Cocoa support. Saving and restoring the interface state provides the user with a sense of continuity between app launches.
For information on how to support for automatic termination in your app, see
Automatic Termination. For information on how to support sudden termination, see
Sudden Termination.
关于如何支持自动结束,参考Automatic Termination。关于如何支持立即结束,参考Sudden Termination。
Support the Key Runtime Behaviors in Your Apps
No matter what style of app you are creating, there are specific behaviors that all apps should support. These behaviors are intended to help users focus on the content they are creating rather than focus on app management and other busy work
that is not part of creating their content.
Automatic Termination
Automatic termination is a feature that you must explicitly code for in your app. Declaring support for automatic termination is easy, but apps also need to work with the system to save the current state of their user interface so that it can
be restored later as needed. The system can kill the underlying process for an auto-terminable app at any time, so saving this information maintains continuity for the app. Usually, the system kills an app’s underlying process some time after the user has
closed all of the app’s windows. However, the system may also kill an app with open windows if the app is not currently on screen, perhaps because the user hid it or switched spaces.
To support automatic termination, you should do the following:
Declare your app’s support for automatic termination, either programmatically or using an
Info.plist key.
Support saving and restoring your window configurations.
Save the user’s data at appropriate times.
Single-window, library-style apps should implement strategies for saving data at appropriate checkpoints.
Multiwindow, document-based apps can use the autosaving and saveless documents capabilities in
Whenever possible, support sudden termination for your app as well.
Enabling Automatic Termination in Your App
Declaring support for automatic termination lets the system know that it should manage the actual termination of your app at appropriate times. An app has two ways to declare its support for automatic termination:
Include the NSSupportsAutomaticTermination key (with the value
YES) in the app’s Info.plist file. This sets the app’s default support status.
class to declare support for automatic termination dynamically. Use this technique to change the default support of an app that includes the
NSSupportsAutomaticTermination key in its
Info.plist file.使用类动态声明支持自动结束。使用这项技术来改变Info.plist文件中包含NSSupportsAutomaticTermination键的应用的默认支持状态。
Automatic Data-Saving Strategies Relieve the User
You should always avoid forcing the user to save changes to their data manually. Instead, implement automatic data saving. For a multiwindow app based on
NSDocument, automatic saving is as simple as overriding the
class method to return YES. For more information, see
For a single-window, library-style app, identify appropriate points in your code where any user-related changes should be saved and write those changes to disk automatically. This benefits the user by eliminating the need to think about manually
saving changes, and when done regularly, it ensures that the user does not lose much data if there is a problem.
Some appropriate times when you can save user data automatically include the following:
When the user closes the app window or quits the app ()
When the app is deactivated ()
When the user hides your app ()
Whenever the user makes a valid change to data in your app
The last item means that you have the freedom to save the user’s data at any time it makes sense to do so. For example, if the user is editing fields of a data record, you can save each field value as it is changed or you can wait and save all
fields when the user displays a new record. Making these types of incremental changes ensures that the data is always up-to-date but also requires more fine-grained management of your data model. In such an instance, Core Data can help you make the changes
more easily. For information about Core Data, see Core Data Starting Point.
最后一项意味着你有可以在任何有意义的时候保存用户数据。例如,用户编辑一条数据的多个条目,可以在每个条目变化时单独保存,也可以在用户显示下一条数据时保存全部条目。使用这种增量更改保证了数据始终是最新的,但却要求更加精细的数据模型管理。这种情况下,Core Data可帮助你更轻松的处理变动。关于Core Data的信息,参考Core Data Starting Point.
Sudden Termination
Sudden termination lets the system know that your app’s process can be killed directly without any additional involvement from your app. The benefit of supporting sudden termination is that it lets the system close apps more quickly, which is
important when the user is shutting down a computer or logging out.
An app has two ways to declare its support for sudden termination:
Include the NSSupportsSuddenTermination key (with the value
YES) in the app’s Info.plist file.
class to declare support for sudden termination dynamically. You can also use this class to change the default support of an app that includes the
NSSupportsSuddenTermination key in its
Info.plist file.使用类动态声明支持立即结束。使用这项技术来改变Info.plist文件中包含NSSupportsSuddenTermination键的应用的默认支持状态。
One solution is to declare global support for the feature globally and then manually override the behavior at appropriate times. Because sudden termination means the system can kill your app at any time after launch, you should disable it while
performing actions that might lead to data corruption if interrupted. When the action is complete, reenable the feature again.
You disable and enable sudden termination programmatically using the
methods of the NSProcessInfo class. These methods increment and decrement a counter, respectively, maintained by the process. When the value of this counter is 0,
the process is eligible for sudden termination. When the value is greater than 0, sudden termination is disabled.
Enabling and disabling sudden termination dynamically also means that your app should save data progressively and not rely solely on user actions to save important information. The best way to ensure that your app’s information is saved at appropriate
times is to support the interfaces in OS X v10.7 for saving your document and window state. Those interfaces facilitate the automatic saving of relevant user and app data. For more information about saving your user interface state, see
User Interface Preservation. For more information about saving your documents, see
Document-Based Apps Are Based on an NSDocument Subclass.
动态启用和禁用立即结束意味着应用应当循序渐进地保存数据,而不应单纯依靠用户来保存重要信息。确保应用信息在恰当的时候被保存,最好的办法是支持OS X v10.7中保存文档和窗口状态的接口。这些接口简化了自动保存用户和应用数据的任务。 有关保存用户界面状态的更多信息,参考User
Interface Preservation。有关保存文档的更多信息,参考Document-Based Apps Are Based on an NSDocument Subclass。
For additional information about enabling and disabling sudden termination, see
User Interface Preservation
The Resume feature, in OS X v10.7 and later, saves the state of your app’s windows and restores them during subsequent launches of your app. Saving the state of your windows enables you to return your app to the state it was in when the user
last used it. Use the Resume feature especially if your app supports automatic termination, which can cause your app to be terminated while it is running but hidden from the user. If your app supports automatic termination but does not preserve its interface,
the app launches into its default state. Users who only switched away from your app might think that the app crashed while it was not being used.
在OS X v10.7及其之后的恢复功能,保存应用窗口的状态,并在下次启动应用时恢复它们。保存窗口状态允许恢复应用至用户上次使用它时的状态。尽量使用恢复功能,特别是应用支持自动结束时,自动结束会导致虽然正在运行但已被用户隐藏的应用结束。如果应用支持自动结束却不保存界面,应用会以默认状态启动。仅仅是从应用切换出来的用户可能会认为它在没被使用期间崩溃了。
Writing Out the State of Your Windows and Custom Objects
You must do the following to preserve the state of your user interface:
For each window, you must set whether the window should be preserved using the
For each preserved window, you must specify an object whose job is to re-create that window at launch time.
Any objects involved in your user interface must write out the data they require to restore their state later.
At launch time, you must use the provided data to restore your objects to their previous state.
The actual process of writing out your application state to disk and restoring it later is handled by Cocoa, but you must tell Cocoa what to save. Your app’s windows are the starting point for all save operations. Cocoa iterates over all of your
app’s windows and saves data for the ones whose
method returns YES. Most windows are preserved by default, but you can change the preservation state of a window using the
In addition to preserving your windows, Cocoa saves data for most of the responder objects associated with the window. Specifically, it saves the views and window controller objects associated with the window. (For a multiwindow document-based
app, the window controller also saves data from its associated document object.) Figure 2-8 shows the path that Cocoa takes when determining which objects to save. Window objects are always the starting point, but other related objects are saved, too.
Figure 2-8&&Responder objects targeted by Cocoa for preservation
表2-8 被Cocoa设定为保存目标的响应者对象
All Cocoa window and view objects save basic information about their size and location, plus information about other attributes that might affect the way they are currently displayed. For example, a tab view saves the index of the selected tab,
and a text view saves the location and range of the current text selection. However, these responder objects do not have any inherent knowledge about your app’s data structures. Therefore, it is your responsibility to save your app’s data and any additional
information needed to restore the window to its current state. There are several places where you can write out your custom state information:
If you subclass
or , implement the
method in your subclass and use it to write out any relevant data. Alternatively, your custom
responder objects can override the
method and use it to specify key paths for any attributes to be preserved. Cocoa uses the key paths to locate and save the data for the corresponding attribute. Attributes must be compliant with
key-value coding and
Key-value observing.
If your window has a delegate object, implement the
method for the delegate and use it to store any relevant data.如果窗口拥有代理对象,实现代理的方法,使用它来保存相关数据。
In your window controller, use the encodeRestorableStateWithCoder: method to save any relevant data or configuration information.
Be judicious when deciding what data to preserve, and strive to write out the smallest amount of information that is required to reconfigure your window and associated objects. You are expected to save the actual data that the window displays
and enough information to reattach the window to the same data objects later.
Important:&Never use the user interface preservation mechanism as a way to save your app’s actual data. The archive created for interface preservation can change frequently and may be ignored altogether
if there is a problem during the restoration process. Your app data should always be saved independently in data files that are managed by your app.
For information on how to use coder objects to archive state information, see
. For additional information on what you need to do to save state in a multiwindow document-based app, see
Notifying Cocoa About Changes to Your Interface State
Whenever the preserved state of one of your responder objects changes, mark the object as dirty by calling the
method of that object. Having done so, at some point in the future,
message is sent to your responder object. Marking your responder objects as dirty lets Cocoa know that it needs to write their preservation state to disk at an appropriate time. Invalidating your objects
is a lightweight operation in itself because the data is not written to disk right away. Instead, changes are coalesced and written at key times, such as when the user switches to another app or logs out.
You should mark a responder object as dirty only for changes that are truly interface related. For example, a tab view marks itself as dirty when the user selects a different tab. However, you do not need to invalidate your window or its views
for many content-related changes, unless the content changes themselves caused the window to be associated with a completely different set of data-providing objects.
If you used the
method to declare the attributes you want to preserve, Cocoa preserves and restores the values of those attributes of your responder object. Therefore, any key paths you provide should be
key-value observing compliant and generate the appropriate notifications. For more information on how to support key-value observing in your objects, see
Restoring Your Windows and Custom Objects at Launch Time
As part of your app’s normal launch cycle, Coc}


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