peak读音是什么意思 解释peak读音一词的含义?

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n. 顶点;山;最高点;帽舌vt. 使达到最高点;使竖起vi. 消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴adj. 最高的;最大值的 态:
peaked, peaking, peaks 近义词n.limit, limitation, time period, period of time, period, degree, levelv.reach, make, attain, hit, arrive at, gain反义词解析hill 通常指小的土山、石山或浅丘。有也指高山,复数表群山。mount 常用于地名之前, 即一般放在专用名词前,书面用词。mount ain通常指比hill高陡的高山、山岳。但这种区别不是绝的,“大”与“小”常常是相。range 形成的山脉或岭。peak 指山,也可指山顶。volcano 特指主要由喷出的熔岩和火山灰堆积成的圆锥形火山。联想词pinnacle小尖塔;plateau高原;highest最高的;ascent上升;spike尖刺;intensity强烈, 剧烈;height高度;maximum极大,最大限度;apex顶点;climb攀登;summit顶点;peak value值peak load [经]最大负载peak period 波周期;尖期peak power值功率,巅值功率peak area [化]面积peak time (收听广播、收看电视的)高at the peak of 在…高期peak current值电流;电流peak stress值应力peak season 旺季peak shaving值负载抑制;高调节absorption peak 吸收;辐射吸收peak pressure值压力;巅压力;最大压力peak flow 洪;最大流量peak performance 最佳表演;最佳性能peak voltage值电压;压;最大电压peak acceleration值加速度;最大加速度值peak hour 高;peak height高peak reverse voltage 反电压;反向值电压Fancy caramel apples begin with premium Granny Smith apples at their peak of flavor.We fully enrobe each crunchy-crisp tart apple with a thick coat of warm, buttery caramel.每一个奇特的焦糖苹果都穿上了一层厚厚的暖暖的焦糖外衣。The skyey peaks are shrouded in heavy snow, the several old tall trees are leafless and branchless, which enhances the desolateness.此图绘雪突起,几棵参天的老树,枝疏叶稀同,使画面增添了萧瑟的气氛。When Hb reach the peak value, the curve of anaerobic limen moves left and there is an increase of aerobic ability.血红蛋白高,无氧阈曲线右移,有氧能力提高。Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition.运动员必须不断训练才能保持最佳竞技状态。Peak currents were recorded in HEK293 cells treated by rocuronium, vecuronium, atracurium individually using whole cell patch clamp technique.分别研究罗库溴铵、维库溴铵和阿曲库铵各药两种受体亚型的作用。In fact, from late Meiji era to early Shouwa era(1900-1950) was the peak point of the "Budo" of Japan.实际上明治后期到昭和初期是日本武道的顶点期。Cai sunlighting peak tells a reporter, he is in Fair of first net goods is photogenic medium business of acting industry of head of two home appliance.蔡昱告诉记者,他在首届网货交易会上相中了两家电脑代工企业。According to the results of the temperature dependencies of the intensity, linewidth and resonance field, we conclude that the peak at T(subscript M2) is a transition of antiferromagnetism.通过铁磁共振线的强度、线宽和共振场与温度依赖关系的讨论,我们得出T(下标M2)附近的应着体系的反铁磁转变。The peaks of localized energy states were separated from the detrapping current curves by means of poling temperature scanning method.通过热释电极化温度扫描法分离出解俘获电流贡献的各局域能级。All-dielectric multi-cavity filter: high transmittance of the peak, well-rectangularity, deep cut-off spectrum.全介质多腔滤光片,值透过率高,矩形化好,截止深。Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined.这失恋的人一天天地憔悴下去。The external inspirator is available to drive the resonator to produce traveling wave.Under resonant frequency the distortion of resonator reached a peak.外激励的驱动方式可以使扁环型谐振管产生有效的行波分量,在谐振频率下,谐振管腔的综合变形量最大。That peak is dominant over all other hills.那个山俯瞰群山。Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!让自由之声响彻加利福尼亚州的婀娜群!Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature.山顶上升气流强度随速矢端迹曲率加大稍有加强。Put forward the theory about the apparent hathochromic or hypsochromic shift on absorption peak caused by the constructive and the destructive interferences.提出相长干扰和相消干扰引起吸收波长表观红移或紫移的理论,并全面探讨吸收波长移动的原因、影响及不良后果的消除方法。Lifting in the peak of Montmartre, Sacre Coeur represented a perfect combination of the Byzantinesque and rectilineal architectural style.矗立在蒙玛特高地,圣心教堂代表了拜占庭和哥特式建筑风格的完美结合。Peak concentrations and gradients for gentamicin aried considerably between animals, likely resulting from ariations in round window membrane permeability and rates of perilymph flow.庆大霉素的值浓度和浓度梯度在动物之的差异相当的大,这可能是由圆窗膜通透性的不同和外淋巴液流动率的不同所导致的。A lone condor soared above the Andean peaks.一只孤独无伴的大秃鹫翱翔在安第斯山的上空。The recovered hydrogenate has more impurity, so a new purification method was usedwhichsettl-ed the tail peak problem in finished Doxycycline Hyclate.采用向盐酸多西环素精制母液中加5-磺基水杨酸和水的方法,从精制母液中回收出氢化物,并确定了最佳配比。声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。显示所有包含 peak 的英语例句译}

2022-09-09 22:30/
09 09
Hi大家好,欢迎来到MIA的英文课堂。说到“早晚高峰”大家可能会想,那就是交通拥堵呗,那就可以说traffic jam呗。确实是赌,但是你想表达早、晚这个高峰用traffic jam 还差那么点意思。那可能有同学就说啦,那就traffic jam in the morning行了吧!行了,别猜了,我们还是好好说说如何精准的表达“早晚高峰”吧首先我们要学习一个词组Rush Hour【含义】英英释义:a period of the day when the demands especially of traffic or business are at a peak.一天中尤指交通或商业需求达到峰值的时间段。所以早晚高峰大家就可以说1. 早高峰Morning rush hour 或者 rush hour in the morning2. 晚高峰Evening rush hour 或者 rush hour in the eveningWanna see some examples?【例】What time does morning rush hour span in Beijing?北京早高峰是几点到几点啊?Sorry I'm late. I got caught in the evening rush hour. 对不起我迟到了,晚高峰堵车了。【Let's Talk】Do you always get caugh in rush hour? What do you do to avoid rush hour? For me, I travel between work and home by bike :p What about you? Leave a comment.关注【跟MIA轻松学英语】碎片时间轻松学英文图片来自网络,如有不妥请联系删除


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