
nginx url 重写NGINX rewrite rules are used to change entire or a part of the URL requested by a client. The main motive for changing an URL is to inform the clients that the resources they are looking for have changed its location apart from controlling the flow of executing pages in NGINX. NGINX重写规则用于更改客户端请求的全部或部分URL。 更改URL的主要动机是告知客户端,他们所寻找的资源已经改变了其位置,除了控制NGINX中执行页面的流程。 The return and rewrite directives in NGINX are used to rewrite URL. Both the directives perform the same function of rewriting URL. However, the rewrite directive is more powerful than the return directive since complex rewriting that requires parsing of URL can be done with rewrite directive only. NGINX中的return和rewrite指令用于重写URL。 这两个指令执行重写URL的相同功能。 但是,rewrite指令比return指令功能更强大,因为仅需使用rewrite指令才能完成需要URL解析的复杂重写。 In this tutorial, we will explore how both return and rewrite directives are used in NGINX to change or rewrite the URL. 在本教程中,我们将探讨如何在NGINX中同时使用return和rewrite指令来更改或重写URL。
NGINX返回指令 (NGINX Return directive)The easiest and cleaner way to rewrite an URL can be done by using the return directive. The return directive must be declared in the server or location context by specifying the URL to be redirected. 可以使用return指令来完成最简单,更简洁的URL重写方法。 必须通过指定要重定向的URL在server或位置上下文中声明return指令。
1.服务器上下文中的NGINX Return指令 (1. NGINX Return directive in Server context)The return directive in server context is very useful in a situation where you have migrated your site to a new domain and you want to redirect all old URLs to the new domain. 在服务器上下文中的return指令在将站点迁移到新域并且要将所有旧URL重定向到新域的情况下非常有用。 Further, it also helps in canonicalization of URL by forcing your site to redirect to either www or non-www version. 此外,它还通过强制您的网站重定向到www或非www版本来帮助规范URL。 server {
listen 80;
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
}The return directive in the above server context redirect URL destined to site to As soon as NGINX receives an URL with, it stops processing the page and sends a 301 response code along with rewritten URL to the client. 上述服务器上下文中的return指令将目的地为网站 URL重定向到 。 NGINX一旦收到www.olddomain.com的URL,就会停止处理页面,并向客户端发送301响应代码以及重写的URL。 The two variables used in the above return directive are $scheme and $request_uri. The variable $scheme is used to define scheme of the URL (http or https) and the variable $request_uri contains complete URI with parameters if any. Remember both the variable fetches this information from input URL while rewriting the URL. 上面的return指令中使用的两个变量是$scheme和$request_uri 。 变量$scheme用于定义URL的方案(http或https),变量$request_uri包含带有参数的完整URI(如果有)。 请记住,在重写URL时,两个变量都将从输入URL中获取此信息。
2. Location上下文中的return指令 (2. Return directive in Location context)In some situation, you may want to redirect pages instead of redirecting domains. The return directive inside the location block enables you to redirect specific pages to a new location. 在某些情况下,您可能希望重定向页面而不是重定向域。 通过location块内的return指令,您可以将特定页面重定向到新位置。 location = /tutorial/learning-nginx {
return 301 $scheme://
}In the above example, whenever a request URI matches exactly with pattern /tutorial/learning-nginx, NGINX will redirect the same to the new location 在上面的示例中,只要请求URI与/tutorial/learning-nginx模式完全匹配,NGINX就会将其重定向到新位置 You can also redirect everything for a specific path to a new location. The following example shows how to redirect all pages those falls under /tutorial to 您还可以将特定路径的所有内容重定向到新位置。 以下示例显示了如何将/tutorial下的所有页面重定向到 。 location /tutorial {
return 301 $scheme://
} NGINX重写指令 (NGINX Rewrite directive)We can also use rewrite directive to rewrite URL in NGINX. Like return directive, rewrite directive can also be placed in server context as well as in location context. 我们还可以使用rewrite指令在NGINX中重写URL。 像return指令一样,rewrite指令也可以放置在服务器上下文以及位置上下文中。 The rewrite directive can perform complicated distinctions between URLs and fetch elements from the original URL that don’t have corresponding NGINX variables thereby making it more useful than return directive. rewrite指令可以在URL之间进行复杂的区分,并从原始URL中获取没有相应NGINX变量的元素,从而使其比return指令更有用。 The syntax of rewrite directive is: 重写指令的语法为: rewrite regex replacement-url [flag];regex: The PCRE based regular expression that will be used to match against incoming request URI. regex :基于PCRE的正则表达式,将用于与传入请求URI匹配。 replacement-url: If the regular expression matches against the requested URI then the replacement string is used to change the requested URI. replace-url :如果正则表达式与请求的URI匹配,则使用替换字符串更改请求的URI。 flag: The value of flag decides if any more processing of rewrite directive is needed or not. flag : flag的值决定是否需要对rewrite指令进行更多处理。 Remember, The rewrite directive can return only code 301 or 302. To return other codes, you need to include a return directive explicitly after the rewrite directive 请记住,rewrite指令只能返回代码301或302。要返回其他代码,您需要在rewrite指令之后显式包括一个return指令。
NGINX Rewrite指令示例 (NGINX Rewrite directive examples)Let us quickly check few rewrite rules to get you started with it starting from rewriting a simple html page to another URL: 让我们快速检查一些重写规则,以从简单的html页面重写为另一个URL开始:
1.重写静态页面 (1. Rewrite static page)Consider a scenario where you want to rewrite an URL for a page say to The rewrite directive to do the same is given in the following location block. 考虑一种情况,您想要将一个URL重写为到 。 以下位置块中给出了执行相同操作的重写指令。 server {
location = /nginx-tutorial
rewrite ^/nginx-tutorial?$ /somePage.html break;
}Explanation: 说明: The location directive location = /nginx-tutorial tells us that the location block will only match with an URL containing the exact prefix which is /nginx-tutorial. location指令location = /nginx-tutorial告诉我们,location块将只与包含确切前缀/nginx-tutorial的URL匹配。 The NGINX will look for the pattern ^/nginx-tutorial?$ in the requested URL. NGINX将在请求的URL中查找模式^/nginx-tutorial?$ 。 To define the pattern, the characters ^,? and $ are used and have special meaning. 要定义模式,请使用字符^,?。 和$被使用并具有特殊含义。 ^ represents the beginning of the string to be matched. ^表示要匹配的字符串的开头。 $ represents the end of the string to be matched. $表示要匹配的字符串的结尾。 ? represents non greedy modifier. Non greedy modifier will stop searching for pattern once a match have been found. ? 表示非贪婪修饰符。 一旦找到匹配项,非贪婪修饰符将停止搜索模式。 If the requested URI contains the above pattern then somePage.html will be used as a replacement. 如果请求的URI包含上述模式,则将使用somePage.html进行替换。 Since the rewrite rule ends with a break, the rewriting also stops, but the rewritten request is not passed to another location. 由于重写规则以中断结尾,因此重写也将停止,但是重写的请求不会传递到另一个位置。
2.重写动态页面 (2. Rewrite dynamic page)Now consider a dynamic page where the dynamic part is id=11(userid). We want the URL to be rewritten to If you have 10 users then there is a need of 10 rewrite rules for every users if you follow the last method of rewriting URLs. 现在考虑一个动态页面 ,其中动态部分为id=11(userid) 。 我们希望将该URL重写为 。 如果您有10个用户,则按照最后一种重写URL的方法,每个用户都需要10个重写规则。 Instead, It is possible to capture elements of the URL in variables and use them to construct a single rewrite rule that will take care of all the dynamic pages. 取而代之的是,可以捕获变量中URL的元素,并使用它们来构造单个重写规则,该规则将处理所有动态页面。 server {
location = /user.php
rewrite user.php?id=$1 ^user/([0-9]+)/?$ break;
}Explanation: 说明: The location directive location = /user tells NGINX to match the location block with an URL containing the exact prefix which is /user. location指令location = /user告诉NGINX将location块与包含确切前缀/user的URL进行匹配。 The NGINX will look for the pattern ^user/([0-9]+)/?$ in the requested URL. NGINX将在请求的URL中查找模式^user/([0-9]+)/?$ 。 The regular expression within square bracket [0-9]+ contains a range of characters between 0 and 9. The + sign signifies matching one or more of the preceding characters. Without the + sign, the above regular expression will match with only 1 character like 5 or 8 but not with 25 or 44. 方括号[0-9] +中的正则表达式包含0到9之间的一系列字符。+号表示匹配前面的一个或多个字符。 如果没有+号,则上述正则表达式将仅与1个字符(如5或8)匹配,而与25或44不匹配。 The parenthesis ( ) in the regular expression refers to the back-reference. The $1 in the replacement URL user.php?id=$1 refers to this back-reference. 正则表达式中的括号()表示反向引用。 替换URL user.php?id=$1引用此反向引用。 For example, if is the input URL then the user id 24 will match with the range in the back-reference resulting in the following substitution: 例如,如果是输入URL,则用户ID 24将与反向引用中的范围匹配,从而导致以下替换:
3.高级URL重写 (3. Advance URL Rewriting)Let us proceed with another example where we want the URL to be rewritten to Unlike previous rewrite rule, The dynamic part of the URL user_name=john now contains range of alphabetic characters. The rewrite rule for this scenario is given below: 让我们继续另一个需要URL的例子重写为 。 与以前的重写规则不同,URL user_name=john的动态部分现在包含字母字符范围。 下面给出了此方案的重写规则: server {
location = /user.php
rewrite user.php?user_name=$1 ^user/login/([a-z]+)/?$ break;
}Explanation: 说明: The location directive location = /user/login/john tells NGINX to match the location block with an URL containing the exact prefix which is /user/login/john. location指令location = /user/login/john告诉NGINX将location块与包含/user/login/john的确切前缀的URL进行匹配。 The NGINX will look for the pattern ^user/login/([a-z]+)/?$ in the requested URL. NGINX将在请求的URL中查找模式^user/login/([az]+)/?$ 。 The regular expression within square bracket [a-z]+ contains range of characters between a to z. The + sign signifies matching one or more of the preceding characters. Without + sign, the above regular expression will match with only 1 character like a or c but not with john or doe. 方括号[az] +中的正则表达式包含a到z之间的字符范围。 +号表示匹配前面的一个或多个字符。 如果没有+号,则上述正则表达式将仅与1个字符(如a或c)匹配,而与john或doe不匹配。 The parenthesis ( ) in the regular expression refers to the back-reference. The $1 in the replacement URL user.php?user_name=$1 refers to this back-reference. 正则表达式中的括号()表示反向引用。 替换URL user.php?user_name=$1引用此反向引用。 For example, if the input URL is then the user name “john” will match with the range in the back-reference resulting in the following substitution: 例如,如果输入URL为则用户名“ john”将与反向引用中的范围匹配,从而导致以下替换:
4.用多个反向引用重写 (4. Rewrite with multiple back reference)In this example, we will also find out how to rewrite an URL by using multiple backreferences. Let us assume the input URL is and we want to rewrite the URL to 在此示例中,我们还将找到如何通过使用多个反向引用来重写URL。 让我们假设输入URL是并且我们想将该URL重写为 。 If you closely look at the input URL, it starts with /tutorial, and somewhere later in the path the string wordpress needs to be replaced with string cms. Further, a file extension (php) also needs to be appended at the end of the filename. 如果您仔细查看输入URL,它以/tutorial开头,然后在路径中的某处以后,字符串wordpress需要替换为字符串cms。 此外,还需要在文件名的末尾附加文件扩展名(php)。 The rewrite rule for this scenario is given below: 下面给出了此方案的重写规则: server {
location /tutorial
rewrite ^(/tutorial/.*)/wordpress/(\w+)\.?.*$ $1/cms/$2.php last;
}Explanation: 说明:
The first back reference ^(/tutorial/.*) in the regular expression used to match any input URL starting with /tutorial/foo 正则表达式中的第一个后向引用^(/tutorial/.*)用于匹配以/tutorial/foo开头的任何输入URL
The second back reference (\w+) is used to capture the file name only without extension. 第二个后向引用(\w+)仅用于捕获文件名而没有扩展名。
The above two back references are used in the replacement URL using $1 and $2 以上两个反向引用在替换URL中使用$ 1和$ 2
The last keyword instructs NGINX to stop parsing of more rewrite conditions, even on the next location match ! 最后一个关键字指示NGINX停止解析更多的重写条件,即使在下一个位置匹配时也是如此!
摘要 (Summary)You can now rewrite URL using either rewrite or return directive. The rewrite examples used in this tutorial are simple and easy to understand. You can now proceed with writing more complex rewrite rules! 现在,您可以使用rewrite或return指令重写URL。 本教程中使用的重写示例简单易懂。 您现在可以继续编写更复杂的重写规则!
nginx url 重写}
Nginx URL重写(rewrite)配置及信息详解URL重写有利于网站首选域的确定,对于同一资源页面多条路径的301重定向有助于URL权重的集中Nginx URL重写(rewrite)介绍和apache等web服务软件一样,rewrite的组要功能是实现RUL地址的重定向。Nginx的rewrite功能需要PCRE软件的支持,即通过perl兼容正则表达式语句进行规则匹配的。默认参数编译nginx就会支持rewrite的模块,但是也必须要PCRE的支持rewrite是实现URL重写的关键指令,根据regex(正则表达式)部分内容,重定向到replacement,结尾是flag标记。
rewrite语法格式及参数语法说明如下:rewrite [flag];关键字
flag标记说明:last #本条规则匹配完成后,继续向下匹配新的location URI规则break #本条规则匹配完成即终止,不再匹配后面的任何规则redirect #返回302临时重定向,浏览器地址会显示跳转后的URL地址permanent #返回301永久重定向,浏览器地址栏会显示跳转后的URL地址rewrite参数的标签段位置:server,location,if例子:rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;说明:rewrite为固定关键字,表示开始进行rewrite匹配规则regex部分是 ^/(.*) ,这是一个正则表达式,匹配完整的域名和后面的路径地址replacement部分是$1 $1,是取自regex部分()里的内容。匹配成功后跳转到的URL。flag部分 permanent表示永久301重定向标记,即跳转到新的$1 地址上regex 常用正则表达式说明字符描述\将后面接着的字符标记为一个特殊字符或一个原义字符或一个向后引用。如“\n”匹配一个换行符,而“$”则匹配“$”^匹配输入字符串的起始位置$匹配输入字符串的结束位置匹配前面的字符零次或多次。如“ol*”能匹配“o”及“ol”、“oll”匹配前面的字符一次或多次。如“ol+”能匹配“ol”及“oll”、“oll”,但不能匹配“o”?匹配前面的字符零次或一次,例如“do(es)?”能匹配“do”或者“does”,"?“等效于”{0,1}".匹配除“\n”之外的任何单个字符,若要匹配包括“\n”在内的任意字符,请使用诸如“[.\n]”之类的模式。(pattern)匹配括号内pattern并可以在后面获取对应的匹配,常用$0…$9属性获取小括号中的匹配内容,要匹配圆括号字符需要(Content)rewrite 企业应用场景Nginx的rewrite功能在企业里应用非常广泛:u 可以调整用户浏览的URL,看起来更规范,合乎开发及产品人员的需求。u 为了让搜索引擎搜录网站内容及用户体验更好,企业会将动态URL地址伪装成静态地址提供服务。u 网址换新域名后,让旧的访问跳转到新的域名上。例如,访问京东的360buy.com会跳转到jd.comu 根据特殊变量、目录、客户端的信息进行URL调整等Nginx配置rewrite过程介绍(1)创建rewrite语句vi conf/vhost/编辑虚拟主机配置文件文件内容server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
}server {
listen 80;
location / {
root /data/www/www;
index index.html index.htm;
logs/ error;
}或者server {
listen 80;
if ( $host != ''
) {
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
location / {
root /data/www/www;
index index.html index.htm;
logs/ error;
}(2)重启服务确认无误便可重启,操作如下:nginx -t#结果显示ok和success没问题便可重启nginx -s reload(3)查看跳转效果打开浏览器访问abc.com页面打开后,URL地址栏的abc.com变成了说明URL重写成功。}


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