
常听人说:良言一句三冬暖。如果说在这寒冷的冬天里,还有什么比暖气更能温暖一个人的心,我想大概只有一句温情的告白吧。〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃正如一句“我想你”,表达方式不同却往往更能表达一个人的心意。下面这20个英语句子,虽然表达的都是“我想你”,但却是有着各自不同的魅力,一起来感受下。1. I can’t stop thinking about you.2. I can’t wait to see you again.3. When will I see you again?4. I hope I see you again soon.5. I feel sad without you.6. All I do is think of you.7. I wish you were here.8. I’m counting down the days.9. I’m counting the days until I see you again.10. Your picture makes me smile.11. I think of you night and day.12. I was thinking about you and it made me smile.13. I’ve been thinking of you.14. You have been running through my head all night.15. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.16. I think about you all the time.17. I smile when I think of the time we spent together.18. I miss you so much it hurts.19. I can’t work because all I do is think of you.20. I can’t sleep because I have been thinking of you so much.深情的话语,会如一股暖流,流淌在心田,给与彼此温暖,这些表达你都get到了吗,快去说给你喜欢的人听吧。LineWowEnglish点击今日所有文章即可免费领取一对一体验课完成阅读后,扫码加小姐姐微信领取课程吧线话英语,您的英语学习好帮手}

{@each tagList as item}
我一定会想你的I would certainly want your希望对你能有所帮助。
本回答被网友采纳我一定会想你的I would certainly want your}

{@each tagList as item}
说我想你了英文有哪些   说我想你了英文有哪些,在某些情况下,“我想你”这个短语似乎太弱了。它没有捕捉到那种因缺乏真爱或不管你怎么称呼它而造成的混乱和轻微灾难的感觉。那么说我想你了英文有哪些呢?   说我想你了英文有哪些1   1. I can’t stop thinking about you.(我无法停止对你的思念)   2. I can’t wait to see you again.(我等不及要再见到你了)   3. When will I see you again?(我什么时候能再见到你)   4. I hope I see you again soon.(我希望不久能再见到你)   5. I feel sad without you.(没有你我很难过)   6. All I do is think of you.(我所做的.一切就是想你)   7. I wish you were here.(我希望你在这里)   8. I’m counting down the days.(我在倒计时)   9. I’m counting the days until I see you again.(我在数日子,直到再见到你)   10. Your picture makes me smile.(你的照片使我微笑)   11. I think of you night and day.(我日夜思念着你)   说我想你了英文有哪些2    1、think of
  例句:I have been terribly thinking of you since our last meet。   自上次见面后,我一直在疯狂地想着你。    2、yearn much toward,“yearn”基本意思是“渴望”,衍伸为思念某人
  例句:I yearns much toward my friends。   我好想念我的好朋友。    3、heart ache for someone
  例句:Her heart ached for her husband。   她心里一直惦记着她的丈夫。    4、languish for,“languish”基本意思是“憔悴”,衍伸为“因思念而哀愁”
  例句:The mother languished for the sight of her daughter。   母亲苦苦地渴望见到自己的女儿。    5、sigh for
  “sigh”基本意思是“叹息”,指无意识地陷入强烈的渴望、思念等情绪   例句:The old man sighed for the good old days。   老人非常想念过去的美好日子。}


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