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展开全部这本小说开始在盖茨黑德音乐厅,命名为“简爱”是一个10岁的孤儿与她的母亲兄弟的家庭生活。他的兄弟,姓里德,去世后不久,采用简。夫人萨拉·里德和他们的三个孩子(约翰·伊丽莎,乔治安娜),忽视和虐待的简,他的妻子,他们怨恨里德先生的喜好,在他们中间的小孤儿。此外,他们不喜欢“简氏相貌平平,性格安静而又充满激情的。小说开始,年轻的约翰·里德欺凌简,不必要的暴力报复。在随后的战斗中,简被指责里德太太有两个仆人拖了她,并把她锁在“红房间”,未使用的室中,里德先生去世。仍然锁定在那天晚上,简看见一盏灯,恐慌,认为她的叔叔鬼来了。她的尖叫声振奋的房子,但里 德太太,她只是锁定了一个较长的一段时间。简有一个合适的,晕了过去。一个医生,劳埃德先生来到盖茨黑德音乐厅和建议简去上学。先生 布罗克赫斯特是一个寒冷的,残酷的,自以为是的,非常虚伪的牧师运行罗沃德学校是一所慈善学校。他接受简在他的学校的学生,但她被激怒时,里德太太告诉他,虚假的,她是个骗子。布罗克赫斯特先生离开后,简直言不讳地告诉里德太太,她是如何恨里德一家。里德太太,所以震惊的是,她几乎能够响应,匆忙离开客厅。简却发现了在罗沃德严峻的生活。谭惠珠寺,年轻的院长,是公正和善良,但另一位老师,斯卡查德小姐,是酸的,辱骂性的。布罗克赫斯特先生,参观学校进行视察,简放在一个高大的大便前的整个组合。然后,他告诉他们说:“这个女孩,这个孩子,出生于一个基督教的土地不如许多小异教徒剑圣这个女孩说,它的前祈祷梵天,跪是一个骗子!” 当天晚些时候,坦普尔小姐简说在她自己的防御。简这样做后,坦普尔小姐写入Lloyd先生。他的回答同意与简氏防务周刊“,布罗克赫斯特先生的指控,她被清除。先生 布罗克赫斯特挪用学校的资金,以支持他的家庭的奢侈的生活方式,一边假惺惺地传福音给别人的匮乏和贫穷的教义。作为一个结果,,罗沃德的80名学生必须做的冷室,可怜的餐点和薄衣服,而他的家庭生活的舒适性。从斑疹伤寒流行只觉学校的大部分生病。简是一个学生,海伦,谁接受斯卡查德小姐的残酷和学校的不足之处,被动的尊严,实践基督教的教导,把另一边脸颊留下深刻的印象。简钦佩和喜欢温柔的海伦和他们成为最好的朋友,但,Jane不能把自己模仿她的朋友的行为。斑疹伤寒肆虐的同时,海伦去世消费在简的武器。许多模具斑疹伤寒流行,布罗克赫斯特先生的忽视和不诚实的行为被戳穿。一些丰富和善良的人捐一个更健康的位置,提出了一个新的校舍。新的规则,并在饮食和服装的改进。布罗克赫斯特先生虽然是不容忽视的,由于他的财富和家庭关系,新人们带来了分享他的司库和检查的职责,并在学校的条件显着改善。叙事8年后恢复。简老师在罗沃德两年,但她渴望一个更美好,更光明的未来。她作为一个教师,并聘请了费尔法克斯太太爱丽丝,哥特式庄园的管家,桑菲尔德,教而不是被宠坏的,但和蔼可亲的法国小女孩叫阿黛尔瓦伦广告。几个月后她在桑菲尔德到来,简散步,有助于一个骑马的人已下降。他是粗鲁的她,称她为一个巫婆,但她帮助他在马背上仍然。在她的回归到桑菲尔德,简发现,骑马的是她的雇主,爱德华·罗切斯特先生,比她年长近二十年的丑陋,穆迪还精彩,充满激情,拜伦,和有魅力的绅士。阿黛勒是他的病房。罗切斯特与简似乎很。他一再召唤她到他的存在,并与她举行会谈。阿黛勒,他说,是法国歌剧歌手,席琳的时间,谁是他的情妇的私生女,但他怀疑阿黛勒是他的女儿。当天晚上,简听见令人毛骨悚然的笑声从走廊传来,打开门时,发现浓烟正从罗切斯特的房间。她冲进他的房间,发现他的床窗帘起火和douses用水,节约罗切斯特的生活。罗切斯特说,一个名为格雷斯·普尔的妇女有威严的仆人,是责任,但不开除她,和她没有任何迹象表明,自责或内疚。Jane是惊讶和困惑。但到了这个时候,罗切斯特和简都在深爱着对方,虽然他们没有表现出来。的火灾事故后不久,罗切斯特先生离开桑菲尔德,据说到大陆。他与党的高档女士们,先生们,包括布兰奇英格拉姆小姐,一个美丽而浅的社交名媛,他似乎是求爱意外返回。党被中断时,一个奇怪的老吉普赛女人到来,并坚持告诉大家的命运。简氏轮到时,吉卜赛人告诉她了很多关于她的生活和感情的问题,和她的感情走向罗切斯特多简的惊喜。然后吉普赛显示“自己”是罗切斯特变相那天晚上,一个刺耳的尖叫声唤醒每个人都在家里后,罗切斯特先生,简参加一个受伤的客户,有一定的帮助,一个英俊的理查德梅森先生但平 静的英国人从西印度群岛。梅森先生已被刺伤和咬伤的手臂,和外科医生来,,偷偷扫他走。同样,罗切斯特暗示,格雷斯·普尔负责。简接收字,里德太太,一听到领导功耗和债务的生活后,她的儿子约翰的明显的自杀,遭受了近致死性卒中,并要求她。所以,简返回到盖茨黑德,在那里她遇到了她的表兄弟伊丽莎和乔治亚娜。伊丽莎已经成为自以为是。乔治安娜很佩服她的美貌,在伦敦的一个或两个赛季前,已变得丰满,索然无味,总是抱怨她的恋情与主埃德温·维尔。伊丽莎,是出于嫉妒,妨碍了他们的婚姻。两姐妹互相看不起,都只能勉强说话了,虽然她拒绝了简的和解努力,里德太太给简的信,她以前隐瞒泄愤。这封信是由珍妮的父亲的弟弟,约翰爱,他的意图通知她,她离开他的财富在他的死亡。里德太太去世的夜晚,没有人哀悼她。伊丽莎进入一个修道院,在法国,乔治安娜旅行到伦敦,最后嫁给一个富有的,但陈旧的社会的人。关于一两个星期后,简氏返回桑菲尔德,简,经过数月的隐瞒她的情绪,激烈地宣称她的爱爱德华,谁反过来热烈地向她求婚。经过一个月的求婚,简氏的预言时出现的一个奇怪的,野蛮的女人偷偷进入她的房间一个晚上,撕裂她的婚纱,在2。再次,罗切斯特属性的事件格雷斯·普尔。但婚礼继续。但在仪式在教堂,神秘的梅森先生和律师迈步向前,并宣布罗切斯特不能和珍结婚,因为自己的妻子还活着。罗切斯特痛苦地讽刺地承认了这一事实,并解释说,他的妻子是一个暴力的疯女人,他 一直被囚禁在阁楼上,格雷斯·普尔照顾她。但是,格雷斯·普尔imbibes的杜松子酒的过分,偶尔的疯女人逃跑的机会。这是罗切斯特的疯妻子是谁负责的怪事发生在桑菲尔德。,罗切斯特近重婚,并保持这个事实,从“简爱。婚礼取消,简很伤心。早在他的书房里,罗切斯特进一步解释。“当我离开大学的时候,我被送到了牙买加,拥护已经替我的新娘,我的父亲说,只字不提她的钱,但他告诉我,她的美丽的西班牙城梅森小姐吹嘘,这是不说谎。我发现她是个女人,布兰奇英格拉姆的风格:高大,皮肤黝黑,雍容华贵。她家里也希望把我弄到手,因为我是一个很好的比赛,和她一样。他们把她带到我的当事人,打扮得漂漂亮亮,我很少看到她一个人,很少同她私下交谈。她恭维我,我很高兴她的魅力和取得的成就和华丽显示,在她的圈子里似乎所有的男人都佩服她,羡慕我,我被冲昏了头脑刺激:我的感觉是兴奋,是无知的,原始的,和没有经验的,我想我爱她,有没有这么糊涂愚蠢的白痴竞争的社会,淫乱,不躁,失明的青年,不会着急一个人的佣金。她的亲戚们怂恿我;竞争对手激起了我,她勾引我,婚事就差不多,我才知道我在哪里。哦, 我有我自己不尊重时,我认为这种行为!的痛苦向内自我鄙视我,我从来没有爱过,我从来不尊敬,我不知道她的,我不知道她天性中存在一种美德有显着:我既没有看到谦逊,仁慈,也没有看到坦诚,也没有她的细化内心或举止和,我结婚她:-总值,卑躬屈膝,摩尔的眼睛笨的,我是!“ 然而,他不知道,伯莎的家庭成员携带一个遗传性静脉的疯狂在他们的基因,特别是妇女屈从于它。罗切斯特认为伯莎的母亲已经死了,其实她被囚禁在收容所里,由于她疯狂。同样的疾病影响了她的祖母,和一个弟弟,谁是弱智。当伯莎成为公开的疯狂,罗切斯特巩固了她在桑菲尔德离去了损耗(但不放荡)在欧洲的生活。罗切斯特然后询问珍陪他到法国南部,在那里他们将作为丈夫和妻子的生活,即使他们不能结婚。但是,尽管她仍然爱他,简拒绝背叛上帝赋予的道德和原则,她始终相信英寸“他说话时我的良心和理智都背叛了我,指控我犯罪的反抗。他们的发言几乎一样响亮的感觉,嚷嚷着疯狂。“哦,遵守!”它说,“想想他的痛苦,认为他的危险,看他的状态时,单独留在家中;记住他轻率性质;考虑的鲁莽行为后,绝望,安慰他,拯救他,爱他,告诉他你爱他,而且是他的。在世界上,谁关心你?或者会伤着谁,你做什么?“ 仍然不屈不挠的回说:“我关心我自己。更孤独,更寂寞,无助,我,我会尊重自己。我会继续神所赐的法律,由人批准。,我会坚持我的原则,我是理智的,而不是疯了,因为我现在时。法规和准则不适合时代时,有没有诱惑他们,因为这是为这样的时刻,当肉体和灵魂起来抗拒它的严厉和苛刻严厉的是,他们不可侵犯的,他们应。如果在我个人的方便,我可能会破坏他们,这将是他们的价值呢?它们是有价值的,所以我一直认为,如果我现在都不敢相信,那是因为我很疯狂,很疯狂:我的血管里燃烧着火,我的心脏跳得更快了,不是我可以依靠的跳动。原有的想法和以往的决心,是我在这个时候站在那里,我种下我的脚。“ 但她不相信自己拒绝第二次在夜深人静的时候,她滑出了桑菲尔德,并采取了教练很远的英格兰北部。当她的钱了,她睡在户外沼地上的,不情愿地乞求食物。一天晚上,冻结和饥饿,她去沼泽居(或沼泽完)请求帮助。圣。·里弗斯,谁住在房子里,年轻的牧师承认她的。简,谁给的假姓埃利奥特,圣约翰和他的两个样姐妹,戴安娜和玛丽的照顾下,迅速 恢复。圣约翰安排简简教的女孩在顿村的一所慈善学校,在校期间,观察到的相互作用的圣约翰,感冒和严厉的人,但一个真正虔诚的基督徒,罗莎蒙德。奥利弗,一个美丽的,但愚蠢的年轻女继承人,简来相信,这两个在恋爱中,并大胆地这么说的圣约翰圣约翰承认他的爱,但表示,罗莎蒙德将一个传教士的妻子,他打算成为一个最不适合。一个大雪纷飞的夜晚,圣约翰意外地到达在简的小屋。怀疑简的真实身份,他涉及简的经验,在桑菲尔德说,她的叔叔,约翰爱,已经死了和左珍他的财富20,000英镑。承认她的真实身份后,简编分享她的继承权的Riverses,变成是她的表兄妹。不久,圣约翰决定前往印度,并把自己的一生传教工作,他要求简做他的妻子陪他。简同意去到印度,但坚决拒绝嫁给他,因为他们不爱。圣约翰是不喜欢布罗克赫斯特先生的残忍和虚伪,但他不尊重别人的感受时,他们用自己的冲突。他继续压简嫁给他,和他的性格泼辣,几乎使她投降,但在那一刻,她听到她认为罗切斯特的声音喊她的名字,这一点让她的实力完全拒绝圣约翰。第二 天,珍妮的教练桑菲尔德,但只有发黑的废墟躺在那里的manorhouse一次站。旅店 老板告诉简,罗切斯特的疯妻子集火,然后从屋顶跳下自杀。罗切斯特获救的仆人,从熊熊燃烧的屋子,但失去了一个手和他的视力,在这个过程中,他现在住在一个孤立的庄园,叫做芬丁。要芬丁,简与罗切斯特团聚。起初,他怕她会拒绝嫁给一个瞎子瘸子,但简毫不犹豫地接受他。从十年的制高点上,简介绍了他们的婚姻生活作为幸福的,
我知道什么它是向生活完全为和什么我爱最好的地球上。我保持自己无比神圣的,神圣的超越用语言来表述,因为我是我丈夫的生命为完全因为他是我的。没有一个女人是以往任何时候都更接近她的队友比我:以往任何时候都更绝对骨他的骨头,和肉的肉。我知道没有疲倦的我的爱德华的社会:他知道没有我的,比我们每个人都做的在我们各自的胸前跳动的心脏的脉动,因此,我们永远在一起。在一起是对我们来说是一次在孤独中,公司是同性恋。我们说的,我相信,整天互相交谈,但赋予他一个更多的动画和声音思维。我的信心,他的信心是专门给我的,我们恰恰适合性格完美的和谐的结果。(第三十八章)同时,圣约翰已经走了到印度作为一个传教士。在小说里,珍妮写道,“我知道,一个陌生人的手会写我的未来,说,在这又良善又忠心的仆人已被称为在长到他的主的喜悦“(第三十八章)。因此,在圣约翰的死亡可能会暗示,这是从来没有明确说明。罗切斯特最终恢复了一只眼的视力,在婴儿出生时,可以看到他们的第一个出生的儿子。我知道它是什么,完全和我所爱的地球上生活。我认为自己享有神圣的无法用语言来表达,因为我是我丈夫的生命,充分,因为他是我的。没有一个女人是以往任何时候都更接近她的队友比我以往任何时候都更绝骨他的骨头,肉的肉。我不知道我的爱德华社会厌学的:他知道我没有,任何超过我们每个人做的 ,在我们各自的胸前跳动的心脏的脉动,因此,我们永远在一起。在一起,对我们来说是一次在孤独中,公司是同性恋。我相信,我们说的,整天:互相交谈,但更多的动画和声音思维。对他赋予我的信心,他的信心是专门给我,我们恰恰适合性格完美的和谐的结果。(第三十八章)同时,圣约翰已经把印度作为一个传教士。在小说里,珍妮写道,“我知道一个陌生人的手写信给我旁边,说,这又良善又忠心的仆人,被称为长成的喜悦,他的主”(第三十八章)。因此,在圣约翰的死亡可能会暗示,这是从来没有明确说明。罗切斯特最终恢复视力的一只眼睛,在婴儿出生时,可以看到他们的第一个出生的儿子。我知道它是什么,完全和我所爱的地球上生活。我认为自己享有神圣的无法用语言来表达,因为我是我丈夫的生命,充分,因为他是我的。没有一个女人是以往任何时候都更接近她的队友比我以往任何时候都更绝骨他的骨头,肉的肉。我不知道我的爱德华社会厌学的:他知道我没有,任何超过我们每个人做的 ,在我们各自的胸前跳动的心脏的脉动,因此,我们永远在一起。在一起,对我们来说是一次在孤独中,公司是同性恋。我相信,我们说的,整天:互相交谈,但更多的动画和声音思维。对他赋予我的信心,他的信心是专门给我,我们恰恰适合性格完美的和谐的结果。(第三十八章)同时,圣约翰已经把印度作为一个传教士。在小说里,珍妮写道,“我知道一个陌生人的手写信给我旁边,说,这又良善又忠心的仆人,被称为长成的喜悦,他的主”(第三十八章)。因此,在圣约翰的死亡可能会暗示,这是从来没有明确说明。罗切斯特最终恢复视力的一只眼睛,在婴儿出生时,可以看到他们的第一个出生的儿子。已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论
只有英文的,行吗?The novel begins in Gateshead Hall, where a ten-year-old orphan named Jane Eyre is living with her mother's brother's family. The brother, surnamed Reed, dies shortly after adopting Jane. His wife, Mrs. Sarah Reed, and their three children (John, Eliza and Georgiana) neglect and abuse Jane, for they resent Mr. Reed's preference for the little orphan in their midst. In addition, they dislike Jane's plain looks and quiet yet passionate character. The novel begins with young John Reed bullying Jane, who retaliates with unwanted violence. Jane is blamed for the ensuing fight, and Mrs. Reed has two servants drag her off and lock her up in the "red-room", the unused chamber in which Mr. Reed died. Still locked in that night, Jane sees a light and panics, thinking that her uncle's ghost has come. Her scream rouses the house, but Mrs. Reed just locks her up for a longer period of time. Then Jane has a fit and passes out. A doctor, Mr. Lloyd, comes to Gateshead Hall and suggests that Jane go to school.Mr. Brocklehurst is a cold, cruel, self-righteous, and highly hypocritical clergyman who runs a charity school called Lowood Institution. He accepts Jane as a pupil in his school, but she is infuriated when Mrs. Reed tells him, falsely, that she is a liar. After Brocklehurst departs, Jane bluntly tells Mrs. Reed how she hates the Reed family. Mrs. Reed, so shocked that she is scarcely capable of responding, leaves the drawing room in haste.Jane finds life at Lowood grim. Miss Maria Temple, the youthful superintendent, is just and kind, but another teacher, Miss Scatcherd, is sour and abusive. Mr. Brocklehurst, visiting the school for an inspection, has Jane placed on a tall stool before the entire assemblage. He then tells them that "...this girl, this child, the native of a Christian land, worse than many a little heathen who says its prayers to Brahma and kneels before Juggernaut—this girl is—a liar!"Later that day, Miss Temple allows Jane to speak in her own defense. After Jane does so, Miss Temple writes to Mr. Lloyd. His reply agrees with Jane's, and she is cleared of Mr. Brocklehurst's accusation.Mr. Brocklehurst embezzles the school's funds to support his family's luxurious lifestyle while hypocritically preaching to others a doctrine of privation and poverty. As a result, Lowood's eighty pupils must make do with cold rooms, poor meals and thin garments whilst his family lives in comfort. The majority become sick from a typhus epidemic that strikes the school.Jane is impressed with one pupil, Helen Burns, who accepts Miss Scatcherd's cruelty and the school's deficiencies with passive dignity, practicing the Christian teaching of turning the other cheek. Jane admires and loves the gentle Helen and they become best friends, but Jane cannot bring herself to emulate her friend's behaviour. While the typhus epidemic is raging, Helen dies of consumption in Jane's arms.Many die in the typhus epidemic, and Mr. Brocklehurst's neglect and dishonesty are laid bare. Several rich and kindly people donate to put up a new school building in a more healthful location. New rules are made, and improvements in diet and clothing are introduced. Though Mr. Brocklehurst cannot be overlooked, due to his wealth and family connections, new people are brought in to share his duties of treasurer and inspector, and conditions improve dramatically at the school.The narrative resumes eight years later. Jane has been a teacher at Lowood for two years, but she thirsts for a better and brighter future. She advertises as a governess and is hired by Mrs. Alice Fairfax, housekeeper of the Gothic manor, Thornfield, to teach a rather spoiled but amiable little French girl named Adèle Varens. A few months after her arrival at Thornfield, Jane goes for a walk and aids a horseman who has taken a fall. He is rude to her and calls her a witch, but she helps him back on the horse nonetheless. On her return to Thornfield, Jane discovers that the horseman is her employer, Mr. Edward Rochester, an ugly, moody yet wonderful, passionate, Byronic, and charismatic gentleman nearly twenty years older than she. Adèle is his ward.Rochester seems quite taken with Jane. He repeatedly summons her to his presence and talks with her. Adèle, he says, is the illegitimate daughter of a French opera singer, Celine, who was his mistress for a time, though he doubts Adèle is his daughter. That same night, Jane hears eerie laughter coming from the hallway and, upon opening the door, sees smoke coming from Rochester's chamber. Rushing into his room, she finds his bed curtains ablaze and douses them with water, saving Rochester's life. Rochester says a matronly servant named Grace Poole is responsible but does not fire her, and she shows no signs of remorse or guilt. Jane is amazed and perplexed. But by this time, Rochester and Jane are in love with each other, although they do not show it.Soon after the fire incident, Mr. Rochester departs Thornfield, reportedly to the Continent. He returns unexpectedly with a party of high-class ladies and gentlemen, including Miss Blanche Ingram, a beautiful but shallow socialite whom he seems to be courting. The party is interrupted when a strange old gypsy woman arrives and insists on telling everyone's fortunes. When Jane's turn comes, the gypsy tells her a great deal about her life and feelings, and questions her sentiments toward Rochester, much to Jane's surprise. Then the gypsy reveals "herself" to be Rochester in disguise.That night, after a piercing scream wakes everyone in the house, Mr. Rochester comes to Jane for help in attending to a wounded guest, a certain Mr. Richard Mason, a handsome yet placid Englishman from the West Indies. Mr. Mason has been stabbed and bitten in the arm, and a surgeon comes and secretly whisks him away. Again, Rochester hints that Grace Poole is responsible.Jane receives word that Mrs. Reed, upon hearing of her son John's apparent suicide after leading a life of dissipation and debt, has suffered a near-fatal stroke and is asking for her. So Jane returns to Gateshead, where she encounters her cousins Eliza and Georgiana Reed. Eliza has become self-righteous. Georgiana, much admired for her beauty in London a season or two ago, has become plump and vapid, always moaning about her love affair with Lord Edwin Vere. Eliza, out of envy, had prevented their marriage. The two sisters despise each other and are barely on speaking terms.Although she rejects Jane's efforts at reconciliation, Mrs. Reed gives Jane a letter that she had previously withheld out of spite. The letter is from Jane's father's brother, John Eyre, notifying her of his intent to leave her his fortune upon his death. Mrs. Reed dies in the night, and no one mourns her. Eliza enters a convent in France, and Georgiana travels to London, eventually marrying a wealthy but worn-out society man.About a fortnight after Jane's return to Thornfield, Jane, after months of concealing her emotions, vehemently proclaims her love for Edward, who in turn passionately proposes to her. Following a month of courtship, Jane's forebodings arise when a strange, savage-looking woman sneaks into her room one night and rips her wedding veil in two. Yet again, Rochester attributes the incident to Grace Poole.The wedding goes ahead nevertheless. But during the ceremony in the church, the mysterious Mr. Mason and a lawyer step forth and declare that Rochester cannot marry Jane because his own wife is still alive. Rochester bitterly and sarcastically admits this fact, explaining that his wife is a violent madwoman whom he keeps imprisoned in the attic, where Grace Poole looks after her. But Grace Poole imbibes gin immoderately, occasionally giving the madwoman an opportunity to escape. It is Rochester's mad wife who is responsible for the strange events at Thornfield. Rochester nearly committed bigamy, and kept this fact from Jane. The wedding is cancelled, and Jane is heartbroken.Back in his library, Rochester explains further. "When I left college, I was sent out to Jamaica, to espouse a bride already courted for me. My father said nothing about her money; but he told me Miss Mason was the boast of Spanish Town for her beauty: and this was no lie. I found her a fine woman, in the style of Blanche Ingram: tall, dark, and majestic. Her family wished to secure me because I was of a good race; and so did she. They showed her to me in parties, splendidly dressed. I seldom saw her alone, and had very little private conversation with her. She flattered me, and lavishly displayed for my pleasure her charms and accomplishments. All the men in her circle seemed to admire her and envy me. I was dazzled, stimulated: my senses were excited; and being ignorant, raw, and inexperienced, I thought I loved her. There is no folly so besotted that the idiotic rivalries of society, the prurience, the rashness, the blindness of youth, will not hurry a man to its commission. Her relatives encouraged me; competitors piqued me; she allured me: a marriage was achieved almost before I knew where I was. Oh, I have no respect for myself when I think of that act!—an agony of inward contempt masters me. I never loved, I never esteemed, I did not even know her. I was not sure of the existence of one virtue in her nature: I had marked neither modesty, nor benevolence, nor candour, nor refinement in her mind or manners—and, I married her:—gross, grovelling, mole-eyed blockhead that I was!"However, he was not aware that the members of Bertha's family carry a hereditary vein of madness in their genes, with women in particular succumbing to it. Rochester assumed that Bertha's mother was dead when really she was locked away in an asylum due to her madness. The same illness affected her grandmother, and a younger brother who was all but mentally retarded. When Bertha became openly insane, Rochester secured her in Thornfield and departed for a life of dissipation (but not debauchery) in Europe.Rochester then asks Jane to accompany him to the south of France, where they will live as husband and wife, even though they cannot be married. But though she still loves him, Jane refuses to betray the God-given morals and principles she has always believed in."...while he spoke my very conscience and reason turned traitors against me, and charged me with crime in resisting him. They spoke almost as loud as Feeling: and that clamoured wildly. "Oh, comply!" it said. "Think of his misery; think of his danger—look at his state when left alone; remember his headlong nature; consider the recklessness following on despair—soothe him; save him; love him; tell him you love him and will be his. Who in the world cares for you? or who will be injured by what you do?"Still indomitable was the reply—"I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself. I will keep the law given by God; sanctioned by man. I will hold to the principles received by me when I was sane, and not mad—as I am now. Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour; stringent are they; inviolate they shall be. If at my individual convenience I might break them, what would be their worth? They have a worth—so I have always believed; and if I cannot believe it now, it is because I am insane—quite insane: with my veins running fire, and my heart beating faster than I can count its throbs. Preconceived opinions, foregone determinations, are all I have at this hour to stand by: there I plant my foot."But she does not trust herself to refuse a second time. In the dead of night, she slips out of Thornfield and takes a coach far away to the north of England. When her money gives out, she sleeps outdoors on the moor and reluctantly begs for food. One night, freezing and starving, she comes to Moor House (or Marsh End) and begs for help. St. John Rivers, the young clergyman who lives in the house, admits her.Jane, who gives the false surname of Elliott, quickly recovers under the care of St. John and his two kind sisters, Diana and Mary. St. John arranges for Jane to teach a charity school for girls in the village of Morton. At the school, Jane observes the interactions of St. John, a cold and stern man but a truly devout Christian, and Rosamond Oliver, a beautiful but silly young heiress. Jane comes to believe that the two are in love, and boldly says so to St John. St. John confesses his love but says that Rosamond would make a most unsuitable wife for a missionary, which he intends to become.One snowy night, St. John unexpectedly arrives at Jane's cottage. Suspecting Jane's true identity, he relates Jane's experiences at Thornfield and says that her uncle, John Eyre, has died and left Jane his fortune of 20,000 pounds. After confessing her true identity, Jane arranges to share her inheritance with the Riverses, who turn out to be her cousins.Not long afterwards, St. John decides to travel to India and devote his life to missionary work. He asks Jane to accompany him as his wife. Jane consents to go to India but adamantly refuses to marry him because they are not in love. St. John is not cruel or hypocritical like Mr. Brocklehurst, but he does not respect other people's feelings when they conflict with his own. He continues to pressure Jane to marry him, and his forceful personality almost causes her to capitulate. But at that moment she hears what she thinks is Rochester's voice calling her name, and this gives her the strength to reject St. John completely.The next day, Jane takes a coach to Thornfield. But only blackened ruins lie where the manorhouse once stood. An innkeeper tells Jane that Rochester's mad wife set the fire and then committed suicide by jumping from the roof. Rochester rescued the servants from the burning mansion but lost a hand and his eyesight in the process. He now lives in an isolated manor house called Ferndean. Going to Ferndean, Jane reunites with Rochester. At first, he fears that she will refuse to marry a blind cripple, but Jane accepts him without hesitation.Speaking from the vantage point of ten years, Jane describes their married life as blissful.I know what it is to live entirely for and with what I love best on earth. I hold myself supremely blest—blest beyond what language can express; because I am my husband’s life as fully as he is mine. No woman was ever nearer to her mate than I am: ever more absolutely bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. I know no weariness of my Edward’s society: he knows none of mine, any more than we each do of the pulsation of the heart that beats in our separate bosoms; consequently, we are ever together. To be together is for us to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company. We talk, I believe, all day long: to talk to each other is but a more animated and an audible thinking. All my confidence is bestowed on him, all his confidence is devoted to me; we are precisely suited in character—perfect concord is the result. (Chapter XXXVIII)Meanwhile, St John has gone to India as a missionary. In the novel, Jane writes, "I know that a stranger's hand will write to me next, to say that the good and faithful servant has been called at length into the joy of his Lord" (Chapter XXXVIII). Therefore, while St John's death may be implied, it is never clearly stated.Rochester eventually recovers sight in one eye, and can see their first-born son when the baby is born.


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