GlobalBalance 是什么易宝支付是什么方式 ?

The world's shifting economic center of gravity. Black dots represent movement from its 1980 mid-Atlantic position to the present. Red dots are forward projections to 2049.
Sometime in 2010 China became the world's second-largest economy, along the way overtaking Japan, Germany, the UK, France, and all the rest of Western Europe. Today, the economic strength of China is exceeded only by that of the US. By some accounts China today already consumes half the world's output of refined aluminum, coal, and uses twice as much crude steel as the EU, the US, and Japan combined. India, the only other billion-people nation on the planet, has launched itself on a similar growth path, after a half-century of moribund quiescence. These two giant economies are now growing at a pace previously recorded only in easier-to-ignore, special-case, tiny Far East Asian island nations. The emergence of the East has, in the last three decades, yanked the world's economic center of gravity nearly 5000 km from its 1980 mid-Atlantic location, eastwards past Helsinki and Bucharest, onto a trajectory aimed squarely at India and China.
What do I mean by the world's economic center of gravity?
Because the Earth is curved, a straight line connecting New York City and London plunges deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean. The half-way point on this line is desolate and miserable: it is cold, wet, and hundreds of miles beneath the waves of the Atlantic. If you were to rise straight up to the surface from that depth, there would be absolutely nothing around but thousands of miles of water in every direction.
Since New York generates higher income than London, the midway point doesn't accurately represent the economic activity of the two cities combined: The economic center of gravity shades towards New York, moving west proportionally to the extent New York's income exceeds London's.
If you add in a third point, to account, say, for the income being generated in Shanghai, the triangle of cities – New York, London, Shanghai – would have an economic center of gravity somewhere between the three, pulled with varying strength between each of the triangle's vertices depending on the incomes in each of them.
If you then add into the mix all 700 locations on the planet individually identifiable as urban agglomerations and rural centres, you would have the world economic center of gravity.
Since incomes and populations change over time, so too the world economic center of gravity shifts about on Earth. To visualize this on a map, it is convenient to "float" the center of gravity towards the planet's surface: This produces the map above.
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Get more fromWorld Sustainability Organization | A Global Balance of Societies, Environment & Economies
Green Planet Forum, Shanghai_\!/
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2015 is, in the eyes of many, the last chance to get our leaders to agree on treating the planet as our only, single, ONE shared home.
China’s Silk RoadMap to PARIS 2015
3 Finger Challenge and Opportunity for Chinese people throughout China as they live a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) in their daily lives, especially on 3 Finger Wednesday, when we SMILE ~ CHANGE ~ UNPLUG_\!/
( Find out how you can benefit from the Silk RoadMap to PARIS )
Over the next 9 months, The Peace Plus One – World Sustainability Project will be encouraging citizens from around the world to UPLOAD their “3 Finger Signature Photo” (a Selfie showing the 3 Finger Sustainability Symbol) to their favourite social media or photo management service, adding the simple tag “#3FingerW” … these photos will be searched, found and born into a new light at the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris, France in December 2015.
BECOME Part Of the Solution – Be Part Of the TEAM –
Here are some of the MANY TEAMS waiting for your help_\!/
3FC=3 Finger Challenge 三指挑战
LCP=Low Carbon Panda 低碳熊猫
LCD=Low Carbon Duck 低碳鸭子
LOHHAS=Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability 乐活的生活方式(健康,快乐,和可持续性)
WSP= World Sustainability Project 世界可持续发展项目
PPO-WSP= Peace Plus One – World Sustainability Project 和平加一 – 世界可持续发展项目
WSO=World Sustainability Organization 世界可持续发展组织
UN=United Nations 联合国
和平加一 – 世界可持续发展项目–百度 人力资源团队– (PPO-WSP-BAIDU HR Team)
首席设计团队– (Chief Design Team)
故事团队– (STORY TEAM)
出版团队– (Publishing Team)
商业产品设计和制作团队– (Commercial Merchandise Design and Production Team)
美术团队– (Fine Art Team)
联合国联络团队– (UNITED NATIONS Liaison Team)
名人联络团队 (CELEBRITY Liaison Team)
活动团队– (Event Team)
LOHHAS选美活动团队– (LOHHAS Beauty Pageant Team)
朋友大篷车路演团队– (Caravan Of Friends ROAD SHOW Team)
关爱传送带团队– (Carousel Of Care Team)
网络团队– (Web Team)
社交媒体团队– (Social Media Team)
O2O社交活动团队– (O2O Social Activity Team)
视频团队– (Video Team)
– (Photo Team)
学校联络团队– (School Contact Team)
大学联络团队– (University Contact Team)
资金筹募团队– (Fundraising Team)
公关/公民服务团队– (Public Relations / Citizen Service Team)
商业验证团队– (Commercial Validation Team)
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It’s been a long winter of recovery, and my sincere thanks goes to the many, many people who helped me get through the ordeal. Friends and even some strangers helped me with food, cookers, warmers, sweaters, kettles and funds to get though a cold dreary winter, alone here in Beijing.
I’m still resting in bed most days, but I can walk without the need of canes again, and my frustrated mind finally has a chance to return to my normal inquisitive, adventurous behaviour – getting out to meet in person the many people who are interested in the WSO-WSP and work on the next phase of the “Peace Plus One – World Sustainability Project”.
Our next big push is starting this month – March – and in preparation, conversation and negotiations, people have been asking me to describe what I’ve been doing here in China over the years.. so I often suggest they search “3FingerW” or just have a look at some randomly chosen articles and project proposals below:
How China Saved the World –
“SEE THE T” – Converting Street Fashion Billboards to Models Of Sustainability_\!/
ARTICLE by Joseph Christian – Giving the 3 Fingered Salute
– ARTICLE “Join the Fun Peace Plus One”
ARTICLE – “Peace Plus One” – Describes “3 Finger Wednesday”
REVIEW of Philip McMaster, Speaker, Peace Plus One – World Sustainability Project
Miss LOHHAS (formerly Miss LOHAS) & Models Of Sustainability
2 Page Center Spread in Global Times Newspaper “Giving Beijing the Green Finger”
China Daily Articles
ARTICLE in Chinese Press “Spirit Of Bethune”
Canadian Newspaper
From China Radio
Philip McMaster is principal researcher and co-founder of the McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce, helping stakeholders from community, government and business to profit from holistic participation in larger, meaningful solutions.
Known in China as Da Long (“big dragon”), Philip developed the “Dragonpreneur” framework of ethical and sustainable “Entrepreneurship with Chinese Characteristics” while teaching MBA students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The “Peace Plus One – World Sustainability Project” was further developed while he worked at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in an effort to stimulate the adoption of Three Way Thinking and the development of an Ecological Civilization through Individual Social Responsibility and ethical self-branding.
Philip is a regular speaker about “3 Finger Day” (or 3 Finger Wednesdays) at meetings of all levels, from informal chats with community groups and university students to higher municipal, provincial and state level conferences and forums. Every Wednesday we are encouraged to “THiNK SUSTAINABLY” and Enjoy our Lives More by moving toward a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS).
In November 2009, Philip spoke about “Peace Plus One” and the 3 Finger Philosophy at the Forum on Green Development at the Great Hall of the People, and in February 2010 he appeared in one of China’s top business magazines “Sino-Foreign Management” speaking about the challenges and opportunities for Chinese business in adapting to a Low Carbon Society, Environment and Economy.”
Biographies, Events and Activities, Philip McMaster, co-founder, Principal Researcher, World Sustainability Project, World Sustainability Organization.
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Physically BROKEN and hardly able to walk, the guiding spirit of the World Sustainability Organization, co-founder Philip McMaster, continues to promote LOHHAS – a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability to the crowds at the Great Wall Forest Music Festival north of Beijing, China.
“it’s ALL about BALANCE”
Sharing the 3 Finger Sustainability Symbol and meanings behind it, McMaster encouraged festival participants to remember 3 Finger Wednesday activities and introduced a new FUN-raising (fundraising) campaign called: “it’s ALL about BALANCE” ().
it’s ALL about BALANCE is a personal challenge from the co-founder of the World Sustainability Project – someone who is losing their ability to walk, (let alone balance,) for YOU to show and tell the world how YOU balance your:
Physical Lifestyle
Mental Attitude / Lifestyle
Social Activities / Lifestyle
to achieve Peace, Balance and Harmony_\!/
“it’s ALL about BALANCE” follows naturally in the wake of world wide interest and participation in the Ice Bucket Challenge, but with a focus and intention of long-term, meaningful change, personal transformation and engagement in the sustainable principles shared by the World Sustainability Project.
If you would like to become “Part Of the Solution” and participate in the early development of this challenge, please
injured co-founder Philip McMaster (DaLong) and promoting the World Sustainability Project at
OR just go ahead and create your own < , make a video and post it for the world to see..
3 Finger Balance
If you seek a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability, the key ingredient and foundation is BALANCE.
In a short video,
&#8211; Be Creative_\!/ Share with your friends the meaning of 3 Fingers while YOU do a BALANCING ACT.
&#8211; Be Your Best_\!/
Tell the world YOUR story of how YOU are growing a more balanced life.
&#8211; CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS_\!/ to show their best BALANCING SKILLS*..
*But STAY SAFE, stay on the ground, and don&#8217;t encourage BALANCING ACTS that could hurt yourself or anyone around you.
We change the world by changing ourselves.
The world is not for you, and it&#8217;s not against you &#8211; it&#8217;s neutral and balanced.
The world becomes what you make it into.
Desperately Seeking Sustainability
The concept of balancing our physical, mental and social lives is central to all healthy cultures and philosophies around the world ,
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[NOTE: NOT POSTED YESTERDAY, BECAUSE it became PSD Day for me. (AKA: Prevention of Serious Deterioration or Post Stress Disorder) .. I severely cut back on my online activity.]
3 Finger Wednesday, February 26th I&#8217;m on Personal Shutdown Day (like a sick day, but instead, I&#8217;m being MADE sick)&#8230;
It happens to be 3 Finger Wedneday this time, but in this case it is the expression of my personal RIGHT and OBLIGATION to enact a BAN ON MY OWN ACTIVITY and PARTICIPATION IN THE CURRENT ECONOMY any day where my individual Carbon Footprint is making it worse for everyone.
Inspired by the role model of my friend Greg, who has courageously made the decision to cancel his meetings and shut down his business affairs so as not to continue being Part Of the Problem (POP), I am following his NOBLE EXAMPLE, to become Part Of the Solution (POS), and shift focus today from the destabilizing pursuit of money, to caring about Society (People) and our Environment (Planet).
Make your own SELFISH decision&#8230; your HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND SUSTAINABILITY (LOHHAS) or another day working to make the 1% even richer?
Take a holiday from this madness today: travel to the
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Love People? Love the Planet?
website for more details&#8230;
&#8230; and START RIGHT NOW to send your 3 Finger Photo ( with the Selfie3 below) so people can ADMIRE YOU ;-)_\!/
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Become Part Of the Solution: TAKE ACTION &#8211; SIGN UP_\!/
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Recent Posts
more 3 Finger Photos from around the World (SEE MORE? Reload the page)请问20% T&#47;T, 80% balance payment是什么付款方式?_百度知道
请问20% T&#47;T, 80% balance payment是什么付款方式?
20% T/T, 80% balance payment是指货款总额的20%用电汇方式预付,但在这里80%的余款(balance payment)并没有说是用什么方式支付。
这是预付款的支付方式, 先20%的货款预付,80%的balance payment(结余款项)待货到付清


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