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There's nothing to it. Post pictures of your drop bar equipped 29er.
If you like bikes with drops, there are a few threads on MTBR to peruse, but there's no Drop-Bar MTB thread on the 29er board that I can find. Lets start one.
If you ride off-road in the hooks, post your ride up here! If you'd like to share your experiences and lessons learned while converting to or riding in drops, it would be a boon to others, so enlighten us.
Here's my '07 Unit, recently converted to
drop bars.
I used as much of the steerer as I could, and a 25 degree, 110mm 'Uno' stem (It's probably a Kalloy). I could use another 5-10mm of steerer, but I'm 98% happy with the bars where they are, and I don't have a problem riding in the drops exclusively. A Midge bar would get the hands higher, but I have XXL gloves and they won't fit (Sorry, Brant, I tried). I might install another rigid fork one day and I'll leave myself a bit more steerer if I do. Could someone extrapolate on the whole headset loading issue for me. I've had some difficulty setting the bearing since I moved all the stem spacers to the bottom.
I wanted to run full cables, and did, but I wish I had another cm or two of rear brake housing. It was tight on my 20& frame with the length supplied in the
DIY kit. The bars can't rotate much past 90 degrees however so I don't see it being a problem.
I whipped the bar tape with hemp and weatherproofed (the hemp only) with clear shellac. I also added some hemp twine that my sister gave me to the top-tube to secure the housing, I like it better than stick-on guides plus it acts like a top-tube pad of sorts.
And the ride? It takes some getting used to, but I love it so far. It really got more weight on the front of the bike without putting it all on my hands. My weight seems to be more evenly distributed across my upper body muscles as well. Regardless, I now rail turns. Good times.
Here's a couple of ride pics to round out the post. If you decide to post, please add a couple of ride pics as well.
If this isn't enough for you, here's the Mostercross threads,
There's nothing to it. Post pictures of your drop bar equipped 29er.
If you like bikes with drops, there are a few threads on MTBR to peruse, but there's no Drop-Bar MTB thread on the 29er board that I can find. Lets start one.
If you ride off-road in the hooks, post your ride up here! If you'd like to share your experiences and lessons learned while converting to or riding in drops, it would be a boon to others, so enlighten us.
Here's my '07 Unit, recently converted to
drop bars.
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16:32 上传
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I used as much of the steerer as I could, and a 25 degree, 110mm 'Uno' stem (It's probably a Kalloy). I could use another 5-10mm of steerer, but I'm 98% happy with the bars where they are, and I don't have a problem riding in the drops exclusively. A Midge bar would get the hands higher, but I have XXL gloves and they won't fit (Sorry, Brant, I tried). I might install another rigid fork one day and I'll leave myself a bit more steerer if I do. Could someone extrapolate on the whole headset loading issue for me. I've had some difficulty setting the bearing since I moved all the stem spacers to the bottom.
I wanted to run full cables, and did, but I wish I had another cm or two of rear brake housing. It was tight on my 20& frame with the length supplied in the
DIY kit. The bars can't rotate much past 90 degrees however so I don't see it being a problem.
I whipped the bar tape with hemp and weatherproofed (the hemp only) with clear shellac. I also added some hemp twine that my sister gave me to the top-tube to secure the housing, I like it better than stick-on guides plus it acts like a top-tube pad of sorts.
And the ride? It takes
There's nothing to it. Post pictures of your drop bar equipped 29er.
If you like bikes with drops, there are a few threads on MTBR to peruse, but there's no Drop-Bar MTB thread on the 29er board that I can find. Lets start one.
If you ride off-road in the hooks, post your ride up here! If you'd like to share your experiences and lessons learned while converting to or riding in drops, it would be a boon to others, so enlighten us.
Here's my '07 Unit, recently converted to WTB drop bars.
I used as much of the steerer as I could, and a 25 degree, 110mm 'Uno' stem (It's probably a Kalloy). I could use another 5-10mm of steerer, but I'm 98% happy with the bars where they are, and I don't have a problem riding in the drops exclusively. A Midge bar would get the hands higher, but I have XXL gloves and they won't fit (Sorry, Brant, I tried). I might install another rigid fork one day and I'll leave myself a bit more steerer if I do. Could someone extrapolate on the whole headset loading issue for me. I've had some difficulty setting the bearing since I moved all the stem spacers to the bottom.
I wanted to run full cables, and did, but I wish I had another cm or two of rear brake housing. It was tight on my 20& frame with the length supplied in the Shimano DIY kit. The bars can't rotate much past 90 degrees however so I don't see it being a problem.
I whipped the bar tape with hemp and weatherproofed (the hemp only) with clear shellac. I also added some hemp twine that my sister gave me to the top-tube to secure the housing, I like it better than stick-on guides plus it acts like a top-tube pad of sorts.
And the ride? It takes some getting used to, but I love it so far. It really got more weight on the front of the bike without putting it all on my hands. My weight seems to be more evenly distributed across my upper body muscles as well. Regardless, I now rail turns. Good times.
Here's a couple of ride pics to round out the post. If you decide to post, please add a couple of ride pics as well.
If this isn't enough for you, here's the Mostercross threads,
There's nothing to it. Post pictures of your drop bar equipped 29er.
If you like bikes with drops, there are a few threads on MTBR to peruse, but there's no Drop-Bar MTB thread on the 29er board that I can find. Lets start one.
If you ride off-road in the hooks, post your ride up here! If you'd like to share your experiences and lessons learned while converting to or riding in drops, it would be a boon to others, so enlighten us.
Here's my '07 Unit, recently converted to WTB drop bars.
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16:32 上传
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16:32 上传
I used as much of the steerer as I could, and a 25 degree, 110mm 'Uno' stem (It's probably a Kalloy). I could use another 5-10mm of steerer, but I'm 98% happy with the bars where they are, and I don't have a problem riding in the drops exclusively. A Midge bar would get the hands higher, but I have XXL gloves and they won't fit (Sorry, Brant, I tried). I might install another rigid fork one day and I'll leave myself a bit more steerer if I do. Could someone extrapolate on the whole headset loading issue for me. I've had some difficulty setting the bearing since I moved all the stem spacers to the bottom.
I wanted to run full cables, and did, but I wish I had another cm or two of rear brake housing. It was tight on my 20& frame with the length supplied in the Shimano DIY kit. The bars can't rotate much past 90 degrees however so I don't see it being a problem.
I whipped the bar tape with hemp and weatherproofed (the hemp only) with clear shellac. I also added some hemp twine that my sister gave me to the top-tube to secure the housing, I like it better than stick-on guides plus it acts like a top-tube pad of sorts.
And the ride? It takes
QUOTE:以下是引用yeluyang10在 12:54:00的发言:
不是装了碟刹车的吗。 单速啊。
QUOTE:以下是引用yeluyang10在 12:54:00的发言:
不是装了碟刹车的吗。 单速啊。
质量非常好,与卖家描述的完全一致,非常满意,真的很喜欢,完全超出期望值,发货速度非常快,包装非常仔细、严实,物流公司服务态度很好,运送速度很快,很满意的一次购物桂0很好的车子,骑了一天来评,女儿很喜欢,两人争着骑,看来以后还得天一辆,质量也很好,老板服务更好,快递一流。东西物超所值车子质量不错,骑起来很轻巧,而且服务态度也非常到位,发货也很快,还送了好多小礼物,全五分好评,还会介绍朋友来买b2水晶恋77:车子收到了,特意组装好,试骑后才来评价,总体来说不错,发货很快,买家的服务也很棒,是一次满意的购物。车身外观时尚,质量非常好,骑起来也很轻快,很喜欢,值得购买!慧姐:车很漂亮,变速系统和刹车系统灵敏轻快好用,就是车锁一次没用,在骑行中就丢了,车子整体真的不错,物超所值。快递相当不错,直接送到楼下,物流业不错,没有磕碰,火小骚:车子收到、装起来了、看起来很帅气、骑了几次很不错。值得购买!老板还送了小礼品不错!很喜欢!很适合!很好!太阳下晒不吸热!卖家态度很好!lzmjxy999:自行车车型很酷,朋友说很好看,虽然自己安装费了不少时间,不过真的很值得,车子很好骑,避震效果真不错,车身做工也很好,骑着很轻松,也喜欢,过段时间再买一段。希望卖家在包装方面多加强一些,谢谢!售前售后客服都很不错,态度很好,有问必答,很感谢!l3:车子性价比非常好!发货速度很快,包装很好很专业 ,收到车后很快就安装好了。卖家的服务态度非常好,很耐心。车子确实不错,骑起来比较轻便,颜色也非常喜欢,物有所值呢。c3:车子拿到了,马上叫朋友装了起来,朋友说比自己买的1000多的质量还好,只是拿去调试的时候告知前减震用的是较差的,一分钱一分货,还是可以了。客服态度非常好,问的问题也都耐心解答了。购买此宝贝的用户还喜欢了山地车自行车26寸21速24速27速禧玛诺铝合金双碟刹减震山地车包邮593.20最近售出1274件山地车自行车折叠碟刹变速车一体轮26寸20寸27速24速铝合金车558.00最近售出406件山地自行车单车 21/24速双碟刹26寸减震变速山地车男女赛车包邮268.00最近售出738件崔腾26寸24寸21速禧玛诺碟刹V刹山地减震公路自行车学生男女避震336.00最近售出2228件自行车 山地自行车26寸 21 24速铝合金/双碟刹变速公路赛车男女式285.12最近售出1020件山地车自行车碟刹 24速26寸变速车男女式自行车 27速山地自行车789.00最近售出2441件GIANT和MERIDA入门公路车和山地车详细点评_百度文库
还真说的出口... 不是胎压打低了就是胎质量问题了。
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