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What's Wrong With the Personal Training Industry (and What to Do to Fix It) - Jeremey DuVall
%d bloggers like this:Dr. Lauren Noel is the host of .
Each week she presents a different health topic and interviews an expert in that particular area.
The shows are free!
You can listen to the show live or check out one of the archived shows! For a listing of future shows, click
Dr Lo Radio is a ! Download it as an MP3 and listen to it on the go!
All the books written by previous guests on Dr. Lo Radio can be found
Hidden Infections with Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, November 19th at 7pm PT / 10pm ET
Dr. Lo is back after a long break!!
And she’s ready to bring you some amazing content!
On this show, we have joining us to discuss hidden infections and how they affect our health.
Did you know that hidden infections can be the root cause of thyroid problems?
Chronic pain?
Autoimmune disease?
Hormone imbalances?
This is a topic that is often overlooked in medicine so tune in to get informed and empowered, AND learn what to do about it.
Rock Your Hormones with Stephanie Greunke, RD
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Stephanie Greunke, RD, creator
stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss how to balance your hormones naturally with nutrition.
Topics include:
o Hormone imbalances in female athletes
o What you can do TODAY to help balance your hormones
o The perfect diet for bad hormones
Nutritional IV Therapy with Dr. Paul Anderson
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET
Dr. Paul Anderson, naturopathic doctor, joins Dr. Lo to discuss the benefits of IV therapy.
Topics we’ll include:
o What conditions benefit from IV nutrients
o Cutting edge therapies
o IV Therapy and cancer
What the HDL?
with Jimmy Moore
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, Sept 17, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Jimmy Moore, host of the widely popular , returns to Dr. Lo radio to discuss his brand new book
In this show, we’ll discuss:
o Why high cholesterol/dietary fat may not really kill you
o What actually contributes to high cholesterol
o and more!
Healthy Mamas and Babies with Dr. Debroah Rice
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, September 10th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Are you pregnant and soon to be a mama?
Have you recently had a baby?
Are you a mother to a toddler?
If so, this show’s for you!
Dr. Debroah Rice, naturopathic doctor and expert in women’s health and pediatrics joins Dr. Lo to discuss health during this exciting and challenging time.
In this show, we’ll cover:
o Tips for a healthy pregnancy
o How to beat the postpartum blues
o Herbal treatments for babies and kids
A Life of Balance with Aaron Keith
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, August 20th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Overwhelmed?
Feel disorganized and scattered? Can’t remember the last time you took a vacation?
You need BALANCE!
Aaron Keith, successful business coach, and founder of , joins Dr. Lo to discuss how you can have a life of balance.
You’ll learn techniques to turn your day from disarray and chaos into a totally do-able and manageable experience.
We’ll cover:
o How to have more vacations, a healthier body, more time with your family and friends
o What systems/structures are required in order to have a high level of balance present in each area of your business and personal life
o You’ll have a breakthrough in your relatedness to balance, which leads to greater success in work, relationships, and a greater experience of life.
The Meat Fix with John Nicholson
Original Air Date:
Monday August 12th at 12pm PT
Special showtime to accommodate our UK guest!
John Nicholson, author of the new book, joins Dr. Lo to discuss his story of 26 years of vegetarianism and the health consequences he experienced.
Tune in as John shares his personal story in how he reclaimed his health with the power of nutrition.
Naturopathic Treatment of Pain with Dr. John Neustadt
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, August 6th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have chronic pain?
Do your joints or muscles hurt?
Do you get back pain?
Do you have arthritis?
You have natural options that don’t involve NSAID’s or toxic medications and that actually work!
The fabulous Dr. John Neustadt, author and naturopathic doctor, returns to Dr. Lo Radio to discuss natural options for pain.
Oriental Medicine for Fertility with Shelly Krahn, LAc
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, July 23rd at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Did you know that more than 1 in 10 women have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of marital status?
Infertility is a growing problem and there are effective natural treatments!
Shelly Krahn LAc, acupuncturist and fertility expert, joins Dr Lo to discuss natural solutions for infertility using the power of Oriental medicine.
On this show, we’ll discuss acupuncture and herbal medicine to promote fertility for both men and women.
A show not to miss!
Sleep Like a Baby with Dan Pardi, MS
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, July 16th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you toss and turn at night?
Take forever to fall asleep?
Wake up feeling like you need another night’s sleep?
If you answered yes to any of these, you are like millions of Americans who deal with insomnia.
There are answers!
, CEO and founder of
and researcher on sleep neurobiology and cognitive neuroscience at Stanford University, joins Dr. Lo to discuss how YOU can sleep like a baby…naturally.
In this podast, you’ll learn:
o How much sleep you actually need
o Tips to fall asleep with ease
o How to normalize your circadian rhythm (adrenal regulation)
Get What You Need From the Opposite Sex with Alison Armstrong
Original Air Date:
Wednesday, July 3rd at 9am PT / 12 pm ET
Alison Armstrong, a nationally known expert on understanding men and widely sought after educator, joins Dr. Lo to discuss relationships and the dynamic between men and women.
Are you in a relationship and want to truly understand your partner?
Are you single and desire a relationship with open communication and respect?
This is the show for YOU!
In this fun show you’ll learn, how to get what you want from a man/woman, communication tips with the opposite sex and more!
Why Isn’t My Brain Working with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, June 26th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
o Losing your memory?
o Can’t focus or concentrate?
o Got brain fog?
o Fatigue easily?
o Lost your zest for life?
The amazing
joins Dr. Lo to discuss his brand new book
His book will teach you easy-to-understand strategies to save and improve your brain function.
You’ll learn how simple diet and lifestyle changes and nutritional therapy can profoundly impact your brain health and thus the quality of your life!
Isn’t that what it’s all about?
Your Brain on Fire with Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, June 18th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have brain fog?
Difficulty concentrating?
Feel out of it?
Do you walk into a room and forget why?
In this show, three time guest (because he’s THAT good),
returns to Dr Lo Radio to discuss brain health, and how you can support healthy brain function using diet and natural medicine.
We will cover the brain effects of gluten, the gut/brain connection, and how to be sharp as a tack!
So You Want to be an ND?
Original Air Date:
June 11th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
So, you love health, nutrition, natural medicine and all things health-related?
You’re considering being a naturopathic doctor?
Or perhaps you’re already in naturopathic medical school and you want to ROCK IT as a doc?
On this episode, Dr. Lo interviews the best of the best and brings their advice to you!
Learn how to best prepare for ND school, how to excel while being a student, and tips to having a successful career in the naturopathic world.
Guests include:
Geo Espinosa ND, LAc, CNS, of NYU Langone Medical C Dr. Aliza Cicerone ND FABNO – Naturopathic Cancer C Insil Kang, Admissions, National College of Natural M Nicole Ortiz ND of LiveWell C Tabatha Parker ND – Naturopathic Doctors International
Microbes and YOUR HEALTH with Dr. Mark Davis
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, June 4th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Did you know that you have 10x more gut bacteria than cells in your body?
Did you know that within you lies an entire ecosystem?
Having a healthy balance of flora throughout the body contributes to longevity and overall wellness.
(not to mention ideal body weight, clear thinking, clear skin, strong immune system, and more!)
, naturopathic doctor, joins Dr Lo to discuss the human microbiota and how you can optimize it using natural therapies.
You can learn more about Dr. Davis
Stress & Adrenals:
A Naturopathic View with Dr. Donielle Wilson
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, May 28th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Dr. Donielle Wilson, naturopathic doctor, joins Dr Lo to discuss adrenal health and the impact of stress on the body.
You’ll learn:
o Clues that you might have adrenal dysfunction
o How stress hormones affect sex hormones
o How to handle the stress of everyday life
o Natural treatments for adrenal balance and more!
Health Q & A #2 with Dr. Lo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
She’s answering YOUR questions!
Join Dr Lo for another fun and healthy Q & A.
Topics include:
the best way to test hormones
curing nail fungus naturally
natural treatments for lichen sclerosis
dairy and gluten allergies
health benefits of beef gelatin
weight loss of men vs women on paleo diet
iodine supplementation
hay fever and paleo diet
reversing severe anemia
To have your question answered on future shows, click
and submit your question!
21 Day Sugar Detox with Diane Sanfilippo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, April 30th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you experience brain fog, or difficulty remembering things? Anxiety, depression, or mood swings?
Do you crave sweets and find it hard to cut out the sugar?
Do you get fatigue throughout the day?
You could be ADDICTED to sugar!
Diane Sanfilippo, creator of the
joins Dr Lo to shed some light on how YOU can cut the habit and be free of YOUR addiction once and for all!
To join the next sugar detox, click
Specific Carbohydrate Diet with Jordan and Steve
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, April 16th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have digestive issues that JUST WON’T GO AWAY?
Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain or a combination of the above?
If you said yes to these, The Specific Carbohydrate Diet may be a miracle cure for you.
It is an extraordinarily effective treatment for many digestive disorders.
Steven and Jordan from the widely popular
join Dr Lo to discuss their own personal stories and this way of life and how YOU can have a healthy digestive system.
Tune in for a fun and informative discussion.
Skintervention Guide:
Purely Paleo Skincare with Liz Wolfe
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, April 9th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Liz Wolfe, author of the newly released e-book
and the cohost of
makes an appearance on Dr Lo Radio to share what YOU can do naturally for radiant skin, hair, and nails.
Healthy skin is SO much more than what you put on your face.
It happens from the inside out.
It involves your hormones, digestion, nutrient status, and detoxification.
In this show, you’ll get tips for what you can do NOW to get the skin you never thought you could actually have.
To learn more about Liz Wolfe, click !
To order her book, click
The Immune System Recovery Plan with Dr. Susan Blum
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, March 12th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Autoimmune disease affects nearly 23.5 million Americans and results from the typical American life:
toxins in our diets, exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, antibiotics, and a high stress lifestyle.
Examples of these diseases include Graves disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.
, author of brand new book
joins Dr Lo to discuss real solutions to these conditions, using diet, supplements, and environment to help you deal with and even reverse autoimmune disease – naturally!
A very important show!
At Home Lab Testing with Dr Daniel Chong
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, March 12th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Want to know how to assess your own health with simple, easy to do tests at home?
In this show, you’ll learn how!
returns to Dr Lo Radio to share some ways to test your own health from home!
You’ll learn how to do them, what they mean, AND what to do about it using natural treatments!
Topics discussed:
o pH testing, and what to do if your pH is imbalanced
o bowel transit time, and how to regulate it
o ascorbate (vitamin C) levels and what it means
o when to see a doc
o lots more!
Madly In Love With Me with Christine Arylo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, March 5th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
If you were to talk to your boyfriend/husband the way that you TALK TO YOURSELF would he stay with you?
I think not!
Yet, we put up with negative self talk on a daily basis.
What’s up with that?
, author of
stops by to discuss her book and the topic of self love.
She provides practical, fun ways to explore and embody the ten branches of self-love every day and in every part of your life, so you can fall MADLY in love with YOU!
The more you love yourself, the more you can fulfill on your amazing gifts to the world!
A show NOT to be missed.
Health Q & A with Dr Lo!
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, February 26th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
In this show, Dr Lo answers YOUR questions.
Topics include:
how to heal stomach irritation, is the Paleo diet healthy without a gallbladder, natural ways to reduce wrinkles without botox and more!
To submit questions for future shows, click
Rich Food Poor Food with Dr Jayson & Mira Calton
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
return to Dr Lo Radio to share about their new book In their fabulous new book, the Caltons teach you how to shop smart and healthy while saving time and money!
In Rich Food, Poor Food, you are guided through the aisles of the local supermarket, as you learn what you should and shouldn’t be putting in your cart.
Don’t be duped by deceiving labels again!
Take notes because in this show you’ll gain some really great tips to use right away!
Naturally Healthy Babies and Kids with Dr Matt Baral
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have kids and want to help them to be healthy naturally?
Do you feel lost when it comes to vaccines, fevers, antibiotics, and flu shots?
Want to use natural treatments but don’t know how?
Naturopathic Pediatric Doctor, Matt Baral ND, stops by Dr Lo Radio to discuss all things health when it comes to babies and kids!
You’ll learn his top tips to keeping your little ones well, the truth about fevers, natural antibiotics, home remedies, and more!
Non-toxic & Natural Skincare with Melanie Vasseur
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you have acne or acne scars?
Skin that lacks luster?
All this can be addressed without the use of toxic chemicals.
Many of the chemicals used daily by women are known carcinogens (cancer causing) and also disrupt hormones.
In this show, you’ll learn how to achieve beautiful skin naturally.
, Nutritional Cosmetic Chemist and Medical Aesthetician joins Dr Lo to share her tips for healthy skin without the use of toxic chemicals.
Check out Melanie’s all natural skin care line at .
The Miracle Morning with Hal Elrod
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, January 29th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you DREAD mornings?
Do you press the snooze button more times than you can count?
Does your day just seem to be a neverending list of things to do without much mindfulness?
Do you feel overwhelmed and scattered?
This show is for you!
Hal Elrod, author of , joins Dr Lo to dicuss tips to get you jumping out of bed and starting each day like it’s Christmas morning and have you feeling centered all day with a sense of purpose and clarity.
Who can’t use more of that??!!
Paleogasm with Camille Macres
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you drag through the Paleo diet and feel like you’re living without your favorite foods?
Are you feeling in a Paleo rut and need some inspiration?
Camille Macres of
and author of the soon-to-be released cookbook Paleogasm joins us to discuss fun, and delicious ways to spice up your primal lifestyle.
Buy Camille’s book
Blast Fat & Burn Cellulite with Dr. Jade Teta
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Happy new year!
We are back with another great line up of topics and guests on Dr Lo Radio!
To kick it off, we have the amazing
joining us again to talk about all things FAT loss related.
(Who can’t use a little bit of that??)
Did you pack on some extra love during the holidays you’re ready to drop?
Do you have cellulite that you’ve learned to live with and thought you could never get rid of it?
Tune in to tonight’s show as you get some tips on how to blast fat and cellulite for good!
for their wonderful fat and cellulite blasting program.
To learn more about blasting cellulite, click !
Perfect Health Diet with Dr. Paul Jaminet
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Want to regain health and lose weight?
Dr. Paul Jaminet stops by Dr Lo Radio to discuss the newest print of his book .
In this show, we’ll cover topics like evolutionary nutrition, what to eat for energy, foods to avoid, and how to be well nourished.
You’ll also learn how you can fight infections with nutrition.
Rockin Male Hormones with Dr Ty Vincent
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, December 4th, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
We’ve done enough shows about the ladies… how it’s time to do one for the men!!
joins Dr Lo to discuss the fascinating details about male hormones and how to achieve healthy balance using natural treatments.
You’ll learn how testosterone is involved in more than just libido and what might surprise you about hormones.
How to Have a Healthy Vagina with Dr Carrie Jones
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
returns to Dr Lo Radio to share some expertise on how to achieve and maintain vaginal health naturally.
In this show, we’ll discuss techniques for optimal vaginal flora, tone, and natural treatments for common discomforts like yeast infections, bacterial infections, STD’s and more.
We’ll also discuss how to increase vaginal sensation.
Get ready for a humorous AND educational show!
Healthy Holiday Special with Dr Lo and her mom!
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Want to keep it healthy this holiday season?
On this show, Dr. Lo shares some of her favorite tips and tricks to let your holidays be not only healthy but also enjoyable!
Her mom will be calling in to share some delicious and nutritious recipes.
You’ll also learn ways to keep your immune system strong through the winter season.
Power of Vegetable Juicing with Drew Canole
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Drew Canole, author of
and transformational specialist stops by Dr Lo Radio to drop some knowlege on the benefits of juicing!
In this show, you’ll learn why YOU should juice, the best kind of juicer to get, and some of Drew’s favorite juice recipes, and more.
We also gave away a free juicer and a !
The Virgin Diet with JJ Virgin
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
In this show, nutrition and fitness expert joins Dr Lo to reveal the real secret behind weight gain—food intolerance. A negative reaction to certain foods like dairy or gluten can sabotage your health by triggering inflammation and causing a host of nasty symptoms like bloating, breakouts, headaches, achy joints and—worst of all—stubborn weight gain.
will have you drop up to 7 pounds, lose belly bloat, gain energy, clear up inflammation and look and feel years younger.
And that’s just the beginning!
Complicated Cases Naturally with Dr. Tim Gerstmar
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012 at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
, fellow naturopathic doctor and Paleo advocate, joins Dr. Lo to discuss how naturopathic medicine can be used to effectively treat complex multisystem dysfunctions.
In this show, we’ll discuss how the gut, hormones, and immune system all play a vital part in wellness.
You’ll learn how these systems can become dysfunctioned and how we address them as naturopathic doctors.
To learn more about Dr. Gerstmar, click
What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite with David DiSalvo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, October 9th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
, author of the popular book
joins Dr Lo to discuss his book and the fascinating fields of psychology and neuroscience research to give you simple, easy to understand lessons that you can apply to your daily life.
Caveman Feast with Abel James and George Bryant
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, October 2nd at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Authors of the popular brand spankin’ new e-book , Abel James of Fat Burning Man and George Bryant, creator of Civilized Caveman, join Dr Lo to discuss their book, and how to be a primal man in the 21st century.
Thyroid Health – A Naturopathic Perspective with Dr. Lo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, September 25th at 6:30pm PT / 9:30 pm ET
Millions of people have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and the numbers are increasing each year.
Why is this?
And what can be done from a naturopathic perspective to prevent this and/or treat it naturally and effectively?
Tune in and find out!
is our guest host as she interviews Dr Lo!
The Homeopathic Revolution with Dana Ullman
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, September 18th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
People who use homeopathy today stand with CULTURAL GIANTS of the past and present!
There are GOOD reasons that so many of the most successful and famous people over the past 200 years used and/or advocated for homeopathy.
11 U.S. Presidents, 7 Popes, Charles Darwin, David Beckham, Tina Turner, and Mother Teresa all benefited from homeopathic treatment and/or advocated for it!
Learn what all the hype is about!
, MPH, widely recognized as the foremost spokesperson of homeopathic medicine in the United States and author of 10 books, including stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss the power of homeopathy and why YOU should include this in your healthcare regime.
To Read Dana Ullman’s posts on Huffington Post, Click
Listen Now!
Nutritional Ketosis & Weight Loss with Jimmy Moore
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, September 11th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Author, blogger, and podcaster, Jimmy Moore from the popular podcast
joins Dr. Lo to discuss the highs and lows of his powerful weight loss journey.
We’ll discuss what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, and the mindset that accompanies a total body transformation.
He’ll also be sharing an exciting update with his nutritional ketosis program.
We’ll get personal in this one!
Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats with Kymythy Schultze
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, September 4th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Do you take better care of your cat/dog than yourself?!
Dr. Lo is obsessed with feeding her dog
healthy foods, and giving her the very best treats and supplements.
, author of , joins Dr. Lo to discuss how to best care for your furry family member with optimal nutrition.
You’ll learn what’s the best diet for your pet, and natural home remedies.
Pooping 101 with Dr. Lo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, August 28th 7pm PT / 9pm ET
Did you know that 60% of Americans have digestive troubles of some sort?
Gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn… the list goes on and on.
In my practice, poop is my favorite thing to talk about.
It says so much about you, and if it’s not happening right, it will translate to all kinds of imbalances – such as hormones, metabolism, sleep, and energy.
In this show, you’ll learn the hidden causes of digestive troubles, techniques to have an awesome bowel movement, and maintenance tips for a healthy gut for life.
Remember, the road to heaven is paved with good intestines!
Hosted by .
To purchase a Squatty Potty, click
Revealing Your Inner Goddess with Tamara Renee
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, August 21st at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Every woman has an inner goddess.
An ability to gracefully possess power and strength while also feeling feminine and blissful.
For many of us, however, this experience may feel so far out of reach.
Tamara Renee, DNA nutritional expert and wellness coach, joins Dr. Lo to discuss and provide guidance on how you can unravel YOUR inner goddess gracefully and effortlessly.
Celebrating Women in Medicine with Dr. Pamela Sky Jeanne
Tuesday, July 31st at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
, author of the moving and inspiring book,, joins Dr Lo to discuss the feminine (yin) role in medicine and how it is lacking in our current health care system.
In this show, we’ll discuss the value of women in healing, historically and currently, how women can ask for what they need from their healthcare provider, and important women healers who changed the course of medicine.
A very inspirational show!
Practical Paleo with Diane Sanfilippo
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, July 24th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Ready to take your Paleo lifestyle a step further?
Would you like to customize your diet for a particular health complaint or goal (weight loss, athletic performance, heart health, etc).
Do you want some practical tips to make Paleo do-able and fun?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this is the show for you!
Newly published author, , joins Dr Lo to discuss her brand new book Practical Paleo:
A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-foods Lifestyle.
Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Thomas O’Bryan
Original Air Date: Tues July 10th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Ulcerative Colitis.
All common, all autoimmune diseases.
All on the rise.
Did you know that autoimmune disease is now the number 3 cause of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world?
What IS autoimmune disease exactly?
How do you detect it YEARS BEFORE disease sets in? What can be done naturally to prevent or treat it?
Could YOU be at risk?
, one of the world’s leading gluten experts, returns to Dr. Lo Radio to shed some light on this topic and what you can do.
It Starts With Food with Dallas & Melissa Hartwig
Original Air Date:
Wednesday, June 20th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, creators of the popular site join Dr. Lo to discuss their brand new book .
You will learn how what you put on your plate affects virtually every aspect of your body.
We’ll discuss the effect your diet has on your brain, hormones, immune system, and more.
You’ll learn tips to reduce inflammation, get more energy, sleep better, and feel amazing just with FOOD!
The Hidden Epidemic with Pam Killeen
Original Air Date:
Tues, June 12th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
“Substance abuse has become our number one public health problem.”
by Pam Killeen
, author, health educator, and nutrition consultant joins us to discuss common sense solutions for our #1 health problem – addiction.
It seems as though everyone is addicted to something nowadays – drugs, food, coffee, shopping, internet, relationships, gambling, sex, smoking, video games, TV, and so on.
Are addicts just morally defective?
Or is there something going on from a biochemical approach that can be effectively treated?
In this show, you’ll learn what’s happening with addictions from a root cause and what to do about it.
There IS hope!
Fibromyalgia Naturally with Dr. Alex Vasquez
Original Air Date:
Tues, June 5th, 6pm PT / 9pm ET
It’s estimated that 1 in 50 Americans have Fibromyalgia.
That’s 5 million Americans!
For those who suffer from this condition, it can be quite debilitating, with symptoms like fatigue, intense muscle and nerve pain, digestive disturbances and more.
Did you know that the root cause of fibromyalgia might be something you never even thought of?
DO, ND, DC, author and health educator, returns to the show to shed some light on this misunderstood condition.
You’ll learn about the connection of fibromyalgia and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, hidden infections, toxin overload, and more.
Purchase Dr. Vasquez’ book
The Truth About Cholesterol with Chris Masterjohn
Original Air Date:
Tuesday, May 29th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Chris Masterjohn, the go-to-man with all things cholesterol, joins Dr Lo to dispel commonly held myths.
There are SO many misconceptions about cholesterol, and in this show, we’ll set thing straight!
Topics include:
the truth about statins, good and bad cholesterol and what that really means, how to optimize cholesterol naturally, the link betweencholesterol and heart disease, and more!
Visit Chris’ website .
For health related books and DVD’s, visit .
Naked Calories with Mira and Jayson Calton PhD
Original Air Date: Tuesday, May 22nd at 5pm PT / 8pm ET
Dr. Lo Radio is back after a short break, and ready to bring you some rockin’ shows!
She kicks it off with Mira Calton, CN, and Jayson Calton, PhD, founders of Calton Nutrition and co-authors of . In this book, the power duo tell their amazing story of traveling the world for 6 years as they made some incredible health discoveries. In this show, you’ll learn about the worldwide epidemic of micronutrient deficiencies, the truth about micronutrient labeling, and tips to have a diet replete with all the nutrients you need!
Raw Foods with Kevin Gianni
Original Air Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012
Raw food vegan and hit internet vlogger Kevin Gianni joins Dr. Lo for a discussion about the benefits of consuming raw foods. Let your food be your medicine! Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Anti-Aging with Dr Aboo Nasar
Original Air Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2012
How can we slow down the aging clock? What cultures live the longest and why? How can we maximize our beauty into our late years?
Dr. Aboo Nasar joins Dr. Lo for a show that answers these questions and more!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Water Fasting & Juice Cleansing with Dr Mark Carney
Original Air Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2012
Dr. Lo’s own mentor of many years, Dr. Mark Carney, stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss the power of water fasting and juice cleansing. Learn the amazing health benefits of these techniques and exactly how to do it. You’ll learn how to begin and end a fast, how often and how long to fast, and tips to make it a beneficial experience. Fasting has been practiced around the world for thousands of years for good reason. Learn how to reap the benefits for the mind, body, and spirit!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Natural Solutions for Menopause with Dr Holly Lucille
Original Air Date: Tue, Feb 7, 2012
Dr. Holly Lucille stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss natural solutions for menopause. Is menopause really a disease? Are there natural therapies that REALLY WORK for controlling hot flashes and other symptoms? How do the thyroid and adrenal glands play a part in hormone balancing? Get your questions answered and learn how to have a smooth and effortless menopause!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Holistic Dentistry with Dr Stephen Lawrence
Original Air Date: Tue, Jan 17, 2012
Do you have cavities? Fillings? Root canals? Never had any dental problems but want to prevent them? Do you have fillings that you want removed but aren’t sure the right way to have it done?
Dr. Stephen Lawrence joins Dr Lo to discuss a HOLISTIC way to approach dental care. Join us and get your questions answered!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Detoxing Right with Dr. Lo
Original Air Date: Wed, Jan 4, 2012
It’s 2012, can you believe it?! There’s so much excitement in the air about the freshness of a brand new year, it’s almost palpable!
Many of you have expressed interest in learning more about detoxification and weight loss, so here’s the show for you!
In this show, I will explain why detoxing is so important, the best way to go about doing it, and common mistakes that are made in detox programs.
Not all detox programs are created equal, and many are a waste of time, money, and energy – so seize the opportunity to learn some great info about how to do it right.
Ready to lose that weight? Get more energy? Sleep better? Get mental clarity? This is the show for you!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):
A Naturopathic View
Original Air Date:
December 7th, 2011
Tune in as Dr. Lo discusses Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
It’s a leading cause of infertility, and very common.
Many women don’t even know they have it!
You’ll learn:
o How PCOS is diagnosed, the role of environmental chemicals in PCOS, addressing weight gain, acne, menstrual cycles, the role of insulin, naturopathic treatments, and more!
Do you have PCOS and want a consultation with Dr. Noel?
Deep Nutrition with Dr. Cate Shanahan
Original Air Date:
November 8th, 2011
, author of Deep Nutrition, stops by Dr. Lo Radio!
We’ll be discussing traditional foods and why your GENES need them!
Topics include epigenetics, second sibling syndrome, marquardt masks, how beauty and health are connected. and more!
You’ll learn about the foods and techniques that are common to every healthy culture called the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. From the Maasai and ancient Egyptian to the Japanese and the French, you’ll learn how the same Four Pillars form the foundation of all the healthiest diets.
The Healthy Baby Code with Chris Kresser
Original Air Date:
November 1st, 2011
Want to get pregnant?
Are you already pregnant, and want to maximize your health for the baby? Want to learn the how to’s of breastfeeding and introducing foods the healthiest way?
, host of the popular
stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss his new program, the
You’ll learn how to optimize your chances of getting pregnant without drugs or IVF, the healthiest foods for fertility, how to properly breastfeed, how to prevent food sensitivities for your baby, and more!
Healing the Aging Metabolism with Dr. Carrie Louise Daenell
Original Air Date:
October 25th, 2011
Are you 40+ years old, doing everything right, yet packing on the pounds?
You’re not alone!
It is likely that your metabolism is damaged.
joins Dr. Lo to discuss how to heal the aging metabolism.
Without healing your body, diet and exercise will likely fall short!
Dr. Carrie Louise Daenell has developed a simple, Naturopathic strategy that has helped her patients re-set their metabolism while improving their overall health and preventing chronic degenerative illnesses – all without hormones or risky side effects.
The Primal Blueprint with Mark Sisson
Original Air Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2011
LHow is the life of a hunter gatherer different from an inhabitant in the 21st century?
A WORLD of difference!
, of , author of , joins Dr. Lo to discuss this vast difference and how you can take it back to your primal roots, while improving your , and getting that body that you are designed to have!
Brain Power & Memory with Dr. Aboo Nasar
Original Air Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2011
Cognitive decline is a common symptom in the US, and Alzheimer’s Disease is on the rise.
In this show, you’ll learn common reasons for memory loss, and how you can boost your brain power with natural medicine!
You’ll also learn how Alzheimer’s disease can be halted and even reversed.
Yes, there is research to prove it!
is a medical doctor and anti-aging expert and is a special guest.
Healthy Living in a World of Technology with Dr Daniel Chong
Original Air Date: Tue, Sep 27, 2011
In a world that is becoming increasingly complicated with technology, how can you retain/regain your health?
What are EMF’s? Electrosmog? How is your health affected by them? Are cell phones harmful? Wireless internet?
What can natural medicine offer to keep you healthy in a world of technology and electricity that isn’t going anywhere?
naturopathic doctor, joins Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel to discuss this hot topic and what to do about it.
Hosted by Lauren “Lo” Noel
Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with Dr. Alex Vasquez
Original Air Date: Tue, Sep 13, 2011
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the most common diagnosis in the practice of medicine.
It affects 1 in 3 adults in the United States!
It can have no symptoms.
Hypertension is the single most important risk factor for the development of heart attack and stroke.
Why do so many people have hypertension? What can be done naturally to prevent and treat high blood pressure?
joins Dr Lo to discuss this common condition and how you can protect yourself and your family. Dr. Vasquez is the author of Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine for Chronic Hypertension
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
Sports & Natural Medicine with Dr. Jason Barker
Original Air Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011
Want to increase your athletic performance? Take it to the next level? Get stronger? More fit? Want to learn ways to shorten your recovery time? Increase energy and fat loss?
naturopathic doctor, has a specialty in sports medicine and he joins Dr. Lo to discuss how you can become a sports and fitness rockstar – naturally.
Hosted by Lauren “Lo” Noel
Heart Disease and Natural Medicine with Dr. Martin Milner
Original Air Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2011
Heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States. Even children as young as 3 years old are showing signs of atherosclerosis (plaques in the arteries).
What the heck is GOING ON?
, naturopathic cardiologist, joins Dr. Lo to discuss how heart disease is prevented and treated with natural medicine. You’ll get tips on how to live a long, healthy life.
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
All About Vaccines with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Original Air Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011
“Confused about vaccines? Should you get vaccinated, and should your children be vaccinated? Are vaccines safe and are they effective? What if you’re told that it’s required for a job or school, but don’t want to? Vaccine expert,
joins Dr Lo to discuss this extremely controversial topic. Dr. Tenpenny is the author of Just Say No to Vaccines and Fowl! Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think.
Hosted by Dr Lauren “Lo” Noel
The Paleo Solution with Robb Wolf
Original Air Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2011
“Modern life causes diabetes, autoimmunity, cancer, neurodegeneration, and infertility.” Well then, let’s do it like they used to! , research biochemist, strength coach, and author of The Paleo Solution: The Original Diet, joins Dr Lo to discuss the paleo diet AND lifestyle. Topics include paleo nutrition, proper sleep, exercise. You’ll get practical tips of how to make this paleo way of life do-able and fun.
Hosted by Dr Lauren “Lo” Noel
Primal Body-Primal Mind with Nora Gedgaudas
Original Air Date: Tue, Jul 5, 2011
, visits Dr Lo Radio to discuss the health benefits of a hunter-gatherer diet with the addition of modern discoveries. Topics include: the dangers of the food guide pyramid, adverse effects of grains, and more! You’ll learn how to become a fat burner rather than a sugar burner. What do the healthiest cultures in the world have in common? Listen and find out! The book is available here!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Lyme Disease with Dr. Nicola McFadzean
Original Airdate: Wed, Jun 29, 2011
, author of The Lyme Diet, stops by Dr Lo Radio to discuss this commonly overlooked condition. Ever heard of Lyme Disease? Many haven’t! It’s an infection that has been associated with autism and can have symptoms similar to fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and a lot more. Naturopathic medicine has A TON to offer for this condition.
Hosted by Dr Lauren “Lo” Noel
Nourishing Traditions with Sally Fallon
Original Airdate: Tue, Jun 21, 2011
The amazing , author of acclaimed Nourishing Traditions and co-founder of the , joins Dr Lo to discuss the importance of traditional foods in our diet. Topics include the health benefits of saturated fat (like butter and coconut), the problem with modern soy foods, appropriate diet for babies and children, and a whole lot more!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
Fighting Diabetes with Dr. Mona Morstein
Original Air Date: May 31, 2011
More than 100 million people in the US are diabetic or pre-diabetic and these numbers are growing at an alarming rate. That’s 1 in 3 people! What is really going on? , Naturopathic Doctor and expert in diabetes, joins Dr. Lo to talk about this startling epidemic. Learn how to prevent diabetes and treat it from a natural medicine perspective.
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
Wired and Tired with Dr. Michael Pierce
Original Air Date: May 24, 2011
Wiped out? Brain fog? No energy? Feeling blue? , Chiropractic Neurologist joins Dr Lo to discuss the relationship of neurological, endocrine, and immune systems and how you can be in balance. Tired of your doctor not giving you answers? This show will give you insight that will blow you away. A crucial listen for anyone with autoimmune disease, hormonal problems, and neurological disorders. That’s A LOT of people!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
Dermatology and Natural Medicine with Dr. Daniel DeLapp
Original Air Date: May 18, 2011
Acne associated with liver health? Food sensitivities causing rashes? Jock itch from too much sugar? Dry skin and thyroid function? Your skin health says a lot about the overall state of your body. Dr Daniel Delapp, chiropractor, naturopathic physician, and expert in skin health joins Dr Lo to discuss how to achieve and maintain vibrant skin from the inside out. Topics include acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin cancer, baby rashes, warts, moles and a lot more!
Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
Lights Out! With TS Wiley
Original Air Date: May 11, 2011
“The trouble began with the invention of the lightbulb.” Author and health expert,
joins Dr Lo to discuss the harmful effects that artificial light has on humanity. Learn how a simple light bulb can increase one’s risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and much more. But hope is not lost! TS will lay out a game plan for counteracting these negative effects as she gives her recommended lifestyle changes to live a healthy life in an age of electricity.
Hosted by Lauren “Lo” Noel ND
Digestive Health with Dr. Allison Siebecker
Original Air Date: May 3, 2011
Could the source of your health problems be in your gut? Ever heard of . Most people (and doctors) haven’t! Simply put, it’s a chronic bacterial infection in the gut. It may be associated with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and other conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and more. Symptoms include gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, as well as vague symptoms like headache, eczema, fatigue, and joint pain. Learn how SIBO is diagnosed, treated, and what specific diet addresses it successfully. Naturopathic doctor and SIBO expert, , joins Dr Lo to discuss this incredibly underdiagnosed condition.
Hosted by Dr Lauren “Lo” Noel
The Mood Cure with Julia Ross
Original Air Date: April 26, 2011
Want to lift the dark cloud of depression? Want to stop emotional eating? Suffer from addictions? Depression and anxiety have tripled over the last 10 years and it’s not from a Prozac deficiency! The good news is you can feel better without the use of stimulants like coffee and cigarettes, and it can be done naturally. , author of
and The Diet Cure, as well as a pioneer in the field of nutritional psychotherapy and expert in eating disorders and additions, stops Dr Lo Radio to discuss her approach to balance neurotransmitters naturally. Hosted by Dr Lauren “Lo” Noel
Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease with Dr. Thomas O’Bryan
Original Air Date: April 20, 2011
Are you curious what all this gluten hype is about? It’s estimated that 70% of individuals are gluten sensitive! Could your brain fog, fatigue, and difficulty losing weight really be gluten intolerance? Want to know the difference between gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease? Have you been tested and the tests came back normal? There are more accurate tests available!
is considered THE expert in gluten intolerance and he stops by Dr Lo Radio to answer all your questions! Hosted by Dr Lauren “Lo” Noel.
Natural Medicine for Cancer with Dr. Lise Alschuler
Original Air Date: April 12, 2011
Do you want to know ways to prevent cancer for the future?Do you have cancer and want to get a perspective of what natural medicine has to offer? Naturopathic oncologist, cancer survivor, and author of “The Definitive Guide to Cancer,” , stops by Dr Lo Radio to give perspective on natural cancer care and prevention. Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Healthy Living in a Toxic World with Dr. Marianne Marchese
Original Air Date: March 30, 2011
Are you carrying toxic chemicals in your body? What’s the right way to detoxify? What toxins are lurking in your living environment that you and your family are exposed to? Expert in women’s health and environmental medicine, joins us to discuss how to live a healthy life in the midst of a toxic world. Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Natural Solutions for Osteoporosis with Dr. John Neustadt
Original Air Date: March 22, 2011
In the US, 10 million individuals already have osteoporosis, and 34 million more have low bone mass, placing them at increased risk for this disease. Why is this?
successful naturopathic doctor and expert in bone health stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss how you can achieve and maintain strong, healthy bones. Can osteoporosis be treated naturally? What’s the proper diet for strong bones? What supplements should I take to prevent bone loss? Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Liver Disease and Natural Medicine with Dr. Lyn Patrick
Original Air Date: March 01, 2011
How much do you know about the liver? How does insulin resistance and obesity relate to liver disease? Did you know that approximately 1 in 3 Americans have NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)? Liver expert and naturopathic physician
joins Dr. Lo to talk all about how to optimize your liver function and prevent and treat this common condition with natural medicine. Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Natural Medicine for Chronic Disease with Dr. Dick Thom
Original Air Date: February 22, 2011
Cancer. Diabetes. Stroke. Heart Disease. What can naturopathic medicine offer for serious conditions such as these? Is natural medicine only for minor complaints and prevention?
author, physician, and widely respected expert in the field of natural medicine joins Dr. Lo to discuss how to treat chronic diseases with natural medicine. Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Lose Fat! The Metabolic Effect with Drs. Jade & Keoni Teta
Original Air Date: February 08, 2011
The dynamic duo brothers, Drs. Jade & Keoni Teta, authors of
and successful naturopathic doctors who specialize in fitness and lifestyle medicine join Dr. Lo to discuss a new approach to fat loss. Learn how you can spend less time in the gym, eat more, and actually burn fat while you REST! It’s more than calories in and calories out. Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel
Men’s Health Naturally with Dr. Eric Yarnell
Original Air Date: February 01, 2011
Men’s health expert , author of numerous books, and frequent lecturer, stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss how men can optimize their health naturally. Topics include prostate problems, sexual dysfunction, infertility, nutrition, and more! Learn about alternatives to PSA screening. We will discuss prostate cancer prevention, the reversal of early prostate cancer, and the prevention/treatment of enlarged prostate. How can erectile dysfunction be a sign of diabetes and heart disease? Tune in and find out! Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Natural Solutions for Sex & Fertility with Dr. Carrie Jones
Original Air Date: January 25, 2011
Difficulty getting pregnant? Low sex drive? Women’s health expert, , joins Dr. Lo to discuss how natural medicine can enhance your sex life and make you Fertile Myrtle! (If that’s what you want!!). Topics include: naturopathic therapies to increase sex drive, how to know if you’re ovulating, commonly overlooked causes of infertility, the role of nutrition in fertility, PCOS, the male factor, and much more!! Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
How To Talk With Your Doctor with Dr. Ron Hoffman
Original Air Date: January 18, 2011
, author of How to Talk With Your Doctor, founder and director of The Hoffman Center in New York City, as well as the host of the nationally syndicated show Health Talk stops by Dr. Lo Radio to discuss ways to effectively talk with your doctor. We will discuss issues from the perspective of the patient as well as the doctor, and the role of the internet in the doctor-patient relationship. An important listen for patients and doctors alike! Hosted by Dr. Lauren “Lo” Noel, ND
Herbal Medicine for the Cold & Flu with Dr. Deborah Frances
Original Air Date: January 11, 2011
naturopathic physician and master herbalist joins Dr. Lo to discuss natural treatments for the cold and flu season. Do you really need a flu shot?}


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